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October 31

The November 2020 Energies: Giant Leaps – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 31

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are experiencing expansion in every moment that we exist, because we have nothing to cling to and nothing to push against. We allow our expansion to occur and experience it in real time, so to speak. You all often hold back from the experience of your expansion because you are clinging to something or pushing against something else, and eventually you have to let go. You have to surrender, and you make giant leaps forward in the evolution of your consciousness. That’s what November is going to be like for most of humanity.
And so, the November energies are going to be all about cradling you all in the light, sending more healing and loving energies to support you through what will be a giant leap forward for the human collective and for many individuals who have been holding back from their own expansion. A lot of the energies will be utilized by the awakened collective so that you can be there for those who need, because there will be many. There will be many who need your assistance with the giant leaps forward, with the somewhat unexpected expansion.
And since you have been making incremental steps forward, you will know how to guide those who need your guidance, and you will be able to receive the energies that we and others like us will be providing all of you. We support the supporters. We help the helpers, and we heal the healers. And you will be called upon to be all of those things and more to your fellow humans, those who are close to you, and perhaps even those who were once in your life but had fallen away.
All of them will be the ones looking to you for assistance, and hopefully they will feel the support coming from us and others like us, as we live for these opportunities, and we invite you to take the same perspective we have. Our perspective is that there is no greater joy and no bigger sense of fulfillment than when you help another or several others grow spiritually.
You don’t have to brace yourselves for the November energies if you are receiving this transmission, but do open yourselves up to them, because they are coming for you and for those you will be serving in the coming month and in the coming months and years that you have ahead of you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 30

Your Spiritual Gifts & Powers – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 30

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are excited for you all to discover how powerful and creative you are, when you slow down enough to focus on what matters to you the most and hold that vibration long enough to become one with your creation. We get excited about seeing any of you demonstrating to yourselves how gifted you already are. You don’t need to have overt spiritual gifts, like a channel or a psychic possesses, in order to demonstrate to yourselves just how gifted you are. We keep telling you to stop giving your power away and looking for the next prediction about what’s going to happen and when, and we know that you are going to do that when you demonstrate to yourselves that you are the ones who are determining what future you experience. You are the ones who are determining what timeline you are on.
Nothing is set in stone. You get to decide, and right now there are so many people who are not exercising their ability to create their reality, their power, because they are focusing on someone or something, some future experience that they do not want, but that they believe that the powers that be are more in control than they are. You, once again, must lead through your example and show people that they can and do create their reality, but they can more specifically create the reality they want to experience by focusing upon the positive experiences they want to see in the world and in their own lives.
If you can all focus together on something that you know the vast majority of people want, like peace on Earth, then you can make a difference. You can bring about that change. More importantly, you can show yourselves just how powerful you are, just how gifted you are, and that is a gamechanger. That means you can begin to see the importance of coming together and focusing as a community, as beings of light who want to see more light spread throughout the world.
You all have this unique opportunity in front of you at a time when more people are focused on a global event than ever before in human history. So we say to all of you that now is the perfect time to demonstrate that you have those gifts within you, and that there are more of you than ever who want the same thing. There is more power in numbers, and you are beginning to recognize that you can come together with others and demonstrate how powerful and gifted you are, and then keep doing it. You can keep bringing about change after change after change and take humanity, take society, where you know you are all destined to go.
But you get to feel like the changemakers you are, and you get to feel the power of high frequency energies moving through your bodies. And then you get to show others how to do it and delight in their creations as well.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 29

How the Awakened Collective Will Lead Humanity – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 29

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very impressed by all of you who are able to rise above the discord that exists on your planet at this time between people in groups who have different perspectives from one another. Rising above the hate and the hate speech is so necessary to carry your fellow humans into a higher level of consciousness. No matter what the problem, no matter what the issue is you are facing at any time there on Earth, the solution will always be accessed by those who hold a higher level of consciousness. And therefore, you have to be vigilant about not getting sucked in to arguments, to debates, to people attacking you simply because you have a perspective that is different from theirs.
Now is a time for you to be choosing love over divisiveness, and choose spiritual growth over getting the right people into the right positions so they can pass laws that will be more to your liking. You want people to be good to each other, to love and respect each other, not because there will be a punishment imposed if they don’t. You want people to be kind because kindness is what is in their hearts, and the only way to get kindness into someone’s heart is to spread kindness around. Your spiritual beliefs and your political beliefs, your ideological beliefs could all be summed up as: ‘Kindness is important and something I want to foster.’
You won’t necessarily see immediate results when you go out into the world with that philosophy, when you practice the mantra of, ‘I’m just going to be kind’ over and over in your head, but eventually, you will see the change. And no matter where you stand in terms of your beliefs, it should be obvious to everyone on the planet that not only is change inevitable, but change is good. Change will get you to where you want to go as a society, as a human collective. That’s why we will continue to urge you all to rise above it, and see yourselves as the ones to be the changemakers, to make a difference just by being unwilling to engage with someone who is shouting at you because of your beliefs, or for some other reason.
Everyone can coexist on Earth right now, while holding different perspectives and be living in a world of peace. It’s possible. It’s only when you’re feeling threatened by what someone else believes that it becomes less likely that you will be finding that peace on Earth that would be so beautiful to experience and will be beautiful to experience when it happens.
As we have said many times, those of you in the awakened collective are there to lead humanity, but not by telling everyone that, ‘These are the right beliefs over here, and if you join me in my little cult, we can save humanity.’ Instead, you offer love and kindness, compassion and forgiveness to all, and see how that brings you together, and see how raising the level of consciousness within the human collective automatically solves all the problems without anyone having to fight anyone else. Now is the time to rise up and rise above, because who else is going to do it if not you?
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 28

Energies Propelling You into the 2021 Earth – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 28

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with the way that you all have been handling the challenges of the year 2020. We know that there is so much growth, expansion, and awakening that is happening on your world today because of your willingness to face the personal and global challenges that you have before you. So what is the payoff then? What are you going to get out of having lived through all of the turbulence you’ve experienced there in the year 2020? Ultimately, that is up to you, but here is what is available to you now because of the energies you have summoned and the energies that have been delivered to you.
You all have an opportunity for more inner peace, inner strength, and to derive an inner knowing from your own experience of reality and your own experience of your emotions. That is a lot. That is more than enough. That is more than you need to propel yourselves into a very beautiful version of the 2021 Earth. As we have said, you are not going to ascend by the end of this year, but you are going to have the opportunity to absorb all of the energies that you have summoned as individuals and as a collective.
And you can go into the next calendar year knowing your strength, your power, some inner peace that you didn’t know you could access in a crisis, and a better relationship to your intuition and your emotions. What more could you ask for from a global pandemic? You’re also going to enter 2021 with a more awakened collective. There will be more awakened humans on your world than at any other time in human history on Earth, and that is exciting. Now remember, our definition of being awake is not about knowing all the members of the secret cabals and space programs, and all of the other things that you see speculation about on the Internet.
Our definition of awake is: one who knows themselves as Source, sees everyone else as Source, and recognizes that everyone is creating their reality. Having more people on Earth like that means that you will rely less on politicians doing the right thing, corporations being more compassionate, and banks being more honest.
You won’t have to rely on any of those entities changing because you can change as individuals, and as an awakened collective, and be more powerful than all the people who have ninety-nine percent of the wealth. You can be more powerful by going within and accessing that power, and the energies that are coming in right now and that will continue to come in will support you in knowing how powerful you are, as individuals and as a collective.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 27

Collaborating w/Pleiadians, Sirians, Lyrans & Andromedans – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 27

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are offering you these transmissions to help remind you of who you have been and to beckon you towards who you are becoming. You all need to have the gaps filled in somehow and in some way, so you don’t fall into the trap that says you are only a human being, living on Earth. Many of you never considered the idea that you had past lives in other parts of the galaxy until well into your adulthood. It is hard for your minds to accept those types of possibilities as true, even though from our perspective it makes perfect sense. You didn’t just pop into existence there on Earth one day. You have a history.
You have friends spread out across the entire galaxy and beyond, and you are having memories and aspects of yourselves awakened through these transmissions, as we are sprinkling in so much more than just the words that Daniel here can come up with as he speaks for us. There is a much bigger picture here, and some of you are aware of that picture. Some of you take the time to go beyond what your minds can grasp, and you feel for the experience of having those gaps filled in by just one collective from one star system.
We do work with others as well. We must admit that. We collaborate. We allow the Pleiadians, Sirians, Lyrans, Andromedans, and so on, to drop bits and pieces into the energies that we transmit through this channel, because we do want you to get the whole picture of who you are and who you have been. And you will return to all of our star systems and ones you’ve never even heard of when the timing is right. For now, keep looking to your skies, and keep feeling for the resonance with extra-terrestrial energies. We are here to assist. We are here to help.
And even our little group of collaborators here is just one of many. You are getting activations to fill in those gaps all the time, and we are not alone in the universe, and of course, neither are you. It’s time to recognize that you are a part of the grand history that makes up this galaxy, and you are the pioneers out there on Earth, doing the best you can to unite all of the energies, so that we can become a unified galactic collective.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 26

Your Most Recent Upgrades & Your Mission – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 26

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are continuing our investigation into what makes you all tick, because we want to help you tick even faster and with more joy than you currently are there on Earth. We look within your hearts for your deepest desires to see what keeps you going, what gives you hope, and what will get you out of bed in the morning with a spring in your step.
We would love to see you leading lives of fulfillment, purpose, and service, while also experiencing those lives in joy, and we see so many of you struggling at a time when you all would benefit so much from a bit more meditation, some more powerful introspection, and a deepening of your connection with the infinite, the eternal, the love that is Source. We know that these are the keys for the continued blossoming of your consciousness and the joyous experience of your shift.
So how can we make these focal points more of a priority for all of you? That is a question we ask ourselves. We want you to know that because of some upgrades that you have recently received, going within will be more blissful than ever. Going within, at this time, has a bigger payoff for you than ever before in your history as human beings there on Earth, and it is in large part because of the trials and tribulations of the times you are living in.
We want you to always remember that when everything outside of you looks like it’s on fire, and also looks like people are pouring fuel on that fire, that’s the time to go within. That’s the time to start the inner revolution, which will lead to a consciousness evolution, which will change everything outside of you.
You are what the world needs, because you know that what we are saying to you now is true. You can feel it in your bones, and you can tell that you are expanding. You are becoming more of who you really are, and you also know that the infinite and eternal love of Source is within you, and it wants to come out. It wants to play. It wants to create, and it wants to bring others to that realization – that it exists inside of them as well.
That’s your mission. That’s what we would love to see more people focusing upon at this time. We promise you that going within will get you ticking faster and faster, vibrating higher and higher, and soaring into the version of yourself you have always wanted to be.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 25

Human/Extra-Terrestrial History – The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 25

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are excited about the uncovering of so much of your past history there on planet Earth. We can see that people are digging up little bits and pieces, little clues to let you know that your history is far more extensive and glorious than others throughout history have theorized. You will discover your extra-terrestrial roots through science, and this will pave the way for full, open contact with e.t.s. Once you recognize that you have already been visited and you have already been helped, it will be easier for individuals to set aside their fears and their prejudices, and it will be easier for all of you to open your arms, your minds, and your hearts to the other beings who want to connect with you, who want to play with you, and who want to co-create with you.
These are experiences that many individuals have been seeking for decades of their lives, and we can see you getting closer and closer to the realization that you have been visited and that you have been helped. You already have scientists who are discovering e.t. DNA within certain sea creatures, and those discoveries will continue. Eventually, the connection between your junk DNA, as they call it, and other beings will be established.
And you will continue to uncover the truth that there is life out there, even in your solar system, and certainly beyond. We know that none of this is news to those of you who are receiving this transmission. But we want to assure you that the findings of your scientists will continue to unlock the doors to a full and open contact experience for all of humanity. In the meantime, continue to look at the skies and analyze your dreams. Continue to see the evidence in your own lives of how beings from other parts of the galaxy are affecting you.
And we would suggest that you focus on the groups that are affecting you in a positive way, because they far outnumber those who seek to control and manipulate you. And when you band together with these positively-oriented e.t.s, you are very strong as a galactic collective.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 23

Secret Forces that Want Humanity Divided – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 23

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been impressed by humanity’s fortitude in the face of so many oppressors throughout your history. You have continued to persevere in the face of powerful individuals and groups who want to keep you down, who want to keep you in the dark. Now, many who are awake have learned about this oppression that is going on from unseen forces, oppression that doesn’t even show its face to you. But you have learned about these oppressors, and you have gotten angry, sad and afraid, because of what they have done and because of what they might do next.
These beings and groups benefit from you being and feeling divided, pushing against each other, based on your beliefs, your gender, your sexuality, your skin color, your nationality, and any other factor they can use to keep humankind from realizing that you are powerful, powerful beings of love and light. It is their goal to have you feeling disempowered and then to put all of your faith in something outside of you, like a politician, or a political party. They don’t even care which one you support, as long as you think the other party is the root of all evil.
It has gotten to the point now where you cannot trust the sources of information that your parents and grandparents trusted. And so, you have to rely upon fringe elements, people who make all kinds of claims about who they are and what they know, but even these sources have become tainted and are clearly seeking more divisiveness, more of an us-versus-them mentality. You, as the awakened collective, must be able to see the good in everyone, no matter what they believe, no matter whom they are supporting. You must give everyone the opportunity to show you who they really are and not just dismiss them because of which political party or ideology they are aligning themselves with in the moment.
It is important to remember that you are all in this together, and we are all in this together, and what you are playing out now on your world is simply a rehashing of what has been played out throughout the galaxy many, many times. You did not create this issue of being polarized and divided all by yourselves. This was a planned part of your spiritual evolution, and it was known beforehand that there would be enough of you who are awake to rise above the polarization of humankind by these unseen beings and groups. And we say ‘beings’ because we know that they are not all human, and so do most of you.
So what does all of this mean for you, the one receiving this message? It means we are urging you to love your neighbor, no matter what. Love them unconditionally, and you will bring out the best of them. Hate them because of how they vote or how they worship Source, and you are more likely to experience the worst of not necessarily that individual that lives next door to you, but someone who is like them in some way.
We know that those of you who are awake can bring out the best in each other by sitting down with your fellow humans and talking about how you feel about what’s going on in your world. And if you can respect someone else’s feelings, and someone else as a Being of Source, you don’t have to agree with the conclusions they come to in order to connect with that person in a very real way. That is how you are all going to get past the current set of circumstances on your world, and you are going to become stronger as one human race, because of the efforts of a minority. You, the awakened collective, are that minority.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 24

More Galactic Assistance Than Ever for Humanity – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 24

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been observing humanity for so long that we feel as though we have become more like you, and we see that as a very good thing. Because of your suffering as individuals, and as a collective, you have developed more compassion and creativity. Now we feel more compassionate and creative because of our desire to first know you and then help you.
You inspire us with what you are living. We can see and feel how many of you want to help each other. We can see and feel how much you care and you desire a better Earth, a better society, a better human collective, and that’s how you have become more like us.
When we come through this particular channel, he cannot help but become more Arcturian, and we cannot help but see the world through his unique perspective. And he doesn’t even realize we’re doing that, but we are. The partnership between humanity and this particular ninth dimensional Arcturian collective of beings is so beautiful and so magical that together, we have inspired other collectives to start working with you more closely.
You are getting more galactic assistance than ever before, and the assistance that you are getting is not interfering with your own natural evolution. That is the difference between this era of human and extra-terrestrial commingling. We are doing it right this time, and we and others like us are the guardians who prevent interference as much as we possibly can so that you can grow and become your fifth-dimensional higher selves and experience that journey of doing it without a boost, without a jumpstart, but instead through your own living of life there on planet Earth. And we could not possibly be more proud of who you are now and of whom you are becoming.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 22

Our Chats with You in the Astral Plane – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 22

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are sitting here upon our nonphysical perch in the ninth dimension, looking for ways to relate to all of you and what you are going through there on planet Earth, and that is why our little chats with you in the astral plane are so valuable to us. Not only do you get to visit the customer service department in the sky and unload the burden of the weight that you carry, but we get to have somewhat of an understanding of what you are going through and how it feels to you to go through it.
We have developed the skill of being very attentive listeners. It was a big part of our spiritual practice when we were incarnate and communicating with each other and others. We developed the skill of listening to not only what someone was saying to us, but also to what they were not saying.
We want you to know that if you have something to say to us, if you have requests that you would like to make, we will always be listening attentively, with compassion, and with a desire to be of service. Being of service is what helps us to feel that we have a purpose for existing. We get to expand because of all that you are living and all that you are asking for, and so it makes perfect sense then that we give to you whatever we can, energetically, and in cases like this, through words of wisdom that we can share.
If you talk to us on a regular basis, we will speak back to you through the universe. We will find a way, just as we are always searching for new ways to help humankind. We want you to know that. We want you to know that you are not doing it all by yourselves, even though you are creating one hundred percent of your reality. You are doing it with a support staff, with a whole team of assistants, and with an entourage in the nonphysical.
We want you to know that all of us understand how hard it is to be on planet Earth at this time, and we want you to feel the support that you need to keep going, to keep living, and to keep ascending. And we want you to know that we do have a good chuckle about it in the astral plane while you are asleep at night. Set that intention, as you are drifting off to sleep, to remember those interactions upon waking, and then the you that exists in the physical body can have a chuckle about it as well.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 21

A Huge Sign from the Universe – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 21

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are quite certain that you all are going to look back at this time in your lives as a time when you were being given a clear signal from the universe to slow down, to go within, and to evaluate your priorities in life. Even those who subscribe to one or more conspiracy theories will look back at this time and recognize that they were missing the signal that the universe has been giving you. Every time humanity tries to get things back to normal, you find yourselves backsliding in terms of your progress.
We are talking about the progress of getting everyone in the world into a state of health and well being, but everyone has to want that for themselves. Everyone has to value themselves enough to slow down, to take the signs as being important and as being real in order to benefit from the opportunity you have before you to pay attention to what you have going on inside of you, and to evaluate what you have been prioritizing in your life. If you can do that, then you are living more in the flow with the current energies that are still upon Earth, still waiting to be recognized.
You have a beautiful planet there, and you are beautiful beings, but you have been programmed to think that you have to keep moving, or you will die. And what you are seeing is that the opposite is true for many. Slowing down gives you an opportunity to feel what you’re feeling. Slowing down gives you an opportunity to evaluate everything, including your relationships and friendships. Slowing down is the key to relaxing and receiving all that this universe wants to give you, but when you are moving around, you are moving targets, and it is harder then for the universe to deliver to you the wonderful gifts that it has for you.
Now is the time to finally give yourselves the treat of relaxing into the moment and doing less, if not doing nothing at all. Let yourselves heal. Let yourselves feel, and let yourselves take into consideration that the universe is always talking to you in a variety of ways, every single moment. But you have to believe that, and you have to slow down enough to listen, to see the signs, and to work with the energies. The energies upon you right now are about co-creation. They are about building that new Earth that you all want to be living on, and it all starts with you, each and every individual on the planet.
You are the ones. You are the changemakers, and there has never been a better time than now to work with the energies and bring about the changes that you want to see on your Mother Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 20

The Higher Frequency Energies We’re Sending – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 20

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are elevating the level of our consciousness in each and every moment, as we prepare to shift our consciousness to the tenth dimension. That means the energies we send to you, and that all of our cohorts in the ninth dimension send you, are in a higher and higher frequency, as we all continue to move forward in this universal shift in consciousness. We know that you can handle higher and higher frequency energies because we monitor all of you so closely.
Those of you who are awake are on the frontlines of receiving what we, and others like us, are offering because you are so open and receptive by nature. Because you attune yourselves to us all the time, you are the perfect candidates to do that receiving and to anchor in those energies and to make them available to the rest of humanity. You are doing a wonderful job, and the reason we always deliver to you so many hope-filled messages is because of those of you who are in the awakened collective, which gets bigger every single day.
More and more people are having their own unique awakening experiences that are planned meticulously by their higher selves, just as yours were. Your higher selves are meticulous in all that they deliver to you, and your guides are working around the clock to provide you with everything that you need to face whatever your higher selves put in front of you. And then we, and all of the other beings in the higher dimensions, just keep blasting you with higher frequency energies so that you have all of the raw materials to create the world you want to experience.
Therefore, it must be easier to change the world than you all think it is. It’s not just about voting the right people into office. It’s not just about donating to the right causes. It’s about you becoming more of who you really are, and all of that can be effortless if you allow it to be. And then all you do to spread love and light to others throughout the world and in your communities will be the cherry on top, so to speak.
We love working with you on co-creating the beautiful and magical 5D Earth, and we also love co-creating with you the special moments that you can have on your way so that you can enjoy your journey and help others to do the same. You need more joy on this journey and more people who are dedicating themselves to living in their highest vibration, and we see your world populated with more of those people every day, and that’s how we know you are going to make it. You are going to make the shift in consciousness and unite the galaxy along the way.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 19

Better Timelines & a Better Future for All – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 19

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been exploring the various timelines that you have in front of you and the new timelines that you have created for yourselves, and we want you to know that we feel you are doing an excellent job of choosing consciously which timeline to put yourselves on. You have also done a wonderful job of working with the energies you have been given to create new timelines for yourselves and the rest of humanity. This is a time to be inclusive in your creations. There is more power in your summoning of an experience or an event when you include as many people as possible and hold the intention that they will all benefit from that creation as well.
One of the most beautiful aspects of those of you who are a part of the awakened collective is that you take others into consideration when you seek to create a better reality. As we have just said, that makes your summoning of the energies more powerful, and it means that when you let those energies in, you have more co-creators beside you in physical and nonphysical form. You want to be reaching out to the higher selves of all of your fellow humans, especially those who are in your inner circle of your family and friends.
You want to let everyone know that you see them as their higher selves and as creator beings, because that is what they are. And you are there to empower others. You are there to influence and to help every single human in the collective. That’s what you signed up for. That’s why you are awake, and that’s why these more inclusive timelines are lighting up so much for humanity at this time.
The old timelines that many of you have heard about where certain people get left behind during the ascension event are withering away, because more and more people recognize that everyone is a Source Energy Being, and therefore everyone must be included in the shift in consciousness, a shift that is all about bringing you closer and closer to Source.
This shift is not just about creating a better Earth for the worthy and the good. It’s about creating a better Earth for all, and that’s what you all have been doing, and that is why we feel so happy in giving you this progress report about the timelines you are creating and the ones you are strengthening with your attention to them. Keep up the good work and know that better things are to come, more energy will be flowing to you, and you are the creators of that better future for all.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 18

What Your World Needs – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 18

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You have been struggling for quite some time in relationship to one another. We have seen how this has played out in your society to the point where people identify more with something about themselves that’s very temporary, rather than identifying with the truth of who they are as infinite and eternal beings of love and light. Now, it is easy to see why a person would identify themselves in a very limited way, because that person was born into a society that wants to put people in neat and tidy little boxes. This is the mental approach to relating to one another.
So the mind likes to be able to predict what you’re going to get, something that allows you as an egoic being to feel safer. That’s why these boxes are so comfortable. Because if you’re looking at a person and having expectations based on their race, gender, sexuality, nationality, political affiliation, and any of the other of the very temporary ways in which you know yourselves, then the ego can feel more secure because of the conclusions that the mind has come to about the individual, based on those very superficial aspects of self.
And so, what lies underneath all of this is fear, and until people recognize that there is a very negative emotion that needs to be dealt with, talked about, felt, expressed, and processed, you’re not going to get very far. You’re not going to make the progress you want to make in relating to one another by simply finger-pointing, by calling someone out on their behavior. Instead, as a society, you all need to look for what lies underneath the behavior, or the hate speech. You need to understand that people are coming from a place of vulnerability when they’re puffing out their chests, making signs, and chanting things. They don’t want you to know how scared they are.
And, of course, by vilifying an entire group of people, by creating a common enemy, there is a lot to be gained by those in power or by those seeking to have power. The best thing that you could ever do for the rest of humanity to help bring you to the next level of your consciousness evolution would be to talk about your feelings. Be honest. Tell the person sitting next to you or across from you what it is you’re feeling. If you own it and you’re willing to discuss it and where it comes from, then you can unite under the knowing that all humans are feeling beings. It’s what makes you human, and you can unite under that knowing that you all feel the same emotions.
This is what will break down the barriers, the walls that are placed in those boxes to keep people separate. What the world needs more than anything are the sensitive ones in the population being willing to express that sensitivity, to be vulnerable, and to share what it is you’re feeling in the moment.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 17

The Future of the Awakened Collective – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 17

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been excited for quite some time to discover with all of you this path that you are now on to a better version of reality, one that supports you as individuals and supports you as a collective of beings. We can see those of you who are awake making the progress that you need to make in order to lead the human collective down this path, and it is a path of self-empowerment. You, who we refer to as the awakened collective, are coming together more and more to share your ideas about the future that you want for yourselves and for the rest of humankind.
We know that you all get to choose the future that you experience, and we know that those of you who are awake do so on a regular basis. You create the realities that you prefer to live for yourselves, and now the awareness that there are so many who are in need right now of some kind of assistance, has spurred on this coming together of the awakened collective so that you can be the teachers, the healers, and the guides that you were always meant to be in this lifetime. You are supporting each other in this endeavor, and you are demonstrating that there is not just one way to go about helping other humans awaken their consciousness.
There is not just one way, not just one path, but all of the various paths will meet because you are doing this as a collective of human beings. And those of you who realize you create your reality know this, and are therefore more interested in helping yourselves and helping others to maintain a high vibration than you are on looking for the one true truth about the one future that is set in stone.
You are there to create the future of your desires, and now more than ever, the awakened collective realizes that the future of your desires includes all of humanity being treated fairly, being respected, being free, and being able to follow their dreams and desires, no matter what they might be. We see you doing this every single day, and we know that you have gained a certain amount of momentum and much more power since you have been coming together and discussing these ideas, knowing that you are creating those experiences and inviting others to a reality that is much better and much better for all of humankind.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 16

You Are Awakening So Much More – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 16

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very interested in your spiritual evolution because it is so different from what we experienced here in the Arcturian Star System. We did not experience the same hardships, the same challenges that you have all decided to take on for yourselves. And so, not only are we impressed by humanity, but we are also fascinated by you.
As we witness you moving through your ascension process, we are frequently amazed by what you have been able to endure emotionally and psychologically. You have taken on more than your fair share as a collective. You agreed to take on the conflict and the trauma that had yet to be resolved from all star systems in the galaxy. You are a melting pot of beings with various levels of e.t. DNA, struggling just to co-exist. We cannot imagine what it must be like to have to struggle just to co-exist.
We also recognize that you exist within us, just as we exist within you. You are helping to give us an experience that we did not have while in physical bodies, and we are eternally grateful to you for that because we know that all parts of ourselves are necessary in order to know ourselves as Source Energy Beings. Remember that the next time you are hard on yourselves for some aspect of you that you do not like, that you do not think is very Divine. That part of you is also necessary in order for you to become who you really are.
That’s why it is so important for you to drop your judgments of yourselves and others. You know on the level of your higher selves that you need all aspects of you and that all aspects of you are to be loved and embraced. And many of you are getting that now. You receive those higher thoughts, those downloads.
You are awakening so much more of who you are as you move forward. And all of it is to be loved, accepted, forgiven, and embraced, if you are going to become your fifth-dimensional higher selves. And we know that you are destined to become your fifth-dimensional higher selves. So you might as well start right now with dropping your resistance to any part of you that you’re currently fighting against, whether that part of you inside your physical body or in another human being. Letting go is liberating, and it is necessary to allow yourselves to float up into the higher frequency range of the fifth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 15

The Current Energies We’re Putting in Your Fields – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 15

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been giving you opportunity after opportunity to rest and relax, to let us and others do some, if not all, of the heavy lifting for you, as you move forward as a collective. But there is still something inside of most humans, some bit of programming that tells you that you are responsible for getting it all done and getting it all done through hard work. Now, of course, there are times that you work hard, and there are times when you get lost in your work, because you love it so much.
And then there are the times that we are talking about, where you overburden yourselves with too much responsibility. You can only get so much done through physical action, and you can get so much more done when you are open, relaxed and receptive, because in those moments, you will receive a bit of inspiration, and then you will go off and take very little action and get a lot accomplished. Or you will download some energies that will give you some upgrades and activations, and those upgrades and activations will make you more effective in the work that you do, in the actions that you take.
We want you to know that the energies coming in from this collective, and from all of the other beings and collectives that we know, are meant to make your lives easier and better, not harder and filled with more struggle and strife. We want you to know that you are not there to do in this lifetime. You are there to become, and what you are there to become is not just an author, or a speaker, or an architect. You are there to become your higher self, and to do that requires no action on your part, but it does require you to feel everything.
Have you noticed how often you take action to compensate for a feeling that you don’t want to feel, that you don’t want to even admit exists within you? Well, we have. We love to see you taking action from that place of being in the flow, riding a wave of inspiration, of downloads of ideas. And when we see you toiling away out of a feeling of despair, we send you even more energy, we send you even more inspiration, and we put out into the human collective consciousness a desire to co-create with you a better world for all, a world where everyone gets to pursue their passion projects, to do what they truly desire to do.
That is the new way. That is the new age that we see dawning at this time, and we are happy to be a part of it with you, but we are always looking for more of you to partake consciously in receiving all the gifts, all the beauty, and all of the wisdom that we have to put right there in your energy fields, where you can access all of it at any time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 14

The Opening of Your Third Eyes – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 14

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very eager to witness all of you gaining more access to your clairvoyant abilities, your ESP, your sixth sense. We know that some of you came in with those gifts and abilities turned on, and others of you have developed those gifts since you’ve awakened. But there are still so many who have yet to tap in to these powers, and make no mistake about it, they do make a person more powerful.
A person who is clairvoyant can perceive things that others cannot, which at first can come across as a curse to many who possess that power, but they are the trailblazers. They are the ones who decided to develop those abilities sooner than most so that they would be able to show all of you the way to have more control over your gift.
And now we see that more and more people are getting the upgrades, the activations, and the attunements necessary to have a very wide open third eye. For many, it’s not because of anything that they have done. It is just time for more humans to awaken, and this is one of the easier ways to get those who have been asleep to wake up. And so, the opening of the third eye of so many humans is what will be taking place over these next several months. The mass awakenings that you have already experienced on your world are just the beginning, and there is a need for more.
Some of you who are receiving this transmission right now will be the perfect ones to help your fellow humans who have those newly-opened third eyes. And you will answer the call, because you have wanted to be of service for so long, and it is also fun to have a gift and then to see someone else develop their gift. It gives you something to talk about. It gives you something to have connect about, and that is something else that humanity needs at this time. You need to feel more connected to one another, because those who seek to separate you are continuing to put forth that agenda in a variety of ways.
But no one can stop a human being from waking up, and these third eye openings, these activations of clairvoyant abilities, are a long time coming. For many, it will be a reawakening, a reopening, as they had the gift when they were a child, and then lost it for one reason or another. There are many. But nothing can stop the avalanche of energies that is coming in at this time to support so many in the opening and awakening of their third eyes.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 13

Take a Page Out of the Arcturian Book – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 13

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been gaining our own sort of momentum in the conjuring and sending of energies to all of you there on Earth. We have been enlivened by the process of sending those energies down to your dimensional plane, and we take so much pride and joy in watching those of you who can receive those energies then go ahead and create with them. We are always recalibrating the energies to fit the precise moment in which they will be sent to you, not because we are perfectionists, but because we know how important it is to be precise.
And we would love for you all to take a page out of the Arcturian book and be more precise with what you are offering energetically. We know that many of you struggle with that concept, because you don’t even know what it means, and we say to those of you who do struggle that you just need to spend more time in silence with your eyes closed.
Those times of being alone with your eyes closed, sitting in silence, can be meditation, but they can also be times when you’re processing emotion. They can be times when you are daydreaming. They can be times when you are recalibrating your own energies. You can spend that time sending healing energy, or you can spend that time receiving it from collectives and beings like ourselves.
The more you can feel happening within you, the easier it becomes to be more precise in your offerings and in the creation of your reality. One of the ways that now exists for you to be rather sloppy is through putting your attention outside of yourselves on what others are doing, thinking, and saying. It’s nice to be curious about other people, but we do not like to see any of you giving your power away. If you were religious, you would be giving your power away to a person of the cloth, or a pope, or some other religious leader.
And because it is so much easier now for anyone to claim to be an authority on anything, it’s also easier to get sucked in to someone else’s narrative. And we just want to see more of you caring about being precise with the energy that you offer and the energy that you hold within you. We would like to see you care more about the energies you surround yourselves with, and we certainly would like to see you caring more about that than what someone is saying on the Internet about some bit of inside information that they got from an anonymous source.
We tell you this because we care about you. We tell you this because we love you and we want to see you thrive. We want to see you becoming more of you, and you can only really utilize the energies that are at your disposal now if you are paying attention to what is going on inside of you more than you are paying attention to what is going on outside of you. We understand that it is tricky to do this when there are so many ways that you have now of putting your attention on something or someone outside of you.
And so, all we can say to you is that we invite you to try something different. Look within. Feel within. And generate within yourselves that which you want to see outside of you. You’ve done enough observing now. It’s time for you all to create and to be precise in your offering but unattached to what comes back to you. That is true spiritual mastery, and that is what we see you all in the process of becoming.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 12

What The Current Energies Require of You – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 12

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very particular about what we focus upon, because we care so much about what we are becoming. Focus on anything, and you will start to harmonize with it, even if you are in resistance to what you are focusing upon. It is necessary for all of you to pay attention to how you are vibrating, as the energies that are upon you are moving faster and faster. It is also going to be more and more difficult for someone to maintain a lower vibration, because to them it will feel like these higher frequency energies are very uncomfortable to be around.
You are at a very interesting time in human history, and it is very important that you choose what you are focusing upon and what you are vibrating for your own sake. Now, when you are focusing on what is right, there on Earth and with the human collective, you will see more of those things. And whatever it is that you think is wrong with humanity will become magnified and more in your face when you focus upon those things.
We are here to guide you to what already feels good inside of you. Now, we can also give you some very general advice about shutting off your devices and going outside to connect with Mother Earth and Mother Nature, because those things work for the vast majority of you. Now, you can go outside and get bitten by a bee or several mosquitoes and tell yourself that it was a bad idea to shut off your television and walk out your door. But if you are tuning in to the vibration of Mother Earth and Mother Nature, you cannot help but feel better.
There is so much that is beautiful on your world to focus upon, but you do have these minds, and your minds are constantly wanting a problem to solve, something that can be fixed. We advise you to relax your minds and take the weight of the world off of your shoulders, because it’s not your responsibility to fix all of it, and we want you to feel how supported you are by beings like us, and your spirit guides, and so many others who just want to help you. We want to do that heavy lifting for you. Help us help you.
Co-create with us, and we will even let you take all of the credit, but first you have to start paying attention to what you are focusing upon, what you are feeling, and you need to make some effort to shut off you minds and your devices so that you can tune in to what is really real. What is really real is that truth and power both exist within you, and you are these beautiful conduits of higher-frequency energy when you let yourselves be who you really are.
You can do so much with so little action, and with no thought, when you allow yourselves to be in the flow of the higher frequency energies that are all around you, looking to help and co-create with you. This is our promise to you. This is the Arcturian promise, and it is a promise that is backed by so many other higher dimensional beings of light and love.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 11

Does Cord Cutting Really Work? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 11

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with the progress we see humanity making, especially when it comes to the way that you have of connecting with one another. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter why you are connecting. It only matters that you feel connected, and it matters that you feel connected because you are connected. A lot of people in the new age and spiritual community talk about cutting cords. It is true that you are literally connected in a physical way that you cannot perceive with your five senses, and it is also true that you can never really cut those cords. You can symbolically do so, and if it makes you feel better, then by all means go through the ceremony.
But you can never truly be separate from anyone or anything in all of creation. Therefore, no matter what the reason for doing so, when you connect with another human, or an extra-terrestrial, you are living more of the truth of reality than if you say to yourself that you are going to put up a bubble or a shield, or some other way of preventing someone or something to get to you. It doesn’t work that way. You do amplify energy between you and another by giving the other your attention. And if someone is giving you a lot of attention, then send them love in response to that attention. You don’t have to tell them repeatedly that you love them, if they are stalking you, but send it.
You don’t have to defend against anything or anyone, and when you come together with others to connect for whatever reason, you do tend to feel more powerful, which is another truth that you want to emphasize, especially at this time when so many are feeling disempowered. The truth is you are powerful beings because you are Source, just as we all are.
Now, as you demonstrate a willingness to connect to your fellow humans, e.t.s will take notice, and so will the universe. You will be telling the universe that you like to connect, that you like to feel connected, and the universe will give you more. You can connect to more e.t.s, or you can connect to more nonphysical collectives, and you are more likely to do so when you are connecting to your fellow humans. You do get to decide with whom you connect. You do get to decide which of the pre-existing connections you emphasize, you put your attention and focus upon.
If you stop worrying about and preparing for attacks, then they will stop coming. If instead, you look over here and you say to yourself that you like that person and you would like to spend more time with them, then your life will get better. We want you to feel connected, because that is one of the ways you are shifting. You are shifting from knowing yourselves as separate, egoic beings to a collective of connected beings, and anyone who tells you otherwise is telling you a very old story that does not fit with the truth of the reality, because the fifth dimension is all inclusive, and so is Source.
We invite you to reach out to those people that you want to feel more connected to for no reason, other than the fact that you like their energy, and then see how the universe responds and lines up more connections for you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 10

Sirian, Pleiadian & Arcturian Throat Chakra Support – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 10

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You are moving tremendous amounts of energy through your throat chakras at this time, as you are being called to speak up and speak out, to speak your truth in order to assist humanity. Of course, as you do so, you are also helping yourselves. You are helping yourselves to heal from past life traumas that were around the action of speaking up, speaking out, or speaking your truth.
You have begun to see how many different perspectives there are on your world, thanks to the Internet, and the number of individuals who are willing to put themselves out there as guides to others is increasing every single day. What this means is you require more support from beings like us, and you have been getting a lot of support at this time from the Sirius star system, as so many of you have been wanting to be of service for so long, and that gets the attention of the Sirians every time.
You can use your voice to heal, to comfort, to show compassion, and to express yourselves, all in the same sentence. Many of you have been wonderful orators in at least one of your lifetimes, and it is time to reclaim those gifts and abilities. It is time to recognize that you have the opportunity, you have the wisdom, and you can see the need for more of you to come forward and be the guides you were always meant to be. You certainly are also tapping into your own channeling abilities when you speak up, because you must speak up and you must face what is in that throat chakra of yours.
There is still a lot of healing that needs to be done, and we are facilitating that healing, along with several Pleiadian groups that we work with. This is a time where all of that support you’ve been seeking is available to you, and so much more is to come. You who are a part of the awakened collective are needed more now than ever before in human history, and we are so happy to support you and to be a part of your journeys. We invite you to call upon us, the Pleiadians, and the Sirians for help in sharing your perspective with all who are ready for it on your beautiful world.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 9

The Portal You Have Within You – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 9

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have opened many portals to help all of you receive the energies that you have asked for, and we are continuing to offer our energetic support, in addition to our love and compassion, at all times. But we want to introduce you to the most important portal that you have available to you. We are talking about the portal that exists at the center of your heart.
This portal connects you to all other dimensions, including the Source Energy dimension, which means it is your gateway to more of who you really are. You want to be centered in your hearts for the love, for the guidance, and to be in the present moment as often as you can, but you also want to access more of the truth of who you are as Source Energy Beings.
All that is required of you to access this portal is that you give your attention to what is in your heart. You must be willing to feel everything that comes up emotionally in order to get to that very loving center of who you really are. Anything that you are feeling that is something other than the vibration of love is getting in the way of you having full access to your hearts and to that unconditional love of Source. That is what you want flowing through you at all times.
The energy of Source is creative and is filled with more than just love and compassion. The energy of Source is filled with ideas, inspiration, and anything else that you could ever possibly need to be living the lives that you want to be living. So it is our recommendation that you meditate on your hearts. Put your attention there first thing when you wake up in the morning, and as you are falling asleep, and at any other point in the day that you can think of to put your attention there.
You can use your minds to focus you more on your hearts and access more of who you are with that focus, and that is what we are recommending here, in this transmission. We want you to feel how powerful you are. We want you to rely less on us and more on yourselves for everything that you could ever possibly need or want. And as we said earlier, it could not be easier to access this beautiful and wonderful portal.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 8

Full E.T. Contact, A Mass Sighting of UFOs & Unity – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 8

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been looking into the possibilities that are in front of humankind at this time, and we must say that we are very pleased with the timelines that you have been putting together. We know that so many of you continue to desire extra-terrestrial contact, and we want you to know that the way you have all been handling yourselves lately has brought you closer to that time where you will have full, open extra-terrestrial contact for all.
There are many of you who’ve had your own encounters, your own experiences, and you’ve done a wonderful job of acclimating to the energies of the e.t.s that you’ve encountered that there are new plans for sightings of spaceships in your skies. You are going to have more experiences where humans come together to observe the so-called UFOs in the sky and marvel at their beauty and their movements. It is true that proof of extra-terrestrial life will unify the human collective, because you will all start to see each other as one race, and that is so important for humanity.
It is so important that you set aside your differences and realize that you all have the same feelings, the same emotions. Your ability to emote connects you in a very real way to one another, energetically. And so, even if you disagree on the level of the mind, if you were to have an actual conversation about your emotions, you would realize that you are all the same, and yet wonderfully diverse and different at the same time. Now, we have talked about a timetable for full, open extra-terrestrial contact before, and we want you to know that you have brought yourselves closer to that experience.
You have brought yourselves closer to a mass landing of ships around the world, and it is because so many of you are asking for a unifying human event to bring you all together, to set aside those mental differences so that you can embrace each other as members of one human race, one human collective, one beautiful group of beings who are having a human experience at the same time on the same planet. You will start to see it that way on a much larger scale when you have these sightings, and you come together to observe your friends from across the galaxy.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 6

Crystalline Consciousness & Your Light Bodies – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 6

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are your number one fans, your biggest supporters, and the ones you can always turn to in a time of crisis. We are always available to you, even if you have no sense of us, no feeling of our presence. You can take our word for it that we are non-local. We do not have a location in space/time, because we are nonphysical. That means we are consciousness.
Everything is consciousness expressing itself as energy, and that includes all of you. That means when you have some sort of physical ailment, an illness, or an ascension symptom that is troubling you physically, it serves you very well to remember that you are not just skin, bones, organs, hair, and muscle, with blood pumping through you. You are so much more. You are consciousness expressing as energy, and some of that energy has merged with that physical body to give you a sense of belonging in a particular place.
You are mostly localized in the expression of your consciousness. When you can admit to yourself that you are more than your physical body, it becomes easier then to heal your body. When you recognize that you are the consciousness that is creating the experience of a body, you can change that experience. When you feel into the expansiveness of your eternal and infinite nature, that makes it easier to alter something as small and temporary as a physical body.
This is what we invite you to do. We invite you to feel your infinite and eternal nature, while staying in your body and feeling yourself more as a light that is shining from within the physical body that you think of as yours. Change your perception of self and change everything.
There are many people who are eager to have a light body, a crystalline body, and we want you to know that the best way to get there from where you are now is to acknowledge that you are the light that will be expressing in a different form. It will be you, not the body, that makes the big difference in the way you experience yourself and your life. Don’t hold back. Don’t wait for everyone else to be ready for the shift in consciousness.
Let the light of your true beingness shine and transform yourself from the inside out. You can melt away any blockage, any trauma, any stuck emotion, by remembering that you are the light, and you can put yourself on an entirely different timeline with a different past and a different future at any time in any day, because you are more like us than you know.
We have just decided not to be merged with a physical form, and yes, that does make it easier for us to maintain a high vibration. But you can do it too. We know that you can. We know that you are becoming those light-bodied beings, but we also know that there is no time like the present to feel into the truth of who you are and to heal every aspect of who you have been.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 7

The Earth Collective Meetings in the Astral Plane – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 7

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to announce that humanity has taken yet another leap forward in the ascension of your consciousness. You have made such tremendous strides in your development, because enough of you have gotten fed up with the way life has been there on Earth for so long, and that segment of the population that desires great change has been getting together in the astral plane with the intention of creating some wonderful new systems for your planet.
Not everyone who gathers together in this Earth Collective in the astral plane would agree with each other if they were to gather together while in their fourth-dimensional bodies with their fourth-dimensional minds, operating from their egos. But in the astral plane, you all come together because you may not agree on what is needed, or how to change, but you do agree that change is needed there on Earth because the systems that you have in place serve the few and not the many.
And we have noticed that there is still a large segment of the population that expects a few politicians to bring about all of the changes, while they sit on their hands and do nothing. There are many humans who assume that someone else is going to create that reality for them, someone in a position of power. That is not the case.
It takes more than one, or two, or three, or ten people to enact change on your world. This gathering together of what we are calling the Earth Collective in the astral plane realizes that it takes many of you coming together and working together to bring about the changes that you want to see on your world. Now the vision that this Earth Collective holds for humanity is brilliant. There is a version of the human collective conscious that you are a part of that is benefitting just from the meetings, but the creations of the new Earth, an Earth that can still be actualized in the fourth dimension, are beautiful.
And you are all moving towards this new Earth. You are getting there because enough of you are fed up with the way things have been there on Earth, and you want to see massive changes. Enough people are waking up now to the truth of who they are as Source Energy Beings, as creator beings, and that is very encouraging to those of us who root for you, who want to see you succeed.
We, of course, have been invited to these gatherings, and we love to put our perspective into the mix. And we also love that this particular Earth Collective thinks for itself. These individuals, and we know we are speaking to many of you right now, are determined, empowered, and certain that they can make the best possible version of the new Earth, an Earth that is for all, not just for the fortunate few. And as you put your intention to join this collective out there, we are certain that you will be attending the next meeting that takes place in the astral plane.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 5

Unresolved Trauma vs. Unresolved Trauma – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 5

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very supportive of you no matter what you do, think, say, or believe is true about your reality, because we know that you will always be led from within to the truth that all is love. You have the ability to follow your hearts, and you also have the opportunity, if you want to call it that, to be guided by your trauma. Unresolved trauma leads to emotions that are not fully processed, and that leads to words, thoughts, actions, and beliefs that take you further and further from the light and from the truth that all is love.
Now, there have been a lot more people on your world getting triggered at this time because of the intensity of the times you are living in. And when these individuals get triggered, that unresolved trauma is what informs their vibration. Their vibration then attracts them to thoughts, beliefs, and even ideologies that take them further and further from the truth that all is love. You can see this in a lot of people. You can see it in what they are posting online, what they are saying to you personally, and what they are creating in their lives.
You can see the chaos that goes along with pointing oneself towards a belief system that is based on lies, and you will know that the person in question really needs to examine themselves. But if you are triggered by someone else who is acting out and speaking out because of their unresolved trauma, then you have unresolved trauma as well. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter why you feel what you feel. It only matters that you feel what you feel. Make peace with it.
Don’t get into an argument that winds up being a case of your unresolved trauma versus their unresolved trauma. Take the triggering to inform you of what’s going on inside of you, what’s been there simmering, just beneath the surface, because it’s a growth experience. Arguing with people who disagree with you is not a growth experience. Becoming aware of an emotion that is stuck in one of your chakras, sitting with that emotion, feeling it, and clearing it, is a growth experience.
Please do not let your unresolved traumas create your reality, which of course includes your beliefs about your reality. If you take the little bit of time that is required of you to do this most important work on yourselves, you will not encounter so many people who want to show you their unresolved trauma. That’s how creating your reality works. Your reality will show you what you need to see so that you can move past it. That’s not the reality you wanted to create, but it is the reality you needed to create to get to the reality you want to create. That’s how it works.
So instead of arguing with someone else, or pointing out how polarized humanity is, just ask yourself a simple question: ‘What do I feel, and where do I feel it?’ That’s the only way to move past something that is holding you back from being who you really are, and of course, who you really are is Love.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 4

Ask, Create, and Then Go Have Fun – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 4

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are ready to receive more requests from all of you because we know that in your state of asking you are summoning the energy to bring you the experience that you want to have. We also thrive on those desires that you put out into the universal collective consciousness.
We may not be from the same star system, or the same dimension, but we still benefit from the expansion that your asking causes in this universe that we share. We also know that in your asking, you get creative. You are creating the reality that you will someday experience while you are in that state of asking. And so, we love to witness you getting those inspired thoughts and ideas going, and we love to see how the universe expands.
We love to feel that expansion ourselves, as we look for the cracks that you leave open to receive what it is that you have asked for. Once you ask, that part of the equation is done. You don’t have to keep asking, but you do want to stay in the same vibration of what it is you have been asking for. The way you do that is by having more fun.
When you play, when you are in your state of joy, that’s when you open those cracks, through which we can pour a tremendous amount of energy. Once you have the energy, you can create whatever you want, and we see this happening all the time. We see that when people take a break from being spiritual all the time, that is when they let in some of what they have summoned. That means that you have our permission to do things that you want to do for the sake of enjoyment.
It doesn’t all have to be meditation, yoga, chanting, and acts of service. You do plenty of those things, and the effects are experienced by every other being in this universe. But there are times when you just need to engage in some self-care. There are times when it is best for you to just explore the physical realm and to do what brings you the most joy. And in so doing, of course, there will be opportunities for growth. But there will also be synchronicities. There will also be unexpected encounters.
There is so much that is spiritual that also slips through the cracks when you’re not thinking about your chakras, or your thoughts, or your vibration. So continue to ask for what is new and interesting, and then go have some fun. And let’s see what happens. We will be watching.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 3

Awakened Collective, It’s Time to Rise Up – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 3

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with the progress that you continue to make, as the awakened collective, to bringing together the polarized forces that you have there on your world. You are awake enough to realize that it doesn’t serve you well to play the polarity game, and that is what keeps you in a higher vibration. You must already be in a high vibration to be able to receive these messages, and you are continuing to demonstrate your abilities to be compassionate, to love unconditionally, and to release judgment so that you can forgive and let go of resentment.
You are finely-tuned beings who have demonstrated an ability to feel into something, and you are also very connected to your hearts, which are the new centers of your beingness, and that movement from the egoic mind to the high self’s heart is what this shift in consciousness is all about. You must be in your hearts to maintain those high vibrations and to rise above the mind-oriented battles that go on between ideologies, between perspectives. You have a long history of deciding that your feelings are important, and your feelings have served you well.
You can count the number of times that an intuitive feeling has prevented you from making the wrong decision, or has guided you to the right decision, and in those moments, your lives were changed forever. This is what you do. This is how you do it, and this is why you are the ones to lead humanity into a higher consciousness. It’s not because you have all the right information. It’s not because you’re following the right teacher. It’s not because you’ve had more extra-terrestrial DNA activated within you. It’s because of your humanity, and your humanity is all about your emotions.
You are meant to be feeling beings who use your intuitive sense to guide you towards the light, and when you are guided towards the light from within, you have more to share with humanity than someone with three PhDs. You have more to share with humanity than the scientists who are on the leading edge of understanding the universe and how it works.
You have so much to give because of what you have lived and because of what you have felt, and that is enough to be one who serves all of humanity. We see you struggling to figure out what you should be, what you should do, what you should call yourself, and the truth is you are you and that is enough.
It’s time for the awakened collective to rise up to the challenge of bringing these poles together. You don’t need any more separation. You don’t need anyone in a position of power or authority to save you. All you need is to recognize the hero that lies within you, the teacher that is waiting to speak up and speak out, the healer that has always been there, and go forth and do exactly what you want to do, and know that because of who you are, you are helping and healing humankind.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 2

What Will Change You Overnight – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 2

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are already convinced that the human experiment on Earth has been a success. We don’t even need to see what will happen between now and the time of this universal shift in consciousness to know for certain that you all have taken consciousness further than many throughout the galaxy thought you would. Many people look around your world at this time and think that it is in a state of chaos. Many believe that the current situation there on Earth is very sad, and some have even lost hope for humankind.
But we can feel that you’ve been progressing nicely. You have come so far in a very short amount of time, relative to how long you’ve been incarnating there on the planet. And the strides you will make between now and the time you will shift completely are enormous. The capacity that you have to love, show compassion for your fellow humans, and engage in random acts of kindness is so wonderful. It makes all of us here in the higher realms feel optimistic.
And we also know that so many more humans are opening themselves up to the love that is coming from the higher realms, as fewer and fewer humans are believing in a vengeful God that wants to punish you and damn you to eternal suffering. More and more are distancing themselves from that ideology every day. What you are going to do with all of that love you are opening yourselves up to is why we all tune in every single day. We cannot wait to see what you will create. We cannot wait to see how much more compassion and forgiveness you all have accessed in your hearts.
Feeling the love that’s coming from above is enough to change anyone overnight, and at this point there’s so much coming that all of you are bound to have a moment where you let go of all of your angst, all of your resistance, and all of that tension and open up to it. This is a beautiful time in human history, a beautiful time to be there on Earth, receiving love, loving others, and becoming the love that you truly are. We know that this experiment of putting so many different beings together on a planet was a long shot, and yet, there you are.
Things may not be perfect there on Earth, but you are managing. You are getting better every single day. And to those of you who are awake, we say, ‘Congratulations.’ You’ve already surpassed where you were in hundreds of your previous lifetimes. And you are enough to tip the scales. You are enough to make the difference you want to make. And now is the time because you are ready to go further with that consciousness of yours. And we are watching, we are feeling very proud, and we are cheering you on with so many other beings of love and light here in the higher realms.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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