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February 28


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!
Today we’ll speak about another important characteristic of your sixth chakra.
We’ll discuss its ability to keep the very essence, a concentration, of your experiences in previous lives.
And if your buddhic body keeps an entire volume of your experiences, your sixth chakra sifts through all the unnecessary parts and leaves only what you could utilize for your spiritual development.
It is similar to the gold digger, who carefully searches through all the “sands” of your former lives and gently puts in his “bag” only the gold nuggets.
And as soon as occasion arises, it takes it out from the treasury and shows to you.
How does it happen? Of course, it happens differently for each person.
Sometimes, they show us in our dreams the episodes from our former lives, which give the key to understanding what is happening with us now.
And if a person’s spiritual development is sufficient, he would be able to compare his dream and reality and reach a necessary conclusion.
But more often it happens with those, who enter their former lives during meditations, being in the flow of the higher vibrational Divine energies.
They help to open the “third eye” of a person, and then he retrieves out of his precious “bag” the right “golden nugget,” exactly the one he needs to see at this moment.
And now I’ll give you one meditation, which would help you to enter this treasury, where all your accumulated life experiences are kept.
Let’s call it “The Golden Treasury.”
Call upon the Creator and all your Divine helpers for help. Sit in meditation, relax and breathe deeply.
And then move with your consciousness into your “third eye” and ask it to open completely.
You would definitely feel the changes that are happening with the area, which will be experienced differently for each person.
And if you feel that it is opened, ask it to show you the most important information, exactly what you need to see right now for complete liberation from all the programs of three dimensional world, something which is impeding you from moving forward.
The response may come to you in the form of pictures from former lives or in the form of a very strong emotions – such as fear for yourself or for your loved ones, fear of the unknown, feelings of guilt or pride, aggression, resentment, envy, jealousy, another words, whatever interferes with your peace and harmony.
Accept everything that you would see and feel, feeling Love and Gratitude for the experience you had gained and dissolve all the negative emotions, whose residue stayed in your subtle bodies, with the energy of Light and Love.
Feel as it spreads as warmth through your emotional, mental, causal, and buddhic bodies, and when it reaches the atmic body, you would feel such Bliss, being filled with Divine energies, that you’ll want to keep this state forever.
And you are capable of this, dear ones, because you are the Creators of your lives.
And I bless you for that!
Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you
Channeled by Marta on February 28, 2018.

February 27


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!
Today we’ll speak about the buddhic body, where an information about your previous lives is stored, and which is a “thread” connecting you with your Mother Soul.
A person, who is capable of going back to his previous incarnations during meditations or through hypnotic regression, would understand a great deal of what’s happening to him currently, because he could follow the entire chain of cause and effect, connecting together all the events of his current life.
But you must be ready to do that, dear ones, because you might see such shocking things about yourself, that it would make an impression on your subtle bodies as feelings of guilt and remorse.
In reality, you must look at your previous lives with the eyes of an unprejudiced observer.
You must understand that unlike your current life, where you may change a great deal, your past lives are already – a past stage, your earned experience, which was necessary for you, which helped you to reach the higher level of spiritual development, which you presently possess.
Imagine yourself as a mountain climber, who have been patiently climbing to the summit of the mountain, overcoming unbelievable difficulties. And now he has reached his goal.
And now he does not have to descend back. He has walked his path to the end, and this summit is his “trampoline” towards the Ascension – towards a new life in another dimension.
But believe me, dear ones, the knowledge of your karmic “biography” is not necessary.
Even if you won’t have an opportunity to immerse in the past, it won’t stop you from moving forward, because now you are given all the necessary knowledge for development of your Soul; as well as for the transformation of your consciousness and you physical body into the light crystalline body.
The most important thing for you now is “crystallization” of all the knowledge you have received: “sifting” of all that is not necessary, artificial and alien; so called separation of the grains from the shafts, of which so much has been said in the messages from the Higher Powers.
You need to swim back to the surface from that wild current of information about the Ascension of Earth, which is flowing from the Internet and different esoteric publications, in which you are drowning. And after you regain your breath, you must concentrate upon yourself – on your feelings, physical, emotional, energetic.
You need to direct all the accumulated knowledge into the practical channel, and your sixth chakra would help you to accomplish that.
For that I’d like to offer you the following.
After reaching a meditative state and calling all your Spiritual guides, call your Mother Soul through your sixth chakra with a request to “transform” all the experiences accumulated during all your lives in the three dimensional world into Light and Love.
Do not hurry, sit quietly for as long as possible. Listen for your feelings in the sixth chakra.
It may “tremble” from joy, may be filled with warmth, may start pulsing or moving clockwise…
Everyone would experience it differently, but you would definitely feel how it responds to your request.
You can do this meditation several times, until you feel that your earthy cycle is completed and you are ready for Ascension.
And every time when you are ready to merge with your Mother Soul, imagine your sixth chakra, which like an umbilical cord connects you with it.
Feel your original energy, which you have been missing during many many centuries of your wondering in the three dimensional world…
I bless you for that, dear ones!
Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you
Channeled by Marta on February 27, 2018.

February 26


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!

Today we’ll continue our conversation about the sixth chakra, and reveal you its other characteristic.

This chakra serves as a connecting element between your human and Divine essence.

After you activate your third eye, only the last step will remain for your direct communication with the Higher Forces of the Universe.

And today we’ll speak about what you must do to activate the abilities of your chakra to the maximum.

First of all, you must remember that the “nourishing environment” for this chakra is pure Unconditional Love – its original energy.

As soon as you learn how to live, being constantly in the flow of the energy of Love, the lost functions of your third eye will start to restore quite quickly.

I know that some Ascended Masters sincerity think they help people with the opening and even do that freely, but they are not capable, dear ones, to control your emotional state and your energy levels constantly.

They only can give you a strong impulse towards your further spiritual development, but all the main work is still carried by you.

You can use this chance and maintain the level of spiritual growth that has been initiated, or you could, hoping that everything has been done for you, continue to live as you have lived before, not making any efforts for your self-development.

And this is the greatest danger of such assistance from outside.

Trust me, dear ones, the Ascension of the human soul – is a very individual process, which happens differently for each person – in each own time and speed.

And any artificial interference into your energy space, especially when such sacred things as opening and activation of your chakras are put on mass production, can bring imbalance to your psychological and emotional states and even to your physical state.

And as a rule, it does not help with your advancement upon spiritual path.

It is similar to buying a diploma from a spiritual “university,” and it would not increase your knowledge and skills.

And the last thing I wanted to tell you today.

Try to keep your thoughts pure and do not allow your observant critical mind to analyze current events and human behavior.

It is exactly what delays the advancement of most people.

Catch any thought of judgment, criticism, discontent at first stage, until they are not filled with negative energies.

It is very important, dear ones. It is precisely your automatic reaction to current events that contaminates your subtle bodies, and does not allow you to ascend to that height, which your Soul endeavors to reach.

We will stop here today.

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 26, 2018.

February 25


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!

Today I would like to tell you how with the help of your sixth chakra you can discern the beings of the higher astral, who very often dictate messages to the people now.

It would not be possible to do for everyone, but only for those whose soul possesses a true Divine “tuning fork,” which is capable of catching false notes, that may appear as extreme sweetness, verbosity, redundancy, and sometimes very complex messages, full of technical or scientific terminology.

In reality, true messages are always simple, brief and perceptible for anyone, and their main goal – is to bring you a new knowledge, which would help you to figure out what’s happening on the planet now, that would suggest how to live and act according to the new realities.

The truth of the matter is that the beings of the higher astral sincerely feel they help you to make progress with the messages they dictate.

To give more importance to their words and to earn your trust, they present themselves under the names of the Higher Powers or under the names of highly respected people, who had left the dense plane of Earth.

And because in the most of these messages, they also speak about the “Light and Love,” it is possible to discern them ONLY energetically.

And now I’ll give you a few advises how to make an energy test of some channelled messages with the help of the sixth chakra.

For that, you need to be in a quiet harmonious state and its better to put an energy defense to isolate yourself from communication with astral beings, who are very afraid of being discovered.

Then after reading a text or at least after reading a few paragraphs, ask your third eye to give its evaluation of the message.

If it’s a true message from the Higher Powers, then you would DEFINITELY feel its reaction – as pulsations, clockwise movements, expansion, warmth…

But if the message has been dictated by the astral beings, then it is more likely that your fourth or fifth chakra would react, because they are at the same vibrational level.

But if this message has been dictated by the Dark forces or by the beings of the lower astral, then you would feel vibrations at the level of the lower chakras or any other expressions at the level of the physical body.

There is another method of discernment to determine whether you need to spend time reading one or the other message.

Won’t you agree, dear ones, that it often happens that you are attracted by the title, and you plunge into reading of the message, even if at the beginning you felt something is wrong. Your curiosity drives you to read further.

As a result, you waste a lot of time and besides your energy space becomes contaminated.

To avoid that, after reading the title and the name of the channeler, who channeled the message, you can turn to your third eye and ask if you need this information.

And if you have establish certain contact with it, it would definitely react.

You can develop special signs for communication with it, to receive quick “yes” and “no” responses.

And believe me, dear ones, this channel of communication with your Divine essence is very reliable, because not a single astral being is capable to reach it with their vibrations.

But again, I urge you to be creative and to develop your own practices and exercises, because it is difficult for the Higher Powers to give you advices and recommendations – because you are so unique.

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 25, 2018.

February 23


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!

Today we’ll continue our conversation about your sixth chakra.

I’ll tell you about its role in human life now – in the period of your shift into the higher dimension, and how it is possible to reanimate its original functions.

But first of all, I want to warn you that it is not possible for every person, but only for those who could raise their consciousness, which also means vibrations, to the level of at least fourth dimension. And there are enough people like that on Earth now.

The more you ascend on the ladder leading you to the fifth dimension, the more clearly you would sense your sixth chakra.

You would feel like it decreases, pulses, or increases.

You may feel sensations like pins and needles, light vibrations, cold or heat in the area of your third eye.

That would be its physical manifestations. But much more important, that it starts waking up after the deep sleep and restores its lost abilities, the main ability is its communication with the subtle plane.

What would be the manifestations of your third eye?

First of all, you would start feeling each other subtly, which means communication on the subtle plane.

The most crucial aspect of your communication would not be the words, which you are accustomed to exchange with each other, but the energies, which carry your emotions, thoughts and actions.

You would read them from each other, not uttering any words, and it would be the first step towards telepathic communication, which all the people at the beginning of human civilization once possessed.

Of course, it would not come in one day. You need to develop these skills like you develop your body to keep it slim, flexible and beautiful.

But now your relationships must become just as flexible and beautiful.

You can start small.

Every day, while communicating with any person you meet, try to look into his soul to discern his emotional state, to feel his wishes, to foretell the way of his thinking.

And when a person starts talking or acting, you will immediately realize how accurately you had read information about him.

Stereotypes are very powerful in a three dimensional world, and that’s why the words and actions of the people are of similar type.

You’ll be surprised how predictable people in the world of duality can be. It won’t be difficult to penetrate their subtle bodies to read their thoughts and emotions.

But with the people who are at the same level as you are, you may encountered some surprises, because these people are spiritually close to you and you assume they must think and react as you are.

And if it’s not happening, you are very surprised and astonished.

But you forget, dear ones, that the higher is a spiritual level of a person, the more rich and multidimensional is his inner world, the wider is his perception of reality, which is stripped off cliches and stereotypes.

Therefore, it takes great mastery to penetrate the soul of this person, which is not possible for everyone.

But the most important thing that you need now – is to start practicing such communication-feeling of each other, and gradually step after step you’ll develop your third eye – reanimate it, return it to its past glory.

And I bless you for that, dear ones!

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 23, 2018.

February 21


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!

Today we’ll cover more complex material. We’ll start studying the buddhic and atmic bodies, and also their sensory organs – sixth and seventh chakras, which are the bridge, connecting you with your Divine essence, which also helps you to communicate with the subtle world.

Unfortunately, there are still very few people on Earth, whose sixth and seventh chakras are open and developed enough to allow them to communicate with the Higher Powers.

There are much more people, who are capable of communicating with the astral beings, who live in a space around the Earth, in close proximity to you.

And because these beings have become almost “professional” in the area of Ascension of the Earth, who have mastered the right terminology and learned to speak eloquently on this subject; it has become very difficult for people to differentiate between the channelled messages from the Forces of Light and those dictated by the higher astral.

I’ll try to teach you how to feel these subtle differences, which will protect you from mistakes and would allow to determine clearly the vibrations of your heavenly “interlocutors.”

But we’ll start from afar. And today we’ll speak about the sixth chakra, which is often called the “third eye” of a person.

Where have that name originated?

A long time ago the third eye had really existed on physical plane, and some beings living in the higher dimensions still possess it.

But as people gradually descended into the three dimensional world, the third eye has become “overgrown” like a gentle subtle plant, strangled by the “weeds” of life in duality.

One of the programs, implanted in the human consciousness by the Dragon race, has been blocking of the sixth chakra, which connected people with the subtle world.

The thin thread which connected a human soul with his real essence – the memory of its Divine origins and of its connection with the Mother Soul – would be cut while in the embryo.

That way, a human being would come into the world already “blind” and “deaf.” He was left with only physical sensory organs, with his perception of the subtle world completely blocked.

And only a few Great Souls, who have incarnated on Earth with the goal to restore justice – to return to the human beings that which rightfully belong to them, have been able to “wake up” their third eye and to develop a lost connection with the subtle world.

But now the situation has changed. New energies of the highest vibrations come in contact with the people, who have reached a certain level of spiritual development, are able to neutralize these programs; which allows thousands of people to activate their third eye and by doing that to open the doors into the subtle world.

Numerous practices which are given by the Higher Powers of the Universe help them to accomplish the activation.

And everything would be great, dear ones, if you lived in the ideal harmonious conditions and stayed in a state of Light and Love.

But you continue to live in the world of duality, communicate with very different people, experience the fluctuations of very different energies, and as a result the beings from the astral world of Earth are eager to use your “bridge” into the subtle world.

And depending on what energies prevail in you in each moment, you attract similar beings: from the lower to the higher astral.

They also develop and have learned to raise their vibrations to the heights, which allow them to “jump” reaching your fourth and even fifth chakras.

And in one of my next messages, we’ll discuss how to learn the discernment of such “guests,” using your subtle sensory organs.

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 21, 2018.

February 20


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!

Today I would like to conclude our conversation about the causal body and tell you of its other characteristic.

And that’s what it is.

In spite of being the body of fairly high vibrations, causal body sometimes contains within itself a collection of cliches and stereotypes.

But they already have a different character than the ones in the lower bodies. They could be called “spiritual stereotypes.”

It pertains to religious dogmas, philosophical teachings, moral principles – in other words, all that is relevant to the moral side of the human life.

But in spite of that, they still remain stereotypes, because they limit human consciousness into the narrow boundaries, not allowing it to be raised to the new higher level.

Why does it happen?

As a rule, a person starts his spiritual development, based upon the teachings of famous philosophers, religious figures, historians, or spiritual leaders, where he finds clearly formed concepts and foundations.

If such figures are guite famous and respected names in the society, a spiritual seeker believes them unconditionally, accepting everything as the truth from the higher authorities.

If he is especially interested in something, he starts to seek other literature on the same subject, subconsciously trying to find more proofs of the theory he likes.

And gradually he himself starts to be the follower and proponent of one or another teaching.

It is the path of almost every person, who try to transcend the boundaries of the material life and to gain a higher – spiritual – meaning of his existence.

But you must remember the following, dear ones.

All the spiritual teachings, except the ones that have been received directly from the Higher Powers, has been created by the people, which means they have a subjective character and they involuntarily carry within the impressions of personality, mental characteristics and the level of spirituality of the person who created them.

And then his mental reflections and conclusions had been picked up and continuously repeated by other people, and with time they become transformed into cliches and stereotypes, which has been collected in the causal bodies of his followers.

And I will give you several advices how to avoid your dependence on the opinions of others and to start progressing independently.

First, remember an expression, “Do not create an idol for yourself.”

It contains a very deep meaning within, because it is precisely “an idol” who can make spiritual slaves out of those, who are not able to think independently.

Blind faith in something or in someone is what creates fanaticism in all its expressions.

Remember how much blood has been spilled for “religious convictions,” how many wars have been started “in the name of God,” which means how many “cliches” have been collected in the causal bodies of the people…

Therefore, always avoid fanatically inclined people, regardless under which banners they hide.

Second, believe yourself, your Soul, your heart!

Converse with them more often. Raise from the depth of your memory true Divine knowledge, which lives in each of you.

Do not attempt to embrace the unbounded. To be an erudite, filled to the brim with spiritual knowledge, does not mean to be a spiritual person.

It is possible to radiate a great wisdom and Unconditional Love, which would be enough for a hundred people, without reading a single book; because you have all the knowledge within you, which only waits for you to open it and bring to the surface the depth of your heart.

And these are not simply beautiful words.

Observe people, nature, plant and animal kingdoms!

Make your own conclusions, listening to your inner voice more than to what others are saying, often attempting to enforce upon you their own vision of the world.

And lastly, never argue with anyone, stubbornly fighting to defend your point of view.

Allow other people to have their opinion, which may be not less valuable, even if it does not coincide with yours.

Listen keenly to it: may be it would allow you to open new horizons and by doing that to avoid your own stereotypes, which may collect in your causal body.

Try to find a golden mean in everything, which would allow you to combine naturally other people’s experiences with your own, and always remember that the development of your Soul and expansion of your Consciousness are truly UNLIMITED!

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 20, 2018.

February 19


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!

Today I would like to continue our conversation about the causal body, revealing to you its another function.

Besides its “analytical abilities,” of which we have spoken in my previous message, it has another ability to accumulate within itself the energy, governing your thoughts and emotions.

And that’s what it means.

After your thoughts and emotions go through the causal body and undergo the energy “processing,” they return to the world, having already a different character – more organized and harmonized.

It happens because causal body by itself has much higher vibrations then emotional and mental, which has given it material for “processing.”

It is similar to adult person listening to a child, spilling out to adult all his problems and emotions, who then calmly and wisely puts everything in its places, explaining what has happened from the point of view of the Divine Laws.

But it happens only when a person has already crossed the line, separating him from the world of duality, and is ready to listen to truth, but not to what the Ego wants him to hear.

But for the people completely submerged into the three dimensional world, causal body serves as a “shield” protecting their buddhic and atmic bodies from the lower energies.

Lower vibrational thoughts and emotions of such people bounce like balls from the higher vibrational “wall” of the causal body, and return to these people as a mirror image.

That way, the causal body serves as the most immediate part in the fulfillment of the Divine Laws, “As within, so without” and “What you saw, that you’ll reap.”

It accumulates the energy of human thoughts and emotions and returns it in a stronger form.

It pertains to any energy, positive and negative.

Thus, the thoughts, filled with Goodness and Love, return Goodness and Love into the life of a person in the form of pleasant events, good people, great health and harmonious life.

But the thought, filled with anger and aggression, attracts the people and events of similar vibrations, making ones life even more difficult.

Therefore, we can call the causal body the main executor of the Divine Laws, accumulating the energy, radiated by a person, and then generating its flow outside.

Therefore, dear ones, it is so important to keep pure your mental and emotional bodies, because the purity of your causal body depends upon them.

As I have told you in my messages, everything is in your hands, because you are the Creators of your reality and are able to govern it with the power of your thoughts.

And if your thoughts are filled with Love – the most powerful of all the energies of the Universe – then you will have mastery over everything.

Always remember that, dear ones!

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 19, 2018.

5 April 2018 Ascended Masters, Practices and meditations, Yeshua
our-mutual-ascension-causal-bodyGreetings, my dear beloved souls!

Today we’ll start talking about the next body – the causal one, which can be considered your “analytical center.”

It is precisely where your deductions and conclusions are made, as a result of your prolonged thinking, analyzing the facts and different reasons for the events that happened with you.

The Causal body “processes” the material, which is supplied by the mental body in the form of all kinds of thoughts and emotions that it carries.

Therefore, the purity of a causal body depends on the quality of your thoughts – its energy component.

As you can see, dear ones, in this case too you need to observe your thoughts and emotions, so you can send for “processing” to the causal body a pure higher vibrational “material.”

What could help you to do that?

First and the most importan. Try to observe a chain of events that’s happening with you from the point of view of the Higher Divine Laws.

And then the results of your thinking would already have a completely different character – you would look at everything not with the eyes of a person of the three dimensional world, but with the higher consciousness of a person who lives in the fourth or even fifth dimension.

Second. Never seek the cause of your problems in another people, because just this thought already carries within it a judgment, and therefore is filled with the energies of three dimensional world.

Such judgment forms a chain causing accusations and aggression, which pulls you into the lower energies.

Third. Do not overdo it in another direction – do not blame yourself for all your problems, because the feeling of guilt is also the energy of lower vibrations, caused by living in duality, when there are always the ones who are right or wrong, guilty or not guilty, good or bad…

So how should you behave in the correct manner, not becoming entangled in your emotions and thoughts, caused by events that are happening with you?

Look at everything from the position of the observer, who studies life with curiosity, obtains new experiences – positive and negative, and is grateful for that because it enriches his life, filling it with meaning and content.

Never look back. Utilize your life experiences, but do not become submerged into your feelings, connected with pain and troubles.

Let them go! Do not allow them to settle in your subtle bodies and gradually destroy them, provoking sickness and psychological disturbances.

It is necessary to be able to part with heavy memories as easily as you part with the old garments, when they become to small for you or worn out with time.

You can imagine that you “throw off” yourself the difficult periods of your life as you throw off old dirty clothes, which you “burn” in the fire of Universal Love.

And then you dress yourself with pure Divine garments, which fills your subtle bodies with Light and Love.

And you shine so brightly, that your Light fills all the Earth, Galaxy, and Universe.

Try to do, dear ones, this simple but very powerful practice.

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 18, 2018.

Our Mutual Ascension (Causal Body)

February 22


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!

My today’s message is a small diversion from our topic.

I’d like to speak with you about the subject which is relevant for many of you.

And our subject is how to reconcile the ever growing dissonance between your inner state and your surroundings.

I see that for many of you it becomes a barrier for your continual spiritual growth.

It has been said many times already, that all disharmonious people and situations are given to enable you to go through your last lessons, polish your mastery in accepting with Love and Gratitude everything you meet on your path.

And yet many of you lack patience and wisdom to go through these lessons honorably.

That’s why I’d like to gift you with one more practice, which would help you to exist in both worlds simultaneously.

Let’s call it “The Golden Sphere.”

During the entire day, try to imagine yourself enclosed in the Golden Sphere, filled with the sparkling pink-silvery energy of Love.

This is your island of the fifth dimension, which you have already created for yourself on Earth.

You feel good and comfortable in this sphere. You feel yourself protected from the lower energies of duality.

And if some disharmonious situations would appear in your life, creating negative energies, imagine that they crush at the walls of your sphere.

Like an armor it protects you from the strange energies and at the same time you quietly observe what’s happening, making conclusions and learning necessary lessons.

But your sphere has special characteristics, because while not allowing negative energies inside, it allows you to radiate outside pure and loving energies, filling the surrounding space with them.

That’s why, dear ones, imagine yourself as often as you can inside such magic sphere, radiating outside the energy of Light and Love.

It would allow you to balance the state of being simultaneously in two worlds and at the same time generously filling with Divine energy the Earth and all its inhabitants.

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 22, 2018

February 17


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!

Today I’d like to conclude our conversation about mental body and to reveal a mechanism of its collaboration with the other subtle bodies of humans.

Because mental body like its sensory organ – the heart chakra – is located in the middle, on the border separating the earthy and heavenly expressions of a person, it is some kind of a buffer between the three lower and three higher bodies.

Therefore, besides its direct functions, it carries in itself an additional burden.

For better understanding of my words, let’s look at the following example.

Tragic death of your loved one.

As a rule, after the first shock, you’ll start to analyze the situation: why has it happened and how unfair it is, you’ll start feeling sorry for the deceased and for yourself, who is left alone, but someone might also feel a sense of guilt that he could not protect his loved one, could not prevent tragedy.

Another words, there are so many thoughts moving through your head, that your mental body is literally “choking” with its flow.

And all these thoughts are provided by your lower bodies, which during many years of living together has become united, related with the subtle bodies of the deceased person, interlaced with his energy fields, and now it is difficult to become separate with the part of himself…

Really, on subtle planes the people who love each other and are spiritually close, who have lived together for many years, often have a unified aura. And when one of them leaves physical plane, the other one experiences an unbelievable pain.

And the mental body takes this pain upon itself.

That’s how it happens with almost all the people, whose vibrations do not go beyond the limits of three dimensional world.

But there are other examples – rare exceptions, when people’s spiritual level allows them to see the passing of the loved ones not as death, but as a Shift either to another world or to another dimension.

And such a person is able to rejoice sincerely for his loved one, who already reached the goal, which they had tried to reach together, knowing that the Soul of his loved one abides Home in peace and harmony, that she has shifted to the new level of being.

And then instead of crying and suffering, he sends the loved one all his Love, knowing they have not separated, but only exist on different sides of the veil, which separates the dense and subtle worlds.

In such case, mental body of a person receives the energies of higher vibrations, which are radiated by his causal, buddhic and atmic bodies.

His mental body does not feel stress and stays in harmonious state, because his thoughts of deceased have a peaceful and loving character.

Again, I have shown you two extremes, so you could see clearly a mechanism how the mental body accepts information.

In reality, the reaction of each of you to any event is so individual, that a set of your emotions and thoughts is truly infinite.

Most importantly, you need to remember how to protect and purify your mental body: you are almighty, you have the power over your feelings and thoughts.

You have already left the limits of three dimensional world, which means your thoughts and emotions are already filled with different energies.

Support this high level, do not cross the border, separating your staying in the higher spheres of being with the world, which has already become strange to you, from which you have already escaped.

Raise with your consciousness higher than the mental body – where your Divine being lives!

And I bless you for that, dear ones!

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 17, 2018.

February 16


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!

Today we’d like to continue our conversation about mental body.

We’ll discuss its ability to accumulate within it all the stereotypes and cliches of the three dimensional world, which when combined create all the programs – mental mindsets, which block your forward movement towards the new level of life, based on the spiritual and not the material values.

And now let’s try to find out how it happens and what could be done, so you can get rid of the old stereotypes and not obtain the new ones.

A mechanism of “earning” such programs is the same as in the emotional body, the frequently repeated emotions densify and transform into the clots of uniform energy, so called blocks.

In this case, they are formed from the frequently repeated thoughts, which gradually become entrenched in your consciousness, transforming into the stereotypes of your thinking.

That way, pure Divine flow of your consciousness, with which every person is born, becomes gradually contaminated and does not let in true eternal knowledge, which nourishes the human soul and not the mind.

And the more person descends into the three dimensional world, the more he is engulfed by the social environment, which imposes upon him its rules, traditions, moral principles, stereotypical opinions and other attributes of duality, the less he is able to hear his soul the more distanced from the spiritual side of being.

The media and especially TV play a huge role in that, transforming unsophisticated person into their slave, literally paralyzing his consciousness and not allowing him to think independently.

A person does not have much time and energy to be alone, with his own soul, to listen to his inner voice…

It has been said many times, in whose hands are the main”instruments” ofcontrol over human consciousness, and I am not going to repeat it.

But instead let’s talk how to resist the “plaque” of the three dimensional world and to purify your mental bodies from the alien programs imposed upon you.

Of course, the first thing that needs to be done – is to stop watching TV, at least those programs that carry negative energies and which roughly impose someone’s opinions on you.

Second item that requires your attention – is your surroundings and especially those people who have influence on you.

What energies do they carry, what do they give to your soul and not to your mind?

Do you need to pay attention to their opinions? May be you act following your habit and earning these mental stereotypes in the process?

In order to change situation, you need to observe your every thought, like you observe your emotions.

Remember, I have taught you to ask ask yourself a question, “Is this my thought as a human or is it my Soul speaks?”

But what if it is the thought of another person repeated to you many times and already transformed into the strong stereotype?

To “separate the grains from the shafts,” ask yourself every time, “Do I agree with that? Do I want that? Is it my own wish or it has been imposed from the outside?”

And most importantly, try to feel which energy is filling your thought: does it carry Light and Love, aggression or judgment, but may be it is completely neutral and has come to you out of habit.

Of course, it is not easy to do, dear ones – too many thoughts are playing in the head of every person.

You need patience and lengthy training, because the programs of the three dimensional world has been built in you through many years and in many past lives.

But you definitely must do that, because without it you cannot purify your mental body and move forward.

Let’s stop here today.

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 16, 2018

February 15


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!

Thus, let’s continue our conversation about the subtle energy organs and move from the emotional to mental body.

As you understand, they are closely connected with each other, as well as with your thoughts and emotions.

The thoughts nourish and warm up your emotions, because they enclose them into images; they have dialogues with your “wrongdoers,” compelling a person to experience the unpleasant moments again and again.

As a rule, it is precisely difficult memories that are “cooking” within you for a long time.

But the pleasant ones are experienced more like sensations. You are bathing in a STATE of bliss, joy, love without much analyzing or thinking.

Why does it happen? There is a simple explanation for that.

You live in a three dimensional world of lower vibrations, therefore any negative energy feels at home here. It is immediately caught up by the astral beings, who live feeding on these energies. They pamper them, doing everything they can, so these energies won’t loose it’s strength and continue to “feed” them as long as possible.

But the energies of happiness, joy, love, bliss exist in completely different dimension and represent not thoughts, which are the attributes of the three dimensional world and the Mind, but a STATE, which is an attribute of the Soul, which lives in the much higher vibrations.

Let’s return to the mental body. What is it’s function and meaning for a human being?

Its task is to enclose emotions into thoughts and words, analyze what’s happening, and then give the result of your thinking.

And, of course, its “work” depends on a state of the spiritual development of each person.

You know very well how different could be a human reaction to the same event and what different emotions they could create.

What may seem like a tragedy for the young souls, for mature souls is just an one episode from life, adding different aspect to their learning about life.

And now we’ll talk about how to learn to take charge of your mental body, how to protect it from suffering, how to create for it a comfortable and harmonious state.

Of course, first you must learn how to take charge of your emotions, which we have covered in previous messages; because then you would give only pure “raw materials” for the “transformation” to your mental body, the emotions of Goodness and Love, which would nourish it with blessed Divine energy.

And then your mental body will increase in size, its particles will create a beautiful and harmonious design, and heart chakra, which is your organ of feelings, will accumulate a greater power and then would share it with everyone you’ll meet on your path.

Thus, this Divine energy will unite subtle and dense worlds and you’ll become its conductors.

And the higher you would rise on your spiritual ladder, the greater current of Love you’ll be able to conduct through your subtle bodies, and by doing that you would generously fill with Love the Earth and the people around you.

We will stop here today.

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 15, 2018

February 14


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!

Today I’d like to conclude our conversation about the emotional body and give you one more practice, which will teach you how to “hear” and feel it.

Let’s call it “Echo” because in essence it’s a communication with your emotional body; being able to catch the “Echo,” which responds to your call.

You don’t need to sit in meditation for this practice.

It’s goal – is to make a habit of your communication with your emotional body, learn to live in constant “dialogue” with it.

Thus, during the day, regardless where you are – at home, at work, driving, try to observe your energy flows and catch the emotional impulses in response to all situations, to all the people, and to all the news you hear.

Practice honest objective analysis of your reaction to the world surrounding you in all its expressions.

And listen to the feelings of your emotional body; what’s going on with it, is it happy with your reaction or not?

If you completely mastered a practice, which I have given you in the previous message, you would surely feel how it responds to your emotional reaction.

And if you realize, that you succumbed to the provocation of the three dimensional world and radiated into the outside world the energies of fear, judgment, irritation and other negative emotions, then you can replay it any minute by transforming it from negative to positive.

After replaying the situation, again listen to your emotional body.

Believe me, dear ones, it is a very exciting pursuit.

You would feel as the circus artists, “juggling” your emotions like black and white balls, gradually throwing aside the black ones and finishing their act with only white balls in their hands.

And gradually it would be your habitual state – “to juggle with only white balls.”

But to conclude our conversation about the emotional body, I wanted to tell you of its another characteristic, it’s close connection with the heart chakra, although the heart chakra is not a sensory organ of the emotional body.

This connection is expressed in their synchronized impulses, when they filter your emotions through them.

And if your heart chakra – this Divine filter – filters them though itself, trying to soften and neutralize your emotions, your emotional body is some kind of archive – depository – of your emotions, which become imprinted within it. And in case, when you constantly generate such emotions, your emotional body starts to “choke” from the strange energies, then it throws them off into your etheric body, where they obtain a certain form, substance, size…

And because every organ of your body is energetically connected with a certain kind of emotions, then it attracts towards itself like a magnet these energy lumps, and becomes sick as a result.

It is exactly this principle, which is the origin of psychosomatic causes of your diseases, which many people utilize already and which your non traditional medicine employs now.

Therefore, always remember, dear ones, if you could earn your disease with your disharmonious emotions, then if you transform them into harmonious, you can get rid of the disease.

Everything is in your hands!

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 14, 2018

February 13


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!

Today I’d like to continue our conversation about an emotional body and how to take care of it and protect it from the energy attacks.

As I have told you in a previous message, it is precisely an emotional body that takes upon itself the first hit from the negative energies, which a person radiates outside.

Therefore, understanding that all your emotions carry within itself the energies of certain vibrations, you need to learn how to regulate them like you, for example, tune in your radio for the necessary wavelength.

Your body – is the same radio, and your consciousness is the “dial of the tuning.”

If you tune in for the short wavelength, you’ll catch the programs of the three dimensional world, and if you tune in for the long ones, you’ll catch the energies of Love and Light.

And today you’ll learn how to regulate the energy “tuning.”

In the beginning, let’s try the following exercise.

In a meditative state, remember someone you love and feel how your emotional body reacts to this remembrance.

But feel your subtle body, not your heart chakra.

It may seem to you that it is swaying, moving clockwise, pulsing…

Someone may see what a beautiful design is created by the molecules-particles.

Feel completely the reaction of your emotional body to the energy of Love..

And then remember someone, who have caused you pain, who have wounded your soul, and feel how your emotional body reacts to this person.

More that likely you would feel that it is contracted, rigid, decreased in size.

Negative energy of the unpleasant memories literally densifies it, greatly decreasing its vibrations.

And the molecules-particles create an ugly chaotic design.

And as soon as you would feel it, do the following.

Imagine this person as a Golden Angel, who simply has taken part in a masked ball, putting on himself the costume of a villain.

He has not wanted to cause you pain, but simply played his role very well, to teach you acceptance and Unconditional Love.

And in reality his Soul loves you sincerely and knows that he is your particle as well as you are – a particle of his Soul, because you are all – children of one Father.

Send this person all your Love from the heart chakra. Surround him with your warmth and gentleness.

And then observe carefully what would happen with your emotional body.

It would immediately relax, straighten, increase in size, start “moving” and the molecules-particles would create a beautiful harmonious design.

Practice like that, dear ones, remembering in turn the people you love and don’t love.

Learn to take charge of the energy processes, which you generate outside.

And when you completely master this process, then you’ll be able to keep your emotional body pure.

Let it become your energetic hygiene, a tool in the care for your subtle bodies, like you take care of your physical body, pampering it to ensure that its beautiful to make it pleasant for yourself and other people.

We will stop here today.

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 13, 2018

February 12


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!

Thus, let’s continue our conversation about learning how to regulate the energetic processes in your bodies.

And if in previous messages we have spoken about the energy components as a whole, now we’ll look at each of the bodies separately.

We’ll start with the emotional body, because it is the most vulnerable for the human beings. And that is why.

The emotional body takes upon itself the first impression of everything a person meets on his path, the first unconscious “impulse” of perception.

And then it follows through the chain – from mental to causal bodies, and sometimes to buddhic and atmic bodies, if it’s related to spiritual matters.

Thus, it’s an emotional body where the original “design” of the following energy movement to other energy bodies originates; and not only in your bodies, but in the bodies of the people with whom you associate.

It is a very complicated process, which is difficult to comprehend for a person of a three dimensional world, but I’ll try to explain it with very simple words.

For example, you meet a new person and he or she elicits your sympathy or antipathy.

Your emotional body reacts immediately with certain energy processes: molecules – particles would start to create a beautiful harmonious design, if you respond to a person with goodwill and love, or would start a chaotic movements if you reacted with fear and suspicion.

Then the thoughts would take over: “he is so pleasant” or “he is such an unpleasant person,” depending on one or another “design” that is already moving to the mental body.

After you start analyzing why you have liked or not liked a certain person, the connection between the cause and effect is created, and your causal body would take its turn.

Therefore, depending on a first impulse, from your very first reaction to what happens, the energy process in your subtle bodies is launched, harmonious or disharmonious.

And now imagine how many events and different meetings happen in the life of every person during one day, not mentioning the weeks, months, years…

And all of them launch very different types of energies.

Try to realize what a tremendous blow it causes for a subtle body of a person, living in the world of duality in the third dimension.

Fortunately, the people who live exclusively in negative emotions like suicidal are very rare, because in such cases a program of self – destruction is turning on, which on a physical level is expressed in numerous diseases.

Most often human emotions fluctuate depending on life circumstances, and it allows people to stay afloat.

But now the time has come, dear ones, when it is necessary to submit your emotions to your will, and you have everything you need for that.

You are starting to live according to the Laws of the Universe, which bring to the forefront subtle sensory organs, and your understanding of life events from a position of the Divine being.

The Higher Powers of the Universe “take under their wings” everyone, whose soul aspires to Light and Love, and they do everything to make sure you won’t stumble.

The assistance also comes from your Galactic family.

That’s why I believe that our mutual efforts would bring beautiful results.

But still, dear ones, the main work for self – improvement is your personal work, and it must be very thorough daily work.

But won’t you agree it is so pleasant to see its results – how fast your life is changing, the people around you, and most importantly yourself.

It is worth it, is not it true, dear ones?

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 12, 2018

February 11


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!

Today’s message must become a certain milestone on your spiritual path, because I’ll explain you how to learn to take charge of your energy flows.

Imagine your body as a multilayered silhouette: a physical body surrounded by the multicolored layers of the ethereal, emotional, mental, causal, buddhic, and atmic bodies.

Each of them is filled with corresponding energies. And the further away is such a body from the physical one, the more rarified energies it contains.

They all stay in a perpetual motion. You can imagine them as molecules or particles, which stay very close or in a certain distance from each other, depending to which subtle body they belong to.

And because each of your bodies has the color of a corresponding chakra, all of them together look really amazing.

Try to realize how much more complex the human structure is from the energetic point of view, and how much this side of the human beings remains unexplored in the third dimensional world.

In most cases, you assume that everything that’s unseen for a human being, simply does not exist.

But in reality, it is precisely the energy field of a person which is the basis for his health and for the peace of his soul.

And the consciousness of a human being, who left the limits of three dimensional world, is capable of the energy processes not only in their subtle bodies, but in the bodies of the people around him.

Such consciousness is capable to harmonize the chaotic movement of the “molecules,” which is immediately reflected in the physical and psychic state of a person.

And today I’ll give you the first practice, which will be a beginning of such necessary and exciting work, which, I am sure, would excite you even more and more as you would see its results.

For that, you need to learn to quickly visualize all the bodies of a person and to see with your inner vision, in which of the bodies the movement of the “molecules” is the most disharmonious or chaotic.

In an ideal state it rarely happens, the “molecules” move in one rhythm and in a certain order, creating a specific unique design. And the more peaceful and blissful is the state of a person, the more beautiful and perfect is the design.

But if a person is in a state of anger, resentment or anxiety, the “molecules” start to rush, getting together into heaps, as if in a panic, looking for protection in each other.

It is exactly such heaps – densities that are seen by the healers, who work with the energies, who attempt to dissolve them.

But we will take another route. We will try to learn how to harmonize the energy currents by sending the Divine impulse through the power of our thoughts and the energy of Love.

You better start from yourself in order to understand where the disturbance have happened, where the Divine particles – “molecules” have stumbled, losing its rhythm and breaking the beautiful harmonious “dance” of Love.

And as soon as you would “see” and feel it, send them the powerful current of Love from your heart chakra.

And surely speak with your frightened particles!

Tell them that it happened by chance, that in the future you’ll be more careful and would not hurt them by your negative energies anymore, that you love them very much and will not cause them pain…

And then observe how joyfully they would resume their beautiful “dance” of Love, creating again their harmonious design.

We will stop here today.

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 11, 2018

February 9


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!

Let’s continue our conversation about the fifth chakra, this great worker, that transmits your inner strivings into the outer world.

To help you better understand a mechanism of the energy cooperation of all your chakras, let’s imagine the body of a person as a multicolored Divine vessel, separated by the unseen dividers into seven parts, according to the colors of your chakras.

When a person stays in a relatively calm and and harmonious state, each chakra radiates an even beautiful color. And the higher is the vibrations of a person, the wider is the circle of light radiating from his chakras.

But when a person is overcome by the passions, which are fed by the lower vibrational energies, then all the colors are mixed in the chaotic way, as if an unseen hand has powerfully shaken this unseen “vessel.”

And that’s how it happens.

The energies of the chakra, whose emotions prevail at a certain moment, rush towards the emotions of another chakra and they feed each other with their energies.

Quite often, it happens with the third and fourths chakras. It happens when good intentions of a person are mixed with the feelings of pride and vanity.

And one of the best examples is when the charity is done to show off, or when beautiful correct words are spoken not from the heart, but for approval and admiration of the people.

But the three lowest chakras are mixed more often than others, because the material needs and desires as a rule are accompanied by the desire to stand out, to prove oneself, to earn respect and admiration.

Such emotions lie in the origin of the unscrupulous sexual “conquests,” which feed pride of the young immature souls.

And there are more complex combinations, where the energies of the upper and lower chakras are mixed.

As a rule, it happens with talented people, who are touched by God’s grace, but who are engulfed in the world of duality with all its attributes, becoming the victims of worshipping, admiration, praising of other people and their own material desires.

In such cases, the energies of the lower chakras are mixed with the energies of the sixths and sometimes seventh chakras, and they all flow into the fifth chakra, giving it an ugly disharmonious “color hue.”

That’s why a novel, a painting or a song, created by a very talented person, but for the sake of money and popularity, have a different tone in comparison with the pure creations, created by the urges of the heart and soul.

A person, who is sensitive to energies, would always feel such not Divinely inspired lower vibrational energies, even in a very talented creations.

But what do you have to do, dear ones, to escape the energy chaos and help your fifth chakra to radiate pure Divine light?

For that, you have to learn to observe every thought and every emotion, to feel what is feeding them – what kind of energies they are carrying?

This is quite a complex process, but also very exciting. You’ll be surprised, how rich and multicolored is the palette of your emotions.

What appears as the most harmless thought, could consist of the energies of so very different vibrations, that in might involve all your chakras.

And this is normal, dear ones, because you are still living in the world of duality, which is far from the ideal conditions.

This imperfect world is exactly what you need to help you sharpen your mastery, to discern all the nuances and all the shades of different energies, from which your life really consists.

And in my next message, I’ll tell you how to learn to regulate your energy flows, to harmonize them, and to submit to your will.

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 9, 2018

February 7


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!

Let’s continue our conversation about the fifth chakra.

Today we’ll talk about its cooperation with other chakras.

As it has already been said in the previous message, your self-expression directly depends upon the energies, which nourish the throat chakra.

And that’s how it happens in practice.

For example, let’s look at the two extremes – the lowest energies of the first chakra and the highest of the seventh chakra.

A deeply material person, living by primitive instincts, radiates energies of such low vibrations that they are unable to reach the fifth chakra and the following happens.

His self-expression through the words, emotions, and actions transits through the fifth chakra and bursts out in an unprocessed, unrefined, and the most primitive form.

Another words, they pass through Divine “filter” – which is your fifth chakra – they simply cannot “reach” it according to vibrations.

And that’s what happens with the fifth chakra, when it accepts thoughts, emotions and actions of the higher vibrational energies, radiated by the seventh chakra.

It literally blooms. It is nourished by the these Divine energies, and its own vibrations are raised and reach the vibrations of the seventh chakra.

At such moments, Divine inspiration, illumination, enlightenment descends upon a person.

It seems that his consciousness reaches to the higher spheres of life and he realizes that the source of his creativity is there.

It seems that the words, melodies, images, appear by themselves without any interference from him, that the Higher Forces of the Universe help him to create.

And then the real masterpieces are born, perfect creations, filled with the energies of Love and Light.

Of course, such examples as I have given rarely occur in a pure state.

The live of a person is so varied and unpredictable that even during one day, and sometimes within an hour, his emotions (energies) may “wonder” through such a great range that his chakra system would be transformed into real chaos, the raging of the elements…

It happens with the people who are unable to take charge of their emotions. And even when a person is able “to save face,” his inner “storms and hurricanes” are not calmed down by that; but, on the contrary, get even stronger, not finding their way out.

And then the fifth chakra takes the strongest hit. It starts literally to choke the throat from the inability to express itself, to express the feelings, to spill out the emotions that accumulated within.

On the physical plane, you feel as you are being strangled or you feel as lump stays in your throat.

Such a state may continue for a long time – until a person could master his emotions and dissolve them in the energies of Love.

In my next message, I’ll tell you how to learn to calm down the “raging elements” within you, harmonizing your fifth chakra by doing that, keeping it on a proper level of vibrations.

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 7, 2018

February 6


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!

Today we are moving to the study of the next chakra – fifth or throat chakra.

This chakra carries an enormous energy load, because it is responsible for everything that a person “spills out” into the world surrounding him.

Like the heart chakra, it acts like a “lightening rod,” trying to neutralize or at least soften negative energies, which burst out of the person at the moments of anger, despair, or resentment.

On physical plane, it appears as like the “words are stuck in the throat” or “a lump in the throat” as you like to say.

And now let’s follow the energy components for which the fifth chakra is responsible.

As you understand, its expression is not limited to the verbal. A person can express his feelings on paper, in music, in paintings and in anything else. Every kind of creativity is self expression.

An emerging thought, idea, image, emotional impulse is filled up with the energy and gradually is overgrown with details, then starts to incarnate into life.

And these creations carry with them that energy, which filled the person who created them. For example, some paintings attract you and you want to stand in front of them forever, but others repulse you and you want to run from them as far as possible.

And it is relevant to any kind of art.

A person, who has subtle feeling for the energies, can describe quite accurately a character of a person who created one or another work of art, and also his psychic state at the moment when he created it.

Reading of the energy information happens subconsciously and intuitively, and no amount of fancy words, great technique and professionalism could substitute for the warm, gentle, loving energies, which sometimes emanate from a simple painting, unsophisticated story or a song, which was sung with a weak voice, but from the heart.

And it happens in the cases, when a person has a well developed throat chakra – this Divine gift of self-expression.

But what happens with it in the third dimensional space, where quite often it becomes a vehicle of anger and aggression, which is unavoidable in the world of duality?

In people with very low vibrations, who live primarily in negative energies, this chakra transforms into a dense hard lump, which is unable to transmit through itself the rarefied higher vibrational Divine energies.

And as a result, self-expression of such people is limited to primitive verbal expressions and almost animal interests.

In this way, his fifth chakra protects itself from the hostile energies.

It is similar to a snail who hides into his shell, to protect its gentle body from wounds.

But a person, who is in the flow of the Divine energies, this chakra on the contrary grows to an unbelievable size, which gratefully accepts blessed energies.

In response, the chakra presents such a person with an infinite inspiration, with the flight of fantasy, with magic images, necessary words…

It becomes a number one helper in all his work and endeavors.

They harmoniously coexist in love and mutual understanding.

Love begets Love, and your subtle sensory organs react especially sensitively to all your emotions, coming from the heart.

We will stop here today.

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 6, 2018

February 5


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!

To finish our conversation about the heart chakra, I’d like to reveal to you it’s another characteristic, which as a rule escapes you.

It is the chakra’s ability not only to dissolve negative energies within it, but also to calm all the excessive emotions, even positive ones.

Human beings have a tendency to go into extremes, such as joys and sorrows, sadness and fun, love and hatred, excitement and disappointment.

Very few people are able to find a golden mean and always stay in a quiet harmonious state.

But being in such a state is the greatest wisdom – the pinnacle of spiritual maturity, to which only a few souls, incarnated on earth, were able to rise.

Thus, excessive joy, excitement, rapture, worship, euphoria influence your heart chakra in a way that is not less destructive than your negative emotions.

Divine energies of Love are always QUIET, because they carry within itself an understanding and acceptance of every living being on earth; they don’t know duality and accept everything that happens as lawful, based on cause and effect.

A person, who is connected with his soul and has consciousness of the Divine Being, looks at everything with a wise smile on his face, with kind humor, accepting all the people as they are, loving all their merits and shortcomings.

He perceives life as an exciting theater show with many actors. He enjoys the acting of every “actor,” regardless of the roles they are playing, Angels or villains, and give them all their love.

But it does not mean that such a person cannot be really joyful and “live to the fullest.”

Only his joy and happiness have moved to a different space, where completely different laws and energies reign.

But let’s return to the heart chakra.

Let see how it reacts, for example, to your wild delight.

At such moments, a powerful energy splash happens, which disturbs the quiet flow of your energies along the chakra “column.”

Such an excitement may have very different origins.

For example, an excitement of the sport fans carriers within it the energy of separation and destruction; because they wish a success only for their team and seek a defeat for another team. And in such a case, only the lower chakras are engaged, which cause a powerful hit for the heart chakra, which has to contain a flow of these emotions.

But an excitement of the fans of the actors, musicians and singers, their overwhelming “worship” is not better, because the “worship of the idol” is the same separation, which creates the energies of lower vibrations.

Of course, you may greet them with ovations, but let it be just an external expression of your respect for them, but inwardly quietly and peacefully thank them for their talent, for the pleasure they have given you, with clear understanding that it’s their mission on earth, which they honorably fulfill, giving joy to people. But you have your own mission, just as other people around you.

Of course, it is much more difficult to restrain your emotions towards your children and your loved ones, but in that case too try to look at them quietly and as an observer.

Your love must be reasonable, which would help you and your children to keep peace of the soul and to escape excessive emotions.

Never allow your emotions to splash out, causing wounds to your heart chakra.

Protect it! Observe it and make sure that the energy flows through it quietly, evenly, harmoniously, keeping the balance between all your chakras.

Learn to live in such a way that nothing can disturb you – not in joy, not in sorrow.

And I bless you for that!

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 5, 2018

February 4


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!

Today I would like to continue our conversation about your heart chakra and to disclose to you another one of its characteristics. And that’s what it is.

This chakra is an indicator of the level of vibrations for a person; another words, the level of his spirituality and at the same time it “regulates” his energy currents.

The scale, which indicates the level of vibrations, does not have a limit, because our Universe is unlimited.

Every soul, after reaching the highest level of spirituality on one level of vibrations, moves to the higher one, and so it goes into infinity…

I now will explain to you why it is precisely the fourth chakra and not another one, that carries such an important function.

It is because the fourth chakra is placed in the middle, and it separates the lower chakras from the higher ones.

As you know, three lower chakras – are an “earthy” essence of a person, and the tree higher ones – the “heavenly” ones.

Of course, it is a very general division, because human soul, incarnated on earth, is subject to such difficult tests that his upper chakras may close completely, in order to use all his powers for survival in the third dimension. In such a way, the material side of his life completely “buries” under itself his spiritual side.

But still most people manage to keep a certain balance between the earthy and heavenly endeavors in their souls.

But an indicators of their spirituality are constantly changing – too many factors influence the human life during incarnation.

And all the fluctuations of different states of the human soul, and all his feelings, sometimes very contradictory, go through the fourth chakra, which takes upon itself most of the hit.

All your excessive emotions gradually accumulate in the heart chakra, then descend to the dense plane, and your heart begins to ache, because it is a physical organ of the fourth chakra.

It happens as a rule with the people of a subtle soul constitution.

The disturbance of their chakras often happen, because such people cannot get rid of constant doubts, of feeling unworthy, guilt, worry about the loved ones and much else, that carries within itself the energies of the lower vibrations, which “bring down” even well developed spiritual people with well developed upper chakras.

At such moments, the energy components of the higher and lower chakras are mixing, which leads to the lowering of the common vibrational field of the human being.

And the fourth chakra, through which the energy of very different vibrations is circulating, takes upon itself all that burden.

The fourth chakra attempts to balance them, “sacrificing itself,” in which it’s not always succeeding.

And it is expressed in many of your sayings, such as “the heart aches,” “you break my heart into pieces,” “my heart breaks,” and others.

In reality, that’s what your chakra experiences, when it is caught up between the two sides.

Remember that, dear ones, and protect your heart chakra from all kinds of negative energies.

Keep the “border region” in pristine purity, do not allow the “intruders” from either side to cross your “border.”

Let your heart chakra peacefully, honorably, and surely fulfill its main mission – to carry Love and Light to all the beings on earth.

And I bless you for that!

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 4, 2018

February 3


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!

Thus, let’s begin our practical sessions.

Let’s move from the simple to the complex, gradually mastering new sensory organs, which from now on would be not less important than the physical ones.

Let’s begin with the heart chakra, which is already well developed among the great majority of the people, who are engaged in spiritual practices.

We would leave the three lower chakras in the third dimension, because their role has been mainly to help you survive in the world of duality – “to fight for your place under the sun.”

Truly, a person as a spiritual being starts from the developed fourth chakra, which is symbolized by the heart – the depository of Love.

Almost every person on earth, even the ones who are very far from the esoteric knowledge and not familiar with such terms as “chakras,” have felt it at least ones in their lives.

Every time, when he has been feeling about someone with love – sincere and unconditional, the kind of love we feel towards our child, our family and loved ones, his has sensed “warmth in his heart.”

Such an expression already has become a part of your language, which is beautifully expresses the role of fourth chakra on the physical plane.

When you experience these feelings, you involuntarily connect with the subtle world, which means you are coming out of the limits of a third dimension.

This chakra remained as a bridge, connecting you with your Soul, because the chakras are the organs of feelings of your Soul.

And now I suggest that you do a special exercise to feel the heart chakra on the physical plane as strongly as possible.

It will help you in the future to utilize it as naturally as you utilize your vision, hearing, senses of touch and smell.

Thus, while being in a quiet harmonious state, remember the happiest moment of your life.

It could be anything, the birth of your child, meeting your loved ones, and simply feeling happiness from being in contact with something beautiful, such as nature, music or art…

Enter this state and listen how your heart chakra will respond.

Everyone would have different feelings – someone stronger, someone weaker, but you would DEFINITELY feel that your heart chakra reacts to the feeling of joy with by the warmth in your heart, pulsing sensation, and may be with the waves of love which would flow generously from your “depository of Divine Love.”

Remember this state. It is very important, because you would have to elicit it artificially. And that is why.

It is because you already have mastered one of the main Laws of the Universe “As within, so without,” have not you, dear ones?

That is why, if you want to be in charge of your heart chakra and completely open it towards the people, different situations, natural spirits, animals, plants – another words, to anything you’ll meet on your path, then life around you will be transformed.

It will become that Light, which you radiate towards it, and it would be the first step, leading you to the Fifth dimension, where there is no room for any negative thought or emotion, where Love reigns.

And I ask you, dear ones, practice this exercise as often as you can, every free minute. Develop your heart chakra.

Start to change your life right now, and observe how it will be transformed right before your eyes.

And I bless you for that!

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 3, 2018

February 2


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!

Today we will move to the next theme, which I consider very important for us.

It has to do with your sensitivity to the subtle energies and your ability to feel them.

Each of you is unique and special, and each of you perceives subtle world differently, depending on which sense of perception is developed better.

Those of you who already have worked as healers, know perfectly well how differently people perceive the energies.

Someone is seeing energies as color combinations, someone hears as sounds, someone senses as vibrations, prickly sensations, cold or warmth.

And some of you are capable of seeing the images of Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, which stand nearly during the healing sessions or meditations, and even learned how to talk to them.

Some of you are capable to move in their subtle bodies to another worlds and to different planets.

Another words, there are infinite number of ways of communication with the subtle world and it is completely normal.

Now all the Forces of Light help you with that, trying to activate your upper chakras, your pineal gland, your deep memory.

The vibrations of the energies, which are flowing to earth, become higher and higher, meaning that your subtle bodies, which are feeling them, assume a higher sensitivity.

This process is irreversible, dear ones, therefore you need to get accustomed to the thought that besides the usual physical senses, you possess the new – subtle – sensory organs, which come to the forefront now. And this is why.

As I have already said in my previous message, the world of the Fifth dimension – is a space of the subtle matter, which means its inhabitants must possess the subtle sensory organs, otherwise they simply won’t be able to exist there.

And I’d like to help you to develop your subtle perception of reality, and by doing that prepare you to the Shift into the new world.

For that, we’ll gradually develop our upper chakras and open the new ones, corresponding to the vibrations of the Fifth dimension.

Also we would learn how to use the capabilities of the pineal gland, which is your “antenna,” and with a certain “tuning” it would be able to catch the “voices” from the subtle world.

All that would happen in stages, so you will be able to master what I would give you, in practice.

The time of theories is over, dear ones. The time of practice has come. And many of you are already ready for that.

We will stop here today.

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 2, 2018

February 1


Greetings, my dear beloved souls!

Today I would like to sum up three messages, in which I have explained how to unite with your Soul and to hear its suggestions.

I’d like to explain to you one more time why it is so important to live with your Soul right now – at the juncture of two epochs, two dimensions, and two worlds.

Without it, dear ones, it would be impossible to go through the Shift, because a fifth dimensional space is a space of the subtle energies, and so far only your Soul, your Divine particle, is able to enter it; and not your mind, being a product of the third dimensional world and operating with its perceptions.

But one of the components of the great experiment of the Creator is precisely an opportunity of merging with your Soul with a dense matter – your physical body.

Of course, such things have already happened on Earth, but as rare exceptions.

And it has happened, as a rule, with the greatest souls, who have come to Earth with the mission of the awakening of humanity.

But now, the energies of such great vibrations are coming to Earth, that they are capable to create conditions for a mass renaissance of consciousness; and that means for the unification of thousands and thousands of people with their Souls.

When it would happen, your body, which accepted within itself a subtle matter of your Soul, involuntary would be “raised” to the Soul, gradually changing its physical parameters.

That’s precisely how it has happened with me, dear ones. That’s why I have not been feeling pain during my execution, and that’s why I have been able not only to resurrect but also to ascend.

My body have already had within it the structure of a subtle matter, although it have not been visible from the outside.

But today, I’d like to warn you about disappointment, dear ones, because it is a long and complex process.

Most likely, many of you could unite with your Soul during meditations, but to be able to hold it inside constantly, you need to work on yourself tirelessly for a long time.

Only then, you could reach a state of being completely invulnerable to negative energies, and it means to the astral beings, who feed on negative energies; only when you’ll be surrounded by the impenetrable wall of the energies of Light and Love, only then your Soul would feel itself completely safe and would want to stay in your physical body forever.

And that’s the last advice that I want to give you.

Please, organize your life in such a way that you can spend at least twenty – thirty minutes a day in communion with your Soul.

You can break this time into several parts, but it’s important that you CONSTANTLY gather such experience, learn to hear and feel her, talk to her – establish a strong contact with her.

I would like very much, dear ones, that you, while reading my messages, accept them not only as a new knowledge, but as a GUIDANCE to ACTION.

Only that way, gradually changing your consciousness, your body, your life, you would move with small steps, slowly but truly, towards your cherished goal – the Shift into the new reality.

And I bless you for that!

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, has spoken with you

Channeled by Marta on February 1, 2018

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