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August 31

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Freedom of choice)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the way the Light Forces interact with the Dark Forces, which is not rare to happen at the subtle level of your planet.
As a matter of fact, there is no struggle between them as you are accustomed to think.
To be exact, they are at different levels of existence – each being at their own energy space.
And confrontation between them occurs only in some critical cases when it is necessary to restore the balance upset or, in other words, when the Dark Forces grossly violate the Laws of the Universe, which results in serious consequences.
This is what is happening on your Earth at present.
Why have the Dark Forces controlling your planet managed to bring humanity close to extinction?
And why “have the Light Forced let it happen” as many of you ask me?
The key to these questions’ answers is the Law of the Free Will.
The thing is that for many centuries PEOPLE THEMSELVES HAVE BEEN TAKING the order established on Earth by reptiloid for granted, as something unavoidable and unshakable…
Few were thinking about the injustice overwhelming society.
And even if in some countries it came to wars and revolutions, they were imbued with fear, hatred or aggression, that is, by the very energies reptiloids require for survival and exercising control over people.
As a result, seemingly good intentions of people always backfired on them.
Why did revolutions initiated by people with pure intentions often lead to overthrowing one authority and changing it for another one, with reptiloids at the helm again?
It happened only because in those energies of struggle, hatred and violence no single light soul could exist.
This is exactly the reason, my dear, why I remind you over and over again that at this supreme moment of Earth’s history you should screen all your thoughts and emotions so as not to generate the energies of fear or aggression that world “puppeteers” are constantly trying to arouse in you.
There is no time left for revision of the unlearnt lessons of the past since humanity is really at the brink of annihilation – not only physical, by the way.
This time reptiloids are making an attempt on the dearest thing you have – your Divine soul – trying to intrude into your gene code, thereby turning you into their marionettes.
So, why have the Light Forces broken “parity” and confronted the Dark Forces then?
It is explained by the fact that on Earth there has accumulated the very “critical mass” of people whose conscience is ready for Transition with the planet to a new level of existence and who have ASKED THE LIGHT FORCES FOR HELP.
Therefore, the Law of the Free Will was observed, and, consequently, the interference of the Higher Powers into the process of Earth’s Transition to the Fifth dimension features Divine expediency: assistance of light and pure souls on their way to a new life their conscience has advanced to.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 31, 2020.

August 30

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Getting rid of unwelcomed guests)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to offer you one really efficient practice to get rid of the astral instilled lodgers in your energy space and to keep it clean ever since.
Now it becomes a must for everyone who embarked on the road of Ascension – a guarantee for your being able to maintain your vibrations at the level facilitating your Transition.
It is astral beings who are the very “field employees” that block up your way to freedom but they act at the subtle level being invisible to you and, therefore, are twice as dangerous.
Why are there so many people who take for gospel everything put into their conscience by the mass media and official powers that demand following their absurd, illogical and suicidal instructions?
It happens due to the fact that local authorities’ measures at the physical level have powerful support at the subtle level, too.
And this support is provided by astral beings of all sorts and kinds.
And while the majority of average citizens are under control of lower astral beings who provoke fear for one’s life in people, revived individuals are “tutored” by more skillful “specialists” sometimes even from the higher astral who reduce human vibrations in more advanced manners.
And quite often “specialists” like this become astral instilled lodgers introducing themselves as Light beings dear to you – starting with your own Higher Self and finishing with representatives of the Higher Powers.
And while in my previous message I told you how to identify such an “unwelcomed guest”, now I will tell you how to get rid of them.
But let us move on to the practice itself that we will call just the same “Getting rid of unwelcomed guests”.
For this you should reach quite a deep meditative sate, invoke all your Heavenly patrons, Star family, your Maternal soul and ask them for their assistance in deliverance from all the astral strangers.
Having relaxed completely, try to see or feel all your subtle bodies.
Take your time…
Step by step, like a flower, open all your chakras starting with the first one and watch your bodies getting your chakras’ colours and each of them backing from another one farther and farther away until you see your energy space as wonderful rainbow layers…
And when it happens, invoke the Flame of Universe Love and ask it to start orderly and careful purification of each of your subtle material bodies driving out of them everything alien and lacking Divinity…
Your bodies’ purification will start from above as this high vibration energy will begin to flow into your seventh chakra and pineal gland.
Going “en route” through your sixth chakra and your budhic body, where astral beings cannot reach, the Flame of Universe Love from the fifth chakra and lower will start scanning everything that does not correspond to your upper chakras’ vibrations.
This energy will rotate clockwise – slower or faster depending on a person, thereby dissolving in your subtle bodies all the negative energies and driving out of them all the low vibration beings who have managed to penetrate your energy space.
You are likely to feel it working in your chakras, while the intensity of your feelings and the rotation speed will help you understand which of your subtle bodies is “polluted” more than the others and which one an impostor has settled in.
After the Flame of Universe Love reaches your first chakra and thoroughly works on it, the rotatory movements will cease.
To consolidate the result, put yourself into the protective sphere of the Flame of Universe Love with mirror-like external surface and fill it with the Energy of Ascension.
It is essential to remember this feeling: of your energy space being pure and finding yourself inside the protective sphere of the Flame of Universe Love so as to renew it when required – if you suddenly happen to get in trouble or stress.
You can repeat this meditation from time to time so as to be sure that your energy space is maintained at high vibration frequencies that are indispensable for you right now.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 30, 2020.

August 28

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Obsessed by desire)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to highlight some more important aspects of your interaction with the Light Forces.
Many of you can be so obsessed by the desire to establish contact with your Higher aspects and the Light Forces’ representatives that you try to artificially encourage this process.
As a result, people fall victims to many traps skillfully set by the Dark Forces, which leads to regretful consequences indeed.
Having relied on dubious “masters”, “clairvoyants”, “guru” promising a swift spiritual progress to people, and sometimes for big money, one gets not the promised revelation of one’s Divine abilities but an astral instilled lodger that starts to control one’s conscience and sometimes one’s body.
It is commonly known as possession.
And now on Earth there are a lot of pure light souls who due to their trustfulness, lack of experience and desire to get everything immediately have got into such traps that were designed by reptiloids and in some cases by the people living according to their programmes.
How can you identify that the voice in your head belongs exactly to such a being that has settled in your energy space?
First. After communication with it you feel EXHAUSTED – physically and morally.
It is accounted for by the fact that the main goal of an instilled lodger like this is abstraction of your energy, low vibration energy, by the way.
And to make you generate the very energy THEY NEED, they go to all lengths.
Being in your energy space they carefully study all your thoughts, desires and dreams.
They know you just as well as them themselves.
Therefore, it is not difficult for them to dictate what you want to hear.
They please your pride dictating advanced “spiritual” texts, thereby supporting your arrogance and belief being chosen.
They lead you astray from the straight and narrow giving false advice on behalf of the “Light Forces” thereby preventing you from living a happy fulfilling life since it would deprive them of the negative energies they need.
But sometimes they get tired of their own hypocrisy and show what they really are, which is expressed as rude and unpleasant words and phrases in your respect.
It makes one shocked and one cannot recover from it for a long time.
So, this being also provokes a feeling of guilt in this person, as well as initiates lack of faith in one’s strength.
I know that many of you have already experienced something of the kind: euphoria from communication with your Higher Self or the Light Forces and then disclosure of impostors, disappointment and realizing of one’s mistake.
But, please, my dear do not blame yourself and do not get discouraged but take this new lesson with gratitude.
Treat everything with humour, just as a performance played for you at the subtle level by astral beings, for it is their life and means of survival.
But try not to trigger a back flash again – learn to see through the subterfuge of the esoteric rascals.
Trust only yourself and move on with confidence – along your spiritual road relying only on yourself and your own potential.
As I numerously told you: nobody can ever do your spiritual work for any money instead of you because you are unique and inimitable.
While any intrusion of strange people into your energy space is fraught for you with rather regretful consequences.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 28, 2020.

August 27

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Signs of communication with Light Forces)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up for my previous message I will tell you now about main signs you can rely on to make sure that you are really “spoken” to by the Light Forces, not somebody else.
First. These or those feelings appear at your upper chakras and pineal gland.
Some people’s third eye may start pulsing or you can simply feel it.
Also, all your Golden triangle can start pulsing – the seventh, the sixth chakras and the pineal gland or you can feel them overflowing with warmth.
Anyway, the arrival of the Light Forces is perceived ONLY by upper chakras.
The sensations at the fifth chakra and lower are manifestations of astral beings or representatives of low vibration civilizations.
And the chakra they vibrate at depends on the level they have come from.
Sometimes friendly astral beings of upper level vibrating at the fifth chakra can also give you a good piece of advice but you should be aware that they are NOT the Light Forces.
Second. The feeling of Gratitude that filled all your being.
You perceive the presence of the energies of Unconditional Love and Light in your energy space almost physically.
You will feel this energy is alive, intelligent and being able to “talk”.
This is how the Divine essence of disembodied representatives of the Light Forces shows in the outer world.
Third. You will feel that this creature can “hear” you and is ready to interact with you.
As a rule, the Light Forces communicate with people not by means of dictations – clear and distinct, which is astral beings’ prerogative.
They send into human conscience some kind of energy-information packages that an individual should “unpack” themselves.
Why does this happen?
Of course, not to make your life harder but to make you a full-fledged “interlocutor” providing you with opportunity to participate in the conversation taking into consideration your reality perception peculiarities.
Thereby, the Universe Law of the Free Will is observed: somebody else’s opinion is not imposed on you, no ready-made decision is dictated but some general information is supplied that you are to process on your own this time and contribute your individual way of understanding of the current events.
Fourth. If you ask a specific question, the answer never arrives immediately.                                                                                             
The Higher Powers do not like haste and fuss since they exist in quite different space-time parameters.
So, be very attentive.
Your passionate desire to get the answer to your question right away and especially the one YOU WOULD LIKE TO GET can decrease your vibrations and attract astral beings to your channel who are always ready to give you any advice or answer any question of yours assuming whoever the name you invoke at this moment.
The Higher Powers’ answer can be rather unexpected for you since your conscience is still not free from the patterns of the third dimension world and at the subconscious level you expect the information that corresponds to these patterns.
Yet, even if this answer puzzles you, be attentive to your feelings.
Your Soul will respond by all means and will give you a signal as warmth running all inside your body or some other pleasant sensations.
Yet, it is essential to switch off your Mind at this moment that will immediately lead your way to the usual direction of the well-beaten track.
Give yourself up to your inner feelings – the ones you get while communicating with the Light Forces.
My dear, learn to switch over your perception from the current events to other lines – inner feelings, not the games of Mind.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 27, 2020.

August 27

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Communication on equal terms)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I will tell you about the way your interaction with the Light Forces occurs and what can be the sign of your having managed to contact them.
I know that now many of you are trying to “talk” to your Higher Self, Safeguard Angel, to some of the Ascended Masters and even to me.
You are eager to gain the long-awaited Unity with the Light Forces and establish communication with them so much.
And the fact that you rush things often throws you back.
The thing is that, my dear, just a wish is not sufficient in this case.
A desire is often initiated by Mind, your Ego, strive for breaking free from the bounds of the usual round and get exceptional and, as it seems to you, refined Divine abilities of communication with Heavenly beings.
As a matter of fact, you can communicate with the Light Forces on equal terms, just like with friends, for both you and they are particles of the Whole One, with the only difference being in that at present you are embodied at the physical level and they are disembodied at the subtle level.
And the only obstacle for your communication is a huge gap in vibrations preventing you from feeling and hearing each other.
So, what should be done to make such contact real?
Your vibration gap should be made as small as possible.
Of course, you cannot ascend from the third dimension right to the sixth or the seventh one but it is quite within your depth to ascend to the Fifth dimension space by your conscience.
And from there you will now be able to reach the Light Forces who in their turn will be able to do everything possible to “descend” to your vibration frequency.
The Fifth dimension can become some kind of frontier post for your communication with the Light Forces.
And now many people’s conscience has come close to the threshold of the Fifth dimension.
Not everybody is likely to succeed in finding themselves in this high vibration space all the time since a lot of distracting factors drag you back into the third dimension again.
But when you are calm and balanced, especially in the open air far from the city haste, and your conscience is free from all irrelevant thoughts, you are quite able to catch the “wave” of the Light Forces you would like to address.
How can you avoid mistakes and prevent unwelcomed astral guests from penetrating your channel?
First, you should not think about it.
Just the thought of possibility for the astral beings to be pulled to you instead of the Light Forces can attract them.
Second, you should have pure thoughts and desires to contact your Heavenly patrons not out of curiosity or to send a “fox message” but “on business” indeed.
You should not bother them about trifles, do contact them only when you know there is the BAREST NECESSITY for that.
What do I mean by this expression?
Before all, these are situations when your fate is at stake, when you must make a decision that can change your whole life completely and when it is hard for you to arrive at the right decision yourself.
In this case the assistance of your Higher Self and your Spiritual patrons cannot be overestimated since they see all the possible developments and can point you out the most advantageous course of life for you and your family.
And third, invoking some of your Heavenly patrons it is essential not to feel being a “petitioner” at a lower stage of development than they are but to ask for their advice as they are just equal, close and more experienced friends of yours.
It will be enough to minimize your vibration gap and feel your Unity.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 27, 2020.

August 26

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Towards God with no intermediaries)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, let us go on talking about the relationships between people and the Light Forces.
And now I would like to focus on one more aspect of these relationships – financial one.
Since you live in a material – third dimension – world, even your liaison with the Higher Powers has become an object of commodity-money relations.
For any “service” for the side of God or Saints they started to charge fees.
Church gathers tribute from its congregation for every “service” of the Higher Powers assuming the role of an intermediary between them and an individual.
Exactions start with the selling of candles, prayer books, icons and finish with ceremonies of christening, wedding and funerals.
Religious power institutions’ maintenance requires big money.
And one pays for one’s spiritual “enslavement” with one’s own money giving one’s enslavers not only energy but money, too.
So, what is congregation money spent for?
First of all, it goes to the pockets of the “intermediaries” between God and people.
And, secondly, it is spent on the maintenance of religious confessions that have gained enormous size now.
Have you ever thought why in the age of highest technologies religion is still very powerful on Earth?
Why are religious holidays unanimously celebrated all around the globe?
Why are religious issues sustained, often artificially and formally, in all the countries of the world?
Only because religion is one of the most powerful means of human conscience control.
When temporal power institutions cannot cope with people they are given a helping hand by religious institutions that turn to their leverage for congregation control since many people trust ministers of religion much more than authorities’ representatives.
As a matter of fact, not in a single country of the world has church ever got separated from the state since it has almost always had representatives of the high caste reptiloids at the head and sometimes the Dragon reptiles, and the aims of all the branches of power have been one and the same.
But even in this patrimony under control of the state there sometimes appeared light and pure souls who sincerely tried to help people embark on the course of spiritual development and establish liaison with the Light Forces.
Many of you are likely to feel the difference in energy profile between the temple reigned by the astral and the one with the energies of Love and Light hovering all over.
But most regrettably, there are almost no pure religious abodes left on Earth in spite of the fact that temples, churches and mosques were erected, as a rule, on sites of great energy potential.
But this energy potential is often used for abstraction of the energy far from being light, which many of you already know.
Why am I telling you all this, my dear?
The only reason for that is to make you fully aware of the fact that you do not need any intermediaries to communicate with the Light Forces.
They can just lead you astray from your invisible patrons and make your communication with them more difficult introducing into this process energies and programmes alien to you.
So as to reach one’s Heavenly patrons one needs to be sincere, pure and simple, featuring warmth of one’s heart and peace of mind, in other words, high vibration energy of Love and Gratitude.
It is the one capable of minimizing the vibration gap between an individual embodied as human and disembodied beings of the Higher worlds, as well as with your galaxy brothers and sisters.
This is what I have been trying to convey to you for almost five years.
And I see that many of you are already at the very threshold of the wonderful Temple of “Universe Unity and Unconditional Love”.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 26, 2020.

August 26

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Relationships of man and Light Forces)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about your attitude towards the Light Forces: the way many of you imagine them and what you expect from them.
For many thousands of years it was worship of somebody high and inconceivable and invoking them for help.
And it is explained by the fact that any religion and even heathenism presented everything invisible to people, and consequently obscure, as some kind of mysterious knowledge available only to initiates.
All the religions are based on the postulate of man being isolated from God and the Higher Powers of the Universe and the principle of communication with them ONLY by means of intermediaries, such as religious figures of all ranks.
In other words, power pyramid has overwhelmed this spiritual sphere of human life as well having established certain hierarchy on the way to God.
Thus, religious institutions on Earth were created in the image and likeliness of those that were spoken about in series of my messages on the Dark Forces.
And their aim was just the same – to get control over human conscience and provoke the low vibration energies of fear, submission, worship, guilt, humiliation, powerlessness…
But to make a “bitter pill to swallow” sweeter people were given a belief in afterlife: in paradise as a reward for being obedient and in hell as a punishment for disobedience.
And since at the top of the power in all religious confessions there were the Dragon reptiles and reptiloids again, in this sphere of people’s life everything happened according to a clear-cut plan.
It also goes on now in the esoteric world that the Dark Forces are trying to take over by all their might or at least to mislead people in the direction necessary for them.
As you see, my dear, these creatures control everything and everybody trying to keep afloat when they are literally losing ground under their feet because Earth is moving into the energy space inaccessible for them.
And at the same time they are doing their best to keep in THEIR space as many people as possible whose energy they feed on.
But let us come back to the issue of relationships of people and the Higher Powers.
For many centuries these relationships have been based on prayers and some kind of fetish: icon, statue, cross, half-moon and many other things.
As a rule, people were provided with ready-made prayers written by the same religious figures as well and, most often, by reptiloids that one should learn by heart and address their God ONLY with them.
Therefore, communication with the Light Forces got official obligatory character and, which is more important, DEPERSONALIZED one.
One addressed the invisible “master” with one’s request of material nature most often using somebody else’s memorized words.
Could the Light Forces hear one in this case?
They could but in RARE CASES INDEED.
And I think, you guess why it was so: few could reach them in terms of vibrations.
Moreover, human requests lacked spiritual aspect since their conscience was completely overwhelmed by the third dimension world.
And despite the degree they were unhappy, poor or ill they were possessed by low passions and low energies, and the Light Forces were not able to interact with such people because of the vibration gap being too large.
Only several light and pure souls managed to “get through” to the Higher Powers and get effective support of theirs.
And, of course, their way to the Higher Powers did not run through the “dead” prayer but through their own sincere words and pure impulses of Love and Gratitude.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 26, 2020.

August 25

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Energy “spring cleaning”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I will tell you about one more kind of work that the Light Forces carry out at present on Earth.
And it is in cleansing your planet from all the energy “dirt” accumulated here for thousands of years as negative emotions generated by her inhabitants.
The thing is that, even going “en route” to those who provoked these human low vibration energies – Archon and his “servants” – some of these energies, nevertheless, got accumulated at the astral level of Earth.
It happened because astral beings also need some infeed, otherwise, they would be unable to work for their “masters” at full capacity.
It can be compared to the fact that most income from a large corporation goes to its owner, a small portion of money goes to his deputies, while the “crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table” – to clerks of all levels.
The same way Archon shares his spoils with Demons and the astral beings working for him.
And for thousands of years of reptiloids’ living on Earth negative energies have literally covered your planet with dirty “film” that the Light Forces are now trying to dissolve with their high vibration energies.
And this “film” is so dense that disembodied creatures’ work who live in higher dimensions is sometimes not sufficient.
Therefore, it was joined in by the representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations possessing specific technologies facilitating physical removal of this energy dirt.
This is a “spring cleaning” of your planet indeed.
Since the duster was not enough to remove the “dust of the centuries”, a powerful “vacuum cleaner” had to be turned to.
And in this case the interaction of the disembodied Light Forces with the high vibration creatures embodied as humans brings wonderful results.
As you already know from the Galaxy Light Federation messages, their work comes to more than cleansing of the near-earth space.
They started to work at the physical level long ago, too eliminating the negative effects of explosions at nuclear power plants, purifying water resources of your planet and, which is more, neutralizing the effect of chemtrailers that the cornered reptiloids started to actively resort to.
And this gives good results since the technologies applied by them allow to dissolve the nanoparticles the dispersed substances contain.
And even the Light Forces’ work on collective human conscience can be ranked among the “spring cleaning” because it is people with their unrestrained negative emotions who have polluted the planet, which then shows in all the aspects of human life.
Well, what exactly do the Light Forces do with human conscience?
First of all, they fill it with high vibration “intelligent” energies that in their turn do “pointwise” work with each particular person.
And in case if they see that someone’s vibrations and personal qualities allow to open their channel of communication with higher aspects and sometimes with the Light Forces, they will help them do so.
What they cannot do is to keep this channel pure all the time since one has the right for the Free Will and one oneself disposes of one’s abilities and one’s life.
And as you already know, not everybody manages to preserve this precious gift and see through the subterfuge of the Dark Forces who are up and doing at present, too.
Yet, with every single day there are more and more reviving people on Earth who start interacting with the Light Forces, which manifold speeds up the process of the Transition of Earth and her inhabitants into a new high vibration space.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 25, 2020.

August 24

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Mutual aid of Light Forces)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to tell you about the way interaction occurs between the disembodied creatures of Light with representatives of highly developed civilizations and planets.
Since unlike people their vibration gap is not so large, they communicate with one another in a telepathic way, which makes their cooperation much easier.
What are the cases they ask for each other’s help?
Before all, they are the cases when it is essential to join their efforts to rescue some civilization or a planet in dire straits.
It is exactly what is happening on Earth nowadays: a lot of revived human Souls are eager to move to the Fifth dimension with Earth, while the Dark Forces controlling your planet are trying to prevent this.
A decision to help is made by the General Galaxy Board that coordinates the work of different Light Forces and then screens the results of their joint activity.
As a rule, such help is provided step by step, and sometimes other “organizations” join in – such as, for example, the Galaxy Light Federation that now can act at the physical level, too.
This is what you can see on Earth at this moment.
And now I will let you go half the bottom of the way how decisions of the General Galaxy Board were being made and what forces were involved into assistance to earthlings.
As soon as Earth’s Transition to the Fifth dimension became known, the General Galaxy Board created a special commission aimed at screening the events taking place on Earth.
Since the conscience of the overwhelming majority of your planet’s population was not ready for such developments and physical bodies of people were not able to conduct the energies of too high vibrations that started to arrive at Earth, a decision was made to create a general planetary vibration filter – some kind of adaptor designed to adapt the new energies to the vibration frequencies that people can take in.
And a filter like that became both disembodied creatures and representatives of human-friendly civilizations and even parallel worlds’ inhabitants, such as, for example, Tetragonia civilization.
And this help turned out invaluable indeed.
Since the Transition of Earth into a new energy space, as well as the adaptation of human conscience and human physical bodies to the new energies have extended for decades, it enabled a much greater number of people to revive.
How is such filtration carried out?
It is actually a very refined and important work that requires individual approach to each person.
Thus, for one a large “portion” of high vibration energy can be fatal, while another one, on the contrary, is ready to take in energies of even higher vibrations.
The work of the Light Forces who are involved into this process is facilitated to a large degree by the fact that they feature energy vision.
Just like a receiver catching these or those frequencies, they scan vibration frequencies of different people and control the inflow of energy to each single person.
By the joint efforts of the Light Forces there has already been worked out a whole system for each person’s vibrations following that takes into consideration the “tolerance limits” of this or that kind because human psyche is unstable and can show sharp surges even within several minutes.
I will not focus on the details of their work.
I just would like you to know what enormous help each of you is provided with by the Light Forces.
Do not forget to express your gratitude to them for this hard and laborious work, for their unlimited Love and care to you.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke you
Channeled by Marta on August 24, 2020.

August 24

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Light Brotherhood)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, let us go on with the issue of interaction of the Light Forces with people.
But first, I would like to make your idea of who are referred to as the Light Forces broader.
Many of you think they are only disembodied creatures – such as, for example, Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters…
As a matter of fact, the Light Forces representatives are much more numerous.
Into this category there can be put all the creatures vibrating at the frequency of the Fifth dimension and higher.
Many of them are in their bodies that, generally speaking, can be called physical ones though they differ considerably from yours.
And they differ not only in appearance.
Their bodies are much more rarified since they vibrate at other frequencies, with their parameters being far from those of earthly ones.
They already exist beyond space-time metes and can cover huge distances by power of thought, while their way of communication is telepathic.
So, with the Light Forces there can be ranked representatives of all human-friendly civilizations – such as Andromeda, Arcturus, the Pleiades, Sirius, as well as those existing in the parallel worlds, for instance, the civilization of Aquator.
Among the Light Forces are dolphins and whales who, possessing the conscience of the Fifth dimension, were able to materialize in your world.
In other words, the Light World is huge and amazingly varied.
And now it is joined by a growing number of the people who have managed to break free from the dual captivity and embark on the course of Ascension.
It is especially true about those who have switched over to full-fledged Service.
These people sometimes putting their lives at risk with all the means available to them are trying to “get through” to the others and disclose to them a real picture of the events taking place on Earth now.
They are the very light ancient Souls who have embodied as humans at present so as to fulfill the missions they arrived at Earth with several times and that left a profound impact on human history.
So now at your planet there have arrived thousands of particles of the souls who once embodied here as Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, John the Baptist, Apostles and many of those later called Saints by people.
Some of them have already switched over to full-fledged Service, some others have stumbled failing to overcome the life hardships and obstacles on their way to their mission realization.
Some of them have managed to remember who they are, where they are from and what the mission they have embodied for on Earth is.
While some others do their Service unconsciously – due to their genetic memory filling the space around them and every person on their way with Love and Light.
Do know, my dear, that every revived person is member of the Light Brotherhood, too that exists in a variety of images and at a variety of vibration levels of your Universe and they contribute their share to the general project and assist in your planet and her inhabitants’ Renaissance.
And many of those reading this message now are people like this.
And it is essential you realize your UNITY, which will add you strength and allow you to move along the spiritual way much faster.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 24, 2020.

August 23

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Light Forces)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I will start to tell you in more detail about the work of the Light Forces and their interconnection with people.
Unlike the Dark Forces, there is no hierarchy as such here since their existence is based on the Energy of Unconditional Love.
Yet, as it has already been said in one of my messages, there is some kind of division according to vibrations which at the subtle level of your planet results in some space featuring relative borders where Higher Powers exist.
Why do I call these levels relative?
Only because of the fact that any creature who has embarked on the course of Light possesses unlimited potential for spiritual growth and, consequently, can move from one level to another one as their vibrations are increasing.
And occasionally it happens that at some time they can descend to a lower level of this vibration scale that is these levels gradation.
The world of the Light Forces inhabiting the subtle level is densely populated and various indeed.
There is always being carried out unceasing work for the good of the Galaxy, Universe and all Divine creatures inhabiting them.
Many religions say about Paradise as a place for light souls’ rest.
And some people associate it with the place of the Light Forces’ dwelling.
As a matter of fact, it is not quite right.
While “paradise” is a place at the subtle level of Earth where disembodied light souls are waiting for another incarnation of theirs, the Higher Powers’ dwelling is above these levels.
Their interaction occurs in quite a peculiar way.
Since its principle is UNITY that is the main Law of the Universe, it is expressed in the fact that the creatures of higher levels cloak with their energy those existing lower and it follows the same way down the chain.
To help you visualize this you can imagine the sky with multilayered clouds.
The highest of them are rarified and almost transparent.
Then there go denser clouds, then still denser ones until they turn into the densest clouds showering earth with rain.
The same way the Higher Powers distribute their energy so that it gradually reaches Earth in the concentration it can now interact with people directly.
It happens because people are unable to take in the energies of too high vibrations.
Thus, they can be interacted with only by the Light Forces that can reach them in terms of vibrations or, to be exact, pull people up to their vibrations.
This is exactly what is going on Earth at present.
Since during the period of Transition of your planet into a new high vibration space a lot of ancient light souls have come here, the interaction of the Light Forces with them shows quite often and efficiently, which used to be a rare exception.
And these souls embodied on Earth are the very cleansing “rain” that is pouring down the conscience of other people.
“Spraying” them with their high vibrations, these ancient souls trigger the chain of revival of people thereby reflecting at the physical level the things that occur in the world of the Light Forces.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 23, 2020.

August 22

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Defend one’s life and freedom)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about the way you should respond to the offers to take vaccine that will soon be made to you.
As you already know from my messages and many other Light Forces messages, you should by no means allow the introduction of unknown substances into your body.
I would like you to know that at present there are no vaccines that are harmless to your physical or psychic health.
That is why, take care and especially care for your children who cannot protect themselves.
And if you have even a shadow of doubt that they can be vaccinated without your notice in the kindergarten or at school, you had better take them from this educational establishment.
Of course, it is really hard to foresee various circumstances that you can find yourself in, yet, I will try to give you general recommendations so as to avoid general vaccination/chipping campaign already planned by reptiloids.
The first thing you should do is to enlist legally proved opinions about illegality of forcible vaccination that are already available in all languages provided by honest and independent lawyers.
The conclusions of independent lawyers of the same kind are available in relation to masking – illegality of fining for refusal to wear face masks that make irremediable harm to human health interfering with natural breathing process and, consequently, violating people’s right for life.
Nowadays the number of people who understand what is actually going on is growing, with a lot of doctors, lawyers and teachers among them.
And it is time for all sensible, honest and decent people to unite so as to protect themselves from mortal danger.
The whole humanity is at the brink of a precipice, and the Dark Forces “clique” is about to push you into it.
So, do not let them do it!
Do not wait for a savior in whatever person!
Each of you is a savior – Divine creature possessing unlimited opportunities!
Start revealing them!
In a balanced way combine all kinds of work: spiritual, energy and practical.
Your spiritual work on your conscience purifying from duality is at full swing now.
Go on with it and do not stop at what you have achieved.
Your energy work on purification of yourself and your planet from negative energies and alien programmes brings wonderful results.
So now the thing you should do is to “run down” all your spiritual and energy progress to the physical level consolidating it with real-life actions.
Be able to protect your interests, your freedom and right for life.
Get rid of the fear of authorities who are AFRAID OF YOU THEMSELVES seeing the amount of people who are reviving from the third dimensionality lethargy.
Get the feeling of being masters of your life and your planet.
Become One Whole emanating Love and Light!
And then all this absurd and at the same time scary situation you were driven to by INhumans who seized your planet will seem a nightmare you have eventually awoken from once and for all.
Remember, my dear, you are particles of the Creator and, consequently, are also Creators able to create the reality you would like to live in but not to vegetate in the one you were artificially forced into by alien creatures who nourish on your energy and take advantage of your Divine potential against you yourself.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 22, 2020.

August 21

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Detaching from alien programmes)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to offer you one more practice on dissolution of alien programmes instilled into your conscience by the Dragons.
For this you should rise to another floor of the imagined power pyramid and this time work with high caste reptiloids that develop human conscience influence programmes at the physical level.
And it concerns absolutely all spheres of your life.
From early childhood a child is taught they must CONSUME.
As a child is growing this desire gains in size and like rust corrodes human conscience.
Thereby, one is led astray from the spiritual way making them all their life take new and new “baits” as images of glamour life that is seemingly should be strived for to be happy, successful, rich…
By the mutual efforts of the Dragons, the Dragon reptiles and high caste reptiloids there were worked out clear-cut schemes and programmes for human conscience control.
I will not focus on their principles of work but just will say that they are introduced really skillfully and competently, which results in their being firmly fixed in human subconscience literally “taking root” in there.
And to dissolve these programmes and to ultimately get rid of them one should make a lot of efforts indeed.
I have already offered you a lot of practices on negative emotions neutralization but the one I would like to offer you today differs from all the previous ones because it enables you to block the very energy channels that all alien programmes descend to you.
But first, you should understand what programmes are alien to humans.
Before all, it is everything that is not consistent with your Soul’s desire, that is, it does not feature spiritual aspect.
Ask your Soul if it makes any difference to it what make car you drive, what brand clothes you wear, what size house you live in and many more – all the things that are vigorously foisted off to you by advertisement and mass media.
And it will answer that the only thing that matters to it is your inner STATE – your being healthy, happy, calm, balanced and grateful for everything you have, so that Light and Love overflow you and you can generously share them with the people around.
All the rest is artificially imposed on you and, consequently, is programmes alien to you.
And today’s practice is designed to burn down all your energy ties to these programmes – dissolve them once and for all.
To make it easier for you to visualize it you can imagine these programmes as little boxes from which there go energy cords to you.
And from the other side by means of the cords of the same kind these boxes are connected to a huge computer, the one from which signals through these boxes enter your subconscience provoking your actions that are required not by you or your Soul but by your enslavers.
Each person on Earth is literally loaded with these “boxes” of programmes – to a larger or smaller degree but no one has escaped this destiny for all the centuries of living side by side with reptiloid on one planet.
But it is time to get rid of this “load” – disconnect yourself from these devil “cords” and burn them down with the Flame of Universe Love.
So, having invoked all your Heavenly patrons and the Flame of Universe Love, in a slow and calm way start to burn down all the alien artificial programmes introduced into your subconscience.
Watch all the energy “cords” connected to you burning down in this flame, one by one these sinister “boxes” falling down and this time hanging on the “cord” connecting them to their head computer…
Feel easiness and freedom in your head…
It will seem to you that even your body has become light and weightless…
And it is really so, for your subtle bodies that are part of your conscience have been released from the alien captivity and are taking a deep breath of freedom…
Do this meditation, my dear, until you feel your conscience has completely got rid of everything unnecessary and artificial.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 21, 2020.

August 20

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Reptiloid collective conscience energy grid dissolution)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Now, when you know the underlying reason of the events taking place on Earth we will move on to the next stage of work with them.
But as you understand, so as to make physical reality change it is necessary to work at the subtle level first – in terms of energy.
And this time your work will be pointwise since now you can clearly and distinctly imagine the whole power structure of your society and see all the participants of the current events.
On the one hand, it makes your task easier but, on the other hand, you should realize how durable this “hitching” is that has been created for centuries between all the “floors” of power both above and below.
Since the energy “grid” of reptiloid collective conscience has entangled the whole Earth and it is the grid that is the basis and guarantee of all superiors’ instructions’ execution who the Dragons and the Dragon reptiles are, you should start your work with the destruction of just this structure.
For this purpose the Energy of the Universe Love Flame is the best one.
Yet, I would like it to be not a meditation or one-time séance but systematic work of each of you.
And it is as follows.
As often as possible – at least once a day – do your best to invoke all the Higher Powers of the Universe and all human-friendly extraterrestrial civilizations so as by mutual efforts to dissolve the energy grid of reptiloid collective conscience by the Flame of Universe Love.
At this moment you can visualize Earth and watch the process initiated by you burning down, like Bickford fuse, all the hexahedral cells of this devil “web” all around your planet.
If you are accustomed to work with hands, you will feel by all means the flow coming out of them becoming intensified manifold due to the fact it will be joined in by the energies of the assistants you invoked from the subtle level.
In this case you will be a highest vibration energies concentration point that, thanks to your being embodied and finding yourself directly on Earth, will function as a “detonator” of the dissolution process, and, consequently, the desired effect will come into being much faster than if the process were participated in ONLY by the Higher Powers.
In other words, you will speed up the events materialization process – their descending from the subtle level directly to Earth.
What events do I mean?
Before all, it is disorientation of middle and low caste reptiloids, which is really essential.
They are the very executors who implement the plan on humanity enslavement by means of imposed quarantine and vaccination and chipping that will follow.
But if you accompany your energy work with specific measures such as peaceful protest actions and numerous petitions aimed against the absurd instructions imposed on you, it will give quick and positive result.
And it is impossible to delay it, my dear, since the “wounded beast” is becoming twice as dangerous, and you see this perfectly well by chaotic and haste performance of officials at all the levels of power.
Work calmly, systematically and with confidence.
Visualize the final result as distinctly as possible: the happy and cheerful people recovered from the lethargy who have gained the long-awaited freedom.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 20, 2021.

August 19

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Your Spirit’s strength makes them helpless)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
I would like to summarize the talk about the pyramid of power existing at both the subtle and physical level of Earth.
As you have probably guessed, it is not by chance that one of the illuminati’s symbols is the overturned pyramid.
This symbol is to show the identity of power hierarchy above and below – its mirror reflection.
I told you about the pyramid’s inhabitants at all the levels in details only because the time has come to reveal this knowledge to you.
The only aim to do this was to advance your mindfulness and your personal responsibility for all the things happening on Earth.
And I think that many of you were ready to accept this information, moreover, the current events of your life are the glaring example of what was said in my recent messages.
And every single day will bring more and more “examples” of this kind since the Light flowing on Earth nowadays will gradually dissolve the remaining Dark, no matter how hard it tries to hold its ground on your planet.
As you see, the genuine essence of those both at the top of the power pyramid and at the low “stages” of it is becoming more and more highlighted.
So, my dear, what should you do with the knowledge obtained?
How can you apply it to everyday life?
Before all, you should make your emotional state balanced, which will allow you to take this tough information as it is, as some kind of the “puzzle’s” fragment enabling you to see the whole picture of the things occurring on Earth – all the cause-effect chain of recent events.
The fact of understanding itself will help you make right decisions and work out adequate tactics with authorities’ representatives and different institutions that you will have to interact this or that way.
The main thing you have to understand is that they are helpless to make you do something against your Soul.
Your power of Spirit and dignity must become your “armour-plating” that creatures of low intentions and, consequently of low vibrations, will not be able to break through.
And the more people on Earth feel self-respect and power of Spirit, the sooner you will revive from the lethargy the present “masters” of your planet have forced you into.
The vibrations of the people who realized being omnipotent Divine creatures can in the shortest possible time “press out” their oppressors both from the subtle and physical level of Earth.
But for this purpose you should unite your efforts: your energies and your actions at the physical level the way that these actions feature not aggressive but constructive character.
Under no circumstances, my dear, allow anyone to decrease your vibrations that are nowadays your main tool to oppose the Dark Forces.
Remember this every single moment of your life controlling all your thoughts and emotions.
I know that it is not easy but without this you will not be able to move further whatever efforts are made by the Higher Powers or by your Galaxy brothers for your salvation.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 19, 2020.

August 18

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Middle caste reptiloids)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will move on to the last – the lowest step of the power pyramid on Earth and will speak about middle caste reptiloids.
They are the ones who are direct executors of the “common superiors’ ” will that the Dragons, the Dragon reptiles and high caste reptiloids are.
This way, the instructions from above run down the chain, and everybody at their level tackles the problems assigned.
Let us consider the way this mechanism works using the example of the things happening on Earth right now – when the confrontation between people and their “invaders” has reached its apogee.
As you already know, the Dragons’ specialization has always been to control human conscience.
But although they have made great progress in this, yet, they have not managed to reach their goal to a full extent.
And it mostly happens because of the fact that there is a huge amount of pure and really ancient souls embodied on Earth at present whose pure Divine conscience sees through the subterfuge of the Dark Forces.
Therefore “up there” there was made a decision to resort to “mass destruction weapons” that are 5G towers aimed at activation of the nanoparticles introduced into the human body by means of specially designed vaccines and substances dispersed into air.
In relation to this, there was worked out a certain plan – a clear-cut and consistent one – that includes the following stages.
First. Development of an artificial virus and spreading it all around the globe.
Second. Introduction of a quarantine and complete isolation of people from each other, which is the best to facilitate the implementation of reptiloids’ favourite principle of “Divide and rule”.
Third. Compulsory face masking, which not only weakens immunity making all chronic diseases aggravated but also making people totally depersonalized and deprived of their natural Divine strength.
Fourth. As a “miracle solvation” to impose common obligatory vaccination which is actually hidden chipping of all the planet’s population.
As a result of successful implementation of this plan, EACH person’s conscience would get under the control of the Dragons in whose grip there is the control centre of the chips introduced into human bodies.
And in this case they could in an artificial way with no efforts at the physical level generate ANY energies they need.
In other words, from free creatures people would have to turn into gentle toys of the Dragons, while their unlimited Divine energy potential would be used to generate the energies of the lowest vibrations so as to nourish Archon and his servants.
As you see, even realization of the three first points, which they completely succeeded in, has already resulted in energy chaos in all the spheres of your life, as well as in enormous outbursts of negative energy of all kinds.
Well, let us now return to the issue of the middle caste reptiloids and see what role they played in this “play”.
Since it is them who are direct executors of all the programmes created by the Dragons, they are thoughtfully instilled into all the power institutions by the high caste reptiloids – from the largest to the smallest ones: governments, social and public organizations, educational and medical establishments, large corporations and net structures of all sorts.
It is them who supervise the execution of all the orders and instructions by all the means available to them – up to fining and administrative sanctions in respect of those who do not follow the instructions from above.
And they do this not just thoroughly but self-forgetfully since their collective conscience is originally in their Masters’ power.
And the most obedient field employees following all the orders and instructions are their fellows – low caste reptiloids who are connected to the same reptiloid “grid” covering the whole planet of yours.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 18, 2020.

August 17

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (High caste reptiloids)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we move on to the discussion of high caste reptiloids who are at the last but one step of the dark hierarchy power ladder and whose representatives are direct executors of those at the top of this pyramid’s will.
Well, what is the high reptiloid caste?
Many of these creatures are in public eye this time.
These are royal families’ representatives, some presidents, largest global companies’ heads, financial magnates, TV channels’ owners and owners of the global web’s nets – in a word, those who influence policy in all the spheres of human activities.
They give tone to all these spheres and choose devoted assistants at each stage of work and at each “level” of the “pyramid of power” created at the physical level this time.
This pyramid is a reflection of the one existing at the subtle level: “what’s above resembles what’s below”.
And we will speak about this in some details.
To help you get a better idea of this earthly pyramid and the mechanism of interaction among all its members, let us have a case study.
Perhaps, the most vivid of them – the most conspicuous in the direct meaning of the word – is the mass media that almost in all the countries of the world are in the grip of reptiloids, the Dragon reptiles, to be exact, who work out broadcasting policy and the manner of information communication to the population.
They are also in charge of personnel recruitment: employing TV programmes presenters and news announcers.
In this case the owner of a TV channel, just like Archon, creates the conditions for the channel in his charge to gather “tribute” for him as negative energies of all kinds.
Thus, like by Demons, each programme of the channel is run by his subordinates aimed at collecting a certain type of energy and, as a rule, they are high caste reptiloids.
Then, there are TV presenters who can be humans but whose conscience is ruled or who were bought by this or that means.
Everything happens according to the plan that was “run down” and designed to provide the corresponding “departments” at the subtle level with the energy they require.
Thus, the news releases are rich in negative information generating in people the energies of fear, discontent, aggression, powerlessness and so on and so forth.
Announcers are carefully chosen, too – often pure-bred reptiloids or even clones who present the news in an aggressive manner and, like astral beings, stir up passions in people.
Entertainment programmes are rich in vulgarities, cynicism, perversions of all sorts, which ruins universal values and provoke the energies of the lowest vibrations in people.
Health programmes intimidate viewers with stories on hazards of numerous diseases threatening people and at the same time promote the interests of pharmaceutical companies.
And even esoteric type programmes that have recently appeared make people astray from the truth overloading them with unnecessary and often contradictory information that just makes them frightened of the unknown and causes the feeling of hopelessness.
You can ask me if all the participants of the show perform their “part” mindfully?
Of course, no. But many people who have already fallen into the trap and into these energies cannot preserve their spiritual purity or refuse the big money TV channels’ owners pay them.
While the latter ones make advantage of these people and their once good names using them as a hook for the unsuspecting viewers for promotion of their own interests.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 17, 2020.

August 16

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Dragon reptiles)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we move on to the subject of the Dragon reptiles that are a step down in the Dark Forces hierarchy.
They are gene-modified creatures who are a symbiosis of two souls: an original – natural – dragon and a reptile one that was artificially created this time.
This is absolutely unique energy structure that was developed for the purpose of exercising permanent control over those who are traditionally called “high and mighty” and who have established and sustain on your planet the world order similar to the one created by Archon and Demon creatures at the subtle level.
The dragon soul of this creature is at the subtle level and is invisible for common people, while the reptile one is embodied as a human being.
But these souls are not equivalent or equal since the reptile soul is in full submission to the dragon one that not just controls the conscience of the reptiloid embodied but their actions as well – gestures, facial expression, manner of behaviour.
It can be compared to the way an artist performs with a puppet on their hand.
It should be noted that Dragon reptiles are not that many on Earth.
They are mostly the top of the world government hidden from people that always stay in shadow since most of “dirty” work is done by the visible part of it – high caste reptiloids who will be spoken about later.
What is the role played by the Dragon reptiles in destinies of people?
They carefully watch all the events on Earth and design the worst course for them to take.
What do I mean when say “the worst”?
Thus, for example, any discontent of people, whatever it is caused by, that in usual situation could be quickly eliminated by the adequate measures of their government is fanned by them into serious conflicts, revolutions and wars.
And they use all their devilish arsenal for this encouraging and intensifying any negative human emotion to the extent it turns into an obsession and a fanatic crave for aggressive actions which in the long run results in bloody conflicts, wars and revolutions.
And when there happen calm periods in life of people so as to replenish their nourishment they scheme for provocations of a global scale sometimes.
And one of the glaring examples is the prearranged by dragon reptiles explosion of skyscrapers in New York that itself gave rise to a powerful source of the energies of fear, horror and sufferings of the people shocked by the event and later on was the pretext for unleashing wars in a number of Arabic countries, which this time turned a real feast for Archon and his demon army.
The same way all the revolutions and wars were unleashed in the history of humanity.
So, what is the mechanism for such a creature’s two souls’ interaction – dragon and reptile?
It is in the fact that the dragon soul at the subtle level develops a concept and a clear-cut plan of actions on Earth and the reptiloid soul embodied implements it.
The reptiloid conscience is not free at that but totally subordinates to a stronger and more powerful dragon soul that completely runs its “better half”.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 16, 2020.

August 15

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (The Dragon race)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
So, we move on to the next level of the Dark Forces hierarchy controlling your planet.
The step down it is occupied by the Dragon race.
And today I will tell you about it in detail.
This is one of the most ancient races in the Universe that gradually changed both towards Light and towards Dark.
Thus, there appeared a lot of its subtypes, and each of them has followed their way.
Why did it happen?
Before all, because they started to actively interact with other civilizations of different levels of development and assimilate with them.
To some extent it resembles the processes that later happened on Earth, too.
And the Dragons who colluded with Archon are part of once great civilization that followed the way of involution giving the top priority not to spiritual development but to technological development aimed at living beings conscience control so as to make their will submitted.
Earth has turned for them not just to an object of conquest but some kind of prove ground of their technical means for her inhabitants’ conscience control.
And since their aim itself featuring one of the main Laws of the Universe’s violation – the Law of the Free Will – was not Divine, to achieve it they enlisted the Creator’s antipode’s support – Universe Evil embodying the antipode of Universe Love.
As a result, duality appeared on Earth that with every single century spread more and more over all the aspects of your existence.
The principle of “Divide and rule” little by little penetrated all the spheres of your life this time: not only political, social and religious ones but into the life of every family, too.
The freedom of human will was violated at the very birth since a child right away got into certain established “from above” patterns of behaviour and mentality.
And so as to ultimately suppress genetically determined Divine impulses of people there was created the society structure and power institutions on Earth that reflected the things taking place at the subtle level in the patrimonial estate of Archon.
The energies overwhelming there descended to the energy space of the planet interacting with human subtle bodies and started their destructive work in them.
But the “control center” of this work has always been in the Dark Forces’ grip.
Never anything was let to follow its course.
The technologies created by the Dragons for conscience control were thoroughly tracing everyone identifying one’s weaknesses and the most vulnerable aspects of one’s psyche so as to “throw in” the energies NECESSARY TO THEM thereby turning human weaknesses into vices and sometimes even into obsession.
And the actual doers of their will were their “clerks” now – astral beings of this or that level, of this or that kind of energy depending on the acute needs and social status of the person they were working with.
In some rare cases this work was also joined by Demons directly interacting with the people who had got up the pyramid of power in this or that country.
And it happened at the turning points of Earth’s destiny – periods of critical military conflicts or social shocks.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 15, 2020.

August 14


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, let us go on talking about the structure of power pyramid settled on Earth.
It has already been said enough about Archon therefore we will move on right to the next step down the Dark Forces pyramid that is occupied by an army of Demons – true and trusted servants of Archon.
Why has he fragmented himself into separate energy units?
The only reason is to collect his “tribute” as negative energies in a more efficient and fruitful way.
Since there are a great number of kinds of negative emotions, each of them got in charge of the Demon “specializing” in just this sort of energy.
It was done so that all low vibration energies flow together in one place and then being concentrated were delivered above – to Archon where they intermingle making each other stronger and nourishing the Universe Evil.
In the course of society development there appeared new energies and a variety of their shades.
As an example there can be mentioned a fashion for “glamour” life and all sorts of plastic surgery so as to correspond to the artificially created “ideal”.
As you have probably guessed, this is another “brainchild” of reptiloids designed for depersonalization of humans depriving them of their natural Divine individual features.
So, a lot of people, especially women, do not see through the subterfuge generating as a result the energy of depersonalization.
Yes, my dear, even the energy type like this exists on Earth now, and it has already brought up a Demon of enormous sizes.
And now it is also sustained by the people who have dutifully put on face masks.
Well, what is the mechanism of negative energies passage from people to Demons?
This process is actively taken part in by astral beings of all kinds that “run errands” for their “bosses” who Demons are.
It can be compared with your large corporations, with thousands of small clerks being subordinate to their chiefs.
The same way astral beings of the astral level of Earth can influence low subtle bodies of people: etheric, emotional, mental and causal ones, which they keenly do all the time.
In my series of messages on the World of Astral I focused on all its levels, kinds of astral beings and the means they affect people so now I am not going to repeat myself but just will mention that there is a certain hierarchy among them as well.
Just as large companies are subdivided into departments, groups and sections, each Demon here runs his “department” of offence, for example, with his employees “bending over backwards” so as to get more energy for their “boss” provoking people for offence of all sorts stirring it up by all the means available to them.
In their turn those in charge of “departments”, “groups” and “sections” just as in real companies get up the ladder growing into demon creatures of a certain rank.
Unfortunately, it is this demonic system of power that your society was based on, which resulted in such regrettable consequences.
And this is the reason why people who have come to power so quickly end up with a moral lapse.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 14, 2020.

August 13

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Pyramid of power)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, we move on to the talk on how disembodied low vibration creatures can influence people’s destinies by means of the countries’ heads the former live in.
As a matter of fact, carefully designed mechanism of influence on people who came to power is simple to the utmost.
It is based on the time-tested principle of “Divide and rule”, as well as self-importance exaggeration and the feeling of belonging to “the chosen”.
And the dual world you live in facilitates this the best way.
But we will start with the fact that from the times immemorial on your planet there has been around a clear power hierarchy, a pyramid, to be exact.
To get a clear idea of it, you can imagine it as a stepped pyramid – the ziggurat.
At the top of it there is Archoin – a concentration and embodiment of Evil.
A step down the pyramid there are his servants: Demons of power, cupidity, greed, cruelty, voluptuousness and many other vices typical of the inhabitants of Earth.
Why it is Demons?
Because these creatures are also a concentration of certain negative energies.
For the centuries of their service to Archon they have grown into real giants – powerful masters of these passions.
They are closely tied up to their Master by energy channels.
It can be said that Archon has fragmented himself into “narrow focus” Demons.
A level down our “ziggurat” there are Archon’s staunch allies – the Dragons – who have made a deal with him on Earth’s conquest.
Further down are the Dragon reptiles who are the Dragons’ “hands” for implementing their plans on Earth.
But their will’s direct operators have become high caste reptiloids embodied as humans who are at the next step of the ziggurat.
And eventually, at the very bottom of the pyramid there are middle caste reptiloids efficiently performing the orders of their direct bosses – high caste reptiloids.
There are six steps all in all and six levels of subordination.
What is so complex hierarchy of power for?
Firstly, for total control of Archon’s will execution at all the levels of existence.
Secondly, for more efficient coordination of the events taking place at the physical and subtle level of Earth since they are interconnected and closely knit together.
Thirdly, for rendering more important and exceptional those at the lower steps of this hierarchy ladder.
And in my following messages I will tell you in details about each “storey’s” inhabitants of our imaginary ziggurat.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 13, 2020.

August 13

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Symbolism impact on human conscience)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Before I tell you how the Dark Forces influence different countries’ governments, I would like to highlight for you the mechanism of symbolism impact on people.
And now we will focus not on its physical manifestation, which is general symbols, but on the things that occur at the subtle level at the moment of these symbols being shown.
As you already know, any religion has its own egregor, and the more people practise it, the more powerful the egregor is.
And, of course, the “religion” practised by reptiloids and their henchmen is not an exception.
And since it was one of the first to arise – even earlier than all the rest religions arose, the ones that were artificially created by reptiloids again, its egregor is not only one of the most powerful but one of the most destructive as well, both for people and for the planet in general.
So now, reptiloids with all their facilities maintain this egregor, the one that itself makes tremendous energy influence on human conscience keeping it within the bounds of duality, which prevents human collective conscience’s vibrations from increasing.
Being aware of the fact that Earth is moving into a new energy space with no place for them, by all the means available to them reptiloids strive to keep it within the former reality.
This is the reason why they have recently started to have their satanic rites more and more often, which could not remain unnoticeable.
By the way, these “rites” can also be applied to “colour revolutions”, wars, terrorist acts, artificially promoted national conflicts, with human moral suffering and death toll as high as hundreds of thousands, are also “offerings” to Archon and his “servants”.
This insatiable monster and his egregor are nourished by them on people’s pain, energies of fear, despair and powerlessness.
While the satanic rites held by them and open demonstration of their symbols involve a huge amount of people.
What, for example, happens, at the concerts of popular satanic singers gathering audience of many thousands?
Their symbols attract all the Dark Forces to these places therefore their fans literally lose their mind turning into a mad fanatic crowd that generates the lowest energies sustaining the egregor of Archon.
Thus, by means of satanists’ symbols there is performed human conscience control, with people UNCONSCIOUSLY and VOLUNTARILY giving their energy and their inexhaustible Divine potential to the power of the Dark Forces who then use this natural gift of people against them themselves.
That is why, it is fanatism that has become reptiloids’ favourite “tool” for human conscience control, and they do their best to make it “run the show” in all the spheres of your life: in political, social, religious and national ones…
As far as their symbols are concerned, they are extra “fuel” to inflame human passions and tie the negative energies generated by people not only to the egregors of certain types of low vibration energies but also with the egregor of Archon thereby fortifying reptiloids’ ground on Earth.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 13, 2020.

August 11

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Mutually beneficial alliance)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I will tell you who swayed the destinies of reptiloids at the early stage of Earth’s conquest.
The Dragons were perfectly aware of the fact that they would not be able to get control over the planet inhabited by Human Gods because of a huge vibration gap.
Then they made it their aim to achieve at any cost that human vibrations decrease to the level at which they could influence their conscience.
And to speed up the process, they decided to benefit from Archon’s service.
Thereby, convergence of their interests resulted in the energies of low vibrations untypical of earthlings starting to arrive at Earth, and the reptiloids being embodied grounded them intensifying them with their own negative thoughts and emotions.
In other words, your planet was “bombarded” with negative energies from the subtle level by Archon, while on Earth these energies were received and spread more and more by low vibration creatures who reptiloids are.
Unlike humans, they took these energies in as native and usual ones that they were imbued with at birth by their creators.
Thereby, the circle of Evil was initiated and it has been around on Earth since then for millennia.
Archon who shared his “riches” at the initial stage got them back at a high “interest” rate and not only from reptiloids but from humans, too whose nature was so perverted by them that even people started to generate energies of lowest vibrations.
But the Dragons, as well as Archon, realized quite well that they should not let this process take its course.
Therefore, they made up their mind to make themselves safe and set “ever-burning flame” of Evil that will be passed from hands to hands by the high caste reptiloids by means of certain beliefs, symbols and rituals.
It is them that became the symbol of them being chosen, exceptional and of their impunity among those craving for power, money and worship.
And so as to reinforce their influence on their “servants” and make their souls totally submitted to them, these rituals were rendered satanic with blood offering.
The main principle of the religion created by Archon and the Dragons was the postulate “Divide and rule”, which implied the division into slaves and the chosen.
High caste reptiloids who had had the rite of their “deities” worship were proclaimed the chosen, while all the rest of the population was proclaimed “slaves”.
During the rite of passage the dark forces channel was opened so wide that for a split second Archon himself appeared there as a huge being with burning eyes and horns on his head.
This is where such image of the Devil came from, as well as the expression “to sell one’s soul to the Devil”.
During these rites reptiloids’ souls got tremendous infeeds of negative energies that later resulted in grave evil deeds on Earth: unleashing of wars, revolutions, national conflicts, humiliation of people, their conscience manipulation, human moral lapse and many more.
Like bees gather honey, they accumulated “poison” – all the negative energies they fed on themselves and nourished their patrons on.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 11, 2020.

August 10

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Archon and the Dragons)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
So now, when you know who actually governs your world it is time to tell you in some details about the pressure tools used in all the process.
As you have already understood, the center for economy and finance control and, most important, human minds control is in one place.
But not in the hands of those by many considered as “masters of the world” and “owners of the planet”: they are just marionettes controlled from without by more powerful creatures.
And to make this control run smooth with no failures, these “marionettes” are bound with each other by frank-pledge and blood ties or, to be more exact, by a blood oath.
But to make it easier for you to understand what this secret hierarchy power structure is based on, we will have to turn to the past again.
For his plan to be successfully implemented, Archon needed to impart an air of reptiloids being chosen, which would boost their self-esteem and justify all their evil deeds.
So, he declared himself their Deity and them themselves his faithful servants.
Yet, since any religion assumes a certain system of beliefs and rituals, he work them out really thoroughly laying special emphasis on the energies most desired by him – such as cruelty, pride, lust for power, voluptuousness, greed and… sadism.
He announced all the most disgusting human passions to them as evidence of their unlimited strength and superiority over others.
And so as to consolidate this superiority and prove their strength, they were suggested going through a series of sacrifice to their Deity.
This way the initiation into high reptiloid caste was held, and in exchange for their blood offering, reptiloids were granted almost limitless opportunities on Earth.
Well, how could Archon influence people’s destinies and global events on Earth in general?
Before all, he concluded an alliance with the Dragon race whose products reptiloids are.
And this energy symbiosis of the low vibration civilization of the Dragons and Archon, who is the embodiment of the Evil on Earth, being united by a shared goal of Earth’s enslavement resulted in the fact that the creatures in their grip have been controlling your planet for many centuries.
And in my next message I will give you some details on this cooperation functioning and on what its binding principle was.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 10, 2020.

August 10


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, we will move on to the third means of existence extension for the reptiloids who for these or those reasons are needed by their creators on Earth being embodied.
And we will talk about cloning.
As I have already said in my series of messages on reptiloids and clones, cloning was commercialized on Earth long ago, with the cloning technologies being provided to earthlings by extraterrestrial civilizations with membership in the Coalition of the Grey.
Yet, famous people’s cloning is used by high and mighty in cases of emergencies since clones require constant control over their conscience, otherwise, they will be easily recognized in spite of the fact that they are exact copies of their protypes.
Well, what are the cases when, for example, a president is cloned?
More often, when they get out of control of those who govern them, which though rarely still happens.
And if “puppeteers” consider their presence on Earth appropriate due to, for instance, their popularity with the nation they neutralize them physically and replace with a clone who starts governing the country according to their clear instructions now.
But more often it happens not to pure reptiloids, for it is easy to replace a soul for them having “programmed” it in compliance with a new physical medium but to humans or those possessing two souls.
Quite often there are created twin-clones of people or reptiloids embodies so that they participate in “crowd scenes” appearing in the places fraught with some danger for the “originals” or simply so as to make time for things more important for them.
Frequently, those for some reasons believed to be people-actors – celebrities’ doubles – are actually their clones.
The only problem that arises in cloning is impossibility of natural aging of the clone body, which is only typical of creatures possessing souls – be it the human or reptiloid soul.
Therefore, as long as the original “gets mature” – either living or passed away one – they create clones of the age corresponding to the standards of the third dimension world person.
But, as a rule, they still look much younger for their age, anyway, because they do not experience natural feelings and emotions.
It is quite easy to identify them due to their too ideal appearance.
Such clones are more like dolls alive lacking any slightest “flaws” typical of human bodies, with each of them having their own unique peculiarities.
As you see, my dear, reptiloids have both made their firm ground on your planet having overwhelmed its rightful inhabitants and learnt to extend their life taking advantage of human energy and spiritual potential.
And especially now, as Earth’s vibrations are swiftly increasing, their hatred to humans have reached its climax and in their powerless anger they are doing their best to humiliate humans to the utmost in the end and make their conscience totally submitted.
This is what you observe at every corner now.
This is what your final durability test is, and I believe you will pass it in a proper manner.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 10, 2020.

August 9

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Reptiloid soul replacement)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Now we will study the second means to extend reptiloid life in the physical body.
And it consists in instilling of another soul that is more viable – a reptiloid one naturally – into an existing body.
It should be mentioned, it occurs rather seldom and only in cases of barest necessity.
Since unlike humans reptiloids do not possess the Free Will, everything is arranged “above” – by the initiative of their creators.
In what way does it happen?
The thing is that after the physical body’s death reptiloid souls go away to a certain place specially allotted for them at the subtle level.
This is some kind of an “incubator” of reptiloid souls that are produced there artificially, while the “discharged material” is utilized.
But before “utilization” these souls for some time keep their unity and conscience.
And the Dragons controlling the process of birth and death of those “under their wardship” have opportunity to “shuffle” these souls in case of emergency.
Thus, for example, into a decrepit body of a reptiloid that has had their days but whose presence on Earth is essential to them they can instil a soul of a young and strong reptiloid who died as a result of an accident, for example.
Their technologies allow them to “implant” into their conscience the old reptiloid’s memory and experience whose body this soul is being instilled into.
Sometimes it does not happen all at one, and the old – native – memory breaks through, which is regarded as senile dementia of the owner of two souls.
But then everything settles down, and a man of senile appearance suddenly gains power and clarity of mind.
As a result, he goes on carrying out according to the installed programme everything required from him.
Perhaps, many of you were surprised at how long some royal families and hidden government members live who in spite of their more than advanced age lead quite an active life.
It is explained by the fact that by this or that means their life has already been extended for several times, and sometimes more than one means was used for that.
Why is incarnation important in this case beside recovery of the physical body?
As a matter of fact, unlike humans possessing immortal souls, reptiloid souls get old and die with their physical bodies since they are just “frameworks” their physical bodies are threaded on.
This is the reason why under some circumstances – emotional outbursts or being exposed to high vibration space – their souls can “show” outside, which some people happened to see.
These souls have a reptile’s shape and only their physical casing is “disguised” as human.
Sometimes, in rare cases, a human half-bred possessing a human and a reptiloid souls “evicts” the reptiloid soul from their body as their vibrations are increasing.
And if it is a young and healthy soul, it can also be used for instilling into a senile body of another reptiloid instead of being directed to “recycling”.
I see, my dear, that some of you are at a loss why I tell you in details about the things so unpleasant and scary for you.
But I would like you to realize to a full degree what world you used to live in – how different it is from the one you imagined, and to see truth with no embellishment so as not to go on believing the things authorities and the mass media under their control are trying to impose on you.
The masks they have put on people are actually designed to conceal their own faces and criminal actions.
Yet, despite all their tricks, these masks will be thrown off in the nearest future now, and you should be ready for this.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 9, 2020.

August 8

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Adrenochrome)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message, now I would like to focus on each of the means described by me that are used by the members of the world government and their henchmen to extend life keeping their power, health and even youth.
So, the first means is consumption of adrenochrome.
And for a start, let us look into the way it influences the reptiloid body.
Of course, before all, it makes an energy impact since it features tremendous charge of creativity energy, which is typical only of the creatures possessing God’s particle.
We can say that consuming adenochrome, reptiloids “steal” human creative potential and power of Spirit.
But this Divine power is used by them not for the good of others but for their Master’s good – Archon and hunt for the energies desired by him, the ones of the lowest vibrations they provoke millions of people for.
Thus, they redirect enormous energy potential of humans and their spiritual power the wrong way taking advantage of people’s might and turning it against people themselves.
This is exactly the reason, my dear, why you must not pay back evil with evil, aggression with aggression because all these energies return to you again being intensified, and this is what those at the helm of your world are striving for.
Beside the energy impact, adrenochrome encourages their physical bodies’ recovery.
How does it happen?
It triggers the process of body’s cells regeneration since this substance contains the “phantom” of immortality code – its etheric imprint.
It is explained by the fact that human genome in its pure form features the matrix of existence in higher dimensions with different time parameters and different opportunities.
And as you already know, in these dimensions physical bodies enjoy quite different characteristics.
While in the third dimension world due to your subtle bodies being compressed to the most they get old very quickly, in the higher vibration worlds the physical bodies of the creatures existing there are rarified and can be transformed by power of thought.
Well, in spite of the fact that Divine Souls live in a variety of worlds and civilizations, their common genome’s “core” features ideal – pure – origin of tremendous energy and physical potential.
These are the energies contained in adrenochrome, and getting into a reptiloid’s  body they produce a rejuvenating effect on it.
Yet, this effect is a short-term one, for it lacks connection with the main component of human genome – Divine conscience which reptiloids are deprived of by their origin and subtle material structure.
Therefore, to keep afloat they have to get and consume this substance that works wonders for them over and over again.
But even in case of adrenochrome’s getting into the body of a human it cannot realize its Divine potential to a full extent because it is consumed by people who are aware of the means this substance was obtained by and, consequently, who have gone all to pieces.
They are the ones spoken about as those who sold their soul to Devil.
It is actually true: these people literally “sell” their souls for fame, success and wealth, which sometimes results in a complete lapse of their souls after their physical medium’s leaving the physical level.
This is the very involution – moral lapse – that “nourishes” Archon and his servants.
And unfortunately, in the third dimension world it happens quite often.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 8, 2020.

August 7

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Escape from death)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
For my previous message to be continued, I would like to explain to you the way adrenochrome influences people and especially INhumans whose energy structure seems to be unable to take in such a high vibration substance.
It is rather complicated to formulate in a human language since all the processes occur at the subtle level and only their consequences show at the physical level.
But you can try to imagine these things happening the following way.
As a result of particular satanic rituals that have been verified for centuries, the high-rank Demons, who specialize in them, at the moment of Divine particle’s “catapulting” into the Higher worlds “snatch out” some of its energy and then condense it at the physical level in the pineal gland of the person killed.
And next, by means of crystallization the very substance forms, the one that contains the “immortality” energy – the thing reptiloids are deprived of since their souls, unlike human ones, are mortal.
And I will focus on this now.
What is a reptiloid soul?
This is a self-destructing energy unit.
It does possess conscience but it is not Divine but complies with the clear-cut programmes embedded into it.
This soul is either moved in a human body on its own or as the other one – alongside with the soul already inhabiting this body.
Having been in human bodies for many centuries reptiloid souls have adjusted to life on Earth, while reptiloids themselves hardly differ from common people in appearance now.
Nevertheless, they are creatures featuring absolutely different subtle material structure.
As you already know, the reptiloids embodied on Earth have a rigorous hierarchy.
So, while common reptiloids live and die in a natural way, the high caste has arranged to prolong their stay on Earth as much as possible.
Yet, they do it not out of their own will either but automatically because their conscience is controlled from above by their Masters.
Well, who do they try to extend life as much as possible?
Those of their servants who have reached the top of power pyramid on your planet and who have real impact on the global developments on Earth and, naturally, most negative impact – such as, for example, unleashing wars and revolutions, economic and financial crises, in a word, on anything that encourages enormous outbursts of  negative energy by humans.
And so as to extend life of these “masters of destinies” they start to artificially maintain them.
And one of the means of maintaining life in them is consuming of adrenochrome that promotes cells regeneration of physical body and gives their souls a fresh lease of life and energy they “stole” from a person.
Another means is an instilled lodger or, to be exact, a new soul that was deliberately created for this creature and was programmed so that it scans from the etheric level the life experience acquired by a certain reptiloid on Earth and gets adjusted to the physical body it was instilled in as well as to its living conditions.
And the third means is cloning, which gains increasing popularity on Earth, not only in respect of reptiloids but also of people at that.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 7, 2020.

August 6

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Immortality code)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, let us go on talking about what Archon is and about the part played by him in all the events taking place on Earth now.
Unfortunately, it is the most direct and even the leading one.
But to enable you to get a better idea of how he has managed to “succeed” in this, we will have to return to remote past – to the time when reptiloids appeared on your planet.
So as to consolidate here once and for all and not just consolidate but take key posts in all the political, social, religious and financial establishments all over the world, they needed the uniting principle: a certain system of beliefs tightly fastening together the top of their authority – high caste reptiloids who know about their origin.
And their uniting principle like this became Archon.
Having concentrated all the kinds of negative energies existing in the Universe, he has also acquired a whole army of “servants” as Demons each of whom “specializes” in some certain type of negative energy.
Thus, there are Demons of hatred, offence, jealousy, greed, cruelty, aggression…
They are also subjects to their own hierarchy, with the most powerful of them being Demons feeding on the energy of sadism.
Yes, my dear, do not be surprised, such energy also exists in the Universe and it has numerous shades and nuances.
It includes not only physical tortures of man but also moral ones – such as purposeful and unceasing humiliation that can be manifested in any way from verbal insult to beating.
But the height of sadism and the most desired energy for Archon is the energy of fear of death and especially death suffering of a child being accompanied by slow and cruel torture of their flesh.
And at the very moment of the sufferer’s transition beyond the veil their pineal gland secretes a certain substance in your world called “adrenochrome” which is the universal means for rejuvenation and gaining strength.
Why does it possess qualities so unique?
The only reason is that innocent creature’s death as poignant allows their soul to immediately get where a soul of a person leaving the physical level in a calm and peaceful condition gets only on the fortieth day.
So, during these fractions of a second the soul’s transition to higher worlds is physically expressed in emission of this unique substance containing “immortality code”.
This is human genetic code as it is and soul takes it away after its physical body’s death to the higher worlds where it rests till its next incarnation.
And only under extraordinary circumstances when one’s death, and especially a child’s death, results from sadistic actions to them, this code shows at the physical level for a split second, which their torturers are well aware of.
Thus, the energy of sadism – the concentration of the most disgusting negative energies – for some fractions of a second provokes the emission of another “concentrated” energy – Divine one that saving the human Soul from unbearable tortures throws it over right to the Higher worlds so as to immediately delete the memory of the nightmare experienced.
And such concentration of this energy is required for the Soul to get opportunity to “push off” and make a spurt and in this case it “pushes off” from the physical level – the location where the crime was committed.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 6, 2020.

August 5


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
It is high time to tell you about what the creatures controlling your planet really are.
At present, when there has appeared quite a lot of information on actual state of affairs in politics, finance, medicine, filmmaking, show business and what tools for human conscience control are involved, I can tell you in more details how people engaged in this, who are most often inhuman, are connected with the subtle level of Earth and who their actual master is.
Why have I decided to tell you about this just now?
First of all, because of the fact that even my series of messages about the astral world and reptiloids for some people turned out shocking.
The conscience of many of you was not ready yet to accept such information.
But now, with documentary evidence of the things mentioned in the Higher Powers messages becoming more and more numerous, you will be able to perceive the knowledge new and unusual to you in an adequate way.
As it was mentioned earlier, collective reptiloid conscience possesses a clear-cut and ramified structure as an energy net enveloping Earth and it resembles honeycombs.
It can be compared with circulatory system of man in which blood is made to circulate all around the body by the heart.
But in this case, a “pump” like this driving energy through all the reptiloids embodied as humans is the so-called Archon.
This is a dark being who has absorbed enormous amount of negative energy that he gathers like tribute not only from his “subordinates” – reptiloids and other low vibration creatures embodied as humans but also from people generating negative energies.
Some people confuse Archon with Lucifer who for many is associated with Devil or Demon.
Yet, while Lucifer has opportunity for spiritual growth, Archon is an embodiment of the Evil in all its manifestations.
This is the Evil as it is, and its evolution towards Light is impossible due to its origin.
“How on earth could Creator allow it to happen?!” – you can ask.
And I will answer your question: “This evil was not created artificially. It resulted from involution, moral lapse of many and many civilizations that travelled the long and poignant road of their development wandering away now this direction, now that one – now moving towards Light, now falling down into Dark again”.
Thereby, the Universe gradually has nurtured this Monster – insatiable consumer of the energies of the lowest vibrations.
As long as more and more civilizations turned to Light, making him starve he learnt to act in a more and more sophisticated way so that his source of nourishment does not cease.
He was constantly searching for new “providers” of the energies needed, and the Dragon race turned out to be the number one variant.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 5,
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