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August 31

Many people who are on a spiritual journey become cautious about moving forward in bigger ways because they do not wish to “fall into ego”. We wish to address this today.
The ego likes to feel that it is in charge. It is not a part of you that needs eradicating but you do need to understand it and its needs. It is simply self interested and needs to feel important, much like a toddler. Because it is so focused on self, it naturally feeds separation.
It will seek separation by making itself more important than others, and also by separating you from your highest life expression because it fears it will stop being important if you take big steps forward. It tries to dissuade you from taking those big steps forward through the use of fear and doubt. The ego very much likes everything to stay the same and to have a sense of control.
Do you see? You are just as much in ego (separation) by denying your dreams as you are by having an inflated sense of self. It can be helpful to recognize the ego can be a growth detector. If it is going off in fear and doubt you must be onto something big and empowering. It would not be making a peep if it were not so.
The way around this is to simply let your ego self know it is important and will never be left behind. It is an essential part of your human experience, just not a part of you that is fully qualified to lead the way. That job is best left to the knowingness of your inner wise one.
Just as you would treat a small child with separation anxiety, reassure it and lovingly guide it forward. By doing so you can lead with love and inclusion and follow where your heart leads you embracing all parts of you, which will open the door to the discovery of your highest, most authentic life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 30

Working with broad intention is a powerful tool, for it honours the core essence of what you would like to experience while leaving plenty of room for the discovery of new matches that surprise and delight you in their divine perfection. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 29

Many of you may wonder why some of the daily messages are long, while others are short.
Lengthier posts are designed to make you stay in the energy of the message longer. Short messages are meant to be prompts for you to meditate upon. In the longer posts we set the energy for you. In the shorter posts you explore the energy yourselves.
So with that said, we present to you this short daily message in the form of a question to consider today. Who are you really if you are not the stories you’ve been told? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 28

When you are in the process of co-creating, you start with a broad intention. This is showing your desire to move into an intersection with the experience that best matches you and that intention.
That intersection can happen anywhere. In some cases it is easiest for you to stay right where you are and allow it to come to you. In other cases it will beckon you forward and you will need to meet it where it is. And in other cases it will meet you somewhere in the middle. There is no one size fits all solution for where the intersection will occur because each creation has its own energy, needs, and space of alignment.
So how do you know what to do? It is simple, Dear Ones. Allow the flow to guide you. If you are surrendered to the flow and not one thing is happening despite your willingness to move with it, the easiest way for your dream to find you is for you to stay still and allow it to come to you. If you are being guided into action the flow is leading you to that divine intersection.
Do you see? If you are in your surrender, faith, flow, and trust, you can never, ever miss an opportunity and will always be provided with everything you need to find those alignments. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 27

One of the greatest themes playing out for you right now is getting to know yourself so you can step forward in new and much more authentic ways.
Many of you are in the habit of simply judging yourselves, always looking for what is wrong and needs to be corrected. Others are afraid to see the good for they fear they will fall into ego. And many are simply unable to recognize their true divine nature, their innocence, or their innate goodness.
As you get to know yourselves again, we urge you to approach it from a space of curiosity. Who are you really? What do you enjoy? What are you naturally good at? What would you like to try one day? If the sky was the limit what would you do? If not one person on the planet knew you, where would you go and what would you do?
It might help if you treated getting to know yourself like a first date, or if you were going to base a character in a novel on yourself. How would you describe yourself to others? What traits stand out? What are your core truths?
As you release layers of the old there is so much underneath waiting to be explored like hidden treasure you’ve just discovered. And it is when you come to the acceptance of those truths of you that you will step forward into the next phase of your incarnation from a far more authentic and empowered place, and that is when you will start to create the lives that truly match who you really are and what you wish to experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 26

If you have a pattern that you keep repeating that you wish to break out of, write a letter from your empowered self to the part of you who forgets and commit to reading it the next time you are tempted to go down that path again.
This is a powerful action for several reasons. First, it is setting a new intention. Second, it is planning ahead to give yourself the tool you need to make a different choice the next time. Third, it is stepping forward as your own loving guide, parent, and best friend which is an act of empowerment.
Patterns are simply areas of your life that you wish to shift from unconsciousness to consciousness. You can absolutely set yourself up to make a completely different and empowered choice the next time a pattern loops around in your life by writing this gentle reminder to yourself.
This is lovingly guiding yourself forward into new choices with your wisdom and awareness which breaks the pattern. It is setting yourself up for mastery and success over an old habit that no longer serves you which opens you up to brand new potentials and possibilities that are ready to be discovered. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 25

What is taking up space in your life that you could let go of? Worry? Doubt? Focusing on what is not working? Letting go of all the energy that doesn’t honour you or is simply there by habit creates space for the new to come in. What can you give up to make room for miracles? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 24

There is both great humility and great power when you can say, “I don’t know” and shift into allowing yourself to be guided. It sets you into the perfect balance for profound forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 23

You cannot deny yourself and be authentic at the same time. Take the time to get to know yourself again. Come Home to yourself, with your love, acceptance, and friendship. Under all your old conditioning and self judgment there is a wonderful you just waiting to be discovered. Allow that truth to lead the way, and you will find the path you were always meant to walk. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 22

Dear Ones, water in a river goes around a stone, it does not stay and push against the obstacle. Another wonderful thing happens as the water decides to flow beyond what does not serve its journey – the obstacle begins to erode and its sharp edges soften.
The same it is with what is unwanted with your world. You can flow past what doesn’t support your journey and as the attention to that obstacle is withdrawn, so is its strength. Keep your focus on where you wish to go, Dear Ones, and how you wish your world to be, and you will flow your way forward into the creation of the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 21

If you are an empath you simply have a natural energetic curiosity. You came in with that curiosity in order to learn more about how to read and create with energy. That was at the top of your to-do list for this incarnation.
You get to choose how you satisfy that curiosity. You can experience water temperature in a body of water by immersing yourself completely or by sticking your big toe in the water. You can gather much information with either method but you will likely find one style more to your liking.
We want you to know you are not at the mercy of how much you feel. If you understand you are simply wanting to explore energy, how it affects you, and how it works, you can adjust how much you dip into it at any given time.
Play with this concept. Understand you are always in charge of your energetics and there are many options between full immersion and not feeling at all. You can learn to work with subtleties rather than giant waves that overwhelm you and still gather the information you are seeking.
You would not have chosen to have the ability to feel energy if it also didn’t come with your full ability to be able to adjust into doing so comfortably. It is simply a skill like all others. If you approach it as energetic curiosity you will find your own unique style that works for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 20

Finally extending your love and care to yourself is not practicing separation, it is practicing inclusion. From that balanced space it is much easier for you to be everything you want to be for everyone else. It is leading by example how to be loved and be love. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 19

Constantly denying your own innate goodness serves no one. It does not ensure you keep growing. It does not assist your evolution. It does not make you a better person.
In fact, having such resistance to yourself increases your discomfort and your ability to flow and expand. It perpetuates separation, stagnation, and pain. It will continually aggravate any wounds that are seeking your love, compassion, and healing.
Dear Ones, acknowledging your own divine light is essential in order for you to step forward in your authenticity and truth. It is understanding yourself as an essential and beloved aspect of the whole. It is allowing your wisdom and essence to lead the way. It is accepting that you are the one you’ve been seeking all along, for the empowerment of yourselves and your shifting planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 18

The greatest way to move out of resistance is to start to ask yourself, “What if what I am resisting actually serves me?” This creates an opening for the exploration of new ideas and potentials, to trust and accept how divinely capable and guided you truly are, and to find peace in your Now moment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 17

Letting yourself be loved, from Source, from others, and from yourself, is allowing yourself to be healed and to know yourself as part of the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 16

Your heart will always lead you to the ways that you can best serve both your own incarnation as well as the whole. That feeling of rightness, of being settled in your knowingness, is the indicator of having found your match and how to proceed to be the greatest contribution you can be.
Others will only be able to identify what is best for them and their own unique incarnation. There are so many of you drawn to so many different roles, all designed to very efficiently meet the many needs of the whole. Your paths are vast and varied as are your contributions. The great unifier is that you are all together, in the body, to experience the energies of massive change on your planet.
You are the empowered leader of your own incarnation. Allow your heart to lead the way. Trust in the fact that you are the only true expert on you. Honour others in their ability to lead their own life expressions.
By honouring your own individual purposes while celebrating the fact that you are all participants and contributors to the great shift on your planet, all coming from the same Source and being guided by the same Source from within, you can anchor deeper into the energies of faith and trust, acceptance and allowing, which will open the doors to healing and peace. You will come to know like never before how much your diversity serves the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 15

There is a grand unfoldment in your life that is always beckoning you forward. That is the flow you are encouraged to surrender into. It is customized just for you, designed to honour you, support you, and help you discover your highest outcomes with the greatest ease possible.
It might help to think of surrender being the same as choosing the most direct route on your GPS. It is the fastest, most efficient way of getting where your soul is calling you to go. It can help you arrive at your destination because it utilizes different information than what you can see from where you are. It allows you to avoid traffic jams and detours.
We urge you to play with the elements of surrender and flow and to start to experience for yourselves the wonderful support they have to offer you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 14

Joy comes from moments of pure presence. These moments are often experienced through alignments that occur during special events which makes people think it is the event that creates the joy, but in reality it is the experience of being fully present that allows the joy to bubble through. This is a wonderful revelation for you to receive because presence is something you can consciously infuse into your day to day life, which would then allow joy to become more of a constant in your life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 13

Joyfully serving AND joyfully receiving are essential aspects for the next phase of your incarnation as you embrace yourselves as beings of flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 12

Many human beings have the habit of asking for guidance and assistance and then not being willing to receive it when it comes. Are you are more comfortable with being the help than accepting the help?
You cannot receive and reject at the same time, Dear Ones. Let the love of Source serve you with the same joy you get from serving others. Do you see? By embracing both serving and being served you make room for joy in all stages of your flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 11

Dear Ones, allow yourselves to be loved forward, even if you aren’t sure where you are going, for that is where your greatest discoveries, and assistance, will be found. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 10

Some people are reluctant to shine their light because they are afraid they will fall into ego. Dear Ones, it is always easy to tell the difference, for ego is flashy and seeking external validation, while your soul shines with a light from within that is luminous, empowered, and authentically beautiful. You can never, ever make a mistake allowing the gentle radiance of your true divine essence to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 9

There is a luminosity to your beingness that is breathtaking to behold for it is the presence of anchored divine light. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 8

When you release the habit of micro-managing you become available to receive so much more. Trust the flow and your own higher wisdom to guide you forward, Dear Ones, and be ready to discover what wonderful new potentials have been just waiting for a chance to make themselves known to you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 7

Dear Ones, you are continuing to experience waves of transformation on your planet. While this can feel turbulent, on a soul level this is exactly what you wished to participate in at this time.
This can feel much like navigating a series of rapids where your main focus becomes staying in the boat. There are no maps that can accurately describe the exact conditions of your rapids since each experience is unique.
You must simply surrender to them and respond to the conditions as they come up. While this can make you feel many different emotions – fear, excitement, anticipation, anxiety – your inner wisdom knows that even though the choppy flow can feel challenging it is propelling you forward towards new vistas that can only be experienced on the other side of accelerated change.
We wish to assure you times of intensity don’t last forever and before you know it your flow will even out and you will be amazed at how far you have come. You will be cleansed and exhilarated and looking at your world with fresh eyes and before long you will have an opportunity to dock your boat on the shore of the next exciting phase of your incarnation and explore the potentials you never could have found had you stayed in the old. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 6

Are you using your mind to assist or resist your flow? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 5

Flow, simply put, is Favouring Love Over Worry. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 4

Dear Ones, you can feel gratitude for and completely enjoy a buffet even if it contains some foods you don’t care for. You understand that the variety is required in order to serve the needs of many different people. As it is with your life expression. You can still have deep gratitude for the many things that serve you without needing to push against the options that exist that may not be your preference. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 3

Many human beings think they have to wait for things to be ideal in order to fully practice gratitude. They do not wish to energetically lock in anything that is undesirable.
Dear Ones, please hear us when we say that gratitude is an energetic sorting tool and a means of steering your flow. You do not need to fear that you are settling for anything less than what you want or deserve in your life if you practice gratitude for where you are.
You are beings of perpetual growth and expansion, first and foremost. Your gratitude is expressing what is in resonance with you and what you wish to use your focus to water and grow which supports your movement and expansion. It is wisely acknowledging the many ways you are provided for and your ability to co-create with a universe that simply wishes to follow your lead and love you forward. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 2

Trusting and honouring the unfoldment is exactly how you allow your greatest outcomes to take on form for you. It is holding the space long enough for your dreams to have the support they need to start to manifest while also giving them room to continue to grow and fully express themselves. It is using your wisdom, along with the wisdom of the universe, to allow the continual development and expansion of your highest potentials. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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