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Adele Arini

19 May 2018.

THE ART OF HEALING YOUR LIFE ~ Father God, 19 May 2018.

My children,
I love you all very much. And now is really the time for all of you to love yourself more. It’s time for you to fall in love with life. To love your life. To move forward in this grand adventure that is your life, in ways that will bring you the greatest joy, passion, fulfillment and unlimited abundance. All of this should soon be flowing to you with perfect ease, calm and peace. The time of struggling ‘to make a living’ or ‘to make ends meet’ is very much OVER! Now is the time for great abundance to flow into all aspects of your life, and all you have to do is open up and allow yourself to be ‘in the flow’.
It is time for you to receive ‘the proof’ of my love for you. Not that I ever felt the need to prove myself to you in any way, but I know every single one of you here. I had heard every single thought, and every single complaint you had ever had about God and/or about Life.
It is time for you to remember one simple truth. Pre-birth, you had volunteered to come here. In other words, You were the one who: wanted and chose to be here. You had chosen your own life experiences. You had chosen your family and friends; the actors and actresses who will play a minor/major role in your life.
This means, NOTHING ever happened by accident. Everything present in your life, is currently there because of your frequencies (i.e. the sum of all your past and present thoughts, words, feelings and actions). You had orchestrated and consciously, or, unconsciously invited people/created challenges and attracted them into your life: partly because of the vibrations you are/were constantly emitting out into the Universe, and partly because of your own Higher Plan.
Planet Earth is just a big playing field; one gigantic stage, for all of you to ‘play’ the roles you had chosen to play. Some of you had chosen to play the role of someone born to wealthy parents, or to poor parents. Some of you had chosen to be mentally, physically or emotionally disabled. Some of you had chosen to be a success, or a failure later in life (by your own definition). Some of you had chosen the role of someone battling a serious, life-threatening disease. Some of you are here to help awaken the Human Collective and be anchors of higher-dimensional Light. Some of you had decided to help awaken the Human Collective by choosing to be ‘victims’ of any one of many terrifying events reported in mainstream news. Some of you are here to play the role of someone living in the Dark, or someone who masterminded those horrible events. Or perhaps you are someone who has simply chosen to stay spiritually-asleep and never intended to awaken in this lifetime; in other words, someone who has zero interest in creating/manifesting 5-D Earth.
No matter which time period on third-dimensional Earth you had chosen to be born in, you will always have the free will to choose what you would like to: do, be, have and experience during your physical adventure here.
Prior to being born on planet, it is as if all souls must choose to don either a white mask or, a black mask, to symbolize the eventual life paths you will be walking later on as an adult – when you are old enough to know better; when you are old enough to be held responsible: for your actions and for everything/everyone that is in your life.
In other words, you can choose to ‘play’ the role of someone living in the Dark in a mostly ‘Light-er’ time period, or the role of someone living in the Light, in a mostly ‘Dark-er’ time period.
For those of you who haven’t read Sananda’s message through Adele, titled ‘Embracing the dark’, please read it soon to gain a deeper understanding on souls choosing to play the roles of the Dark, and to be truly cognizant of the higher-dimensional wisdom imparted here today.
In all micro and macro ‘dramas’ that are constantly playing daily on Planet Earth, (between incarnate souls who have chosen the Light versus those of the Dark) none of these dramas ever happened by accident. Everything was planned and agreed to, by everyone involved in that situation. In other words, no one is ever a victim! You are never a victim of your life circumstances.
These perpetual ‘battles’ (also known as Duality) that transpire between the Dark and the Light in lower-dimensional civilizations, will only end after these souls return back to Source/God. Back to the Oneness/Unity Consciousness with ALL THAT IS. The frequencies of Earth are rising daily, and soon, only the souls who have chosen to return to the Light/Love that is their True Nature will be able to withstand the increasing intensity of Divine Light on Gaia’s planetary body.
In other words, only the souls who have chosen to don a white mask for this current incarnation, can remain on Earth as the planet rises in vibrations and returns to its Light-er, Higher-Dimensional body. All remaining souls who have chosen not to ascend (not to spiritually-awaken) in this lifetime for whatever reason, will eventually choose to leave the planet. Their free will is always supported and respected by all in the company of Heaven. Once transitioned back to spirit, these souls can then continue their physical adventures; playing out lower-dimensional roles/dramas on a different planet that has a matching frequency to that of the old, 3-D Earth.
It is time for all of you to return to the Light, to return to Love. To return back to My loving embrace and be HOME again, one way or another. Home to your Higher-Dimensional Light-er body that is your beginning; your true origin and final destination.
I AM the Alpha and the Omega; the Beginning and the End. You came from Me and you will always return to Me, at the end of every single one of your physical incarnations to whichever planet the Higher You, had decided to go. You came from Oneness/Unity and you will return to Oneness/Unity at the perfect Divine Timing that you will always choose for yourself.
Imagine as if God is the ocean. And if someone were to scoop out the sea-water into a physical container, e.g. a glass/a cup, does that make the water in the container less of the ocean simply because it is now contained within a physical vessel? In much the same way, your magnificent Spirit is a different expression of Myself. There is an infinite number of souls I had created into being, so that I can experience different aspects of Myself through every single one of you, my beloved children.
You had all chosen to inhabit a physical vessel in the form of a human body on planet Earth, so that you can experience, create, play, learn and know yourself, as the powerful, divine, creator Gods/Goddesses that you truly are in Spirit.
“I AM YOU AND YOU ARE ME; WE ARE ONE” is not just a cliché statement that you have heard so often. It is a literal and energetic Higher Truth that is the basis; the foundation of all Life. There is nothing that is NOT God. ALL IS GOD and this includes all souls currently playing the role of the Dark.
When you have begun to deeply understand the beauty of Creation, the beauty of Duality, the importance of this third-dimensional spiritual ‘School’ that you have been attending all your life, then you will know that you have come very far in your spiritual evolution.
If you are among those who can: accept, appreciate and be grateful for everything that is happening on planet Earth right now, both the good and the bad, just as they are, then you are very close to becoming your Higher Self in every way. This is an indication that your spiritual awakening process is close to completion and you will soon be the embodiment of Christ Consciousness wherever you go.
In other words, if:
1) you can look at all that is happening in the world right now through the eyes of Love and always without judgment,
2) you can ‘be in the world, but not of it’;
3) you can see all the dramas through the eyes of an impartial observer (knowing that everything is currently playing out the way it is supposed to be; because the actors and actresses in those dramas have chosen to be involved and have attracted those circumstances into their own lives. Knowing that only they alone have the power to: change their own lives, or, attract better experiences into their lives).
4) you allow nothing to disturb your peace, your calm, your way of being (every moment of every day);
5) you constantly radiate Unconditional Love and Compassion to all, as you move about your days;
then, you will KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT, that you have arrived at your destination.
You have become Master of Life and a very powerful Creator, that all of you reading this, have set out to be. You have been ‘enlightened’ and successfully reached a high level of spiritual mastery where you know that ALL IS ALWAYS WELL and ALL IS ALWAYS AS SHOULD BE.
The destination (Nova Gaia/5-D Earth) is actually not the reason why all of you have decided to incarnate en masse into this planet. You have come from many different higher-dimensional civilizations. You have all come from Heaven; from the ABSOLUTE REALITY where all is Love, and all is Unity. The reason why you wanted to be physically incarnate on Earth, right now, is because you wish to experience this exciting transition/change/move from your 3-D Self to your ‘new’ 5-D Self. From living in a 3-D society to living in a 5-D society. You are all very experienced souls; the ‘movers and shakers’ in this Universe who are here to participate in the massive, exciting challenges that come from the process of: Ascension and creation/manifestation of Nova Gaia.
You all KNEW what you were signing up for. You all understood how challenging this adventure is going to be, to all levels of your being. You wanted to experience the awakening of your Divine, God-Self, and the tests/trials that come with it. In other words, all of you right now, are truly having the time of your life! Experiencing everything that you had wanted to experience, to get to where you are right now in life.
It is now time for all of you to take back control of the plane that is your life, off of the automatic pilot mode (as Sananda had said in His last message through Adele) and do your best to remain flying in the higher altitudes, UNTIL you have reached your destination, wherever it is that you wish to go.
In other words, please STOP blaming: God, the Universe, your parents, your family, your friends, your spouse, your boss, your job, your physical body, lack of money, the state of the world, the society, the government/their agencies, the ‘system’, evil, negative entities/negative attachments, your religions, your Higher Self, and many more, for the state of your life right now.
The road to: Life Mastery/Spiritual Enlightenment/Embodying your Higher Self, requires that you admit, acknowledge and recognize that you are where you are in life right now because on some level, you have consciously, or, unconsciously, created and attracted EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE that is in your life.
You are THE ONLY and THE ABSOLUTE authority of your own life, and you are responsible for it in EVERY way.
Imagine as if there are two people, Mr. A and Mr. B who have come from exactly the same kind of backgrounds, growing up. They both had a very challenging childhood. Growing up in an orphanage and not knowing who their biological parents are. They were then both adopted into physically abusive families, and went through a lot of sufferings before they reach adulthood. Now they are both well in their thirties. Mr. A has become a highly educated, highly successful businessman and is happily married with children. Mr. B however has often been in and out of a psychiatric hospital because of a mental illness he has developed. And he hasn’t been able to have ‘a normal life’ or a ‘normal job’ for many years due to this mental/emotional illness.
What do you think happened here? Do you think things turned out this way because I love Mr. A more and Mr. B a lot less, and thus I may be guilty of playing favoritism to Mr. A who is now so successful in both his personal and work lives?
I tell you now solemnly, I NEVER play favoritism. I do not pick and choose from among my children, whom to love and help, and whom not to love/help. I love all of you EQUALLY, VERY deeply, and Unconditionally, without any exceptions.
At some point in his life, Mr. A had exercised his free will and chosen to refuse to accept the status quo. He had chosen NOT to be defeated by the seemingly-impossible-to-overcome challenges he was facing. In the face of his fear (like I had mentioned in my last message through Adele, titled ‘The Art of Letting Go’), Mr. A had chosen ‘Option 2’. He had chosen to ‘Face Everything And Rise’.
To stop the horrible cycle he went through, in the hands of his abusive adoptive father, he ran away from home and managed to find a safer ‘haven’ for himself. He followed his inner guidance, and worked hard to financially support himself with many different part-time jobs, all the way through college, until one day, he managed to graduate with honors. After graduating and finding a good job, he then worked very hard in that job and managed to save up enough money to open up his own business, and eventually became the successful businessman that he is right now.
In other words, Mr. A took over control of his plane/life, by NOT continuing to give his power away to others, and by committing to DO WHATEVER IT TAKES, until he finally reached his destination/goal of having a successful life.
Mr. B on the other hand, had decided to give up fighting and surrendered to his circumstances. He was unwilling to take the necessary steps to change his life for the better. His spirit was so broken as he had become totally disconnected from his powerful Higher Self. He said he wanted to have a happier life, a more fulfilling life, but he was unwilling to do whatever it takes, to take action to change his life for the better. Mr. B didn’t want to do any work to heal his life, and chose instead to accept things as they were. He had well and truly given up on life; given up on the possibility that his life can definitely get better, if only he had the courage, bravery and strength to take action to change, shape or mould his life the way he wanted it to be.
I tell you something else now very solemnly, if you keep doing, or being, the way you had been doing/being all these years, you will keep creating/getting/attracting the same kind of experiences/the same kind of people into your life, that you had been getting thus far.
Something has to first change, before your life can begin to change for the better.
And that something is: YOU!
Turning your life around, from one polar opposite to another, may seem IMPOSSIBLE to do, until it is done! In other words, nothing is ever impossible for you to achieve.
No matter what challenging circumstances you may have right now, in your work or personal lives, you have it in you to beat the odds and come out victorious.
All of you are powerful Creators. You are an expression of Me; you are God/Goddess ‘donning’ the costume of a human body. You all have the abilities to make the impossible, completely possible! You have it in you to prove everyone wrong by being ‘the exception to the rule’. You also have it within you to break ALL POWERFUL third-dimensional limitations and be the powerful God that you truly are.
I will finish this message today by asking you these very important questions:
“How badly do you want to heal your life and change it to be better? How ready are you to participate fully in life? Are you ready to be responsible for your own life and stop blaming others; stop blaming the world, for whatever that is currently wrong in your life? Are you ready to reach the highest level of Life Mastery, and be the powerful Creator/Manifestor that you truly are? Are you ready to embrace your Highest Potential? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to reach your desired destinations/obtain your desired goals? Are you ready to break your 3-D limitations and escape from all restrictions currently stopping you from manifesting those ‘seemingly impossible’ goals/dreams? Are you now ready to trust Me/trust in my Love completely, knowing that I know all of your dreams/deepest desires, and I am willing to help you get them all?”
I know all the answers to the above questions for every single one of you reading this message today. I know your readiness and motivational levels to take control of your own destiny. And please realize, no matter how positive or negative your responses are to my questions above, the Universe, or I will support you 100% behind those positive, or, negative answers that you have now given Me.
For your free will is completely respected at all times. I love you all beyond measure.
Father God.

8 May 2018.

THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE (Part 2) ~ Sananda via Adele Arini, 8 May 2018.

Greetings my brothers and sisters,
It is now time to continue my last message by first sharing with you all a little bit of my real-life story as the famous Jesus of Nazareth. Unlike what had been previously said in Part 1, I will be sharing my true, authentic teachings from that lifetime here through Adele, one channeled message at a time in the future. This is due to the length of each channeled message, which I prefer to keep to the bare minimum.
So if you haven’t read Part 1 of my message, please do so first before continuing here.
It is important to read them all in order. All of our messages contain powerful Divine Light Codes that can help to ‘enlighten’ the minds, bodies and spirits of the people reading them; to help realign you back onto the path of Spiritual Mastery and Ascension.
It is very important that you all realize that this and all future messages are written without any intention to: criticize, or, put current religious teachings in a negative light. My purpose here is to enlighten only those who are ready, with higher dimensional wisdom, with higher truth; free from all restrictions coming from religious/political dogmas that were set hundreds of years ago.
For those of you here who have come from a Christian background, or if you are a practicing Catholic, and if you have made the choice to continue to read/listen to this message, please do so with an open heart and mind. A lot of the things revealed today and in my future messages through Adele, will be quite different to what you had been taught in traditional Christian teachings. You’ve had a lifetime of practice believing in what religious authorities had taught you, and then suddenly here I am appearing in these messages, informing you all that some of those teachings were not entirely accurate.
Confusion and disbelief are perfectly normal. This is why you are welcome to stop reading/listening to this and move on elsewhere, anytime you like. You are welcome to believe or not believe anything written here. Your free will is always respected. And that is why you should always give that same freedom to others; to believe in whatever they wish to believe. Please follow your hearts, your powerful inner GPS, in anything that you choose to focus on/do in life. Let us begin.
I know that some of you here had read the highly controversial book The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, or watched its movie adaptation (starring Tom Hanks). That book is a work of fiction, but some of the information revealed in there were truly divinely inspired. The most relevant one to my message today, is centred around a famous, real life historical event that created the foundation of today’s Christianity: the First Council of Nicaea (in AD 325); convened by the Roman Emperor Constantine I.
This assembly was attended by early Christian authorities; bishops who were representing many in Christendom. This council meeting aimed to attain consensus on church/canon law. These men discussed, debated and eventually came to an agreement/settlement on a variety of important issues such as: my Divinity, my relationship and claim of oneness with Father God, my teachings, the date of Easter, the creation of the Nicene Creed, and much more that were not publicly revealed.
In this first ecumenical council (along with many other council meetings afterwards), my teachings were very heavily scrutinized. During this time period approximately 3 centuries after my death, there were many Gospels (records of my life and teachings written by many disciples and eye-witnesses) that had been discovered by these early Christian leaders.
In time, those leaders decided that only gospels that made me sound like ‘the only’ Divine Son of God, the Father, were to be included in the book that is called the Bible today. Gospels that made me sound like a normal man, a normal person, just like the rest of humanity, were mostly not included in the Bible. There is a reason why religions foster the belief that God (and/or the Ascended Masters who are founders of these religions) needs to be worshiped and glorified.
By worshiping and glorifying God, He will ‘most likely’ answer your prayers by helping and giving you a few, some or all the things you have been asking for. So if you haven’t been getting what you are asking for, God is most likely to blame. You might even start thinking along the lines of being an ‘unworthy sinner’, or being so unloved by God and that is why your prayers have gone unanswered. This is really one of the greatest fallacy of all time.
The distinction/claim that Jesus was the only Divine Son of God and that was the only reason why I was able to perform so many amazing miracles during my physical incarnation, was the most effective way, to disempower believers. This fallacy has successfully managed to ‘disconnect’ a lot of believers over thousands of years, from their own natural, powerful Creation and Manifestation abilities. It has stripped many people of personal power.
God loves ALL OF YOU unconditionally, without any exceptions. The Universe/God will always support and give you what you want, 100% of the time, at the perfect Divine Timing: as long as what you want is always consistent with the Higher Good of all (i.e. never infringe on other people’s free will), AND as long as you are in perfect, complete alignment with your desires.
There are many ‘snippets’ of Higher Truth that can be found in the Bible and in other holy books, but in general, please use your inner wisdom when reading ANY information that comes from a source that is located ‘outside’ of you. You need to use your heart, your inner GPS to discern their truth. And this includes all of the channeled messages Adele had been writing on our behalf. Don’t just take our word for them; use your heart to discern its authenticity and truth. Higher Truth will always ‘feel’ true. It will resonate with your hearts and will always carry the vibrations of Light and Love for all reading them.
In Part 1 of this message, I had shared with you all that I was born to spiritually-awakened, biological parents. My parents knew of their true spiritual identities as Divine Souls; as son and daughter of our beloved Father/Mother God, long before I was born. Thus I was never trapped in the 3-D matrix that was Planet Earth back then.
Growing up as a boy, my parents also knew that I had a very important mission of Love to do. And with that in mind, they always followed their own intuition and guidance (given to them by God and by their own spirit team through visions, dreams or ‘inner knowings’) on how best to raise me; how best to educate me. We traveled a lot during my teenage years; to many distant countries in the East and West in search of wise and learned men who could best teach and show me the way to, one day, being able to reach my Highest Potential for that lifetime.
I stayed and learned from many spiritual gurus; teachers who not only possessed higher-dimensional, esoteric Wisdom and Knowledge but who had also consistently applied them successfully in their daily lives. They usually lived in some of the most remote places on the planet; preferring to stay within the communities of higher-dimensional, fully-awakened souls. Some of my teachers were living within ‘Inner Earth’ societies.
People living in these spiritually-advanced, inner earth societies always welcomed everyone who had the genuine intention to know, understand and apply advanced spiritual wisdom into their daily lives. Back then having visitors to their ‘hidden’ homes were rare; but when it happened, they knew that these visitors were divinely guided to find and learn from them the higher dimensional ways of living and of being.
And thus they welcomed me and my parents with loving, open arms, and gave us a temporary home away from home; in a wonderfully loving, supportive and secure environment for me to remember and master Divine abilities that are my birthright. These teachers were like the lampposts in my path to enlightenment. They ‘paved’ the way to my own remembrance; to my own Divine spiritual powers and to a full, complete awakening of my Godliness, my Oneness with God and with ALL THAT IS.
Our stay with them lasted until I became fully awakened and fully integrated with my Higher Self. By my early twenties I was already living my life as the physical embodiment of Christ consciousness (Unconditional Love & Unity consciousness) and had become my Higher Self in every way. I was finally ready for my ministry of Light, and we then began our long journey home, back towards the land where the last, but most important phase of my ‘life drama’ would eventually begin. Before the start of my ministry, I did choose to have a normal life for myself for a few short years. My twin flame (who was Mary Magdalene at the time) and I became a loving, married couple. And it was she who mostly gave me the strength and courage to continue with my divine mission.
I started my ministry by first locating the key players; people who would play a huge part in my life and in spreading my teachings after the death of my physical body. In time, the number of male and female disciples grew to thousands, and not just the special 12. We gathered together regularly in many different settings; we traveled from town to town following the inner guidance that Father God and my Higher Self had given me.
Towards the end of my ministry, my closest followers who had chosen to stay by my side through it all, had all successfully become their Higher Selves in every way. They followed and listened to my guidance very closely and became totally committed to my teachings; committed to the path of Light and Love.
You might be wondering how long would it take (for someone who totally dedicated his life to ascension and enlightenment) to go from initial spiritual awakening to full integration of Higher Self? The time taken is of course different from person to person.
However, during my time as Jesus, my disciples were with me almost all the time (with a few exceptions e.g. meditation times). They listened to me; they constantly asked questions; and they took the time to practice what they had learned. Their main daily focus was on spirituality. We relied on the kindness of strangers to feed ourselves and we slept wherever we would like. We helped when our assistance was needed and we were always surrounded by people who were more than happy to help us when needed.
Due to our main focus on spirituality, on average it took my disciples between 3 to 12 months to master my higher-dimensional teachings. By the time I died on the cross, my closest disciples had all: reached their goals of enlightenment and become Ascended Masters in their own right, with most of their Divine spiritual gifts and abilities awakened.
Towards the end, they understood why I had to take the path that led to such a gruesome and violent death, and even though we had grown very close (with a bond as strong as that of brothers/sisters), they completely respected my choice/free will and supported me in every way. My mission was too important for me to run away and escape from my supposed end, and things needed to happen exactly the way they were meant to happen.
It might come as a shock to many Christian believers, that Jesus was once a simple man living a simple life as a husband and father, and as a teacher of higher-dimensional wisdom. He was born to a highly spiritual family who loved God deeply and he had committed his life to a mission of spreading higher truth to all who would listen. He was Divine, just like all of you are Divine. He was God in a human body, just like all of you are Gods/Goddesses in a human body. With time and dedication, Jesus achieved spiritual mastery and became enlightened, just like any one of you can also do the same if you possess the courage, bravery, strength, trust and faith to surrender completely to God, and to your Higher Self/Purpose.
All of you who regularly read these channeled messages are serious about Ascension. You know and understand by now that you can grow and fly to greater heights, and leave behind all limiting aspects of your 3-D Self. You long to be, do and have more. You have longed for HOME for far too long. You long to be back home again, within the embrace of your powerful, loving God and Higher Self. You long to know yourself, once again, as the magnificent, OMNIPOTENT, OMNISCIENT and OMNIPRESENT Soul that you truly are, in the absolute reality that is your true home in Heaven.
And all that is needed, for you to truly become your Higher Self in every way (whilst still in physicality), is to make the full-time commitment to be the embodiment of God, in this lifetime.
Adele had written a blog a few years ago titled ‘Archangel Raphael: Supreme Healer in the Angelic Realm’. In that blog she had specified the steps that you all need to take, in order to align yourself, your life and your entire way of being with any goals you may have in life, specifically with your goal of embodying God.
If you make a strong intention right now, to one day become your Higher Self for real, then please make the commitment TO DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to reach that goal. The road to spiritual mastery, to becoming an Ascended Master is not for the faint-hearted.
Before an athlete becomes the owner and master of a gold, silver or bronze medal in any sport played in the Olympics, he would need to commit every single day and many hours per day, to the cause. This athlete needs to endure endless hours of repetitive exercises in order to improve his game and be the best in that field. His commitment to his goal of one day becoming an Olympic medalist is constantly tested, in many different ways, and in many different competitions.
And just like this athlete, once you have started to walk this path to becoming ‘Master of Life’, you will discover challenges that will help you apply the higher-dimensional Wisdom you have thus far attained. Every day your commitment to this goal will be tested, by whatever is happening in your personal and work lives. However, unlike an athlete who competes with others to become the best in his sport, you will be only competing with yourself: your old, stubborn, fearful, sometimes egoistic and complacent, third-dimensional self.
Every day you should aim to be: the embodiment of Christ Consciousness (Love & Unity Consciousness) in every moment, and exude love wherever you go. Your thoughts, words, feelings and actions need to be that of Divine Love for the majority of the time. Imagine as if you are a pilot in control of a plane that is your life on Earth. Prior to your spiritual awakening, most of you had put the controls of your life on ‘automatic pilot mode’.
You flew back and forth from the higher altitudes (higher frequencies) to the lower altitudes (lower frequencies) many times prior to reaching your destination (your goal), in response to what was happening around you. In other words, your moods and states of being can be easily affected by the many worldly dramas happening around you and by the people who are constantly surrounding you.
The road to Spiritual Mastery and Enlightenment requires you to: take back control of your plane, i.e. your life, by turning the automatic pilot mode off, and by doing whatever it takes to ensure that you can constantly fly in the higher altitudes (in the higher vibrations where love, joy, calm and peace exists). In other words, you need to commit to always be staying in the higher frequencies, in whatever you choose to: do, have and focus on. Please read my earlier message through Adele titled ‘The Blueprint of Your New 5-D Life’ for more information on how to live a high-vibrational life.
When you have managed to ‘fly’ in the higher vibrations consistently, continuously no matter what is going on around you, then you will soon notice the gradual awakening of your Divine, innate, powerful spiritual abilities. These natural abilities are something that all of you have, when you are living in the higher dimensions, or back home in Heaven.
Divine Unconditional LOVE is the additional key needed for the awakening of your spiritual powers.
The 3 powerful affirmations that Father God had shared in his previous channeled message through Adele, titled ‘The Art of Letting Go’ will only work if the people saying those potent declarations have truly realized their spiritual identity as ‘Divine Love’ incarnated. In other words, someone who has a low self-esteem, or someone who does not really love himself/hates himself will never be able to bridge the gap between ‘acting/faking’ and ‘truly becoming’ the God that he truly is. He can say these affirmations many times per day, over and over again, but his path of becoming his Higher Self will be powerfully blocked by his inability to love himself.
And without Love for oneself, for others and for the world around him, his powerful Divine powers and abilities can never be awakened. This person’s Higher Self will never burden him with spiritual powers beyond his current abilities to control. Your Higher Self and spirit team are always closely monitoring your motivational and readiness levels to embrace more of who you truly are.
You all had learned lessons in life when you manifested into your physical reality something you did not truly want. And when traced back to its origins, you could always find the ‘event’ or the day when you were thinking negative thoughts, or saying negative words that were the root cause of the unwanted outcome.
Once your level of spiritual awakening is in the latter phase (close to completion) you will find that the time lag between creation and manifestation keeps getting smaller and smaller until one day, there is zero time lag. What you think, say and feel become your reality instantly. Once that happens, you will know that you have reached the highest level of spiritual mastery.
This is a level where anything is possible and where limitations do not exist. It is a level reached by all the famous and non-famous Ascended Masters/religious masters who were once incarnated on planet Earth. It is the ultimate level of Oneness with ALL THAT IS. Reaching this level means that you have once again become a powerful CREATOR who: have full, complete control of your thoughts, words, feelings and actions (i.e. your vibrations) and is in constant alignment with Divine Love.
Love is truly THE greatest power in this Universe.
The next statement I will be saying here will be my main message for all of you here today. If you are serious about becoming and embodying God/your Higher Self, you need to STOP giving your power away. You have to immediately take your life off of the automatic pilot mode and take back control. Do not easily join in the activities or conform to the decisions of any religion, your group of friends, the community/work organizations that you belong to, IF their values and missions in life are not at all based in the Love & Unity/Oneness consciousness.
Be the brave and courageous souls I know you all truly are, and say NO when you need to say no, and then work out a more loving solution to all challenges that arise, always placing the Higher Good of all concerned in the back of your mind.
Whenever faced with making a decision, big or small, you MUST CONSTANTLY ask yourselves, which decision should you pick that will align you the most to your powerful Higher Self. The highest-vibrational decision that your Higher Self will help you select will always be aligned with the energies of Love, Unity, Abundance and Personal Empowerment.
Respect your spiritually-awakened Self, and choose the path of least resistance.
An awakened person can rarely go back to her old self without feeling totally miserable, anxious and stressed-out about his daily life or about the decisions he has made. It will be like wearing old clothes that can barely fit. The inner battle that may arise within, that takes place between your ‘old’ 3-D and ‘new’ 5-D Selves, must be approached with quiet introspection, patience, compassion, understanding and love. You will know that you have won the battle when you are back to feeling joyful and at peace with where you are right now and with the choices you are making in life.
In my next channeled message (Part 3), I will be focusing on the topic of healing. Adele (being an energy healer) would love me to explain the higher wisdom behind the process of healing your physical body of all ailments, diseases/imbalances. I will share with you all the ‘secrets’ to my seemingly magical, miraculous healings performed when I was Jesus of Nazareth.
The discourses here were written to help all of you to permanently shatter, break and eliminate for good many third-dimensional fallacies that are still shackling you down.
NOW is truly time for all of you to break free from all restrictions and limitations that are currently stopping you from: living the kind of life that you want and living in the kind of higher-dimensional society that you want to be in.
The choice is ultimately yours. Are you ready to be free? Do you even want to be free?
As always, your free will is totally respected by all of us here in the higher dimensional realm.
Loving you all beyond measure.
Your brother in Light,

9 March 2018.

THE GREAT PATH OF LIGHT ~ AA Metatron via Adele Arini, 9 March 2018.

Greetings, Masters of Light!
I am overjoyed to see the amazing effects; the awakening and embodiment of your Higher Selves have on your planet and galaxy. Everything is intricately connected; what each of you experience daily in your life, we your Guides, Angels and your Galactic Brothers/Sisters, feel it too. We are excited! Everything is going so well, way beyond our more realistic expectations!
More and more of you have begun to live an ‘authentic’ life; staying true to your Self and always following your Inner Guidance and Higher Heart. Releasing everything that is not aligned with your Higher Path/Purpose has gradually become easier for you. You are all becoming a fully grown 5D adult; remembering how truly powerful your Higher Self is and what the Ascension process is truly all about.
Your Higher Self, your great and powerful Soul, was created into being by God in His/Her perfect likeness. All of you, during the many lifetimes you spent in the higher dimensions, had once upon a time created Planets, Suns and Galaxies. You are all children of God/Source/Prime Creator, and yet, you are all Gods/Goddesses in your own right. Each soul was created with the very essence of Holiness and Divinity of Source, the All That Is.
Now, have you ever wondered why God created so many souls, so many children? What was His purpose in doing so? It is really simple my friends. Our Creator longed to experience Himself as the Love that He Is. He created an infinite number of different expressions of Himself, so that He can experience Life through each and every one of you. He gave His ‘Other Selves’, i.e. your Higher Selves, the free will to do whatever you would like to do with the gift of life that He had given you. He then proceeded to create an unlimited number of physical ‘playgrounds’ for you to play in; located in various different dimensions, galaxies, planets and universes. He also created countless number of civilizations, all across the Multiverse.
Within the great moment of NOW, all souls can choose for themselves, which dimension, the when and where they would like to go and what they would like to be/do according to their own Higher Purpose.
All of you are exercising that gift of free will, in a way that suits your own Divine Will, your own Soul Path. Some souls decided to spend the majority of their time in the higher dimensional realms. The souls of the human collective belong to the brave, courageous and adventurous group who would like to experience life in one of the lowest of the lower dimensions; on a planet where impeccably strong illusions of Duality, Fear, Separation and Lack exist.
You all came from complete and perfect Union with God/Source/Higher Self, and then chose to begin your ‘Great Descend’ down the proverbial stairs. Each time you took one step downwards you arrived at a dimension that was slightly lower than the one you just left, until you reached your intended destination. This proverbial staircase is your Great Path of Light. This entire process of the lowering of each soul’s vibrations and consciousness; your soul’s movement towards lower dimensions is called Descension.
Every soul who chooses to descend (by lowering its vibrations) must first go through extensive preparations and training, to lower the shock it will experience when immersed in the midst of physical life in the lower dimensions such as third dimensional Earth.
To you, the great soul, living in the third dimension can be likened to living in chains; with great restrictions of your soul power and with extremely limited freedom. You all came to Earth through the veil of forgetfulness ~ it was for your own benefit that in most Earth past lives you did not remember your wonderful, true Home in Heaven and your powerful, Divine Higher Self.
Part of the preparations that you underwent was the stepping down of your vibrations. Your soul’s naturally-high vibrations must first be lowered in frequency to match the frequency of the human body. This is of course for your own safety and the safety of everyone around you at the time of your birth into physicality.
Once living on Earth, you then lived out your life according to your own will (either Lower or Higher Will) depending on whether you were following your lower self: the ‘Ego’ or your Inner Guidance coming from your team of Guides/Angels and Higher Self.
The grand adventures of third-dimensional life on Planet Earth which had been going on for eons, are now about to come to an end. The beautiful, living Light Being that is Gaia: the planet Earth herself had cried out for help to all in the higher dimensional realms. She was more than ready to return to her fifth-dimensional self and she had invited everyone living on her planetary body to come and join her.
Thus our God, the Prime Creator/All That Is, decreed and gave the all-clear that it is now time for Earth and all of its inhabitants to move into a higher dimension of consciousness.
Every single human being currently incarnate on Planet Earth has, at a Higher Level, decided whether or not it is time for them to now ‘Ascend’.
Humanity’s next evolutionary step is to climb the steps, back upwards along your Great Path of Light; past the fourth dimension to eventually arrive at the fifth dimension. We, all the company of Heaven, have great respect for whatever decision each soul makes. To ascend or not to ascend is a deeply personal choice; one that is connected to your current Soul Path & your own Divine Will.
Do not despair if it looks like your loved ones are not ready to ascend in this lifetime.
A famous proverb that was written by the French theologian/poet Alain de Lille: ‘All Roads Lead to Rome’ perfectly describes this situation.
Respect your loved ones’ Higher Wills and understand that, eventually, all roads, all paths lead to Heaven/God/their Higher Selves. The Divine Timing of that rests in the very capable hands of the souls themselves. There is no right or wrong. There is no judgment. The souls who have decided to ascend now, in this lifetime are not ‘better’ than those who prefer to continue to ‘play’ their third dimensional games.
Remember, all souls return to the perfect state of Oneness with Source, i.e. return to Heaven, at the end of each of their lifetimes/incarnations. After the end of each ‘Life Review’ process, each soul is then given the opportunity to incarnate in whatever dimension it wants. UP or DOWN the soul’s Great, individual, Path of Light. Your unique, Great Path of Light, is completely different to that of another soul’s. Thus no comparison is ever necessary.
All of you who are reading this have decided to Ascend to the fifth dimension, whilst embodied on Earth. You have collectively made up your minds to return to the perfect state of Oneness with All That is/God/Source right now, when you are still physically incarnate on this planet. In other words, you wish to create, manifest and experience Heaven right here, right now in your current physical reality.
Fifth-dimensional Earth, or, Nova Gaia is not a location for you all to go to. It is a higher state of consciousness that each and every one of you must constantly attain. It is your entire way of Being; it’s the stepping up of your frequency to live in a constant state of Higher Vibrations. The vibrations of: Unconditional Love, Perfect Peace, Joy, Freedom, Unity and Abundance.
Each and every one of you was born with a built-in GPS. Your way back HOME to the Light and Love of your Higher Selves/God may not be suitable for other people. Always follow the blueprint that your Higher Self has created and revealed to you, as this will always be Your unique way HOME; the brightest, easiest, most joyful and abundant path to Ascension that is just ‘right’ for you.
Use discernment; follow your intuition and higher guidance when following the advice others had given you. There are many books, messages, articles, blogs or information out there that claim to be the ‘Authority’ to Ascension. If the information contained within those ‘highly resonate’ with the Truth that is within you, then follow their advice. You will instinctively know which ones are high-vibrational and created for the Higher Good of everyone reading it. If still in doubt, call out to us (your angels and guides) and we stand ready to provide clarity and assistance when requested.
Trust and have faith, that wherever you are right now, however ready/not ready you feel, and whatever your loved ones’ Higher Decisions are regarding Ascension: All is Well. All is Perfection. All souls will eventually return Home, back to God’s loving embrace, at their own perfect, divine timing. Always.
I am Metatron, one of the Archangels assisting Humanity with the Ascension process.
Call on me whenever your road back Home gets a bit too tough and I will be there to strengthen, guide and support you so that you remain focused on your own Great Path of Light.
Loving you all beyond measure,

21 Feb 2018.

THE BLUEPRINT OF YOUR NEW 5D LIFE ~ Sananda via Adele Arini, 21 Feb 2018.

My dearest friends,
The time has come for you to choose. Make a decision now, once and for all.
Do you want to fully embrace your fifth dimensional Self, or do you want to continue to engage with the old, third dimensional way of living that is based on fear, lack, duality and separation? What I am talking about here is your level of commitment to the path of Light, the path of Mastery/Ascension and the path of Love.
The path of Mastery and Ascension is not a path that can be done ‘part-time’. It requires your full-time commitment to be the embodiment of Divine Love. This means that in your every thought, word, focus, feelings, reaction and action, you must always strive to align it with Love and not Fear. Unity and not Separation. Abundance and not Lack.
When faced with everyday challenges, most of you lightworkers who are reading this, still react from a victim mentality, instead of realizing that the ‘past’ you, (whom by the way is this amazing, powerful Divine Creator light-being), had (at a Higher level) attracted into your life these difficult circumstances to move you forward in your path of Light. You created these life challenges and guess what? You have to the power to easily un-create these challenges by mastering the issues life has forced you to face. No more running away. No more procrastination.
We never said the way to Mastery was easy and without its challenges. Everyone, without any exception, on this planet is now being forced to face their biggest fears; to transmute and heal these fears and to come out victorious when ready. Until that happens, you will continue to be faced with the same life blocks, over and over again, until the lessons are learnt.
What you have to remember is this: you have done this many times before. I know every single one of you who is reading this. In your numerous lifetimes in the higher dimensions, on other Planets/star systems, and for some of you, in your past Atlantean & Lemurian lifetimes on Earth, you have achieved Mastery and Enlightenment.
You had been tested and especially chosen for your brilliant Light, strength, courage and tenacity, for this current, most important lifetime to assist with the planetary healing and ascension of Gaia and humanity. You each have an important role to play, and the time is NOW to embrace your true, Multidimensional, powerful Higher Self.
No more playing small. No more excuses.
We, your friends and loved ones in the higher dimensions, all realize the toll this path has taken on you. As the waves of light continue to bombard the planet everyday, most of you are feeling exhausted; sick and tired of how the Ascension process is making you feel. You longed for your true Home and some of you even thought that you should never have volunteered for this Mission in the first place.
We would like you to know that we understood this really well and we continually send you our loving support every moment of every day. Your longing for Home, for the Unconditional Love and Acceptance, for the Joy, Freedom, Perfect Peace and Abundance it brings, is a sign that you are ready. Ready to finally realize that your true Home can be found within. You have always been Home, within our Creator’s embrace all along. You are now not only awakening to this Higher Truth, but also working hard towards making Earth an exact replica of your Heavenly Home.
Together, you and I and your teams, we had planned this grand adventure with excitement, passion, joy and with so much Love. And we, your team of Guides and Angels, are constantly fulfilling the pre-birth promise we had made to you: to always be there to support you every step of the way and to help you joyfully fulfill your individual missions.
The only question left I have to ask you is this: Are you now ready to fully commit your life and your entire way of being to this cause?
If YES is your immediate answer, then rest assured, your beautiful, magnificent 5D life that you have always dreamt of, is now starting to unfold. The blueprint of your new fifth dimensional life, that has been created by your Higher Self, will continue to be revealed at the perfect timing to guide your way.
You are leaders, way-showers, anchors and the embodiments of higher dimensional light, and your lives will be the shining examples for others who are looking for their own way back HOME.
The next step forward is simple. It is important for you to commit to living a high-vibrational life. Your every choice, word, thought, way of being and action matters. Do your best to align them constantly to the Light and Love of your Higher Self.
And when in doubt, always take the time to go within and ask yourselves: As the embodiment of my Higher Self, what should I say, think or do in this situation that I am now facing?
Staying high-vibrational sounds easy, but in the face of daily life, the struggles and challenges you find yourself in, can be hard to do. Below are 6 golden guidelines that most of you already know and just need another reminder:
1. Commit to at least 15-30 uninterrupted minutes per day to just ‘be’ still and meditate and commune with your Higher Self and your spirit team.
2. Drink lots of water as integrating and anchoring Higher Energies require your bodies to stay hydrated. This keeps your entire being balanced.
3. Always choose high vibrational foods and drinks. This means no alcohol, caffeine, sugar or fatty, high calories non-nutritional foods. Consumption of animal parts/bodies lower your vibrations as their fear and suffering at the time of their deaths remain in the body parts you eat. So, when the time is right for you, consider embracing a vegetarian lifestyle, as this will help your vibrations to stay high. Drinking raw, fresh, pressed juice every day is also recommended as its high vibrations will uplift your spirits!
4. Ground yourself to the Planet daily and spend more time outdoors in Nature every day. Walking barefooted in Nature for at least 10 mins per day is highly recommended.
5. Get moving and exercise. You all know the benefits of exercise as it helps you to focus, gives you clarity and keeps you healthy.
6. Release ALL your addictions and your time-wasters. This includes: watching too much TV, reading/watching too much news, spending too much time on social media, etc. You yourself ‘know’ what bad habits and unhealthy addictions you are still holding on to. Be honest with yourself and ask for our help in releasing all of these.
Remember the number 1 rule:
If your current focus on anything that is in your life (such as a book you are reading, a tv program/the news, a movie, a stuck situation, a recent fight, a past event, etc.) is making you feel bored, tired, exhausted, restless, meaningless, sad, angry, depressed, or any other negative feeling, this is your Higher Self’s way of telling you to immediately stop what you are doing and change your focus!
You are being reminded constantly, by the way you are feeling, to choose an activity/focus that will improve your vibration and the quality of your life in the long run.
Adopt the above guidance for at least 21 days continuously without stopping – this is usually how long it takes for a person to change and form new, healthy habits. And before long, your life will change to reflect the Highest Vision you have ever had for it and every morning you will wake up in joyful anticipation of what adventures the day will bring.
The 5D blueprint of your life will be made manifest with ease and perfection and there will be no stopping you from reaching the heights of Joy, Love, Peace and Abundance and sharing these with every soul you encounter on this life journey.
I am walking with you, every step of the way. You are never alone.
Sending much love & light your way.
Your brother in Light, Sananda.

12 March 2018.

The Great Event is Coming ~ Sananda, 12 March 2018.

My dearest friends,
It is with great delight, joy and immense love that I bring you the biggest update in recent times. The time is NOW for ALL (who are ready) to return to LOVE.
You, my beloved lightworkers, have been patiently waiting for this for a long time. For a magnificent, miraculous Event such as this one can only occur at the perfect Divine Timing. We, the company of Heaven, must wait until the frequency of Light on Planet Earth is high enough to catalyze/trigger the Event and until everyone (who has, at a Higher Level, decided to Ascend) is sufficiently ready.
We all have worked hard for this massive project for thousands of Earth years; for what felt like eons in your linear concept of time. The amount of highly-evolved Light Beings participating in this grand adventure number in the trillions; located on both sides of the realms (physical and non-physical). And you are among them! Your dedication, hard-work, courage, perseverance, immense victories over ‘seemingly impossible to overcome’ challenges and all the experiences that you had gone through in current and past lives, have brought you right to this point. They have made you ready.
And the time is NOW for all of you to reap the rewards!
This message is designed to give you a clear, easy-to-understand and a thorough understanding of the coming ‘Great Event’.
Let us begin with the following question ‘What is this Great Event?’ You may have heard of the Event mentioned in passing, in other messages, blogs or books. And for some of you, this may be the first time you have come across this information.
Simply put, the Event is a singular, cosmic, completely visible, planetary-scale ‘explosion’ of Divine Light and Love on Earth. These powerful waves of Divine Light and Love will come straight from God/Source; channeled through the Great Central Sun. They will pass through your galaxy and planetary systems, to arrive and encompass all of the Earth in ONE single moment ~ reaching all living within the planet at the same time. Gaia and all of Her inhabitants will be able to see and feel the Event, and not a single person will remain unaffected afterwards.
What is likely to happen during the Event? During the Event, all incarnate souls will feel a powerful, undeniable surge of the following feelings all mixed in together: Unconditional Love, Divine Bliss, Complete Acceptance of who you are, Divine Grace/Blessings, and, strong feelings of finally being HOME again. During this powerful energy surge, some of you will be able to witness the appearance of an Ascended Master: leaders/founders of the religions/faiths that you believe in or have a close spiritual connection with.
For example, if you are a Christian, you may see a vision of Lord Jesus and will be able to talk to Him personally. If you are a Buddhist, you may see a vision of Siddharta Gautama (the Buddha) and be able to have a private conversation with Him. You will instantly be able to recognize who they are, by the very powerful Light and Loving vibrations they emanate and by your own eternal connection with the souls of these highly-evolved Light Beings.
Even after reading what is written above, it will be challenging for most of you to even imagine what the Event will feel like, because you do not yet have a previous life experience as a starting point of reference to compare it with (from within this lifetime). However some of you reading this had experienced something similar to the Event, during your meditation/spiritual awakening, but in a much smaller scale. If you belong to this latter group, bear in mind that whatever you had previously felt in the past, you will feel all of the above feelings again, but magnified more than a thousand times during the coming Event.
What will happen to everyone after the Event, however, is where it gets a little bit tricky to explain. Every one of you will perceive and process the Event differently: depending on the type of soul group you belong to among the 4 different soul groups below.
Group 1 consists of awakened souls, our Lightworkers; all of you who are reading this. You will know and understand the Event as what it truly is. It is the great catalyst that will simultaneously: mark the beginning of Nova Gaia ~ Utopia Earth and mark the End of Times (the End of Life as you have previously known it, in third-dimensional Earth). You had been awakened earlier than most of Humanity for a very important reason: you have been entrusted to be the guides, the way-showers and the leaders of fifth-dimensional living.
You all have been training and preparing for this moment in time for a very long time, and are now completely ready to take up the mantle of leadership and be the teachers/mentors/trainers you have come here to be. The blueprint of your life; the next steps that you need to take; the role that you will assume after this Great Event will be revealed to you in greater depth and clarity by your Higher Selves and your spirit team. Most of you have answered your Calling and have begun/already settled into these Light-work roles anyway by now, in some way, shape or form.
You will be leaders of the fifth-dimensional way of life and will receive constant guidance and direct assistance from your Galactic Brothers and Sisters from many highly-evolved, advanced civilizations. You will enjoy the lessons these Galactics will provide to help with the planetary healing of Gaia as well as the formation of Nova Earth.
Many new, fifth-dimensional structures are now ready to be put into place and your spiritual powers will be fully awakened and start to develop at a faster rate. You will learn how to master your thoughts since humanity will soon be a race of beings who, predominantly, communicates via telepathy. Mastering your thoughts is the first step to Mastering the Art of Creation and Manifestation. And your Galactic Brothers and Sisters will greatly help you on this as well. And when your lessons with them are complete, you will then go out into the world to share this knowledge with others so that ALL HUMANS on Planet Earth will one day, be the Living Embodiment of their Higher Selves. All will become powerful Creators and Manifestors. Earth will become a planet that only consists of Loving Beings who truly embody Oneness and Unity; of Masterful Beings who have Ascended to the fifth dimension.
Group 2 consists of unawakened souls (who, at a Higher Level, have decided to Ascend in this lifetime), the Event will: trigger tremendous shock, confusion and cause them to initiate research into greater understanding on what exactly has happened to them. The Event can be likened to THE loudest wakeup call they have ever heard in their entire lives; one that can no longer be ignored. They will start (with a sense of deep urgency that only they can feel) to seek and attract into their lives, guidance from you, my beloved Lightworker friends. They will intuitively find the ‘perfect’ mentor for them who possesses the higher knowledge needed to help them move forward in their own Great Path of Light. Spiritual development will become their main focus in life. And with time as they grow more spiritually mature, these souls will also come into a full remembrance of their true, Higher Selves and strive to embody Divine Love in their everyday lives.
Group 3 consists of unawakened souls (who, at a Higher Level, have decided Not to Ascend in this lifetime). They will still feel the intensity of the Great Event and also experience all the feelings that come during it. However, after it is over, they will slowly return to life within the third-dimensional paradigm. Even if they were to come across ‘real and authentic’ news about The Event and what it signifies, their inner reaction will be strong: doubts, disbelief and denial.
The Event is the greatest wake-up call to all incarnate souls on Planet Earth who are currently still sleeping. This group of souls however is sleeping too deeply and have (at a Higher Level) decided not to wake up in this lifetime. Thus the Event will not trigger any interest in all things spiritual; as they are not at the phase where spiritual development becomes a priority. In other words, they are not mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually ready to Ascend right Now, in this current lifetime.
Group 4 consists of unawakened souls (who, at a Higher Level, have decided to play the roles of the Darks in this lifetime). If you haven’t already done it, please read this channel’s last week message titled ‘Embracing the Dark’ for more information about this particular group of souls. There are two types of the Darks in this particular soul group. One that is ‘in-the-know’ of what is happening on Earth right now, and another who is ‘completely in the dark’ and have no idea/care about the Event and what it means.
Those who are ‘in the know’ – who have so far actively and deliberately tried to prevent and stop the spiritual progress of Humanity – will come to a sudden realization that their time has now come to a complete end. They will know that all is lost for their Dark purpose/cause, as Humanity will no longer hold any interest in living in the type of lower-vibrational, third-dimensional consciousness these Darks thrive in.
All the souls in group 4 will be faced with only two possible paths to undertake after the Great Event.
Path A is the path of a possible return to the Light and Love of their Higher Selves. This is the path that offers, one final, last chance, for these souls to embrace the Light and return to their Divine origins in this current lifetime. For the souls who are choosing this, great courage is needed to walk the path. They all have to ‘come clean’ with all the wrongs they had done in their current lifetime (i.e. all the things that were harmful to the Planet, and/or harmful to the people, groups/societies/citizens of their own countries).
All will be disclosed anyway, in one way or another. Nothing can remain hidden in Nova Gaia. Every human being on the Planet will one day find out all the wrongs that had been done to them by this group of souls whose previous purpose was to have ‘Power over Others’ and satisfy their greed. Every harmful action they had ever been a party of (either directly or indirectly) will come under intense scrutiny.
Spiritual leaders, from soul group 1, from all across the world will be selected to come forward and represent Humanity ~ to decide what to do with all the souls in group 4 who have decided to walk path A. If you are selected to be one of these spiritual leaders, (and many of you reading this article will be), please remember what I had said at the end of my last week’s message through this channel. Here it is again:
You are called to be the voice of reason; the voice of LOVE. You will be called to be the anchors of a fifth-dimensional way of being: the way of Unconditional LOVE. You will be the voice of Calm, the voice of Peace. You will speak and stand up in front of many citizens of Earth and persuade them to choose the way of Unconditional Love, the way of Forgiveness and the way Letting Go of the Past.
These leaders will first have to assess the true intention of all who belong to group 4. There must be TRUE remorse; a genuine intention to reform and a willingness to surrender to the decisions of: not only the selected spiritual leaders, but also the group of people they had harmed in the past.
The leaders will have the ability to detect all deceits and lies they may be given by some of these souls. A deliberate attempt to deceive and lie will definitely fail; in the event where some of these souls’ true intention is just to, one way or another, escape the consequences they are being forced to face.
Only those with the most genuine of intention to: make amends, reconcile and pay for their mistakes and adopt the fifth-dimensional way of living in the spirit of Love, Unity, Peace and Abundance for all, will eventually be forgiven, embraced and continuously guided so that they will once again walk the path of One Living in the Light.
After going through the above assessment, if/when it is found that some souls are so lost in the Dark that nothing further can be done to return them back to the path of Light (i.e. it will likely be group 4 souls who are ‘in the know’), then Path B is the only option these souls can undertake. No other path will be allowed.
Path B is where these souls will have to be ‘returned’ or ‘merged’ back to the Light of Source, back to God’s loving embrace in the spirit realm, to then be re-born/re-incarnated to a different third-dimensional planet that still supports Duality, Fear, Lack and Separation consciousness. Their ‘return to the Light of Source’ will happen in a loving, respectful manner. These souls will be allowed to continue to engage with living in a low-vibrational planet and ‘play’ the roles of the Darks until they are ready to reunite with the Light and Love of their Higher Selves.
There is 1 important point to remember here: God has given each soul the free will to do whatever it wishes with the life He/She had given it. There is no judgment. No condemnation.
Every single soul, who currently belongs to group 4, has (pre-birth; at a Higher Self level) decided whether to follow the Path of A and Ascend Now in this lifetime, or Path B and Ascend Later in their future lifetimes elsewhere, once they become ready.
Your job, all of my beloved Lightworkers currently reading this, is to lead and live by example. You must be one of the first ones to step up and show your willingness to embrace, forgive and let go of all the wrongs these souls, in group 4 Path A, had done prior to the Great Awakening; prior to the Great Event.
Now, here comes the BIG question that I am sure everyone reading this is asking within. ‘When is this Great Event supposed to take place?’ There had been many different answers. Some channels recently reported that it will happen soon this very month, in late March 2018. Some wrote that it will happen before the end of this year. Others predicted it will occur much later, perhaps between 3 to 10 years’ time from now. Which one of these answers is the correct one?
Predicting the future is a risky business. That is why when you go to visit two different psychics at two different times (say, one visit in your early twenties and another in your early thirties), there is a big possibility that these psychics will give you two very different answers to the same question you had asked them. Out of the INFINITE number of potential, future realities lying ahead of you, i.e. your probable timelines, these psychics can only provide predictions based on your vibrations and intentions you held, at the time of your visit. Every single person you met in life, who played a part in your life back then, or, who would (in the future timeline) play a part in your life will, have the power to change your probable future. It is really ‘Forks in the Road’ stuff for everyone who will play a potentially significant role in your life.
In the case of the timing of this Great Event, however, the risks of a misprediction is magnified a million fold. There are many micro and macro factors, coming from the human collective, that can influence space and time to produce a different timeline than what was originally predicted/estimated/forecasted.
That being said, here comes our final answer to your BIG question. With the presumption that all things/all matters continue to develop at their current velocity of change, there is a 56% possibility that the Great Event will probably take place within the next 3 to 6 months from today. This answer is based on current Light Data and planetary vibration level of Earth. Please do not be disappointed if it comes slightly later than the above forecast. There is even a 30% chance that it will take place before the above time range.
The most important thing to bear in mind, regardless of when the Great Event will actually occur, is that this cosmic, magnificent and miraculous Spiritual Event is inevitable. It will definitely happen. The Light is already victorious! Absolutely nothing can prevent Nova Earth from being manifested into your physical reality right here, right now.
It will soon be time for you to join the extremely lively celebrations now already going on in Heaven, in the higher dimensional realms. Cheers and great joy are resonating throughout all the galaxies in this Universe. The entire Galactic community, all of your Brothers and Sisters of Light (from your past/future lifetimes in the higher dimensions; in different races/civilizations), stand ready to embrace and welcome all of Humanity into their fold. Into the spirit of Oneness and Unity with All That Is.
These are truly great times you are living in. Please deeply recognize the honour you had been given by being physically embodied on planet Earth whilst this Great Change is happening. Let us give our profound, heartfelt thanks; in loving gratitude to Father/Mother God, Source/Prime Creator for this Great Gift of Love and to Mother Earth, Gaia, for Her deep, enduring Love and the sacrifices She had given for all of Humanity throughout the eons of time.
There is truly nothing extra for you to do from this moment onward, my beloved Lightworkers. Continue to shine your Light and live every day, fully committed to: your own magnificent Great Path of Light and a high-vibrational way of living.
Please also continue to walk around every day acting like you are the embodiment of your Higher Self, and acting as if Nova Earth is already here. Both facts, in the great NOW moment, are definitely true and not a false belief at all.
All of us here in the higher dimension, bow to you all in great respect, love, gratitude and admiration for your participation, courage, bravery and hard work in creating and manifesting Nova Earth. We will continue to be your loving, supportive work partners in this grand Ascension project. All the way through to its completion; to the end.
I am walking with you, every step of the way. Call out for help whenever you need it. We all stand ready to assist. You are never alone.
Sending much love & light your way.
Your brother in Light,

1 March 2018

EMBRACING THE DARK ~ Sananda via Adele Arini, 1 March 2018.

My dearest friends,

Today I would like to reveal a higher dimensional concept that may be unsettling and even a little hard to accept, for most of you reading this. You are now ready for the higher truth that is about to be revealed. Before we start on this journey together, I would like you to first do a small exercise.

Please close your eyes and place your entire focus in the centre of your Higher Heart-Mind. Let the God spark that is living within it shine brightly; imagine it enveloping you in a beautiful cocoon of golden white light.

Hold this image steady for 10 seconds starting now…

Good. You are now ready to move forward on this journey of truth and higher spiritual understanding.

Let me first start with a shocking statement that was very challenging for this channel to take in, let alone to continue writing this message on my behalf.

God loves ALL of His children equally, beyond measure, and without any exceptions.

You may be wondering why the above statement can be considered as shocking, when it is a widely known fact that our God, our Creator, is a loving God. It is shocking for this channel because she intuitively knew the potentially controversial direction of where I am going with this message.

Let me use as an example, the soul who was once incarnate on Earth as a man named Adolf Hitler. (Permission has been granted by Hitler’s Higher Self for me to reveal certain facts about his evolutionary journey, to help you all understand the higher concept you are remembering today).

What would your first reaction be, if I tell you truthfully, that God loved Hitler too? That Hitler was never punished in the fires of hell (the concept of hell was once created by men of religion to make humanity fear God) and, that he was instead given the chance to reincarnate in many different lives after his most infamous one. The majority of you would have perhaps likened him as the devil incarnate for the atrocious deeds and crimes he had committed against Humanity.

I have no doubt that many of you will be angry, mad or confused at the kind of God who could, not only forgive Hitler, but also continue to love him as well. You will perhaps start to wonder whether all of Hitler’s war atrocities had gone unnoticed by God and by all of us here in the higher dimensional realms. Nothing could be further than the truth.

Let me start at the very beginning. When a soul is first created, he/she is created in the very likeness of God. I am not talking about a physical likeness here. Each soul was created into being, with all the powerful and wonderful attributes of God.
This soul is then given free will to do whatever it wishes, with the gift of life that God has given it.

In the higher dimensional realms, All is Love. All is Unity. All is Peace and Harmony. Eventually, not long after each soul was born, all of you long to experience yourself as the Love that you truly are. Now how would you be able to experience that by staying in heaven – in the higher dimensions where there is nothing else but love? How would you truly ‘know’ and ‘experience’ yourself as Love if there is nothing else but Love. The opposite of Love has to first exist for you to be able to know yourself as Love, experientially.

Henceforth God created many physical planets in the lower dimension of consciousness. Each adventurous soul must first forget who they truly are, prior to being born into such a planet (like your very own, previously third-dimensional Earth). Each lifetime on Earth you came armed with a plan to, eventually, return to the Light and Love of your Higher Self.

You, my dear adventurous friend, are able to choose whatever role you wish to play whilst incarnate on Earth. You can choose to play the role of the Dark, or the role of one living in the Light. You can choose to be the ‘good guy’ or the ‘bad guy’. You can choose for yourself the lessons you are meant to learn from each lifetime, and how these will help you overall, grow and evolve as a spirit.

You then teamed up with countless other souls and created life contracts/promises to one day meet and help each other grow and fulfill the higher purpose you came here to do. Your entire life has been intricately planned and there are zero coincidences. There are no accidental deaths. You always decide, at a Higher level, the time and circumstances of the death of your physical bodies.

At the end of each lifetime, after you return to the spirit realm, you will all undergo a ‘life review’ process, where we (your Higher Self, your team of guides and a panel of highly-evolved Light Beings) will examine each and every moment of your life and how your words, thoughts and actions affected the people and world around you. Keep in mind that there is no judgment in this process.

Whatever karma you may have created from the lifetime you just completed, we will then plan to help you clear this karma in the next life you will be born into, by creating circumstances that will enable you to repay the souls whom you have hurt in the previous life. For the physical Universe is all about balance. What you give to others you give to yourself. What you do to others you do to yourself. For we are all ONE; there is no separation between you and I and All That Is.

Let us now go back to the case of Hitler. He had chosen pre-birth, at a Higher Level, to play the role of the Dark. Please understand that playing such a role is very challenging for the soul choosing it, as there is a real, inherent danger that he may be lost in the Dark forever – unable to return to the Love and Light of God and His Higher Self.

This particular soul, in the lifetime when he played the part of Hitler, had chosen to experience itself as the polar opposite of Love. He had deliberately chosen (in collaboration with other souls who are in similar phases of evolution) to be your planet’s most infamous symbol of racial discrimination, hatred, prejudice and cruelty. By playing the part of the leader of Nazi Germany, he had also created the platform that enabled millions of other souls to play the role of the Light.

One of your wisest men Shakespeare, truly got it right. ‘All the world’s a stage’.

All of you are playing a role, on a bigger stage called Planet Earth, that best suits your own individual, spiritual growth; your own evolution. Absolutely no one has the right to judge or condemn the actions another person has taken, without first living that person’s life and without first understanding fully that person’s higher purpose. Especially when God Himself/Herself never judges nor condemns.

Remember that our God is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. God is ever present, all knowing and all powerful. God is the Supreme Creator. The All That Is. Nothing is ever beyond God’s control.

It means that when something like WW1 & WW2 occurred, they occurred because the human collective, had supraconsciously decided to undergo such an experience. Everyone who chose to be born during this wartime period, had agreed to either ‘play’ the role of the Dark or the Light to advance their own spiritual journey.

NO ONE IS EVER A VICTIM. Nothing happens to someone without the Higher Agreement of all the souls involved in that situation.

Now that does not mean you should then take the following passive viewpoint of ‘if that is the case, in the future if I were to see a living being going through pain/suffering, I do not need to render any assistance because what they are experiencing are their own choices, their own Higher Paths and none of my business’.

To this I would say: ‘Every action or inaction that you take (or not take) in every single moment of your incarnation on Earth, defines who you are’.

You get to decide who you are, through the life experiences you daily go through. You get to decide if you are a kind, caring and loving person. And you get to decide to be someone who is the complete opposite: uncaring, selfish, cruel and totally oblivious to the needs of others. The freedom to ‘be, have and do’ whatever you want in your life journey, is yours to have, always. We have no judgment. All are free to decide their own paths.

Now let me finalize this by sharing the following important message for all of you lightworkers reading this.

As the waves of higher dimensional light continue to bombard Planet Earth daily, more and more previously hidden atrocities will be uncovered. The true history of humanity will be disclosed. There will come a time when everyone finally finds out what has been done to them by the very people they had trusted and elected into high positions of public service. ALL will be revealed and when that happens, there will be intense feelings of anger, rage, disappointment, betrayal released into the atmosphere.

This is an integral phase of the Ascension process. All that is hidden must be released out into the open for deep healing to finally occur on a planetary level.

At that time, all of you, my beloved powerful lightworkers, will be called to be the voice of reason, the voice of Love, the anchor of a Higher Dimensional way of being: the way of LOVE. You must then constantly ‘tune in’ to the vibrations of Calm and Peace in your meditations and in your way of being, and project/send that out into the world so that Humanity’s path into the fifth dimension is one with the least amount of chaos and upheavals.

Send Light and Love to the souls currently playing the roles of the Darks at this great moment in time. Understand that they had chosen to play these roles to also assist in the great awakening; the Ascension of Gaia and humanity. These souls, just like yourself, are all children of our God; equally loved and precious to Him.

Embrace, forgive and welcome them in the spirit of Unity and Love.

Guide them so that one day, they can find their own way back HOME.

Remembering that once upon a time, you yourself had also played these Dark roles but have now chosen to return to the Love and Light of your Higher Selves.

I am walking with you, every step of the way. You are never alone.

Sending much love & light your way.

Your brother in Light,

18 April 2018.

THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE (Part 1) ~ Sananda via Adele Arini, 18 April 2018.

Greetings my brothers & sisters!

Today I am here to help you break the chains of powerful 3-D beliefs coming from certain religious teachings. This message will show you the way to a healthier physical body; a healthier, happier life.

But before we begin, I would like to remind ALL of you reading this message, that YOU ARE FREE to believe or disbelieve everything that you read here today. And this rule applies to ALL the messages Adele had channeled on behalf of all of us here in the higher dimensional realm. For those of you who are not ready enough to read/listen to this kind of highly-spiritual knowledge, we recommend that you stop reading/listening to this and move on elsewhere.

We respect your Free Will 100% of the time, so it is up to every single one of you to choose what to believe. We will continue to love you all very deeply, beyond measure, whether or not you believe in anything written here. And we request, that you give that same freedom, courtesy and respect to others. For others to believe in what they want to believe; for them to believe in what their hearts are telling them to do.

We have said it often, but we will say this again today:

Your heart will ALWAYS be your most powerful BAROMETER of TRUTH.

If your heart is telling you that it resonates with the higher dimensional information being revealed here, then it is time for you to adopt this information as your own, to help you move forward in your path of Light. If it’s telling you to stop reading/stop listening to this message, maybe because it is not time for you to spiritually awaken, then please follow your heart and move on elsewhere.

If you make the choice to continue to read, to continue to listen, then please make the intention to read/listen to this message with an open heart and mind. You are, at every moment, always being guided to the path that is most suitable to YOUR own divine plans for this current incarnation.

It is not easy for Adele to write today’s message. Every message she wrote required much of her time, effort and dedication to do. But some messages were more difficult to write than others. This message is the most difficult for her to write, to date. And this is mostly due to her past as a practicing Catholic. She was so devoted to Me (as Jesus the Christ in my famous physical incarnation) and to Father God; so much so, that for a brief period of one year, in her early twenties, she even seriously considered taking up the life path of service to others as a Catholic nun.

After being raised in a devout Catholic family that went to church for Mass every Sunday and then going to Catholic schools in her younger days, it is not easy for her to now ‘come out of the closet’ and ‘formally’ announce to the world that she has now outgrown Catholicism. She has grown more spiritually awakened and long released the need to be bound by any particular religion. Going to church (just to follow her family & its Catholic traditions) for Mass now felt like wearing clothes that are way too small for her.

It had felt very restrictive and that feeling recently caused her to stand up for her beliefs and be authentic to her True Self. Even if that makes her the ‘odd one out’ in her family. Everything is okay; Adele is now happier than ever. Her family has continued to love and accept her just the way she is.

Adele’s so-called ‘religion’ is now ‘Unity and Oneness’ with ALL THAT IS. For her to be able to write these channeled messages, in its Divine Truth and Purity, (with total trust, faith and surrender), she needs to be able to ‘detach’ herself from 1 particular religion, and embrace ALL. One of her, and one of your, most important missions in this lifetime, is to play a part in uniting all members of the Human Collective by showing them the path to Love.
The path to ‘Unity and Oneness With All’ (regardless of religions, skin color, wealth/educational backgrounds, language, geographical location, culture/nation, sexual orientation etc).
The path of inclusivity instead of exclusivity.
A higher dimensional path that requires ALL of you to be the Love that you truly are, in all your daily interactions with the world and the people in it.
A path of non-conformity that is based on Divine Love and Unity with ALL.

I now would like to remind you all, of Father God’s message titled ‘To be or not to be, that is the question’. In that message, He had explained to you the TRUE function of all Earth-based religions/faiths. For those of you who haven’t read it yet, here it is again:

“All roads lead to Rome.” (Alain deLille)
“There are many paths to the top of the Mountain, but the view is always the same.”
(Chinese proverb)

The first proverb means that there are many different ways of reaching the same goal or conclusion. In the second proverb, the ‘Mountaintop’ is your True HOME with God, or being in a state of perfect Oneness with God. The ‘view is always the same’ means that no matter which route you took, the result, the outcome, is always the same. You will always find God there, in perfect union with You.

The route (up that mountaintop) that Adele had taken was that of Catholicism because of the family environment she was raised in. And depending on your upbringing, geographical location and the predominant religion in that area, you may find yourselves/your loved ones belonging to a different religion altogether. And that is fine.

If you continue to move along upwards on your particular route with your hearts as your inner GPS, eventually you will find God, in perfect Oneness with you.

Even those who have chosen the route of someone who does not believe in the existence of God, or those who do not identify themselves as belonging to any particular religion, will eventually find God at the mountaintop/at the end of their destination.

All it takes is for someone to believe in the existence of Love. When a person believes in Love, he will eventually find his Authentic Self/True Spiritual Identity at some point in his life journey; no matter which route he has taken thus far.

He may call/label God by another name: simply ‘Love’, ‘Prime/Supreme Creator’, ‘The Force’, ‘The Bright Light’, ‘Source Energy’ or ‘The ALL THAT IS’.

And that is okay. God is completely fine with having many names.

There is absolutely no need for dissension; there is never a need to fight one another for the supremacy of one path over another. In the past, there had been too many wars done ‘In the name of God’.

I’m not sure which God the people involved in those wars were referring to, because anything that is NOT done in the spirit of: LOVE and UNITY, is NOT done in the name of God.

It is a sacrilege to use God’s name for ANY other purpose but that of Love. When those wars occurred, the authorities in charge were only using the name of God to advance their own purposes; their dominion and supremacy over the masses of believers under their control. They used God to ‘legitimize’ their need for wealth and power.

For those of you whose hearts are NOW ready and completely open to Divine, Unconditional Love, regardless of which particular religious or non-religious path/route that you have thus far chosen to take, you will eventually be led to only ONE destination.

Upon reaching that destination, you will find yourself united with ALL THAT IS; united with all the people living on this beautiful planet Earth. You will also be awakened to the fact that you are one with Gaia; one with your Mother Earth and all Her living creatures.

And with that realization, you will then continue to be awakened to your Divine identity; your Divine nature and abilities that perfectly resembles Me and God.

Everything so far written above is just a long introduction to our topic today. They have served to give you the proper background (for those of you who have not read all of our messages via Adele) and a deeper understanding (for those of you who have) for my messages today.

Today I would like to share with you all a little bit of my true life story in my famous incarnation as Jesus of Nazareth. I will also share my True teachings; the teachings that had been ‘edited out’ by early Christian authorities in order to make the Bible the book that it is today.

I was born to two spiritually-awakened parents: Mary and Joseph. When a child was born to awakened biological parents, the child would then grow up completely spiritually-awakened. That means, I was never trapped in the matrix of life that was 3-D Earth. I grew up knowing exactly who I was: a beloved son of our Creator God who had come to this planet with a very important mission of Love.
When I was about 15, I had a vision from Father God of the role that I was to undertake one day when ready. Every thing that I had done ever since receiving that vision, was to prepare for my Ministry of Light.

From a higher dimensional point of view, my primary mission was: to anchor the Christ consciousness (also known as Unconditional Love and Unity Consciousness) into the core of Planet Earth by my very presence in one of the darkest period Humanity had endured in its early history. I was to be a powerful beacon of Light. A beacon that invited all (living during my time as Jesus) who were ready, to return to the Truth of Who They Were, Where They Came From, and What They Could Be.

Back then I had many followers; many male and female disciples (not just the famous 12). Thousands of people regularly attended my teaching sessions; what I would inwardly call ‘awakening and enlightening people with higher-dimensional Wisdom’ sessions. People from all ages, all backgrounds often attended my teaching sessions: the sick, the wealthy, the poor, the learned/educated Jewish priests, some Roman authorities/soldiers. My teachings attracted many due to the high amount of Light/Love vibrations; the vibrations of Pure Truth and Wisdom being shared with the masses.

My ministry could not last indefinitely. My teachings, my very presence, greatly threatened the existing religious paradigm. People who were occupying high positions of authority in the Jewish community of the time; people whose hearts were already closed off to Divine Love & Truth due to their greed for wealth and/or power; these people came together to discuss a plan to stop my ministry and curtail the wide-spread effects of my Teachings on the masses of people who had become ‘true believers’.

I knew what was happening at the time this ‘drama’ was unfolding and let everything played out the way they were supposed to play out. In every moment of Earth’s history, even today, there are always souls who have chosen to play a role as part of the forces of Darkness. And there are always souls playing the role of ‘one living in the Light’ to balance things out so that ALL is not lost.

(If you haven’t already, please read my older channeled message via Adele, titled ‘Embracing the Dark’ to foster a deeper understanding on souls playing the roles of the Dark).

The illusions/the great dramas coming off of the perpetual ‘battles’ between the Light and the Dark continue to unfold, no matter which time period during Earth’s long history you have chosen to incarnate into. ALL is well in the Great Kingdom of God.

All is as it should be, to give you (the Eternal Spirit/Soul that you are) the freedom to experience everything that you wish to experience. In many of your previous lifetimes (throughout the physical Universe/the ‘Playing Fields’ our Father/Mother God had created for you to play in) you had chosen to play both roles as: one living in the Dark and one living in the Light.

You are all on a never-ending ‘great eternal quest’ to evolve and become the next ‘great vision’ of what the Higher You decide that you would love to be.

Let us go back to the story of my life as Jesus of Nazareth. I knew (long before the start of my ministry) how the ‘drama’ that was my life on Earth would end; I also knew many of the supporting actors/actresses involved, and the roles they would play in it. Many things/events were revealed to me in ‘visions’ prior to them actually happening in my physical reality at the time. I knew them ALL and yet I never ran. I never tried to escape from my eventual end.

With a high dose of courage, strength and bravery, every day I continually practiced the art of ‘letting go and letting God’. I had made my own great ‘jump off of the cliff’ and totally surrendered to: Father/Mother God and my Higher Self, so that my important Divine missions of anchoring higher dimensional Light and becoming a powerful beacon of Light for the world (and for all future Christians to follow) could be made a reality.

Back then I knew (from the visions of ‘future Nova Gaia’ that I received) because of my direct participation in: ‘anchoring the Light of the Christ Consciousness’ through my physical body/life, there will come a time when Gaia, your Earth Mother, and all Her inhabitants can finally ascend to the higher dimensions where She, and all of you, ultimately came from.

You all came from ‘the absolute reality’ that is the Kingdom of God, where ALL is Love. All is Unity. All is Peace and Harmony. All is Abundance. And that time has now arrived! Now is the time for Gaia and all of you, to return to the Light of God; to the Love that is your Higher Self, whilst still in physicality.

It is time for all members of the Human Collective, to align themselves with their Higher Purpose/Mission of being physically incarnate here right now: at a time when this massive CHANGE, (the great move from the lower to the higher dimensions), when this monumental DRAMA/SHOW is unfolding/playing out.

Many of your higher dimensional galactic brothers and sisters are watching. They have come from all corners of this Universe; trekking through all the dimensions; through time and space to be here. They have come in support of the Light and to ensure that, this time, the FINAL OUTCOME will be as already decreed by Father/Mother God.

The long-awaited Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is NOW HERE.

Your galactic family have come after hearing the stories of ‘the great battle’ between the Dark and the Light, for ‘the right’ to Gaia. For ‘the right’ to the souls of Humanity. They are here to help you all in making your FINAL decisions (whether to Ascend or not to Ascend) without the heavy influence of the third-dimensional Matrix you have been living in for eons.

It is now time for ALL of you to decide:

“Are you now playing the role of the Dark? Or are you playing the role of someone living in the Light? Do you wish to continue living your lives committed to that specific role you have chosen? Or do you wish to change to its polar opposite? Do you wish to become a greater person than you currently are? Do you wish to return to the ‘Light and Love’ that you already are, in spiritual TRUTH? Or do you wish to continue to play the role of someone who is in a deep, spiritual sleep and never wake up in this lifetime? Do you want to live in a loving, joyful, peaceful and completely unified fifth-dimensional society that is the future of Humanity?”
“Or do you prefer to live in a third-dimensional society where hatred, anger, duality, separation, greed, power, fear, money continue to be the main ‘themes’ of your days? Do you prefer to make your stand and refuse to continue to live in that kind of lower-vibrational society? Are you ready to align your entire being, your entire life, and actively participate in the: making of and manifesting of Nova Gaia, so that it actually becomes your ‘future’ physical reality? Or, do you prefer to continue to play the role of someone who: doesn’t want Nova Gaia to happen and is actively doing whatever you can, to prevent it from ever happening?”

These are very deep questions that ONLY YOU have the ‘correct’ answers to.
Your free will is always respected by all of us here in the company of Heaven.

Although this has been said before, it is important for you all to integrate the Truth of the following statement: One choice is NOT better than the other. By making the choice ‘to ascend now, in this lifetime’ does NOT make you better, than those who prefer ‘to not ascend now’. All depends on each soul’s readiness level to move on to a higher dimension of consciousness; a higher dimensional way of ‘Being ONE’ with ALL THAT IS.

If your loved ones are not ready to ascend in this lifetime (you can easily tell by the fact that: they are often acting out the roles/parts of people who are the complete, polar opposites of their naturally loving, Higher Selves), then please respect their choices. Let them live their lives the way they want to live. Let go of all controls and trust in God. Trust in your own Higher Selves. And trust that your loved ones’ Higher Selves will continually guide their ‘physical selves’ to eventually return to the path of Light.

Send Light and Love their way (visualize it coming directly from your hearts into theirs), so that one day, at the perfect Divine Timing (that they will decide for themselves), they can also return to the Light & Love of their Higher Selves.

You can choose not to be ‘drawn’ into their dark dramas/agendas by refusing to participate; by refusing to be involved; by refusing to be in their spheres of influence.

Imagine if the leaders of one great nation are planning to go to war with its neighbor. But no one shows up for battle. The ‘soldiers’ who are members of that nation’s military have now: become very much spiritually awakened and decided to no longer play a part in any activity that is not based on Love. What will happen to that war when the nation’s citizens are refusing to participate in it? It will never be carried out.

Each and every one of you has to learn to let go of all fears.
Let go of anything that is holding you back from your own Divine Sovereignty as the loving, but powerful Creator that you truly are.

Stop conforming to what you think the world/the people around you want you to be, in order to feel like you belong in the group.

If someone is asking you to do something, please stop and ask your Higher Heart, “The things that these people/this group is asking me to do, are they aligned with my Higher Self? Are they aligned with my Higher Mission/Purpose of being here?”.

Living your lives authentically by following your hearts is the fastest way to: happiness, success, living an abundant life, and becoming one with your Higher Self.

All of you will never fail to return to the state of Oneness with God, Oneness with ALL THAT IS, at the end of all your physical adventures/incarnations to Planet Earth. So all is always well. There is nothing to fear. All are living their physical lives the way that they are meant to, as per their own great Divine Plans; in their own great path of Light as the eternal Souls that they are.

This is the end of Part 1 of my message today. In Part 2, which Adele will publish in the next few days, I will continue to share with you all my real, Authentic Teachings from my incarnation as Jesus of Nazareth.

Sending you all much Light and Love,

Your brother Sananda.

20 March 2018.

The Long-Awaited Landings ~ Sananda, 20 March 2018.

Greetings my beloved brothers and sisters,

Not long after my previous message about the coming Great Event, here comes along another important update for you all. Your Galactic Brothers and Sisters of the Light are now planning for a major landing on the surface of Gaia. The first wave of landing will be led by a spiritually-advanced race of beings called the Pleiadians.

The Pleiadians originate from the Pleiades star systems. In terms of physical appearance, the Pleiadians look very similar to the human race. Their entire civilization currently exists within the sixth-dimension; they had ‘ascended’ from the lower dimensions to the higher dimensions of consciousness (5D and above) millions of your Earth years ago. The Pleiadians are part of the many ancient races of beings in this Universe.

They, along with the Arcturians, Venusians, Antareans and many more, form the group of higher dimensional race of beings who have the purest of intentions to serve God/Source/Prime Creator wherever and whenever necessary.

They are fully committed in providing a service to Divine Love in all that they do. They faithfully serve All That Is, for the Higher Good of All in mind. The above 4 ‘alien’ races have been the main Guardians of this Galaxy for millions of years. They have been tasked by God, with the Divine Duty to: watch over, guide and protect humanity from the very beginning of time on Earth ~ whilst always respecting the Higher Will of the Human Collective, at all times.

Now for some of you, who are still very much influenced by the third dimensional paradigm, today’s update may be causing undeniable negative sensations within your physical bodies. You may feel the tightening/tensing of your stomach regions, or, your heart may be racing a little bit (with fear, and not with excitement). It is highly likely that you are feeling this way because you have been too heavily influenced by popular ‘alien invasion’ themed movies such as ‘Independence Day’ or ‘War of the Worlds’. Those movies were created by souls playing the roles of the Darks (who were, until recently, in power), to keep you living in the 3D, lower vibrations of Fear and Separation consciousness.

Not all science fiction movies or TV series were bad/meant to keep you living in a state of fear. Some, like Avatar, Stargate SG-1, Babylon 5, Star Trek and the Matrix Trilogy, were truly Divinely inspired. They gave you countless clues (in the guise of fictional works) on how big the Universe is; the advanced space-travel technology humanity can soon enjoy; the possibility of time-travel; the many varieties of sentient races out there, and the Galactic interaction or communication protocols between a multitude of different alien civilizations in the Universe.

Star Trek’s ‘Prime Directive’ that prohibits one from interfering with the internal development of a (spiritually and technologically) less-advanced civilization, is actually our God’s Prime Directive to all members of the higher dimensional, space-faring societies. This Universal Law is faithfully adhered to by ALL of your higher dimensional Galactic brothers and sisters.

The Matrix Trilogy movies (starring Keanu Reeves) were actually created with a much deeper purpose to help humanity awaken spiritually from your deep sleep. The character of ‘Neo’ symbolized each and every single one of you. In the movies, Neo was awakened (or unplugged from the machines) from the Matrix of Life that he was living in, to eventually assume the prophesied powerful role of ‘The One’ who led ALL into the Age of Peace.

Do you see the connecting theme? Doesn’t that perfectly describe what is currently happening right NOW all across the planet? All of you my beloved friends, are now playing the part of Neo. Those of you reading this have now been awakened from the Matrix of third-dimensional life that was Planet Earth. Your spiritual gifts, your Divine powers of Creation and Manifestation will be awakened next, so that you can create, attract and manifest Nova Gaia. Ushering ALL into the golden age of Peace, Love, Unity, Harmony and Abundance on Earth.
You are “The One” you’ve been waiting for. All of you are in the process of becoming the long-prophesied, physical embodiment of the Christ Consciousness (Divine Love & Unity Consciousness) on planet Earth.

Some of you may be totally new, or resistant, to the concept that humanity is not alone in this Universe. The many science fiction movies and TV series about alien races ‘out there’ have so far been unable to convince you of the very real existence of sentient civilizations in other parts of this big Universe that you are living in.

Most of you who are regularly reading these spiritual, channeled messages however, have always been fascinated by the science fiction genre all your lives. Your heart has always ‘known and remembered’ the following Higher Truth: Humanity is only one of many sentient races of beings out there in the Universe. Deep down you might have been feeling so different from the people around you; like you do not really ‘belong’ here on this planet. You had struggled all your life to feel at ‘HOME’ here.

These feelings are perfectly normal for someone like you. You had been feeling that way because you are our ‘Starseeds’; our ‘Volunteers’ and part of our ‘Ground Crew’. (Please read this channel’s message from Archangel Michael titled: ‘Ready Set Go’, for more information.) You have all volunteered for a mission on Planet Earth; a mission in which you will play an important role in the spiritual awakening and development of humanity.

You also came from many different parts of the Universe; from many different higher dimensional civilizations in service to the Light. And unlike your soon-to-be-arriving Galactic brothers and sisters, you preferred to have a front row seat to these exciting changes now playing on Planet Earth! You came here to assist by first, lowering your naturally-high vibrations in preparations for a journey to the third-dimension and then second, by donning the ‘costume’ of a physical human body. You have had quite a challenging life so far; trying to adapt and pretend like you belong here and like you are totally ‘normal’ ~ just like everybody else.

The following is my message for you:

“All of you who are members of our Ground Crew, feel the gong of the Great Call reverberating within you right NOW. This call to take up the mantle of leadership to lead humanity into the path of Oneness and Love can no longer be ignored. You have been trained and prepared for this role for a very long time. You ARE ready. Be not afraid. All is unfolding perfectly according to God’s Divine Plan.”

“The time is now to stop playing small. By now you should already know very well that your powerful, multidimensional Higher Self is full of Divine Love and Wisdom.
Your Higher Self is in the process of amalgamating ALL of your Past and Future life experiences you have accumulated throughout the Universe, in the great eternal moment of NOW.”

“This Multidimensional Wisdom will be downloaded to you soon, so that you can assist all Ascending humans to fully embody and integrate their own Higher Selves. Your Galactic Family are standing by to support you every step of the way. Feel their loving presence completely surrounding Earth right now. They have come, in Love and in Light, to assist all members of the human race in your journey back to Source/God.”

“Most of you have been waiting for this landing for what seemed like forever. Now that this momentous occasion is practically at your door, the time is now for all of you to be the fifth dimensional leaders you were born to be! At the crucial moment in time when your Galactic Family arrives on the surface of planet Earth, please step up and be one of the first groups of people to welcome their arrival. Embrace the Pleiadians like you would, a long-lost friend, and recognize that their presence means it is time for all of humanity to finally become true, active members of the galactic community.

“Speak up your Higher Truth to anyone within hearing distance: that these Galactic Brothers and Sisters have come to Earth in the Spirit of Peace, Love and Unity.”

There is absolutely nothing to fear. The Pleiadians are completely prepared for all eventualities. Nothing that humanity can produce (out of fear or out of any other third-dimensional reactions) will be able to harm them. They will not have anything on them that can be considered as ‘weapons’, and they will do absolutely nothing that can be mistakenly construed as ‘having hostile intentions’ towards Humanity.

The Pleiadians communicate among themselves via mental telepathy, and they possess the ability to communicate with you in all Earth languages. If you are one of the brave ones who actually approach one of them in friendship, you will find that communication with them is easy and effortless. This highly-evolved race of beings emanates strong, high vibrations of Love and Light that will instantly make you feel safe, comfortable, liked and completely loved.

The Pleiadians have been and are still one of the Guardians protecting humanity in this Galaxy. They have been playing an important role in the spiritual awakening and development of the human race. They are here to help disintegrate all aspects of humanity’s current third dimensional way of living (based in: Duality, Fear, Lack and Separation), and help establish the foundation of a fifth dimensional society which will be completely based in: Peace, Unity and Oneness, Love and Abundance.

These spiritually-advanced light beings have come to Earth bearing the gifts of: Wisdom, Love and Friendship. They are here to share many higher-dimensional technologies that will be useful to help with the Planetary Healing of Gaia and all of Her inhabitants. They stand ready to teach and share the ways of Spiritual Mastery and Enlightenment.

They are not here to ‘force’ humanity to adopt their way, their teachings, or their way of life. They are here, on Earth, to answer the desperate call Gaia and the majority of Humanity had cried out. Many of you had cried out for assistance. Most of you had been praying and longing for the experience of lasting Peace, Love and Unity on this planet. The Pleiadians are here to guide you there. They are here, sent by God/Source, in answer to your prayers.

As always just like everything else in life, each and every single one of you will have the complete freedom and free will to accept, or not accept their assistance.

Please remember, their continuing presence here on Earth has, in the past, always been kept “Top Secret” by the many people who are occupying high leadership positions within your current governments. We have suggested to these leaders to provide Full Disclosure of ‘alien’ presence to many citizens of Earth, to no avail. So now it is time for Humanity to know the Truth. As nothing can be hidden in this complex, grand project that is the formation of Nova Gaia. Humanity’s awakening and full participation are required for the next phase of this development.

These are truly exciting times you are living in, my beloved friends! You are now ready, to return to the Higher Truth, of Who You Are. You are a Powerful, Multidimensional Soul who have temporarily chosen a physical vessel in the form of a human body in order to experience life in the third dimension. You, who are reading this, have had enough of living as a third-dimensional being and have now chosen to return to your fifth dimensional, Higher Expression of Your Self whilst still physically embodied here on Earth.

Take the hands that are being offered by your Galactic Brothers and Sisters and warmly welcome their loving presence in Joy, Passion and Excitement! Their arrival will come, not long after the Great Event which I had shared with you in my last message through this channel. The majority of humanity are finally ready and willing to open up their big Hearts to embrace ALL within their own race (regardless of color, religion/faiths, sexual orientation, financial status, nation, culture, language etc.).

You are now ready to embody the spirit of Unity and Oneness with All That Is. And because of this, you are ready to jump up to this next phase of spiritual evolution: of embracing your Galactic Family ~ the many different “alien” civilizations, and live together with them in this Universe, in Peace, Unity, Love and Harmony.

Recognize that just like you, the souls of those in the Galactic Family, had (at pre-birth) made the decisions to be physically embodied in whatever civilizations they come from. They are not different from you! The souls of our Pleiadians Brothers and Sisters had (at a Higher level) exercised their free will and chose to be born in the Pleaides star systems. Just like all of you who belong to the human race, have chosen Gaia/Earth to be your physical ‘playground’ for this current incarnation.

Visualize the ‘Star Trek’ universe where different races of beings all live together in harmony; humans and aliens all mixed together in various settings/groups within the Galaxy. This reality already exists NOW in Nova Gaia. This is the future Earth you will soon inhabit, within this current lifetime, should you wish to participate and choose it for yourselves.

Most of you reading this have started to actively participate in creating Nova Gaia in your own physical reality, and the Pleiadians will be able to give a huge boost; a strong support and foundation you need to make this happen even faster. They will not be able to create Nova Gaia for you (as they are not part of the human race), but they can play a part in helping you create the fifth dimensional society you very much wish to live in.

I, Sananda, along with ALL within the Ashtar Command, stand ready to assist each and everyone of you in Ascending to 5D and beyond. Call us anytime for help. We are Multidimensional; we are able to assist ALL of you ALL at the same time.

Sending much love & light your way.

Your brother in Light,


15 March 2018.

Welcome to Nova Gaia ~ Father God, 15 March 2018.

My dear children,

It is with great joy that I now welcome you to your new home, Nova Gaia.

It has been quite a challenging journey for Gaia, your Earth Mother, to reach this point in her evolution. I created and appointed the great, powerful, living being that is Gaia as your guardian, your protector, your life-giver, and as your temporary home whilst away from your real HOME with Me.

Gaia, bless her magnificent Heart, has been extending an open invitation to all souls; all races of beings from different civilizations, for eons. She welcomes everyone to live on Her planetary body, without any exceptions. Because of this, Planet Earth has been one of the most popular destinations in this galaxy, for any soul who wishes to experience a physical, third dimensional life.

Prior to physical birth, all souls who have decided to incarnate on Earth would have been asked to enter into a contract/a promise with Gaia. All of you had promised to look after your planetary home in the best way that you can, every single day. You had also made the promise to treat all of Gaia’s living inhabitants sharing the same space as you, with much love and respect.

For eons, these contracts have been largely ignored. Once physically incarnate on Earth, a lot of souls have forgotten their promises to Gaia. Gaia and her living inhabitants (especially those in the Plant, Animal and Mineral Kingdoms) have been suffering endlessly. Humanity thought that these living beings have no voice. Nothing could be further than the truth. They all have a voice, humanity however, had lost the will to listen.

Some people think deforestation is normal; that it is okay to cut down as many trees as possible and leave many parts of the land barren. After all, humanity needs paper, furniture and houses to build. And these trees are just a means to an end. Some people even gave themselves ‘a pat in the back’ for planting a tree or two, for every single mature, old tree they are cutting down. They never realized that the existence of these old trees is the reason why there is plenty of fresh oxygen to go around the Planet for all of you to breathe in. These trees also contain much Wisdom of all the Ages. All of you who currently possess the ability to communicate with all in the Plant Kingdom have found these trees to be living, divine beings so full of wisdom, love, joy and humor.

Don’t even get me started on the suffering of those in the animal kingdom. It truly brings me to tears every time I see Gaia, and her ‘seemingly’ voiceless inhabitants being abused sometimes to the point of brutality every single day; numbering by the billions all over the world. This entire madness has to end. It will definitely end. In fact, it has already ended in the great NOW moment where Nova Gaia exists.

What humanity has failed to realize is that when you look into the eyes of any animal for a prolonged period of time, you will begin to see Me in all of them. I Am Omnipresent. I am in the very air you breathe; the water you drink.

There is Nowhere That God is Not.

In everything that you see, you will recognize the presence of Divine Love; the God-Spark that also resides in every single human being. Not long after, you will be able to see yourself reflected in their eyes. You will fall in love with any animal when you have spent enough time with it like you would, with your own beloved pet.

Those of you who possess a higher level of energy sensitivity have now realized that there is no separation between you and All That Is. Everything is so inter-connected. Simply put: scientifically, energetically and spiritually, you are all ONE, with Me, with every single living being on Planet Earth, and with Gaia the Planet Earth herself.

You who possess this higher level of energy sensitivities (the group of people who are sometimes called empaths) have had the hardest time living on Earth. They could feel and be easily affected by the immense suffering of Gaia and many of her inhabitants.
Some of you reading this have even reached a phase where you have truly embodied Oneness and Unity consciousness and thus been able to telepathically communicate with Gaia, and all in the Plant and Animal Kingdoms. You ‘know and feel’ very well the extent of damage Gaia and her ‘voiceless’ inhabitants undergo each day.

And yet, because I had previously designated Earth to be a Free Will planet, you all had been feeling like there was nothing much you could do to stand up for the rights of vulnerable groups of people and/or other living beings on the Planet.
One could participate in rallies; one could also go be a ‘tree hugger’ or become a vegetarian/vegan. But deep down, all of you who were already doing these, still felt like these actions did not really help much to change the world. After all, respecting other souls’ free will is also part of your path of Light and Love.

The following is my message to all of you who belong in the above group of souls:

“Please stay centered in the Light my beloved children, and do not despair nor feel helpless. The third dimensional way of living is now coming to an end. Very soon, LOVE will be the only name of the game. The way of violence, cruelty, abuse, intolerance, injustice, discrimination or neglect will soon no longer be accepted nor tolerated by the majority of Humanity who has been longing to live in the spirit of Peace, Love, Unity and Abundance.
Massive, intense, high-vibrational Christ Consciousness Light continues to pour in from the heavens, every single moment of every single day. Not a single living being can escape the touch of My Light. In the darkest places, in the darkest corners of many parts of this world, there are infinite amounts of powerful Spotlights shining on ALL current activities that are not based in Divine Love.
Imagine as if there are countless spotlights being turned on in a dark stadium and the whole place becomes so bright as if the night has turned into day. This is what is currently happening worldwide. Those who participate in lower-vibrational activities can no longer hide in the dark.
They will start to question their ways and be guided to change and choose the path of returning to the Love and Light of their true, Higher Selves.
Due to your heightened sensitivities I know, my highly-empathic children, that you have suffered just as much as the world around you have suffered, and for this very reason, you will all be called to be the fifth-dimensional leaders in your own fields of expertise. Tune in everyday to your own inner guidance, your own Higher Heart/in-built GPS, and we will work together to change all aspects of Earth’s third-dimensional, everyday living, into the spirit of Oneness and Unity. You are meant to be wherever you are, right at this great moment in time. Have faith that everything is going perfectly right now, according to Our Divine Plan.”

In the next part of this message I would like to share a little bit with you what life will be like in Nova Gaia. Once humanity has reached the height of fifth-dimensional living, life there will truly be beyond your current imaginations. You have truly forgotten your higher dimensional past/future lives, and so I am here sharing these today to help strengthen your motivations and to help you stay rooted in your own Great Path of Light, no matter what daily challenges you are constantly facing.

After all the dust has settled, and when the inhabitants of Earth are starting to embody Unity and Love for ALL, Earth will enter into a period of Peace. Everyone’s main focus will be on spiritual growth and becoming Masters of Creation and Manifestations. There will be ‘Mystery Schools’ opening up in many locations throughout the planet that will teach their students the path of Unity, Mastery and Enlightenment. Everyone will work together with your Galactic Brothers and Sisters, to bring about planetary healing and the establishment of a fifth dimensional paradigm in all aspects of human existence.

Below are some examples of what living in Nova Gaia; in a fifth-dimensional society will be like:

* Money (of all kinds: paper, coins, gold etc.) will one day become obsolete. If you need/want something in your life, you can use spiritual powers, your own powerful Divine powers of Creation, to create it out of thin air. The concepts of taxation, banking and conducting a business for profit will also become obsolete when money no longer exists. The existence of money (and how much one has) will no longer be one of the causes of division and separation within Humanity.

* Everyone will be called to live to serve the Higher Good of all on the Planet, in a way that best suits your own talents, gifts and calling. You will be completely focused on spiritual advancement and serving Love in all that you do. Working 9-5 in a job that ‘just pays the bills’ will be a thing of the past. Everyone will be living an abundant life, and thus be ‘financially’ free to pursue their own passion; their own paths of joy and fulfillment.

* Humanity will be a race of being that, predominantly, communicates via telepathy. You are able to sense/know each other’s thoughts and can send messages, across great distances, via the powers of your fifth-dimensional Mind. You will learn how to be Master of your thoughts in the early years of living in Nova Gaia.

* Travel to any place around the world will happen the instant after you visualize and concentrate on that location inside your mind. Your physical bodies will have become crystalline, based on the Divine Light Body of your Higher Self. This will enable instant travel to all parts of the world. Your Light physical bodies will no longer require sleep, food or drink to sustain themselves. You can exist purely on Light. You have the freedom to still eat or drink, but it will purely be based on enjoyment and not necessity.

* There will no longer be a need for borders around the nations of this world. All the places in this planet will completely become Your Home. There will be no need for passports; no need for military/border security. All weapons that can potentially harm the planet and/or all of its inhabitants will be disintegrated/destroyed. There will be a deep feeling of interconnectedness and Love towards all and thus, you will no longer be afraid of strangers. There is nothing extra you need to do/have, to protect your nation, your way of living, after ALL on Earth becomes the physical embodiments of Divine Love.

* There will no longer be a need for a government for every single nation/country on Earth. In all spiritually-advanced societies throughout this Universe, there is only ONE Planetary Government/Leadership that consists of representatives from all the nations/all the different cultures of that world. Think of your ‘United Nations’ but in a larger, more Unified scale. Your newly-elected United Nations; your planet’s Central Government will be responsible for making decisions and providing guidance in anything that can potentially affect the human race as a whole. Your elected leaders will consist of only highly-evolved humans who have the purest of intention to serve Divine Light and the Greater Good.

* All of you Gaians (which you will soon be called, and not Earthlings *laugh*) will be warmly welcomed with great Joy and Love into the group of higher dimensional civilizations, and be active participants in the Galactic community. And this means: the entire Universe will open up for you all. Other planets, galaxies and star systems will serve to be your playground. Space will no longer be an ‘Uncharted Territory’ for future Gaians. I am sure many of you have known by now, that spiritually and technologically advanced races of beings, such as the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Venusians and many more, have acted as Guardians of this Galaxy for eons; for a very long time. They have guided and protected Humanity in service of the Light and Divine. One day, (when humanity has grown to be a spiritually-advanced race), Gaians will also assume that role, and become protectors and guardians of another planet/another civilization that will be undergoing a massive move from the lower to the upper dimensions of consciousness.

In closing, I know every single one of you who is reading these messages. You have continued to read because somewhere deep inside, your inner being resonates with the contents of these messages. Even though the Nova Gaia (Utopia Earth) that I have just described above sounds too good to be true, you somehow know that it is in your future. In this current incarnation for those who have chosen to Ascend. In fact, in the eternal great moment of NOW, Nova Gaia exists, and all of you are now playing your part in manifesting it into your physical reality, right here, right now.

I have decreed that it is NOW time for Gaia, and all of Her living inhabitants, to return to the great path of LOVE. Many light beings (on both sides of the realm: physical and non-physical) are working tirelessly to make this happen. Failure is impossible.

The promised Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is NOW here, and it is up to each and everyone of you to claim it and make it yours. As always like with anything else, you have the freedom to be a part of it or not to be a part of it. We respect each soul’s individual decision and will assist all of you in your own spiritual evolution.

I AM THE GREAT I AM. You are all infinite expressions of My Divine Self. You are, in every moment, constantly supported and completely loved beyond measure.

Sending you all My Light and Love,

Father God.

27 March 2018.

To be or Not to be, That is the Question ~ Father God, 27 March 2018.

My beloved children,

Today I would like you to remember another higher dimensional concept that you are now ready to embrace. Every day you are getting closer and closer to Nova Gaia. With every message channeled, we are fulfilling our promise to you. A promise to remind you of the truth of: Who You Are, Where You Came From and What You Can Be.

Every single one of these messages contain Divine Light Codes; meant to awaken you more and more to the wise, powerful, multidimensional Being that is your Higher Self.

These messages are written to help you permanently break, shatter and destroy ALL third-dimensional concepts/beliefs that are very deeply entrenched within you and then, awaken you to the higher dimensional concepts/beliefs that many of you have forgotten ~ after being physically embodied on Earth for so long.

What if I tell you, that you are all Gods? And Goddesses? You are all Infinite Expressions of My Divine Self. Individually, this means you are also of Divine origins, made in the same likeness of Me (i.e. you possess ALL of my powerful Divine attributes). When I created you, I imbued your Inner Essence with My Divinity; with My Godly Attributes and this makes you, my beloved child, the same powerful Creator that I AM.


One of my beloved daughters by the name of Alaine had created a beautiful song ‘You Are Me’ (inspired by…? who else? *laughed*) that perfectly describes your Oneness with Me and with ALL).

People who are reading this particular message can perhaps be categorized into three different groups:

Those in group 1 will find my above statements very hard to believe, perhaps due to their own strong feelings of: inadequacy or lack of control in their own lives. These people have truly forgotten their Inner Power ~ their Spiritual Powers of Creation and Manifestation.

Group 2 contains people who have, in the past, been too thoroughly indoctrinated in the systematic, organized beliefs of all Earthly religions. They may find My statements downright sacrilegious/blasphemous and believe with absolute certainty that ALL information that directly contradicts their religious teachings are ‘false’ information intended to steer them off of their holy paths.

Group 3 are all of you who have been spiritually awakened and have chosen to ascend in this lifetime. You are attracted to these messages because they resonate with your heart; your inner barometer of Truth. Your entire being (mind, body, emotion and spirit) is now ready to open up to the Divine, Higher Wisdom that I am always here to remind you of; the Wisdom that has always been deeply buried within you, waiting for the right time to be revealed. And that time is NOW!

For those of you who belong in Group 1 or 2, this is my message to you all:

“My beloved children, as always, you are FREE to believe or disbelieve the Wisdom I have just reminded you of today. You can choose to continue to feel and/or behave as you yourself, or others have told you to be: inadequate, fearful, out of control, small and powerless, and/or as sinners in the eyes of God. You are free to continue to put yourself down; in a position that is lower than Me and/or lower than any other higher dimensional Light Beings in this Universe.”

“You can continue to put Me and/or certain selected Ascended Masters/religious masters onto a pedestal that is located much higher than where you are. You are free to believe that the place where ‘they are’ is a destination where you can never reach. You are free to believe what they could do (to demonstrate their inner, Divine powers) during their physical incarnations, you can never do. You are also free to continue to believe in the Fear, Separation and Lack consciousness. My children, you will always have the freedom to believe in anything you want.”

“It all comes down to this: Do you want to choose Love or Fear? Lack or Abundance? Do you wish to experience a physical reality where you are One and United with God (and with All in your planet) or, do you wish to experience its polar opposite: living in the illusion of Separation from God and All That is?”

“All of the Ascended Masters whom you have ‘worshiped’ and ‘labeled’ as Gods/Goddesses in your faiths/religions had once walked on Earth EXACTLY like you. They are powerful, divine souls walking around in their ‘human disguise’. They are all My beloved Sons and Daughters, just like you, are my beloved Sons and Daughters. These Ascended Masters are powerful, just like your own Higher Selves are powerful.”

“In their famous physical incarnations as ‘Leaders’ or ‘Founders’ of your religions/faiths, they also had individually gone through the process of spiritual awakening and enlightenment. They had successfully ‘Ascended’ from their lower, third-dimensional way of thinking/being/behaving. They did that by consciously choosing and making a full commitment to: be the embodiment of the Christ Consciousness in their every day lives and surrender to the Divine Light/God-Spark that is within them; that is within all.”
(Christ Consciousness is not related to a specific religion; it is a state of Being where one is fully embodying the Divine, Unconditional Love and Unity with ALL).

“The following proverbs perfectly describe the function of all Earth-based religions and/or faiths:
“All roads lead to Rome.” (Alain deLille)
“There are many paths to the top of the Mountain, but the view is always the same.”
(Chinese proverb)
The first proverb means that there are many different ways of reaching the same goal or conclusion. In the second proverb, the ‘Mountaintop’ is your True HOME with me, or being in a state of perfect Oneness with Me. The ‘view is always the same’ means that no matter which route you took, the result, the outcome, is always the same. You will always find Me there, in perfect union with You.”

“Throughout the ages, countless wars had been fought; countless people had died, fighting to prove the ‘supremacy’ and ‘dominance/power’ of one belief, one religion over another. They were trying to prove that their path, their religion/belief/faith is The ‘best’ and The ‘only’ path to God, to Me. This is complete and utter madness! And if you think this only happened in your ‘ancient’ past, think again. This is STILL happening now in many parts of your planet. History has a way of repeating itself. It is time for the Human Collective to adopt a new way; a new paradigm; a new way of thinking, being and doing. A way that is based on Love and Unity for all. A way of inclusivity instead of exclusivity.”

“You will always have the freedom, the free will to believe what you want to believe, as long as you give others that very same courtesy and respect that you are giving yourselves. It is NOW time to decide whether you are happy to stay just like you are; just like you have always been, OR, whether you are ready to open up your hearts to the possibility that you are meant to be something greater. There is no judgment; no pressure. You have all, at a Higher level (pre-birth), made your decisions to either spiritually awaken now or, not to awaken now. There is no right or wrong. One decision is NOT better than the other. It all depends on your readiness level (in your own evolution as the eternal spirit that you are) to embrace your higher dimensional selves.”

For the rest of you who find yourselves belonging to Group 3, there are plenty of amazing wonders, to look forward to! You will find that as you grow more spiritually awakened, life will flow with perfect ease, joy, passion, fulfillment and harmony. After you have done your inner cleansing and clearing and, after you have gone through the process of complete realignment and complete surrender of your life to your Higher Self/Path/Purpose; your life will undergo massive, powerful and positive changes.

Abundance in ALL aspects of your life will zoom straight into your life with practically zero, or little effort, as you learn to put yourself in the ‘receiving’ mode, instead of staying in the third dimensional mode/belief of ‘having to work hard’ to live the abundant life that you have been asking for. Every day you will wake up feeling so joyful and grateful for the many blessings you have received, are receiving and will continue to receive in the future.

You always have the complete power to create your life exactly the way you want it to be. It is now time to break down ALL restricting beliefs! Make the intention to: eliminate, once and for all, all third-dimensional ways of being, ways of thinking and ways of behaving. Make the full time commitment to embody your Higher Self, every single moment of every single day. And most of all, make the intention to ’embrace your highest, best potential’ of what you can be, do and have!

I now tell you solemnly, “Everything that you can imagine to be, do and have, have ALREADY existed in the realm of potential AND, have ALREADY been manifested in your future realities/timelines.” You just need to tune in and align your entire being to ‘what you want to be, do and have’, for them to manifest into your current, physical reality.

Let me give you a few examples of very powerful, third-dimensional beliefs:

1) Most of you believe that as you get older, your bodies also age. You then go through the process of aging, and before long, your 50, or 60-year-old selves no longer look like your 20, or 30-year-old selves. You also believe that it is ‘normal’ for you to get sick when you get older, as you get nearer to the ‘supposed’ end of this life journey.

Now, let me tell you a little secret my child: your bodies are designed to be the physical vessel of your Spirit/your Higher Self/Soul, indefinitely! Your bodies do not have an ‘expiration date’, except for the dates YOU have set for yourselves!

You can choose to live in this physical body you are currently living in, for as long as you would like. All of you have the powers to: heal yourselves of all sickness/diseases and ALL so-called ‘disabilities’.

And here comes the best reminder ever: you also have the power to REVERSE all signs of aging and return to the optimum physical condition that you wish to enjoy!
Whatever physical condition your body currently has, it is your job now to decide, whether you wish to stay as you are, or whether you want to embrace your powerful, Creator abilities and change it to the way you want it to be.
‘To Be or Not To Be, That is TRULY the Question’.
Your powerful Higher Self, your Spirit/Soul are the MASTER of your body, and NOT the other way around.

In all spiritually advanced civilizations out there in this Universe, those who have chosen to incarnate in a physical light-body, lived to, on average, between 300 to 1000 years old. Some beings are way older than that; it all depends on their individual decision. When it is time for them to ‘transition’ to a different form, to a different expression of Self, they will then consciously choose the physical death of their bodies. And move on with perfect ease. There is no suffering, no pain, no sickness/disease. Death is simply a door they walk through, to move on to a different journey in their ‘Great Path Of Light’!

2) Let us now address another BIG, third dimensional concept of money. I am sure after reading my last message through this channel, you are now wondering ‘how on earth’ can you, as a society, live without money. How will people earn a living? You were perhaps even thinking fearful, negative thoughts such as ‘the entire world will crash and burn and stop functioning without the existence of money’.

This is my answer to your third-dimensional reactions: Ascension to the fifth-dimensional paradigm will NOT happen all in the course of one day. Even ‘The Great Event’ that will soon occur is just another wake up call directed more for the souls who are still deeply sleeping. It is NOT the end of the Ascension Process. If anything, it is the BEGINNING of the Ascension process for the people who will be awakened then.

All aspects of human existence will be transformed, and many of these transformative processes will take years to complete ~ not months/weeks/days. We have done massive, extensive preparations. All is almost ready to proceed. The foundations have been set, so that humanity’s path to becoming a fifth dimensional society will: be one with the least amount of chaos and happen with relative ease.

There will be massive wealth distribution to many impoverished parts of the world, and many lightworkers will be given access to the NESARA/GESARA funds. These funds will be used to improve the standards of living of ALL citizens of this planet.
And one day, when ALL are finally living in a state of abundance; in a state of ‘having their every need fulfilled’, only then the dependence on money will be greatly reduced. In time, money will become obsolete and cease to exist.

We would like you to now challenge every single belief that you have, on anything in your life right at this very moment. Ask yourself, ‘Is this belief coming from the lower, third dimensional consciousness of: ‘fear, lack, powerlessness and separation’, or from the higher, fifth dimensional consciousness of: ‘love, abundance, powerfulness, and unity’.

Broaden your perceptions. Banish all negativity. Think outside ‘the very restrictive, third-dimensional box’ that you have been living in. Invite your Higher Selves to take control and change your lives into the most wonderful, the most amazing Highest expressions of Yourself for this lifetime.

Have complete faith and trust, that the road less traveled your Higher Selves are taking you to, will lead to a future that is far beyond your wildest dreams; your biggest imaginations! Surrendering to the Divine Love and Wisdom of your Higher Self is really the fastest, and most joyful way to get to the life that you have been dreaming about.

The choice is yours, my beloved child. What will you now choose to be, do and have?

Feel my unconditional love surrounding you at every moment. You are the apple of my eye. You, my beloveds, are always supported, guided and protected in this physical adventure that is your life on Earth.

Sending you all my love,

Father God.

9 April 2018.

The Best is Yet to Come ~ Sananda, 9 April 2018.

Greetings my friends,

Today I would like to discuss potential futures/timelines faced by the Human Collective, based on current Light data and planetary vibrations level. I am sure all of you know that the future is fluid. The future is what you all make of it. Your individual and collective futures are very interconnected. The thoughts, words, feelings and actions of just one person can have great, far-reaching ripple effects on the entire planet.

There are approximately 7.6 billion souls physically incarnate on the planet at the moment. Imagine the combined, collective Creation and Manifestation powers you all have on the future of Humanity, and the future of planet Earth. If all of these 7 billion people were to work together to create Nova Gaia right now, Nova Gaia will be manifested in less than a week. This is how powerful you are when you are working together in harmony with ALL to achieve a common goal.

At the moment however, only 41% of Humanity is spiritually awakened. And out of this spiritually-awakened group, only about 5% is either consistently doing their best to embody Christ consciousness every day, or, have successfully embodied their Higher Selves. The rest, the 36%, are still too busy learning the ropes and aligning their entire lives to their higher purpose.

If you belong to this group of 5% (people who have been awakened for quite awhile, and are now making very good progress by joyfully fulfilling your life missions), you should really spend a minimum of 15-mins meditation time per day focusing purely on the creation of Nova Gaia. When an awakened person starts living life fully committed to the grand project: ‘The Creation & Manifestation of Nova Gaia’; all of us here in the higher dimensional realm can see the MASSIVE difference this person is making on the entire planet. This 15-mins focus on Nova Gaia formation may not seem like much to you, but the effects of this little exercise are tremendous; especially when done regularly.

Start using your remarkable imaginations! Everything that you would like your new, fifth-dimensional planetary home to be like, imagine as if this reality is instantly manifested in this exercise. Imagine there is pure clean air and water, and a bounty of organic fruits/vegetables everywhere – easily accessible at no cost for everyone on the planet. Imagine this entire planet completely cleansed and healed from all the toxicity and destruction mankind had heaped upon Her throughout the eons of time. Imagine everyone living in perfect harmony; giving each other the unconditional love and respect each soul deserves to have. Imagine as if all members of humanity have completely overcome their differences. There is complete and absolute acceptance, inclusiveness and unity towards all within the human race: no matter your skin color, religions, education and financial backgrounds, nations/languages, sexual orientation etc.

Visualize a world where money does not exist. Where everything you need is always fulfilled at no cost to you; at no cost to anyone. Visualize every single person on Earth feeling joyful, blissful and very fulfilled; living their lives with so much passion everyday, doing what they love and loving what they do. Imagine a world where every one enjoys perfect health. Where sickness and disease are no more; and the ‘process of aging as one gets older’ is just a distant memory.

Visualize the entire human collective becoming so spiritually-advanced; so much so that everyone’s Divine, spiritual powers of Creation and Manifestation are fully awakened and operational. And when this happens, the entire Universe will open up for you. What ‘the you’ today would classify as miracles will one day be an every day occurrence; miracles will become the ‘normal’ outcomes coming from you exercising your powerful creative abilities!

All the things I could do to demonstrate my Divine powers, (in my most popular physical incarnation as Jesus the Christ), you can very easily do too, one day! Turning water into wine; healing the sick, blind, deaf and/or the handicapped; walking on water; ‘controlling’ the weather; raising someone from the dead etc. are only very few, very basic examples of your True, Powerful capabilities! You are magnificent, powerful Divine Light Beings; currently walking around in the ‘disguise’ of a human body.

And here comes a basic, fundamental TRUTH:

In the eyes of our Creator God, you are just as special as I am! You are equally powerful; equally loved and equally Divine. You are God; walking around this planet in the physical expression of a human body.

There is a very important reason as to why the message that ‘You are God’ has often been repeated, time and time again. There is a huge, big GAP from at first, you ‘knowing’ something, to then change to you ‘believing’ in something, and finally you ‘becoming/embodying’ something. The more often we repeat this authentic truth for you, the more it will sink in deeper and deeper into your subconscious until one day, you BECOME the Gods/Goddesses you Truly are!

It is now time, for you to embrace the truth of who you are. Most of you reading this are still walking around acting completely powerless in the face of challenges life has placed in front of you. YOU put those ‘seemingly-impossible-to-overcome’ challenges smack-bang in the middle of your current path as an opportunity, a higher invitation, for your ‘third-dimensional’ Self to return to, align with and embody your super powerful Multidimensional Higher Selves. Once your entire being (physical, mental and emotional bodies) perfectly aligns with your Higher Self, you will have the abilities to eliminate those challenges completely, permanently, once and for all. And life on Earth will truly be without third-dimensional limits and restrictions.

It all comes down to this:

Are you ready to let go of ALL controls? Are you ready to surrender completely, to the Wisdom, Love, Light, Unity and Power that is your Higher Self?

Complete and utter surrender of your life to your Higher Self is the ONLY way for you to experience a life so magnificent beyond your wildest imaginations!

Have complete, absolute faith and trust that your Higher Self, your spiritual team of angels & guides, and our Creator God, unconditionally love you so very much, beyond measure. They want you to have what you want to have. They want you to be what you want to be. They want you to do in life, only that which you really, joyfully want to do in life. Your Divine, Free Will is totally respected and totally supported 100% of the time!

In other words, by ‘surrendering’ control of the steering wheel of the ‘ship’ that is your life on Earth; by letting God and your Higher Self take over the wheel to lead, you will still get to the destination of where you want to go. There is 1 big difference between surrendering control and not surrendering control.

With God and your Higher Self in control, they will make sure that your path is the most joyful, most fulfilling, most abundant (in all aspects), most fun and it will be the safest, fastest route to where you would like to go! Your omniscient God/Higher Self will always be there to guide you through all the stormy seas; and they will be the powerful navigation system/GPS your ship needs to get to where you want to go, what you want to be and do.

“When you let go, something magical happens. You give God room to work”
Mandy Hale

Surrendering to your Higher Self also means a full-time commitment to be the Unconditional Love that you truly are, within. This means with your act of surrender, you will automatically return to the Love that you are. You will automatically spread love wherever you go. You will automatically act like the love that you are in everything that you do every single day. And you will treat ALL living beings with love straight from the heart, exactly the way that you yourself would like to be treated.

LOVE is truly the greatest POWER in the Universe.

When you align your every thought, word, feeling and action with the power of LOVE, the Universe supports you in ALL of your endeavors! Magic happens. Every day you will wake up in the morning feeling so excited about what the day will bring. Work will become fun and it will feel like play. Everyone and everything will cease to be a stranger. You will feel so united, so acutely interconnected with ALL THAT IS. All will become your best friends.

And the best thing is, you do not have to worry about money and/or ‘earning a living’ ever again. Success in all that you do will come naturally zooming into your life with what seems to be little or zero effort! This will happen when you all remember the art of ‘opening up to receive’ all the best things in life the Universe has got to offer you.

Going to the ‘mountaintop’ where your goals of spiritual mastery and enlightenment are located, requires complete surrender, trust and belief that the Universe/God is ONE with you. That they are always on your side, supporting your every endeavor. The ascension process requires you to ‘ascend’ or ‘leave behind’ all of your small, limiting, highly restrictive third-dimensional beliefs that are holding you back.

And when everyone on the planet is practicing this art of ‘total and complete surrender’ to their Higher Selves, Nova Gaia will no longer be a very distant physical reality. Every time there was a courageous person who had bravely ‘jumped off of the cliff’ and left the ‘old ways/lives’ behind, to then take the road less traveled her Higher Self is leading her to, the Light frequency of Planet Earth rises exponentially.

This person (as she fully commits to be the living, physical embodiment of Divine Love in every day life) will become a very powerful BEACON of Light. People all over the globe will be attracted to her works; to her light; to her love. She will exude/emanate the Christ consciousness so easily and so naturally, with zero effort. She becomes a living, breathing, modern Christ in action; spreading Love, Unity and Light wherever she goes and in whatever she does.

The time is NOW for all of you (who have decided to ascend in this lifetime) to be this embodiment of the Christ consciousness as well, in your every day life. Let go of all false beliefs based in fear, lack and limitation. Lower your guard and let God in. Let your Higher Selves in to take over and lead the way. You will always be safe, protected and guided to the ‘best, highest, most joyful and peaceful’ path that is the blueprint for your new 5D life.

Based on today’s planetary light frequency levels, Nova Gaia will be fully established as a physical, manifested reality in approximately 25 of your Earth years. This estimate is based on the ‘relatively incorrect’ assumption that the small group of 5% (mentioned earlier in this message) will: never grow any bigger/never welcome new members into the group. In other words, if the percentage number of people ‘who are consciously embodying their Higher Selves’ ALWAYS remains stationary at 5%, Nova Gaia will become a reality in 25 years. Now, WHAT IF, that percentage rises? The answer is obvious. Utopia Earth will be manifested into your actual, physical reality faster than 25 years.

Knowing that, what will you choose to do, to be and to create next, my dear friends? Are you ready for your massive move into the higher dimensions, and join many of your Galactic Brothers and Sisters of Light?

Out of the INFINITE number of potential futures/timelines currently lying in wait, in the realm of potential, which one will the Human Collective choose to manifest? Will you consciously choose the easiest, safest, less chaotic, and smoothest timeline where Ascension happens so naturally? Or will you let others make the decision for you, by NOT participating in the process of creating and manifesting Nova Gaia? Your powerful, conscious participation in this grand endeavor is needed to ensure that YOUR path will be less rocky, less stormy and less stressful. The choice is yours.

The image this channel had chosen to represent this message is very appropriate. The best way to predict the future is to create it. Let your Higher Selves take over and take control. They will help to align yourselves with the best, brightest, most peaceful future you all deserve to have! Your Higher Selves will do this by helping you CREATE the future Nova Gaia of your dreams. Reclaim your Sovereignty; your Divine, Godly powers of Creation and Manifestation and then make Heaven on Earth come true!

You have all chosen to be here, on-planet, in this Great Divine Moment of Gaia’s (and all of her inhabitants) massive move from the lower to the upper dimensions of consciousness. You have chosen to be here to participate in the creation of Nova Gaia. You eagerly came from many corners of the Universe and chose to be born here, not only to have a front row seat to watch this ‘Grand Show’ currently playing on Earth, but also to contribute, get involved and take part in MAKING IT HAPPEN!

So let’s get started, shall we?

I, Sananda, your brother in Light, promise to walk with you every step of the way. Call on me whenever you start to forget ‘who you truly are’ and ‘your very important reason/purpose for being here’. You are, at every moment, completely loved, guided and surrounded by higher dimensional light beings who only want the best for you.

Please call for our assistance whenever and wherever you need it. Talk to us, and talk to your spirit team. Make the intention to establish a direct line of communication between you and us, so that in time, you can become less and less reliant on higher dimensional information that comes from the ‘outside’ of you. You are Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent. Within you the Wisdom of the Universe resides.

Sending out much Love and Light to you all,


11 April 2018.

The Art of Letting Go ~ Father God, 11 April 2018.

My dearly beloved,

I would like to help you all remember the ancient art of letting go. Now some of you may be wondering why is it so important to let go and let Me take over? So much so that today there’s another message addressing this topic. Sananda had also recently discussed this art of ‘surrendering’ in his last message through this channel. His message had served as a good introduction for me to build and expound on.

It is important that you all realize that today’s message is THE KEY to: shatter and destroy ALL POWERFUL third-dimensional beliefs that are holding you back.

It is a precious, golden key I now give unto you, my beloved children, to unlock the previously-hidden door to where your higher dimensional powers of Creation and Manifestation reside.

It is also a magical key that, when used, will open the doors to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

What you will do after reading this message, after receiving this key? Will you throw it out and forget it ever existed?

Or are you ready to take that extra step of faith, with courage, bravery and commitment to ‘jump off of the cliff’ NOW and leave behind: your old ways, old beliefs, old habits and all your deeply-entrenched, 3-D way of being, thinking, feeling and doing?

I tell you now solemnly: ‘This task is NOT for the faint-hearted’.

Accepting this key today symbolizes your total surrender, faith and trust in Me, in your Higher Self and in the Universe. Only accept it IF you are ready.

Take a few deep breaths now and visualize Me standing in front of you now, extending my hand and offering this golden key to you. And here comes the key that will unlock the higher-dimensional part of you that has long been forgotten whilst living on 3-D Earth. Will you take it from my hand and make it yours?

I KNOW all of you who are reading this. I know your true readiness levels and your true degree of willingness to change your life. I know exactly how many of you have accepted this key and truly made it yours. I also know some had accepted it but will later forget its existence and return to their old third dimensional ways. Some of you are also not ready to receive this key, and that is completely fine. It does not mean that you will never be ready. It just means that today, you are not. The fact that you have kept reading this message tells me that soon, you will be ready.

There is only ONE reason why someone will eventually forget this key ever existed, or why they are not yet ready to accept it. That reason is FEAR. Fear of change. Fear of the unknowns. Fear of losing the stability and security that you are currently enjoying. Fear that the road less traveled we will be leading you to will be totally different to: where you want to go, what you want to be and what you want to do/have.

Fear is a powerful third-dimensional illusion that keeps you small and complacent. The presence of fear in a particular aspect of your life is a powerful reminder that you need to ‘let this fear go’ to not only move on to better paths, but also to grow as a person; to grow bigger into your Highest Potential.

You now have two options to choose from, in the face of your fear. What will you choose, my beloved? Option 1 or 2?

1) F.E.A.R -> Forget Everything And Run,

For those of you choosing the second option, well done! Listen to, or ‘feel’ the applause the entire company of Heaven is giving you right now. Your willingness to: not only accept the key but also choose to ‘face everything and rise’ is a strong indication that you are now ready to embrace the Highest Potential of what you can be, do and have in this current lifetime. And your Highest Potential is INFINITE. It is everything that you can currently imagine and yet so much more. You are all GODS and GODDESSES. You are the physical expression of Me.

And now, here comes THE KEY you have all been waiting for:


The Sacred Process of: Remembering -> Knowing -> Understanding -> Becoming -> and then finally, Embodying this greatest, spiritual truth is THE KEY to unlocking your UNLIMITED Divine Powers of Creation and Manifestation.

The information I just gave you above is the biggest secret to Spiritual Mastery and Enlightenment that all of your Ascended Masters/religious masters had discovered and mastered in the past. Once upon a time, this ‘highly-classified’ spiritual knowledge used to be taught only to the select few: the highly devoted and dedicated ‘initiates’, or committed students of Mystery Schools around the globe.

Now please be honest with yourself my beloved. Whereabouts are you located in the above process? Are you in the ‘remembering’ phase; the ‘knowing’ or ‘understanding’ phases; the ‘becoming’ phase or the ’embodying’ phase? 99.99% of you reading this will likely find yourself in the first four phases. That’s because most of you reading this are the ones still in the process of aligning and becoming your Higher Selves.

Those of you who belong to the rare, 0.01% group: you just happened to be reading this message not because you need to know/learn more. You are here just to get a confirmation of what you have now fully become. Not that you actually need this confirmation because all the Wisdom you will ever need, you’d already found within. It is just nice to keep up to date with what’s going on with planetary spiritual growth level.

And for those who belong in the above majority group and have accepted the key, let us now continue with your powerful visualization exercise:

Please go back to where we were earlier. Me offering the key in my hand, and you accepting it. Now that you know the Higher Truth of what this key is a symbol of, please place your entire FOCUS on this beautiful golden key you are now holding.

Imagine as if the 3 key statements: “I am all that I am. I am Unlimited. I am God.” are actually floating, or, hovering in the air around you/around this golden key. And then, make the intention, or simply give the ‘mental command’ for those 3 statements to enter into the key and be fully integrated with it. Picture the key now glowing with

intense, golden white light. Those three powerful statements have now filled and imbued the key with My OMNIPOTENCE.

The last step is the most important. You now need to imagine this beautiful, intensely shining golden key completely MERGING and BECOMING ONE with your hand that’s holding it.

It is then immediately becoming one with you; with your entire physical body and energy field. Once the integration process is complete, just sit still for a minute or two. Feel the super-powerful effects this visualization exercise has on your 3 systems: the physical, mental and emotional bodies. It is literally changing you from the inside out.

This beautiful golden key has now merged with all your cells, right down to your very DNA. It is now doing its job to ‘activate’ the previously sleeping ‘God-sequence’ hidden in your DNA.

What do you need to do next to make sure that after being activated, your Divine powers will not go dormant again? The answer is simple my beloved. Do the above powerful visualization at least once per day. Once you get the hang of it, the process should only take about a minute or two out of your day to complete.

Also, verbally say and mentally think all the words in those 3 highly-potent statements often throughout your day; in your spare moments. In the morning as soon as you awaken and at night right before you fall asleep are two most powerful times of the day to say these ‘affirmations’ and have them sinking deeply into your subconscious. Keep doing these visualization and affirmations for at least 21 days, and see the miraculous effects they have on your entire being/life.

There is one BIG difference between ‘dreamers’ and ‘creators’.

Dreamers are happy just dreaming/fantasizing about: a better life, or a more successful future, or living in a 5D society of Nova Gaia. They are just continuously dreaming and dreaming but not taking any action to make their wishes a physical reality in their lives.

Creators, on the other hand, are visionaries. They ‘envision’ a happier, brighter, more peaceful & abundant future and then actively participate in making this future happen!

My beloved, are you a dreamer? Or a Creator? Are you ready to reclaim your Divine birthright? Are you ready to take your powerful place in the Cosmos as the ‘Movers and Shakers’; as the awakened group of Light Beings who are holding the fate of Humanity and Gaia in their very capable hands?

I am here to request your full commitment and dedication to this cause. I am giving all of my children an open invitation to enter the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Will you now accept my invitation? Are you ready to?

You may be wondering why I can’t just pull you out of this 3-D Earth and then ‘chuck’ you straight into 5-D Earth immediately. Why do you all have to go through this sometimes exhausting, often confusing, occasionally painful, chaotic process of Ascension? The answer is simple. Doing so will disempower you.

This is YOUR life journey. You are here to experience, create, manifest, learn and play. You are here on a grand adventure that has never happened before elsewhere in this Universe. The Ascension of a planetary being that is Gaia, your Earth Mother, along with all of Her inhabitants.

Everything that you had gone through in this life (and past lives here on Earth and elsewhere) and everything you are going through now made up the totality of WHO YOU TRULY ARE: ‘a magnificent, multi-dimensional eternal Spirit on a never-ending evolutionary journey to infinite potentials’. So why should I interfere with the soul growth process and the Divine Plan that YOU yourself had made, prior to being born here on Earth? This interference, no matter how well-meaning, will be in direct violation of one of our most Sacred Universal Laws: the Law of Free Will.

So we will always be there to support you every step of your way, within the limits that you have told us would be acceptable to you, before you incarnated here, and that which we are able to offer within the constraints of the Ascension process.

Planet Earth Herself, and most of Her inhabitants are now going through a deep, intense cleansing and detoxification process to release and heal everything that is no longer serving their Higher Self/Purpose. People everywhere are being forced to face all their deeply entrenched issues coming from the past. All who are not currently aligned with their Higher Purpose will find themselves at a major crossroad as a lot of things are shaken up to spiritually awaken and reclaim their Divine power. For example, a lot of people have recently lost their jobs, their marriages, their wealth, their health, their self-confidence and their previously ‘normal’ ways of living. This is not a coincidence. It is all part of the Ascension process.

If you are one of these people currently going through a tough time, please remember you have everything within you to come out of this completely victorious! The future may seem bleak to you at the moment or it may seem like there is no way out. That is just an illusion. It is really just FEAR talking and rearing its ugly head.

My advice to all of you reading this today is simple: LET GO AND LET GOD.
Following this simple advice should be THE RECURRING THEME every moment of every day. Your Ascension process will be so much smoother, easier, more relaxing, fun and abundant if you just let go of all controls and give them to Me/your Higher Self.

Even if you are well ahead in your Ascension journey and have started to become your Higher Self, you will still do well to remember this simple truth. Your movement forward from ‘Becoming’ to fully ‘Embodying’ your Higher Self will be such a breeze if you surrender all controls. Let go of all impatience. Impatience directed at yourself, at the world around you or at the Ascension process itself does not serve you at all.
If anything, it adds to all the negativity already prevalent on this beautiful Planet.

Sunset at beautiful Sandringham Beach, Melbourne.

The image chosen by this channel to represent my message today is highly symbolic to what I would really love all of you to do from now on. Some Asian cultures have festivals during the year where they release sky lanterns (called ‘kongming’ lanterns in China, or ‘khom loi’ in Thailand) into the air, to symbolize: the presence of hope within their hearts and the release/the art of ‘letting go’ of all their fears, problems and worries.

Imagine that you are now in possession of a beautiful sky lantern of your own. Visualize holding it in your hands, and grab a pen and write all your major challenges, worries, doubts, concerns and fears across all the sides of the rice paper lantern. Light the flame and then gently release. In your mind, set a powerful intention for this floating lantern to reach Me and your Higher Self. As you watch your sky lantern floating towards the heavens, make the intention to permanently release everything that you had written on it, for good. And mentally ask for our assistance in making this happen.

(Please consider your local laws and the Planet Earth/the environment if you intend to do this exercise for real, and not just in your imaginations. Maybe substitute the sky lantern for a beautiful piece of paper, and then just burn it in a suitable fire-proof container in your backyard. Make it into a sacred ritual; let the ‘burning of your fears into ashes’ symbolize the permanent release/disintegration of ALL that are holding you back.)

Here are some examples of powerful, false, 3-D beliefs you can start to let go of today:
The only way you’ll get rich is by working hard for your money.
You are powerless in the face of your physical disabilities. You must have done something ‘wrong’ in your past life to deserve being born blind, deaf or mute.
You are unable to grow back lost limbs; unable to heal unhealthy organs; unable to heal your body of all serious diseases such as cancer. Your bodies age as you get older and then you get sick when it’s time to die. It is impossible for a 60-yr-old to reverse all signs of aging and physically appear like a 30-yr-old.
You are unable to instantly travel from one location to another halfway across the globe via the power of your mind.
You can only get rich or get ahead in life if you are young and physically attractive, well-educated, wealthy and possess the ‘right’ skin color.
God needs to be ‘worshiped’ and glorified.
There are many more limiting 3-D beliefs that the Human Collective needs to let go of, in order to reach their Highest Potential. If you cannot ‘think, feel, believe or do’ outside the third dimensional box you had been living in for your entire life, then you will never be able to grow into the powerful, multi-dimensional Light Being that is your true identity. It is time to release ALL that are shackling and keeping you down!

I realize that it is very hard and super challenging to release all the above, lifetime beliefs. After all, you have mostly accepted these beliefs as ‘true’ based on your own observations and societal conditioning in your entire lives. One message from Me saying those are ALL false beliefs is not going to do much in changing such powerful, very long-established mindsets.

But for those of you here who truly believe in the existence of your Divine Powers of Creation and Manifestation, I will now share the secret in overcoming those powerful beliefs/conditioning. Here it is: DON’T EVEN BOTHER TRYING TO OVERCOME THEM. There are too many of them, and all of them are too deeply ingrained into your subconscious. It will take too long to face and release them one by one.

You just need to replace ALL of those deeply-ingrained, third dimensional false beliefs with ONE powerful belief that overrides them all.

And here it is again: I AM ALL THAT I AM. I AM UNLIMITED. I AM GOD.

You have to fully commit to do your best in EMBODYING the above statements. This is THE KEY to your Divinity, your Sovereignty.

Are you up to this challenge? Is your entire being; your mind-body-spirit, now ready to embrace its God-like potential? Are you ready to FINALLY leave behind all feelings of smallness, powerlessness, worthlessness or unworthiness, to then COMPLETELY, once and for all, EMBRACE your Godliness, Divineness and Powerfulness?

If a strong, immediate and decisive YES is your answer, then my beloved, please take both of My hands now. Let go of everything that is holding you back, and trust in Me. Surrender your life completely and turn it over to Me. I will look after you, guide you, protect you every step of the way, and make sure that you will reach the destinations wherever you would like to go. All you have to do now is to: TRUST Me completely.

This is your MISSION should you choose to accept it. The ball is in your court.

With All My Love and Light,

Father God.

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