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July 31

What is one of your biggest, fondest dreams? Do you hold yourself back from pursuing it because you think it is not possible? We encourage you to give every single one of those doubts UP. Hand them over over to be carried away and dissipated. Then surrender into your own unique experience of the dream. This allows an opening of possibility and the unfoldment of discovery. Hear us when we say every single one of your dreams exist for a purpose. Isn’t it time to see where they are trying to lead you? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 30

Dear Ones, you are not static beings, in fact, attempting to be so will only cause you discomfort. You are beings of movement, discovery, expansion, and flow.
If you find yourself in a situation where you think you may be stuck or stalled, explore what movement or expansion is being supported. There will always be an opening for some form of movement. Usually when people consider themselves to be stalled it is simply a lack of tangible, external movement they are experiencing and the phase that is being supported is internal.
If you understand that an internal phase is equally important as an external phase, you will shift into honouring the different phases of flow and release the idea that you can ever truly be blocked. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 29

The natural desire of your soul is to continue to expand. The flow will always support you in that desire.
Your soul will expand internally through its exploration within during a lull. It will expand externally through movement. Each drives and supports the other.
If you are surrendered to the flow you can never, ever get it wrong. You will always be led to what is perfect for you in each Now moment. If there is something you must feel for release, it will come up and make its presence known. If it is time for movement, you will be find yourself being propelled forward into action steps. And if it is time for integration or simply serving through your energetics, you may find yourself in a quiet space of beingness.
The flow is an incredibly intelligent and efficient system that will always lead you where you need to be for your highest good. Your soul’s insistence for evolution is guaranteed for it is its true calling. The pain that comes from attempting to resist that calling is entirely optional.
So rest easy, Dear Ones. You cannot get it wrong. Flow. Move with what is supported. Be a willing participant by replacing doubt and resistance with acceptance and allowing. The more you can trust the process, the more ease and grace you will experience in the continued expansion that brings your soul such joy as well as the deep satisfaction that comes from honouring your purpose. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 28

Inspiration is a nudge from above, an opening of alignment and divine guidance, and an invitation to co-creation. It is a valuable practice to explore what inspires you and to pay close attention to moments of inspiration when they occur spontaneously. We also highly recommend surrendering into receiving your next great inspiration, for that is exactly how you find your way to the nearest new discovery that will make your soul sing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 27

The mind can be a wonderful tool to explore, to create, and to lead you forward with curiosity. Allowing the wisdom of the human to rise up and join with the knowing of the soul creates a balanced model of empowered forward movement that honours all parts of you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 26

We invite you to ask, “What can I do today that is a true honouring of self? Can I accept that from that space I can shine my brightest light, both for myself and for others?” ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 25

Not knowing what to do is an indicator that there is nothing you HAVE to do. It is a release from duty. It frees you up to move into the exploration of what you would like to do, create, or experience. It is a wide open space filled with the opportunity for discovery. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 24

Being in a space of not knowing how to proceed can be uncomfortable. The mind naturally wants to rule, yet you are in energies that require navigating through the heart. It can be helpful to ask the following questions if you find yourself in that space.
If you do not know how to proceed, it is an opportunity to shift into choice. What do you wish to experience? What would feel good? What does the Now moment support? What would bring you joy? If you don’t know, what could you explore that might give you some clues?
What is the flow supporting? What are the gifts of the space you are in? What is the highest choice you can make in this Now moment? Do you need more information? What can you do in the meantime until you have that?
Where does your heart want to lead you? What is your soul calling you towards? What can you create? What is your broad intention moving forward? Have you surrendered into that intention? Are you willing to be guided? Are you utilizing the help that is available to you from your guides and helpers? Are you in gratitude? Are you willing to receive?
The beautiful thing about the mind is it can lead you to deeper discoveries if you use it as a helpful tool. Denying it is just another way to deepen your resistance to yourself. Harnessing it to lead you into your knowingness is a wise use of all your wonderful abilities. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 23

We invite you to make the conscious decision to lead with your love and compassion today, and then at the end of the day reflect upon what was good about your day. Ending each day by celebrating your successes is an ideal vibrational space to enter the sleep state from for it creates a space of positive focus towards yourself and is a wonderful exercise to build self esteem. If you tried to lead with love and compassion and feel like you failed, we invite you to take the opportunity to give that love and compassion to yourself, and that act would be yet another thing to celebrate. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 22

There is a continued belief that you must arrive at a certain level of attainment in order to be of service. Because of this you put incredible pressure on yourselves to be perfect, to not make mistakes, to hurry up and get somewhere. This puts you in resistance to your own flow.
Dear Ones, there has never been a time when you have not been in service from the time you took your first breath. You add to the whole with your unique vibration. Every experience you have lends itself to the expansion of the whole. Every single time you make what you consider to be a mistake and choose differently next time, you anchor a higher energy that supports new possibilities. Every time you perceive yourself as separate but find your way back into connection, you drive the shift. Every single time you find your way back to your own divine light it ripples out and serves the whole.
Do you see? Your growth is your service. It is sacred and profound and all that is required. It is also a given if you are on the planet, in a body, at this time, and what gives your soul profound joy. Again we say trust in your own wisdom and the incredible process of discovery and evolution you are so beautifully participating in at this time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 21

The final stage of any experience is thanking it for its purpose or how it has served you. Think of any transaction – the last interaction is the act of saying thank you.
Thanking an energy as it leaves is the final step of release. Untethering yourself from a situation that has been hurtful comes from being able to new awarenesses or redirections it had for you and letting the rest go. The act of being able to come to a place of recognizing its value for you, even if it was showing you how not to be, is what allows the act of forgiveness, which again, is untethering you from an energy you are ready to move on from.
So whether it be a release of old energies or belief systems, leaving a job or a relationship, or any other aspect that you do not wish to carry forward with you, a heartfelt thank you can be all that is required to completely dissipate the cords that bound you to it, for it indicates you have had the full experience and have reached the end of that energetic transaction. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 20

One of the reasons many enlightening human beings tend to be serious and hyper vigilant about their choices is because they are simply on the planet to assist with the shift of humanity and do not wish to incur any new karma they will need to balance out later. Let us reassure you that you will not if you are approaching your choices from a space of consciousness and mindfulness. Trust in yourselves and in your own evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 19

A lot of enlightening human beings are reluctant to receive because they think there will be strings attached. If you intend to receive things directly from Source, you will be far more willing to accept how the universe wishes to deliver to you. It is your willingness to flow with the synchronicities and alignments with your faith and trust that allows you to be moved into those divine intersections. You can move out of your fear of receiving quite easily, Dear Ones, by deciding to allow the universe to love and serve you with its infinite wisdom for the highest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 18

When you are clear about how you really feel with your words and actions, you make it far easier to both give and receive because it comes from a place of truth. Your interactions are based in openness and flow rather than having underlying tones of duty and resentment.
It makes for easier flow and connection because people can trust what is being presented to them rather than feeling the need to look for underlying agendas. Clarity and transparency make for crystal clear interactions that match the needs and intentions of everyone involved.
Truth and transparency are two essential elements for the creation of the new earth, and you can assist in anchoring them energetically right now by leading with them in your own life expressions. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 17

Resisting the flow of your own evolution amounts to insisting on wearing clothes you have outgrown that are now two sizes too small for you.
Dear Ones, allow the unfoldment. Trust whatever phase you are in. Know your ascension process has its own divine intelligence. Allow your heart and your soul to guide you forward. You are in a profoundly transformative process that is designed to serve you and the rest of humanity.
What can you do today to lovingly release the old, allow the energies to integrate, and trust the flow of your own evolution? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 16

If you love yourself as a wise parent would, you will always be able to give yourself exactly what you need.
If you are looking at a child, you can easily tell if they are overwhelmed that they need a break and a calmer environment. You can tell if they need more rest, more hydration, healthier food, or simply a chance to move their bodies and release some energy.
You know when they need encouragement, and when they just need the comfort of your love and acceptance. You feel when the predictability of a routine is most beneficial, and when it is time to try something new. And you make all these decisions based on what is supported and required in each right now moment.
Self love, simply put, is giving yourself everything you need to thrive. Your wellness is the foundation all other things are built upon, and is essential for the next exciting phase of your incarnation. What need do you have that you can meet today which will, in turn, support your dreams and your best tomorrows? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 15

Many enlightening human beings struggle with procrastination. While there are many causes for procrastination, we would like to discuss a little known one today which is difficulty with shifting from one energy to another.
Many empaths find it difficult to switch gears. Rapid or sudden changes from one energy to another can feel jarring and challenging so they choose to not change energy at all, thinking to stay exactly where they are is more comfortable. The problem is it can lead to a different kind of discomfort that comes from continually denying an area your soul is wishing to expand into.
So what is the answer? Guide yourself from one energy to another gently. Baby step your way into what you are procrastinating against. Choose one small activity that introduces you to the new energy in a way that isn’t overwhelming. Planning ahead can help you begin to detach from one energy and prepare to step into another.
What you will almost always find is that once you have moved into the new energy you will settle in quite nicely. You may very well find yourself wishing to stay in it much longer because you have now adjusted to being in the new activity. The key here is to keep your goals small in order to gently step into a new task. You can then allow it to unfold beyond that initial goal if the flow is feeling good to you.
Procrastination is often just an energetic acclimatization issue. By leading yourself with your wisdom and care into the activity you truly desire in a way that is comfortable and manageable for you, you can create more consistent forward movement for yourself and enjoy the satisfaction of that comes from having your actions match your true intentions. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 14

Every single step of your journey is important – your successes and what you perceive to be failures – for they are all part of the beautiful unfoldment of who you are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 13

Dear Ones, abundance is not something external to you. It is a state of being based on your willingness to move with the flow of both giving and receiving with faith and trust, seeing yourself as connected to all that is, acknowledging your own divine worthiness, and honouring your own ability to expand and create. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 12

Moving from resistance to non-resistance takes you to a neutral point. To shift to creation means you must then identify and surrender into the flow towards what your preferred essence is. The first step is to lovingly gather up the energy you were using to push against what was unwanted and then direct it into the nurturing and unfoldment of what your true preference is. All great change is done in this manner – by being willing to disengage with whatever energetic impass you may be in and then using your wisdom and clarity to navigate your way forward as an empowered co-creator of the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 11

Flow is a state of non-resistance, of being in the heart, of fully accepting both stillness and movement, whichever is being supported at any given time. It is allowing your beingness to lead the way. It is replacing struggle with faith, trust, comfort, and support.
If you are uncomfortable, explore what you are resistant to. Is it the now moment? What if it is serving you in some way? Is it the future? The past? Yourself? How can you move into non-resistance, and then into acceptance?
Use your body as an indicator. You will feel a lot of tension in your body when you are in resistance. What allows that tension to diminish? Make it your mission to find ways that work for you. How can you get out of your mind and into your heart?
It may be finding an activity you like. It may be prayer. It may be meditation. It may be nature. It may be exploring or trying new things. Experiment.
Shifting from resistance to non-resistance is the first step towards greater comfort because it opens the door for the possibility of movement. The next step is accepting and allowing the flow. From that space you become more open to receiving the guidance and support that exists for you which deepens your presence and gratitude.
From there you will find peace with where you are because you know the flow only supports and serves you. And that, Dear Ones, is the sweet spot you wish to create from because from an energetic standpoint it is all systems go for the unfoldment of your dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 10

Not honouring your dream because it is only in energetic form is much like dismissing a seed because it is not a flower. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 9

When you dismiss the energetic existence of your dream as being less than its physical form you immediately restrict the unfoldment of it. Love your dreams! Acknowledge them in whatever form they are in and nurture them from there. There is so much joy available for you when you stop resisting what is and start celebrating it instead. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 8

If you have an awareness of something you desire, whether it has come to you in a dream or through meditation, the human reaction is to start to wonder when it will show up. You see it as being something the future will bring.
What we wish for you to understand is that if you have connected with it, it already exists. You are already in relationship with it. And that change of perspective is how you grow and anchor that experience into your physical reality – by honouring its presence in your life now, rather than seeing it as something outside of yourself that will come to you at some future, unknown point.
Your acceptance of the fact that it already exists, even if it is in energetic form, is what aligns you into a deepening of the experience and grows it into tangible, physical form. This is what keeps you in the joy of its unfoldment into creation rather than the frustration of seeing it as perpetually coming and never quite arriving.
All great manifestations are born as energy first (as above, so below) and your relationship with any creation starts with your very first idea of it. The shift into conscious creation will come when you begin to acknowledge and celebrate your dream’s true existence from that moment of discovery and enjoy it all the way into form. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 6

When you have surrendered into the flow and are staying there with your faith and trust, you have entered into movement that is completely non-resistant, which means you are willing to receive the gift of each Now moment, as well as staying in the unfoldment that leads you to the discovery of the next highest potentials that are available to you. Not only does it allow you to move with the energies with the greatest comfort possible, it also allows you to become the answer to a prayer by your willingness to align with service opportunities. It is the model that provides the most assistance for you while allowing you to be the most assistance, as well. It is choosing to dance with the divine rhythm of the universe for the highest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 5

Shelley’s note: For the next while there will be no accompanying image posted with the daily message on the website until I can sort out a storage issue. If you would like to see the image you can always check it out on fb or instagram. 🙂
A question on many enlightening human being’s minds is, “What is my purpose?” Even if you have been working with what you previously felt was your purpose, you might be feeling like that role is drawing to a close and are seeking to discover what your next service offering could be. This is quite common as many of you are poised to step into the next phase of your incarnation.
The first thing we wish for you to understand is that there has never been a time when you have not been in service. You have been adding to the whole through your energetics from the moment you took your first breath. Further, your growth and evolution continues to drive the shift that is occurring on your planet. But we do understand that some of you are looking for direction on how to find your way to more tangible service.
The way to find your way to your ideal service path is to surrender into being of your highest service. Your surrender moment does not need to be an elaborate ritual but it does need to be heartfelt. Our partner in transmission found her way to working with us by asking God to take the wheel with the broad intention that she wished to help people.
Use whatever language feels best to you. You could surrender into your highest service, into joyful, supported service, your highest life expression – whatever wording feels right and good to you. Then enter into the unfoldment and follow the signs and synchronicities that lead the way. Broad intention opens you to greater potentials than you could be aware of.
If not one thing happens, you will know that your highest service in that right now moment is simply holding the energy that you do, and when that service contract is up you will move into the next, beautifully and efficiently, forever flowing into your next perfect alignment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 4

Shelley’s note: For the next while there will be no accompanying image posted with the daily message on the website until I can sort out a storage issue. If you would like to see the image you can always check it out on fb or instagram. 🙂
Ebb and flow is the nature of movement in the universe. It is a constant of internal exploration followed by external exploration, internal expansion followed by external expansion. It is a balanced system of both receiving and giving. One will always follow the other, all designed to give you everything you need in your soul expression.
So if you feel like you are stuck in one phase, know that the sun always rises and sets, the tide always comes in and goes back out again, and a lull is always followed by action. The predictability of the system of ebb and flow is something you can count on, always, to serve, support, and sustain you on your journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 3

Shelley’s note: For the next while there will be no accompanying image posted with the daily message on the website until I can sort out a storage issue. If you would like to see the image you can always see it on fb or instagram. 🙂
Building bridges is a major theme moving forward. Building bridges between you an others, building bridges within yourself to the parts of you that have been neglected or abandoned, and building the bridge that leads you from the old into the new.
Bridges connect. They create solutions over divides. The allow you to explore and pioneer into new areas. The support movement and integration.
The times you are in are about finding connection points, with Source, with your true divine essence, and the divine spark in others. Allow the flow to help you bridge the divides and to move forward in ways that support the expansion and empowerment of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 2

Dear Ones, again we say you cannot kick another up the stairway of enlightenment, nor can you berate yourself into the full expression of you. True growth and healing can only occur in a safe environment. It may be that the safe environment only exists within initially, but it is creating a foundation which can then support growth and change outwardly. Creating safe connection points that bridge divisions, both within yourself and with others, and leading with love and compassion are far more efficient ways to get where you wish to go. The abuse must end in order for the true healing to take hold, and that begins in all ways with you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 1

If you spoke to another person the way you speak to yourself, would they thrive? Would they bloom and grow? Would they have the confidence to try new things? Would they trust themselves? Would they feel safe? Would they feel accepted for who they are? Would they become all they can be? Would they want to be with you?
Creating a safe and supportive environment is essential for the growth, evolution, and connection of all, Dear Ones. True unity consciousness and unconditional love cannot be fully experienced until it has expanded to include the essential element of you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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