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Sense and feelings are two very important categories that, unfortunately, often contradict each other. It is now time for everybody to start admitting that one of them cannot exist without the other one. Like one magnetic pole cannot exist on its own, sense cannot exist without feeling and vise versa.
The physical nature of these two categories, as with all other categories, is energy. Sense is positive (electricity) and feelings are negative (magnetism). Besides, we must remember that things are considered positive or negative because their composites are not in balance – when one polarity is stronger, it dominates and the whole relatively independent entity is considered of single-polarity. Although the weaker polarity is often forgotten it always continues to interact with the environment. In principle the positive side is the one that gives energy and the negative side is the one accepting energy. This applies to the micro world as well as to the macro world.
As energy systems, due to the availability of a certain quantity of chaos, the worlds are not in balance. The finer a world is the less chaos it has and the closer to balance (harmony) it is. Thus the material world is positive, the astral world is negative, the mental world is positive, the soul world is negative, the spiritual world is positive, the divine world is negative and the Supreme Absolute World is neutral (balanced).
Also we must always remember that neither sense nor feelings are constant. They are subject to certain rhythm (as well as all existing) – the principle of spiral. These changes are popular as biorhythms: emotional and mental biorhythm. It is good if we keep in mind that regarding mental capabilities people differ little. The observed differences come from the quantity of information someone’s consciousness can handle. In this respect self-evaluation is of utmost significance. When somebody imagines that he knows a lot and is wiser than the others are, he shuts himself off to a great extent, so he no longer absorbs information coming from the environment. A man that knows and remembers that his knowledge is far less than that which exists but he doesn’t yet is constantly open, ready to learn more and his intuition partially compensates for the lack of knowledge.
Objective self-evaluation is decisive when taking decisions (free choice). For most people emotions are decisive in this respect and the ones with high spirits don’t admit that and very rarely note and correct their mistakes in due time. That’s why you should never ignore sense or feelings, they should always go together. In a certain situations sense is decisive, in others it is feelings. The prevailing is admissible only within the rhythm limits. If you consciously start regarding one of them as being better to rely on than the other one you will always wonder why bad thing always happen to you. As a mutually supporting pair, sense and feeling control each other and are complementary to one another. This is a basic method for elimination of illusions and the extreme influence of ego, etc.
The same, like each unity of two opposites, sense and feelings have a third aspect too – the balance point between them. It collects the positive qualities of both sides and it is called enlightenment (insight, intuition – all names are incomplete or are apprehended in a limited way). The capabilities of enlightenment are endless and depend only on the damage the respective consciousness is doing to itself. The fewer disharmonies generated by a man the closer he is to reaching this balance (enlightenment) and the wider the horizon is in front of him. If one is proud of himself for what he has done, if one accepts an aggressive method for imposing “good”, if one is going to extremes, the enlightenment horizon becomes narrower and narrower until it completely disappears.
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