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June 30

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Two souls’ union)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about what family relations in the Fifth dimension world will be like.
And we will start with the point that they will be free but not in the sense the third dimension world people view them often changing the so-called “partners” but in the sense that they will not be officially confirmed.
Since the relationships between man and woman are sacred by nature, they do not require any confirmation or registration by the state.
Well, have you ever thought why there is a marriage institution in the third dimension world, and marriages are registered in state organizations or churches?
Of course, it conveys sacred meaning, and it is in the fact that high and might must control their “congregation” in everything – even in private life.
Yet, as important here is the material aspect of the issue that in the course of time has turned marriage into a thing bought and sold just like anything else.
This is what gave rise to unequal marriages, profitable and unprofitable, imposed and forced ones when people literally sold themselves and lived their lives with people they not just disliked but often hated.
And it was often presented wrapped in a good deed cover or that of gratitude or obedience…
Perhaps, this is one of the most appalling crimes of reptiloids against humanity, for they have perverted even the pure and natural for humans feeling which love between man and woman is.
But let us come back to what relationships between man and woman on the new Earth will be like.
Since in terms of energy in the Fifth dimension space the thoughts about separation, comparison, self-interest will be impossible, people will be attracted according to vibrations.
Having restored their connection with higher aspects men and women will listen to their Souls that cannot deceive them in choosing their better half.
This time not them themselves but their Soul will be looking for their beloved, and the space of the new Earth itself will promote this process creating reality the way they could meet each other as soon as possible.
It resembles the case when getting tuned in to one and the same wave and finding themselves in the same vibration range, people intuitively search the road to each other and on meeting immediately recognize their better half.
Such things happen on the Earth of the third dimension, too but it is exceptionally rare and even if it is the case man and woman not always succeed in making a family because of many stereotypes and common law.
With no such obstacles on the new Earth these couples will be free in their choice and the family they create will be truly happy and harmonious.
And they will need no documents “sealing” their union since it will be “confirmed” by their Souls and hearts.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 30, 2020.

June 29

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Help in reviving)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
I know that many of you are concerned about where other people will go who are not ready for Transition since they are quite numerous in your environment, with your friends and relatives being among them.
Believe me, my dear, everyone is given a chance to move to the Fifth dimension with Earth till the very last moment.
And since at the final stage of Transition human conscience will start changing not just quickly but by leaps and bounds so really a lot of people will manage to revive.
And only the youngest souls who are to travel the long road of reincarnations in the third dimension worlds will leave Earth with reptiloids and other low vibration creatures embodied as humans.
And as it has already been mentioned in my messages a lot of times, you should not artificially urge those who are not ready yet.
Still, on the other hand, you should attentively watch psychic condition of the people in your environment since the changes in their conscience take place unevenly.
Someone can revive almost instantaneously if, for example, they come across the information supplying clear and comprehensive answers to the acute questions.
It can be the missing piece of the “jig-saw puzzle”, and then the reality around them will show in quite a new light.
It is exactly what is happening to many people now in whose eyes myths are discredited and authority is dethroned, and the true essence of those who used to be trusted and believed in becomes apparent.
As a rule, this is what becomes the first thrust on their way to realize themselves as an independent personality and to gain the feeling of responsibility for themselves and their close people.
They start realizing the degree of illusiveness and falsity of the world they have been living in for so many years and begin to look for the way out of this illusion.
And it is at this stage of human revival when it is essential to support them and let them know the whole set of true information providing them with facts and evidence of what is really going on and what is contrary to the things they learn from the official mass media.
But it should be done in a very gentle, careful and metered way since not all the people are ready to here ALL the truth at a time.
Otherwise, you can simply scare them losing their trust, and the energy of fear will throws them back in low vibrations.
Therefore, my dear, do not rush to tell common people, for example, about aliens or reptiloids and their horrible crimes.
Start with ultimately convincing them of the exaggerated danger of coronavirus and fateful effect of vaccination on human conscience and physical condition.
And for this you have plenty of facts compiled by the honest and mindful people who have taken the courage to go against the system and communicate the truth to people.
This is what the top priority is now: oppose the criminal plans of the world government, which will save a lot of human souls from corruption and will enable them to “pull up” their conscience to the level allowing them to make Transition.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 29, 2020.

June 25

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Redistribution of material wealth)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, let us continue talking about the structure of society in the Fifth dimension.
And now we will speak about what new material wealth distribution system should become like and how existing social and industrial resources on Earth can be brought into play.
As you already know, almost all leading brunches of industry are in hands of the hidden government and their protégés.
So, really little depends on the people engaged in these brunches.
All decisions, as you are used to saying, “are run from above”, though few of common people realize who are actually at the very top.
And even if there are cases of obviously absurd instructions rousing human protest, it is quickly suppressed this or that way or some compromise turns up that is beneficial for management again, while insignificant concessions to peoples’ demands are presented as benefactions indeed.
For the long centuries of their stay on Earth reptiloids have advanced in human conscience manipulation proficiency skillfully applying the “carrot and stick” policy.
Yet, in the course of Earth’s Transition into the Fifth dimension everything will start changing swiftly since the old world order will not be able to exist in the new high vibration energies any more.
And when reptiloids will not be able to keep power and finance in their grip any more, industrial infrastructure that has been created by them for years will pass over to people.
And it will be them who the way it will be used will depend on.
The current processes on Earth can be compared with a revolution but on a global scale.
And while all the revolutions used to end in a rather doleful way since in terms of ENERGY people were not ready for the new society creation that is based on the Laws of the Universe, not on the third dimension world ones, now the situation has radically changed.
In the new energy space of the Fifth dimension people of dual mentality will not be able to exist any longer due to the fact that their vibrations will not correspond to the new vibrations of the planet.
Therefore, it will be possible to head these structures, both industrial and social, only for the people whose conscience will completely get rid of duality and whose vibrations will be of the same frequency as those of Earth’s.
And these people will be able to perform the necessary “reboot” putting industry on the new track, with the top priority being interests of people and their actual needs, not enterprises’ owners’ pursuit for fabulous profits.
Little by little the artificial values imposed on people will leave Earth and they will be replaced by spiritual values, while new technologies will facilitate keeping your planet primevally clean and beautiful.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 25, 2020.

June 24

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Adapting to new reality)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about the structure of society on the new Earth of the Fifth dimension.
In spite of the fact that it will be arranged on the basis of quite new principles excluding hierarchy pyramid of power, still for its harmonious existence some instituting and coordinating structures will be necessary.
They will be required for equal distribution of work products and delivery of these or those products to every spot on the globe.
These will be statistics centers for production regulation.
And they will be jobs for people of analytic bend of mind who are good at mathematics, and for them the work like this will be what they really enjoy.
Such people will be performing this work in an honest and reputable way in agreement with peoples’ needs all around the globe and any pressure on them will be out of question just because in the space of the Fifth dimension thoughts and emotions conveying negative impact are impossible by definition.
Transport network on new Earth will be well developed, and it will mostly consist of eco-friendly air vehicles of a new generation, the technology of which you will get from more advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.
While land transport will totally be switched over to electrical cars that will run on contactless electricity and a new type of fuel that is unknown to you so far.
But in the course of time when your vibrations will increase till the highest point of the Fifth dimension and your physical bodies will get totally transformed into light crystalline ones, you will be able to travel around your planet by power of thought moving to any location on Earth by means of teleportation.
Everything will happen gradually, my dear, so that your conscience and your bodies adapt to new and unusual living conditions in a harmonious manner.
And this adaptation period will run at an individual speed for each of you.
Some people will be staying in the space of the fourth dimension for quite a long time, while others will take the liking of it immediately and will get up their necks in the magic world of the Fifth dimension.
Here really a lot depends on your character, temperament, belief in oneself and in “wonders”.
People of practical mind will be adapting to the new conditions a little longer since they are accustomed to be guided by mind rather than feelings and emotions.
But as you know, in the energy space of the Fifth dimension Mind acquires quite new characteristics focusing its attention inwards rather than outwards, which will enable one to hear one’s Soul and become self-confident.
Yet, you can start “training” you Mind already now, my dear, making its habit not to judge and analyze but to give way to Soul completely that will be leading your life on the new Earth of the Fifth dimension.
For this purpose you should use the practice Your Soul’s filter that I offered you in my recent message as often as possible.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 24, 2020.

June 23

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (From freedom to slavery and back again)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well now, we move on to practical part of building society on new Earth and relationships between people based on new principles.
I know that for many of you right now it is hard to imagine society with no power institutions, employers and employees, social and financial structure – in a word, all the multistage hierarchy in all the spheres of life that lays and has always laid the foundation of human society.
Yet, let us study history a little and trace how this hierarchy came into being and what it was maintained by.
As you already know, in the early days of humanity when people were free from reptiloid influence they lived in communities, with their relationships being based on natural exchange and every person contributing to the community in accordance with their talents and abilities.
Some people were farming, some others were doing some crafts or building houses, still others were bringing up children.
Everyone did the thing that one was best at and that brought satisfaction to oneself and people around.
No one had bosses in the present meaning of the word. And it was accounted for by the fact that no one had to MAKE people do something or SUPERVISE them working.
Since all the people were doing their favourite work, they were doing everything with full dedication anyway.
And only after reptiloids’ arrival at Earth who due to their energy structure were unable to nourish on the high vibration energies that were reigning Earth and were generated by people, relationships between people started to change.
The duality introduced to your planet by reptiloids gave rise to a new type of relationships that were based exceptionally on the principle “Divide and rule”.
Thus, being deprived of their native high vibration energies that they felt safe and freely indulged in creativity in, people gradually got to know the energy of fear that in its turn originated a whole bunch of various feelings and emotions of the lowest vibrations – such as envy, greed, aggression, flattery, hypocrisy and so on and so forth.
And while in the early days, in the Golden Age of humanity communities were guided by wise and light souls who were not controlling people but simply supported them with good advice, then people found themselves under control of the creatures who with all means available initiated in humans low energies that reptiloids were living on.
In the course of time they succeeded in creating the society in their image and likeness on Earth.
Multistage power pyramid of the Dragon race moved on Earth getting embedded into all spheres of human life: political, social, religious, financial.
Collective reptiloid conscience functioning in compliance with clear-cut programme has also made huge impact on collective human conscience having penetrated into the latter’s subconscience.
As a result, once free human has turned into a slave dutifully fulfilling the will of the SUPERIOR.
So now, the state of affairs on Earth is that at the helm of your planet there are reptiloids and their protégés only.
It is them who decide the destiny of millions of people that they now have led to the brink of the precipice in attempt to subdue their conscience by means technologies developed by reptiloids in coalition with human-hostile extraterrestrial civilizations.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 23, 2020.

June 21

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (What is done by night will appear by day)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about the way human communication will be arranged on the Earth of the Fifth dimension.
Since in this new high vibration space all human thoughts and emotions will become “transparent”, there will be impossible relationships other than open and trusty.
Such emotions as cunning, hypocrisy, flattery because of their low vibrations will simply not be able to arise, let alone show themselves, since the astral beings provoking and constantly sustaining them will turn out to be “left out”.
But during this transition period that for convenience can be called the fourth dimension you will already be able to witness that “what is done by night appears by day”.
You will see the true nature of those who have been ruling the world and who horse and foot will try to “put up a happy face on things”, which is already in progress in your country.
Those who thoroughly follow the developments concerning coronavirus see that those invested with authority and the mass media under their control are doing their best to slander and scoff at people disclosing truth and providing irrefutable facts on the world government crimes and their plans on turning humans into obedient marionettes once and for all.
And although they are doing it in a rude, impudent and primitive way, a lot of people still remain in their grip because their conscience is so dependable being kept in blinkers that they cannot tell light from dark, truth from lie, hypocrisy from sincere desire to help them.
Yet, alongside with this, on Earth there are appearing more and more people who recovered from the third dimension lethargy and the clear image of the current events on a global scale is eventually becoming “developed” for them, and they start understanding the underlying motives of the ruling world top.
Thus, my dear, all the masks will be thrown off and despite the desperate attempts of those who “have played the tune” on Earth for a long time to keep their power, they will not be able to turn the tide of the new energy processes that are getting more and more intensified on your planet.
The cruel and inhumane laws of individuality suppression that were once introduced by reptiloids on Earth will be replaced by the Laws of the Universe that all highly developed civilizations live in accordance with and that people who will manage to move to the Fifth dimension with Earth are to live in accordance with from now on.
All this will happen quite quickly due to the fact that already now there are some leaders on your planet who are ready to “stand at the wheel” and make a sharp change in the course of the “ship” named Earth.
These are numerous particles of great souls, as well as representatives of highly developed civilizations incarnated as humans with the mission of support to people during their Transition to another dimension.
Many of them have already switched over to Service but until the power is in the grip of reptiloids and their ilk they cannot show openly and on a larger scale.
It is essential to accumulate the critical mass of people who will be able to feel energy but not to judge a person by words that often disguise their criminal intentions.
And when it happens there will finally fall down the “curtain” hiding the Dark from the Light, and people will once and for all become convinced that “the emperor has nothing on” and, moreover, he is deprived of the human appearance, too.
For many this insight will be rather painful since their usual world will be collapsing before their eyes and they will see the true faces of the world leaders – of the past and of the present – who they used to trust but who committed crimes so inhumane that conscience of many people will refuse to believe it.
Yet, it is the only way that you can advance to a new stage of your development – through acceptance of the truth, no matter how horrible it is.
And the main thing you should remember is that you should take this truth without aggression or censure but as a hard and sad lesson that not just certain people have to learn but all the humanity that now having thrown off the burden is advancing to a new level of their existence in the space of the Fifth dimension.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marat on June 21, 2020.

June 19

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Relationships between humans on the Earth of the Fifth dimension)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will move on to the next topic and will talk about a new principle of communication between humans on the Earth of the Fifth dimension.
And what will be at issue is not telepathic communication but the way people will exchange experience, cooperate in different spheres, teach children – in a word, your everyday life in new conditions.
But first, let us look into the main differences between human life in the third dimension and the Fifth one.
As we have repeatedly said, in the dual world based on comparison of oneself with other people one always has to self-assert and prove to oneself and everybody around that one is with the best.
And everyone does it according to one’s abilities and moral principles: somebody does it at others’ expense, while some others achieve everything by fair means and hard work.
But in the former and the latter case people have the same aim: to meet certain social standards and even to exceed them.
As a rule, their aims are purely of material nature but even if it is the case of creative work or spiritual sphere of their life they are often guided by their pride and desire to stand out of the crowd, too.
Thus, in the dual world one endowed with some talents consider them as a means to become rich and famous.
And there are exceptionally rare cases of disinterested people who create for the sake of their soul not thinking about whether their occupation will make a profit or bring fame.
Sometimes they die in misery while fame comes to them after death.
Yet, it is these people who are a prototype of higher dimensions creatures since even finding themselves in the merciless third dimension world they managed to hear their Soul and fulfill the mission they were born for.
They did not compromise, which their Ego was likely to impose on them making them do the things they did not accept but that could have brought them money and fame.
They preferred the freedom of expression in all its manifestations.
And imagine that only people like this will inhabit the space of the Fifth dimension since others will simply be unable to get there because of the low level of their conscience.
By definition on the new Earth there cannot be any opportunists, timeservers, careerists, employers or employees…
There will live CREATORS in big and small who will do their work with love not looking around at other people and not comparing themselves with anybody else.
Envy will be taken over by joy shared with one’s neighbour.
Greed will be taken over by desire to share the best things with one’s neighbour.
The desire to stand out will be taken over by the feeling of Unity with every living being on Earth.
The desire to rule will be taken over by the feeling of Love and Sympathy.
Thereby, the high vibration space of the Fifth dimension will be dissolving all the remaining negative feelings and emotions instilled into human conscience and transforming them into the energy of Unconditional Love.
It is this Love that will lay the foundation of human communication and will become the unceasing source of inspiration for them.
But already now, my dear, you can start living being mainly guided by these principles, which will enable you to switch over to new forms of communication naturally and easily.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 19, 2020.

June 18

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Two souls’ talk)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Coming back to the issue of telepathic communication I would like to tell you about one more peculiarity of its.
As a matter of fact, telepathic communication is a talk of two souls.
And now I will explain to you in what way it differs from the talk of two people.
Words always convey earthly – physical – component because they were created exactly as communication tool in the worlds of low vibrations.
Even the nicest and right words inevitably acquire individual shade of the person they are uttered by.
They are imbued with their thoughts, emotions, life experience gained in the dual world, originality of their world-view and interpretation of essence of things.
The same happens to the one they are addressed to.
And they consider them in accordance with their life attitude and from their level of spiritual development.
This is the reason why people often do not understand each other talking about the things that seem so easy.
The things that are obvious and experienced long ago for one person can turn out a revelation of knowledge new and unusual for another one.
Thus, after listening to one and the same lecture or watching one and the same film people often have absolutely different impressions and make conclusions sometimes contradicting each other.
And it happens because each of the people is at their own level of development and is learning their own life lessons.
Therefore, from everything heard and seen one derives only the things one’s conscience is ready for.
This is how the Law of Attraction works. And this is the reason why it can be so hard for you to convince somebody of the things that are already obvious to you.
If this person’s vibrations are still low enough, with the best will in the world they will not be able to assimilate new knowledge getting beyond the bounds of the dual world.
And their reaction can be rather inadequate: from irritation and mockery to anger and aggression.
Well, what happens during telepathic communication when people talk in terms of souls?
Human soul can NEVER descend to low worlds. It can just help one ascend to its level if one hears it.
That is why two people having advanced to the level of their souls get to the unipolar space now where they can easily and naturally exchange thoughts and emotions they send each other as energy information units.
Each of them decodes them according to their individual traits, too but at a different – Divine – level of conscience with no touch of duality.
Besides, a great advantage of telepathic communication is that you can understand a representative of any nation not even knowing the language of their country, as well as representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, for in this case you scan their INTENTION conveying message and energy component.
For the time being it is a little complicated for you to understand since you are used to expressing everything in words but the time will come when this knowledge will make your everyday practice and natural means of communication.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 18, 2020.

June 17

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Influence of psyche on telepathic communication ability)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the impact human psyche makes on one’s ability to communicate in a telepathic way.
Why are some people quick to take it up, while others with the best will in the world are unable to make practical use of it even under the most favourable circumstances?
The thing is that it is impossible to develop telepathic communication ability by “persistent practice” or special exercises.
This ability can show itself in one only when one’s conscience advances to a new stage of spiritual development having completely freed from the “burden” of the third dimension world.
In this case one’s vibrations increase to the extent that one’s energy field gets rarefied and easily lets through energy information flows of another person.
And their psyche takes an active part in this since it is their Soul’s part, and it is possible to call it its indicator in the world one finds oneself in right now.
If it is the world of the Fifth dimension, they are at one and the same wave being completely concordant with each other.
While if it is the world of the third or fourth dimensions, human psyche is still susceptible to the energies of rather low vibrations and therefore it has to overcome obstacles on the way to harmonization of its relationships with Soul.
Having learnt to control one’s psyche and energy flows circulating around, you will be able to preserve harmony in soul that is a prerequisite for telepathic communication.
In other words, there are two points required for favourable telepathic communication energy background.
First. One’s uniting with Soul as a higher aspect of existence.
And second. Well-balanced psyche got beyond the limits of the third dimension world.
What happens next?
Between two people there is settled high vibration energy contact channel that low vibration energies cannot get in and, consequently, the information conveyed will not be misinterpreted and will reach the addressee as pure.
And while in the unipolar world this channel will be sustained since external factors are as favourable as the inner condition of a person, in the third dimension world the “guarantee” of such channel purity is human well-balanced psyche able to remain peaceful in any situation and not to respond to negative external irritants.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 17, 2020.

June 16

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Balance of Soul and Ego)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, our talk about the notion of human psyche is coming up to an end and today I would like to draw some conclusions to it.
I think you have already understood that PSYCHE is, generally speaking, human Soul exposed to the third dimension world conditions.
And it is the way it acts – shows itself – that your harmony in SOUL depends on.
And it is not incidental that both the words have the same root in different languages though.
Spiritual growth of a person also depends on the extent of their Soul’s revival and its ability to guide person’s life.
Psychic health is but harmonious interaction of Soul – Divine part of humans – and their Ego – “earthly” survival tool in the third dimension world.
To reach the balance of the two components is a great skill.
Any distortions in terms of this or that component result in psyche failure and, consequently, in physical diseases.
All the negative energies both generated by one oneself and arriving at one’s energy space from without cause the chain reaction of negative thoughts and emotions that are controlled by human Ego.
And such low vibration energy flows circulation prevents Soul from showing itself and prompting one the right way out.
This way the Ego-related distortion occurs, and one’s psyche becomes “shattered” – falls out of the balanced condition.
Yet, it can be just the opposite case.
For example, when one does not accept the existing reality finding it too hard to bear, unjust, oppressive, one retreats into one’s imaginary world artificially avoiding problems and hardships.
One can take up self-perfection doing spiritual practices, making one’s home far from other people and becoming a solitary.
One’s Soul is happy with such transformation but is sad at the same time, too because this person deprives it of the opportunity to gain invaluable experience of life in the dual world.
Such person’s psyche becomes balanced since they have escaped all social “irritants” and negative energies accompanying their life “in the world”.
Yet, in this case there is a distortion, too Soul-related this time though and in spite of the fact it exists in the energies of high vibrations it “gets bored” without work it has embodied on Earth for.
So, what should be done so as to gain psychic health keeping the balance of Soul and Ego?
Before all, one should realize what one has come to this world for – try to understand what one’s mission, life predestination is.
And then ask your Soul to guide you this direction.
But to make it possible for it to do so, you should learn to maintain yourself at ITS vibration frequency, which means living in accordance with the Laws of the Universe.
And if you manage to live in high vibration energies, not only Soul but your Ego as well will become your faithful assistants helping you find your way in the third dimension world and, consequently, fulfill your mission the best possible manner.
Thus, balanced and concordant interaction between your Divine and earthly facets will bring you psychic health and harmony in soul.
And I bless you for that, my dear!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 16, 2020.

June 15

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Psyche “vessel”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will dwell on how your psyche is influenced by these or those kinds of energy flows.
So as to help you get a better idea of this interaction mechanism, imagine your psyche being an energy “vessel” or mini-egregor of any shape you like.
This “vessel” is hardly ever empty since one has lived in society from childhood and inevitably contacts quite a large number of people.
The psyche “vessel” of each of you has different energy contents, in terms of both quantity and quality.
There are calm and phlegmatic people, noisy and active ones, while there are those who are warm-hearted and indifferent, kind and mean, generous and greedy and so on and so forth.
These features are related to the quality of energies, and its quantity depends on life circumstances and situations.
Thus, for example, a very active person overwhelmed by passions finding themselves in high vibration space can behave in a quiet and peaceful manner.
And the other way round, an even-tempered person can fly off the handle facing the case of emergency.
All this happens owing to the fact that this energy “vessel’s” walls are easily penetrable for energy both inwards and outwards.
It is this continuous energy circulation process that human psyche consists of and in its turn it influences one’s physical condition.
It is exactly this interaction of psyche and body that laid the foundation of psychosomatics which is the Greek for “soul and body”.
As you see, my dear, your health is totally dependent on your psyche – on its quantitative and qualitative component.
Any psyche failure can turn into this or that indisposition and sometimes even a serious disorder.
We have already talked a lot about the fact that when you finally move into the space of the Fifth dimension, your body will not become ill any more.
And the simple reason for that to happen is that in the unipolar world your energy vessels will be filled with homogeneous energy of Unconditional Love that by nature cannot transform into low vibration energy typical of the dual world.
Under these living conditions new to you energy flows will calmly and smoothly overflow from one vessel into another one introducing into each of them new colours, shades and nuances thereby enriching the energy profile of the person you are interacting with your individual traits and personal experience.
It can be compared with beautiful harmonious choir singing, with each voice performing its part and setting off another voice’s originality.
These are, my dear, the different manners that energy flows can act being generated by people in the worlds of different vibrations.
And the higher your vibrations, the more balanced and peaceful your psyche is, gradually moving from the third dimension space into that of the Fifth dimension.
This is what your conscience revival means: advancement of your psyche to a new spiritual level.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 15, 2020.

June 11

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Double grounding)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Now I would like to tell you about one more feature of energy flows.
This time we will dwell on those of them that originate outside Earth.
Unique time has come on your planet when it is showered, like with a star rain, with high vibration energy flows from the depth of space and from the Light Forces tutoring Earth.
And in this case there occurs double “grounding” now.
The pure energy of Unconditional Love getting into the energy space of Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels and highly developed extraterrestrial civilizations representatives becomes adapted to their energies first and then arrives at Earth.
This is exactly the reason why a huge “army” of Light Forces is present now in the near-earth space.
Besides following all the events taking place on Earth at present, they are also some kind of energy “filters” securing you from “overdosing” with high vibration energies that your conscience and your bodies are not ready for yet.
Those of you who work with energies on a regular basis know how widely your reaction on them can vary and that sometimes your physical and psychic state prevents you from taking in some particular kind of energy.
It can be accounted for by anything: troubles in your life, not feeling quite well, magnetic storms and sharp weather changes…
Your vibrations are unstable so far therefore your Heavenly patrons regulate energy flows that each of you receives all the time.
Do not be surprised. Each of you is being guided personally and in a masterly way indeed.
And it is explained by the fact that every revived person on Earth is invaluable since they can revive thousands of others simply sustaining high vibration energy flows within themselves.
For it is them who are the last link in the chain of grounding and distribution of Unconditional Love energy, with the concentration of the latter increasing more and more every single day.
You are, my dear, some kind of energy “dispensers” on Earth because the people around you most often cannot take in the energies of too high vibrations and they take them from you in the amount they are able to assimilate right now.
All this happens unconscious both for you and them, yet, the process of energy interchange does not lose its value because of this.
This is the long road that Divine energy flows travel: through subtle material beings and high vibration bodies of your galaxy brothers they arrive at Earth and here in accordance with vibrations they are attracted to the people who are ready to become the next “link” in this energy delivery to other people able to assimilate it.
There is an energy chain reaction, with each of you taking part in it.
And this is also how your Unity with the Universe and all its inhabitants shows.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 11, 2020.

June 11

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Always for good)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, today we move on to the practical part: how you can learn to control energy flows for your own sake, for the sake of Earth and people around you.
First thing you should remember.
Any thought-form of yours conveys this or that energy and depending on the quality of this energy you introduce into the world either destructive or constructive energy flow.
Of course, there are neutral, merely practical – everyday – thought-forms.
But in this case we are talking about those featuring emotional colouring.
It is your emotions that become “the point of attraction” of the corresponding energies that get more and more concentrated in your subtle bodies as long as one is thinking over this or that situation or problem.
They gradually create energy flows – “bridges” – between you and the people you think about and becoming filled with their energy now they get even more concentrated.
In practice it is impossible to trace each of these flows therefore you should concentrate all your attention on the “trigger” of your conscience being set on the “mode” of Love, Approval and Gratitude.
Thereby you will save yourself and the world around from negative energies intervention.
But now there has also come a crucial moment on Earth when man has to win over not only their freedom but also the right for existence.
So, what should you do under these circumstances so as to protect yourself and at the same time not to get involved into the confrontation with authorities, which inevitably will result in negative energy consequences?
And it is here where your skill of energy flows redistribution for the greater good of all will be of use.
Let us make an example as follows.
You feel that the protest is getting enhanced in you against those who have imposed the absurd situation of the quarantine on you, who make people use masks that can only do them harm, who have restricted your freedom of travel and deprived of the opportunity to meet friends and relatives, who have deprived your of job and, consequently, your source of income…
We can go with the list on and on since the situation on Earth gives rise to many negative consequences for each of you.
Well now, let us consider two options of attitude towards this situation.
First. You are constantly thinking of it and discussing all the current events with your acquaintances in a negative vein only.
With every single day the energy flows initiated by you both in your own energy field and by means of the “bridges” created by you in the energy space of your acquaintances get imbued with the energies of hatred, aggression, annoyance, fear or powerlessness to change anything…
So, these tiny brooks of negative energies originated by your thoughts gradually turn into wide rivers flooding everything on the way.
Do you think it will encourage the situation’s outcome turning out for the greater good of all?
I think this is a rhetorical question.
And the other option. In spite of all the things happening, you understand that it is possible to “dissolve” this “nightmare” that came into your life only with the help of the Energy of Unconditional Love.
And you trace each censure or judgement thought of yours concerning the current situation before it gets “embodied in flesh” and “melt” into Love and Light.
Then you introduce quite different energy flows into the world – full-flowing rivers of Unconditional Love that will wash away all the energy dirt on their way that has accumulated in human subtle bodies and all over your long-suffering Earth.
And I bless you for that!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 11, 2020.

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Always for good)

June 10

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Energy flows)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, as a follow-up to my previous message I would like to give you some details on what energy flows are.
A human being is such a complex and many-sided creature that they can create both inside and outside themselves a world of their own, with its versatility sometimes making it heterogeneous in terms of vibrations.
And this is how it happens.
Since your restless Mind is constantly in search of “food”, it starts dreaming and making up various scenarios of your life getting the characters from your environment it knows joined in.
But people, as a rule, feature different vibrations and sometimes this gap can be really sizeable.
Yet, your Mind does not take this into consideration and has imaginary discussion with every person from your environment. It can be both a monologue and a dialogue.
It plays through all the cases of scenario possible indispensably making its judgement.
It compares, proves, analyses, dreams, that is, it is constantly in motion.
This is the reason why it is so hard for one to achieve the state of Here and Now which is the only one that can make one’s psyche balanced and help one gain peace of mind.
Well, just imagine how many energy flows one generates every minute because of such unceasing mental process.
And since one’s thoughts often rush from one person to another, these flows get intermingled thereby creating incredible chaos in one’s energy space.
So, how can you harmonize these flows, my dear?
The first thing you should do is to learn to TRACE all your thoughts and realize whether you really want to create an energy bridge with this or that person.
You should be well aware that any thought about somebody is an energy connection already and if you are constantly thinking about somebody, it is energy “captivity” now.
This is how, for example, offenses loom large in case of people who cannot forgive.
Continuous generating of one and the same negative emotion can break human psyche since they are now unable to control their energy flows and give “the reins of government” to astral beings who in this particular case nourish on the energy of offense.
This is how SOUL ABDUCTION arises which is most often caused by offense, jealousy, envy, hatred, censure and other low vibration energies.
And very often these emotions accompany each other creating the whole whirlpool of energy flows inside a person that now do not have sufficient room in the person’s subtle bodies and energy space, so they rush outwards catching up with the “offender” and start ruining their subtle bodies now and polluting their energy space.
This is how energy attacks are made.
But always remember that their destructive action is directed, first of all, towards the one who initiated them and then to the one they are aimed at.
This is the mechanism of energy flows passing.
And this is the crux of the Law of the Universe “Like attracts like”: you get what you gave rise to.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 10, 2020.

June 10

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Harmony in soul)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to focus on the way surrounding reality influences your psyche.
And we will study subtle – energy – mechanisms of this interaction.
As I have already told you as long as man was descending to the third dimension world their Soul’s core – their Spirit – was getting weaker and weaker, and this is the reason why human psyche has lost its harmony and equilibrium.
While the spiritual and earthly facets of man used to be balanced and naturally complimentary, now the odds are in favour of their earthly – physical component.
And their psychic state is now mostly dependent on their living conditions.
When one is good at heart, has peace of mind and is really happy, one’s psyche acquires harmony and equilibrium – becomes “well-balanced”.
There are moments like this in every person’s life and they help them remember what they used to be like and feel that such state is possible to achieve – as if life itself shows them what to strive for.
Yet, when one has unlucky streak and finds oneself in the whirlpool of negative energies, one’s psyche loses its balance becoming vulnerable and susceptible to alien influence.
And this is what happens at the subtle level in both the cases.
When one reaches the state of psychic equilibrium one is within high vibration energies, which enables one’s Soul to revive, and then it “gets at the helm” of one’s psyche.
While when one gets plunged into the low vibration energies of the third dimension world, one’s Soul cannot “get through” to one and “falls lethargically asleep” again.
This is, my dear, exactly where the expression “peaceful soul”, “well-balanced psychic” comes from since the word “psyche” itself is a synonym of the word “soul”.
What conclusion can we draw?
So as to get stable psyche and SUSTAINED harmony in soul, you should learn to control energy flows you generate both inwards your energy space and to the outer world.
And in my next messages I will tell you about this in detail.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 10, 2020.

June 9

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Soul abduction)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about what person can be regarded as psychically “sound” or “deficient” keeping in mind their psychic “health”, of course.
My previous message said that in modern society the term “psychically deficient” is often applied to any person who does not comply with the confines of the existing value system since they have their own opinion and do not follow the mentality and behaviour stereotypes being imposed on them.
Yet, I would like to remind you, my dear, we are dwelling on the spiritual component of human psyche, not its social aspect when one is driven by the desire for self-assertion and getting up the social ladder oneself.
Here what is at issue is the inner protest when Soul does not accept the things taking place in the world feeling the dual world being artificial and deceitful.
But in this case, too, human psyche can “fall” if, for example, their inner protest acquires emotion colouring of negative character.
In case of some people the feeling of existing reality being unjust grows into obsession.
Yet, as you know, any emotion distortions result in one’s vibrations’ sharp decrease and, consequently, one becomes susceptible to astral beings of all kinds.
And then it is them who start controlling one’s psyche.
Thus, trying to rid themselves of slavish psychology and their personality suppression people find themselves in another kind of slavery – in the world of astral beings who feed on the energies of irritation, anger, discontent, censure, aggression and many other negative emotions.
Sometimes the heat of one’s inner protest reaches the highest point and rears hordes of astral beings indeed and some of them, most “faithful” to a person, become their “infiltrated lodgers” who can be very hard to get rid of.
And here any psychic health is out of question.
Thus, out of the best and most sincere intentions one who opposed the system falls victim to the Dark forces.
This is exactly the reason, my dear, why over and over again I appeal you to remember that EVERYTHING happening in your life should be taken calmly and wisely, without any censure or aggression, as another lesson enabling you to rise to a new step of your spiritual development.
And if you manage to stay calm even in the most absurd and unexpected for you and your country situation, you will be able to find the right and wise solution allowing you to live through it as a winner not a loser.
And in my next messages we will talk about this in more detail.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 9, 2020.

June 8

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Psychic health)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, let us go on talking about what human psyche is.
And now we will focus on its spiritual facet – the one that they have been trying to stifle for many centuries and the one that now with the arrival of new energies is trying to awake from its “lethargic sleep”.
Generally speaking, human psyche is always dependent on the state of their SOUL that determines the properties and peculiarities of the former.
You see, here Soul comes into picture again.
In spite of all the attempts to stamp it out of people, it still goes on showing in your language as a reminder of your Divine origin.
And even such expressions as “a lovely old soul” or “a soulless creature” convey sacred meaning pointing out that not everybody embodied as human has a Divine Soul.
Thus, human psyche is the reflection of their inner world and the indicator of their belonging to this or that category of living beings embodied as humans.
Let us try to look into the expressions “psychic health” and “psychically deficient person”.
There is a fine distinction drawn between them since in the third dimension world psychic health is often determined by the degree of obedience and compliance with common standards of behaviour.
So, one with conscience going beyond the established “limits” of mentality and behaviour is often referred to as psychically deficient or insane.
As a rule, the one is condemned in every possible way, scoffed at and can even be put in mental hospital so as to confine one from the others – obedient and “normal” people.
This person becomes dangerous for the society of the third dimension world, for it is hard to control them.
Their psyche is getting predominated by SPIRITUAL facet this time. Their Spirit, with fear being untypical of it, is coming to the fore and it is the core of human Soul.
As you see, my dear, despite all reptiloids’ attempts they have not managed to erase such Divine notions as Spirit and Soul either from your language or from your conscience.
They have always been in your life and at the subconscious level have been influencing your psyche preventing it from total destruction.
It is often the case that in a person possessing an ancient pure soul there is always in progress unceasing struggle between their dark side supported by the third dimension world and the light one that lives in them as genetic memory of their Divine origin.
That is why their psyche becomes unstable – too many external factors get involved into this struggle.
Among these are the people who surround them, living conditions and various life circumstances.
They “shake” human psyche: and they now rise up to Heavens like on the swings, now come back to Earth, now reach peace of mind, now being torn by passions get down to the very bottom…
And it goes on like this until one gains power of Spirit, which will make their psyche state sound and will advance them to the level of resonance with their Soul that this time will not let them fall down and will guide their life activating their Divine sense organs and restoring connection with their higher aspects.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 8, 2020.

June 8

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (The notion of human psyche)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about what human psyche is in a broad meaning of this word.
The word “psyche” itself derives from the Greek word “soul”.
And of course, it is not incidental.
It was Soul that guided all the thoughts, emotions and actions of people in the early days of humanity when they were closely connected with the Creator.
Yet, as they were gradually descending to the world of the third dimension, this connection was becoming poorer and poorer.
They encountered the conditions where quite different needs came into picture and they had to live not according to the Laws of the Universe but the ones that had artificially been introduced into human society by the Dragon Race.
So as to survive in the dual world new to them, they had to break their psyche adjusting it to the new living conditions.
It is sure to happen unintentionally because getting incarnated on Earth over and over again one came here with the memory of one’s former greatness deleted.
And with every incarnation that followed this memory grew more and more erased, while new reptiloid programmes were instilled into human subconscience this time featuring total submission to authorities.
An essential role was played here by religion and the laws and customs imposed by it for human personality suppression both in society and in family.
Thereby, human Soul was gradually “cornered” and “debarred from voting”.
People ceased hearing it since their vibrations decreased to the extent they could take in only the things imposed from without.
Thus, having lost connection with Soul, they lost connection with God too who was turned by religion into “Supreme Judge” that people worshipped and were scared of because they had forgotten they themselves were his particles and, consequently, Human Gods.
The Dragons were perfectly aware of the fact that “cutting down this string” – the energy channel connecting one with one’s higher aspects they would be able to get total control over people.
And as you see, they have really succeeded in this having perverted human psyche to the point when it has turned into amorphous substance that this time was easily guided.
Indeed, hordes of astral beings have been working for reptiloids for millennia of their supremacy on Earth forming human psyche in the way to make it readily respond to emotional and mental impulses of the “masters” of the world.
Little by little human subtle bodies have become “compressed” to the utmost, while only lower chakras responsible for survival of humans in the third dimension world remained as their subtle sense organs.
Their upper chakras and pineal gland have fallen “lethargically asleep” for a long time being unable to function in low vibrations like this.
Yet, it is them that once used to be Divine “basis” of human psyche.
As you see, my dear, to give a clear definition of the notion of “psyche” I had to make this short excursus into past.
Well, to cut a long story short, human psyche is a combination of their two facets: spiritual and earthly – material.
And depending on what is prevailing in a person at this moment their psyche can be balanced, of high vibrations, Divine, unipolar or, on the contrary, unstable, of low vibrations, down-to-earth, dual.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 8, 2020.

June 7

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Human psyche characteristics)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to start a new topic that we will call “Human psyche characteristics”.
And we will consider it from the height of your new conscience this time though sometimes you will have to rely on the experience you got in the dual world since in this incarnation you have no experience of living in the unipolar world.
And this is what I mean.
So as to master the principles of existence in the reality new to you and having tuned your thoughts, emotions and actions on to it you should have a supporting point that will enable you to get a better idea of how huge the gap is between the two types of mentality – dual and unipolar one.
So far your “supporting point” like this is your third dimension world experience, while the space of the Fifth dimension for many still remains a dream.
To make this dream come true some specific steps are required, both at the energy level and at the physical one.
You have already been given a lot of meditations, practices and just everyday tips on how to follow this direction.
But, as you see, life holds a lot of surprises and obstacles for you on this way.
And it is especially true now when each of you has to make your choice: to remain a free person enjoying the right to dispose of one’s life or to become a slave allowing world puppeteers to seize control over your conscience and physical body.
As you see, everything happened very quickly and unexpectedly for you.
And while the preparatory period for the Transition of Earth and humanity into a new reality lasted for decades, recently a sudden change has taken place and earthshaking events have been pressed into several months.
Many of you turned out to be unprepared for this though in words urged events and complained of the things developing inexcusably slowly.
Yet, this tardiness was good for you because human psyche is quite a fragile substance and any sharp drops or shocks can be pernicious to it.
But now, my dear, it becomes impossible to put off the supreme moment of Transition.
And there are many reasons for that.
The main of them is that the energy gap between Earth’s and humanity’s vibrations becomes critical and, consequently, it is necessary to pull up people’s vibrations to those of Earth’s as promptly as possible so that the former could make Transition with their planet.
To implement this, a global shock was required and it affected every single person’s life.
It is under such critical circumstances that human psyche either breaks or, on the contrary, gets strengthened and it advances to a new phase of its development.
And right now each of you undergoes the durability test like this: you are having an exam in theory and practice of spiritual knowledge.
I see that many of you are doing in an appropriate manner and are getting more and more convinced that energy shield and keeping self-respect can work miracles.
And this time it is not blind faith of yours but drilled and field-tested spiritual skills, which is the first step to victory and getting rid of fear that has been instilled into your conscience and subconscience from century to century.
So now, it is essential to consolidate this victory, and in my next messages I will tell you how you can do this.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 7, 2020.

June 6

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Conditions for valid telepathic communication)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to finish the series of my messages on telepathic communication.
As you have probably understood, you do not have to wait for the moment when you move into the Fifth dimension, you can start practising it right now.
But to make this new type of communication an integral part of your life, the following conditions are required.
First. Purity of your conscience.
Only having freed itself from all the negative and alien programmes, it will be able to take in other person’s thoughts and emotions of similar vibrations.
While being overwhelmed by the dual world, it is usual too obstructed and dense, which causes energy chaos of low vibration thoughts and emotions in it.
Second. Living at the moment of here and now.
It is this state that transmits one into higher dimensions – the fourth and even the fifth one – with a different space-time reality enabling people to exchange information freely over any distance and within any time “limits.”
Third. Ability to tune on to another person’s vibrations.
It can be achieved only when your fields resonate with each other in terms of all the three components: energy, emotion and information with no distortions in favour of this or that component.
Fourth. Ability to switch off one’s Mind giving way to Soul.
It is this that is likely to be the most difficult for you right now since Mind has got used to providing you with information all the time hunting for it in your conscience and subconscience.
It juggles it so skillfully creating logical chains and considerations that by its prompts it simply deprives you of the opportunity to receive pure undistorted information from another person.
Fifth. Emotional non-involvement into the process of receiving information.
Finding oneself in the dual world it is rather difficult to do because you have got so used to imparting emotional coloring to all your thoughts and actions.
And so as to reach complete estrangement you should at least plunge into the altered state of mind.
Sixth. Ability to decode the information received.
What is at issue here is not to slant it in favour of your expectations but to receive it pure precisely getting the sense it conveys.
And seventh. Ability to maintain the channel for the whole session of communication.
In other words, you should feel the moment when the information communicated ceases and the channel closes by itself.
Only practice can help you achieve this.
When you move into the space of the Fifth dimension, all these skills will gradually acquire the usual “automatic” mode.
Yet, now too you can start practising this new type of communication step by step mastering all its twists and turns.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 6, 2020.

June 5

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Types of telepathic communication)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, we have reached the point of summarizing my series of messages on telepathic communication and today I would like to provide you with the classification of all its types.
So, we will move from easy things to complex ones.
The first type can be referred to as emotional interchange when people exchange energies, with their information component being rather conditional.
Thus, people not resonating with each other in terms of energy feel discontent or ill at ease which they sometimes cannot explain by words.
And on the contrary, people being at one vibration wave often enjoy communication with one another without any words simply being by each other’s side.
The second type of telepathic communication can be referred to as information interchange.
It happens when one person thought of the other one and the latter felt it.
For example, one was about to call one’s friend and the latter was the first to call all of a sudden.
It is also reflected in your language: “speak of angels and they flap their wings”, “that telepathy thing worked”.
In this case there occurs the transmission of thoughts over distance without any particular emotional shade.
The third one can be called information emotion type.
Such communication occurs when one imparts emotions to one’s mental impulse to another person.
For example, when one is worried about one’s family and asks them in thought to call or text.
And if there are strong emotional bounds between these people it is highly probable that they will feel this impulse and respond it.
We will call the fourth one energy information type.
This time it goes beyond the limits of the third dimension world and implies communication with the representatives of the subtle world.
Besides, it can be both astral beings of all levels and Light Forces existing in higher dimensions.
Such communication is typical of people with their subtle level information channel being opened.
Depending on their level of vibrations they start channeling energy information units from the beings they are resonating with at this moment, that is, they are at the same vibration frequency with.
And here really a lot depends on the emotional state of these people while they are channeling messages.
Any negative emotion considerably impairs their vibrations index and, consequently, their channels can get connected to by the subtle level beings corresponding to these vibrations.
It is emotional unstability that is responsible for the fact that many people who initially channeled the Higher Powers messages in the course of time begin to communicate with astral beings of different levels up till the lower one.
And the fifth type is universal telepathic communication that contains energy, emotion and information components.
This type of communication is characteristic of people of subtle perception who are at the vibration frequency of at least the fourth dimension and capable of interacting in a telepathic way both with other people and the Light Forces.
Communication of this type supposes a unipolar energy component typical of higher dimensions and, consequently, excluding dual world thoughts and emotions penetration into the channel.
The messages from the Forces of Light can be channeled through a person who can maintain the vibration level corresponding to them and possesses emotion and mentality unipolar world perception.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 5, 2020.

June 4

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Emotional interchange)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will consider one more aspect of telepathic communication that for convenience can be called emotional interchange.
Each of you has been using it unintentionally for a long time but it is time to start learning to regulate this process.
Remember that often without words you feel someone got offended to you and somebody else, on the contrary, shows love to you.
It happens because you scan this person’s emotions sometimes even being unaware of the reason for such attitude towards you.
It is also telepathic communication, yet, “lopsided” one: you get not the whole energy information unit from a person but only its part – energy part, while the information one is left “behind the scenes”.
Why does it happen? Why doesn’t one pronounce their discontent?
There can be a lot of reasons for that.
But each of them is based on the desire to provoke you to outburst the energies they need at the moment.
Generating the energies of discontent they thereby attract the energies of the similar vibrations.
Recall how often people demonstrate their offence, annoyance, censure or anger just by their look not uttering a word.
And having no idea of the reason for such behaviour you start to worry and feel lack of self-confidence, guilty and sometimes pity for this person.
All these energies are of negative nature and, consequently, gradually flowing into the field of the “offended”, thereby, help them achieve their goal – get the necessary energies.
Such telepathic communication – of the lowest order – corresponds to the third dimension world vibrations.
And when the concentration of these colliding negative energies reaches its highest point they, as a rule, get expressed in words adding the information component to these energies.
Therefore, words by getting these energies grounded pollute the energy fields not only of these people but of Earth in general, as well as that of collective human conscience.
This way, your Unity with every living being on Earth shows with a negative sign this time, though.
Well, what happens when one generates Love?
This Divine energy is unipolar and, consequently, all its information components can exist only in the highest vibration energy field shared with this energy.
And even not being expressed by words Unconditional Love conveys the energies of happiness, joy, encouragement, inspiration and belief in oneself to another person.
As a result of the energy of Love exchange between people it also gets concentrated being grounded and manifold increases the vibrations of all the involved into this energy process.
It is the very case when there is no need for words. People just enjoy keeping silent together basking in high vibration energies of each other.
It can also be referred to as emotional telepathic communication.
And sometimes words featuring the meaning of the dual world can just add a discord to the blissful energy union of two souls and unset their Divine balance that is so fragile.
This is exactly the reason, my dear, why I ask you to pass through your Soul everything that happens to you – be it emotions or words.
Only Soul can maintain high vibrations of a person still living in the third dimension world.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 4, 2020.

June 3

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (At the same vibration wave)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Now I would like to go on with the issue of telepathic communication and consider it from the practical application point of view.
Yet, this time by the word “practical” I mean a little different thing, not the one you are used to.
Since telepathic communication is the prerogative of the Fifth dimension, all the related notions convey another meaning – unipolar and high vibration one.
Well, today we will look into one of its aspects.
The practical side of telepathic communication supposes not only thoughts exchange but exchange of energies, too.
Thanks to this quality you can maintain at the appropriate level not only your own vibrations but also those of the person you communicate with.
So as to help you get a better idea of what is at issue, let us have a case study.
Imagine your close person you would like to send this or that message by your thought.
So as to make it convey both the components – semantic and energy – you should design it as some kind of energy information unit.
This is the way that, for example, my messages are channeled to Marta. I do not dictate them word by word but send her a high vibration energy bundle containing this or that information that she expresses as words and sentences herself.
Therefore, we have double-sided communication – joint creativity.
If she does not understand something, I immediately feel it and try to communicate my idea to her in a slightly different simplified form.
The same applies to the choice of metaphors and sometimes whole practices.
Some things are to her Soul immediately, while some others for this or that reason cause rejection.
Reading her thoughts I offer her the things that evoke a ready response in her.
Thereby, I adapt to her habit of mind, character, personal experience that helps her understand and accept what I would like to communicate to her.
No doubt, another channeler would decode the energy information unit sent by me in a different manner – in accordance with their life experience, education, linguistic abilities and emotional traits.
In the future that is not far off, my dear, you are to communicate with each other the same way, too.
And it will be possible for you to pick up each other’s thoughts only if you are at one and the same vibration wave and, consequently, subtly feel your interlocutor adjusting to them so that they enjoy communicating with you.
By the word “adjusting” I mean feeling their peculiarities of world perception that will enable you to convey your thought as precisely and subtly as possible, which in its turn will return to you as a response as considerate that takes into account your peculiarities this time.
But believe me, my dear, you can start practising such communication already now if you manage to get tuned onto your interlocutor’s energy information wave.
Ask your Soul to assist you and it will by all means lead you the right way.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 3, 2020.

June 3

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Your Soul’s filter)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to go on talking about the so-called complex communication that I told you about in my previous message.
After you have mastered it, it will be much easier for you to switch over to telepathic communication in future.
And it is explained by the fact that Mind that serves as the main survival tool of the third dimension person will gradually yield to their Soul.
Mind will actually be taken over by Divine conscience that will be at the same vibration wave as human Soul.
Yet, while you are living in the third dimension world it is Mind that is the storage device of all the information you get that it lays down into your subconscience after it has been processed and logically interpreted.
This way mentality and behaviour stereotypes are formed, the ones that have already been at issue so many times.
So now, the struggle for human souls in the direct meaning is in progress.
While official powers and the mass media under their control with all their might are trying to maintain century-old mentality and behaviour stereotypes of people, Higher Powers and the new energies at present arriving at Earth are trying to dissolve them thereby restoring the connection of people with their Soul.
And nowadays, really a lot depends on you yourselves.
If you start mindful work on your conscience transformation and uniting with higher Divine aspects, your spiritual revival will rocket.
And many of you have already had experience that made you convinced of how efficient energy work can be.
Well, now I would like to offer you one more easy practice that may turn really helpful for you.
We will call it “Your Soul’s filter”.
Learn to pass any information you get not through your Mind but through your Soul.
What should you do for this?
As soon as you start reading or listening to something, imagine this information going directly to your Soul that by all means will reject the information harmful to it and will eagerly absorb what is beneficial and healing to it.
You can imagine your Soul as a Golden Angel living in your body.
While receiving information try to switch off your Mind completely that as usual will start judging, analyzing, comparing…
You can even imagine you put it into a separate room safely locking it.
Believe me, your Soul can accept ANY information even horrible and cruel sometimes but NECESSARY and USEFUL for you at this particular moment.
Yet, it will accept it at its vibration frequency – without fear, aggression or censure, as inevitable third dimension world lessons that have to be learnt.
Try, my dear, to make it your everyday habit – a means of telepathic communication with you yourself.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 3, 2020.

June 2

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Complex communication)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk about how you can combine telepathic communication with the usual communication – the one you got used to in the third dimension world.
It is this type of communication that can become really useful to you during this transition period and help bridge the two dimensions.
I would like you to learn to send people, along with high vibration energies, your light thoughts.
In practice it can be as follows.
Suppose, you find yourself in the company where discussion turned to the acute topic of vaccination.
As it often happens, opinions are different: some people understand what lies behind this offer, other people blindly believe the official propaganda of vaccination advantages.
How should you behave so as not to get involved into this argument, yet, to communicate your point of view to the people?
Of course, the first thing you should do is to fill the energy space and those people’s subtle bodies with the energy of Ascension.
You will notice in a while that the heat of the argument is subsiding.
Then in your thoughts you can send the people the information about the fatefulness of vaccine since it contains secret technology on their conscience and physical bodies enslavement.
Yet, you should first address the Souls of the people, not their Mind.
You can imagine their Souls as golden Angels and ask them to become your allies so as to save the people from trouble.
Feel the reaction of these Souls. They are likely to respond your call wrapping around you with a gentle wave.
Then watch the people’s behaviour.
As soon as you feel they have calmed down and do not prove their rightness as aggressively, ask them to listen to their intuition.
You can do this in a playful way or making a joke depending on the situation and the kind of terms you are on.
The reaction of the people can certainly be very different but having filled their subtle bodies with the energy of Ascension you, at least, give them chance to hear their Soul that has difficulties in getting through to them under other circumstances – when people are under the influence of the imposed mentality and behaviour programmes featuring low vibration energies.
This method of triple influence on a person can become your universal assistant for any occasion.
Thus, having filled the energy space of a person with Divine energy, you release their Soul from low vibration captivity and it helps you get through to the person, so then you can talk to them at a more advanced – spiritual – level.
This is exactly what the synthesis of telepathic and word communication is: you will communicate in a telepathic way only with their Soul so far and by means of words – with their Mind.
Start with this, my dear.
Be creative while doing this: introduce your own elements and godsends into this exciting process of conveying information to people in a complex manner using not only high vibration energies but also your practical spiritual achievements.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 2, 2020.

June 19


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about the current events on Earth and how you should take them so as not to decrease your vibrations and at the same time not to let anyone turn you into a weak-willed and obedient marionette submissively carrying out orders “from above”.
As you see governments of many countries deliberately strengthen “protective” measures against the virus that did not live up to their expectations and now they have literally to kill people by other means.
Running into opposition to general commissioning of 5G towers from the population of many developed countries hidden government have decided to make a bet on mandatory mask wearing.
And to prevent anyone from escaping this harmful lot there was arranged real stake-out on the “naughty” ones with the introduction of fines not only in respect of those not wearing masks but also of those who “let” them do this, for example, shop owners allowing their customers to go in without masks.
Masks kill people not only physically preventing a healthy person from full breathing, which poisons their body and aggravates all their diseases but also morally depersonalizing people and depriving them of their dignity.
Moreover, reptiloids’ favourite principle “divide and rule” is being massively instilled into human conscience opposing the “obedient” and “disobedient”.
The former explicitly follow authorities’ instructions condemning those rejecting masking and, consequently, putting others at “risk”.
While those who are aware of the events really taking place on Earth resent the others’ submission, which will bring no good either to the former or the latter ones.
So, since separation of people according vibrations becomes more apparent with every day, confrontation between masking supporters and opponents is also gaining in scale.
Perhaps, each of you have already had opportunity to witness this.
Why do I pay so much attention to masking?
Only because of the fact, my beloved, that you are really “at the front” and there is no way back.
Seemingly harmless face mask has turned into a real murder weapon
in hands of criminals who seized power on Earth.
The situation on Earth is paradoxical: people are sanctioned with financial penalty because they refuse to slowly kill themselves.
People have never been in a more humiliating position before: they are being deprived of the right to dispose of their own health and being actually prevented from breathing.
Yet, it is these rules carried to the extreme that should become the last drop that makes the human patience cup run over, which will eventually make it awake and will create the critical mass allowing to turn the tide on Earth in favour of Light.
The things that are going on are dark forces agony on your planet, and it is just now when your energy work is of great importance, not condemnation or discussion of the present situation.
Therefore, as often as possible do practices on Earth and collective human conscience purification from all negative energies and alien programmes so as to maintain the appropriate level of your own vibrations and those of your city, country and planet in general.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 19, 2020.

June 26


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to offer you the practice that will help you treat the things that happen to you more consciously.
Now it is important not just watch the world affairs that start developing faster and faster but promote their unfolding in the required direction.
As you have probably understood, the situations that many countries of the world recently find themselves in are brought to absurdity, and the reason for that is the fact that the dark forces whose interests coincide with those of the ruling top are actually fighting for every revived soul.
How is it manifested?
As soon as doubt, annoyance, lack of self-confidence arises in one, the astral beings monitoring all emotional surges and human behaviour shades try tooth and nail to “fan” these little “sparks” of negative energy into a real “fire” so as to stupefy human conscience and lead one astray from spiritual path.
It is the mass media that are of great help to them, for they provide physical – meaning – content of this energy work by the dark forces.
They are trying to make the most of all the means available to conceal the truth about the current events from people and drive them back to a herd that is so easy to control.
And this is how you can oppose this.
Make it a habit to do the following practice on the go each time you feel you are exposed to energy influence from your family, acquaintances or the mass media misleading your conscience in the direction untypical of you.
The signs of such influence can be expressed in your deep inner belief in something sudden shaking and a doubt arising in the Soul though you intuitively feel that these thoughts are NOT YOURS.
Just at this very moment invoke the energy of Ascension.
Ask it to “enlighten” your conscience purifying it from alien programmes invasion.
Imagine it entering your body through the crown chakra filling it with warmth and then descending farther making your sixth chakra and pineal gland brimming with that warmth too.
Your “Golden triangle” starts burning and pulsing increasing your vibrations up to the level out of reach of low energies and third dimension world programmes.
You can make this energy stream rotate clockwise enlarging the radius of rotation more and more.
It will help both you and your environment save yourselves from low vibration energies showering you from TV screens or people trying to make you join in the conversation conveying negative emotions.
This practice that can be called “Ascension Energy Light” is but a means of anchoring of this Divine energy at Earth through your own conscience.
And believe me, my dear ones, it is extremely efficient and thanks to you it can influence collective human conscience that needs urgent help to revive as soon as possible, for the Transition of Earth into a new dimension is already in full swing.
I bless you, my dear, and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 26, 2020.

June 22


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
My today’s message is dedicated to the new energies that during the corridor of eclipses make the Portal of Transition to the Fifth dimension wider and wider.
Why is it during this period when it happens?
The thing is that any solar eclipse represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another one.
They are the course of development landmarks both for Earth and humanity in general.
The word “eclipse” itself symbolizes temporary stopping of the usual process – be it a natural phenomenon or human conscience.
And this stopping is necessary for “rebooting” to occur and for this process to continue in a new way.
But present eclipses are unique because they embrace simultaneously two energy processes – rebirth of your Earth and that of human conscience.
The “rebooting” of the former and the latter is taking place, yet, this time it is not just a “rebooting” but complete transformation – transition from one dimension to another.
The eclipse corridor itself that has stretched for several months symbolizes some kind of an energy bridge – “adapter” that transforms the third dimension energies into the energies of higher vibrations: from the fourth to the fifth dimension ones.
Now a unique phenomenon is in progress on Earth that it has never experienced before.
The new energies arriving on your planet from space are literally “forcing out” the old third dimension world energies transforming Earth’s energy space into a high vibration field where can only exist the people whose conscience and, consequently, bodies will be able to adjust to the frequencies new to them.
Since the energy range of people and other beings embodied as humans is really wide finding themselves inside the corridor each of them will behave in a different way – in accordance with the level of conscience.
Someone will eagerly absorb the energies that will transform their conscience towards the Divine, while in others they will cause fear and rejection.
For the majority of the planet’s population it will happen subconsciously, while at the physical level it will be expressed in the way they feel and their attitude to the current events.
Those with their conscience open to the new energies will see all the tricks of high and mighty in the raw and, as a result, will do their best to oppose them.
While those for various reasons incapable to overcome by their conscience the barrier between the third dimension and higher ones will clutch at the old life tooth and nail, as well as at the mental and behaviour stereotypes imposed by it.
It is the latter and quite numerous stratum of the population that is now the main stronghold of the world government and they will do everything to make these people an example of obedience for others allowing the present-day “masters” of Earth to implement their plan on general chipping by means of compulsory vaccination.
And the world “puppeteers” unlike common people are perfectly aware that they have little time left – just a few months since in the middle of December after the last solar eclipse there will be closed the energy corridor facilitating Earth’s Transition.
And right now, when this Portal is opening wider and wider I ask you, my dear, to do your best to help you yourself, and the people ready to hear you, to realize the current moment in its greatness to make the last breakthrough in your spiritual development so as not to miss the unique opportunity granted to you from above to make Transition to a new energy level with your planet.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 22, 2020.

June 14

The Pleiades. Our contribution to Transition.

Greetings, dear earthlings!
Today we have come to you with the mission of true information communication, the one concerning our support of humanity during Transition.
So now on behalf of the Council of Elders’ of the Pleiades constellation you are addressed to by the commander-in-chief of the Pleaides fleet that is a part of the Galaxy Light Federation fleet with Ashtar Sheran as its head.
We see that a lot of information is now being spread in the Internet in our name.
Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of such messages are dictated by astral beings who touch the trustful cord of the earthlings to the Pleaides constellation’s representatives.
Actually, we resemble you most closely both in appearance and “inner” content, with the difference being in the fact that we are in the space of the fifth dimension and some of our planets are already in that of the sixth’s one.
Nevertheless, at present we have our representatives embodied on Earth too, the ones who have chosen the mission of assistance to humanity during Transition and voluntarily descended to the world of the third density.
Some of them have preserved the memory of their belonging to the Pleaides and keep constantly in touch with us.
Others have incarnated with their “origin” memory deleted but we carefully monitor their earthly path and secure them from the subtle level, which allows them to maintain quite high vibrations.
Why are we telling you this?
Firstly, we would like you to know how closely connected and related we are at the DNA level as Divine creatures being right now in the worlds of different densities though.
Secondly, being members of the Galaxy Light Federation we assumed the responsibility to tutor Earth and help earthlings in overcoming the last barriers during the Fifth dimension Transition period.
Well, now when you find yourselves in the critical situation we do our best to prevent alien invasion into your conscience and physical body.
Employing our technologies we are trying to neutralize the nanoparticles being dispersed everywhere changing their energy structure.
We are also trying to do everything possible to minimize the harmful electromagnetic radiation effect on humans.
But what we cannot do is to influence directly the chips and nanoparticles that are already introduced into human bodies and are receivers of directional effect electromagnetic radiation.
Therefore, we ask you, our dear brothers and sisters, to do your best to prevent general vaccination and chipping that are being prepared now by the hidden government who are trying to keep their power on Earth.
It is of extreme importance to make it your own well-considered and mindful decision.
By the way, we know that nowadays you can find enough information in the Internet about what hidden government’s plans really are.
At this crucial moment we would like very much to work all together, with you working at the physical level and us – at the subtle one.
This is the only way we can neutralize all the criminal actions aimed at ruining of Divine essence of humans and turning them into electronic marionettes ruled by the dark forces who seized power on your planet.
We believe in your wisdom and Spiritual strength, and we will be there for you at the supreme moment!
Your galaxy siblings the Pleidins spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 14, 2020.

June 13


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to digress from our topic and speak about the things taking place at the so-called world “backstage”.
Perhaps, many of you have already understood that the main planet’s puppeteers are not going to give up readily.
Now they have concentrated all their forces to root in human conscience the idea of another wave of “pandemic” being unavoidable and the vaccine being the only rescue from a new virus for humanity.
And you can be sure both the former and the latter were prepared by them long ago and are just waiting in the wings.
What are they waiting for, then? Why are they not implementing their plan right away?
There are several reasons for that, and the main one is that they are well informed about the disclosure of their deeds being prepared, that is why they are afraid of taking any sharp measures so as not to promote this process.
But right now they have chosen tried-and-true tactics: “offence is the best defence”.
TV screens flooded with lie and provocative acts with professional terrorists being employed are aimed at accusing of violence exactly the ones trying to stop it.
At present all the marionettes at the world government’s disposal have closed ranks as ever and are acting according to one programme trying to neutralize their opponents both morally and physically.
And the more facts of their crimes are brought to light, the more embittered they become.
Right now they are trying to identify “where the line is” that is some kind of limits beyond which human tolerance ceases and strong opposition arises.
What is their plan of action?
Initiating another coronavirus wave they are going to act as humanity benefactors and declare that have EVENTUALLY developed the vaccine to save people from mortal danger.
But to make their “benefaction” really efficient they will force leading counties’ governments to adopt laws of compulsory vaccination that from now on will become a “pass” to normal fulfilling life.
Without an obligatory vaccine certificate it will be impossible to work or travel freely around the world.
Everything has been dwelled on in the minutest details and hits where it hurts: source of income and opportunity to communicate with relatives and friends who in modern life are often across the globe.
They are perfectly aware of the fact that for the sake of this one is ready to “take any bait” – even the one intuitively considered poisonous.
So now, my dear ones, the crucial moment you have been waiting for so long has actually come.
Your “pass” to the Fifth dimension should become a firm opposition to world government controlled authorities and deep conviction that no “arm twisting” can make you renounce your Human God’s “status”.
And the more people like this there are on Earth, the sooner will give up those who started this absurd global humanity-endangering performance called “Pandemic”.
At present you have only two options: either to destroy the existing criminal system of world supremacy on Earth and start building life according to Divine principles or to become obedient marionettes in power of greedy and soulless beings who seized your planet.
There is no third option.
New energies will make impossible for light human souls to live in an old life-style and relations system, while reptiloids will simply be unable to exist in them.
This is exactly the reason why the latter are doing their best to keep Earth and people at the level enabling them to direct their dirty business and carry out their carefully developed plan on humanity robotization.
That is why I ask you, my dear, realize all the danger of the current situation and do everything possible to prevent this inhuman plan mobilizing all your resources, both energy and physical.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 13, 2020.
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