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June 30

Your imagination explores, expands, and pioneers. Possibilities are different avenues and options you can ponder and feel into to see if they are matches. But your heartfelt dreams have a completely different feel, as they are designed to beckon you into experiences your soul wishes to express itself through. All are wonderful contributions to your life with energetic differences and purposes, but your dreams will always have the strongest pull to lead you forward into your highest life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 29

Do you have a dream or desire that keeps coming back into your awareness? A persistent dream exists to call you forward so you can have that experience. It is beckoning to you because it is the key to how your soul wishes to express itself. We want for you to understand that it wouldn’t be calling to you if it wasn’t trying to take you somewhere valuable. Isn’t it time to listen to that clarion call and allow your dream the opportunity to take on a form that is unique to you and gives you the joy of that co-creation? Your dreams want you as much as you want them because they can only express themselves through you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 28

It is at the point when you do not know the answers or how to proceed that you surrender into the flow. This act is exactly what allows your guides to lead you to the new potentials and solutions that exist beyond what you can see. This time of not knowing so many of you are in is serving the great purpose of getting you to move into the surrender, faith, flow, trust model of the Divine Combination.
We understand that for many of you surrendering into the flow can feel like a very scary prospect. What we wish for you to understand is that true surrender automatically lightens your energy and creates a greater sense of comfort. You will not be careening about wildly because the flow is always customized to move at the perfect pace for you, providing you exactly what you need. It also has a built-in steering mechanism – your gratitude and broad intention.
We urge you to start to play with the core elements of surrender, faith, flow, and trust because it is the empowered operating system of enlightening human beings. You do not need to fear it if you understand that the flow is what will love you forward into the next exciting phase of your life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 27

If you are always reacting to the energies around you, you are always playing energetic catch-up. You will find yourself constantly trying to adjusting your energy and losing your balance because of external influences.
It’s like getting in your vehicle to go some but rather than being able to travel to your desired destination by the most direct route, you are perpetually being detoured. This can be discouraging and exhausting.
Dear Ones, what we want you to understand is you are in charge of your own energetics and your journey. Each and every one of you has the ability to be the bringer of energy rather than the catcher of energy. You get to be the predominant energy of your own life, and when you do you will find the energies adjusting to reflect those preferences. It is one of the greatest ways you can serve.
Isn’t it time to take the wheel and lead through your own light and wisdom, purely and unimpeded, knowing that is how you will create change in your life and on your planet in the most empowered way possible? You are ready. It is time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 26

Most of you are aware that if you lose your sense of sight your other senses become heightened. The same it is with your spiritual journey. When you cannot clearly see the way forward, you naturally turn to your other senses. You feel your way forward in new ways.
That is another of the gifts that come from not knowing how to proceed. How you feel comes more to the forefront and you start to pay much more attention to that as you navigate your way forward.
It is through feeling you identify your best matches. It is one of your superpowers that is bubbling to the surface for you to move forward in far more empowered ways than ever before. Do you see? Everything has purpose and is preparing you to be able to succeed and thrive in the next phase of your incarnation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 25

Sometimes your highest choice is action. Sometimes it is stillness. And sometimes deciding not to choose anything at all until you have more information is your highest choice. All of these choices can be made with clarity if you connect into your own heart and inner wisdom. If you do that you will always know which of the three is the right choice for you on that particular point of your journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 24

There is a beautiful freedom and peace that comes from knowing all you need to do is make the most conscious choice available to you one Now moment at a time. This will always, always keep you on the path of your highest unfoldment which is aligned with your true essence and soul agenda. Accepting this will allow you to settle into being far more comfortable with flow and presence than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 23

Co-creation means you are creating with the help of the universe. In order to be a conscious co-creator, you must be both willing to accept help and to allow your partners in creation to lead the way to the solutions they are aware of but you cannot see.
It is a process that utilizes the best from everyone. You participate by your intention, your acceptance, taking inspired action, and anchoring energies onto the planet. They help by encouraging you, leading you forward through signs, synchronicity, and flow, and brilliantly creating intersections and connection points that allow you divine discoveries. It is a very efficient process, much like a relay race, with everyone contributing their advantage for the benefit of the whole.
So enjoy the process! Trust that there is much more help available to you than you realize. Know that you don’t have to know all the answers because your team is there to help fill in the gaps with their expertise. The unfoldment can become a far more enjoyable process if you understand it wishes to serve you every step of the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 22

Most of you know someone who is only comfortable in giving and will not accept help even if it is readily available to them. This is usually indicative of someone who has a service contract combined with worthiness issues, or is still carrying the martyred service paradigm (they think their goodness can only be known by giving and not receiving).
They wish to give to honour their soul’s desire to be of service but do not like to receive because they feel they will be rejected, owe someone, or in some way be negatively impacted by receiving. This will always lead to exhaustion because it is an out of balance model that is unsustainable.
If you not allowing the flow to serve you, don’t trust the universe to deliver what you need, or aren’t willing to receive the gifts that are already in place for you, you are, in effect, doing the exact same thing.
Dear Ones, there are vast supports available to you. Open up and allow yourselves to be moved into the full experience of the love and support that exists for you. Imagine how much it would hurt you if no one would accept your love or support!
By being willing to receive, you allow others including your guides, helpers, and an entire universe, the joy of unconditionally loving and serving you. When you fully embrace the flow of both giving and receiving, so much more becomes possible for everyone involved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 21

Solstice events do you the service of locking in your energetic progress. It is a save point, if you will, of the growth, integration, and expansion you have attained since your last solstice event.
One of the most major themes you have been working on is the profound shift from doing to being. We have spoken about the fact that it can take some time to get used to operating beyond the old energetic structures you have now evolved beyond.
What a save point means is that even though you may feel you would like to go back to the old ways of doing for the comfort of structure, you will find it will not work. It will not serve you like it did before. It will become uncomfortable for you very quickly, and you will not be able to stay in those old structures for any amount of time.
The new structure you seek to express your freedom and move into your highest life expression is the surrender, faith, flow, trust model of the Divine Combination. There are still structures available for you, but the new ones are sustainable and supportive in the new energies. They are how you will continue to grow and thrive and create into the new.
The Divine Combination is a fluid structure of flow and creation. Your solstice is an energetic celebration of your latest level of attainment. The two together are absolute magic. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 20

One of the easiest ways to receive energy is to simply breathe it in. There are many gifts to this solstice. Invite them in. Breathe them into every cell in your body. Be willing to receive all it has to offer you. Become one with the process. Trust your own ability to integrate and forge ahead into the unknown, one conscious step at a time.
This next phase is occurring because of you being willing to be on the planet to embody and drive the great shift of the ages. We continue to honour and celebrate you for all you have done, for it has aligned you with unprecedented potentials and possibilities, and we cannot wait to see what you will create as you ride the waves of change forward into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 19

Shifting to being from doing is advancing to a life path without pre-sets, or what we have previously called the to-do list of your incarnation. You are used to having energetic structures and agreements to best help you have your pre-planned experiences. It amounts to agreeing to a course of study.
Shifting into being is much like graduating from a higher learning institution and stepping out into the world poised to choose a new path based upon the completion of a degree. You no longer have the pressure and structure of your course schedule.
This is a profound shift. You are no longer learning a specific set of skills, but rather have reached a level of competency where you can simply go out and apply them. This can come with many questions. Have you learned enough? Are you ready? Is this even what you want to do?
This new level of freedom can come with the fear of assuming responsibility of self, of assuming your authentic power. Dear Ones, if you have a fear of your own power, you are ready to assume it, for your concerns show you will be mindful and conscious with your choices. Trust in your growth and your divine capability.
Freedom is a wonderful thing! It is exactly what you have always wanted because it is how you grow and expand into your greatest expression of self. You are ready to step forward, to pioneer into the new, to try many things and if you don’t like them, try again. Operating from freedom is a skill, and while it may initially feel undefined, you will get used to it very quickly because it is a natural state of being.
If you find yourselves getting overwhelmed by the lack of structure, simply become present and make your highest choice, one now moment at a time, based on what feels most aligned with who you are and what would bring you joy. That is how you will flow into the new and before you know it you will start to get clarity on what you want to create and connect with for the next exciting phase of your incarnation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 18

We have spoken extensively that you are in the profound shift from doing to being. This can be very difficult for you to get used to because you have been conditioned to be very action oriented. Perhaps it would be easier for you to get used to if you understood there is still doing involved, it is just what you do and how you use your energy that has changed.
When your main focus is on being, your doing shifts to the internal rather than the external. Your doing could be surrendering into the flow, or practicing presence, acceptance, connection, and gratitude.
The time for external action becomes known from riding the waves of the flow and choosing what is supported, matches you energetically, comes together with ease, and brings you joy. This is your internal doing manifesting externally to match your being. The old way you attempted to use externals to define self. Now you are using internals to create externals that truly reflect who you are.
So you see, Dear Ones, you still get to do, it is just the style and direction of your doing that changes, and that is a wonderfully expansive shift, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 17

Accepting yourself with unconditional love will not make you fall into ego or stay in old patterns. In fact, when you are not in resistance to yourself you create the safe conditions necessary for your own healing, growth, and expansion. Isn’t it time for you to hold the space that supports your own conscious evolution? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 16

Dear Ones, just a reminder that you will almost always sell yourselves short when you try to micro-manage what the universe can deliver to you because there is so much more available for you than you could imagine from your side of the veil. Flow. Trust. Be open to receive and allow the universe to love and guide you into your ideal solutions and experiences. There is great freedom and opportunity for discovery when you finally accept you do not have to know all of the steps and answers to move into your highest alignments. In fact, that is exactly how you make room for miracles. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 15

When you embrace the magic and beauty in the process of unfoldment you find wonder in the entire process of creation, not just at some desired future point of arrival. You move out of the judgment of where you are and start to trust the divine purpose of each now moment. That is when joy starts to become more of a constant in your life rather than a fleeting experience because you will be allowing yourself to know the love and support of every stage of the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 14

Many of you are in the in-between phase where you have left the old behind but have yet to connect with the new. You may be wondering what is taking so long or feel like no progress is being made.
What we wish for you to understand is the energetic processes that occurring are vast. A shift of this magnitude takes time in order for it to be sustainable in your body. Many of you are already feeling taxed by the energies at the rate you are receiving them.
Energetic shifts cannot be rushed. They are an unfoldment, and they take as long as they take to be integrated. It is a process that will move at the exact speed that is best for you. Just like any other growth it will move at a pace that is divinely perfect.
There are three core elements that need to come together in order for the huge forward movement you are waiting for to occur. One is your willingness to surrender and flow and move into the next phase of your incarnation. The next is the creation of your ascension vehicle, which is the energetic process of review, release, and the integration of the downloads you are experiencing that is creating your personal shift and preparing you to thrive in the new energies. And the last is the wave of energy that will propel you forward into the new.
Please know there is much going on behind the scenes, even if it seems to you there is not much going on at all. Remember what you know, use your wisdom and intuition to give yourself what you need, and trust that these are the pivotal times you couldn’t wait to experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 13

Space and boredom allow you the opportunity to explore what you love, which shifts you into a new alignment, which then opens new possibilities. For those of you who had previously not made time for what brings you personal satisfaction and joy, this can lead to life-changing discoveries that are essential for the next phase of your incarnation. The key is to remember to prioritize what brings that balance and satisfaction into your life when the time comes for forward movement again. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 12

Love is the greatest stabilizing force on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 11

The space you are in right now may feel somewhat undefined. It is because you are in the in-between phase. You are letting go of what doesn’t match who you are but haven’t quite discovered what will replace it. So much of what is coming up is giving you clarity on what is no longer acceptable, both individually and collectively.
Many of you have been conditioned to explain why something is not a match to you. You have felt it necessary to justify yourselves and your preferences. This is also what is leading to your discomfort. You are used to gaining approval for your no’s by having something tangible to replace it with.
Please understand that your no’s allow you to discover your new yeses. They put a clear end to an energetic line of potential. This makes space for the new to come into your awareness.
There is no further explanation required, ever, if something is not a match for you. That is reason enough. If you are being conscious your new choices will always reflect your evolution and your latest level of attainment. The gift of the no is clarity which makes room for expansion in other directions. The redirection is the first step toward the new potentials that are trying to align with you so they can take on form.
So honour the energetic refinement process you are in. Honour the energetic refinement process others are in. And understand that your continual redirection based on your energetic resonance is what is driving the shift on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 10

Dear Ones, you are in the midst of a revolution – a time of profound change on your planet that will lead the way into the new. These are exactly the times you were hoping to participate in.
We know these times can be challenging for you on all levels but we wish for you to understand that you will never choose an incarnation that is more than you can handle. Practice good self care. Take things one now moment at a time. Know there is great purpose to all that is occurring, even if you can’t see it right now.
The divine combination is exactly how you move through profound change with the greatest amount of support available. You do not need to go it alone because an entire universe is here to support you as an honoured and beloved part of the ground crew.
Anchor deep into your surrender, faith, flow, and trust with the intention of being of your highest service and you can never, ever make a mistake. That is leading with your soul mission and exactly how you will be the change. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 9

When there is much division in your society, you will always be able to find a common denominator that connects you all. While people may have very different ideas about how to proceed or the best path to take, the vast majority of people simply want peace, want to be heard and acknowledged in a way that is safe, want positive change, want meaningful self expression, and want to have their needs met. These are all connection points that can create new networks and foundations to be built upon that will honour everyone involved. Meet people where they are with love and you will be amazed at what becomes possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 8

When times are turbulent and you don’t know what to do or which direction to take, we invite you to ask the following:
“What is the highest choice I can make right now?”
“What would support the empowerment of all?”
“Where does my wisdom and love lead me?”
Your consciousness and presence is what anchors profound change. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 7

Dear Ones, there is great power in looking through the eyes of love. When you don’t know what to do, look through the eyes of love. Look at people you know through the eyes of love. Look at people you don’t know through the eyes of love. Most of all, stand in front of a mirror and look at yourselves through the eyes of love.
Looking through the eyes of love is sending love through your eyes which is an energy healing technique anyone can use. It is a powerful choice because it shifts you into leading through your highest alignment and from there healing, connection, and loving support for all can occur. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 6

Dear Ones, you do not need to be afraid to discover your truth. In fact, it is like you have been on an archaelogical dig, chipping through the layers of density to uncover the treasure at your core. Once you have worked your way back to that true essence and accept it as yours, it automatically activates a new path filled with the higher potentials you have been secretly hoping for that have also been hoping for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 5

Sitting with yourself and feeling deep into who you really are at your core can be a scary proposition for many of you. This is why people will distract themselves with lives that are so busy there is simply no opportunity for that discovery. That is also exactly why so many of you have been forced to slow down recently.
Many of you are afraid to look at your truth because you are scared that what you find will not be good enough. The roots of this come from disempowering belief systems that say you are born a sinner, or to be human is somehow to be deeply flawed.
Others of you are afraid of discovering your own divine spark, not wanting to assume the presumed responsibility that comes from accepting your truth and assuming your authentic power.
Some of you are afraid to look because you are scared to lose the identity you have carefully crafted your entire lifetime. You think what is underneath your persona will not be as good as the front you have put together in order to be accepted.
Dear Ones, what we wish for you to know is that you are all in the process of coming Home to yourselves. The next phase of your incarnation is about stepping forth as your authentic selves, to lead through your beingness, your caring hearts, and your innate wisdom.
What you will find under it all is your true, divine essence, the part of you that knows yourself as a beloved, individuated aspect of Source. This is what will drive the shift both individually and collectively, discovering and accepting the truth of who you truly are and allowing it to shine brightly in the creation of the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 4

Dear Ones, you do not need to be afraid to acknowledge your truth because at the core of every one of you is your divine spark. The greater danger is never allowing yourself to acknowledge that true essence. It is old conditioning that makes you afraid to explore who you really are but the act of doing so is an essential part of your enlightenment journey. Peeling back all the way to who you truly are before your conditioning is the reset point you’ve been seeking. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 3

You are in a phase of complete reevaluation. As you review right back to your early childhood, you will be assessing the different influences you have had. Do those influences support you in being your truth, your authentic self?
Do you really love what you hold onto out of habit? Or are you denying things that you used to love and haven’t made space for in your life for a very long time? Being truthful with yourself is absolutely key to creating a life that serves you and your highest expression of self, which can only, in turn, serve others.
There is so much valuable information that can come up during times of intense review, and it all serves you in stepping forward as your authentic self and all empowered change will be born from that foundation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 2

During times of massive transformation, you may experience multiple waves of energies, one after another, as what requires attention comes to the surface.
It may feel somewhat like being tumbled by strong waves in the ocean, where just as you are trying to right yourself from one strong wave, another washes over you. What we wish for you to consider is in order to get out of the crashing surf to help others you must find your balance point first.
One of the wonderful connection points between you and the vast majority of others is that you all want change. What is differing is how you think the best way is to effect that change. Please know approaches will be as vast and varied as your own individual spiritual paths that reflect what you wish to experience and your soul agendas.
But the main key to all empowered change is that it comes from a space of balance, of mindfulness, and a desire for the betterment and support of all. That is what you are in the throes of discovering and creating, both individually and collectively, and much will change from your efforts, for the time of transformation is here. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 1

Much of what is activating in the collective is designed to make you aware of what you need to heal within yourself and how you wish to be the change. Just as you are going through a review process of your own life expression, the planet is also going through its own review process, showing what needs to be acknowledged, healed, and released. This is necessary to bring about conscious change and to support new pathways forward.
Just as it is no longer possible to sweep what wishes to be healed within you under the rug, what needs to change within your society is also coming to the surface in ways that can no longer be ignored. While this can feel overwhelming, it is what is required for true and empowered change to start to take hold as you pioneer your way forward into the second phase of your incarnation.
Find your balance, Dear Ones, connect with your inner wisdom, do your own work, and be loving supports to each other in whatever ways match your unique soul mission and skill set. This is what you have all come to the planet to be part of – the great shift of the ages and the dawning of the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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