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May 31

You (Yes, You) Can Change the World ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 31

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are familiarizing ourselves with the customs and traditions that you have had there on Earth for so very long. We understand how these customs and traditions can give you a sense of comfort, a sense of normalcy about your lives, no matter what else is going on in the world. And so, we are not going to attempt to talk you out of maintaining something that feels right and good as you partake in it.
But we are here now to invite you to start your own. You are there to be changemakers. You are there to help humanity ascend, to shift the consciousness of an entire collective. This is no small task that you have taken on. You have the ability to influence others. People are always coming up with new words, new phrases, new ways of expressing themselves in new formats. It is also within your power to begin celebrating new achievements, to begin to celebrate individuals that you hadn’t celebrated previously.
You can help all of humanity in establishing new priorities, new ways of looking at the world and your history. You don’t have to take away any of the customs, traditions, or even holidays that exist on your world right now to create some new ones. You are there to create real change, to be systems busters. You are not there to just do what your parents did and what their parents did, because that’s what everyone expects you to do, or because you are being pressured by family members to get into line and be who they expect you to be.
Now, we are giving you this transmission just three weeks prior to your solstice, and many of you who are awake do celebrate the solstices, the equinoxes, the full moons, the new moons, and other events that are celestial in nature that most people don’t even know about. We are inviting you to start your own customs and traditions and to get others on board with you, because you have the power to reach so many now with your Internet.
And we have witnessed the mass meditations that have taken place in recent months. We have been impressed by all of you who had the courage to start the wave of energy that would pick up momentum and get so many people meditating at the same time and with the same intent.
You can continue to organize those events, and you can do so much more because you want to see change on your world, and you have demonstrated to yourselves and others that you have the ability to make those changes, to make them real, and to see the impact that you can have on the collective consciousness. It is not that challenging to start something new, and if you are wondering if we are addressing you, individually, then the answer is: Yes, we are.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 30

Get Eager about the Grand Plan of Ascension ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 30

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in the evolution of consciousness of all beings throughout the galaxy and the universe. We are not just focusing on humankind there on Earth, but rather, we are able to compare your journey as a collective with the journeys of so many other beings who are also shifting their consciousness at this historic time in our universe.
We enjoy the process of analyzing what is working for some and why, and we have determined that those beings who are doing the best right now are the ones who have recognized that something big is happening. It is the vibration of eagerness that is assisting those who are awake in other parts of the galaxy, and it is our observation that a lot of the eagerness that those of you in the awakened collective had has been diminished by the current circumstances that you are living at this time.
Eagerness is not the same thing as neediness. When you are fed up with life on Earth, and you throw your hands up in despair and look for the shift to save you, or to make everything better, that’s not eagerness. You want to see everything as a part of the grand plan of ascension, and you want to see yourselves as the ones who are taking an active role in the deliberate creation of the ascension experience.
You can, of course, sit quietly and comfortably, knowing that everything is going to work out for the best, for you and for all of humankind, but you wanted to play a role. You wanted this to be something that you could feel yourself as being one of the ones partially responsible for the elevation of the human collective consciousness. You can and do contribute to the shifting of humanity’s consciousness, and you don’t need to do something that affects billions of people to have an impact. But when you let go of that despair, and when you process your fears and your anger, you can make enough of an impact as an individual to get humanity back into that very helpful state of being of eagerness.
The expansion and evolution of your consciousness is something to feel very good about. It’s something to get excited and enthusiastic about. And it is now and always has been in the hands of the people, no matter what anyone outside of you is doing. You have the power. You are the ones, and you have more support throughout this galaxy than you ever have before. Let the eagerness flow once again.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 29

The June 2020 Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 29

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with the progress we feel you all making there on Earth, and we are very interested to see what you will do and how you will progress in the month of June. We know that the energies coming in for the month of June will be stabilizing energies. They are designed to get everyone feeling like you’ve got a firm footing, a solid foundation underneath you from which to grow and thrive.
But we do not know exactly what you will do with these stabilizing, foundational energies that we and others like us will provide. All we know is that the energies will be provided, and those of you who are sensitive to energy will be able to pick up on what those of us in the higher realms are sending as support.
A good practice in the month of June will be to ground into Mother Earth and really feel for the stability that you have access to. And then take that stability and go forth to create a better reality for all humans. You get to do with the energies what you want to do. You also have all of the fifth dimensional energies that have been continually pouring into your atmosphere, and you get to co-create with them.
But when you first give yourself that experience of being stable, and feeling for the foundation beneath you, that’s when your creating is truly effective. You are much less effective as creators when you are in pain, fear, or when you are desperate. Now is the time to be feeling confident in your abilities, as you continue to access the lifetimes of mastery that you have led there on planet Earth. And when you remember how masterful you have been and how masterful you really are, that makes creating the reality that you want to experience so much easier and so much more fun.
We invite you to start feeling for the June energies now. You don’t have to wait. They will of course intensify as the month progresses, but they are already available to you. And there is, as always, plenty to go around.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 28

E.T.s Are Watching: Use Your Superpowers – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 28

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been exploring the connections that you feel with one another when you have a shared experience. When you know that you have something in common with someone else, that is important to you, then you are more likely to open your heart to the individual or individuals that you have that important thing in common with. You need to find these commonalities right now, even when you are aware of the differences that you have between yourself and anyone out there in the world.
Now is not the time to be drawing lines in the sand. Now is not the time for more separation. Now is the time to be coming together as one human collective. Even when you have different perspectives, and even when those different perspectives seem like enough of a reason to go into an us versus them mentality, you don’t actually have to go there. One of your defining characteristics as a race is your willingness to let go, to forgive, and to see past those differences.
You stand out to the extra-terrestrials in the galaxy because of how many humans have been able to see past the differences, find the commonalities, and come together. You have an opportunity to do that right now, and in the process, you have an opportunity to forgive. Forgiveness is a strength. It is a superpower. It does not make you a pushover or a doormat. It does not make you weak. It makes you strong, and you need all your strengths at this time. You need all of your superpowers. Remember that.
And remember that the e.t.s are watching you. They are watching and they are waiting for enough of you to demonstrate the gift that you have within you, that gift of being able to forgive, being able to love unconditionally, and being able to come together in spite of your differences. These are all superpowers, and they are what will get you a seat at the galactic table. It’s not your technology. It’s not your intellect. It is the heart of humanity that will grant you access to all of the other beings in this galaxy who want so much to co-create with you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 27

Being Awake in a 3D World That Mostly Isn’t – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 27

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are particularly curious about the way that you all are seeking to find your way in a world that is mostly not awakened. We see those of you who are among the awakened collective trying to figure out where you fit in society. We see you struggling to find a way to earn a living in a world that is mostly not supportive of you and your beliefs. This is a time when you are meant to bridge the gap between the third and fifth dimensions, and it is an enormous gap. It is a gap that some of you have been attempting to fill for decades, and it is still there, but the gap is narrowing.
It is in fact becoming easier for you to find your way and to hold your beliefs without being ridiculed. It is even more possible now than ever to earn a living as a spiritual practitioner of some sort. Now, we keep telling you that the world is changing and changing for the better. We keep telling you that there are mass awakenings occurring all across the planet. We keep telling you how powerful you are as creator beings, and we will continue to tell you these things because they are true from our perspective.
You, however, might live in an area and with an immediate family that say otherwise. You might look at what is being broadcast on most televisions and think that we are just offering you wishful thinking or pie-in-the-sky ideas. But there is a sweet spot there in the fourth dimension, and we know that you can find it. We know that you can have a tribe of people around you to talk about your beliefs with, and we know that you don’t have to settle for the traditional nine-to-five job in the corporate world.
But you’ve got to get creative. You have got to believe in yourselves and believe in the limitless possibilities that are before you, so that you can start living in that sweet spot and so you can bridge the gap and be fifth dimensional in a world that is mostly clinging to the third. Now is the perfect time to put what we are saying to the test and to find your comfort zone, as you continue on your quest to the fifth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 26

How to Connect with the 9D Arcturian Council ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 26

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have established so many beautiful connections with those of you who have been receiving these transmissions and have reached out to us. We are very pleased with the way that you receive our transmissions and our energy and vibration. We have been noticing that those of you who seek direct communication with us are doing so from a place of genuine curiosity, and that matters. That makes a difference when you are seeking to connect with any higher dimensional beings.
We are curious about you and how you handle the challenges of your lives, and so, if you get curious about those of us who exist in the higher dimensional planes, you will be more likely to be a match to our energy. And that will make the connection stronger for you. Now, this way of connecting to higher dimensional beings also works because you will feel for our vibration, rather than just thinking the thoughts, and speaking out loud, and hoping that someone, somewhere is listening.
You really do want to feel for the essence of the beings you seek connections with. And therefore, when you receive these transmissions, it is always a good idea to feel for the vibration that is embedded within them, rather than just analyzing the words, concepts and ideas, hoping to give your mind an advantage.
We know that those of you who are truly awakened understand the importance of recognizing a vibration. Being able to recognize us by our vibration is truly a gift. It’s a skill that you can hone, and that skill will be useful to you when you are channeling higher dimensional beings. It will also be a useful tool for when you are in physical contact with extra-terrestrial beings. You will need to feel them out to determine what their agenda really is.
When you listen to a human being on your world, giving a speech, you can practice this skill. You can use your ability to discern what that person’s vibration really is and whether it matches the words they are speaking. Most of all, you want to use discernment in determining whether something is coming from your ego and mind, or whether it’s coming from your heart and intuition. And when you have that skill, you have everything that you need.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 25

The Next Step in Your Evolution: Paradise on Earth – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 25

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been evaluating your progress there in the recent weeks and months, and we have come to several conclusions about how you have been able to evolve and expand in spite of the challenging circumstances you find yourselves living in. One thing that is very clear about humanity at this time is that a larger number of you than ever are willing to question authority. You are willing to wonder if the version of reality, the story you are being told, is in fact the truth as the person speaking it knows truth to be.
You have also demonstrated a willingness to investigate those who hold positions of power and authority, and you have recognized that your version of reality is the one that matters most. As you progress in this time of opinions and theories, you will find that the next step in your spiritual evolution is letting someone else believe what they believe without having to tell them about your perspective that is diametrically opposed to theirs.
When you can let someone else believe what they believe and just be happy for them that they are coming to their own conclusion about what is happening there on Earth, then you will know you have taken a giant leap forward. The truth is that you can all coexist harmoniously there on Earth, even with different religious beliefs, different customs, different governments and other systems. You do not have to come to an agreement on any of the hot button topics that you have.
What you need is to accept that someone else’s perspective is just as valid as yours. And when you let go of your resistance to what someone else believes is going on behind the scenes, or even right in front of your faces, then you will know that you have benefitted from being in a topsy-turvy time and a polarized society. And so, when you can celebrate the fact that someone is at least thinking for themselves and marching to the beat of their own drummer, then you know you will have acknowledged that person’s free will, and you will not feel in any way threatened by the fact that their version of reality doesn’t line up with yours.
It is good to question, and it is good to empower yourselves. It is also good to look within for confirmation of your beliefs and your perspective. Do not ask anyone outside of you to agree with your version of reality, because chances are they won’t. And you can let differing perspectives be what causes you to feel disconnected from another person, and that feeling of disconnection from others eventually leads to violence and war. We suggest that you look for the commonalities amongst all humans.
We suggest that you focus on where you do align with the other humans in your life and on your world. And we know that you can come together in spite of your differences and make planet Earth the paradise that it was always meant to be. It starts with that simple act of letting someone else believe whatever it is they believe.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 24

Manifest Your Desires Faster than Ever ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 24

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You are capable of a more immediate manifestation of your desires than you ever have in human history. You seek to see the changes that you want to experience there on Mother Earth, but most of you are looking for someone else to bring about the changes that you seek. And that is why we are calling upon all of you as the awakened collective to put what we are saying to the test. Demonstrate to yourselves and others that the time lag in between you putting a desire out into the universal consciousness, and that manifestation coming back to you, is shorter than ever.
Not only are the energies on your world moving faster than they ever have before, but you are also stronger, more confident, and more experienced than you ever have been before. You need to witness your new manifestation abilities for yourselves, and we suggest that you start with something small, something that you can easily believe in manifesting fairly quickly. And then keep building. Keep reaching for bigger and bigger manifestations, and you will see that what we are saying is true. You will also be able to teach and guide others who have been seeking to amplify their manifestation skills.
One of the many reasons why this is the perfect time to hone your manifestation skills is because of how many of you have been forced to take less action in recent months. The less action you take, the more energy you have for creating your reality. The more confidence you show in your ability to create your reality, the less action you feel you need to take. And so, now is the time to benefit from all of the energies present there on Earth, as well as all of the personal energy that you have been saving up to demonstrate to yourselves how powerful and magical you are as creator beings.
We are talking about anything and everything that you have ever wanted to manifest, so please do not assume that you will not be able to manifest something just because you haven’t been able to manifest it yet. These are strange and wonderful times you are living in, and this is a unique opportunity to explore your newfound manifestation abilities.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 23

You are the Starseeds & Galactic Ground Crew ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 23

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been in this galaxy for so very long, and we have been able to make connections from beings in every single star system, including of course yours. We have been able to determine that your star system, and your planet specifically, is a wonderful representation of all of the energies that we have ever encountered.
Now, the mixture of energies that you have there on your world is precisely what makes it so challenging to be there. Not only do you have access to all of the trauma, all of the emotions, all of the failures of the other star systems, but you also need to find a way for all of these different energies to co-exist harmoniously. And up until this point in human history there on Earth, you have not been able to achieve this lofty goal. You have not had world peace with a complete lack of interpersonal violence ever, and you might think that makes humanity low on the galactic totem pole, but it does not.
And the reason it does not is because you all have taken on so much that literally no one expected you to be in a place of world peace at this point in your evolutionary history. We all feel responsible for the chaos and the discord there on your planet because we all contributed our energies in the co-creative event that was putting sentient life there on planet Earth. And so, you do not have to feel at all like you are supposed to be doing it all yourselves. You can take the weight off of your shoulders and let the galactic help in, because we were always meant to be a part of the process of attaining world peace on Earth.
And when we refer to ourselves, we are talking about all of us who hail from other star systems. The Earth experiment is our responsibility, and those of you who are there in the flesh are the ground crew. You are the starseeds. You are the lightworkers. You are the changemakers for this galactic experiment, and we and the others like us are your helpers from far, far away. We implore you to lean on us more and to recognize that our help is not interference; it is collaboration. It is co-creation, and it is about time that those of us in other star systems and other dimensions took a bigger role in the creation of world peace there on Mother Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 22

Inner Earth E.T.s As the Gateway to First Contact ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 22

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been exploring the numerous possibilities that you all have there on Earth for the best possible first contact experience for the entire human collective. We have an understanding of what makes you all afraid of the e.t.s that could come and land their ships at any time. And so we have been exploring the possibility that the first contact experiences will be with the e.t.s that have been living underneath the surface of your planet.
When you don’t have ships from outer space with advanced technology staring you down, there is a greater probability that you are not going to panic. When the visitors are from your own planet and look enough like all of you to not be frightening to the average person, there is a greater chance that you will be able to handle it.
These extra-terrestrials that have come from other parts of the galaxy, but that are really Earth-born, give you a new way of looking at what is extra-terrestrial and what is alien to all of you. Because these beings have been living on your world and in your world for so long, those that you would meet would all be Earth-born but with no human Earthling DNA. And so, this would soften the blow for those who were afraid, but it would also make it easier for the skeptics to claim that it’s not real and that the scientists must be in on some grand conspiracy.
But these beings do exist, and you are going to meet them in your lifetime. It will be very hard for them at first to integrate, but they eventually will, and they will pave the way for the e.t.s who will land their ships and who will have been born outside of your solar system. Now, we are saying this as though it will happen in this way, but no one can say for certain what will happen. We have just been exploring that timeline and meeting with those of you who are members of the awakened collective to get your feedback. So far, this probability has been met with open arms and open minds, not to mention open hearts.
You all are so eager to meet these beings, especially when you realize that they are the gateway extra-terrestrials for you to then meet your hybrid children and all of the other e.t.s that you are so eager to meet. This is a time where humanity could use something to shake things up, and you could use a little help from your Earth-bound extra-terrestrial friends. And so, we are hoping to see the Earth-born extra-terrestrials emerging sooner rather than later and paving the way for the e.t.s who want very much to feel the readiness of humanity to land those ships and become your friends and co-creators.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 21

The Energies Being Sprinkled into Your Fields ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 21

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are continuing to find new reasons to praise humanity during this time you are in, where you are facing so many personal challenges, as well as the challenges you face as a collective. We know that you have been doing so much work on yourselves because we can feel the uptick in the overall vibration of humankind, and we want you to know that the spike in your collective vibration was not something that was guaranteed. The vast majority of you have responded so wonderfully to the conditions you are living in at this time, and because of the spike in your overall vibration, you are going to see even more of the energies coming in, and the results of all of those energies sprinkling into your energy fields.
You will see how much more access you have to your higher selves and your higher minds as a result of the work you have done and the energies you are now receiving to replenish you and to replace the lower-vibrational energies that you have purged from your systems. You are ready to step into the realm of the fifth dimension on a more consistent basis, and you are ready to hold that fifth dimensional frequency for longer and longer stretches of your linear time.
Those of you who have been responding appropriately to your current situation there on Earth are therefore going to be seen by more of your fellow humans as the leader that you truly are. You are leaders in a movement that is designed to shift the entire collective consciousness of humanity. This is where it happens. This is how it happens. And you are doing it. You who have been arranging mass meditations and who have been showing love and compassion for the nurses, doctors, and first responders out there on the front lines, you are the ones who deserve the credit for this most recent spike in your overall vibration as a human race.
We also see you acting as the conduits, the channels for higher frequency, higher dimensional energies that are moving through you at this time to help save lives, to help uplift those whose spirits are in a very low place at this time. You are the unsung heroes. You are the ones who are not going to receive awards, or even praise, from your fellow humans, but you will continue to receive it from us, as we feel you and we know. We know that you will continue on this journey as well and that so many are benefitting just from your presence there on planet Earth. That is something to feel very good about.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 20

Accessing New Information, Downloads & Ideas – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 20

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been very excited to witness the way that you all have been accessing the packets of information, the downloads, that have been coming to you from your higher minds, your guides, and other beings in higher dimensions like ourselves. You have been receiving healing energies, but you have also been receiving the templates, the structures, through which your new society will be built. And all it takes is a few of you to be able to receive and translate the energetic downloads into ideas for real change to come about there on Earth.
You are the changemakers, the wayshowers, and the lightworkers who can envision a society where everyone has enough, is treated fairly, and there is peace all across the planet. And so, you must be the ones who will take those new ideas, those new paradigms to the rest of the collective.
Now is not the time to be pointing fingers at who is responsible for what and who is doing what behind the scenes. But rather, now is the time to be opening up your hands, your palms, your crown chakras because there is so much to receive from the higher realms that will help you to create the society that you have always wanted to be a part of.
And all of you who have empathy and compassion in your hearts are more than qualified to build the structures, the systems, the paradigms for the next reality that you want to inhabit, and that you want to take everyone else with you to. When you truly understand that and you let go of the feelings of not being good enough, you can lead humanity into the new age, the new awareness, the time you have all been waiting for.
And we will be here to support you, cheer you on, and give you whatever you need to become the force to be reckoned with that you as the awakened collective truly are. You have what it takes, and now is the time. We are not alone in believing in you, and we are not alone in our excitement about seeing what you will create.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 19

A June Solstice Surprise from Your Sun – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 19

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are continuing to explore the many possibilities that we see leading up to this next very important solstice that you have coming up there on Earth. You are at this time relying heavily upon energies coming from all across the galaxy, and on the solstice it will be your sun’s turn to shine, quite literally. There are many possibilities that humanity is choosing from at this time, and that you can choose from as individuals. Now, we know that many of you have heard about a solar flash, or a solar sneeze, and for a very long time people have been talking about the effects of solar flares on all of you there on Earth.
But with this upcoming solstice, what we see as the most likely probability is that your sun will be sending out such an enormous transmission of unconditional love that humanity will forever be changed by that transmission. Now, of course you are dealing with quite a bit of chaos and fear on your world at this time, and it is at times like these that every being that you have helping you steps it up a bit in terms of the offerings, the transmissions, the downloads, the activations, and so on.
You are undoubtedly going to receive more from your sun during this solstice than you have during any previous solstice that you’ve experienced there on Earth. You have been summoning, and the sun has taken notice. The sun has received your requests for help and wants very much to help. Your sun is a living being, a being with consciousness and is a part of the overall plan to help humanity ascend.
Now, you have reached a point where we feel you have done enough cleansing, purging, and ultimately evolving as a result of the Covid-19 virus. We see very little good in dragging this out till the end of 2020, or even beyond. And so, we can see how this particular timeline will be the one that you will all choose for yourselves, to rise up like a Phoenix from the ashes, to become the version of humanity that is going to live out the years you have remaining before the shift in consciousness is completed.
We give you this transmission, this wonderful message a month in advance of your solstice, because we are essentially out an invitation to all of you to be on that timeline, to bring about the changes that you want to experience, rather than the ones you are afraid might happen. That is how you do it. That is how you ensure that you are living in the future that you want to be living in.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 18

Waves of Energy Coming from All Across the Galaxy ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 18

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited to witness the tremendous leaps forward that many of you are making at this time. Now, often we speak to you as a collective. We speak about all of humanity and what you are experiencing as a group, but right now we are speaking to those of you who as individuals have been riding the waves that have been coming in from the far reaches of the Milky Way Galaxy. There are many amongst the awakened collective who have been able to take in the energies that the human collective has been summoning over these past several months.
You are able to connect more easily now because of the amplified desires of your fellow humans, and you are also able to heal more quickly, no matter what your ailment, because of the summoning that humankind has been doing. Now, you as the beneficiaries are now going to take what you are downloading, what you are receiving, and you are going to share those energies with the rest of the collective in all of the various ways that you have of doing so.
Now is the time to be sharing your wisdom, your practices, the different ways that you have of being grounded, being open, and being ready to receive from all of the various star systems in this galaxy. You are making very nice connections with your e.t. friends, and those connections will continue as the summoning, the asking, continues. And it will continue, as your fellow humans seek to feel safe, protected, and secure financially. Tell others about your success, and don’t be afraid to do so.
People need to understand that it is possible to thrive when you work with energy, and the more you thrive, the more curious they will be about your secrets, your approaches to living on planet Earth at this very peculiar time in human history. We have said it before, and we will say it again. You are the ones to lead humanity at this time, and we are here to support you, and of course, we will continue to do so.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 17

A Shift in Who Holds the Power is Coming – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 17

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with the progress that we see humanity making at this time, and we are very excited to see where you go next. You are experiencing a heightened sense of awareness because of the current conditions there on Earth, and with that heightened sense of awareness, you are capable of fine-tuning your discernment ability. When you are more sensitive, more tuned in to the energies inside and outside of you, you become better creators of your reality. You also become more compassionate.
And so, what you are going to see there on Earth is a shift in terms of who holds the power. You are going to see more compassionate leaders on Earth, because those who have the ability to feel compassion are also more capable than ever of creating their reality. Therefore, you can all look forward to better leaders showing up to guide all of humanity, and we are not just talking about politicians here. We are talking about any and all who have influence.
There are those within your collective who do not like it when an actor, a musician, an athlete, or someone else who is famous for some reason expresses their views, uses their fame for good. There are many who say that those individuals should just keep their mouths shut and do what they are paid to do. However, those opinions do not stop people who have a platform from talking about how they feel. And what you are going to see is more people expressing themselves, expressing their thoughts about humanity and how society has been working and working for the less fortunate, for the average person.
This is a time where more and more compassionate people are finding themselves with opportunities to have a voice and to express themselves, and they do inspire. People get inspired by other people, and we see that as a very good thing. We also see that more of it is coming and that more who traditionally have not had a voice will find themselves being given an opportunity to speak up and share.
All of you are important. Every single person could have their own podcast, and we would celebrate all of you if you did. Now is a time where those of you who are sensitive, compassionate and empathic are going to find that you also have a newfound power coming from within and coming to you because you are sensitive enough to be open to all the energies that are coming in from the higher realms, and we cannot wait to see what you with your newfound power and influence, as well as the heightening of your ability to create your reality.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 16

Creating New Timelines with Us in the Astral Plane – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 16

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have co-created a number of new timelines with those of you who visit with us in the astral plane, and we are happy to report that we see progress in terms of how many of you are choosing to be on one of these new timelines. The new timelines include one in which you are all able to receive enough of the energies coming in from the Pleiadian star system to wipe out the virus completely. Another timeline involves a person in a position of prominence and authority discovering a very natural cure for the virus. We have also co-created a timeline where all of humanity is able to raise your vibration high enough to no longer be affected by the virus.
Now, there are just three of the many new future experiences that we have been able to co-create with those of you who are willing to connect with us in the astral plane. Do you see now how creative you are? Do you see the potential that lies within each of you when you put that creative power you have inside of you to work? Are you ready to create even more beautiful timelines for yourselves? We are, and we are willing and eager to connect with more and more humans in every moment.
Now, you might wonder whether it is necessary for you to come up with these new timelines while you are awake, and we want to say that certainly you can. But we also want to remind you that the best ideas come to you when you are not trying to think of them. So we advise all of you to look for opportunities to participate in life as it is right now in joy and to know that some of the best work you do is while you are sleeping. We also bring you this transmission to remind you of how powerful you are.
We will continue to remind you that you are Source Energy Beings creating all of the various illusions that you play in, and we also want you to remember that the less serious you take all of this, the easier it becomes to step into that power, the power of your Divine and creative selves. Join us the next time you slumber, and we promise you that we will have fun together, the kind of fun you had when you were children and you sought to create all the time, crisis or no crisis.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 15

Playing God with the Unawakened – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 15

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have welcomed in many new partners in our time as helpers to those in the third and fourth dimensions. We have experienced different perspectives coming from a variety of different agendas, and we have been able to feel into all of these perspectives, these approaches to helping. We have noticed that when certain beings express a desire to help humanity and other races like yours, what they really want is to play God. They want to be in control. They want to dictate how your evolution proceeds and when you get to certain levels of experience.
We have always taken a more organic approach to the evolution of consciousness. We have seen how too much hands on help can actually get in the way of the development of the beings on the planet or moon. We want you all to notice how easy it is to evolve your consciousness when you just pay attention. When you pay attention to what is happening, what you are feeling, and what the energies are coming in to support you, you have everything that you need to evolve organically in the perfect, for you as individuals and as a collective.
Now, some of you might wonder whether you are at times pushing your fellow humans along at a faster pace than they are actually ready for, and we want to say to you that if you are wondering that, then it is time to pull back and focus on yourselves more. Focus on what brings you joy. Let go of your attachment to when and how others are going to get it and wake up. You want the process to happen naturally, because you want the person to have the same types of experiences that you had, where no one else was pulling the strings, calling the shots, and making you wake up.
So when you want to offer support, just send love, compassion, healing energy to your fellow humans. You can share your stores and your experiences, but you don’t have to hit anyone over the head with them. And know that everyone is coming into their awakening experiences in their own way, by the design of their very own higher selves, and you can let go and put your attention on what is happening, what you are feeling, and the energies coming in to support you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 14

Galactic Energies Coming in to Create the New Earth ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 14

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are greatly appreciating the amount of energy that we see all of you expending on the creation of the new Earth, the Earth you have been wanting to experience. We could not be happier with the amount of focus that we have noticed you all placing on that Earth experience that you have been co-creating for quite some time. The issues that you have there on your world are not new. They are just being magnified by the current situation you are all in, and their magnification has amplified the desire within each of you to be living in a much different way.
Now, the energies that you have been expending while focusing on the co-creation of the new Earth have been matched by beings like us who are looking for any and every opportunity to support you. And whenever you demonstrate an ability to put energy out into the universe, you do create an opening for more to flow to you and through you. That has been the mission of beings like ourselves for quite some time, and we are happy to say that the energies coming in from throughout this galaxy will be inspiring those who have the ability to take proper action.
The energies will also be assisting each and every one of you who are operating as the architects, the big picture people. And so, if you think that this transmission is a call to action for you, then you can relax. You are doing enough with the holding of space that you do, the offering of healing energies, and the showing of kindness and compassion towards your fellow humans. It will only take a few people who are in positions of authority to take actions that will bring about enormous positive changes on your world, and the inspiration to those individuals is coming. They will know what to do, and they will not hesitate to do the right thing.
Now, as we have said many times before, creating the new Earth is not about defeating those who have been abusing their power, wealth, and influence. We advise you to take your attention off of those conspiracy theories and put your focus where it is needed. You are the architects. You are the creators, and beings like us are simply the support staff. You know best what is the ideal version of Mother Earth because you are living there, seeing and feeling all that you are. Do not underestimate yourselves, and do not underestimate the energies coming in from all across the galaxy at this time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 13

Benevolent E.T.s & Malevolent E.T.s – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 13

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always searching for the best possible ways to reach humans with our energy, which we consider to be very helpful. And we have been noticing that there are opportunities presenting themselves to us that are new and exciting. You all have been more receptive to our energy due in large part to how many positive depictions there have been of extra-terrestrials in your science fiction. People are seeing a new breed of e.t.s.
Extra-terrestrials are being seen now as friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and perhaps even more evolved spiritually, and that is helping to bridge the gap between humans and extra-terrestrials. We know that science fiction writers, directors, storytellers of all kinds, are receiving downloads, and those downloads are showing up in the work that they produce. But the evolution of e.t.s in your science fiction is also related to the evolution of your consciousness.
When you first saw e.t.s depicted in your various storytelling works, they were grotesque, evil, and out to take over your planet and annihilate all life. Now you are seeing a much more realistic depiction of the extra-terrestrials that you share this galaxy with. You are seeing that some are very good, very high-vibrational, and very much want to help humanity, to connect and co-create with you. And of course, you also have the other end of the spectrum. You see that there are still depictions of e.t.s that are malevolent and want to hurt and take over every planet they come across.
We want you to know that in reality the number of benevolent e.t.s in the galaxy far outweighs the number of malevolent ones. It is the same on your world. As above, so below. And the more that you recognize that your fourth-dimensional extra-terrestrial friends are not that different from you, the easier it will be for you to have open contact. And so, we recommend that you put your attention on the well-intentioned e.t.s and seek out that personal contact, as it will only bring you to a place of feeling more whole and complete as a being, as a traveler, as someone who has their very own galactic history.
The day is coming when humanity will openly be a part of the galactic community, and we are seeing that day coming sooner and sooner all the time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 12

Changes in Your Economic System Are Coming ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 12

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are sending all of you waves of energies that are designed to help you with the root chakra cleansing that you continue to do there on Earth. We know that this is the most challenging chakra for all of you to purge because of the intensity of your lives there in the physical realm there on Earth. Your root chakras hold all of the fears, all of the trauma, all of the stuck energy that you have ever experienced in all of your lifetimes, and that is why so many of you are not in the flow energetically with your physical bodies, with abundance, with all that you want to manifest in your lives.
This is why you have a high homeless population as well. So the system that you have in place right now that allows the rich to get richer while the very poor suffer is in place because of the collective root chakra cleansing that you need to do as human beings. Therefore, we have sent these waves of energies to assist you in opening up and releasing what no longer serves you from those very intense root chakras that you have there.
And we are being assisted by Pleiadians, who are the master healers of this galaxy. We know that many of you who are there on Earth right now are also masters in the healing arts, and you will be assisting us and your guides in getting these energies to where they need to go within yourselves and your fellow humans. This is a time when so much positivity can come out of the circumstances you have all been living in, and if you open yourselves up and feel for the very helpful, healing energies that are coming in, you can do so much for yourselves and your fellow humans at this time.
This is just the beginning. Once you have cleansed out everything that you need to from your root chakras, you will be able to allow in so much more, and you will see the changes in the systems that you have in place there on Earth, making it easier for every single human being to thrive. And that is what those of you who are awake want, and it is also what you are there to assist in making happen.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 11

Learn from E.T.s All Throughout the Galaxy – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 11

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited to be a part of this journey with humanity. We have been observing not only human life on planet Earth, but we also observe other beings in other star systems, and we make note of what works, regardless of where you are and what star system you live in. You are all looking for the deepest possible connection that you can find, and you all seek to experience a feeling state, one that has been elusive perhaps for your entire life, or even many lifetimes in a row.
And so, we invite you all to benefit from what the extra-terrestrials in your galaxy, our galaxy, have come to know about finding the way to experiencing that elusive feeling. These other beings that we have been observing have found a greater sense of connection and a greater ability to find a feeling within themselves when they have anchored their physical body onto whatever planet or moon they find themselves living on.
You often hear about being grounded, and sometimes being grounded refers to your consciousness in your physical body. But the ‘grounded’ that we want you to experience at this time is being grounded to Mother Earth and allowing her to give you the feeling that you have been searching for. Mother Earth has access to all vibrations, all emotions, and all desires, because she has experienced so much through all of you. And so, the secret is right beneath your feet and always has been. The secret to getting everything that you want is not about thought, and it’s not about actions taken. It’s actually about slowing down and recognizing that everything you seek is within you and the way to access it is through connecting to the biggest helper that you have in the physical realm. Your planet is that helper.
She is there to support all of you. She is there to give you life. She is there to help you transform, and she is transforming with you. She is on this journey with humanity, and from our perspective, she is doing a wonderful job of inviting you back to center, back to a place of balance within yourselves. So many are looking for that feeling from something or someone outside of themselves, while Mother Earth is literally everywhere in your experience, ready to flip the switch for you. And all you have to do is give her some of your time and attention.
There you go. Getting to where you want to be could not possibly be easier, and we have just laid it all out for you. Learn from your friends throughout the galaxy who have been able to connect to their world and become and feel everything they’ve ever wanted.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 10

Love is the Answer, Solution & Cure ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 10

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been searching for the right combination of energies to assist humanity now at this time when you need something that will bring you together as one human race. You have seen how heated the debates have gotten about what’s going on with the pandemic right now on your world. There are people who believe that it is better to play it safe, and there are those who think it serves humanity better to get back out there on the streets and get back to business as usual. As is the case with many hot button issues, there will always be factions. There will always be some who take one perspective and others who take the exact opposite perspective.
You have seen this with gun control, abortion, taxes, and the list goes on and on. So what would someone who doesn’t feel very passionate one way or the other do in these circumstances? Well, you can join us in our attempts to unify the collective. We want to see you coming together in spite of your different perspectives, and this issue that you have in front of you is an opportunity to do just that. Instead of taking sides, we invite you to be a part of the solution. The solution is that you all agree that you love each other and that that’s the most important byproduct of all that you have been going through as a collective lately.
Love is the answer. It is the solution. It is the way for you all to heal. Now, you have seen the love on your world in the outpouring of support and donations for those individuals who are working in hospitals, who are first responders, who are risking their lives and the lives of those they love to be a part of the solution. Now, many of you have asked us the question in private sessions about how you can better be of service to humanity. Now you have an opportunity, even if you don’t have any money to donate to those hospital workers and first responders. You can still be a part of the solution by feeling within yourselves for the inner peace that is available to you when you go inside without taking a side.
When you start thinking about what this leader, this president, this prime minister, this governor is saying or doing, and the response to what they are saying or doing, you’re having a mental experience that is not helping anyone. But when you instead go within your hearts and find the inner peace, the oneness, the connection to all other human beings no matter what they believe is true, you become the solution. Your vibration helps and it heals. It has the potential to bring people together, and that’s what you need right now there on Earth. You need that much more than you need the ‘Truth’ with a capital T.
And we call upon you who are spiritually awake to be the leaders, to take charge in situations like this, because we know that you understand deep down within you that love is the cure and that you are beings of unconditional love. Let the rest of the world feel that and you will find yourselves living on a better planet Earth than you were when this all began.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 9

A Process for Letting Go & Empowering Yourself ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 9

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been explaining our approach to how we help all of you for quite some time, and we have even given you some tips for receiving the assistance that we provide. But we want you to recognize that you have your own way of receiving the help that you ask for, and many of you recognize this as something you call hitting rock bottom. When you hit rock bottom, that’s when you have nothing left to lose, and when there’s nothing for you to cling to, then there’s no attachment that you are also holding on to very tightly.
So the trick for all of you to being in the receptive mode more frequently is to let go of what you’ve been clinging to in your lives. That means you first have to identify what you are attached to. Perhaps you are attached to a particular belief system, or you are attached to doing something in a very specific way. You can also be attached to the help that you desire coming to you from a very specific source or in a very specific way. And these are just a few of the attachments that you might be clinging to at this time.
As soon as you identify what your attachments are, we invite you to at least consider letting go of that tight grip. Sometimes this means that you have to let go of being right, or letting go of the possibility that you are right. Whatever it is that you are attached to has you holding more tension and anxiety in your physical body, and nothing repels help like tension and anxiety.
Therefore, this very simple exercise can help you quite a bit, if you are willing to engage in it. Make a list of your attachments, and then consider what your life might be like if you weren’t so attached to those beliefs, those circumstances, or those ways of doing things. Just the idea of you letting go can get you to let go. We want you to empower yourselves by recognizing that you don’t need those attachments. All you need is to be yourselves fully. And chances are your attachments are related to the idea that you are not enough by yourself. Your attachments are related to the concept of not being whole and complete and needing something outside of you to give you that feeling.
So as you let go, you are letting in more of who you are, and you are everything. You are Source. You are All That Is. Now is the perfect time to be focusing on what you want to let go of so that you can become more of who you really are and lead humanity into the higher consciousness of the fifth dimensional realm.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 8

New Timelines for Personal E.T. Contact ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 8

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been establishing contact with so many humans, while you are traveling in the astral plane, and we have been creating together new timelines for humanity. These new timelines are for those who want to stay in a higher vibrational state. These are the timelines that have been created as a result of all that you have been experiencing there on Earth over the past several months, and these timelines are going to bring you closer to full and open e.t. contact, which is the first major event that you will have leading up to your ultimate ascension to the fifth dimension.
We hear you when you express the desire to make your own personal contact first. You want to meet the benevolent e.t.s who have been helping you from behind the scenes. You want to board their ships and explore new worlds, and even though most of what is being said and written at this time is about the malevolent beings working behind the scenes, there are enough of you who recognize that the other end of the spectrum also exists.
And you want to connect with those beings, rather than focusing on defeating those who are playing in the dark. This amplified desire that you all have as a collective is just the energy necessary to co-create these new timelines for personal e.t. contact, followed by full, open contact for the collective. Those of you who have kept your vibrations high have demonstrated that you are ready for your own contact, and you have shown how mature you are and how advanced you are.
Therefore, you have as individuals, gotten the attention of those who are very interested in connecting with you and establishing the bridge between humanity and the rest of the galactic community. You who are focusing on the positive aspects of what is going on there on Earth at this time are keeping your heads above water, you are lighting up to your extra-terrestrial friends, and you are making that personal e.t. contact something that will now be happening sooner, rather than later.
Once you have your e.t. encounters, and you report back to the rest of the awakened collective about what you’ve discovered, then you will be able to bring more of the new age and spiritual community along for the ride. And that’s the important role that you all are playing for humanity and for your community there amongst the awakened.
We could not be happier with how this is going in that sense, and we are also holding so much space, sending so much compassion and healing energy to those affected by the virus. Those who are sick and those who are saddened by loss are always to be respected and honored, never to be forgotten amidst all of the theories that are being put out there about what’s going on.
It’s time to do something positive and to take positive steps, and you are the ones who are doing it, who are taking those steps, and who are releasing yourselves from the victim/perpetrator model. That is something to celebrate, and we are celebrating with you every night in the astral plane.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 7

The Awakened Collective the E.T.s Are Waiting For ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 7

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are extremely satisfied with the progress that we can feel you making within your collective consciousness there on Earth. More of you are awake on Earth than at any other point in human history. This means that you have the collective power to see great changes there on your planet, but it also means that you must let go of the beliefs that separate you in order to harness your collective power as the awakened collective.
You must let go of the ideas that are putting you in one camp or another so that you can be free, finally, to unite, to come together, in order to change the world for the better. And so, rather than focusing on the details that you disagree on, we invite you to focus on the truths that you can agree upon.
We are talking about the truths that include your sovereignty as Source Energy Beings and creators, and we also know that you can agree that there need to be changes there on Earth to make it a more harmonious world, where everyone is free, respected, and where people stop fighting over what religion is right and stop fighting over resources like oil, and the boundaries that separate you, the borders that are completely unnecessary.
You are one human race, and those of you who are awake have a unique opportunity to come together, in spite of your different opinions and perspectives. You all have the opportunity to be the collective that extra-terrestrials, who are waiting in ships in your atmosphere, are waiting for you to be. They want to connect with a unified humanity, one that they know they can trust, and they also want to see you evolving to the point where you don’t see different as scary or bad. Embrace the differences between yourselves and other people within the new age and spiritual community.
It’s better that you don’t agree on everything, because you don’t want to become a cult. You want to honor that diversity that exists, and also see the Source Energy in each and every one of your fellow humans, so that you can come together as the harmonious whole that is and will be the fifth dimensional society you seek to create.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 6

Help from Yeshua, Archangel Michael & 10D Pleiadians ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 6

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are the recipients of assistance and high frequency energy ourselves here in the ninth dimension. We receive from Source directly, as well as dimensions ten through twelve in this universe. There are many beautiful collectives who are assisting us in the same ways that we are assisting all of you. Now, you might wonder what we could possibly need help with. We are constantly developing new strategies and ideas regarding how we can better be of service to you and everyone else who needs our assistance. Therefore, we need to get higher perspectives as well, and we are very open to the suggestions of Archangel Michael, Yeshua, tenth dimensional Pleiadian collectives and so on.
We are very pleased to have such beautiful helpers, and of course, you also can benefit from the help that is being given from realms that are even higher than ours. Therefore, it is so important for you all to sit in acknowledgement of the help that is coming in from above, and we also implore you to sit in quiet expectation, as you open yourselves up to the higher frequency energies, the downloads, the upgrades, the activations. They are all coming in because of what you are living, because of your willingness to endure fourth dimensional Earth.
You provide us with so much in your willingness to be there and have challenging experience after challenging experience, because all that you go through there on Earth gives birth to new ideas about what we could create here in the higher realms. And those creations will be experienced by all of you as you continue on in your journeys. You are in this for the long haul, and so whenever things are not going so well for you in the short term, you need to remember that. You need to remember how many beings are supporting and assisting you and that you are creating new worlds, new systems, new galaxies, and new universes because of your willingness to endure dire circumstances and the horrors that you sometimes experience just by living, just by being in a human body there on planet Earth.
It is a difficult place to be, and that’s why only the masters like you were able to incarnate there. There was a knowing inside of each of you that you would awaken and that you would receive help from the higher realms. Sometimes we just need to remind you of how much good will there is for humanity up here in the higher dimensional realms, and we are very happy to remind you that you’ve done enough, you’ve worked enough, and now it’s time to receive all that you’ve asked for in this and every other lifetime.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 5

The Mini-Event/The Mini-Shift ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 5

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been noticing the effects of the energies that have been pouring in to support humanity, and we have been very impressed by how many are opening themselves up to receive healing at this time. Whenever someone is told that there is no pill, procedure, or surgery that can help them, they suddenly become more open to the healing energy that is all around them. This usually happens because when a person gives up, when they lose all hope, they also let go of all of the resistance that they were holding on to regarding their illness, their affliction.
Therefore, sometimes being told that there is no cure is actually the best news that a person can get, because that healing energy that they could let in will do much more than just address the symptoms or the virus. That healing energy, when allowed to flow, will include so much more that will benefit the recipient, and what that more is depends on the individual in question.
There is so much more that you as a human collective have been asking for, and those of us in the higher realms have been looking for ways to sneak in the energies that would serve you the most. When someone finds themselves in a situation where they are ready to give up, that is also when that person lights up to the helpers in this universe, those of us who live to give. We are looking for whatever cracks you leave open to deliver all that you have been asking for and more.
And this is the way it has always been for humanity. Of course, we know that you are shifting your consciousness as well, which means there are more eyes on humankind than ever before. All the beings in this galaxy know that Earth is significant. We all know that those of you who have been incarnating on Earth at the key to starting the ripple effect throughout this galaxy and then the universe, and that is why so many want to help.
But none of us can force that help upon you. We must wait for you to be ready to let it in, and when you do, it is always a spectacular sight to see, so much energy flooding to all the places you all need it to go. And then we get to see the real show when you start taking what you have received and creating, building the life that you want to live and the Earth that you want to inhabit. That’s why this time that you are in right now is a mini-event. It’s a mini-shift. You are not only awakening in greater numbers than usual, but you are also receiving and taking what you receive to create a better reality for all.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 4

Starseeds: Your DNA Has Been Activated ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 4

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been examining the way that humanity is receiving the energies coming in from other parts of the galaxy to planet Earth, and we are happy to report that you are getting the activations that you have been asking for. Those of you who have wanted to feel more connected to your star families, and just extra-terrestrial beings in general, have been receiving the energies beautifully, and you have had your DNA activated, DNA that will help you to remember what it was like to be in the Pleiades, in the Sirius star system, in the Lyran star system, in our star system, and so on.
Remembering also means grounding in the energies from those other star systems, and that means you get to experience more of who you are. You get to experience yourself as an Arcturian, an Andromedan, an Antarian, and so on. We know how significant that is to all of you who know yourselves as starseeds. We know how important it is for you to have these moments of clarity, these moments of recognition, and we also know how valuable those energies are, as they activate the abilities you once had and will have again.
Most humans have not been able to access the vast majority of their spiritual gifts and abilities, but that is all changing because of your willingness to receive these energies from far off places and because you have been so open and so willing to explore the unfamiliar and the unknown. You are the trailblazers. You are the ones brave enough to indicate that you are ready for something new, for something more, and then you have what it takes to receive and ground those energies in.
Activating that starseed DNA and bringing you several steps closer to becoming your fifth dimensional higher self. Now is a wonderful time to be both awake and alive there on planet Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 3

Newly Awakened, Spirituality 101 & Ascension Buddies ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 3

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been establishing many new connections with the newly awakened who have shown an interest in their galactic heritage. We have noticed that the enthusiasm displayed by the newly awakened has been carrying some who have gotten very jaded and cynical over the decades since they awakened. This is a time where all of you who share in the knowing that you are infinite and eternal beings of light must establish relationships of your own, with one another. Those who have been awake for quite some time can help the newly awakened in a variety of ways, and the newly awakened can offer that enthusiasm, that joy, and that hope to help those who have allowed their vibrations to dip.
Now, the dips in the vibration of some awakened individuals have been caused by a lot of predictions that haven’t come to fruition, including the ones about the shift in consciousness. And they have also gotten sucked in from time to time by the conspiracy theory proponents and websites. So what you have there on Earth is a unique set of circumstances where those of you who have been awake for quite some time can recognize this opportunity to steer the newly awakened by into themselves, rather than allowing them to go down every rabbit hole and to listen to or read every prediction about what’s going to happen next.
Those of you who are newly awake have a unique opportunity to guide the more jaded and cynical awakened ones back into themselves, back into their hearts, back into what got them to awaken in the first place. Lately the spiritual and new age communities have gotten a bit cluttered, and rather than sifting through it all to find the one true truth, we recommend spending more time in meditation and in relaxation, more time in nature, and connecting to loved ones, including your animal friends.
Now is a time to remember the basics, spirituality 101 as it were. You are infinite and eternal beings of love and light, and you do create your reality, every last second of it. You make changes by raising your vibration, and you can only do that by going within and feeling for what is present, because you cannot raise your vibration if you don’t know where it is. If you don’t know how you feel, you cannot change how you feel. So we advise to look for the perfect ascension buddy for yourself, and begin utilizing the buddy system. You all can benefit from connecting with each other, and when you do, you bring humanity that much closer to unity consciousness, to oneness, the version of the human collective consciousness that will ascend.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 2

Covid-19 is Prioritizing Your Values ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 2

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been observing the ways in which you have been adapting to the pandemic there on Earth, and we have noticed how many of you are taking advantage of the opportunities that have presented themselves to you during these times of shifting priorities. Certainly, you have noticed that those who have a tendency towards kindness have been showing that kindness and that compassion to more of their fellow humans, just as you can see how those who needed to be triggered are getting triggered, and even that is positive.
You are making tremendous strides forward as you help each other out, and even as you push each other’s buttons, letting all that needed to come to the surface be expressed in one way or another. You have so many opportunities right now to make the progress that would have taken years and years for you to make, and we are excited about all the positive movement forward that we see you making. We are also here to encourage you to look at what it is that you value the most. If you are focusing on how this affects the economy, then that would be a priority for you. If you are looking at those who already been feeling isolated with more compassion, then you realize that how others feel is a priority for you and something that you place a lot of value on.
It is a good time for self-reflection, and it is also a good time to ask yourself whether your priorities are where they need to be in order for you to evolve. Now is not the time to be pointing fingers at others and telling others that they need to change. If every single person on Earth could just take responsibility for what it is that they want and need to change within themselves, then this covid-19 situation could catapult you all into such a higher frequency range that it would be as if the virus never existed and never was capable of harming so many.
So please look within, notice what you’ve been prioritizing and valuing, and also look upon the rest of humankind, and see what we see. Look for all of the ways that people are being more kind to one another, and let go of any attachment that you have to someone else behaving differently. As you release your own judgments, you can find yourself living in a world without judgment, in a world where everyone is looking for opportunities to be more kind and compassionate. This is the world we see you all creating, and that is why our progress report for humanity right now is extremely positive.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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