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June 2

Father Absolute – Two realities (Such different values)
June 2, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, I now want to talk in more detail about the separation of two groups of people: those who remain in the three-dimensional world, and those who move with the Earth into a new dimension.
The further away, the greater the gap awaits these people, and in all directions.
And, of course, first of all it concerns their moral qualities.
It is becoming increasingly difficult for modern society to maintain the “bar” of spirituality, since it is precisely this that is most dangerous for the puppets of the deep state.
Everything that concerns traditional universal human values is now called “conservative views”, and those who defend them are backward and outdated people.
And this also shows the separation of people, and the further away, the more.
This is especially true of the older generation, who grew up and were brought up on the very values that the minions of the globalists are now trying to trample into the mud.
What is being imposed on young people now, starting from a very young age, carries completely different “values” that can no longer be called moral.
If you compare children’s literature, films and cartoons of the last century and what is being created for children now, you can feel the enormous difference in vibrations between them.
This is explained by the fact that art always reflects the realities of the world in which its creators live.
And the fact that now almost all kinds of art are put at the service of globalists is certainly not accidental.
Dragon reptiles are well aware of the enormous impact creativity has on the minds of people, especially children and teenagers, so they are trying their best to pull them into a three-dimensional world, and of the dirtiest kind, not allowing these pure souls to join the stream of people who can make the Transition.
Thus, they are trying to turn even the crystal children, who just came to your planet to build a new society on the Earth of the Fifth Dimension, into the “ballast” that we have already talked about.
And this is their biggest crime against humanity.
We will stop here today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on June 2 2024.

June 2

Two realities (Separation of souls)
June 2, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, today I want to talk to you about another feature of the last twelve years.
And it consists in the fact that it was during this period, along with the awakening of a large number of pure human souls who embarked on the path of spiritual development, a huge number of those appeared who, on the contrary, began to lose their human appearance and became mired in lies, corruption and debauchery.
These two processes went on in parallel, and the people belonging to these groups progressed quite quickly, but each in their own direction.
And this is explained by the fact that the highly vibrational energies coming to Earth highlight everything that has been hidden for a while, tearing off all masks and exposing all the qualities peculiar to people: both virtues and vices.
Thus, pure souls, receiving “irradiation” with Divine energies, blossom even more, and their best natural qualities manifest themselves more brightly than they did before.
And those souls in which the wormhole was hidden, under the influence of these energies, on the contrary, begin to show their negative qualities openly.
And this is due to the fact that, being unable to perceive the energies of such high vibrations, they are even more immersed in the three-dimensional world.
These energies pass through them without affecting them in any way, due to too large a gap in vibrations, and these people involuntarily remain in a three-dimensional world that is already agonizing, because it does not correspond to the vibrations of the renewed Earth.
Thus, bright souls gradually “rise” above the world of the third dimension with their consciousness and their physical bodies, and low-vibration souls are increasingly immersed in it.
This is how the new Earth is undocked from the old one – at the level of separation of the energy space of high and low vibrations.
Accordingly, each of these spaces, like a magnet, attracts the inhabitants of the Earth with similar vibrations.
Therefore, pure and bright souls are transformed more and more every day, and dark souls are increasingly immersed in the world of low vibrations with all its vices.
We will stop here today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on June 2 2024.

June 1

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Joint Evolution)
June 1, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, today I want to tell you about another feature of the last twelve-year cycle of development of the Earth and humanity as a whole.
Since you are all one with your planet, the process of its evolution involuntarily draws you into this orbit.
But this does not happen to all inhabitants of the Earth, but only to pure human souls, who are potentially able to perceive new high vibrations, which gradually displace vibrations of the third dimension from the Earth.
As you already know, your planet is inhabited not only by humans, but also by a huge number of low-vibration creatures embodied in human bodies, as well as biorobots and clones, of which there have been especially many on Earth in recent years.
And since these creatures, by virtue of their origin, are under no circumstances able to make the Transition with the Earth, they are present on it in the form of ballast.
Moreover, this ballast is not harmless at all, since it is these creatures that make up the very gray mass whose consciousness the Dragon Reptiles and their puppets in power have learned so well to control.
They are the ones who give in to panic and fear so easily and obediently follow all the instructions and instructions of the authorities, sincerely believing that they are not capable of causing them any harm.
Thanks to this ballast, the Dragon Reptiles manage to restrain the transition to the Fifth Dimension of the conscious part of humanity, capable of perceiving new vibrations of the Earth.
And in order to further slow down this process, more and more clones are being created every year, which set the tone in society, blindly following the alien programs and new “normalities” imposed by the Dragon Reptiles.
These are, for example, all kinds of transgender perversions, which are no longer just advertised, but also aggressively imposed on humanity.
Unfortunately, not only biorobots and clones fall into this monstrous “cage”, but also young human souls, accustomed from childhood to the new realities of life, in which the moral principle is no longer present.
In many ways, this is why, my family, the Transition has slowed down so much, because you have to overcome not only low-vibration energy “barriers”, but also unthinkable moral obstacles that the puppets of the deep state erect in your path.
We will stop here today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on 1, June 2024.

June 1

Father Absolute – Two Realities (New countdown of the Earth’s Existence)
June 1, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about what has been happening over the past twelve years on the other side – in the camp of the Dragon Reptiles and their puppets in power.
Unlike most people on Earth, they were well aware of the impending transition of your planet to the Fifth Dimension, which for them meant the “end of the world”, since their bodies were not able to withstand such high vibrations.
This is exactly how they presented this news to humanity, trying to instill fear in people and thereby lower the general vibrations of the Earth.
Remember how much was said in 2012 about the end of the world and even its exact date was called: December 21, 2012.
And believe me, my relatives, Dragon Reptiles embodied in human bodies, reptilians and thousands of high-ranking officials controlled by them spent this day in specially equipped underground bunkers waiting for what will happen on this day on Earth.
But nothing visible happened that day.
But on the subtle plane of the Earth, the Transition process was launched.
This can be compared to how a child releases a string from his hands, by which he holds a balloon, and it slowly begins to rise into the sky.
The same thing happened to your Land. That day, the energy cord that held her in the three-dimensional matrix was “cut”, and your beautiful planet began its ascent to higher worlds.
All the Forces of Light and your Galactic family have joined this sacred process.
It was from the end of December 2012 that a new countdown of the Earth’s existence began in two dimensions at the same time, namely its slow progress from the third dimension to the fourth.
How did the Dragon Reptiles behave in this situation?
They took this as their only chance to realize their plans to depopulate the Earth’s population and completely subjugate the consciousness of its remaining inhabitants.
It was then that all their actions in this direction were activated.
At the same time, they carefully monitored the vibrational background of your planet in order to reduce the overall vibration level as much as possible by unleashing military conflicts, ethnic strife and economic crises.
The peak of their efforts in this direction was the pseudo-pandemic organized around the world, which plunged the vast majority of the world’s population into panic and fear, and also claimed and continues to claim millions of lives as a result of the so-called “vaccination”, which brings diseases and death to people.
We will stop here today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on 1, June 2024.

May 31

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Earth Renewal Energy Cycle)
May 31, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, today I want to talk with you about another aspect of the sacred number twelve.
And it manifests itself in the fact that twelve years also include the energy cycle of renewal of the Earth.
The cyclical development of all living things is characteristic of the entire universe, so your planet is no exception.
But the last twelve years are no longer just another stage of energy changes on Earth, but a new milestone in its evolution.
Your planet has been going towards this for a long time, overcoming one stage after another, experiencing ups and downs depending on the events taking place on it.
So, during the heyday of mankind, its vibrations rose along with the vibrations of its inhabitants, and during the Inquisition, bloody wars and revolutions, its vibrations fell under the influence of the energies of aggression, pain and suffering of people.
But now it has entered a unique period of its development, because, despite the chaos, disagreements and military conflicts reigning in the world, it not only keeps its vibrations at a height, but also confidently moves into a new high-vibration space.
Her thin bodies are already practically in the Fifth Dimension.
This is how this experiment, unique in the history of the Universe, was conceived: the transition of an entire planet to a higher level of its development in the shortest possible time, even by earthly standards.
Moreover, such an opportunity is given to the best of its inhabitants – those who will be able to tighten their vibrations to its level, which means they will be able to move with it into the Fifth Dimension in their physical bodies.
And the last twelve years have been crucial for many people.
But if earlier the renewal of the Earth took place through destructive natural disasters and the death of entire civilizations, as happened with Hyperborea, Lemuria and Atlantis, now such cataclysms are gentle – cleansing – in nature.
In this way, people are given the opportunity to realize their responsibility to the Earth and, connecting with it spiritually and energetically, make an unprecedented evolutionary “leap” into a new era of the Fifth Dimension in the history of mankind.
Of course, not everyone will be able to raise their consciousness to this level, but still such an opportunity is provided to every person on Earth, regardless of the age of his Soul.
We will stop here today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on 31, May 2024.

May 31

Father Absolute – Two Realities (12 Years of Transition)
May 31, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to start a new topic that is designed to help you overcome the last and most stressful period before the final transition of your planet into the Fifth Dimension.
As you can see, the situation on Earth – political, military and economic – is heating up more and more every day, and it seems to you that there are no limits to this.
And this is true, because the madness of the ruling elite has entered its last stage, which no longer has borders.
All human laws, and primarily moral ones, have already been violated.
The lies, cynicism and hypocrisy that reign on Earth have reached their critical point.
And where morality, morality and spirituality end, a period of complete disintegration begins.
Now humanity is rapidly falling into the abyss, which, unfortunately, is fully realized only by those who have preserved the Divine principle in themselves.
The overwhelming gray mass of the inhabitants of the Earth is frightened only by the fact that they may lose their usual well-fed lifestyle.
Therefore, they will be ready for all the conditions set for them by their Governments, just to maintain the relative stability of their own lives.
And the ratio of this gray mass to conscious Divine beings is about ninety percent to ten.
Moreover, of these ten percent, only a small part knows about the Earth’s transition to the Fifth Dimension and does everything to make this Transition with it.
I am giving you these figures not to scare you, but so that you know the real state of affairs on Earth and do not build illusions about the mass transition of the inhabitants of your planet into the Fifth Dimension.
Twelve years have passed since 2012, when the active phase of the Earth’s transformation began and new high-vibration energies began to fill your planet.
As you already know, this number carries a sacred meaning.
And that’s what it is.
At least twelve years are necessary for a person so that his consciousness can move to a new stage of evolutionary development, or, in other words, so that the accumulated experience and theoretical knowledge can finally be translated into concrete deeds.
Try to remember what happened to you in 2012 – at what level of your spiritual development you were then, and compare it with where you are now: how much your worldview and energy abilities, your desires and needs, social circle and interests have changed.
And let this be the first step towards realizing the internal and external transformations that have happened to you over the past twelve years.
We will stop here today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on 31, May 2024.

May 29

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Reorientation of International Organizations)
May 29, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
At the end of the conversation about international organizations, I want to tell you what future awaits them on the Fifth Dimensional Earth.
Many of them will cease to exist, since their goals and objectives correspond to the realities of the three-dimensional world, which will gradually fade into oblivion.
Only those of them will remain that can be easily reoriented to the needs of the world of the fourth and then the fifth dimensions.
What will these needs be?
At first, these will be centers for the distribution of finance, food and other material goods.
What is happening now in your world cannot be called anything other than a crime.
The bias towards the so-called developed countries is all too obvious.
For example, their food abundance is “paid for” by hunger and poverty in the “third world” countries, which include dozens of the poorest countries.
But if there were already a center for food distribution on Earth, based on the unity and equality of all countries and peoples inhabiting your planet, there would not be a single hungry person left on it.
The same goes for finances.
All cash flows are concentrated in the hands of representatives of the deep state, who profit from the slave labor of the population of the poorest countries in the world, while simultaneously pumping out the richest natural resources from the depths of these countries.
This went on for centuries, but in recent years dozens of these countries have begun to free themselves from their colonial past, asserting their independence and the right to manage their own natural and human resources.
Gradually, the focal points will take this most important component of your life into their own hands.
In the absence of borders and social stratification, all natural resources will be distributed in such a way that no country and no people feel deprived.
While this is difficult for you to imagine, since the dual world dictates its conditions, but in the absence of boundaries and the division of society into social classes, these processes will become natural and understandable to you.
By and large, your planet will gradually turn into a single commune in which each person will receive everything they need according to their needs.
But this will not mean at all that some people will live at the expense of others, since only those who are ready to share the best that they have can get into the world of the Fifth Dimension: their talents and abilities, the generosity of their soul and the desire to come to the aid of those who needs it.
This will be a society of conscious people, and the best of them – the wisest and most talented – will lead associations and organizations that will become the basis of a new world order on Earth, acting for the highest good of all.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 29, 2024

May 28

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Obedient Performers)
May 28, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Continuing the conversation about international organizations, I want to touch on one more aspect of them.
Since, as a rule, these organizations include dozens, and some of them even hundreds of countries, achieving a consensus on controversial issues can be difficult, and sometimes impossible.
As a result, many vital problems for people can take years to resolve, since ongoing disputes between representatives of different countries do not allow concrete decisions to be made.
This is especially painful when it comes to military conflicts in which innocent people who have become hostages of squabbles between various political and military groups die.
This has happened more than once, and now such contradictions have entered a particularly acute phase.
The most striking example of this is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which either subsides or flares up with renewed vigor, and, no matter how much effort the warring parties make, it cannot be extinguished.
Why is this happening?
First of all, because any military conflict always stems from a single source: the deep state.
Using their puppets in power, the Dracoreptilians, remaining in the shadows, set different countries against each other under the most far-fetched pretexts.
To do this, they have many techniques that have already been worked out to the smallest detail, the main one of which is organizing a “color” revolution by overthrowing the legitimate government in the country and replacing it with proteges completely controlled by them.
And then everything unfolds according to a pre-planned scenario – the one that is beneficial to them at the moment.
This is exactly what happened in Ukraine, where, through the efforts of globalists, a civil war was unleashed and the once rich and generous land turned into a huge battlefield.
“Divide and conquer” – this constant slogan of the deep state manifested itself in this case in the most monstrous way, dividing a united people through many years of influence on the consciousness of Ukrainians, which instilled in them hatred of their Russian brothers and sisters.
Why did the Dracoreptiles succeed?
Only because people who were completely under their control were in power, who were not free in their actions and who, at the orders of their masters, mercilessly broke and distorted everything that was once sacred for Russians and Ukrainians: history, religion, centuries-old traditions, and even language.
But let’s return to international organizations.
Why can’t they stop such wars?
All for the same reason: the heads of these organizations are also not free in their actions.
They obediently carry out the orders of their invisible curators, not paying attention to the voice of the people and the protests of other participants in these organizations – free from the influence of the deep state.
And so far the first ones have the upper hand.
That is why a change of leadership in all the world’s leading international organizations is so important, and primarily such as the United Nations, the European Parliament and the NATO bloc.
As soon as this happens, the long-awaited peace will come on Earth, and the propaganda of hatred and discord between peoples, cherished for years, will disappear into oblivion.
And when the leadership changes in the media, which are the main “mouthpiece” of the globalists, the long-awaited peace will very quickly reign on your planet, leaving the military-industrial complex, which for so long fattened on the grief and suffering of millions of people, on a starvation diet.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 28, 2024

May 26

Father Absolute – Two realities (Individual approach)
May 26, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today we will talk about how you can speed up the process of reorienting the globalist associations and organizations of various kinds that exist in your society to those that will serve humanity.
Of course, for this to happen there must be a change in leadership in the power structures of these organizations.
And the first step towards this may be to expose all the criminal acts of the ruling elite.
Recently, a lot of information has appeared about the plans of globalists leading to the destruction of humanity.
You and I have already talked a lot and in detail about each of the points of this plan, so now I want to focus your attention on something else: how best to convey this to people who are far from this topic.
First of all, you need to remember that every person shows interest in what is closest to him.
So, for example, a person who does not have children and is far from educational issues is unlikely to be interested in what is happening now in the educational system, and a person who knows nothing about biology and medicine is unlikely to accept your reasoning about the dangers of vaccines that carry foreign gene
The same goes for climate change, food issues, transgender perversion and other favorite topics of the deep state.
Therefore, first of all, always try to find common ground with the person with whom you happen to communicate, and focus his attention on topics that he understands.
And only then can you begin to reveal them in detail and in a new light, citing authoritative sources of scientific origin.
And now there are many of them, since representatives of the deep state are in a hurry and make many mistakes, trying to implement their plans too actively, as a result of which they sometimes act rudely and carelessly.
People see this, and therefore your explanations of what is happening will fall on already prepared ground.
What would have been viewed with ridicule and considered conspiracy theories just a few years ago will now be accepted with understanding.
Time is now compressing like a spring, pushing out everything that was hidden for the time being.
And the more people you manage to open their eyes to what is happening in various areas of your life, the sooner a critical mass of popular insight will accumulate, which will even energetically affect the course of events on Earth, and therefore those who still hold on to the pinnacle of power .
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 26, 2024

May 25

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Center for the Unification of Humanity)
May 25, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today we will talk to you about how you can confront the deep state puppets who are entrenched in the power structures of international organizations.
But we will begin with the fact that associations of various kinds already created in the world can turn out to be very useful on the new Earth of the Fifth Dimension.
If they are headed by honest, decent and incorruptible people who are aware of their responsibility to the people, they will be able to use the structures already created in these organizations for the benefit of humanity.
Since the transition of the Earth, together with its inhabitants, to a new higher level of its existence will occur gradually – over several years, the system of distribution of finances, food and social benefits will still be relevant.
But now it will be built on a fair basis – in the interests of people, and not a bunch of criminals who have seized all the main areas of activity on your planet.
These organizations can become the prototype of coordination centers for the distribution of material goods around the world, since, as a rule, they already have numerous branches in different parts of your planet.
The United Nations, which includes virtually every country in the world, can be especially helpful.
As soon as it is headed by people of a new formation – not only honest and respectable, but also talented and creative people with brilliant organizational skills – the UN can turn into a center for the unification of all mankind.
All nations and nationalities, regardless of their numbers, will not only receive everything necessary for the harmonious development of their countries, but also contribute to the common “piggy bank” of humanity, since each nation is unique and unique, and therefore is capable of enriching other nations and nationalities with its experience .
As for the food program, in fact, your beautiful Earth is so generous and abundant that it can easily feed all its inhabitants.
The hunger and poverty that reign in some countries of the world are problems artificially created by globalists in order to frighten other nations with future food and economic catastrophes.
All this is also being done with the goal of destroying agriculture, which provides people with useful and healthy food, and replacing it with artificial, destructive for health, and even for human life itself.
And as soon as the pyramid of power created by the Dracoreptiles is destroyed and their puppets are replaced at all its levels, all existing structures in various organizations – both international and state – can be used for the benefit of people.
But for this to happen, their complete reorientation must occur: from the destruction of humanity to its revival and prosperity.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 25, 2024

May 24

Father Absolute – Two Realities (International Organizations)
May 24, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today we will talk about what is happening in the legislative sphere on a larger scale – at the international level.
As you know, on your planet there are many Associations, Unions, Foundations, Blocks and other international organizations that develop their own charters, treaties, agreements, that is, the legislative framework on the basis of which they exist.
And what has been happening recently clearly demonstrates that the top of all these organizations is also not free in their actions.
Everything that their leadership is trying to impose on people indicates that it is not promoting the interests of the states included in these associations, but the plans of the world government to seize power and create a single center for managing global world processes.
This is especially pronounced in such associations as NATO, the European Union, the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Health Organization – that is, in those associations that were created in order to protect the interests of the peoples of the countries that are members of them .
This was clearly stated in the Charters of each of them, and many of them were created with good intentions.
But gradually the secret world government introduced its representatives there, who occupied key positions at all levels and in all divisions of the above organizations.
And you can see the results of these globalists’ actions today with your own eyes.
Everything has already gone so far that all agreements, treaties, and, by and large, the meaning of the existence of these organizations are being rewritten on the fly at such a speed that people simply do not have time to keep track of it.
For example, the purely peaceful European Union, created to improve the well-being of the citizens of its member countries, within just a few years has turned into a warlike and bloodthirsty organization sponsoring military actions in countries that have nothing to do with it.
The NATO bloc, originally created as a purely defensive Union, has also turned into an offensive alliance, taking an active part in the military actions of countries not included in it.
The same thing is happening in the United Nations and other international organizations, whose leadership has long “professed” completely different “laws” – not those that were originally laid down in their basis.
A particularly striking example of the shameless violation of all international rights is the World Health Organization, which is openly sponsored by the world government and pharmaceutical giants and has long been concerned not about the health of the Earth’s population, but about the profits and other priorities of its sponsors and owners.
All of the above is a vivid example of how quickly, with the help of bribery and blackmail, in which representatives of the deep state are so successful, the best intentions of humanity, which initially carry a humane character, can be distorted beyond recognition.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 24, 2024

May 23

Father Absolute – Two Realities (The Imaginary “Elite”)
May 23, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will continue the conversation about what laws are in the modern world.
The legislative sphere of your life has not remained aloof from the turbulent events now taking place on Earth, and is undergoing profound changes.
And this is explained by the fact that the puppets of the deep state in power need a legislative framework to implement the plans of their “masters.”
Therefore, any means are used to ensure that the laws they need are adopted by the legislative assemblies of their countries.
And the main “tool” for this is lobbying deputies of the highest legislative bodies.
Everything is used: bribery, blackmail, intimidation, promises of high positions – the main thing is that deputies vote for the laws the globalists need.
Thus, there is no longer any need to resort to hidden legal tricks.
Now everything is done quite openly in the hope that people going about their daily affairs do not monitor what is happening in the government authorities of their countries.
As a result, the authorities in many countries of the world have already become so disconnected from the people that they live their own lives – well-fed and prosperous, without having any idea what is happening to those who delegated them to this power.
This was precisely the main goal of the globalists: to completely tear the ruling elite, including high-ranking officials, away from the people.
This imaginary “elitism”, to which they began to classify themselves, played a cruel joke on them.
They themselves did not notice how they found themselves completely dependent on their patrons – those who provided them with such a well-fed existence, and now more than anything else they are afraid of losing their warm places and the “beautiful” life to which they are already so accustomed.
And now, when events on Earth are in many ways beginning to develop no longer according to the plans of the globalists, this artificially created “elite” found itself between two fires.
On the one hand, these are citizens of their countries dissatisfied with their work, and on the other, their “benefactors,” whom they fear much more than the people, since almost each of them has their own “skeleton in the closet” with which they can be blackmailed.
Thus, now on Earth there is a unique situation where the government is not only completely divorced from the people, but is also not free in its actions, since it is forced to carry out not the will of the people, but the clear orders and instructions of its patrons.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 23, 2024

June 3

Lucifer – They need your support
June 3, 2024

Hello, my dear bright souls!
Today I want to explain to you why it is so slowly and with such difficulty that honest and decent people, uncontrolled by globalists, are able to win space in the power structures of both state and international organizations.
Those who closely follow world events probably see such people, but so far they are perceived by them, rather, as “knights” or “Don Quixotes” fighting the “windmills” of deep state politics.
In fact, this is so, since the mutual responsibility of the globalist puppets has now reached its peak.
If someone else – not from their circle – breaks through to high government positions, then he is subjected to severe criticism, threats, blackmail, and sometimes even loses his life, which has already happened to more than one such brave person.
And yet this process cannot be stopped, and not only thanks to the courage of such pure souls, but also thanks to their support from the people.
Many people are so tired of the dirty political games, lies and hypocrisy of globalist minions that they will no longer vote for them in the next elections, and there will be many of them this year.
Thus, the change of leadership will occur in a relatively peaceful manner.
But still, the deep state will try to rig elections wherever possible.
And this cannot be allowed under any circumstances, since now we are no longer just talking about a change of power, but the question is about the survival of humanity as a species.
Therefore, public activity now plays a key role.
People’s indifference and inertia can cost them dearly.
And I want you to take my words seriously, because I, like no one else, see how far the criminal plans of those who, remaining behind the scenes, skillfully play their game, have gone.
For them there are no moral boundaries, since people for them are just lower beings, designed to provide them with a beautiful life and a comfortable existence.
For thousands of years, Dracoreptilians and their minions lived off the energy, creativity and hard work of people, and they are not going to change this order of things.
But the time has come for you to understand this and finally get rid of these disgusting creatures that have ruled your world for so long.
Support in every way available to you the pure human souls who dare to openly go against the deep state and think about the needs and wants of the people, and not about their own pockets.
These people really need your Love, help and support.
Archangel Lucifer, who sincerely loves you, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 3, 2024

May 22

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Illegal Laws)
May 22, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to start a new topic that is directly related to the current situation on Earth.
And we will talk about how people will be able to overcome the so-called rule of law, with which mysterious metamorphoses are now occurring in many countries.
But let’s start from the beginning.
What is the Law as such?
This is a set of rules established by government officials elected by the people.
But as you already know, power is rarely and only for a short time of the people.
Basically, at its top are the same proteges of the deep state, who are completely subordinate to their masters and therefore try to establish laws that meet their interests.
Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they don’t, but their main problems begin when they get in the way of laws protecting the interests of the people, which were adopted long before they came to power.
In these cases, they are faced with the task of transforming these laws in such a way that outwardly they retain the original version, but as a result of verbal casuistry, their meaning is completely changed.
For this purpose, a whole army of experienced lawyers is involved, who are tasked with giving the existing laws a completely different character, limiting the rights and freedoms of people, by means of “light” changes in wording.
All this is done very skillfully – so that an ordinary person, ignorant of legal subtleties, will never notice it.
But at the right moment, if any discontent arises on the part of the people, they will be presented with a new text of the old law with justification for decisions made by the government that run counter to the interests of ordinary people.
After all, sometimes just one word, cleverly inserted into some formulation, can completely change the meaning of the original version.
Such a change in legislation occurred in many countries around the world, as a result of which people were deprived of their natural rights and freedoms given to them from birth.
And now the time has come to return these rights to people.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 22, 2024

May 21

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Self-Destruction of the Three-Dimensional Matrix)
May 21, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
To complete the conversation about the three-dimensional matrix, I want to tell you about what is happening to it now on the subtle plane.
Since the Earth is confidently moving into the energy space of the Fifth Dimension and has already practically moved there with its subtle bodies, this directly affects everything that is in the near-Earth space.
High vibration energies in one way or another affect all energy formations on the subtle plane of the Earth.
This applies to numerous egregors that have arisen over the thousand-year history of the Earth, the collective consciousness of all living beings living on your planet, all its astral layers and, of course, the three-dimensional matrix.
But if the former are natural formations that arose as a result of energies generated by the inhabitants of the Earth, which, concentrated by the similarity of vibrations and thought forms, gradually turned into egregors, then the three-dimensional matrix is ​​an artificially created energy-information structure.
Yet she is also experiencing the effects of new, high vibrational energies.
This is explained by the fact that all the energies and thought forms contained in it carry vibrations of the third dimension, which means they no longer meet the new criteria for existence on Earth and in the space surrounding it.
As a result, in recent years the process of self-destruction of the three-dimensional matrix has begun, which the Grays are no longer able to stop.
This largely explains the fact that the Dracoreptilians decided to accelerate the implementation of their plans to enslave humanity through an artificially created “pandemic”, universal vaccination, chipization, the creation of “smart” cities, transgender programs and much more that they had planned for the long term, to do everything gradually and unnoticed by people.
The transition of the Earth to the Fifth Dimension confused all their cards, but at the same time allowed people to see in the true light those who rule the world and their monstrous plans leading to the destruction of humanity.
As you can see, my dear ones, there are not only negative, but also positive sides to everything.
And now the process of the Ascension of the Earth is already irreversible, which is well understood by your enslavers, who are trying with all their might to influence the consciousness of people on the physical plane, since the influence of the three-dimensional matrix on them is weakening more and more every day.
But in order to speed up its final disappearance from your life, call on the Energy of Dissolution of the Three-Dimensional Matrix as often as possible and ask it to free the consciousness of humanity from all the three-dimensional energies and programs embedded in it.
And I bless you for this!
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 21, 2024

May 30

Father Absolute – Useful tips
May 30, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about the priorities in your life during this stressful time.
I see that many of you are running out of patience, not only because of the protracted Transition, but also because of the feeling of hopelessness when it seems to you that the globalists are about to achieve their goals and humanity will be completely dependent on them.
Believe me, my dear ones, that this is not so.
The fact that they are in such a hurry to implement their initially long-term program indicates exactly the opposite: that not everything is working out the way they would like.
And in order to emerge from the apathy and despondency that sometimes grips you, I suggest you set the following priorities in your life.
First. Find something to do for yourself that you enjoy and that you can immerse yourself in instead of getting bogged down in current events and their discussion.
Of course, you need to be aware of what is happening now in your countries and on the planet as a whole in order to have an idea of the general trends and directions of world events, but focus your main attention on the work of your Soul.
If you don’t find one, then just listen to your favorite music, read books, spend as much time as possible in nature, completely dissolving in it and not thinking about anything else.
This detachment from the realities of the modern world will help you survive this difficult transition period with the least moral loss, which will bring you peace of mind and keep your vibrations high.
Second. From the many meditations and practices that have been given to you over the years, choose those that come most easily to you and that bring you joy and satisfaction.
These can be meditations aimed at individual spiritual development and transformation of your physical body or relating to all of humanity.
Your intuition will definitely tell you which ones will suit you best at the moment.
And do not feel guilty if these are only your personal meditations, because you know very well that your own harmonious state in itself contributes to raising the vibrations of the collective consciousness of humanity, although this happens unconsciously and imperceptibly for you.
And third. Under no circumstances should you enter into arguments or explanations with people who are completely immersed in the three-dimensional world, but if you are lucky enough to find like-minded people, then try to expand this circle as much as possible, which can lay the foundation for the creation of communes as a prototype of the future society on the Fifth Dimensional Earth.
In other words, protect your energetic space from foreign invasion, but communicating with people of vibrations similar to yours will greatly increase your overall efficiency.
And one last piece of advice. Do not ignore your physical body, because now more than ever it needs your attention and care.
Its transformation into a crystalline light is a complex and unique experience for you, since until now this was only possible in the disembodied state of a person.
Carefully monitor your diet and drink as much pure water as possible, which will help your body adapt more easily to new high-vibrational energies.
Mental and physical purity is what should become your motto for the coming years.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 30, 2024

May 19

Father Absolute – Two realities (How the three-dimensional matrix was created)
May 19, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you again about the three-dimensional matrix and reveal a little about the history of its creation.
This happened many centuries ago, and the reason for this was the Dracoreptiles’ awareness of the fact that the Divine principle in man is too strong and they themselves will not be able to completely suppress it.
And then it was decided to create some additional “tool” for influencing people’s consciousness, which would “broadcast” to the Earth not only the energies needed for this, but also thought forms.
For this purpose, the developments of technogenic civilizations, which you are accustomed to calling the Grays, were involved.
In fact, this concept includes not one, but several civilizations of similar vibrations.
And this alliance between the Dracoreptiles and the Grays turned out to be so strong that it continues to this day.
These civilizations have many things in common, but the main thing is the complete lack of empathy among their representatives and their focus exclusively on the material side of life.
In human understanding, these are soulless creatures.
Their strength lies in the fact that they are constantly improving their technical developments, and humanity has become a huge testing ground for them, and in the long term.
The Grays enthusiastically took on the task set before them by the Dracoreptiles: to create on the subtle plane of the Earth an energy-informational structure capable of controlling the consciousness of people.
The result exceeded all their expectations, since with the advent of the three-dimensional matrix, the Dracoreptiles were already able to easily put into people’s heads those thoughts, emotions and even entire behavioral programs that allowed them to direct people’s consciousness in the direction they needed.
Thus, gradually new ways of life and traditions were introduced into human society, which no longer carried freedom and equality, which was characteristic of humanity at the dawn of its existence, but restrictions of all kinds.
In parallel with this, the Dracoreptilians systematically introduced their proteges into all branches of government on Earth – religious and secular, and especially into the financial spheres of all levels.
As a result, the inhabitants of the Earth found themselves in a trap, entangled in the “nets” of alien programs from above and below.
And now this long-standing collaboration of Dracoreptilians with the civilizations of the Grays has brought humanity to the brink of extinction, since the technologies of the Grays have reached such heights over these centuries that they are capable of influencing not only the consciousness of people, but also their bodies and even the genome.
This is what you can see everywhere now.
Therefore, the destruction of the three-dimensional matrix now becomes for you not just a priority task, but also a means of survival.
As soon as this matrix is destroyed, there will be a general awakening of humanity, since the source of influence on the consciousness of people, which has been destroying the Divine principle in pure human souls for so many centuries, will disappear.
And the recent practice “Broken Web” can help you with this.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 19, 2024

May 20

Father Absolute – Two Realities (The influence of the three-dimensional matrix on the collective consciousness of humanity)
May 20, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today I want to reveal to you another aspect of the influence of the three-dimensional matrix on people.
The fact is that it affects not only individual people, but also the collective consciousness of humanity as a whole.
In other words, it covers both the subtle and the physical plane at the same time.
And now we will talk in more detail about its interaction with the collective consciousness of humanity.
As you already know, any collective consciousness is a type of egregor, but there are some differences here.
So, for example, if a religious egregor carries the dogmas and postulates of a particular religion and concentrates in itself the energies of people professing this religion, then the collective consciousness of humanity has a completely different scale.
It contains the energies of people of various nationalities, traditions, religions, political and social trends – in a word, the entire diversity of human views and beliefs.
And if you add to this the uniqueness of each individual person with his unique emotional “background” and the originality of his thinking, you will get a complete picture of what the collective consciousness of humanity consists of.
And yet the three-dimensional matrix is capable of influencing even him.
This happens through energy-informational waves of directed action, which, dissolving in the collective consciousness of humanity, then affect the inhabitants of the Earth.
And since every person is, to one degree or another, connected with the collective consciousness of humanity, he unwittingly receives his own “dose of radiation” from energies and thought forms that are alien to him.
They, like invisible enemies, penetrate his consciousness, increasingly strengthening their positions there.
And since they coincide with what the representatives of the authorities – secular and religious, the media, the film industry, show business, and the Internet, constantly instill in people under the control of the Dracoreptiles, all this is gradually deposited in the subconscious of a person.
This creates an obedient gray mass that is easy to manage.
Breaking out of this vicious circle is not easy.
And often those who succeed are called renegades, black sheep, strange, inadequate people, since “being like everyone else” has long become synonymous with human integrity.
But with the advent of “star seeding” on Earth, a process of mass “exodus” from the influence of the three-dimensional matrix and at the same time a powerful “infusion” of pure Divine energies into the collective consciousness of humanity began.
This confrontation has been going on for decades, which is bearing fruit, although not as quickly as pure human souls would like.
But now this process is going faster, since all the Forces of Light and your Galactic family have joined it.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 20, 2024

May 17

Father Absolute – Two realities (Free from the prison of the three-dimensional matrix)
May 17, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk again about the Broken Web practice.
At first glance, it replicates many other meditations and practices for dissolving your negative thoughts and emotions.
But in fact, it takes you to a completely different level of spiritual work, since during this practice, and at all its stages, you are in constant interaction with the energy and semantic components of the three-dimensional matrix.
This can be compared to how, by the will of fate, finding yourself in prison, you suddenly manage to open its gates in order to break free yourself and at the same time free other people there from captivity.
But life in a three-dimensional matrix is precisely such a prison for you, and a prison not only for your consciousness, but also in the most literal sense of the word – with all the restrictions inherent in the state system of power.
Few people on Earth can consider themselves truly free, unless they live somewhere on a desert island or in impenetrable wild forests.
The draco-reptiles and their puppets, who have ruled your planet for centuries, have managed to bring down to the physical plane the entire emotional and semantic “structure” of the three-dimensional matrix, thereby rooting all its basic principles and concepts on Earth.
That is why, my dear ones, it is so difficult for you to get out of these devilish “nets”, because they “entangle” you from two sides – above and below.
That is why I gave you the “Broken Web” practice, which allows you to simultaneously embrace the physical and subtle planes, freeing yourself from patterns and stereotypes created by the three-dimensional matrix on Earth, and at the same time influencing the source of their appearance on the subtle plane.
This work is not easy, but if you master this practice, going through all its stages and preferably more than once, then it will turn out to be very effective not only for you, but also for many other people who still remain unaware of their complete dependence on a thin-material structure artificially created around your planet, which is a three-dimensional matrix.
So, gradually freeing yourself from your own stereotypes and templates each time, you will more and more destroy the energy-informational structure of this matrix, which will immediately affect the physical plane.
And I am glad that this process has already begun.
I bless you, my dear ones, and love you immensely!
Father Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 17, 2024

May 27

Lucifer – A feasible contribution
May 27, 2024

Hello, my dear bright souls!
Today I want to tell you about how events are developing on the subtle plane of the Earth and how this is reflected on its physical plane.
The three-dimensional matrix begins to “burst at the seams,” which came as a surprise to the deep state, for which it has always been a reliable assistant in controlling the consciousness of the inhabitants of the Earth.
And now the Dracoreptiles are trying to compensate for its decreased effectiveness with their actions on the physical plane.
For example, in order to maintain fear in people, they disseminate information about new dangerous viruses and upcoming climate disasters that will bring hunger and devastation to people.
To maintain aggression, they incite ethnic conflicts and sow religious hatred between peoples.
And since almost all the world’s media are still in their hands, this is not difficult for them.
But what is turning into a big problem for the deep state are new leaders who are increasingly asserting themselves and criticizing the ruling elite, which is leading their countries and people into the political, economic and moral “abyss.”
And since every day these leaders are gaining popularity among people, the globalists are already taking such desperate steps as physically eliminating the “rebellious”.
This year largely determines the future of your planet, since election campaigns have now begun not only in individual countries, but also in the European Parliament, which determines the policy of the entire European Union.
Therefore, now a lot really depends on people: will they be able to discern the true faces of those on whom their destinies, and sometimes even their health and lives, depend, or will everything be left to chance, and the same corrupt elite of globalists’ henchmen will remain in power.
On the subtle plane, everything is being done to ensure that people awaken, but for this to be fully reflected in your earthly affairs, a critical mass of people is needed with a powerful internal opposition to the policies of the globalists, which will be followed by specific actions to eliminate their puppets in power.
But such work must be carried out calmly and systematically, without anger and aggression, which will be the key to its successful completion.
The enemy is too dangerous to act with an “open visor,” but inaction now is like death.
Therefore, voting for worthy candidates at all levels of government may be an ideal option.
But for this to happen, it is necessary to carefully study each of them, so as not to once again fall into the trap of beautiful words and flattering promises, which all candidates are so generous with during their election campaigns.
It’s time to judge people by their deeds, not their words, which is within your reach.
And may wise, thoughtful and, most importantly, active participation in elections, wherever they take place, become your contribution to the common cause of the victory of the Forces of Light on Earth.
As for non-participation in elections, which is typical for many people who disagree with the authorities, in this situation this can be regarded as desertion in relation to others – those who are making every effort to free themselves from the power of the corrupt elite and begin to build a fair life in new Earth.
Moreover, such a step does not even require excessive efforts or special courage from you, but only a conscious and wise approach to the existing reality.
All the Forces of Light are waiting for specific actions from you – those that are within your power, which will help anchor the efforts that they are making on the subtle plane of the Earth to save humanity.
Archangel Lucifer, who sincerely loves you, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 27, 2024

May 16

Father Absolute – Two Realities (New Habit)
May 16, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we move on to the third stage of the Broken Web practice, which is to develop a new skill, or, in other words, a new spontaneous reaction to everything that happens in your life.
Once you have learned to clearly identify which setting or three-dimensional program influenced certain of your thoughts, emotions and actions, the next step can be to instantly reprogram them into new settings in which there is no longer any place for duality.
And here’s how you can do it.
For example, if you are once again outraged by some world event, then instead of going into arguments about its injustice and condemning its participants, think that the more absurd and tragic the event, the more people it can awaken.
Remember often the expression “The worse, the better.” It is this that is currently your lifesaver, since out of despair and awareness of their defeat, globalists are now committing actions that most often turn against themselves.
Or, for example, if you are overwhelmed with irritation about a person you don’t like and you involuntarily begin to compare yourself with him, immediately remember that comparison is one of the main signs of duality, artificially created by a three-dimensional matrix.
The same applies to the condemnation mentioned above.
As a result, each time you do exactly this, you will be able to identify those “cells” of the three-dimensional matrix that transmit such thoughts and emotions to the Earth.
And having identified them, immediately direct the Energy of the Great Central Sun to them in order to “de-energize” them, thereby increasing the “gaps” in the matrix “web”.
Turn it into a game, my dears, and then everything will work out easily and carefree for you.
And most importantly, such a game will allow you to acquire a new habit much faster: instantly transform dual thoughts and emotions into unipolar ones, characteristic of higher dimensions.
Then you yourself will not notice how your consciousness will leave the influence of the three-dimensional matrix and acquire a completely different quality – one that will allow you to remain longer and longer in the energy space of the Fifth Dimension without plunging back into three dimensions.
And I bless you for this!
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 16, 2024

May 15

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Cell by Cell)
May 15, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today we move on to the second stage of the Broken Web practice.
And this is precisely a practice, since it does not require entering a deep meditative state.
Nevertheless, it should be carried out only after you have mastered its first part and learned to feel well the energy and semantic components of the matrix “grid”, or “web”.
And this practice lies in the fact that every time you catch yourself thinking that you are again trapped in a three-dimensional matrix, you will need to call on the Energy of the Great Central Sun and ask it to dissolve the energetic and mental components of the “cell”, into in whose captivity you found yourself.
The fact is that each of these “cells” contains one or another installation or program, which is read by your consciousness or even lives in your subconscious for a long time.
And now you need to break this strong connection at all costs, which will help you get rid of this program and at the same time weaken the matrix “web”, violating its integrity and strength.
This practice is similar to the one in which you used energy “traps” for three-dimensional programs, but there is one difference.
It is already deeper and more extensive in nature, removing not only your three-dimensional thoughts and emotions, but also their source – what provokes them in you.
This principle is already familiar to you.
So, for example, in order to heal any disease, it is necessary to detect and neutralize its source.
So it is here: in order to get rid of three-dimensional programs forever, you need to find what provokes them.
And in this case, it is a three-dimensional matrix created on the subtle plane of the Earth, constantly influencing your consciousness.
This is why, my dear ones, it is so difficult for you to work with your thoughts and emotions: no matter how much you delete them, they appear again and again in your consciousness.
And this happens because the three-dimensional matrix itself has not yet been destroyed.
Once this happens, you will feel such freedom and lightness as you have never experienced before.
Unconditional Love will enter your life naturally and without any effort on your part, since it is your true Divine essence – what is inherent in you from birth.
But it is she who poses the greatest danger to the Dracoreptiles and their minions, since the three-dimensional matrix no longer has power over such people.
Now many of you already have the level of vibrations that allows you, being in your physical body, to carry out work on dissolving the three-dimensional matrix, freeing yourself from its influence and helping others to do this – those who have not yet reached a sufficient level of vibrations for this work .
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 15, 2024

May 14

Father Absolute – Two realities (Mental component of the three-dimensional matrix)
May 14, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to return to our conversation about the reasons why humanity cannot escape the captivity of the three-dimensional matrix in which it has been for more than one millennium.
In addition to the reasons that we have already talked about more than once, there is one more – a hidden reason.
And it lies in the fact that this matrix itself is not just an energy structure, but also has a mental part.
And now I will tell you about it in more detail.
To some extent, it can be compared with psychotronic weapons, which globalists have been using for many decades to introduce the programs they need into people’s minds.
But the difference between them is the scale of the impact on people.
If psychotronic weapons are used locally – in crowded places to instill in them certain thoughts and emotions, then the three-dimensional matrix already covers your entire planet.
As for the energy component of the matrix, its vibrations are practically unchanged and are at the frequency of the third dimension.
But its semantic part is periodically subject to correction depending on the needs of Dracoreptiles in certain historical periods.
And this correction was carried out by the Dracoreptilians of the highest caste, living on the subtle plane of the Earth.
With the help of the pyramid of power they built, new semantic concepts were introduced into society through the Dracoreptilians under their control, embodied in human bodies, as well as the Reptilians, who occupy key positions in almost all power structures on Earth.
By and large, this is exactly how programs of the three-dimensional world were created, consisting of certain thought forms and the corresponding emotional “feeding” in the form of energies of the third dimension, which were constantly generated by the three-dimensional matrix.
As a result, the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of your planet were under the constant influence of this “monster” created on a subtle plane, holding the consciousness of people captive.
And only very pure and ancient souls managed to escape from this captivity, for which they often had to pay with their lives.
But now the time has come for a mass exodus from this artificially created energy and mental structure, which is the three-dimensional matrix, and the liberation of people’s consciousness from this centuries-old captivity.
And next time I will tell you what you need to do for this.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 14, 2024

May 14

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Broken Web)
May 14, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today I want to offer you a practice that will begin your release from the shackles of the three-dimensional matrix.
Let’s call it “Broken Web”.
The name is symbolic in the sense that the three-dimensional matrix really resembles a web in which insidious “spiders” – Dracoreptiles – hold the souls of people, influencing their consciousness, and therefore depriving them of the freedom to think independently.
The embodiment of this “web” on the physical plane is social networks, in which people themselves provide all the information about themselves to invisible “spiders” – Draco-Reptilians and Reptilians, embodied in physical bodies and spreading their networks throughout the world.
As you can see, my dear ones, everything that happens on the subtle plane, one way or another, always finds its reflection in the physical world.
My messages have already spoken more than once about how important it is not to succumb to fashion trends and not to be a member of any social networks, which makes you vulnerable energetically and physically.
But now the time has come to get rid of the subtle “networks”, which is the three-dimensional matrix, which will clear your consciousness of all alien thoughts and emotions that have been artificially imposed on you for many centuries.
So, let’s move on to the practice itself.
It consists of several stages: meditation, practice and a new habit.
We will start with meditation, which will start the process of freeing your consciousness from the programs contained in the three-dimensional matrix.
To do this, put reliable protection on yourself, call on all your Heavenly helpers and enter a fairly deep meditative state.
Then try to visualize your Earth as clearly as possible, entangled in dense networks consisting of hexagonal cells.
These networks contain energy information “packets” that are continuously “broadcast” to the Earth.
And each cell of these networks is a “relay”, which greatly enhances the emotional and mental impact of these “packets” on the consciousness of people located inside the three-dimensional matrix.
These “packages” contain mental attitudes, colored by those emotions (energies) that the Draco-Reptiles require to implement their plans.
From time to time they change their “settings”.
So, depending on the situation, they can increase the degree of aggression, fear or some other negative energy, and sometimes, on the contrary, reduce it.
After you see with your inner vision and, most importantly, feel the “filling” of the “nets” placed for humanity, begin to burn them with the help of the Energy of the Great Central Sun.
Remain in meditation until the flow of energy dries up.
This meditation is global in nature and will benefit not only yourself, but all of humanity.
And it’s better if you do it more than once.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 14, 2024

May 13

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Children will save humanity)
May 13, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to summarize our conversation about children as the most powerful incentive for uniting people on your planet.
Unfortunately, it is children who have become hostages of the current situation on Earth, which leads to the degeneration of humanity.
But at the same time, it is they who will save humanity from the final fall into the abyss prepared for it by the globalists.
When information about the terrible crimes that were committed against children by the Dracoreptiles and their puppets in power for centuries becomes public, people will be so shocked that they will look at everything that is happening with completely different eyes.
Having seen what these “monsters” in power did to small and defenseless children, they will finally understand what awaits them: that the ruling elite will stop at nothing to fulfill their plans to enslave humanity.
This is starting to happen now, but while the official media is in the hands of globalists, millions of people still remain in the dark about what is happening to children on your planet, and what appears on this topic in alternative sources is perceived by many nothing more than conspiracy theories.
Now, behind the scenes of your history, there is a continuous struggle between the Dark and Light Forces, both on the subtle and physical planes of the Earth.
And the worst thing is that children are “bargaining chips” here.
Dark Forces feed on their energy during satanic rituals performed on them, and Light Forces save their souls and bodies from this hellish captivity.
Not the whole truth will be revealed to humanity, since the psyche of most people is not ready to accept it – this truth is too terrible and inhumane.
But even what will be revealed to people will completely change the consciousness of the vast majority of the Earth’s population, which will be a powerful impetus for the reversal of the entire world history towards a return to universal traditional moral values.
Against this background, the essence of the transgender policy pursued by many states, as well as attempts to legalize pedophilia and other sexual perversions, will be revealed.
In other words, revealing the true attitude towards children on the part of the ruling elite will begin to unravel the tangle of all the hidden and overt crimes committed against children at all levels and in all areas of your life.
And the prerequisites for this already exist: thousands of doctors, scientists, lawyers, psychologists, human rights activists, and simply honest and reasonable people have collected a huge amount of evidence about the harmful effects of vaccines on children, the transgender agenda, about depriving them of a full-fledged education, about the impact on the psyche of children gadgets that replace them with full communication with each other, and much, much more, which we have already talked about more than once.
All this is ready to be presented to the public, but is being restrained in every possible way by criminals at all levels of government.
But when this information blockade is broken, the collected information will fall in a powerful stream on people’s heads, quickly changing their consciousness and opening their eyes to all the crimes of the ruling elite without exception.
And your role, my dear ones, will be to disseminate the truth as much as possible among your surroundings, thereby accelerating the process of turning humanity towards Light and Love.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 13, 2024

May 22

Father Absolute – The Beginning of the End
May 22, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about the current situation on Earth.
As you can see, the globalists have practically led the inhabitants of your planet to a dead end, and their own plans are collapsing in all directions.
What is happening on your planet now can be called the beginning of the end.
And that’s why.
The world as you are used to seeing it will never exist again.
And this is due to several factors.
The first is that the absurdity of the actions of the globalists has already reached the point beyond which the people of those countries, headed by puppets of the shadow government, begin to fall into the abyss – economic, political, moral.
And millions of people are beginning to understand this.
As a result, more and more people are appearing in the highest echelons of power who are ready to take responsibility for leading people out of this impasse.
Not all of these people are visible yet, but the processes currently taking place in society will soon bring them to the surface.
And this will happen because the critical mass of people’s internal need for justice, which has been accumulating all these years, will create the energetic and physical prerequisites for a change of power in many countries of the world, headed by honest, decent and, most importantly, incorruptible people.
All cynical, hypocritical, corrupt and globalist-controlled “leaders” will soon end up in the dustbin of history.
The second factor is the unification of former colonial countries against their centuries-old enslavers.
The time has come to throw off this excessive burden for them and begin to live a full life, managing the natural and human resources of their countries themselves, without giving them away for nothing to the “white masters” and not allowing them to use the truly slave labor of their citizens.
And you can see that this process has already begun all over the world.
And the third factor is that people have accumulated enormous fatigue from constant moral stress, from fear for their future, from the enormous efforts that people have to make in order to provide themselves with at least an acceptable life.
This phenomenon is like a dormant volcano that has been accumulating volcanic mass for a long time, which ultimately leads to its powerful eruption.
This is precisely the state in which society is now in many countries of the world – it literally “lives as if on a volcano.”
And if you add to all the above factors the fact that the energy of the Earth is rapidly changing, squeezing out old three-dimensional programs from it, and there is a slow but sure destruction of the three-dimensional matrix itself, then you will see a complete picture of the processes currently taking place on Earth.
Therefore, my dear ones, do not become discouraged, but double your energy work in all directions in order to bring down the “colossus with feet of clay” that is the shadow government and all its puppets as soon as possible.
In this way, you will contribute to this fateful process for your Earth of its transition to the Fifth Dimension and protect yourself from unnecessary experiences, thereby keeping your vibrations high.
And I bless you for this!
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 22, 2024

May 12

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Without history and education)
May 12, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of our conversation about crimes against children, today I want to dwell on one more aspect concerning the modern educational system in many countries of the world.
And we are talking about how skillfully representatives of the deep state have learned to rewrite world history to suit their own short-term interests.
More than one generation of people has grown up who have no real idea of what happened in the world and their own countries, not only hundreds of years ago, but even in recent history.
And this is explained by the fact that in key positions in the highest echelons of power there are not independent individuals and defenders of their countries, but those who are completely dependent on their “masters” and unquestioningly carry out their “orders.”
And the “masters” understand perfectly well that it is the dullness of the future generation that is the “key” that gives them access to the consciousness of people and allows them to lead them in the direction they need.
Therefore, almost everywhere, deep and comprehensive classical education, which was practiced in many countries of the world several decades ago, very quickly gave way to primitive and superficial.
But the main thing is that this system is built in such a way that children are weaned from thinking for themselves, and everything comes down to them memorizing ready-made answers to questions prepared in advance for them.
In fact, all this is not as harmless as it seems, since it tunes the human brain to an automatic rather than creative perception of reality.
Any educational process, like everything else in your life, carries the energy of certain vibrations.
But if creativity and creation are characterized by high vibrations, then simply memorizing ready-made answers has very low vibrations.
That is why recently the educational process in schools and higher educational institutions has been structured in such a way as to teach children, adolescents and young people to think for themselves.
This creates the same gray mass that is easy to control, which is the main goal of the globalists.
It will no longer be possible to reverse these processes quickly, so a special responsibility now lies with every awakened person, especially with the older generation, who still remembers what real education and real teachers should be like.
Try, my dear ones, to talk more with your children and grandchildren: tell them about the history of your country, your family, about the world processes currently taking place on Earth, revealing their true essence and cause-and-effect relationships.
Do not rely on someone else to do this for you, because teachers and educators are no longer free: no matter how much they want, they must follow the programs and concepts imposed on them from above.
And as the older generation of teaching staff leaves, they are replaced by those who are completely dependent on the current management system and are not free to change anything in the modern educational system.
From childhood, instill in your children the habit of seeking the truth themselves: teach them to find alternative sources of information, to question the dogmatic approach to any phenomena and events in their lives.
In other words, try to develop in them creative, constructive thinking, as well as an interest in historical processes and patterns.
This will allow them to look at the world with their own, and not through the eyes of others, making their own conclusions, and not obediently repeating what the minions of the globalists are trying to put into their heads through the official media.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 12, 2024

May 10

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Crime must be stopped)
May 10, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will continue the conversation about criminal acts against your children by representatives of the deep state.
In addition to harmful drugs called “vaccines,” in many countries around the world truly monstrous experiments are carried out on children, which not only cripple the child’s psyche, but also kill his natural nature.
And we are talking about a gender program that is being actively implemented everywhere, in which children are instilled with the idea that they themselves, at will, are able to change the gender assigned to them from birth.
Like the “vaccine,” this is already compulsory, since in many countries this topic has become part of the compulsory school curriculum.
As you can see, my dear ones, what just recently seemed to you something out of the ordinary—impossible and absurd—is very quickly being transformed by the globalists into a new “normal.”
Why do they implement this so quickly?
First of all, because they count on the very inertia of your thinking that we recently talked about.
They understand perfectly well that it is difficult for a normal person to believe that such fantastic and absurd ideas from common sense can be realized in ordinary life.
Therefore, they are trying to consolidate their gender program at the state level, implementing anti-human laws unnoticed by ordinary citizens.
And this crime can only be resisted together, by combining the efforts of parents, as well as honest and decent teachers who think not about their careers, but about the lives and health of their students.
Nowadays, enough statistical data has already accumulated about the terrible and irreversible consequences for children and adolescents who have become victims of such abuse of their bodies and psyches.
Unfortunately, for many fragile and gullible children’s minds, for whom teachers are the authority and the ultimate truth, such perversions really become attractive.
They perceive it as a game, and many like the fact that they, as adults, are given freedom of choice, and often secretly from their parents, with whom not all children develop close, trusting relationships.
Often such experiments are carried out on children even without the knowledge of their parents, and for this, globalists have developed an entire program to forcibly change the hormonal background of a child, which leads to his depersonalization – deprivation of the sex assigned to him at birth.
And this phenomenon is already widespread.
Therefore, it is necessary to take urgent action to stop the experiments on your children with the involvement of professional doctors, lawyers and scientists who can defend your interests at the highest level.
In fact, this new phenomenon in your life is nothing more than the veiled destruction of humanity as a species, and this crime must be stopped as soon as possible in all countries of the world.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 10, 2024

May 9

Father Absolute – Two realities (It is no longer possible to postpone)
May 9, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to step away from our topic and talk to you about something that can unite people around the world and help them destroy the existing system of power.
We are talking here, of course, about people – pure human souls who suffer more than others from the actions of the globalists and their puppets in power that have already reached the point of absurdity.
And we will talk about the widest circle of people who may know nothing about the Transition, but nevertheless retain the best human qualities in their souls.
The most important thing that can unite humanity is caring for children.
They need to be protected first of all, since all the “poisonous arrows” of the criminals in power are now aimed at them.
It is they who are trying to “poison” physically and morally in order to extremely reduce the birth rate and disfigure the psyche of your children, depriving them of natural moral norms and values.
And the main tool for this are the so-called “vaccines”: lethal – in the literal sense of the word – drugs containing not only a whole range of different diseases – physical and mental, but also components leading to infertility and causing various kinds of genetic distortions .
And as has been the practice for centuries among the Dracoreptiles and their minions, the most insidious and dangerous things and phenomena for people are presented in a beautiful package under the guise of the government caring for the people.
But now such “care for children” is being introduced forcibly in order to accelerate the process of depopulation of the population and deprive future generations not only of health, but also of the opportunity to think adequately.
Thus, one of the terrifying consequences of such “care” is autism, which has no longer become a rare disease, but practically the norm.
Every concerned person can now find a lot of materials on this topic, as well as statistical data on the side effects of vaccination.
Therefore, saving your children from a common misfortune can mark the beginning of the unification of humanity against the criminal system of power on Earth.
But such a unification must start small – with the joint work of parents in every district, in every city, in every country.
And so gradually the “streams” of your joint efforts will merge into a powerful wide river, which will sweep away in its path all those who issue criminal decrees that deprive your children of health and a happy life, and those who carry out these decrees.
And we can’t put it off any longer.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 9, 2024

May 7

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Inertia of Thinking)
May 7, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today I want to talk to you about some phenomena inherent in the three-dimensional world that you have to get rid of.
One of them is your habit of explaining every event in your life using matrix patterns that are already firmly entrenched not only in your own consciousness, but also in the collective consciousness of humanity.
What are these patterns?
First of all, this is a judgment about something or someone from the standpoint of a dual perception of reality: good-bad, good-evil, strong-weak, right-wrong, fair-unfair, etc. and so on.
This view of the world has already become ingrained in your flesh and blood, as most of you have incarnated on this planet for thousands of years.
And, perhaps, this is precisely what is the stumbling block for many of you on your path to Ascension.
Although in theory you already know that you should approach all events in your life and every person you meet with an open mind as an outside observer, not everyone can do this yet.
Therefore, today I want to give you some practical advice, which will consist of directing your thoughts and emotions in a different – no longer three-dimensional – direction.
So, if the thoughts of an ordinary person flow in a single direction, created by a three-dimensional matrix, and flow into the “river” of the collective consciousness of humanity, in which these matrix patterns are concentrated, then now you will have to make an effort so that your thoughts find their own “channel” and flow already in a different direction.
How can you do this?
By cultivating a new habit in yourself – stopping yourself every time you want to think by inertia about events in your life or the life of your country and the planet as a whole.
Remember more often that the inertia of your thinking is the same matrix “gear” that was launched by the Dracoreptiles so that all your thoughts and emotions go in circles and are not able to break out – beyond the boundaries of the three-dimensional matrix.
In the three-dimensional world, such thinking is usually called rational, which is based on logical reasoning.
But, as you already know, it is this type of thinking that completely excludes the voice of your Soul, which is initially irrational, since most often it is guided not by human laws, but by Divine expediency both for yourself and for all humanity.
Therefore, every time you feel that you are reasoning the old fashioned way – according to your usual patterns, mentally turn to your Soul, focusing all your attention on the sixth chakra.
If you have already learned to use the chakra scale, then you can easily determine by vibrations which thoughts are the product of a three-dimensional matrix, and which are your own, prompted to you by your Soul.
The former vibrate at your lower chakras, while the latter vibrate at the sixth and higher chakras.
At first glance, it may seem that this approach is akin to self-control, but in fact there are some differences here, since now we are not talking about controlling your momentary thoughts and emotions, but about your opinion about some global events and phenomena, which is already gaining a completely different scale.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 7, 2024
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