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April 30

Feel the Arcturians, Archangels & Ascended Masters ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 30

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to be here with you and to make ourselves available to you whenever you are in a time of need. We offer ourselves up not only as guides and teachers, but also as comfort. We team up with so many other higher dimensional beings in order to provide you with the comfort that you need to get through the challenges that you face in your lives as individuals, and of course, as a collective. We know that most of you would love to hear from us yourselves directly, or for us to take some form so that you could see us and experience us visually in an undeniable way. We know that this is also true of your guides, the archangels, the ascended masters, and so many other high frequency beings of love and light.
But for now, what we want to invite you to do as we transmit our energy through this channel and directly to all of you who are receiving our love, our comforting presence, our compassion, and our healing energy, they are all available to you right now as you stretch your awareness of self beyond your physical bodies. Move that consciousness of yours beyond your skin, and feel for our warm embrace. Feel for the wings of the archangels wrapping around you, and feel for the compassion of the ascended masters flowing through you from head to toe.
We are all here for you in your time of need. We are here because we are beings of service, because we are the higher-dimensional aspects of you. We will never abandon you. We will always be available to give you a non-physical hug, and all you have to do is slow down, quiet your minds, and feel for the presence of all of the love, light, and energy that you’ve been summoning as you face your fears, as you process your traumas, and as you live your lives.
You are so dear to us, and we want to show you that your prayers and your requests are answered, but you’ve got to do more than just look with your eyes and listen with your ears. You’ve got to take the time to stop and feel for our love and the love of so many others who are amping up what they have been sending for so very long to humanity. Now is the time to open up and receive.
There has never been a better time to do so, and as you do, you show others the way. You show others how it is done, how to feel the way they want to feel, and how to receive what you absolutely deserve, no matter who you are, whether you’re awake or asleep. We do not judge, and we do not discriminate. We love you all, and we welcome you to feel that now, seeping in through the pores of your skin and all the way to the centers of your hearts.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 29

Your Newfound Spiritual Gifts & Abilities ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 29

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been noticing that quite a few of you are starting to recognize that you have spiritual gifts and abilities, and we also have been observing you not only accessing them but also letting them shine. You have had plenty of time on your hands for not only introspection, but also for sitting quietly and long enough to recognize the gifts and abilities that you have floating to the surface of your consciousness.
This is wonderful news for you as the individuals who are accessing those gifts, and it is even better news for the human collective, as they all get to benefit from the sharing of your gifts and abilities with as many people as you can. You may feel that you are under-qualified or not good enough yet to start sharing, but trust us when we say that humanity needs you and the freshness of your new voice, your new perspective, and the new energies that you are accessing as the new breed of awakened individuals who are ready to step out and step up to a larger audience.
Some of you have been hiding, not allowing your gifts and abilities to be experienced by others, and we understand where that apprehension comes from. We know that it is challenging to put yourself out there, even though you are so desperately needed, and even though your fellow humans have been summoning the new breed. You are the healers, psychics, channels, clairvoyants, and so many other labels that will lead those who are just waking up at this time.
And as we have said many times before, the mass awakenings are upon you and will continue. Therefore, you will be more sought after by those who are just waking up now. And even those who have been awake for quite some time can benefit from those of you who just starting to acknowledge what you have to share, what is burning and shining so brightly inside of you. You are the ones, and now is the time, and if you needed a sign from the universe to start putting yourself out there, consider this transmission that very sign.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 28

More Downloads, Activations & Healing Energy ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 28

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been impressed with your willingness to look inside of yourselves and do the work that you need to do in order to lighten up and become higher vibrational. You are becoming higher dimensional beings, and that requires a great deal of lightening up. Therefore, we want to commend you for having the will power to sit, process, and feel all that you need to at this time where you are being given more opportunities to do so. We also want to point out that when you clear, when you process, you make room for something new, something better.
We are talking about higher frequency energies, downloads, activations, attunements, and healing energy that you’ve been summoning for yourselves and for others. You are clearing out space for more abundance energy as well. You are clearing out space for more love to come into your life. You are clearing out space for more creativity, confidence, power, freedom, everything that you desire can fill those gaps when you do the work of processing those negative emotions and releasing the traumas that are stuck to those negative emotions.
You are energetic beings, and energy is as physical as a chair or a table. Energy occupies space. So when you clear energy, you make room for new, better-feeling, higher-vibrational energies to come in and take the place of what you have cleared. It’s very simple, and if you remember this principle, then every time you run into some negative emotion, you can see it as an opportunity. You are clearing that space out in the same way that you would clear out a closet space or a garage. You now have more space, more room to put what you want in there, and that’s exciting.
We are excited to see more and more of you opening yourselves up to these higher frequency energies, because we and others like us are here now to deliver. We are more than happy to do so, more than ready to be the ones who deliver, because we enjoy so much seeing you light up upon receipt of our higher-vibrational gifts.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 27

How to Get More Attention from Extra-Terrestrials ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 27

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in seeing how humanity will take what you are experiencing right now and grow even more from the adversity, the pain, and the loss that you have experienced. You are masterful creators, and you are the best beings in the entire galaxy at taking something that has been discarded, something that seems broken and useless, and making something beautiful out of it.
We are talking about you on a physical and metaphysical level right now. You have undoubtedly seen what we are referring to in the physical realm in sculptures and in people finding a way to repurpose something that otherwise would have been garbage, sitting in a landfill. There is a lot of rebuilding that you have in front of you now, and the process of rebuilding can be arduous and painful or fun and exciting. It all depends on the attitude that you bring to these endeavors.
And so, we suggest that you begin to look for the diamonds in the rough, the treasures in the piles of trash. Look for the ways that you can and will rebound from where you are right now. We know that you will do this, because we know a lot about the human spirit.
Now, certainly there are those among you who will not do this and who will continue to finger point and blame, looking for others to swoop in and save them. But we are addressing you awakened ones that we have come to know so well, that we have seen do so much beautiful work on yourselves, shifting your energy, raising your vibration, and creating something out of nothing. You are the ones to find the beauty in the chaos, in the turmoil, and in the pain and suffering that the human collective is experiencing right now, and we are the ones who’s job it is to remind you of just how good you are at doing what we are suggesting you do right now.
And when you do, you get the attention of us and all of the other extra-terrestrials who are looking for humans who are ready for more contact and co-creation with your galactic family.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 26

Tell Us What You Need, Because We Live to Give ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 26

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are eternally grateful for all of you who are operating there in the physical realm. You give us our sense of purpose. You give us beings to help, and that is something that we live for and live to do. We want so much to be of service, and you give us every opportunity that we could possibly hope for. Now, as you look around your world at your fellow humans, you would do well to be like us and to see everyone as giving you an opportunity to be, or do, or feel something. You are all being given the opportunity to help and to serve those in need.
Some who are not believing in any higher power, God, or Source might look around at the poor and the abused, the abandoned, and say, ‘How could a God let this happen?’ And we say to you that you are all Source Energy. If you see someone in need, then you are the God that is being given the opportunity to be the benevolent being that you really are. You are constantly being given the opportunity to forgive, to heal, to love, and to hold compassion in your heart for someone who is suffering that you cannot find a way to help or serve.
Therefore, you are as fortunate as we are, but there is a big difference between you all and us. We have an unlimited amount of time, energy, resources, and we do not have to take care of our physical bodies, our homes. We do not have children to look after. Because we are non-physical, it is easier for us to be that which we are suggesting that you all be and do. So we understand that it is a challenge to be where you are, and it is a challenge to be the love that you really are, when at times you have to also consider your survival and the well-being of those who are closest to you.
Earth, and every other physical realm, are extremely challenging places to be, and that is why you have beings like us and so many others who are here to help. Tell us how we can be more of service to you, and then relax, open yourselves up, and let that help in, because we live to give it.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 25

Earth Will Be Able to Handle Large Numbers of E.T.s ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 25

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been excited for quite some time to be in this very situation with humanity, because we knew that there would be a large segment of the human population looking for help from above. We knew that so many of you would be looking for answers as well, but have been more enthusiastic about delivering to you the energies that you have been summoning. When we deliver those energies directly to you, we feel the connection between human and Arcturian, between physical and non-physical, between fourth dimensional and ninth dimensional being.
We are very happy to have an opportunity to help, even though that help is coming from this time when you are in such dire need of assistance that you will actually look for it in a new and unfamiliar place. We are, of course, saddened by the losses and the suffering that you have endured, and we would have loved to have made these connections and delivered these energies under better circumstances, but the pandemic is what you all co-created, and you have been reaching out and reaching up. You also have been opening up and receiving the energies of health and well being that we have provided.
We are not alone in this endeavor. There are many other collectives and beings stepping up to answer humanity’s call for assistance. Many have been connecting with Lyrans, Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, and many others during this time of crisis on your world. We know that the connections that have been established are going to be very long lasting and will come in handy in the near future. You are ready to receive more, and you are ready to know more, but most importantly, you are ready to have more activated within you by connecting with those of us from other parts of the galaxy who represent those aspects of yourselves that you are awakening and that you will continue to awaken to.
We are your friends from all parts of this galaxy, and we are so happy to be included more in your mission there on Earth. Now more than ever we must come together as a galactic community to help humanity take all of that pain and all of that suffering and transmute it into the creation of a better Earth for all, and an Earth that will be able to handle extra-terrestrial life forms in large quantities.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 24

Why You Incarnated on Earth ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 24

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are continually fascinated by the way that humanity can keep suffering and enduring so much while also maintaining your sense of hope, your quest for joy, and your desire to reach a place of enlightenment. You are the masters who knew that you could handle the harsh conditions of third- and fourth-dimensional Earth, and that is why you were granted the opportunity to experience many lifetimes there. The Earth experience is not a trap, and you’re not stuck there because you forgot that you are Source Energy Beings.
You incarnated on Earth because you wanted that particular experience, you knew it would be challenging, and you knew you would be up to the task. Now, when people talk about feeling homesick, wanting to go back to the star system they originated in, and so on, those individuals are also forgetting that the challenges of Earth are like no other. They give you an opportunity to stand tall and strong in the face of adversity and to know yourselves as powerful Source Energy Beings. You have granted yourselves an opportunity to awaken into the truth of who you are as Source Energy Beings, and you have the ability to go so much further than anyone else in human form has been able to go.
You are doing it as a collective, and that is so impressive. You have decided not to live on a planet that would exclude billions of humans from being able to appreciate that new fifth-dimensional Earth. You are there to lift others up, to save each other, to love each other unconditionally, and you keep demonstrating time and time again that you are up to the task and that you are in fact doing it. Now, of course, not everyone is, and you do have your slip-ups, you do stumble, and you do fall, but you keep getting up. And that is what we find so impressive about humanity, and we are not alone in our appreciation. There are so many beings across the galaxy who feel the way that we do about all of you.
Those of you who took on the ultimate challenge of ascending on a polarized planet, from a third-dimensional beginning of that journey, we salute you. We appreciate you, and we are not alone. Receive the praise and acknowledgement that is coming down from the heavens upon you at all times. It is very genuine.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 23

Covid-19 Has Brought You So Much ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 23

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been looking into all of the various possibilities that you have in front of you leading up to your solstice in June, and we are happy to report that some new timelines have opened up for you because of the willingness that you have demonstrated to operate as a collective. You are banding together energetically in ways that we have never seen before there on Earth. Humans have set aside so many of your differences that typically polarize you in order to come together as a cohesive unit, and you are doing so largely in part due to the way that you all experience the fear of mortality.
Common experiences link you up, bind you together, and give you something to agree upon. You have agreed that you want to live, that you want to be well, and that you don’t want to be oppressed or lied to. And so, no matter which version of the story of covid-19 you are clinging to at this time, it is very likely that you feel that someone or some group is lying to you and trying to oppress you in some way with those lies.
And humans are in agreement that they do not want to be treated that way. Therefore, even when you disagree on who is lying and what the truth is, you are still banding together in your desire to be respected, in your desire to be allowed to live and breathe freely in your world.
The human collective is really coming together at this time, even though you are prohibited from gathering together in person in most parts of the world. This means that the human collective consciousness is taking the unfortunate circumstances that you are in right now and using them to become a more cohesive whole, a more harmonious race, and a people who are united under common goals and desires.
Now would be an excellent time for you to be focusing on the human collective consciousness that you are a part of, and it would be a wonderful time for you to connect with those who you have felt disconnected from for quite some time. Now is the time to make amends. Now is the time to seek to find more common ground, more ways and issues that you can come together for. You are the ones who are a part of the biggest leap forward in this universe at this time.
And so, we recommend that you take advantage of the unique position you are in because it is the only way to really make the most of these unfortunate circumstances you find yourselves in. We believe in you, especially those of you who are awake, and we continue to celebrate the progress that you make every single day there on planet Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 22

A Process for Conjuring a High Vibration ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 22

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are here to invite you to a new state of being, a new state of consciousness. We are here to help you to unlock a new vibration within yourselves. We know that it is high time for humanity to experience something brand new, something that will take you to the next level in the evolution of your consciousness. We invite you to feel for the vibration that is a combination of peace, love, and joy.
It is a vibration that all of you can access as you focus on the space in between your solar plexus and sacral chakras. Focus on this part of your physical body right now, and breathe. Breathe into that space with the same focus and intensity that you would use if you were trying to ignite a fire from a very small spark on the edge of a newspaper. Breathe in with the knowing that you can experience all three of these vibrations in combination with each other.
Know that you are there to take what already exists in the fourth dimension and create something new, something never before experienced, never before felt. Go to that place in between your second and third chakras, and feel the combination of peace, love, and joy as one vibration, one experience, one aspect of who you are. Let the feeling fill you up, fill yourself from head to toe with three of the best feeling vibrations combined into one.
And now, let the energy that you have been conjuring up spill out and over into your energy fields. Let yourselves feel surrounded by this beautiful experience, this beautiful energy. Let yourselves feel wrapped in this warm, gooey sensation, and know that you have done this yourselves. We have just coached you through it. We will take no responsibility and none of the credit, and also know that there is so much more where that experience has come from. It’s all inside of you, and it’s time to awaken the very best.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 21

Ascension Requires Less Hunting, More Forgiving ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 21

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been integrating so much since the beginning of your calendar year. We are still ascending back into Source, and therefore, we also have integrating to do. We actually are learning from all of you about the darkness in the universe. We are able to integrate through forgiveness the darkness that exists in this universe, and we are able to forgive on your behalf. When we see an injustice there on Earth, we can offer forgiveness to the ones who are playing the role of the dark beings. And once we integrate that aspect of ourselves, we have a non-physical leg to stand on when we ask you to do the same.
There is a lot of hunting going on at this time on Earth, and those who are hunting are looking for bad guys. Now we are talking about this in both a literal and a metaphorical sense. Many who are looking, hunting, scouring the Earth for people who are responsible for all of the bad deeds, are doing so from their homes, and they are doing so because of injustices that are real and some that are imagined. They are doing so because of persecution experienced in this lifetime and persecution experienced in past lives.
That’s the vast majority of you, and once again, we will invite you to forgive those who have hurt you, who are hurting you, who have hurt others, and who are hurting others. Once you do the integration of your own darkness, you not only feel more whole and complete, but you also then will have no further need to create that level of darkness on your world. You will have solved the puzzle.
You will have ascended to the next round, the next level, and as you know, the crimes against humanity that have been exposed are pretty horrific. That means you are doing some serious integration work at this time. The way you do that work is not by finding the bad guys. The way you do that work is by forgiving all who are playing that role of the dark beings on planet Earth and elsewhere in the galaxy.
You can trust that karma will take care of all of the acts that you would call evil, and therefore, you don’t have to worry about anyone going unpunished. But as long as you are hanging on to anger, hatred, and resentment, you will keep creating a world where darkness exists. Until you graduate to the next level, you will continue to see these reports of crimes against children and all of humanity. You have your work cut out for you. We are not giving you an easy assignment here, but we are giving you the keys to your evolution and ascension, as we always do.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 20

How to Improve Your Self-Esteem ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 20

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have an understanding of the way that you all think of yourselves, and we want you to become more aware of the inner workings of the human mind. We want you to understand that the way that you think about yourselves is due in large part to the built-in limitations of your minds. Your minds are incapable of truly understanding that which you are as Source Energy Beings.
And so, your minds make up stories about yourselves that are more plausible than the ultimate truth of who you are. These stories are indicative of the ego that you tend to operate as. The ego tends to go either very high or very low. Therefore, you will notice that you can feel good about yourself one moment and think very little of yourself the next, even though your true nature as a Source Energy Being hasn’t changed.
You are there doing the best that you can under very difficult circumstances, even when there isn’t a pandemic happening. So how do you get your minds to let yourselves off the hook and stop living by the conditions of the ego? The best way is to bypass your minds and all of their built-in limitations. Go straight to your hearts and feel for the love that you are. Feel for the unconditional love of Source.
And if it is hard for you to access in any moment, then make it easier on yourself. Go and look at a flower, sit under a tree, pet a dog or a cat. If you have someone in your life that you love, look into their eyes and feel the spark of Divinity being ignited in you to demonstrate to you that this is who and what you really are.
And your minds have a hard time even coming up with the right, or most appropriate, words to describe that state of being. Therefore, it’s time to let your minds off the hook, let your egos rest for a while, and spend some of that precious time that you have occupying your hearts, remembering where you came from and where you are returning to.
And when you’re not worried about how long it’s been and how much further you have to go, you can spend some time in the eternal bliss of the present moment. That is something the mind has a very difficult time doing, and that is why it serves you so much to shut off that very perspective that you hold when you are up there in your heads. Let your hearts be the aspect of you that guides you from now on.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 19

Now is the Time for Big Changes ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 19

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy with the progress that we see you all making during this time of more isolation, this time of more introspection, and this time where you are giving yourselves an opportunity to explore what is working and what is not working in your lives. Now is a time to listen to that voice inside of you that’s been telling you for quite some time to make a change, to do something differently, to start something new.
We are very excited as we tune in to how many of you are doing just that, because you have had the opportunity to be overwhelmed by that inner voice that has been nagging at you for so long. And you have also freed up the time in your schedules to make room for your passion projects. We see humanity as having hit the pause button, and we see that you are getting the opportunity to reevaluate some of the choices that you have made leading up to this very important calendar year.
A lot of people are talking about the year 2020 as if it is some sort of abomination, but it is giving you all the opportunity to explore what is really important to you as individuals and as a collective. You have more time now to consider where you want to go, what you want to create, and who you want to be on the remainder of this journey to the fifth dimension that you are on. If you are on Earth at this time, and you have decided that you want to ascend, then your ascension is a guarantee, but you still have years left as fourth dimensional beings. And we want you to enjoy those years that you have left on this version of Earth, this frequency that you are playing in at this time.
And so, we will continue to encourage you to take those necessary steps, to make those changes, and you to start living the life that you want to be living now. There is no time like the present, and you do have more energy available to you than ever before in human history. You have more freedom and less limitation. You have to believe in yourselves. You have to believe in your willingness to take an action that might not sit well with others in spite of their disapproval. You have to believe that you can make the changes that you want to make and thrive.
This is a new world that you are in the midst of co-creating, and a new version of the human collective that you are going to share that world with, and they will be looking for awakened souls like yourselves. Now is the time to lead, not to follow.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 18

Don’t Fall for the Destiny Trap ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 18

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been looking at all of the possibilities that exist at this time for humanity in the near future, and what we can see is that you are being very cautious about choosing where you will go next as a collective. You have seen yourselves and others being very cautious in the physical realm, washing your hands and wearing masks. You have been choosing not to touch things, not to go places, and you have been stocking up on supplies that you might need, all in order to be cautious, as you observe the different possibilities in your mind that keep coming up for you.
Now is a time when you must be willing to feel into these possibilities that we see in front of you, and you want to let go of the fear-based scenarios, which include the ones where individuals in positions of power attempt to take your free will away. If you have some issues with authority, they are coming up at this time, and they are coming up to serve you.
If you have been living your life very cautiously, you will want to examine how that has affected the creation of your reality now. And if you have been believing that someone or something has to come and rescue all of humanity, then that is something for you to examine. It’s a good idea to be taking stock at this time of what exactly you have been giving your power away to, especially if you don’t realize that you’ve been doing it.
Now, getting back to the potential timelines that you have in front of you. As you feel into the various future scenarios, do your best to stay out of your minds, and instead, feel into these different vibrational avenues with the idea that you may not be able to conjure up the best possible one with a limited physical mind. Take the energies coming in to support you and to heal you, and know that as you do, you also get closer to your intuitive knowing. You get more sensitive to your impulses, and you have a heightened awareness of that sensitivity that serves you so very well when you allow it to.
You are the sensitive ones, and you need to be leaning in to that gift at this time, because if you don’t, it will be much easier to fall into the trap of the timelines that others are telling you about, as if you have no choice, as if they are set in stone, as if all of humanity is destined to experience the same thing at the same time. You are not. You are there to choose, and we are here to help. Be proud of your sensitivity. It serves you very well, especially during these trying times.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 17

A Better Fourth Dimensional Earth Experience ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 17

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in creating more opportunities for you all to connect with us directly. We are very interested in co-creating with you, especially at this time when there is so much asking going on there on planet Earth. We feel more of you opening up to receive directly from the higher realms, and we always take advantage of every opportunity that comes our way to connect with you for the purposes of co-creating a better life experience there on Earth for the remainder of the time that you have in the fourth dimension.
We know that some of you have been waiting for the shift in consciousness to occur for decades and that Earth can feel like a giant waiting room, filled with expired magazines, as you are forced to listen to music that is not to your liking. Therefore, we offer you our assistance in co-creating a better version the Earth experience as you await the completion the shift in consciousness for this entire universe, of which we are a part.
We want to assist you with our high vibrational energy because when any of you are in a place of suffering, we feel that compassion within ourselves and that desire to be of service strengthens in its intensity. We want very much to come together with any of you who are willing to be a part of the co-creative dance. And so, we invite you to open yourselves up in any moment that you feel that you have slipped into a higher vibrational state. Any time that you feel relaxed, or even just tired, you can more easily connect with us and feel the energetic transmissions that we are offering for that potential co-creative experience that we seek with you.
We love humanity. We want to see you thriving there on Earth, and we are eager for you to become a part of the galactic community in an open way, where everyone gets to connect. That is why we are so eager to help, and we have such a strong desire to co-create with you a better Earth experience for you and for everyone, regardless of whether they are awake or believe what you happen to believe. Everyone deserves to live on a planet where there is peace, prosperity, and abundance in all forms.
Invite us in to co-create with you, and feel for our consciousness and our energy as we merge with you, because we are very happy to be a part of your growth experience, your evolution, and your ascension to the fifth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 16

If You Want the E.T.s to Land ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 16

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased with the progress that we see you all making there on Earth at this time of slowing down, doing less, and feeling more. You are there to feel all of the emotions that are available to you, including your fear of being destitute, sick, and then ultimately dying. You have all three of those fears coming up at the same time during the pandemic crisis that has been coupled with economic crashes and unemployment. You are getting your money’s worth, and this was actually a very economical choice for the human collective consciousness, because you want to be processing faster. You want to be facing as many of your lower-vibrational emotions as you can.
Now, when you are in the midst of a clearing of lower-vibrational emotions, you also have then put yourself in a position where lower-vibrational thoughts will be coming to you, lower-vibrational beliefs will be formed, and a lower-vibrational perspective on the world you live in will become a part of your way of looking at the world. This trap is what you need to avoid right now. You need to avoid the trap of ignoring your feelings in favor of thoughts of persecution, abuse of power, and loss of control.
Once you process your fears, you will be able to take back your power. You will be able to feel the truth that you have come to know as awakened beings that says you are deliberate creators. You are there to pick from all of the various vibrations that you come into contact with. You are there to create a better experience for yourselves and for the rest of humanity. You are not there to wait for something like disclosure to come around so that you can be free and validated in your beliefs.
You want to create a collective consciousness that allows for physical extra-terrestrials to simply be able to land their ships without fear of what those humans who haven’t dealt with their emotions might do. So if you really want to see the massive changes on your world that more and more people are talking about at this time, you need to feel those feeling, as difficult as they are, so that you can move past them, so that you can get into your creative vibration and bring humanity to the highest level of consciousness that has ever existed there on planet Earth.
We know that it’s the harder path. It’s the more challenging path, but it’s also the path that you knew you were going to take before you incarnated. And now is the time to get on it and to invite others to join you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 15

Mass Awakenings & Free Energy ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 15

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited to be a part of the mass awakening experience with all of you. We are eager to witness the effects of the mass awakenings that are occurring on your world right now. We have seen some of the timelines that you have in front of you, and we know that these mass awakenings that are occurring, for those who have been asleep, are going to impact the human collective in a very positive way, one way or another. One thing that has already occurred is there have been more acts of kindness on Earth because of how many people there are in need at this time.
We also suspect that the ripple effect you are going to experience there on Earth will result in the massive changes that those of you who are awake have desired for quite some time. Now is the time for secrets to be revealed that will enable all of you to have access to free energy, for example. Now is a time where you can see how the dependency on fossil fuels for your electricity could be going away completely. You need to make changes there, and the only thing in the way of the changes is the level of consciousness within the human collective.
As the overall vibration of the human collective consciousness rises up, the dominoes fall, and you begin to see the changes on your world that are indicative of a more awakened society. We have told you about the ripple effects that have occurred throughout the galaxy and the universe, and now we want you to understand that life is going to change for the better there on Earth, and it will be because of individuals like yourselves who are sending out the healing energy that you do. It will be due in large part because of the acts of kindness and compassion that are coming from awakened souls, like yourselves. It will be because of the greater number of awakened souls living there on Earth.
All of those things will be responsible for the massive changes that will come as a result of the mass awakenings that are occurring. It will not be because of a government, a politician, an alliance, or because anyone in power has fallen or been arrested. You are the ones making the difference, and those who are newly awakened will also be looking to you for help.
And so, you will be able to engage in the type of service that you have wanted to do for quite some time, and you will start to see the ripple effect of living in a world where there is less pollution. That will get people to go outside and enjoy nature, which will also increase the vibration of the human collective consciousness. And this will continue until you find yourselves shifting your consciousness to a fifth dimensional frequency range.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 14

Typical Awakened Souls ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 14

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been examining the overall vibration of the human collective consciousness for quite some time now, and we have felt many spikes indicating that you are making gigantic leaps forward in your evolution. And even though you are all experiencing a lot of cleansing and clearing at this time, take us at our word when we say that you are experiencing one of these spikes right now. You are doing a lot of processing on behalf of the collective, but that is nothing new for those of you who are awake.
Many of you are awake because of your empathy and sensitivity, and it is because of those attributes that you are capable of doing the clearing and the processing for those who are unable or unwilling to do it for themselves. How is that even possible, you might wonder? How can one person do the work that another person is supposed to be doing for themselves?
Well, we remind you now that everyone on Earth at this time is representing another aspect of you. Each individual on your world represents a ‘you’ that existed in another time and time. Therefore, whenever you see someone doing something that you find reprehensible, and you judge that person, you are judging yourself in a sense. You are judging yourself because that past life aspect of you did that exact same thing, and in reality, you just haven’t been able to forgive yourself for having done the deed.
So getting back to how and why you are clearing for the rest of the human collective, we must say that whenever you are tapping in to an emotion that someone else in the collective is numbing themselves to in one way or another, you are doing it for that past life aspect of yourself, and you are integrating them. You are becoming more whole and complete by doing this work for the other human in question. Now, your ego is wondering why would you do this and how does any of this make sense? Remember that your ego is about separation. Your ego is of the belief that this you that you are now is the only one in all of existence and that the ultimate goal of this you is to survive for as long as you can.
But the true you, the real you, the you that is of a higher consciousness than that knows that you are everything and everyone. You are Source and therefore All-That-Is, and so, you are doing that processing, cleansing, and clearing for all of these other humans who represent other aspects of who you are. And therefore, you are responsible for the spike. You are seeing more of your fellow humans in need now, and you are tapping in to their anxieties, their fears, their sadness, their anger, and in typical awakened soul fashion, you are doing something about it.
But your doing doesn’t involve action. It involves feeling. It involves a willingness to sit with a feeling, and as a result, you don’t get the awards, the statues, the accolades, that you deserve. And that’s why you have us. We will remind you of the valuable work that you are doing there for humanity, and we want you to know how proud of you all we are. We also want you to know that the work is paying off, and it is paying off for all of humanity, and all of your past life selves, and you all are taking humanity into a higher level of consciousness. That is something worth praising and celebrating. Please acknowledge yourselves, and know that you are making the difference that you have always set out to make.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 13

The Covid-19 Ripple Effect Throughout the Galaxy ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 13

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been observing the ripple effect that humanity has started with your reaching out to help one another during this covid-19 crisis. And as we have indicated many times before, you all are at the heart of the expansion of consciousness throughout this entire universe. Therefore, when you are helping each other through the pandemic, there is a ripple effect that occurs, and beings throughout the galaxy begin to cooperate.
There have been several treaties signed since the outbreak of the virus on your world, and we can see how the dominoes fell. We can see how by helping other humans, that you will never meet in this lifetime, you are healing old galactic wounds. And beings on other planets in other star systems are benefitting from every act of kindness and compassion that is occurring on planet Earth right now.
When you stop arguing about who is right and who is wrong, when you let go of the attachment to being on one side or another, and you reach out to a fellow human in need of assistance, you are creating that reality throughout the galaxy and the universe. You are the changemakers. You are the ones that the rest of the galaxy has been looking to, as you represent so many different star systems.
Earth really is the melting pot of this galaxy, and you are making tremendous strides there within your human collective. But we also wanted you to know how much it means to all beings throughout this universe that you are helping each other get through the crisis, putting aside your differences, and seeing another human in need as enough of a reason for you to do what you can to help.
Remember that the next time you feel the urge to correct someone about something they are believing in regards to this virus. Put that argument aside for the sake of all beings, and just ask the person if they need anything. Know that many are suffering who do not know how to communicate the fact that they are suffering, that have never been taught to express their emotions. You, as the awakened collective, need to rise above petty arguments and to stand as the example to the rest of humanity of how to get through this and be the change that you want to experience at the same time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 12

Creating the Rest of 2020 with the Newly Awakened ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 12

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are interested in the many avenues that you are in the process of creating for yourselves that involve the rest of your calendar year of 2020. We are still calling this the year of mass awakening, and we do see that people are awakening in larger numbers because of the pandemic. The crisis there on Earth has caused a lot of soul-searching to be done, and as a result, people have started to recognize that they have a soul and that they are a soul, that they have a mission, and that they want their lives to have meaning beyond mere survival.
And so, the number of you who are awakened is increasing, and that means you have more power as the awakened collective to co-create something beautiful that can take place in the remainder of this calendar year. You all have an opportunity to band together with your collective intentions, your collective power, your collective connection to Source, and you can do the things that many others are waiting around for someone or some group of individuals to do.
We’ve said it before, and we will say it again – you are the ones. Therefore, there is no need to wait for a secret, white hat group to clean up the human collective. You are the ones who are raising the vibration of the human collective consciousness. You are the ones who continue to be the black sheep in your soul family, quietly inviting others to come join you in the light, to join you in the knowing of who you really are. You are there to create a better reality, and now is the time to recognize that the creation of that reality doesn’t involve mass arrests.
The creation of that reality is about mass meditations, prayer events, healing circles, coming together in the light to spread more light and to make that invitation to the rest of humanity more attractive. That’s what you are all about, and that’s what the newly awakened are going to be eager to participate in. Remember yourself when you were newly awakened and how you wanted to join every group and become reiki certified, how you wanted to learn as much as you could and put what you learned into action.
You are there now on Earth to guide the newly awakened so that you can create that powerful collective of awakened souls and create a beautiful end of this year of 2020 on your world. Get innovative. Get creative. And get into your imaginations. Get into your workshops where you throw ideas up against the wall to see what sticks, where you dream big, where you believe in magic, and where you invite others to join you in the consciousness evolution on your world.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 11

The Energies on Earth at This Time ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 11

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been paying close attention to how humanity is responding to the changes that have occurred on your world as a result of the pandemic. And we want you to know that a big part of what is balancing the energies there is your willingness to relax while others are freaking out. Your presence on Earth at this time has never been more impactful than it is now. And while we know that you all want to heal all the sick and wipe the virus off the face of the planet with your intention, your healing energy, your consciousness, you are playing a role in balancing the energies. And that is a big part of what you are doing at this time for humanity.
We will acknowledge that if you had all of your fifth dimensional abilities, you could eliminate the virus from Mother Earth in a single moment. But instead, you are there balancing the energies, and that is what humanity needs right now. Humanity needs more of its members to hold that high vibration, to look for opportunities to experience joy and connection, and from where we exist, those all seem like the criteria for being a spiritually awake person.
And so, you are there to play your part in all of this, and right now the part you are playing is about balance. It is about offering people a safe haven in the midst of all of the chaos they are feeling and experiencing. You all gathering together and meditating, or even connecting through the Internet for mass prayer and meditation circles, those are precisely the acts that your fellow humans need to witness at this time. Those who are freaking out need to see that there is another way.
And if you are freaking out at times, there is no judgment here for you. There is a lot of root chakra clearing that is still taking place within you because of how much trauma and fear you brought with you into this lifetime. Those things are not reasons to feel ashamed. They are your scars, your wounds, and they show your strength. Your willingness to take on so much in one lifetime says so much about who you are as spiritual masters.
So please do not let any of this get you down. Continue to do the work on yourselves. Continue to spread the light and love throughout the world, and continue to look for those opportunities for peace, calm, and serenity within, for they are your greatest strengths at this time, and they are what you need and all of humanity needs to move past this crisis.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 10

Attention: Lightworkers ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scrantonм, April 10

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been impressed by those of you who are awake because you have demonstrated to us that you are willing to step up for your fellow humans in their time of need. You have been wonderful at assisting humanity at this time with the amount of healing energy that you have summoned for those who are sick and for those who are afraid of dying or of losing a loved one. You are lightworkers, and this is what you do.
This is what you signed up for, and we want to be the ones to shine more light on the lightworkers at this time, especially. Now is a time where so much more energy and attention is going towards those who are operating in the dark, those who you might call ‘The Cabal,’ ‘The Deep State,’ ‘The Illuminati,’ and all the other names that you have for these individuals. But we want to put the emphasis on how the lightworkers are stepping up to be a part of the solution. We want you all to celebrate yourselves for anchoring in so much light and spreading it to the rest of the collective, because that is the role that you agreed to play for humanity in this lifetime.
There is no better time than now to access your healing abilities. There is no better time than now to send that love and light out to the people in the parts of the world who are suffering the most because of the Covid-19 virus. Now, we also want to remind those of you who are lightworkers that you do need to replenish yourselves as well. You do need to rest and relax. You need to recuperate. You need to be connecting to Mother Earth, Mother Nature, and the sun in order to recharge your batteries. You have to make sure that you are not running yourselves ragged as you seek to step up and be the light for humanity.
We also have noticed that with the mass awakenings beginning at this time, there are new lightworkers who are coming to join the party, to be a part of the solution, and to lend their helping, healing hands to all of you who are the veterans. Those of you who have been working for decades as healers, as lightworkers, are getting the reinforcements that you need from the newly awakened, and this truly is a time where the heart of humanity is showing up, opening up, and flooding the collective with exactly what they have been asking for.
You are the ones. This is your time, and we are encouraged by how many of you there are there on Earth, wanting so much to help. You have, of course, those of us in the higher realms as well, to count on for our support. And so, this is a coming together of positively oriented beings from all across the universe, because we are all ascending together in this universe, and because Earth is a very important planet in the ascension of the entire universe. This is an important coming together and a necessary coming together of the forces of light.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 9

The Path to the Fifth Dimension – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 9

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited about the progress that we see you making there on Earth with the expansion of your consciousness. We know that we sound like a broken record, telling you this, day after day, but you must remember that we are non-physical beings who are tracking your progress through feeling into the overall vibration of humanity as a collective consciousness. And as such, your spiritual evolution is what we are focused upon. We want to say to you that there were bigger catastrophes that you all could have chosen for yourselves as a collective. There were more immediate cataclysms that you could have chosen.
But if you look at your situation logically, and you see how this pandemic has been affecting humanity as a collective, this was in fact the choice that gave you the biggest opportunity to heal from past life trauma and to come together as a collective through your love and compassion for your fellow humans. You are being given an opportunity to have your hearts opened, and a big part of the shift in consciousness is to stop operating from the consciousness level of your mind and to start operating from the consciousness level of your heart. And so, that is also why we keep telling you to stop looking for answers.
We want you to remember that addressing this crisis from a mental approach is going to leave you in that same vibration that you were in prior to it. But if instead of looking for the who and the why, you allow yourselves to feel what you need to feel and to get heart-centered, you will take all of the expansion that is available to you right now, and you will carry the rest of humanity into that higher frequency range that you all want to be living in.
The path to the fifth dimension was always going to be one that involved individuals going within and finding what was present inside of them. It was always going to be a journey of feeling, a journey that allowed you to notice an uptick in your personal vibration. And we have also told you time and time again that those of you who are awake would be leading humanity in the ascension journey that you are all on. You lead through your example, and you lead by holding a high enough vibration to affect those who are operating from fear, anger, and hate.
You present those individuals with an alternative by approaching the situation you are in and all of humanity with open hearts, with compassion, and with unconditional love. This is what you’ve been waiting for. This is your moment to shine, and the light that you have within you because of all of the clearing, all of the processing, all of the meditating, is brighter and stronger than it has ever been. And so, we invite you to use the light that you have within you to guide humanity into the higher frequency range that is the fifth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 8

Getting Past the Pandemic Faster ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 8

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to report that we can see all of you making progress there on Earth, and we can feel the ripple effect all the way here in the ninth dimension. We are also capable of sensing the direction that you are shifting into, and we can say that without a doubt, you are getting to the end of this crisis faster now because of the work that you have done as a collective. You are making that progress towards your ascension as well, because your ascension is all about seeing yourselves as a collective, rather than as a collection of individuals. There’s a difference.
A collective is a unit, and that’s what you need to operate as in order to harmonize and synergize, in order to catapult yourselves into a higher consciousness state. And so, you co-created something that would unite you as a collective, something that would allow yourselves to see that you are all the same, no matter where you are from and no matter what you believe in. And once you return to business as usual there on Earth, there will be a change in the way that you see your fellow humans. Right now, the desire to connect with others on your world has never been stronger than it is right now within the collective consciousness.
You are going to look for deeper connection. You are going to look for more than just physical proximity and physical touch. You are going to want to know what others went through during this pandemic. You are going to want to hear their stories. You are going to want to know how they were affected, whether they suffered any losses.
And in sharing your stories with one another, the compassion will build. Compassion and unconditional love are what bind a collective together. They are what accelerate your journey of ascension. They are what you really are as Source Energy Beings, and you who are awake have known this for quite some time.
You’ve been doing your part. You’ve been adding something positive to the collective consciousness, and now the rest of the planet is catching up. People are eager to grow, expand, and evolve, now more than ever, and you have been quietly leading them down that path, but your influence is getting stronger and stronger, and many who are asleep are starting to feel the presence of higher dimensional beings during this period of slowing down there on Earth.
Everything is about what you feel. And so, feeling for us, the archangels, the ascended masters, and others is a huge step forward and one that we could not possibly be happier about. Trust that your fellow humans are getting what they need, and continue to anchor in that compassion, and you will see yourselves through this faster than anyone expected.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 7

New Timelines Co-Created by the Truly Awakened – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 7

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have begun to investigate the timelines that have been created by humanity as a result of the covid-19 virus and all of its repercussions on you as a collective. Times like these are when you tend to be at your most creative, and luckily for humankind, there are plenty of you who are doing the work you need to do in order to heal yourselves and be in that positive energy that is required for creating something that will lead to a positive result.
You do not want to create timelines from a place of fear, sadness, or anger, and yet there are many on your planet right now who are attempting to do just that. As we said, lucky for humanity, there are those like you who are truly awake and who recognize the opportunity that is in front of you to put humanity on a much better timeline than the one you were on before this became a pandemic.
You are ready to establish some new goals for yourselves as a collective. You are ready to become the high-vibrational beings that you were always destined to become in this lifetime, and you are ready to help those who have been lagging behind catch up to where you are in your evolutionary journey.
This is a time where many individuals who will be looking for solace, comfort, and anyone who is able to hold a stable, high vibration is one who offers the comfort that people are seeking. But you are doing so much more than that. You are setting humanity on a better feeling track. You are opening up to new possibilities, new ways of achieving the goals that you have for humanity, and new timelines for ascension, which is what this lifetime is all about for you. Remember that, and keep in mind that there is only so much you as an individual have control over.
So you really want to take control of your vibration, to do the work that you need to do, and to get creative. We will continue to recommend to all of you that you stop looking for ‘The Truth’ about what’s going on right now, and instead, you create from your truth, and you harmonize with that new Earth you are co-creating, that fifth-dimensional frequency range that you are all spiraling towards in every moment of every day.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 6

A Practice Run for the Shift in Consciousness ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 6

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to report that you all are affecting humanity’s trajectory in a significant way with the healing energy and compassion that you show towards your fellow humans. We know that it can be hard to see the positive effects of what you all have been doing for your fellow humans, but remember that the shifts in the physical realm are always the ones that take the most amount of time on your world.
The shifting of the energy can happen immediately, and yet, you will still see a lag time between that shift in the energy and the effects on the physical realm. And so, we ask that you be patient with this recovery period. Be patient with the results of your efforts. We know that some were expecting there to be some immediate results in the physical realm from all of the healing energy, prayers, thoughts and meditations that have occurred in the past forty-eight hours.
You are going to see the positive effects of your handiwork eventually, but it will take time. In the meantime, we can all continue to celebrate the way humans have been supporting other humans through this pandemic. We can feel the love that has been generated for those areas of the world that have been hit the hardest by the virus. We also see a great uptick in the amount of compassion that is being felt for the elderly and the more sick people in your population, and that is very encouraging.
Now, as you move forward, you might be asking yourself what more you can do to help. Continue to focus on using this time that you have to go within and process what you need to process. Use this time to let go of that which is no longer serving you so that you can let in more of the higher frequency energies that are bombarding planet Earth at this time. Your fellow humans will continue to tug at your heartstrings, and you will be able to answer the call with more of the unconditional love of Source that flows through you so easily when you are called forth to be the light that humanity needs.
You can see all that is happening right now as a practice round for the completion of the shift in consciousness, because there will be certain members of society that will need more help with that transition. There will be individuals who will be having a much harder time than those of you who are awake and have been working on yourselves, and they will need your help. The help that you are providing humanity now is something that you will want to build upon in the coming months and years, as you continue to see where your light is needed on Earth, and you continue to provide what humanity is asking for.
As far as we are concerned, this practice run for the completion of the shift has gone spectacularly well, and we are very encouraged by what we are seeing and feeling there on your world.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 5

Group Meditations, Prayers, & Gatherings ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 5

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been observing humanity for so very long, and we have seen many leaps forward in your consciousness evolution. We have experienced the ripple effect of your shifting into a higher frequency range. We have noticed that you tend to make these giant leaps forward during times of great suffering, great chaos, and we would like to invite you to come together in the way that you have recently without first co-creating a tragedy to respond to.
Now, you do tend to gather together, or synch up in meditation when you know that it is a significant date on your calendar, or something is happening out there somewhere that then becomes the catalyst for you coming together. What you really want to start doing as a collective is rallying to raise consciousness for no other reason than that you want to be a part of a gigantic leap forward in the consciousness evolution of the human collective.
And so, we encourage you to plan to organize group meditations, prayers, and gatherings not because it is needed, but because you just want to feel how much you can affect a shift in the consciousness of humanity. We invite you to put that in your calendars. We want you to slow down on a day when there is no reason to slow down. We want you to connect with each other and nature, just because it feels good to do so. We want you to think less about what you should be doing and what you ought to be accomplishing.
We invite you to relax more into the knowing that everything will work itself out eventually there on Earth, and we want you to let go of the responsibility that you sometimes feel to make the changes happen through your actions. We invite you to schedule time to be in your Divine Feminine, to allow yourselves just to sit back, put your feet up, and feel for the opportunities that are all around you every day for expansion, for integration, for the evolution of consciousness.
That is really what you are there to accomplish on Earth, and evolving your consciousness does not require you to take any actions whatsoever. Taking part in a deliberate raising of your vibration for no other reason than that it feels good to do so is a sign. It is a sign that you are becoming your higher selves, that you are becoming the beings that you always meant to become in this lifetime.
Remember that you don’t need to be responding to tragedy or trauma, like you are now, in order to come together to raise the vibration of the entire collective. Use what you have been gaining from your response to this pandemic as momentum. Notice how good it feels to unite, and keep doing what you are doing for no reason, other than that it feels good, and you will put yourselves on a faster timeline for ascension. And even better than that, you will enjoy the ride so much more.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 4

The Energies of Progress from Covid-19 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 4

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are seeing and feeling the progress that you all have been making, and we are wanting to convey a very important message to you about how you progress. Many times in your lives, you have wanted to skip right to the end, right to the good part, the part you’ve been waiting to experience for quite some time, and you miss out on the feeling of the gradual progression, because you don’t tune in to it. You can become very all or nothing, very black or white. You are either in the midst of a crisis, or you are out of it.
But we want to talk to you about the progression. We want to talk to you about how much more you can feel into the shifting and the expanding that is going on right now within the human collective consciousness. If you take a moment right now, and feel into your bodies. And then reach out with your consciousness, just beyond your physical bodies, and feel for that expansive energy that is all around you right, tugging at you, encouraging you to feel that gradual progression towards that goal that you have right for your collective. There are very few issues that unite the human collective, and this virus is one of them.
That is something worth feeling into. That is something worth experiencing. You want to feel the change. You want to feel the expansion, the growth, the evolution, but you do have to tune in to it in order to experience it. For some of you who are sensitive, who are empaths, it’s impossible for you not to feel what’s going on with the collective. But for the vast majority of humans, it will take some effort, and that’s what we are prescribing to all of you right now.
Make the effort. Feel into what is happening right now on your world, because the immense amount of summoning that is going on is something your rarely get to experience. You don’t want to miss out, and as a bonus, when you are tuned in to the shifting energies, the changes that are upon you, that simple act puts you on a faster timeline to where you want to go. Many individuals want things to just get back to normal, back to the way they were, but where you are going right now is so much better than where you were. And you all have an opportunity to slip into that mode and to feel the energies that are upon you right now. It is definitely worth the little bit of time and effort to tune in.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 3

What the 5th Dimension is All About ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 3

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with the way that you all have been handling the adjustments that you’ve had to make in your lives in order to create a safer and better outcome for all of humanity. You can look at what is happening right now as a major inconvenience and see it as a tragedy, because from a certain point of view both of those perspectives are true. But we want to remind you that everything that happens on your world at this time is ultimately about ascension. Everything is moving you closer to the shift in consciousness to the fifth dimension.
Of course, when you have a major event like the covid-19 virus, that is also about expanding and evolving the human collective consciousness. When you take the expansion and allow the evolution, you thrive. When you look at who is responsible, who is to blame, you keep yourself more in a third-dimensional perspective. The third dimension is all about polarity and duality. The third dimension has been about identifying what is good and what is bad and keeping the bad away from the good. The third dimension has been about separation, and the ego loves separation.
The fifth dimension is about integration. It is about blending, bringing together, combining all that is in order to create something new, something wondrous, and something magical. Now, even those who are awake can see the world in very black and white terms, and can be very much in favor of separation. They can be blinded to the power and joy of integration because it is the mind that they are utilizing in order to experience reality. Part of the ascension process is moving from being mind-oriented to being heart-centered.
And so, you are the ones who must lead with your hearts, because there are plenty of individuals right now who are looking at the current set of circumstances on Earth right now with their minds and their minds alone. Whether they realize it or not, they are clinging to the old ways. You are awake enough to be receiving this transmission, so you must recognize that in order to move into something new, you must let go of the old way of doing things. The new way of doing things is to embrace. Embrace it all. Embrace the darkness as well as the light, and you certainly must embrace everything that is going on inside of you emotionally if you are ever going to be able to rise above being triggered and to choose the vibration that you want to set, that you want to create reality with.
And if enough of you are able to do this, to shift internally, then you can take the expansion, allow the evolution, and become the ones who are operating from that fifth dimensional frequency range. You can be your higher selves right now and invite the rest of humanity to the point of integration. That is your journey, and that is what we see those of you who are awake doing, and we are very proud.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 2

Critical Mass for E.T. Contact Has Been Reached ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 2

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with the movement forward that you have been making as a collective at this time, and we are particularly pleased with the way that your hearts have opened up to include people who are being affected by the virus and who live far, far away from you. People that you have no association with whatsoever have been in your prayers, and you have been sending them healing love and light. And this is what humanity needs right now, more than anything else.
While there are doctors feverishly working on getting a cure of some sort for the virus, those of you who are awake are brewing up more compassion than there has ever been on planet Earth before. Your numbers are a factor here. You can look around at the world, which is filled with more people than it has ever had upon it before, and you can see that there are some very bad people doing some very bad things. And you might even believe that they represent half of the human collective. You might still believe that half of humanity is operating from a place of darkness, and only half of you are coming from the light.
But those who are operating from the light within them are far outnumbering those who are playing the role of the dark. Therefore, you as the collective of light, are generating enough compassion to push humanity into an even higher vibrational frequency than if something good was happening all around the world, affecting every single person in one way or another. And we want to point out that this amount of compassion shows your readiness for extra-terrestrial contact. It shows that humanity as a collective has gone beyond where you needed to go vibrationally in order to be seen as ready for that full, open e.t. contact that you all want so much.
And so, that is another byproduct that is a positive thing, a positive outcome, coming from something that could only be described as negative in nature. It is, however, how you respond to something negative that defines you, and you as a human collective are taking what is right in front of you and spinning it into gold. You are responsible for taking humanity further than the collective has ever been before, and you are doing so with the light, love, and compassion that you are holding within you right now.
As we said, the numbers matter. There has been a critical mass that has been reached, and you are going to be living on a much different planet very soon, because of what is happening right now. These are very interesting, chaotic, and exciting times for humans on Earth, and we promise you that you’re going to start to see evidence of what we are talking about, and you will recognize it as your own handiwork.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 1

Cabin Fever & the Divine Feminine Essence ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 1

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been very excited to witness the shifts that are going on within you as individuals. We have noticed how the cabin fever effect has been forcing more humans to face what has been going on inside of you, and we want you to know that what you’ve been able to accomplish just by being cooped up there in your homes is quite astonishing. Many have had to face truths about themselves, their relationships, and where they get their sense of self worth from as a consequence of not being able to do as much.
By not being able to go out into the world and be so action-oriented, there has been a heightened awareness within many of their Divine Feminine Essence. You all have been taught from a very young age that what you do is what matters most, and there has been less of an emphasis on the importance of how you feel. That is all changing now that you have to do less and feel more. You have to operate more from your Divine Feminine Essence in order to receive help, in order to receive healing, in order to receive anything, and that is a very good thing.
When the virus became a pandemic, a lot of people began to think about shortage, a shortage of what they need in order to survive and to live comfortably. Very few were taking the perspective on that everything was going to be okay and that there is plenty of everything to go around. The truth is, however, that there were enough of you embracing that Divine Feminine Essence to increase the receiving factor in all of this. There is, of course, plenty to go around. You have had more than enough resources there on Earth to feed, clothe, and house every single human being comfortably, but that isn’t how it has played out there.
Now is a wonderful time for people to recognize that you not only have enough resources there on Earth for everyone, but you also have energetic help coming from the higher realms. When you allow yourselves to receive energetically, you will then be able to receive on the physical level. When you are only focused on the physical level, and you ignore the energetic, that’s when you start to feel the squeeze of the shortage mentality, and that is something that needs to change there on Earth. The fact that it is changing is yet another positive outcome that you are moving towards every single day.
Be excited about this time and about the opportunity that it is presenting you with, and be the leaders to the rest of humanity that you were born to be, as you go within, and as you do not panic, and as you access more of that Divine Feminine Essence that allows you to receive from this abundant world that you live on and the abundant universe that we all share together.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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