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March 31

Pleiadian Upgrades, DNA Activations & Healing ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 31

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been investigating the effects of the pandemic on your consciousness there on Earth, and we have determined that you still have a lot of growth experiences ahead of you. But we can also see that you are going to take the growth that is available to you, and you will be the most highly evolved and advanced human collective that has ever roamed planet Earth. No matter how things look on your world, you will always be on an upward spiral in terms of the evolution of your consciousness.
We know that you are capable of looking around and seeing where you still need improvement as a society and as a human collective, but what you cannot always tune in to are how you have been able to bring in so much high frequency energy as a result of the virus. We can, however, feel that shift that you have all made. Those of you who have wanted to become healers for quite some time have been receiving tremendous and activations from a variety of Pleiadian groups, including your own soul family members who are incarnate in the Pleiadian star system at this time.
When there is a need for healing on planet Earth, there will always be those who are awakened, ready to step up and play the role of the healer. You have been accessing the memories of what you have done as healers in previous lifetimes, and you have done so in large part because of the asking of the human collective consciousness. You are ready to take the next steps forward now. You are ready to inject more of that Pleiadian energy and that Pleiadian wisdom into your society.
Right now, those of you who believe in using vibration, sound, water, and crystals to help someone heal are the ones who exist on the fringe, but that is all changing. We can see a huge number of new healers emerging on Earth at this time to activate their Pleiadian DNA and to be the healers that humanity needs at this time. It is your desire to serve and your compassion that is helping you all to transform. You are all at the heart of the movement forward that humanity is making right now, and we are very proud of you and look forward to see what you will do next.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 30

This Isn’t About Light Forces vs. Dark Forces ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 30

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very well informed about regarding everything and everyone there on Earth. We understand why things happen the way that they do, and we want to be very clear about something. It is always consciousness that is creating, using vibration. That’s the reason why everything that is happening has been happening, and it’s the reason why everything that is not happening has not been happening.
Now, you live in a physical realm on a physical planet, and so you look for a physical cause, you look for responsible parties. You look for who did what and why, and it is your right to do so. But change comes through the evolution of consciousness, and you are living in a time when there is a great opportunity to evolve. There is a great opportunity in front of you to work on yourselves, clear past life and current life trauma, and help one another in your times of need.
And so, we want you to know that there are always going to be forces of light and forces that are playing the role of the dark. But even those forces are really coming from the light, as we are all Source Energy Beings. We also want you to know that in the universe right now, which we are all a part of, there is far more light present. The light far outweighs the dark, and we also want you to know that this truth that we are giving you right now has not always been the case in this universe.
We have all surpassed that tipping point, and we did so several years ago as a universal collective. You, who are receiving this message, are a part of the force that represents the light. You are recognizing yourselves as Source Energy Beings, and you also recognize that you have an enormous amount of help coming from other beings representing the light, including ourselves. Therefore, we recommend that you not put your focus on the dark minority.
We recommend that you not give away your power by wondering what they are up to. We recommend that you look for more opportunities to band together and shine that light that comes from within each and every one of you. We also recommend that you acknowledge how powerful you are when you tune in to the light within you, instead of turning over every rock that you can find, looking for the dark and trying to figure out their agenda.
Now is a time to open yourselves up to the help that you have coming in as well, because those of us in the higher realms are amplifying the light, and only those who are looking for that light are going to receive it. You are the ones to remind those who are playing the role of the dark forces that they are in fact also Source Energy Beings and that the light within them can never be extinguished. That is a big part of the role of the lightworker at this time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 29

Covid-19. Progress Report for Humanity ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 29

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with the progress that humanity is making during this time when you are being asked to do so much work on yourselves. We are noticing the spikes in your overall vibration as a collective, even though to get to those spikes, you have had to process some serious pain, some unpleasant emotions. That’s the nature of letting go. In order to let go of something, you first must acknowledge its existence. And if there’s one thing that this virus has done, it has helped so many become more aware of what’s been bottled up inside of them.
Now, there still are many out there who need to recognize that they are triggered, instead of trying to convince everyone else that their theory is the correct one. But most of you who are awake are also fairly even keeled for the most part, and therefore, when something hits you vibrationally, you notice that you are being triggered. You know what’s coming up for you, and you know what to do about it. You who are the truly awakened ones will always recognize that your journey is an inside job. You will always acknowledge that when something comes up for you as a negative thought or a negative emotion, that means you’ve got work to do on yourself.
We know that it’s going to take some time before we can convince the faction of the spiritual community who believes that this is all about defeating the bad guys that it really isn’t. Yes, you have a right to look at those in power with skepticism. And yes, you should question the motives of governments and corporations, but you also need to recognize that what’s going on inside of you must take priority. It’s the only way to shift your vibration to the point where you can stand up for yourselves.
You can only affect reality in a positive way when you are in a higher vibrational state, and you are creating your reality with your vibration. That’s how every single one of you does it, and in times like these, some individuals do need to have that reminder in front of them. But again, we see the vast majority of you are taking care of yourselves, not only physically, but also emotionally. And that’s what’s responsible for the human collective consciousness rising above the current set of circumstances, and that’s how you will get through this.
Those of you who are awake know this, but some need to be reminded from time to time. Remember what your role is there on Earth, as the leaders in the movement to shift humanity’s consciousness and avoid arguing with others about the theories that they are putting out there. Now is the time to be the love, the compassion, and the healing that humanity needs.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 28

Leading Humanity into the 5th Dimension ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 28

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have done extensive research on the history of humankind there on Earth, and we have seen so many instances where you have experienced a catastrophic event as a collective. We have noticed that in each of those instances, it was the ones who survived that had the hardest time. Not only did those humans face their own fears of death, starvation, loss of home, and loss of friends and family members, but they also endured the trauma emotionally. The ones who survived were the ones who carried the burden of the emotional turmoil that the cataclysmic event left in its wake.
There have been many of these occurrences that are not in your history books, but we have explored them, and we have explored the energetic impact on the human collective consciousness. We want you all to recognize that you have benefitted from those past life selves and what they have endured. You have been calling upon that collective consciousness that is a part of human history, and you have been taking the offerings of those previous selves and really benefitting from what they have to share with you about surviving through a global tragedy.
Now, what you want to recognize within yourselves at this time is that those of you who choose to survive the current global pandemic will be doing so because you know that you have that strength within you. You knew that this was going to be part of your role as those who are ascending, and those of you who are awake knew the biggest aspect of what you are going through right now would be the emotional impact. You knew that you would be called upon to process more than your fair share for humanity, and you knew that you were up to the task.
Many of you who are awake have felt throughout this lifetime that you’ve been processing for humanity, even more so than you’ve been processing for your past life selves. In this instance, we are talking about drawing strength from your past life selves to help clear the unresolved trauma for the rest of the human collective that you are sharing the Earth with at this time and for those who are passing.
You knew that this was going to be worth it. You knew that this lifetime would lead you to the shift in consciousness, and you knew that you were the ones to do this very important work, to lead humanity into ascension, into the fifth dimension, into the higher consciousness that you are stepping into at this time. We are here to support you, to help you, and to remind you of how powerful and strong you really are.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 27

Codes, Energies & Upgrades in Response to Covid-19 ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 27

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are ready to take all of you to the next level in the evolution of your consciousness. We are very eager to deliver to you the codes, energies, and upgrades to take humanity further than you’ve ever been before there on planet Earth. We are very eager to meet with those of you who are ready to take this journey with us while you are asleep and your consciousness is traveling in the astral plane.
The meeting that we have with each of you who is ready and willing to take this journey will be one that you may or may not remember upon waking up. Know this, however. If you decide that you want to receive the codes, the energies, and the upgrades, you will. We are just answering the call that has been made and that has gotten stronger for more assistance from the higher realms.
You are the ones doing all of the hard work down there on Earth. You are the ones living through the hardships that are upon you at this time. Our job here is quite easy by comparison. We listen to your requests. We know then what it’s going to take to give you exactly what you need, and we figure out a way to deliver it.
We are here now to ride the wave with you that this covid-19 virus has brought into being, and we are ready to help you all gain greater access to your strength, your power, and your ability to care for yourselves physically. We are ready to assist you in becoming sovereign beings there on Earth. And as sovereign beings, you will still want and need help from those like us in the higher realms, and we will continue to deliver it.
Your sovereignty is from the reality that you are in right now, where you have unwittingly given so much of that power away. We are here now to help you take it back. We are here to help you claim your birthright as the awakened ones, as the small portion of the human collective that is ready to tip the scales for humanity, to bring the vibration of the collective to the highest heights. We have heard your requests, and we also know that you who are receiving this message are ready.
And so, we will be seeing you in the astral plane.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 26

Help the Arcturians Heal Humanity – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 26

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been taking care of humanity energetically at this time. We, and many others like us here in the higher realms, know when you need more nurturing, caring, loving attention, and we always provide it.
There are a few ways in which you all can help us in this time where humanity needs so much help. First of all, you can help by being kind, loving, and nurturing to yourselves and to each other. Secondly, you can open yourselves up more to the compassion that we offer by feeling for it and holding that intention to receive more of it. Finally, you can be one who grounds this compassionate energy into your physical body and into Mother Earth, making it available to all other humans, because the Earth has her ways of distributing all types of energies.
When you recognize that one of the major purposes of this co-creation is to get you to feel for each other, then it becomes easier for you to see that what your fellow humans need right now is some kindness and some compassion. You are the ones to access these high vibrational states of being, and you are the ones to share those high frequency vibrations with your fellow humans because you want to be of service.
And not only do you want to be of service, but many of you have come to us and asked us how you can be of service. Most of the time when you ask that question, you are thinking about something that you can do in terms of physical action. But right now, you are being asked to stay inside, to keep your distance from each other, and that means you get to access your superpowers to help humanity. You get to access your love and compassion. You get to access your healing abilities and the ability that you have to feel connected, to access that oneness, that unity consciousness that you always have access to. But at a time like the one you are living in now, you are more likely to access it.
We will continue to tell you what we feel humanity needs from all of you who are awake, and we know that as the awakened collective, you will be opening yourselves up to us, even more than you usually do. This is a time of working together, whether you are human, extra-terrestrial, physical, or non-physical. We are all connected, and therefore, when anyone on Earth is suffering, that suffering sends a ripple effect, and we all want to help alleviate that suffering. We all want to help humanity take the giant leap forward in your evolution that this current situation is presenting you with as a possibility. And we will continue to assist you in whatever ways that we can.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 25

The Mass Awakenings Have Begun ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 25

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
When you face your idea of mortality, your concept of death, that is precisely when a human being does a tremendous amount of soul searching. Therefore, one of the positive outcomes of the covid-19 outbreak is the massive amount of awakening that is happening on your world right now. The more people consider the possibility of their own passing, the more they start to search for answers and the more likely they are to receive those answers that they’ve been looking for.
Now is a time when the mass awakenings that we have been talking about are occurring. More and more people are discovering the truth that they are eternal and infinite beings of unconditional love. Many individuals are considering reincarnation for the first time, feeling as though they have unfinished business there on Earth.
So you see, there is an upside to what you’re going through that goes beyond the changing of systems and the fall of empires. There is something much more important going on there at this time than even mass arrests of those who have been working in the dark. The more of you that are awake, the closer you get to your ascension, and of course, part of being awake is also recognizing the Divinity in your fellow humans.
Being caring, compassionate, and kind humans ultimately means more than anything that you could believe, however. Therefore, we will continue to encourage you to look for ways that you can be of service, be part of the solution, and lend a helping hand to your fellow travelers there on planet Earth. You know that you can also be the one who inspires someone into their awakening, and that is a gigantic accomplishment. Look for opportunities to help those in need and to inspire all, not with your thoughts, not with your theories, but with your compassion.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 24

What Is Triggering You Right Now? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 24

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in exploring with each of you as individuals what you are feeling triggered about right now. Many are obviously going through this experience with the knowing that it is about their fear of death. Others are accessing their fears about financial abundance. Others experience the fear of shortage coming up for them. And still others are more concerned about who is doing what to whom at this time. The fear of persecution is a very real feeling, and that trauma of being persecuted is one that you carry with you from lifetimes where you have had that experience in an exaggerated way and in a very overt one, like being incarcerated because someone felt threatened by you.
You have had at least one lifetime where you have been killed because of something you said or something you believed. And so, now is a time to notice what about life on Earth at this time is triggering you, because that’s what you need to work on. That’s what you need to clear. You don’t just need a vaccine. You don’t just need governments to issue bailouts. You don’t just need to find out who or what is behind the virus.
We have already told you about the dangers of going down a more mental path from where you are right now. And so, we want to reiterate here and now that this is about getting to the heart of those feelings that you in particular have coming up. For some, it isn’t even fear. For some, it’s anger. For others it’s sadness. But all of you have something that is getting triggered within you as a result of what you are experiencing on planet Earth right now, and that’s what’s important. That’s what you need to dive deeper into, rather than sticking your head in the sand or watching the news or looking at your favorite conspiracy theory websites.
You all need to do the processing that is right there, in front of you, right now. Your chakras are the place to be giving your attention. That’s where you will find the stuck energy that needs processing at this time. That’s where you feel what you feel. We recommend doing more chakra check-ins than looking for the latest updates in all of the various places where you can look in this day and age. Doing a mass cleansing and purging for humanity at this time will help to take you to that next level that we’ve also been talking about.
When people talk about being awake, they are not all talking about the same thing. We want you to awaken to what’s going on inside of you. That’s what you need to know about more than any piece of information, and that is true whether there’s a pandemic going on or not. That’s true in every moment of every day. Now is the time when that truth is just being amplified, and we are the ones who are going to amplify it, so that enough of you get it to do the work, process those emotions, and then be the conduits for positive, loving, healing energy that we know you really are.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 23

What Awakened Earthlings Are Meant to Do ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 23

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are having many significant conversations with you when you are asleep at night, and you meet up with us in the astral plane. We have never had as much input from you as we are getting at this time. The creative ideas that have spawned as a result of you all facing this global crisis are impressive, to say the least.
We are working with Pleiadian, Sirian, and Andromedan groups of beings at this time to come to some sort of agreement about how to help without interfering and about how we can best use the situation on your planet right now to help move you forward. You are receiving lots of suggestions from people who are in positions of authority, and those suggestions are primarily about your physical well-being.
But we have the privilege of being able to converse with you when you are not in your bodies, when you are not operating from the level of your ego, and when you are free from the limitations of your physical minds. We are getting the scoop from the more authentic aspects of who you really are, and from those conversations, we have concluded that the way for humanity to truly benefit from the outbreak is to band together and work as a team. You are being urged to stay home and to wash your hands religiously, but there is also an opportunity for you all to see that you are all in this situation together.
This is a time when your race, religion, nationality, gender, and sexuality are not nearly as important as the fact that you are human and you are Earthlings. You are being given an opportunity to make life on planet Earth better, and that all begins with you seeing each other as equal. You are, of course, all Source Energy Beings, no matter where you are in terms of your spiritual evolution and how awake you are. When your hearts go out to those who are suffering the most because of the virus, that’s when you know that you are taking exactly what you are supposed to be taking from this crisis, and you are moving the entire human collective consciousness forward.
That’s what you are meant to do. That’s what those of you who are awake are more likely to do in this situation, and that’s what’s going to lead to a sense of oneness and unity consciousness there on Earth, the likes of which you have not experienced yet. These are very trying and very exciting times for the human collective.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 22

A Giant Leap Forward to Completing the Shift ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 22

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are quite certain that you all are doing the best that you can under the circumstances that you are currently living in there on Earth. We also want you to know that when you summon energy, it is always delivered to you. You don’t have to do anything to earn it. It is yours to receive, and we all get very excited here in the higher realms when there is more asking for relief. Now would be an excellent time for all of you to get more interested in connecting with your guides. It is also a wonderful time for you to meditate more, to focus more within yourselves, and to seek to channel more energy in your physical bodies.
We want you to know that what you are experiencing right now are extreme growing pains there on Earth, but we also want you to understand that you are all growing. There is an opportunity, of course, for more growth to occur, especially within those of you who are awake. You have the ability to sense energy. You are also more likely to tune in and to know when you are running energy through you, and you have been working with the grid system that covers your entire planet for quite some time.
This is not a time to be over-thinking. This is not a time for speculation, for theories. And it is certainly not a time to be arguing with one another about whose perspective is right. When you use any belief that you have as a means of separating you from those who believe in something different, you are not taking the amount of growth that is available to you. The best way to grow is as a collective, as a unified whole. It is better for you to look for ways that you can connect to your fellow humans than it is for you to get into a debate about how the virus got started and what it means.
In fact, we invite you to recognize that no matter how strongly held your beliefs are, they may not be right. Let go of any attachment that you have to be right, and let go of those thoughts that tell you that you need to tell others how it is. And instead, reach within yourselves for that heartspace, that unconditional love, that healing energy, and that compassion that is available to you, even more so now that it is so needed. We, and others like us in the higher realms, are doing our part to help humanity, as we always do, but we need assistance from those like you on the planet.
And in order for you to be of greatest assistance, you need to have your hearts open, and that means you need to get out of your heads, to stop looking for the latest theories that are being put out there. And instead, just ask yourself, ‘How can I help those who are sick, those who are afraid, and those who are suffering loss at this time?’ Ask yourselves those questions, and you will take the exponential growth that is available to you. Consciousness is expanding and evolving, and that is inevitable. Whether you go along with that expansion and evolution is up to you. Know that humanity is making a quantum leap forward at this time and that you want to go along for the ride.
You do that best when you are at peace, when you are in acceptance, and when you are letting go of your attachment to being right. Instead, follow your hearts. We guarantee you that they are the path to the greatest ease and joy that you can experience as you move through this global crisis and take another giant leap forward to the completion of the shift in consciousness.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 21

Equinox Energies, Covid-19 & a New Earth ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 21

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been sensing the changes that are taking on your world right now as a result of the equinox energies that you have now downloaded a large portion of. You have been able to assimilate these energies, and you are raising the level of consciousness there on Earth at this time with the help of the equinox energies. You are also experiencing the minor shift that occurs in a change of season. Now, as you progress into the remainder of the year 2020, it will become clearer to all of you that you have in fact evolved as a human race, because of the way in which you all have been accessing more of your hearts through this root chakra cleansing and clearing that you are all going through at this time together.
The root chakra is all about life and death, abundance and poverty, health and sickness, and feeling safe and secure in a home versus being vulnerable and without a home. This virus is affecting all aspects of the root chakra that we have just mentioned, and so you all have an opportunity now to determine for yourselves what you want to replace the fear, trauma, and judgment with in your root chakras. As you take on more of these equinox energies, and you run them through your physical bodies, you are of course also running them through your chakras.
And so, you are being given an opportunity to re-create your world, your society, and your sense of mortality and physicality because of all that you are facing right now. We see all that you are doing right now as positive, and we can see you taking the human collective consciousness to that next level, to that higher echelon. We can see more and more of you dipping your toes into the fifth dimensional frequencies as a result of what you have been living there on Earth.
Now is a time to be very intentional, and it is a time to fill those root chakras up with the beautiful high frequency energies coming in. It is a time for you all to get creative, to use those beautiful imaginations of yours, and to stand tall and strong in the knowing that you have accelerated the process of becoming your higher selves because of what you have been willing to endure. Now is a time to feel very proud of yourselves and how you are handling the coronavirus in the midst of the equinox energies. We are very proud of you, and we will continue to work with you in the astral plane to help you create this new world that we are all so excited about here in the higher realms.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 20

The Equinox Portals Are Opening Wide ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 20

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are observing the effects of the energies of the equinox on humanity at this time, and we must say that you have settled down quite a bit since the equinox was exact several hours ago. You have been awakening within yourselves the stability and security that you need at this time to feel safe in your bodies and to remember that everything is going to be okay. You are also pulling energies in through the portals that are always opened a bit wider for the equinox, and the healing energy that comes through those portals is astounding to witness.
We feel that now would be an excellent time to receive healing, no matter what it is that you have in terms of an ailment. Your collective has been doing so much summoning of that which is healing. The answering of that collective summoning has been tremendous, if we do say so ourselves, and the widening of the equinox portals has allowed in so much healing energy that it does not matter what you are afflicted with. You can receive more of what you’ve been asking for.
You can heal any physical ailment, and now is the perfect time for you to be doing so, to be allowing in the energies that will put your body into alignment, that will align your consciousness with health and well-being. Humanity has done a wonderful job of asking at this time for those who have been affected by the coronavirus. You are all banding together as one human race to bring in these energies, and now as is always the case, we are calling upon you as the awakened collective, to ground these healing energies in while the equinox portals are open so very wide.
In this universe, and in this galaxy, we really do know how to work as a team. We are here to support you, and so are so many other collectives that we are in constant communication with, in regards to humanity. Feel for these energies coming in. Let them run through you, and know that you can do so much good without leaving your home. You do good because you are good and because you work on behalf of the greatest and highest good of all.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 19

Lemuria, Atlantis & the Coronavirus ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 19

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been excited to witness the integration that has been inevitable ever since you began hearing about and contracting the coronavirus. We see what you cannot, and through this entire ordeal, there have been so many integrations occurring within you. Some of you recognize that there is still plenty of trauma to go around from the fall Atlantis and the destruction of Lemuria. Many individuals fear that as you ascend, you are getting closer to yet another cataclysm there on Earth. Those fears are stored within you, because everyone on the planet right now has either had a lifetime on Lemuria or Atlantis or has taken on the memories of their ultimate demise.
And so, to anyone who was not present at either the fall of Lemuria or Atlantis, they still have the imprint on their consciousness, as if they were there. These are huge collective traumas that you are clearing at this time, and as you do, you get to integrate the memories, the abilities, and all of the wonderful experiences that you had when you were a part of those ancient civilizations. Many of you, in fact most of you receiving this transmission, have incarnated in both Lemuria and Atlantis.
Now, you also have traumas from other worlds that you’ve incarnated on in other parts of the galaxy, and you have to heal those traumas so that you can integrate those aspects of yourself. You are all becoming your higher selves, and it has been quite a journey through stored trauma. But you are getting there. You are getting to that fifth dimensional frequency range just by existing, just by being willing to experience tragedy.
This is what you have signed up for, and you always knew that you would be able to get through it and to shine even brighter because of it. Many of you have had the fear of a cataclysmic event within you for a very long time, and now you have all that you need in order to clear the fear and to become your higher selves. Remember that everything from now on is about ascension and that everything serves you and a higher purpose. Accept and embrace the world you are living in right now because it is giving you an opportunity to integrate so much of the good that you have been and that you have lived in those Lemurian and Atlantean lifetimes.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 18

The Changes Upon You & Changes Coming ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 18

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with the lines of communication that have opened up around your society and how you operate as a human collective, because of the coronavirus outbreak. There have been discussions about what is needed there on Earth for quite some time, especially when it comes to changes within the various systems that you have in place. You are now beginning to see how important it is for each and every one of you to be able to depend on yourselves and on each other.
What you need is to feel for your fellow humans who are either sick or afraid, and many individuals need to overcome their fear of getting sick in order to help those in need. And what we have noticed is that more and more people are making those decisions to be of service to as many as they possibly can. You are seeing the heart of humanity open wide up as you look for ways to support one another through what has become a global crisis.
You are moving towards a time where you will be instant manifesters. You will not be dependent on the shelves at the grocery stores being stocked, but you are not there yet. Those of you who have been awake and aware of the shift in consciousness have been waiting patiently, and sometimes impatiently, for that day to come. What you have now is an acceleration of that desire for self-reliance, and you also have an opportunity to come together, in the communities in which you live, to help one another in whatever ways that you can.
And you are also going to be called upon to continue to do the wonderful gridwork that you’ve been doing and the sending of love, compassion, and healing energy where it is needed the most on your planet right now. We know that you, as a human collective, have evolved to the point where handling a situation like this one is absolutely possible. We know that you are all learning from the experience you are having right now, and you are also reaching within yourselves for the feeling of safety, security, and power, all of which really need to come from within if you are going to actually vibrate unconditionally in the way that you want.
Now is a time where you are all being called upon to go within and find that vibration that you know is of service to you and to all of your fellow humans. Keeping that vibration activated in spite of all that is being talked about and all of the intense energies that are around is the tricky part. But again, we see you all stepping up to the plate. We see you as the awakened collective, as the ones who are having the biggest impact that you have ever had on planet Earth at this time, and we are very proud to be transmitting to you and seeing how you receive our transmissions and take the love and light that we are spreading out into the human collective.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 17

Co-Creating a New Healing Energy Grid ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton,

March 17

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with the number of you out there who are opening yourselves up more to the energies that are coming in at this time to support and heal you. Remember that you have an equinox coming up as well. Therefore, you are getting bombarded by high frequency energies at this time. You have an opportunity to do so much receiving, to be in that Divine Feminine essence, and to be a part of the solution.
You are the ones to help bring humanity back into alignment. Now is the perfect time to be focusing on your chakras, your emotions, and your overall vibration. If you are choosing to stay inside more, then it is the perfect time for you to devote yourself to your inner work. It is the perfect time for you to finally get around to partaking in that creative project that you’ve been putting off. It is the perfect time for you to get your house in order, so to speak.
The more that you allow in right now, energetically, the more you will find yourself on the right path and in the right place at the right time. Now, you have also been working together as an awakened collective to co-create a new energy grid for the planet. This new energy grid will be reaching out to those who are most in need of healing. This is an opportunity for you to work together as a collective and to come together as a compassionate whole, as you seek to be of service to as many who are in need as you can.
Now, as we have already said, this grid is being co-created, but if you want to experience your contribution to it, then open yourself up to the energies coming in and consciously send it down into Mother Earth to join with these newly established gridlines. This is an opportunity for the spiritual community to shine and to show the rest of the world that you are more than just a group of individuals with beliefs that are a bit out there to the majority of society. This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate how tuned in you are to Source, to healing Lifeforce Energy, and to the human collective that you are a part of.
The number of you who are awakened continues to grow every day. And therefore, the impact that you can have on the collective is also growing. Take part in this healing journey with the rest of humanity consciously and deliberately, and you will feel the sense of satisfaction that we are describing here as we observe you and applaud you from the ninth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 16

Moving from Survival Mode to 5D ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 16

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are giving you exactly what we know you need in every moment. That, however, does not always line up with what you have been wanting from us. We, like your higher selves, and your guides, are more interested in your spiritual evolution than anything else. And all of the members of your team provide you with everything that you need to grow and expand your consciousness, to become more of who you are.
One of the more challenging tasks that you have there on Earth at any time is to come to a place of acceptance. The survival instinct within you tells you that fight or flight are the only two options, but the part of you that knows you are on an ascension journey will ask you to accept. That’s the part of you that will ask you to forgive. That’s the part of you that encourages unconditional love, rather than being petty, rather than exacting revenge. Those are the ways of the very survival-oriented ego, and you are there now to do more than just survive. You are there now to become your higher selves.
You are there to ascend your consciousness into a higher frequency state. It is a monumental task. It is the task you signed up for, however, and it is possible. Not only is it possible, but we see many individuals there on Earth right now successfully integrating what they need to integrate in order to become their higher selves. We want you to know that your ascension is right on track and that everything that you experience from this moment forward on Mother Earth is meant to help you to get there.
How you are going to experience the journey is all that is left undecided at this point. Embrace those challenges. Accept what is right now, and open yourselves up to receive all that you are being given from beings like us in the higher realms, because the experience of growing through adversity is much more fulfilling than having everything that you want all the time. You will, someday, and when you do, you will be looking for challenges. You will be looking for the opportunities to expand and become more of who you are, and that will be a joyous day for all of us who are involved in humanity’s ascension process.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 15

Why Things Happen ?The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 15

“When you discover the reason why something has occurred, it can be a bit of a relief for you. It can take some of the pressure off, and it can allow you some new perspective that will enable you to change the way you see the event. That is why many of you want information. You want to know what THAT was about. You want to understand why things happen, especially when they are happening in your life.
Well the simple answer to that question would always be, ‘Because you created it, because you thought it was the best experience that you could have given yourself at that moment.’ And yet that answer can be somewhat unsatisfying, troubling for some of you, and even cause you to feel confused and angry. Because why would you create a situation for yourself that was anything less than ideal? Why would you put yourself through something?
Well, what you are always striving for on the level of the soul, the higher self, Source, is to have the experience of yourself as that which is Love, that which is knowing, that which is powerful, because that is what you are. So when things happen on the physical plane that defy all of those truths about who you are, it doesn’t seem to make any sense. But it actually is perfect just the way that you have experienced it, because you are giving yourselves opportunities to know yourselves as that unconditionally loving being who is all-knowing and all-powerful in the face of evidence to the contrary.
When you are able to hold that perspective even though everything around you seems to be indicating that you are less than that which you really are, then you will have understood and benefitted from the creation. You see, when you are in a situation you can get so embroiled in the vibration of it that you are momentarily blinded to those facts about your nature, and when you are not in the middle of the predicament and you are having your level-headed point of view, you can easily see why you would have created something for yourself that was unpleasant, painful, even life-threatening.
And that is what you need to hold in your consciousness at those times when everything around you seems to be falling apart around you, because everything that was being held up by you prior to the breakdown was just an illusion anyway. It was not there to reflect to you what a good little creator you are. It was there simply as a prop to the much bigger story of that full knowing of self as Source.
So this is why it is so necessary, so important for you to let go of any and all attachments, because those attachments keep you from knowing the truth of who you are. Because they are just the symbols, but they are not the real thing, because the real thing is a state of being. And that is what you are always reaching for – you are always reaching for a state of being. And no circumstance, no amount of the walls crumbling down all around have the power to keep you from that state of being.
It is time to let go of the illusion, of the pretend life that many of you have been so enthralled by and simply hold that knowing of your Divinity at your center, at your core, and to emanate that so that everyone and everything around you can see it and feel it and be served by it. Then it will be quite easy to understand how and why something has occurred in your life, because it will always be the result of that frequency and you will always know that you were the one behind it.”

March 14

Healing Energy Coming from the Higher Realms ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 14

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are excited to announce that humanity is receiving more energy, more healing love and light, more galactic codes and information at this time than you ever have before in human history. The summoning that you all have been doing for love and support has magnified because of the spread of the coronavirus and because of the spread of the fear. Now is the time to really accept your role as a lightworker and be the conduit for that energy that is coming in from all across the galaxy to help humanity through this crisis.
You are there to be the light. That’s what you signed up for, and that’s what is needed at this time, more than anything else. You need that more than you need information, and you certainly need it more than you need to have the perspective, the right beliefs about what is going on, what the governments are doing, and so on. This is a wonderful time to shut off your devices, to look away from the media, the social media, and other places where the conversation is almost non-stop about what’s happening and who’s doing what about it.
You all understand that you are there to be healers, channels, guides, teachers, and leaders in the movement to expand the consciousness of humankind. Many individuals have been wondering what their role could possibly be in this ascension journey that we are all on together. And so, we invite you to be a part of the solution by opening yourselves up physically and energetically to receive the love and light that is coming in from the higher realms. Ground that energy in your physical bodies and ground it into Mother Earth.
Feel the support. Feel the love. Know that you are never alone, and you are not handling this crisis alone. You have helpers, and right now, humanity needs all of you to help the helpers to spread the high frequency vibrations around. This is precisely why you are on Earth at this time. People are going to be experiencing other crises throughout the rest of the journey to the fifth dimension, and you will be the ones who will be continually called upon to step up and shine your light.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 13

Helping the Unawakened Through the Coronavirus ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 13

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with the movement forward that you have been making as the awakened beings that you are. Now is a time on your world where you are going to see and feel the vast difference that exists between those who are awake and those who are not. We know that you awakened ones are doing everything that you can to help your fellow humans to feel safe, just as you have been doing everything that you can to help them awaken.
Now is not the time to abandon those who are living in fear. Now is the time for all of you to deal with your fear of being sucked down energetically and vibrationally by those who are panicking. Now is the time to reassure others that everything is going to be okay. Now is the time to hold space for your fellow humans who are having such a hard time soothing and comforting themselves. And again, as we have previously stated, now is the time to be focusing on sending as much love, light, and healing to the rest of the collective as you can muster.
You are all connected, and you are more closely connected to the rest of humanity than you would sometimes like to admit. You love feeling your connection to us and Pleiadians and so on, but then you downplay your connection to your fellow humans. Now is the time to feel for that connection because they need you so much. They need the stability of a person who knows how to hold their vibration in a high frequency.
They need you to keep your cool, to maintain your knowing that you are all Source Energy Beings and to wear that knowing on your sleeves so they can feel it coming off of you. You don’t need to fight with them, or argue with them, when they defend their fearful and panicked state of being. You need to rise above the urge to argue and to maintain that high vibration for the sake of your fellow humans. They need you now more than ever.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 12

Heal the Coronavirus Fear-Mongering ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 12

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have begun to explore the implications of the fear-mongering that has been going on there on your world because of this coronavirus situation, and we know that certain people are susceptible to fear-mongering. They are the ones being targeted at this time, and keeping you all in fear has been a very successful way to keep you all in check. But as we have said in an earlier transmission, the amount of compassion that is being generated for those who have gotten sick, and for the families and friends of the deceased, far outweighs the negative effect of the fear-mongering.
Each of you who is awake is being called at this time to be a part of the compassionate blanket of energy that humanity needs right now. Humans need to feel secure about their health and well-being, and those of you who are there to be the lightworkers at this time are the ones to construct that blanket of energy, that healing love and light, and to throw it over the entire planet at this time. See yourselves working with the other lightworkers, the other healers, the other compassionate ones, all around the planet to co-create this healing, loving, compassionate energy, and imagine yourselves holding that blanket around the entire population at this time.
Hold space for those who are living in fear that they will get sick and possibly even die. This is a gigantic root chakra cleanse for humanity, and when you are cleansing, there are side effects. You do experience pain during a cleanse because you are releasing that which is toxic. There have been enough now who have suffered from the coronavirus to have completed the root chakra cleanse, but the fear is still present because some of these fears are fears that have been generated in this lifetime and are just floating around in people’s energy fields.
The cleansing of the energy fields of each and every human being of the fears that they hold onto is the final step here, and you are the ones to help bring about this final purging with a gentle kindness in your hearts for those who are feeling the fear. You are the ones who are being called at this time to be strong, to be balanced, to be grounded, and to know that your vibration will always determine how much health and well-being you hold in your body. Knowing that, holding that truth in your consciousness, is also what is needed at this time for the collective.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 11

Shine Your Light & Activate Everyone – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 11

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been interested in the evolution of your consciousness as a collective because we are interested in the evolution of our consciousness. For us, the process is rather easy. There is nothing to impede the evolution of our consciousness. Nothing and no one can hold us back, not even ourselves. We just experience it, and we do so from moment to moment.
You, on the other hand, have so much to think about, so much that is worrying you, and there are impediments to the evolution of your consciousness because of the ones who benefit from the keeping you afraid, divided, and small and disempowered. And so, your journey is fascinating to beings like us who have it so easy. We also benefit from the evolution of your consciousness, as we are connected. We are all connected in this universe, and we have a very strong awareness of this truth.
We want you to be able to experience the evolution of your consciousness in a fashion that is closer to ours, because we are enjoying the ride here in the ninth dimension, and most of the time, you are not. A lot of the pain and the struggle that you experience there is due to programming that you have adopted as your beliefs, and that is something that we would like to help you with. One of the heavier beliefs that we see you all dragging around is that you are supposed to be doing something right now that you are not doing. You tend to focus on what is not happening in your lives, and have a tendency to judge yourselves very harshly for what you are not accomplishing.
When you know that you do have a goal for yourselves, that is even worse than when you just have a feeling that you are supposed to be doing that you are not. It is something that feels worse to you. It’s not inherently worse. That’s just how you experience it. We are here to help you. We are here to remind you all that the only job of the light is to shine. The only thing that you need to focus on is finding the light inside of you and shining it as brightly as you can.
Now, we can already see your minds working on that one. You will say to us, ‘But I don’t know what it is that I am supposed to be doing, so how can I shine that light?’ The truth is that shining your light is not about doing. It’s a feeling. It’s a vibration. It is something that you put out from your center, from your very core, and all you need to do in order to shine that light is to focus there. Focus within you on the truth that you are a Source Energy Being. And as an awakened soul, you can do that, and you can feel the love and light of Source flowing through you. And when you do so, others feel it. Others pick up on that truth. You then become one who activates those around you and the rest of the collective, and that is enough.
You being the light, knowing that you are the light, and then shining your light is enough to put on your agenda for any day and for this entire lifetime. Please let yourselves off the hook. This is what you came to do. Everything else is just the expression of the light that you feel, and it will come naturally to you in the moment, so don’t worry for a moment about it, what it is and whether you’re doing it.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 10

Sinning, Forgiveness & Returning to Source – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 10

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are able to completely look past every single act that a human being partakes in that is not a representation of your true self. You sometimes refer to these as sins, immoral acts, travesties of justice, and a wide array of other colorful words and phrases for what a person does when they feel disconnected from Source. No one is born and thinks as a baby or a very young child, ‘I would like to grow up and be disconnected from the Source Energy within me.’ No one wants to feel the pain, the suffering and the darkness that comes so naturally to living on a planet where the really rational and intelligent people tend to be atheists.
What does that say about the human collective consciousness? It says that you have been trained to think so little of yourselves that you could believe even for a moment that you are there by accident. Your existence could not possibly be more on purpose, and yet, there are still so many who feel so disconnected from Source, from the truth of who they really are, that they want to take all of that out on someone else. They want someone else to feel the pain that they feel.
And while we do not condone any of that, we can see how it would occur within a person’s consciousness to harm someone else. And so, it is easy for us to forgive. It is easy for us to look at someone who is suffering because they feel no connection whatsoever to Source Energy and to want for that individual or group of individuals to find their way. And so, we are willing to look past everyone’s actions in all lifetimes. We know how challenging it is to be there on Earth, and we want you to feel that you are loved unconditionally by us. We want you to know it. We want you to feel it, and we want you to join us and forgive yourselves.
Forgive yourselves for whatever you are feeling guilty or ashamed of and come back to the light. Come back to the love. Come back to the infinite and eternal Source Energy consciousness and being-ness that you truly are. We, and so many others like us, are waiting with open arms, and this is yet another reason why we are so excited about the mass awakenings that are coming. All of that will mean people there on Earth are feeling closer to Source, closer to the truth of who they are, and closer to the unconditional love that wants so very much to flow through each and every one of you in every moment of every day.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 9

How the Spiritual Community Will Unite Humanity ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 9

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited about the progress that we see you all making as you continue to explore the different ways you have of expanding your consciousness. This is a time where there are more awakened souls on Earth than there ever has been in your human history, and therefore you have more seekers. You have more ways of seeking. There are more explorations happening for a variety of reasons, but the end result is the important part. You are growing and expanding as a human collective.
You are getting to where you need to go, and some of you are doing it in ways that you never would have expected. Therefore, it is important for you to respect the different ways that other people have of expanding their consciousness, and you also have to decide whether something is right for you or not. Not every process, retreat, or approach to spirituality is going to appeal to you as an individual, even though it may be something that is working for your best friend, your sister, your father, or someone else that you are close to in your life.
The first step to a unified human collective is respecting the different paths that different people are taking. You have seen throughout human history how poorly humans have traditionally been at accepting the religious beliefs of those who are not exactly like them. You have seen the wars, and the inquisitions, and the broken families that have resulted from not accepting what someone else’s religious beliefs, customs, and morals are.
As a new age community, we invite you to show the rest of the world that you can respect and accept the paths of your fellow spiritually awake humans. Demonstrate that it is possible, that it can be done, and that you are in fact doing it. And you also can accept yourself in this process of awakening your consciousness and ascending to the fifth dimension. Accept where you are. Accept that you don’t feel like going to that full moon drum circle and that it doesn’t make you bad at being spiritual. Accept that you have only awakened a few of your spiritual gifts and that you don’t always feel as much compassion as you’d like to.
When you accept yourself and your own path, it will be a lot easier to accept the paths of the other awakened souls that you come across in your life. And when you can unite as a spiritual community, you will get the attention of those who have been fighting over who is right within the segment of the population that is believing in one religion or another. And accepting that segment of the population is also something that the spiritual community must do in order to be the leaders that you know you are.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 8

Equinox Timelines & Helping the Lightworkers – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 8

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have begun to explore the timelines that are linked to the energies that are coming in for your upcoming equinox, and we must say that we see many timelines where the probabilities are quite high for the human collective to get a boost from these energies that will catapult you into that next level of consciousness that you have been waiting for. We know that many of you are eager to experience the mass awakenings that we keep telling you are coming, and we want you to know that these equinox energies coming in are going to help with solidifying the up-leveling of the human collective consciousness that is necessary to bring about these mass awakenings.
You are the ones who are ready to take on a bigger role in this ascension process. You are the ones who are going to be helping the masses to feel more safe and secure during their awakenings, and you are doing the necessary work on yourselves to be able to help anyone and everyone who comes your way looking for help during the intense times of those awakening processes.
The energies coming in for the upcoming equinox are also going to surround those of you who are awake with the stability and security that you want and need so that you can be the better lightworkers, gridworkers, and wayshowers that you know you are. We know that you can always use a boost, a little help in providing the assistance that you provide as the awakened collective that you are.
And so, we are happy to add to the equinox energies what we have seen and felt humanity calling for, but we are specifically involved in providing those energies that you who are awakened have been asking for because we see how draining it can be to help a newly awakened soul come to terms with what they are discovering. There are many more discoveries to come, and they will also be triggered by these mass awakenings, as people yearn for the truth in greater numbers, and you will be there to support them, just as we will be there to support you. This will be a group effort. That much we can guarantee.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 7

Help Arcturians Repair the 5D Crystalline Grid ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 7

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been searching for a way in to the crystalline grid that you who are awake have been co-creating for quite some time. We would love to experience it ourselves, but as ninth dimensional beings, it is challenging for us to truly experience something that is fifth dimensional. We want to have the experience of it that you all do, and we want to help. And so, we have been in the process of recruiting many of you who are receiving this transmission.
We give our recruitment pitch to you when we meet in the astral plane, and the vast majority have accepted our proposal. Now, we understand that most of you do not remember your astral travels. That is why we are giving you this information and confirmation through the channel here that you have been recruited, and you have accepted our proposal.
Now, let us go over this offer while you are conscious and awake in your fourth dimensional bodies. What we have asked for are volunteers to raise your vibration high enough while in the conscious waking state, so that we can experience more of the fifth dimensional crystalline grid through you, and so we can help to make some repairs.
Repairs are needed at this time to reach the population that is still unawake and that relies upon this crystalline energy grid for the energies that will help them to awaken in the very near future. All we need from you is to sit while holding the intention to raise your vibration and open yourselves up to us and our consciousness, while also feeling your connection to the fifth dimensional crystalline grid that you have there on Earth.
The very few who have declined this invitation have done so because of a desire to work on that grid without assistance, without the help of higher dimensional beings. We know that you have access to all vibrations, all energies, all frequencies, and we applaud those who would like to take on the challenge of repairing the grid themselves. We also understand that for a select few of you, allowing the energies of any other beings in can trigger some trauma.
Now, you still have the option of accepting or declining this invitation, and again, we understand. We are not wanting to come across as pushy at all. We would never want to pressure anyone into doing anything. And so, the invitation will remain open, and those of you who are eager to work with us can start right away.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 6

The Beginnings of the Major Changes ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 6

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited about the evolution of your consciousness. We have been observing the progress that you have made as a collective consciousness, and we are happy to report that there is much more movement forward towards your ascension than you might be seeing on the surface at this time. A lot of what you see out there in the world, in terms of the major stories, reflects what has been and what is crumbling right before your eyes. It seems as though humanity is not making progress, because you don’t see the changes that you want to see in the external world.
But all of those power structures that are in place are crumbling. The people who have been working in the dark, behind closed doors, are being exposed. You are seeing the beginnings of the major changes that are coming, and all of that is due in large part to the awareness that you all have of the world that you are living in and what has been going on behind the scenes.
Now, initially, you have that moment of awareness of just how much darkness there is in the world, and that can become overwhelming, especially for an empath. But so much that has been a secret to the mass consciousness is no longer a secret, and the initial hit that you all took emotionally from becoming aware of the injustices has now morphed into a healing process that we see humanity going through at this time.
In that healing process, you are creating something new, something better, something that is more all-inclusive. You know, as awakened souls, that you must include everyone in this process. You know that the goal is not to separate the bad from the good, the dark from the light, the ones who disagree with you from the ones who agree with you. You know that this journey goes much further than that, and those of you who are awake and aware that you create your reality are the ones at the helm, steering the ship into calmer and gentler waters.
This is happening vibrationally and energetically, and soon enough you will see the results physically, but you do have to give this process time. And you do have to endure all of the exposure of the darkness in order to get past it. The light that you shine from within is enough to make those massive changes that you want to see, all across your world. And remember that your numbers are growing every single day and that the support from higher dimensional beings like ourselves is unwavering, and the scope of that help that you are receiving is unimaginable to your physical minds.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 5

Let Our Arcturian Energy Move Through You ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 5

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been tuning in to the desires of humanity, and we are noticing that there are more and more of you who are asking for assistance in helping others. You have a desire to be of service, but you don’t know exactly how to do it. You’re not really sure what you have to give, and you’re also not so certain how to deliver what you do have to give to humanity. First of all, we want to let you know how important it is that you have the desire at all to help your fellow humans, and we also want you to understand how you are changing the consciousness of the human collective by putting that desire out into the universe.
We also want you to know that we, and others like us, are very happy to work through you in order to help all of humankind. We make ourselves available in every moment of every single one of your days, and you can attune yourselves to us by feeling for the vibration that you access when you are receiving these transmissions. You can rest assured that you are in fact tuning in to us, to our energy, and to our intention to be of service, and when you remember that feeling, you access it again. And when you access it, you access us. We are happy to work through you to help humanity raise the level of its consciousness.
All of the issues that you see around the world can be helped by the raising of the level of consciousness within the human collective. Therefore, the best thing that you can do for your fellow humans is to hold that vibration within you that is the desire to be of service, and then you can connect to beings like us, and all of the other beings in the higher realms, and we will run our energy through you, making our consciousness more available to each and every human within your collective.
And the most beautiful part of all of this is that you don’t have to ask and then wonder if we are available, or if we are willing, because we always are. We are always here for you, and we are very excited to work with all of you who want to be of service, but don’t know how exactly to go about helping your fellow humans. Leave that to us, open yourselves up to receive us, and then sit back and notice the changes that we can initiate together when we work as a team. We are on Team Humanity, and we know that you all are as well.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 4

Love Coming in from the Higher Realms ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 4

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have begun to understand what it will take for humans to recognize their value. You all want to feel valuable, but you are also waiting for someone else in human form to validate you. You are waiting to see evidence in the physical that what you do, what you think, what you say, or who you are in general is producing something valuable to society. When you are able to open yourselves up and allow in the unconditional love of your guides, councils and collectives like us, the archangels, and the ascended masters, you will begin to understand and feel into your intrinsic value.
You have value no matter what you do, and we know now that the only way you all can get to that knowing is through receiving validation from beings like us who give it so freely and expect nothing in return. And we are just one collective of so many who want you to feel loved, who want you to feel welcome, who want you to feel that you are valuable because you exist as a unique aspect of Source Energy.
And that, by the way is something that no one can take away from you. And anyone who tries does not know who they really are. So why take the word of anyone who is not standing in that truth of knowing that they are a Source Energy Being? How could their disconnected, misguided, and totally biased opinion carry any weight?
What humanity really needs are awakened individuals like yourselves who have remembered who you really are demonstrating to the rest of humanity how to value oneself, how to be the light, even when you are surrounded by darkness, even when those who have forgotten who they really are have attained certain positions of authority that people might even consider to be powerful positions. We know that you have the power to determine your own value, and we will continue to invite you to do so, to love you unconditionally, and to encourage you to open up to receive all of that love coming in from the higher realms.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 3

Recovered Memories from Early Childhood & Past Lives ? The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 3

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been exploring the different ways that you have of recovering your lost memories, and we have been noticing how successful those of you who are awake have been at accessing that which has been hidden from your consciousness for quite some time. Of course, the forgetting about all of your previous lifetimes is a key component in giving you the experience that you ultimately want to have when starting a new lifetime. Feeling as though you are doing this for the first time provides you with the opportunity to feel your emotions more deeply, and that is why you forget on purpose when you incarnate.
And then, there are those early years, the formative ones. That is a time period where most of you have recovered very few of your memories, and that is also by design. You become a different person as you grow up. Your vibration is so different from those early, formative years to your teens that you might as well consider your first few years in an incarnation as a previous lifetime. But now that you are awake and recognizing that you have been visited, observed, and even taken by extra-terrestrials, you are starting to understand the significance of these recovered memories from early childhood.
And, of course, once you recognize that you have reincarnated many times on this planet and in other parts of the galaxy, you really want to know what you’ve already done and what you’ve already been. And so, the recovery of those memories can come to you in a variety of ways. When you have a dream that feels very real and hits you very hard emotionally, that’s a time when you know that you have just recovered a memory.
You also recover those memories when you are taken into an altered state or put yourself in an altered state. It is time for you all to trust what you are getting in your third eye. It is time for you to remember, and you don’t need to go on an ayahuasca journey to do so. You don’t need to take anything at all. A desire to know, coupled with a readiness to believe in yourself and your ability to recover those memories is all that is required.
We want you to notice how these recovered memories feel, and recognize that the feeling is the significant part. It’s not about the story. It’s about how the story makes you feel, and that’s how you know the recovered memory is serving you. That’s when you use the information that you gather for the purpose of helping you to expand and evolve your consciousness. And that’s the point where you are on your journey right now. You are ready to do that work, and we are happy to be your cheerleaders.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 2

Ascended Masters & Ascending to 5D ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 2

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been very excited to step into this next phase of the evolution of consciousness within this universe with all of you. We have come to this phase of the expansion of the universe together, and humanity has been playing your role so very well. We are very familiar with your path as a collective, and we want to assure all of you that no matter how things might look in the outside world, you are still on track in the ascension process. This is a journey that is long, and it is meant to be savored by all of you. You will not be in this position again for a very, very long time.
Once you complete the shift to the fifth dimension, you will keep on ascending. You will eventually ascend to the sixth, and then the seventh, and so on. And so, now is not the time to be thinking about how much longer it will take and how much more you have to endure. Now is the time to look for ways to appreciate where you are and expand more into the present moment. Now is the time to attain a level of mastery over the physical realm that will give you the feeling that you want to have of ascending to 5D, while still remaining in the fourth dimension as the teachers, the healers, the leaders, and the guides to the rest of humanity.
You are there to play that role, and many of you have already felt the calling to be more of your true selves, to be the lightworkers and wayshowers for the rest of humanity. And we are always here, ready to remind you of the significance of the fact that you chose to be awake at this time. We want to lighten your load and help you get into that feeling of mastery over the physical realm.
You know what the spiritual master looks like and feels like. You have seen depictions of such humans, and you have even connected to many of the ones who have ascended and are known now as the ascended masters. Now is the perfect time for you to develop that connection that you feel to the ascended master or masters that you resonate most with and feel so connected to.
We want you to know that the ascended masters don’t pick and choose favorites there on Earth. They are all available to each and every one of you in every moment of every day. You don’t have to earn their love and their attention, and you certainly don’t have to earn their healing energy, their activations, or their compassion. We advise you to reach up into the twelfth dimension and feel for the vibration, the consciousness, and the energy of the ascended masters. Team up with one or more of them, and know that you are becoming the new masters of the Earthly plane of existence.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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