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February 29

Dear Ones, we understand that many of you are finding adjusting into the accelerated energies of 2020 somewhat challenging. It has been a monumental shift into the energies of a new year and new decade.
While experiencing intensity is very much an aspect of profound change and rapid forward movement, we wish to reassure you that you will become more and more adept at navigating those energies. The balance point of your upcoming equinox will assist you by helping you ground into the energies of this new phase.
There will also be many pockets over the upcoming year where you will experience great realizations, discover new gifts and abilities, see true progress being made on things you had believed in but had wondered if they would ever arrive, and feel the joy that comes from being in what we call the sweet spot – knowing you are exactly in the right place at the right time on your soul’s journey.
So be kind and gentle with yourselves as you move forward as the intrepid pioneers you are, knowing you are still acclimating to your new reality. This is where the journey really starts to get interesting for you, where you will make transformative discoveries, and start to realize the fruits of your labours in both expected ways and ways that fill you with wonder. It is all a process your soul simply couldn’t wait to experience and that time is now. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 28

We recently spoke of the value of entering into meditation to get all aspects of yourself to cooperate and move forward as a cohesive unit towards your desired intentions. Shelley’s note – You can see that daily message here:
You will find that many aspects of yourself will be more than ready to integrate. But what if you have aspects that are not so willing to come back into wholeness?
You may discover that parts of yourself are still holding on to hurt, pain, or fear. Please know if this is the case it is perfectly normal and is not anything beyond what you can heal. Those aspects of you just need a little extra love and attention.
So connect with that aspect of self and tell it, “You are seen and acknowledged and understood. You are loved and accepted, wanted and cherished. It is safe for you to come back into wholeness.” Feel free to substitute any words that you intuitively feel will offer healing to that aspect of self.
The bottom line is those little fragments of you have been yearning to come Home to you, and with your wisdom you can create the perfect environment for them to reintegrate and feel the care and safety they have been missing so terribly. This is the ultimate act of self love. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 27

The universe does not work in negatives, it responds to the essence of your focus. Children work very much in this way, as well. This explains why if you tell a toddler, “Don’t hit”, they will often turn around and hit. It is not that they are naughty or defiant, it is that they only heard the essence of the sentence, hit, and responded in kind. Asking the child to be gentle will have a much more desired effect for changing behaviour because the focus is on what core energy you wish for them to shift into.
This explains why you cannot create change from a negative focus. Making choices to avoid something that is unwanted is keeping you energetically attached to what is unwanted. Further, focusing on what is unwanted naturally creates resistance and constriction within your own energetics. You cannot create from a space of contraction, only through expansion.
Do you see? Again we say, your focus is your blessing of continuation. What is the essence of what you would like to experience? Shift into your heart and allow it to lead the way, for by identifying what you would like more of, you naturally activate a process that begins to navigate towards that desire. This is great power in practicing preference and inclusion. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 26

Expansion is exactly what satisfies your soul and allows new discoveries to be made that enhance your life expression and reflect your latest level of attainment. Dear Ones, it is not change that creates discomfort, it is the resistance to it! Embrace the unfoldment, for it lovingly leads you to the next highest possibility that exists just beyond what you can see. The flow is the vehicle to get there, and it contains every support you could ever possibly need. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 25

What you will learn as you continue to move forward in these accelerated times is that your self expression is continually shifting and expanding to reflect your growth and latest level of attainment. Nothing is carved in stone, Dear Ones, and anything you attempt to make solid and immoveable will become a hindrance over time.
It can be worthwhile to examine anything that you have taken a hard stand or declaration about in your past. Is it true today, or is it a reflection of who you used to be? Was it based on fear or a desire to control? Does it feel like stagnant energy? Is it holding you back? Does it match the energies of today? Can you loosen up your constraints in that area, or is it time to release it once and for all?
Embracing the unfoldment of the shifting energies combined with your own ever evolving expression of self is how you will have everything you could ever need in order to keep moving forward in the ways that best match you and your soul’s intentions. There is much joy and discovery to be had if you shift into making all your decisions based on the truth of the present moment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 24

Dear Ones, you can hope or you can create. Which feels more empowering to you? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 23

Some of you might have trouble getting your actions to match your intentions. This might show up as resistance, procrastination, avoidance, continuing old habits that no longer serve you, or stagnation, despite what it is you would truly like to experience.
If this is occurring, we suggest you enter into a meditation and call all the aspects of yourself to gather near. Who is at the front of the group? Who is straying or not paying attention? Who doesn’t want to come at all? With your intuition, feel into what each aspect of you represents and if they are not wanting to cooperate, ask what they need from you or what their concern is. How can you help them?
Once you have identified and given each aspect your individualized love, care, and attention, see them all willingly start to integrate into one. See the new collective energy being completely aligned with the changes and new expression of yourself you wish to shift into. Feel the excitement that comes from having everyone on board!
You are always able to love and shepherd yourselves forward, Dear Ones, if you just take the time to acknowledge what the needs are of the multi-faceted parts of you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 22

Dear Ones, you cannot resist and receive at the same time. Resistance is a loud energetic no that doesn’t discriminate. It announces its no to everything.
Isn’t it better to find things to say yes to? Doesn’t it serve you better to redirect into what you wish to include and experience? If you are experiencing discomfort on any day, we suggest you look around and find all the things you appreciate and you will feel your resistance ebbing away. And the beauty is, through your appreciation you shift into accepting which means you are now willing to receive.
Do you see? You are always running the show. Isn’t it time to say a resounding yes to everything that exists for you that you truly desire and deserve? What can you say yes to today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 21

Ebb and flow is designed to provide an overall model of balance and support for you. This applies to your relationships, as well. There is a natural rhythm which ideally contains times of closeness and times of solitude within relationships.
This is especially important for those who are energetically sensitive. Space is required to allow time for reflection, connection with your own ever evolving knowing of self, and the integration of shifting energies and your latest levels of attainment. Once that has occurred, you can move back into connection with your partner from a new, deeper, more open energetic space.
Being willing to embrace ebb and flow within your partnerships allows you the joy of reconnection, time and again, which ultimately creates security and satisfaction for both and the experience of safe connection. It provides exactly what you need for the growth and expansion of the individuals as well as the relationship as a whole.
Your soul always knows what exactly what it needs for your fullest experience. Honour your feelings and needs, and understand that a need for space, either for yourself or from your partner, is not a rejection but rather a natural part of the rhythm of the universe that is designed to support you, and your relationships, in the exact ways that are needed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 20

Taking the time to be clear with yourself – to know your wants, your needs, your emotions, and what is aligned for you at any given time, is not only a great gift to yourself, it is a gift to others as well. By living and speaking your truth, you become much more trustworthy, because people can take you at your word without worrying about some kind of underlying energy. What you say and what you mean are totally aligned.
This takes you completely out of people pleasing which will always lead to resentment and an erosion of your relationships. Further, it is much better use of your own energy because it will keep you in flow and out of resistance. It allows you to show up in a way that is empowered and congruent, which people will find much easier to understand and respond to.
Saying no to others and honouring yourself is a skill like any other. You can learn how to give no’s that are firm yet mindful and kind, and others will come to respect that truth and clarity. You will be able to settle into the knowing of unconditional love and the joy that comes from being your truest expression of self. And you will attract more and more situations and connections that match that truth.
And through it all, you will become a powerful teacher by example, showing others how to embrace a life that truly reflects their truth, as well. It is a shift that honours everyone involved and allows your relationships to bloom and grow in far more authentic ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 19

An interesting question to ask yourself might be, “Am I being or am I reacting?” When you are being, you are calm, balanced, and operating through your truth. It is a state of embodiment and empowerment. When you are reacting, you have stopped being your own energetic leader. Rather than being the bringer of energy you are the responder of energy. You are always playing catch up, if you will, rather than blazing your own trail.
The more you prioritize connecting with your own true essence, in whatever unique ways work for you, the more you will stay centred in your authentic power because it will become your new norm. It is a skill set like anything else! You won’t be perfect at it but with your awareness you can simply redirect, time and again, and before you know it, it will become your preferred way to approach life. Be kind and gentle with yourselves.
Tend to your inner reactor should it bubble up and give it whatever acknowledgement, reassurance, and care it requires, as your own loving parent, guide and leader, and you will find that when that need is consistently met it activates less and less.
Every trigger is not a failure, rather, it is an opportunity to deepen the experience of your own mastery. Know that with every mindful shift and loving redirection you make, you are contributing to your own life, and the energy of whole, in a very beautiful and profound way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 18

When you think you already know everything you need to know, you automatically put constraints upon what can be created or experienced. It is rejecting the discovery of new possibilities and potentials. Please know you are designed to be in a constant state of evolution, an unfoldment that is continually expanding into the new. This is where your strength is!
Each level of attainment is simply a new platform for the next discovery to be made from. You may temporarily stay in an energy to integrate and acclimatize, much like mountain climbers will make camp to to give their bodies a chance to assimilate to the conditions before they continue their journey. That is part of the forward movement of the flow, the ebb phase and the action phase. Both are designed to help you move forward with the supports you need.
But choosing to stay in one place because of a resistance to expand will always result in discomfort because the energy will expire before long. So flow, Dear Ones! Grow. Understand there is a continual unwrapping of your life that is available to you, much like a present that keeps giving, that is there for your delight and exploration. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 17

There is a tendency with human beings to immediately fill in space. They do it with their thoughts, their environments, their free time. Dear Ones, the spaciousness is where you connect with your beingness, your true divine nature, your empowered self that, when allowed, can lead you to your next great adventure and means of self expression.
So embrace the not knowing. Embrace the space! Feel into it. What gifts does it have for you? Use it like a quantum reset button. Approach it like a new land with magical discoveries just waiting to be made. It is how you enter the land of potentials and possibilities that holds all the energetic support for your greatest creations to come to life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 16

How can you create more space for you in your life? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 15

Grace is Giving, Receiving, Acceptance, Compassion, and Ease, all elements that allow you to experience yourself as part of the flow of unconditional love that is Source. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 14

On this Valentine’s Day we celebrate you for deciding to enter into the body to assist the shift of consciousness on your planet, for that is a truly breathtaking demonstration of being the love. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 13

Many of you are having vivid dreams of coming to resolution with people you have unfinished business with. If you aren’t experiencing this yet, know that you likely will. This is a wonderful furthering of the review process you are completing to fully finalize the first phase of your incarnation. This will allow you to move forward into the new, unencumbered by the past.
This also is an indicator that their soul is seeking resolution with you as well, which is healing and resolution for everyone involved, done in a manner that is most efficient and best received. This may include connecting in a soul to soul manner with those who are living, and also with those who have transitioned out of the body.
Again, you are part of such a divinely intelligent process, everything is unfolding for you in the best speed, manner, and timing to assure your success and align with your soul’s desires. You will feel much lighter as these old issues resolve, which will assist you in creating from a blank slate that allows the discovery of new possibilities and potentials that are now viable for you due to the combination of your healing and what is now supported as you enter the next exciting phase of your incarnation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 12

Many of you crave freedom. You start to experience more freedom when you stop letting others make you wrong for being you. It truly anchors when you stop making yourself wrong for being you. It is when you no longer allow those denials of self you can finally start to fully self express and move into the joy and expansiveness that can only come from letting your true essence lead the way. It is from there your greatest creations and discoveries can be made. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 11

Your inner wise one is the shepherd that can lovingly gather up all aspects of you and guide you forward in the most integrated and empowered ways. It is always there for you to connect with by simply feeling into your own divine spark that exists in your centre, wherever you think your centre is, and allowing it to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 10

Just being you is more than enough. The more you can emanate your truth and authenticity, the greater your service, just by being you. The entirety of your incarnation has been about uncovering your true divine essence and allowing it to lead the way. Every discovery you make about who you really are allows your light to shine a little bit brighter. Every single shift you make serves the whole and contributes to the evolutionary shift on your planet.
When you try to make yourself wrong, when you berate yourself, or deny your truth by constantly looking for things that are not right about you, you dim your light and stall your progress. Can you see? We understand you are trying to be diligent, but no one benefits from that practice.
We are not saying you should not address things if they come into your awareness. Of course you should! Anything that is not in alignment with your ever-evolving truth will naturally come up for release. The difference is your focus and intention.
When something is brought into your awareness because it is ready to leave or be healed it is in line with your embodiment process. It is further proof of your own evolution and divine capability. When you are always looking for trouble within yourself you focus is not on your wholeness, but rather on the continual expectation that you are not ok or perpetually need fixing. It is an illusion that is blocking you from the knowing of your own divine essence.
So trust, Dear Ones. Trust that your evolution is a divinely intelligent process. Trust that the flow will always bring into your awareness what is ready for healing and release. Trust that your soul knows exactly what it is doing. Trust that you are a divine being that is in the process of coming Home to yourself. Lead through your beingness, and you can never, ever make a mistake. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 9

Dear Ones, true joy comes from both giving and receiving and being willing to fully feel the incredible beauty and love that exists within both aspects of the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 8

What direction does your heart want to expand into that will bring you more joy? What aspect of that can you incorporate into your life today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 7

What if it is as simple as breathing in the life you want to live and flowing out the love that you are? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 6

We invite you to feel into the energy of change and your response to it. Many of you feel like change is scary, too much, unpredictable, or overwhelming. If you have those responses, feel into the energy of unfoldment instead. For most of you, it will feel calmer, gentler, more supported, and something you’d be much more comfortable embracing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 5

Dear Ones, self care is not one thing. It is a flow. Some days rest might be the best thing you can do for yourself. Other days your body might be craving movement. Both of these are requirements for integrating certain types of energies!
Your best self care is achieved by simply practicing awareness and honouring your needs as being equally important as everyone else’s. They may change from day to day and that is perfectly ok. In fact, that is an indicator that you are working with the flow.
We understand that many of you are much more comfortable in giving than receiving. If that is the case simply ask yourself, “What self care do I require so I can be all I wish to be for myself and others?” Reframing it in such a way may be all you need to finally include yourself in your loving care. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 4

Dear Ones, as drivers of the shift you get to forge forward through your heart-centred guidance and personal preferences, creating new pathways that are in line with your authenticity and beingness. What energy do you wish to contribute to the whole that matches who you are today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 3

Dear Ones, what we want you to understand is inclusion is where your power is. You cannot create through exclusion because your continued focus is what keeps you tethered to a certain energy.
Let us give you an example. When you go to a restaurant you do not focus on the foods you do not want. Nor do you order by telling the server what you don’t want. You accept that there is a variety of foods on the menu to serve the preferences and needs of many, so you just effortlessly skim over what is not appealing to you without attaching any energy to it at all. You find what you feel would be your best match in your present moment to provide you the sustenance you need and the experience you desire. And, best of all, if you don’t feel like having that option the next time you visit the restaurant, you know you can choose something entirely different.
Do you see? Selecting your preferences with ease without needing to practice exclusion or to push against what you do not want is a skill you already have and can apply to all aspects of your life. You are far more efficient with your energies when you operate from what you wish to include as part of your personal experience, and give yourself the permission and freedom to flow and express yourself through whatever feels supportive to you at any given time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 2

Many of you are at the point of your evolutionary journey where you simply cannot stand anything that does not honour you in your truth. Trying to stay small or conform to please others or resist change is no longer an option. Your freedom of expression and truth is rapidly becoming as essential as air and water to you. Any ways you have been dragging your feet on addressing this can no longer be avoided.
This is not about pushing against anything, which would be energetically continuing to engage with it. Rather, it is an empowered energetic declaration of self. This is all designed to align you with moving forward from a space of authenticity and truth which is embodiment and the essential elements required for the next exciting phase of your incarnation.
It is truly wonderful to have such clarity because it is through your authenticity you will find the connections you have been yearning for all along, and experience the joy of being gloriously you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 1

Who are you without your fear, without your wounds, without your old stories of lack or struggle? This is what you are in the process of discovering right now. The spaciousness or sensation of not knowing anything that many of you are experiencing is allowing you to get in touch with the deeper truth of who you truly are, your divine essence.
Your creator self operates from a perpetual blank slate of possibility, an empowered being that leads through presence, preference, and joyful expansion. We wish to reassure you that if you are in the space of not knowing it is an indicator of how far you have come and how well you have prepared yourself for this next exciting and unprecedented phase of your incarnation.
These are truly wondrous times because when you are working from the empowered space that is beyond any self imposed limitations, the most amazing things become possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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