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January 31

How can you create the safe space that allows your inner child to feel free to come to the forefront and connect you to the magic that abounds around you through its curiosity and wonder? What encouragement does that little you need? How long has it been waiting for you to acknowledge it and coax it out of hiding? If you are not having enough fun in your life, why not connect to the part of you whose specialties are fun, play, and presence, and let it joyfully lead the way? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 30

You are in the midst of making the monumental shift from living according to what you or others think you should do to living according to what you wish to create and experience. This can take some getting used to!
If you had all the money in the world, what would you do? If you didn’t know a single person on the planet, what would you do? If you knew with 100% certainty that you couldn’t fail, what would you do? These questions can help you identify areas you are still holding yourself back through self imposed limitations or a desire to impress or please others.
As pioneers your greatest value comes from experience, for it is through experience that you expand and define what is now possible and what is a match to who you are today. Do you see? It is absolutely safe for you to start living your life according to what feels right for you, Dear Ones, in fact, that is exactly what you are on the planet to do. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 29

Acceptance is the key to moving yourself out of resistance/discomfort. Acceptance does not mean that you are agreeing to stay in an undesirable energy forever. It is simply moving out of pushing against anything which allows it to deliver whatever its purpose was for you and to move along. Accept that where you are is serving you in some way and feel into your energy as you do. As you move into acceptance you should feel a lightening of your energy.
It is your faith and trust that moves you into acceptance and allowing. Acceptance and allowing open the door to patience and peace. So if you are struggling with discomfort, deepen your faith and trust. Meditate. Pray. Think of how you have always been guided in the past. Watch for signs and synchronicities. Connect with your inner wisdom that knows you are always exactly where you need to be. Ask for assistance. Flow.
Your discomfort is merely a re-directional tool, Dear Ones. It does not mean you are wrong, broken, or incompetent. It is simply your soul saying you can’t get to where you want to go with the focus and resistance you are in. One of the fastest ways to disengage with what is unwanted is to consciously shift into gratitude, for you can never ever be grateful and in resistance at the same time.
As you move forward in the energies of 2020 and beyond you will find yourselves getting much more adept at lovingly redirecting yourselves without the need for extreme discomfort. These are the times you are stepping forward as your own loving guide and parent, remembering to use the tools that you have discovered work best for you, and putting your mastery into action. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 28

Dear Ones, expecting anything to be a certain way or stay exactly the same is a great disservice to yourself and others because it is creating constraints and limitations. The second you try to make something permanent and unmoveable, you automatically make that energy expired and unsustainable because the nature of the universe is constant growth and evolution.
Allow things to grow and expand. That is what gives life to your dreams and creations! Let the unfoldment reveal new possibilities to you. Understand the energies are rapidly changing and because of this there are many incredible new potentials that are seeking to make their way into your awareness every single day. This is a glorious time of discovery on your planet, and we encourage you to be flexible enough to open to the wonder of it all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 27

Gratitude is how you acknowledge what a wonderful co-creator you already are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 26

The path of ease is the mindful use of your focus and energy. It is paying attention to what you are pushing against or resisting and then choosing to withdraw that focus and redirect it with curiosity towards where the unfoldment is trying to take you. It is moving yourself out of resistance to your circumstances or yourself into the acceptance of what is being energetically supported, which is always right for you. It is choosing the flow, over and again, understanding it is always loving and guiding you in your continual forward movement and discovery of your highest expression of self. It is choosing to accept and experience yourself as one with Source. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 25

Being in unprecedented energies means you are in a space of not knowing that is ripe for discovery. All you need to do is follow your heart to make your highest choice, one now moment at a time, for that is the only space creation can occur. From there, everything will naturally begin to reveal itself to you because for every supported decision you make you are able to see what the next highest choice is. It is you how you become an active participant in the beautiful process of unfoldment and step into your role of pioneer of the new, allowing your innate wisdom to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 24

As you have stepped into 2020, you have left many energies behind and are poised to create anew. It is a blank canvas in many ways.
What this means is that you are completely supported to express yourselves like never before. The only thing that can really get in your way is if you choose to bring old limiting beliefs with you and try to apply them to the new.
This is an excellent time to be aware of your thoughts and examine any ways you believe you are constrained, powerless, or that things will be difficult for you and to see them for what they are – leftovers from old thought loops and experiences that simply no longer apply.
These are the energies to cast your net wider, to play in realm of potentiality that exists just beyond what you can see, and to be open to magic and miracles, for it is from there you will create and express yourselves in your greatest expression of self and continue to expand from there. The only limits are the ones you put upon yourselves, Dear Ones. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 23

Many of you will be experiencing a changing of service as you move forward into the energies of 2020 and beyond. This will be a reflection of the work you have done.
Think of a butterfly. When it emerges from the cocoon, because it is so completely transformed, how it navigates life and how it serves completely changes. And just like the butterfly, you get to drink the nectar and spread the pollen, simply serving the whole through your beingness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 22

Dear Ones, what we want you to understand is that when you embrace the unfoldment, you are activating the path of ease because you are choosing to move with what is fully supported for your highest good in your present moment. This is exactly how you shift out of efforting through unsupportive energies into harnessing the full blessings, guidance, and wisdom of the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 21

Consistency is how you demonstrate your preferences. It is making a point of incorporating a new element as part of your energetics. It is how you shift from dabbling with something to making it a more dominant aspect in your life. There is great power in consistency, for it is a declaration of who you are and what you consciously choose as part of your experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 20

Dear Ones, there is a vast difference between acceptance and settling. Acceptance is knowing that whatever is happening is serving you in some way in your forward movement and evolution. Settling is an action fuelled by fear and doubt that doesn’t believe things can improve, so it resists movement and tries to thrive in energy that is already expired.
Acceptance is the element that allows the flow and the unfoldment to reveal its purpose to you. It is willingly moving with what is being energetically supported at any given time. It is an empowered demonstration of trust in your soul’s divine capability and in a universe that only seeks to serve you. It is how you make the most out of the energies and your circumstances in order to support your continual expansion. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 19

Energetic shifting is a process that simply can’t be rushed whether it is individual or deepening into a soul connection relationship. It is an integration that must be honoured and allowed to move at its own divinely perfect pace of unfoldment.
This can be hard for some of you to accept because you have been goal oriented for so long, looking for clear beginnings and endings, or perhaps thinking you will arrive somewhere and be done. But your enlightenment process, however it is occurring for you, is one of continual expansion and openings to know yourselves in new, ever evolving ways.
It is never complete. Your true nature, along with that of the universe, is continual movement and evolution. What this means is that there is no point when you are done. In fact, trying to stay static will just result in dissatisfaction and discomfort. Your soul is always seeking to expand into new states of being to then explore and create from. It is how you discover your true essence and highest potentials.
From this viewpoint, you can start to see that every single step, every integration, is equally important. Many of you think you must reach a level of attainment or union in order to truly be of service, but what we want you to understand is that each expansion and integration is vitally important to both you and the whole. Your growth is your service, every single step of the way.
So settle into your journey. Wonder at the divine intelligence and purpose of your unfoldment, honouring each now moment and discovery as what is driving the shift, both individually and collectively. It is all beautiful service because every time you come Home to a deeper knowing of yourself you anchor the energies that support the whole and lead through your beingness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 18

Dear Ones, you are in unprecedented times and energies on your planet. This means there are many more potentials and possibilities opening to you every day. So feel into the energies. What is supported in this right now moment? Don’t constrain the new by painting it with the brush of the past.
What this means is that what may have been a dream for you before but you just couldn’t seem to get to come together may suddenly take on new life and come together with surprising speed and ease. In fact, many of the dreams and desires you have had may very well have been waiting for the energies of 2020 and beyond to be able to take on their fullest forms.
Letting go of your beliefs and expectations allows energy to flow into its highest, most supported potential. When you release the need to know anything for sure you allow the unfoldment to reveal to you the wonder and magic that can occur when you approach everything as being fresh and new. That is the joy of pioneering into the new, and what your souls have been so excited to start experiencing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 17

What one simple action can you take today that would bring you closer to what you wish to experience? It does not need to be grandiose. It can be researching options. It might be deciding that you are ready to receive and showing that by starting to put your needs first. It could be setting aside some time with yourself to really get clear about what you want.
Perhaps it is setting new broader intentions and surrendering into them, also known as casting your net wider. It might be asking to be shown what the next steps are to move forward in that direction and following the bumps and nudges.
Taking any of these steps loudly announces that you are ready to start to move towards that dream now. It indicates that you are willing to enter into the unfoldment that leads to the alignment with that experience. It shows you are a fully cooperating member of your co-creation team.
It is a profound act of empowerment because having your actions match your intentions immediately shifts the energy and creates new possibilities and potentials. What are you ready to stop wishing for and start actively creating? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 16

Whatever your soul is asking for is what is exactly right for you. You can never, ever make a mistake if you listen to the nudges and yearnings of your soul.
Stepping into your authentic power is trusting yourself enough to listen to your soul above all else, knowing that even it it doesn’t make any sense to anyone else it is your highest path because you are the only qualified expert of your own life expression.
As you move further into the energies of 2020, your needs may change. Your desires may change. Your service may change. What brings you joy may change. This is wonderful, for it is an indicator of your evolution.
By honouring your truth every step of the way, you will serve yourself and others and be a beautiful teacher by example. You will support others in moving into the freedom of honouring themselves, as well.
This is the path of empowerment that celebrates the joyful expansion and self expression of all, and one of the most beautiful aspects of service you will ever experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 15

Many of you consciously make the decision to not move towards your dreams because you don’t know all the steps that would allow them to come to you.
This would amount to not ordering something you desire online because you don’t know the name of the employee who would fill the order, what shipping facilities your package would go through as it made its way to you, or the name of the driver who would deliver it to your door.
Do you see? Your job is to decide what you would like to experience and be ready to receive it. The universe will orchestrate the rest through the coordination of the people and elements that are there to serve you in the fulfillment of that desire. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 14

One of the changes enlightening human beings will experience as you move into 2020 is feeling more empowered in areas you have previously found challenging.
It may be that you have been focusing on healing a persistent theme in your life, where it felt like you were continually needing to stand up for yourself. While you knew you deserved better and and were consciously working on moving it into a better balance or honouring of self, it likely always felt like work or a constant struggle.
For many of you the shift you will experience in 2020 will be the full anchoring in of your power in this area, a claiming of your sovereignty, if you will. It will no longer feel like you need to fight to be honoured or for what is fair. Anything less than that will not even be an option.
It is through that change in energetics you will no longer feel triggered in those areas. You will be embodying the fully healed state around that issue, which releases the energetic charge.
For some of you it will be a profound shift you recognize right away. For others, it may take you a while to recognize that old issue is resolved. It is much like having an injury heal in your body and making the realization later that you no longer hurt. This occurs because your true state is whole and healed and feels natural to you.
However you experience it, it is proof positive you have shifted into a new phase of your incarnation that will feel freer and lighter and full of new potentials and possibilities, all based on the work you have done. Congratulations! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 13

Many of you would like to experience more joy but don’t know exactly what brings you joy. Dear Ones, you find your greatest joy from your presence. Making the choice to be fully present in any moment allows you to experience alignment and magic, and from there joy will bubble up naturally.
So if you are wishing to have more joy in your lives, start by doing the things that you find easiest to be present with such as trying something you’ve always wanted to do, spending time in nature, observing things you find beautiful, spending time with animals or children – anything that you are fully open to experience of.
Being open to joy, for many of you, is a skill you had as a child but lost as an adult. Children approach new experiences with curiosity, openness, and presence. This is something your inner child can help you with! As you move forward without control or expectation and grow your presence practice, you will begin to have much more positive focus, acceptance, and gratitude, which leads you straight to the land of wonder and joy.
You will start to move back into having the full experience that is available to you. This is a skill you already have that just needs to be dusted off and your inner child simply can’t wait for that inclusion. If you take a moment to feel within yourself right now, you might be surprised to feel that excitement already. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 12

Dear Ones, it is your fear of judgment that keeps you from shining brightly as your authentic self. It is your actual judgment of yourself that keeps you in perpetual resistance to who you truly are. If you fear judgment from others, why on earth would you then put it upon yourselves?
Many of you mistakenly think that your self judgment makes you a better person. But in reality it creates resistance to yourself and dims your light. You simply cannot berate yourselves up the stairs to enlightenment, for it is a process of rediscovering your own divinity. You cannot deny your truth and claim it at the same time.
It is your love and acceptance you yearn for. That is what creates the safe space for you to grow and evolve and shine your highest expression of self. It is through choosing to lead with those traits you experience the joyful process of coming Home to yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 11

Many enlightening human beings, due to their kind and caring hearts and focus on being the help rather than receiving help, are feeling overwhelmed. If you are in overwhelm, it is very difficult to imagine taking on one more thing. This can make you feel resistant to expansion.
If this is the case, we urge you to immediately start to reevaluate what you can let go of and allow others to take on. What can you delegate? How are you perpetuating an unhealthy balance? Can you start to include yourself in your loving care? What can you release or simplify? Can you start to make choices based on what would be empowering to everyone involved?
One of the prevalent themes of the energies you are now entering is expansion and creation. Do you think allowing yourself to have a big beautiful life only means more work for you? What if moving forward and expansion made your life easier for you? What if it brought more joy, more comfort, more satisfaction? Are you pre-judging the future based on carrying too much of a load in the past?
Dear Ones, you are powerful creators. Powerful creators that are shifting from the martyred service paradigm into joyful, supported service. Find new ways to honour yourselves and others, and start to reframe how you see change. It is absolutely possible to flow into a life that celebrates you for the beloved aspect of Source you are, and everyone will benefit in the most marvellous ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 10

What choices can you make today to be truer to you? There is tremendous power in taking small incremental steps consistently, Dear Ones, and there is no better time than right now to begin. The sooner you start that shift, the sooner you will get to reap the rewards of a life that is an energetic match to who you are and where your soul wishes to go. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 9

Dear Ones, your willingness to move is an essential aspect for comfort, creation, and balance.
You are always the energetic leader of your life expression. By being willing to move, you put action to your intentions. You join the flow of Source. You enter the realm of potential and possibility.
You cannot guide something that is not in some form of movement. Think of a riding a bicycle. If you try to stay in one place, you will tip over. But the second you start to move forward, balance is much easier to experience and progress can be made.
Your choices show your preferences and the direction you would like to move toward. Your first step shows your cooperation to grow and expand. The unfoldment will always reveal the next steps. You give your valuable feedback through your gratitude and focus.
Expansion honours your soul. Stagnation is unsustainable. This is why resistance is always met with discomfort. It serves as a redirectional tool back into the freedom, expansion, and discovery your soul is always seeking.
As you move forward in the new energies, any ways you may have been practicing resistance or attempting to stay in situations that do not honour your growth and well-being will come up very clearly into your awareness. This is a wonderful thing, for it allows you to choose again.
And the beautiful thing is you can embrace that forward movement any time you like, without the need for deep discomfort as a precursor. In fact, that is what you will find yourselves doing more and more as you continue on the beautiful path of self honour and self expression that is the beingness phase of your incarnation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 8

Surrendering into your truest life expression is the only broad intention you need, for it will automatically hold all the love and support required for you to thrive in all ways. The flow is there to serve you, Dear Ones, as you serve through your beingness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 7

Every mindful decision you make from a space of wisdom, alignment, and presence is an act of love for your future self. It is those highest choices that are made one now moment at a time that quickly accumulate and pre-pave the way for far greater comfort and satisfaction in your future. It is exactly how your actions start to match your truest desires and support the unfoldment into your greatest life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 6

Surrender, faith, flow, and trust is the Divine Combination that allows you to move forward in the new energies like never before. It is the supported navigation system of the New Earth.
Many of you have attempted the individual elements and had limited success not realizing they must be employed together, like an alchemical formula, in order for the magic to occur. Surrender without flow simply cannot take you far because willing movement is essential for results. Surrender and flow without faith and trust won’t have an opportunity to get to your highest options because you will knock yourself out of the system before it has a chance to deliver to you.
Another common misbelief is that surrender somehow makes things worse. This belief occurs when people initially try the Divine Combination only to have it bring them right up against what they perceive to be their greatest obstacle. What we want you to understand should that occur, is that it is the system leading you right up to that challenge to take you up, over, around, or through it to the solutions that exist for you that you haven’t been able to discover thus far. If you don’t panic and stay in the system, things will begin to open up and unfold for you in the most incredible ways.
The surrender, faith, flow, trust model will only bring you to better places, to the expansion your soul is seeking and to the possibilities that exist just beyond what you can see. Further, it will guide you to your most perfect matches and experiences because it is your soul, along with the energetic support of an entire universe, that is leading the way. It is a system that only seeks to serve you, love you, and expand your experiences in the most remarkable ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 5

Today’s daily message came back into my awareness thanks to Mary Josephine Hession. I feel like it did because it is important information that wanted to be shared again, so here it is. 🙂
Dear Ones, there are multiple timelines that hold a multitude of experiences that you can access at any given time.
If you have a deep longing or yearning for an experience, there is always a corresponding timeline that holds that experience. The fact that you have a desire lets you know that the potential exists.
You shift onto timelines through your focus, intention, surrender, and flow. This is why you cannot create what you want through negative focus or fear. Your energetic engagement with what was unwanted would keep you firmly planted on the timeline that holds that energy.
Your soul knows exactly how to move onto the timeline that will lead you into what you intend to experience. Your intention is like setting your internal GPS and your surrender and flow with faith and trust allows your energy to move into the energetic stream that takes you to your next greatest experience. It is that simple.
The beauty of all of this is that it is all available to you, you simply need to choose. And if you choose something that it turns out you do not care for, you can choose again, endlessly moving and flowing into the matches that best reflect your preferences and your next highest expression of self. It all exists for you if you can simply decide to allow your heart to lead the way into the realm of endless potential. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 4

Dear Ones, do you struggle to receive? Do you think it is noble to only give? This is such a common theme in enlightening human beings.
Being willing to receive allows others to experience the joy of giving. Being willing to receive allows all forms of assistance to show up for you. Being willing to receive brings the energies of balance and acceptance into your life. Being willing to receive moves you out of holding yourself separate into the full experience of the love and support that has always been there for you.
If you receive you can still honour your service contracts. In fact, it allows you to pour from a full pitcher because you will be balanced and fulfilled. Full filled.
As you move forward in the energies of 2020 and beyond, any way you are out of balance will come to the forefront for you to adjust into a more balanced and sustainable way of being. So love yourselves enough to receive knowing it is you being part of the divine flow that yearns to love and support everyone involved. It is not just okay, it is our greatest wish for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 3

There is a belief that comfort comes from everything staying the same. This is false, and we will explain why.
Your soul’s natural tendency is towards growth and expansion. When it is denied that freedom, it will begin to experience dissatisfaction and discomfort.
It is your mind that believes it finds comfort in everything staying predictable and the same. But this will always fail because by resisting expansion you are trying to thrive in energies that will expire, and in fast moving energies they will expire quite quickly.
By embracing flow, forward movement, and expansion, you not only move back into the heart, you harness the energies that continually support your evolution and always lead to your next best experience.
Let us put it this way. It is the difference between enjoying fresh food every day and trying to live off what is in your refrigerator indefinitely. It may sustain you for the short term, but eventually it will become unable to nourish you in ways that allow your highest good and ability to thrive.
Release the fear of change, Dear Ones, because it is through change you get to experience your highest level of preference and attainment on a continual basis and that is exactly what will bring you to your highest life expression and beyond. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 2

One of the major themes of 2020 and the new decade you have entered is expansion. Expansion is exactly how you allow your lives to get as big and beautiful as they want to be. It is safe for you to embrace expansion!
If you find it difficult to trust moving into the unknown, start small. Expand incrementally. Take a new route to work. Walk a nature trail you have never tried before. Take a vacation somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit. Learn a new skill. All of these ideas help you to observe and experience and discover what are new energetic matches to you. It is through these experimentations that you will discover that change can be a wonderful thing.
Embracing expansion lets your soul take the lead, which allows your freedom of expression and your beingness to be supported one step at a time, and from there all great things are possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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