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December 31

Dear Ones, we wish to congratulate you on navigating the most intense and transformational year you have seen on your planet. We honour you for your courageous hearts, for your resilience, for taking one step after another despite the many challenges.
You have only begun to scratch the surface of how profound the shifts of 2020 truly were. You will look back and be truly amazed at the depth of the transformation, and what will become possible due to your continued efforts. Suffice it to say that you, and your world, are completely and forever changed. You are now holding a completely different energy as you exit 2020 than you held when you entered it.
As you step up onto the new platform of 2021, you will again shift into sustainability in the energies of the new. Please know this is a major shift, one you have worked hard to prepare for. Intend to flow into the new with open hearts, curiosity, and clarity. As always, water is an essential element to assist you with your flow, so make sure you are well hydrated. Submersing yourself in water, particularly salt water, can also be very helpful.
You are pioneering into the new. You do that one step at a time, making your highest choice one now moment at a time. Hold your highest intentions, employ the essential operating system of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, and allow yourselves to feel the wonder and magic that comes from stepping into the exact times you couldn’t wait to experience. You have arrived. Happy New Year and New Age! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 30

If you have a dream you truly want to experience but are stuck because you don’t know exactly how to make it happen, we highly recommend that you give it up. We don’t mean abandon it. We mean give it UP to your highest self and your guides and helpers on the other side of the veil to help guide you to the next steps you simply can’t see from your vantage point. It is time to activate your team by asking for their help if you have gone as far as you can go on your own, for it is their specialty to lead you to your highest potentials and create the perfect intersections for your next greatest discovery. That is what allows all of you to experience the joy of co-creation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 29

As you prepare to step fully into the new, we encourage you to examine everything that follows the word ‘but’ when you think of your dreams. Often the first part of the sentence identifies your true desires and where your soul is trying to lead you and everything after the word ‘but’ is an indicator of old conditioning, fear, and anything else that is holding you back.
As you examine everything that follows the word ‘but’ ask, “Is this really true? What part of me needs reassurance to stay true to the dream? Is this societal conditioning or other people’s opinions? Does this support or resist my expansion? Does this really serve me and my highest life expression?” As you feel into it you may be surprised to discover that often what follows the word ‘but’ immediately puts the brakes on any forward movement.
‘But’ can be a mid-sentence pivot point that negates the expansion you are ready for. It can also be an indicator to make you aware of anything that needs to be lovingly addressed to get all parts of you cooperating and willingly moving in the same direction. With your wisdom and awareness you can take the information it offers to assist your evolution.
Every time you hold yourself back from your true desires due to fear, doubt, or other people’s opinions, you are giving your power away. We wish to remind you that you are the only qualified expert on your own incarnation. We urge you to identify and release the buts and everything that comes after them, and then embrace the joy and excitement that occurs when your dreams are allowed unimpeded flow and can finally move full steam ahead. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 28

You get to choose who you are and how you show up every single day, and that is exactly how you harness the most out of each now moment. The consistency of those choices creates the overall energetic themes of your life.
Do you see? Your highest choices profoundly shift not only your Now moment but also the trajectory of your path. This is how powerful you are, Dear Ones, and this is how you continue to contribute to the grand shift you are participating in.
So an ideal question to ask yourself as you feel your way forward is, “What choice brings me the greatest joy and allows my truest expression of self?” If you continue to navigate your life in such a way there is no end to what you can create, discover, and experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 27

Dear Ones, what you talk about is who you would like to be one day. What you put action to becomes part of who you are. What small action steps can you take towards your dreams today? More than that, what can you embody today, for that is exactly how you support your becoming. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 26

Dear Ones, the idea that you were ever not enough is a complete fallacy. Your continued trouble-shooting with yourself and your enlightenment journey is a continuation of that theme. Your beingness is more than enough. You are more than enough. You always have been and you always will be. In fact, your journey is not meant to be unearthing how you are not enough but rather discovering and celebrating your more-than-enoughness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 25

Your holidays are always focused on higher vibrational energies – giving, receiving, gratitude, peace, joy, love, and connection both with each other and with the divine. Our wish for you on this holy day is that you will come to know these elements that exist at the core of each and every one of you, as constants in your lives. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 24

Dear Ones, you are most powerful when you are operating in full flow. Be open to the highest potentials that are available to you that exist beyond what you can see and be willing to be led into their discovery. By releasing any pre-conceived ideas or constraints, you make it possible to move into your greatest expansion and experiences. It is safe for you to fully surrender with your faith and trust into the grand unfoldment of the new age you are stepping into and allow your life expressions to become as big and beautiful as they want to be. Let the magic of the times you are in point the way to the highest outcomes that are now fully available to you due to the incredible amount of work you have done over the past year. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 23

Dear Ones, relationships are a prevalent theme for you right now. Relationships – your family relationships, your love relationships, your friendships, your relationship with power, your relationship with spiritual and government leaders and their followers, your own relationship with God, and your relationship with yourself – all have been up for review.
You are in the throes of moving beyond co-dependency into healthy inter-dependency. You are seeking new ways to dove-tail together in order to support each other in your highest expressions of self and to be stronger as a whole. This has required the awareness, examination, and release of any belief systems that made you feel powerless or supported you in the continuation of victim consciousness.
While this can feel most uncomfortable because it touches on the things that are most important to you, and requires the dismantling of a lot of old conditioning, this focus will serve you well moving forward. You will be better able to show up in your truth, to allow your heart to lead the way in far more empowered ways than ever before, to create safe attachment, and have far more satisfying relationships both with yourself and with others. This is what will knit together the fabric of unity consciousness and beautifully serve you and the whole as you move forward in this dawn of a new age. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 22

You are in a potent energy window that exists between your solstice and Christmas day. This is an opening of profoundly supportive energies designed to assist you in your embodiment and creation. We highly recommend you take the time to be clear about the core essence of what it is you wish to experience and create and wrap yourself up with that energy as a prevalent aspect of who you truly are. This is embracing your preferences and beingness, Dear Ones, and exactly how you can set the tone moving forward. You are so loved and assisted in all your hopes and dreams because you are the ones who are leading the way forward, with your tender hearts and optimism, into this grand new age on your planet. Keep letting the beautiful luminosity of your soul shine the way forward, for your truth and essence is what is lighting the way into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 21

Today, on this sacred day of solstice, we wish to celebrate you for reaching this incredible mile marker after such a pivotal and challenging year. What you have accomplished is truly remarkable, releasing and receiving energies at a pace that has never been experienced on your planet before. By your continued participation you have been integrating more of your soul selves into your bodies, and as such, have become anchors of the energies of heaven on earth. Even though you are well aware this year has been unlike any other you have experienced, it will be a while before you fully realize all you have done and accomplished. We thank you for being the intrepid ones, for being the ground crew of the great shift upon your planet, and we wish you much joy, peace, and love moving forward. Allow yourselves to take today to celebrate your successes, to bask in the energies, and allow the solstice to serve you by locking in your progress so you are well prepared to step into the energies of 2021 and beyond. It is a truly joyous day that heralds a new age of transformation and forward movement. Hallelujah! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 20

The two greatest inhibitors of manifestation are putting constraints upon your creation and not being willing to receive.
Are you being too specific with your desires? Do you think they can only show up or look a certain way? What is the essence of what you wish to experience underneath that desire? Are you willing to cast your net wider? So often what you think is possible and what is actually possible are two very different things! Your willingness to allow the universe to fill in the details for you makes for much better and more satisfying matches.
Do you say no to assistance? Have you remembered to ask the universe for help? Do you gratefully receive it or are you in the habit of doing everything yourself? Do you think what you want can’t happen because you don’t know all the steps of how it will come to fruition? Do you receive compliments? Do you ask for and receive help graciously? It can be helpful to pay attention to any ways you hold yourself separate from receiving and start to consciously say yes to the support that can show up for you in a myriad of ways.
Now is the ideal time to make a commitment to loosen up and allow yourself to discover the highest potentials that exist for you just beyond what you can see, and to embrace the joy that comes from being in a more balanced flow of both giving and receiving. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 19

We spoke yesterday of the importance of discernment. Today we would like to delve into how to tell if information is valid and empowering for you or not. The following will help you discern whether information is in line with your highest good. We suggest you ask the following questions:
Is this information based on love or fear? Is it expansive or restrictive? Is it inclusive and connecting or elitist and separating? Is it empowering to everyone involved? Does this advice involve giving your power away to another or following the advice blindly or does it encourage you to connect with your own wisdom and knowingness? Does it support the highest good of all? Would your inner wise one agree?
Check in with your body. How does your body respond when you feel into the information? Do you feel energy activation within your heart centre? Do you feel goosebumps? Do you feel flow, expansion, ease, or excitement? Does it allow you to be the love? All of these are your soul giving you a resounding yes.
If you feel triggered, fearful, or the energy contracting in your body, particularly in your abdomen, you are getting a clear no. The information you are receiving is not empowering to you and not an energetic match to who you really are. It could be playing to old wounds or experiences of powerlessness that you now have an opportunity to heal and evolve beyond.
Dear Ones, you always know your truth if you take a moment to sit and align with both your heart centre and your own divine guidance. This goes for information you receive through the news and social media, from spiritual teachers, and any messages you may receive yourself through spirit or your intuition. With your conscious awareness and love you will be able to navigate beyond the old structures of control and fear. By honing your discernment you will always be able to know the difference and move forward in ways that support you, the collective, and your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 18

Discernment is an essential element of your enlightenment journey. One of the challenges of 2020 has been the bombardment of information you have been exposed to – some of it very valid and some of it not your truth at all. While it has been challenging, that, combined with the slowing down the pandemic has created for so many of you, has gifted you with the perfect conditions to strengthen your discernment skills.
This is so important because it will help you start to navigate your way forward in the new energies by listening to your heart and your inner wisdom, allowing that combination to lead you forward more than ever before. This will allow you to flow towards your perfect matches and desired experiences far more efficiently.
It is also important because it is implementing a skill that will be very helpful to those who have spiritual gifts suddenly opening to them due to the energetic shifts you have been receiving.
Many of you, particularly early on in your spiritual journey, have had the experience of believing in sources that ended up not being empowering to you or of the vibration you truly seek. This can be a discouraging experience, and in some cases can shake your faith for a period of time until your soul lovingly calls you forward on your path yet again. You have had to develop your discernment as you went, often feeling like you were fumbling in the dark.
The spotlight on discernment and truth now will allow many to develop the skill before their awakening, which will be most beneficial for a smoother path forward. To be clear, you will all need to develop the same skills on your journeys, it is just the timing and speed of the development of those skills that will change depending on the energetics and your soul’s agenda.
This is all part and parcel of the grand shift you are all participating in. While it has been difficult collectively to have so many voices shouting their versions of truth, the experience will have served you well and led you to anchor into your own truth and energetic matches which is absolutely necessary for you to fully embrace your own authentic power. Much will be possible as you step into the new due to the embodiment of this essential skill set. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 17

Sleep disturbances are a common experience due to the transformational times you are participating in. This can occur for a few different reasons.
Some energetic shifts require you to be awake but still in order to receive them. This is not unlike some brain surgeries you see where the patient needs to be awake during the procedure. It is designed for you to receive and assimilate the changes in ways that best support your health and wellness.
Some planetary alignments and shifts can have a stimulating effect on you energetically, making it difficult to sleep or stay asleep. If you find yourself awake in the middle of the night, it can be very helpful to use that time to meditate. This will help you relax, as well as having the added benefit of the meditation having a similar effect on the body as sleep.
Sometimes your soul wakes you up at night if you have not been making enough time for deeper contemplation or spiritual connection. This can be rectified by prioritizing your prayer or meditation practices during the day.
Another thing we wish for you to be aware of is if you are feeling tired from a lack of sleep, you can simply ask your guides and helpers to infuse you with energy so you can be functional during the day.
Your dream time may also be very active right now when you do sleep, bringing up issues you have struggled with in past, resulting in a less than restful sleep. Many of you are wrapping up old themes and unresolved relationships in your dreams. This allows you to be far more efficient because you are in a non-resistant state while you sleep. It also allows you to take care of old issues in your sleep state. Most of you find this to be far more preferable than having to face them again in real life.
And sometimes you are working while you sleep, assisting the collective on service missions you do not have a conscious awareness of. You can also be connecting to higher realms to gain new knowledge and insights to assist you on your journey. We affectionately refer to this as night school.
We understand there is so much going on all at once it can feel overwhelming, especially if your sleep is being disturbed. Please understand it all has great purpose for you and is serving you in your evolutionary journey. Prioritize good self care and remember you can always ask for our assistance if you need some extra support. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 16

Dear Ones, you do not need to know all the precise details of exactly what your dream will look like or the steps required in order to create it. In fact, trying to do so can be constraining to its creation, because you are only able to imagine details within what you already have experienced or think is possible and your highest creations often contain much more than that!
Leave room for the joy of wonder of discovery beyond what you could have possibly imagined. Use broad intentions. Allow your dreams to get as big and beautiful as they want to be. All you ever need to do is connect with the core essence of what you would like to experience and allow the universe to do what it does best – fill in the details for you in ways that are divinely perfect and can only surprise and delight you.
Now is the ideal time to decide what energetic desires mean the most to you before the solstice which will herald in the new energies that will carry you into 2021 and beyond. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 15

Dear Ones, we understand that after such an intense time of release it can be difficult to identify with what brings you joy. This does not mean that your ability to experience joy is gone! It is normal to have your preferences shift and evolve as you do. Making new discoveries and having new experiences is very much part of the next phase of your incarnation, which you are about to step into, so do not despair. All you need to do is ask to be guided into the discovery of what brings you joy and be open to that exploration and unfoldment. Be secure in the fact that the universe will always seek to fill a void, and after you have let go of so much it is only natural that better energetic matches will come to round out your experiences. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 14

We understand that the energies you are experiencing on your planet may lead you to believe that being in the body is a challenge with few rewards. But we wish for you to know that your body is an outstanding tool that has many wonderful advantages. The greatest is that it allows you to experience the full spectrum of feeling. It is through that feeling that you are able to have the full experience of love.
Whether it be feeling a baby kick for the first time during pregnancy, holding a child tenderly in your arms, affectionately caressing another with care, giving a compassionate touch of encouragement, a hug of comfort, the excitement and wonder of a first kiss, or the complete intimacy and bliss of your sexual relations, your body allows you to experience love in a way that can’t be replicated anywhere else. The social distancing you have had to adopt this year has made this more clear to you than ever before.
Your physical bodies are remarkable vehicles for the full and glorious expression of love, Dear Ones, and that is worth every bit of discomfort you may experience during these transformative times. The intensity will eventually wane, but the love will continue in more expanded and profound ways than ever before. Celebrate your bodies for the many ways they serve you, for they are incredible tools that allow you to have the most tangible experiences of love. Do you see? You are on the planet as embodied explorers of love, and that is one of the greatest gifts of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 13

You are well aware the 2020 was a year of energetic amplification. Why not use this to your advantage? If there is something you wish to enjoy more of as part of your experience, we suggest you incorporate it into your life now, no matter how small an amount, and allow the energies to amplify it for you. There is great wisdom in doing this before the solstice, as solstices lock in your energetic progress, one of the many, many reasons this particular solstice is so pivotal on your journey. Rather than feeling like you are at the mercy of the energies, it is well within your abilities to creatively work with them and allow them to water the seeds you wish to sow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 12

Dear Ones, another aspect of flow we wish for you to understand is the flow that exists between you in the physical and the higher dimensions. You will connect above, and then integrate below. Again it is that wondrous and multi-faceted flow serving you, supporting you in connecting into higher vibrational energies, receiving downloads, and then assimilating them into your body. It is also flow that allows old energy and belief systems to leave your body, making room for the new. Do you see? Flow is not anything you need to control or direct but rather a system of divine intelligence that is already in place that can only serve you in your embodiment process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 11

We understand you are in intense energetic times and this can be felt in a variety of ways. We wish to offer you some energetic adjustments you can use for common discomforts.
Unbalanced: If you are feeling unbalanced, this can be rectified by simply imagining a beautiful column of light that comes down from the heavens, right over your body, and into the ground below you. This is a very balancing practice that allows you to connect to your homes that exist both above and below the veil. This also allows you to be a supportive bridge of light between the two.
Spacey: If you are feeling dizzy, scattered, or unfocused, we suggest grounding. Get your bare feet onto the earth (or lie on Mother Earth, even better!). If you are not able to do that due to the climate or other restrictions that exist where you live, you can simply imagine yourself standing on the planet and having roots coming from your feet connecting you to the earth. Eating root vegetables, nuts, chocolate, a large meal, or engaging in any activity that is focused on the care and movement of your body can also be helpful.
General energetic discomfort: If you are just feeling uncomfortable with the energies, immersing yourself in salt water can provide a quick and effective energetic cleansing.
Out of alignment: If you feel out of alignment, meditation can be a great help. Or you can simply send your soul into a better alignment with your intention as you are in charge of your energetics.
Resistance: If you are feeling resistant to your now moment surrendering into the flow with the guidance of your angels or whatever higher being you enjoy working with or feel resonance with can bring immediate relief. Making a point to practice gratitude will also bring quick relief as it is impossible to be grateful and resistant at the same time.
Anxiousness: If you are feeling anxiety, presence is the key. We recommend playing a game we call “In This Right Now Moment.” Consciously look for what is happening right now that is working for you and supporting you. For example, you are warm, you have a roof over your head, there is plenty of air to breathe, etc. Being in the now moment is your power point, Dear Ones. Always remember that.
Collective Energies: If you are feeling highly affected by the energy of the collective, we recommend connecting with your heart centre and allow that energy to expand until it surrounds you completely with beautiful white pearly light. From that point you become the bringer of energy, not the catcher of energy. You can also choose to send love and support to the collective once you have decided to lead from your heart.
Feeling Overwhelmed: If you are feeling overwhelmed it is a sign it is time for you to ask for help and be willing to receive it. It is often difficult for those on the enlightenment journey to receive because it feels much more comfortable for them to give, but it is essential that you embrace being part of the flow of both giving and receiving. Plus it is giving others the joy of being of service to you! Allow yourself to be loved and supported from both sides of the veil.
These are just a few energetic remedies you may find helpful. We encourage you to get curious, experiment, and find what works for you. Of course, any energetic adjustment you make should be approached as a gentle and loving redirection, made from a space of self love, acceptance, and encouragement. What you are doing right now is no small feat, so we urge you to always treat yourselves with the love and understanding you all deserve. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 10

Allow the waves of energy to wash over you, Dear Ones, because they are refining your energy and giving you exactly what you need. You will be in a period of adjustment from now until the end of your year, fine-tuning your energetics in preparation of stepping forward into the new. Intend to accept these energies joyfully and with grace and ease, and you will be able to navigate these times with greater comfort and gratitude than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 9

Dear Ones, you know this year has been unlike any other. Allow your lives to be transformed. Trust the process. Get excited about where you are going and what will naturally open up to you after such a long period of sustained intensity. Know that you have been creating space for the new, and be curious and open to discover what that means. If you follow your hearts and your dreams and are willing to receive and flow, there is much that can be accomplished as you step into the new, and yes, that means external forward movement after a year that has focused largely on the internal. You are ready. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 8

Dear Ones, the skills you have honed in other life expressions show up as your natural instincts in this one. We wish for you to understand is it is safe to trust your instincts because a lot of time and experience has gone into developing them, even if you don’t have a conscious awareness of that work this time around. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 7

Many of you are so diligent and devoted to your spiritual path that you have gotten into the habit of always looking for what is wrong with you in a desire to correct it. What we wish to tell you is if you are in troubleshooting mode all the time you will always find more trouble to shoot. Have you gotten into the habit of continually looking for what’s wrong with you, rather than simply accepting everything that is oh, so very right about you?
You cannot embrace your beingness – your unique perfection – and resist it at the same time. While we honour your desire to be thorough, we wish to offer you two ideas to put your mind at rest. The first is you can trust the universe to bring into your awareness, with incredible efficiency, anything that needs to be addressed by you.
We are sure you have already experienced this. Have you had old memories suddenly surface? Things come into your awareness to trigger you and get your attention? Opportunities for growth and expansion by books or pieces of wisdom effortlessly coming into your consciousness? Or perhaps you have just really felt the energies and the truly transformative nature of all you have been going through this year. Let us put it to you this way – you could not avoid your growth if you tried! Your soul will always lovingly direct you to whatever you need to address. You can trust in the process which will allow you to stop being negatively focused on yourself.
The second is, you cannot get your path wrong. Even if you made all kinds of choices that took you in a direction that did not honour you, all that would happen is you would get so uncomfortable it would become impossible to stay in that energy. This would lead you to a surrender moment which would result in accelerated forward movement and immediate course correction. You have a self correcting path! You can trust this system of your own soul guidance and energetic feedback even more than ever before due to your increased energetic sensitivities.
Dear Ones, we urge you to love and encourage yourselves forward. Allow the flow to serve you. Be present in your now moment and accept yourselves as being part of a greater whole that will always provide what you need. This will bring you far more peace, comfort, and greater balance as you navigate your life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 6

Whenever an energetic theme loops back around into your awareness, it is much like a movie you have already seen being rebroadcast. You might have loved that movie and will watch it again just for the joy of it. You might decide to watch it again because you know you always pick up more details from a movie when you see it more than once. Even though you know how everything turns out, there is still value for you to have the experience again. Or you may have already watched the movie so many times you realize there really isn’t anything else it can offer you, and decide to pass.
Be easy on yourselves! Pay attention to how you feel energetically. If you are highly triggered by something there is still something there waiting to be discovered. Can you step back and explore what that might be with your wisdom? What part of you is looking for your love and reassurance around this theme? This would allow you to have a much more empowered experience with that theme. There may be one small aspect of self looking for your loving acceptance or reassurance in order to reintegrate with you and complete that theme once and for all.
Do you feel like you would still like to explore a certain theme from a more empowered place because you feel there is still value for you? That would be like energetic fine-tuning, making sure you have received every bit of benefit from it.
If you are truly not feeling any kind of energetic charge from the theme, you are done with it. It no longer serves a purpose for you. This does not mean you are lazy, avoidant, or spiritually by-passing. If you can take it or leave it, it is a sign that you have become energetically neutral in that area. If it still had value for you, you would naturally feel pulled to it, or would be triggered.
Your wisdom always knows, Dear Ones. Trust in your growth and your attainment, and the incredible efficiency of your enlightenment journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 5

There are times where you might find aspects of your past looping around to find you again. This might be for you to experience healing and release, to see how far you’ve come energetically, an opportunity for you to step back onto a path you had abandoned previously, or to step onto a brand new path by making a different choice.
The reason why this happens is your soul is very good at pre-planning the intersection points for the energetic themes you wish to explore and master during your incarnation. You knew you might need several opportunities to look at this specific theme from many different angles in order to fully assimilate all the gifts that can come from that experience.
In no way does it mean you aren’t doing your work, aren’t “getting it”, or have somehow missed the point. It is simply a system of efficiency. When you are truly done with a theme you can look at it without an energetic charge or trigger should it come around again, and simply choose to move on. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 4

You can only move at the speed that is perfect for you. Thinking that you’ve got it wrong, that you’ve taken too long, that you should be moving faster, only makes you miss the beauty and wonder of the unfoldment of your soul’s evolution – a divinely intelligent system that is designed to move at the pace that best supports you and allows all the elements to fall into place for your greatest success and growth. The idea that it can be wrong in any way is not only faulty, it denies the comfort that is available for you through the faith, trust, and acceptance that your now moment is serving you.
So trust, Dear Ones! It is safe to trust in your soul and your journey, even if you don’t know all the details. Honour your divine guidance. Your personal growth, your expansion, your knowledge, your twin flame journey, your spiritual development, your healing, your releasing, your integration of energies – all of it will unfold with divine perfection. You just need to keep showing up, stay true to your dreams, trust and move with the energies, and accept there is wisdom and purpose to whatever is being supported in any now moment. Harnessing the gifts of both the ebbs and the flows is exactly how you stay in the empowered forward movement you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 3

Dear Ones, what you want already exists. Your yearning combined with its energy calling you forward is a powerful force. What we want you to know is you don’t need to know all the steps to get to that experience. It will take on its own flow of unfoldment. What you do need to do is release any resistance, limitations, or constraints that prevent you from moving into intersection with the experience.
Do you feel the calling of your dream then immediately come up with reasons why you don’t think it will happen? Do you give up on it because you can’t see how it could happen from your side of the veil? Do you push so much against what is unwanted that you are denying the flow towards what you do want? Do you feel your dream calling you forward and then immediately stall your flow through fear, doubt, and overthinking?
Trust in where your soul is calling you! Align with your dream. Acknowledge it. Trust that it exists for a reason. Get into the flow. Allow the universe, your soul, and your guides to assist you in the unfoldment that will lead you to it. Get curious and excited about the journey that can take you there. Cast your net wider and follow your heart’s truest desires.
There are so many new potentials, possibilities, and alignments opening up to you due to the intensity and discoveries you have made this year. Allow yourself to see what all the transformational energies of 2020 have been preparing you to discover and experience in the next exciting phase of your incarnation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 2

Gratitude and acceptance are a dynamic duo that lead the way to the experience of peace. What are you grateful for today? It is through your gratitude that you move from resistance into acceptance, which then shifts you into peace in your present moment. Gratitude, acceptance, peace, and presence all work together to open a perfect point of alignment between heaven and earth that supports your expansion and highest vibrational creations. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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