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November 23

November 23

If you are desiring something in your life, check in with your body to see if your energetic response to it is a yes. A yes feels open and expansive, a no feels clenched and restrictive. If you are feeling a yes response you are a willing participant of that flow of creation.
If you are getting a no response in your body, explore why you might feel that way. Are you afraid of some aspect of moving into that experience? Do you resist change? Do you feel like it is impossible or will require too much work? Are you willing to receive or are you a person who only feels comfortable giving?
We highly recommend taking the time to tend to every piece of resistance with love and understanding until you can feel completely open to receive what your heart is asking for, Dear Ones. You, and your dreams, are worth it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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