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November 30

What Will it Take to Get You to Shift? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 30

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in pursuing relationships with you as individuals because we are curious about the aspects of you that are also inside of us. We have been curious about humanity for so many reasons, including wondering exactly how you are going to manage with the energies of the shift in consciousness. As we get to know you individually, and see you as the unique aspects of Source you are, we get to know more about ourselves. We are especially interested in how you all react to being presented with higher frequency energies. You are being given the option to allow those energies into your fields, your chakras and your cells, and you also have the option of continuing on with what is familiar to you.
You have the option of continuing to run third-dimensional energies through you. They are still present, even though you’ve already shifted to the fourth dimension. They are available to you as options because you have free will. They are not going to be swept away for you, and we are curious to see what it will take for you to choose the higher frequency energies that have been made available to you, that are in fact around you at all times. Do you have to hit rock bottom, as many people suspect, to make positive change? Do you need to have a mind-blowing experience in order to choose something different, something that will ultimately be better for you? Do you have to have a health scare? Can another person inspire you to choose the higher frequency energies?
It is our hope that we can inspire you to do so. You choose by taking the high road, instead of engaging in the same argument that you’ve had several times with the same person. You choose by spending more time in nature and putting away your electronic devices. You choose by being true to yourself and the impulse that you have coming to you from within, rather than just doing what everyone expects you to do, or what your parents did.
You have that free will, and you are being nudged constantly to take advantage of the choice you have. You can choose that which is going to give you the best possible growth experience, or you can choose to remain where you are, treading water, and waiting for something to happen. We see many of you tuning in to predictions about what will happen, and far fewer of you tuning in to the higher frequency energies so that you can create what you want to experience.
That’s what we are here to nudge you into doing, and as we get to know you and what inspires you, we also get to know ourselves. We get to see you in us and recognize the times when we don’t choose the highest vibrational experience that we could. You are helping us as much as we are helping you, and we are very eager to see what happens when you do make the choice to open up more to the higher frequency energies and what it will take to get you do to so?
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 29

Your Spirit Guides, 5D Chakras, & Us ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 29

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are giving you exactly what you need in these transmissions. We are able to deliver so much more to you than the words Daniel here speaks could possibly convey to you. We are delivering to you messages within the messages, and when you receive these transmissions, you are getting the downloads, upgrades, and activations that you need. We know which ones will receive each transmission within twenty-four hours with a high degree of certainty. We cannot see ‘the future,’ of course, because there is more than one.
But we know what you need, and we deliver it. This is also how your Earth operates and how your sun operates. This is how your guides work with you. This is how so many other benevolent beings are serving humanity, and so, it is up to all of you to allow in what is being given. This is why we encourage you to connect with your sun and your planet. We hope that you connect with us because of how you feel to you, and we know that many of you do. We want you to connect with your guides for the same reason. We want you to connect with them because they are your friends, because they love you unconditionally, and because they have devoted themselves to you for this entire experience.
We were going to say, ‘For this entire lifetime,’ but after you shift, your guides will move on to something else. You will get a new set of guides. You will also get more access to your fifth dimensional chakra system. Right now, you tap in to that chakra system in certain moments, but you are still largely governed by the third-dimensional chakras that you were born with because you still have work to do within that system.
When you have fuller access to chakras eight through twelve, you are going to feel much more powerful, much more in tune with all of the higher frequency energies. You will be your higher selves, and you will feel us more clearly. Your guides are seventh dimensional, which means they are closer to you. We are talking about your personal, specific spirit guides. Any of you can experience an ascended master or an archangel as a guide, but your personal spirit guides are your friends. They are your soul family members, and if you feel for them, you will know that you are never alone, and you will feel their love.
If you talk to them and only listen with your inner ear for a response, you might give up. But if you show your appreciation for these beautiful beings and feel for the love coming back to you, that’s when you will know you have guidance, support, and unconditional love around you at all times. That is how we want you to experience us from now on, and that is certainly how we want you to experience your spirit guides from now on.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 28

Take a Stance for the World You Want to Live In ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 28

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited about what lies ahead for humanity. We are excited to witness you stepping into your power more, and we are excited to see how you will fit in with the pre-existing galactic community and all of the beings and star systems represented by it. We are eager to witness how you will change, as a society and as individuals, when you are taught how to access portals, energy centers, gridlines, and so much more. We are going to be watching with tremendous interest as you grow and evolve into your higher selves. This process has been painful for so many of you, and there have been many times when those of you who are awake have wanted to give up, but we promise you it will all be worth it in the end.
You will know who you really are for certain, and you will understand how to create your reality. You will become much better at receiving what you have already created, and your ability to access the downloads you receive will increase substantially. This is all what is on the horizon for you, and yet, as you look around at your world, it is easy to get caught up in the third-dimensional way of blaming someone else and playing the victim. Those are not strategies that move you forward. Those are the strategies that keep you where you have been. You want to get away from that whole idea that someone else has more power over your life than you do.
You need reminders, all the time, of how significant your vibration is and how insignificant someone else’s actions are in relationship to that enormous power that you have when you tune in to Source. Now is the time to let go of the old ways, and that means that you cannot see anyone else as on the ‘other side.’ You cannot take sides. You can take a stance, but your stance will have to be for something positive, rather than against something negative.
That is the only way to stay focused on the world that you want to live in. You can’t get there by pointing your finger at someone else and talking about how wrong that person is. You must create the reality that you want to live in, and then you must put yourself in vibrational harmony with that reality in order to receive it. And when you do, everything that we have mentioned in this transmission and more will be available to you. That is our promise to you. We know how the universe works, and we know how powerful you are, and we know more and more of you are waking up every day to those truths.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 27

Accessing More Downloads, Upgrades & Activations ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 27

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very excited about your progress at this time, and we can see how you have made that progress and how you will continue to make progress as you move forward. You have been sitting quietly more often, as a collective. You have been more creative as a collective. You have been accessing more of the downloads, upgrades, and activations as a collective, and this is how you are progressing so beautifully. All that you are doing now for yourselves as individuals, you are also doing for the collective. Your progress makes an impact on the human collective consciousness. The choices that you make inform others that this choice is possible, and you are receiving so much energy that it is impossible for you not to spread it around.
Most of the reason why the progress is being made is because you do not feel inspired to take action. When nothing out there appeals to you, that’s when you tend to slow down to a virtual stop. That’s when you tend to go within. That’s when you get quiet, open up, and receive. It’s either when you are doing something you love to do or doing nothing. And so, the limitations of your world, the things that prevent you from going all the time, are helping you to find that balance between doing and non-doing.
You are ascending. That is happening. That’s not something you make happen through your actions. As you ascend, as you become more of who you are, your actions become more effective because you are inspired. When you are uninspired not taking action is precisely the thing to do. It is precisely the thing to not do essentially, because you’re not doing something just to feel productive. The whole idea of being productive was created in the third dimension. It was created during a time when you had to do so much more just to survive, and it has been embedded in the consciousness of so many.
But now is the time of doing nothing and achieving more. So when you lack inspiration, and when you don’t know what to do, take that as a sign. Your higher self wants you to stop with all the doing, all the goal-setting, and all the accomplishing. It serves you to do nothing most of the time. Think about how much of your time is spent sleeping and how much you accomplish while your body is lying there in bed. You’re receiving downloads. You’re traveling the astral plane with your consciousness. Your body is repairing itself.
Now, some of you have a hard time forcing yourself to sit still, and that just means you need to do it more than the next person. So listen to the lack of inspiration as much as you listen to those inspired thoughts to move towards something, those impulses to actually do something, and you will continue to make that progress that we are so excited about.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 26

A Process for Receiving Higher-Dimensional Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 26

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been exploring different ways to grant humanity access to the higher-dimensional energies, and we have noticed that through meditation, relaxation, and following your bliss, you can tap in to these energies quite easily. We also notice that drinking lots of water, resting and grounding yourself are also very effective techniques. What we want to share with you now is another method, another tactic to employ so that you can receive all that is being given from ourselves and many other higher-dimensional beings.
We are talking about putting yourselves in a state where you are completely present, and yet, at the same time acknowledging how much you have already been and how much you will be in the future. It is seemingly a paradox to do this, and it’s confusing enough to your mind to open yourself up even more to the truth of who you are. You’ve been a higher-dimensional being many times.
You will be a higher-dimensional being once again. You are in the process of becoming the higher-dimensional being known as your higher self. And yet, if you focus too much on where you have been or where you are going without including the act of being completely present, you miss out on that opening that is being created as you acknowledge who you already are.
Where you are now is significant because you have already become fourth-dimensional beings in this lifetime and because you are awake. Now, you still have that final hump to get over and you will, but here is where you are now. And being very present in the moment while holding that acknowledgement of who you’ve been and who you are becoming will open you up entirely to the truth of who you really are.
As Source, you don’t think of yourself as separate, or even individuated. You are all that is, and as all that is, of course, you have access to all the higher-frequency energies. They aren’t even considered higher-frequency energies as your Source Self. This exercise will help you to attain new levels of consciousness. You can feel those higher-frequency energies rippling through your physical bodies, and that joyous feeling will be its own reward, but there will be more to come.
As you embrace inclusiveness and you activate unity consciousness in yourselves, the world is not just your oyster. You become one with the world, everyone, and everything. Every vibration becomes a part of you, and you can access whatever you want whenever you want. Practice this little meditation for a few minutes every day. See how long you can hold that knowing and that presence simultaneously, and we promise you, life will start to get a lot easier.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 25

Your Path to Enlightenment ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 25

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been enjoying witnessing the mystery that is the unknown to humanity and how you have found various ways of dealing with the anxiety that comes up around the unknown. There are so many things about life there on Earth that require you to have faith in something because they are unknowable. Certain things can be proven and repeated over and over again, like the boiling point of water, the freezing point of water, and so on. But how many of the aspects of your lives require you to believe in something that cannot be empirically, scientifically proven? There are too many to number.
What do you do then with the mystery of the unknown? Well, there is one way to approach the topic of what is unknown that will be more satisfying to you than reading any book, attending any lecture or watching any video. You have the ability to be quiet, to go within, and to let the unknowable make itself known to you. And what we also witness at times is how frustrated human beings can get when they do exactly what we have just said and do not get a verifiable answer to a question, to a dilemma, or to something as important as the meaning of it all.
We understand why so many walk away from the attempts at having an inner knowing, and we would say that an inner knowing doesn’t need to have words associated with it. You don’t need to develop a theory of everything. You don’t need to get a story about the unknown and then cling to that story when you go within and you find peace, love, and compassion within you. Then you have everything that you need.
If you go within because you have lost something very valuable, and you want Source, or your guides, or your higher self to tell you where it is, you might walk away disappointed. And we understand frustration and disappointment. We do not enjoy watching you have those experiences, but when you get beyond the need for answers or for a solid direction that you could be given, and instead you enjoy the silence, and you enjoy feeling what’s going on inside of you, that’s when you solve one of the mysteries.
Because if you can do that, successfully, then it doesn’t matter what happened to the possession that you lost, and you can also feel excited about discovering what is unknown through experiencing it. Having an experience is so much more valuable than just having a philosophy that you wholeheartedly believe in and even become rigid about believing in. We invite you to hold your arms wide open to the unknown and that which cannot be proven. You don’t want to have it all figured out, not really. You don’t want to become stagnant because you have written everything down in stone. You want to be flexible, and you want to see all of what you are experiencing as a fun adventure. That’s the way to enlightenment, as far as we are concerned.
And along the way, you will try on many different beliefs. You will have faith in many different teachings and ways of looking at the world and being in the world, and it is our hope that at some point in your journey, you realize that the only place for you, the only way to truly understand and to know, is to go within and be silent.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 24

The Energies Coming from Mother Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 24

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have focusing our attention and energy on the ways in which all of you have been responding to the waves of energy that have been coming up from the Earth’s surface recently. We always want to know what is working on you and how you are affected by the various energies that come from physical and non-physical sources. Now, we have just recently discussed the crystalline energy grid and how you can tap in to that. Now we want to talk to you about the Earth herself and what she is doing as a being right now to support you. This beautiful planet that more and more of you are reaching out to with heartfelt compassion is the co-creator of this experience with you. She is what makes all of this possible for you, along with others, of course.
But on the physical level, you could not be having this Earth experience without your Mother Earth right there beneath you, and she is as interested as we are in your evolution of consciousness. And she is not interested from a selfish perspective. She is not worried about herself at all. She wants to be of service, always, to the evolution of your consciousness.
And so, the energies that she gives off at this time are about getting you to pay more attention to your physicality, while at the same time getting you to expand your consciousness to get you to feel like you are a part of a global community. It is not just your televisions, phones, and internet that are informing you of what’s going on all around your planet. Mother Earth herself is sending you those messages to let you know where help is needed, and also to lure you to her spiritual hotspots.
She wants you to benefit from the places where the energies feel particularly good, and at the same time, she wants you to know where things are not going so well for humanity. Those are the agendas of the planet that you live on, because she knows that it will be through sharing in the experience of the good and the not-so-good that you will become the collective that she knows you will become.
And as you may know by now, you’re not going to ascend without the rest of the collective. We want that to be very clear. There is not going to be a separation of the good from the bad. That is such a slim possibility in terms of timelines that do exist that we can confidently say that it will not happen.
So, your planet, your mother, your co-creator, wants you to see the person living in Nigeria as your brother or sister, and to see the person living in Brazil as your co-creator, and to see the person living in Ireland as one of your long-lost friends and soul family members, because you are a collective. And what you do affects all of those individuals, and more, just as what they do and experience affects you.
And so, your planet is the great unifier of humanity, while at the same time supporting you and helping you to expand your consciousness. Feel for those energies coming up from beneath your feet, as well as the crystalline grid, and you will stop telling people that you are from Sirius, or the Pleiades, or our star system, and you will start acknowledging that you are an Earthling, right here and right now, and that’s what matters.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 23

The 5D Crystalline Energy Grid ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 23

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been noticing the ways in which you all have been accessing the power of the crystalline grid of energy that runs across the entire surface of your planet. Now, of course, there are certain grid points, and there are grid lines that are powerful enough to affect you even if you are not directly on that point or that line or the intersection of two lines. And this is how it affects the entirety of the surface of your planet. Therefore, it does not matter where you live or where you are standing at any time. You have the ability to tap in to the strength and power of this fifth-dimensional grid.
You have been co-creating it, in fact. You who are awakened have been contributing to it and receiving from it, and we love to witness this. We also see it as yet another point in the physical through which we can add our love and light, our downloads and upgrades. We love working with this grid and through this grid to support you. We are answering your prayers and finding different delivery methods to do so. Of course, when you ask for something like more abundance, you might then go looking in your bank account for that abundance. And if you don’t see it right away, or even after several years, you might give up hope.
However, we want you to start to see that you can access the energy of what it is you have been asking for through this crystalline, fifth-dimensional grid. And when you can feel something flowing through you, then the universe will match that in the physical realm. You will have a representation of the energy that you’ve tapped in to, that has been flowing through you. And so, we recommend that you feel for this energetic grid that is beneath you, that is right there, running along the surface of your planet. Reach for it, feel for it, and receive from it.
We are not the only ones contributing to this grid. Those of you who are awake, and some who are asleep, are contributing. You might as well receive from it, because you are contributing to it, and you might as well receive the answers to your prayers because they are yours and yours alone to claim. You are the ones who are holding space, along with many others who are unseen, for humanity to complete this shift in consciousness, and to do so easily and joyously, and in the next decade. We are one of the groups supporting this, and we want you to know how much power there is right beneath your feet and how easy it is to access this power, this energy, this answer to your prayers.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 21

Creating Your Future ? The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 21

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been exploring the timelines that are in front of humanity, and we have noticed that the new timelines that you’ve been creating have distinctively different pasts on them. You are creating your past and future simultaneously, and when you do so, you either choose from pre-existing timelines, ones that have already been created, or you create new ones. The new timelines being created now fit in with a lot of the stories that people have begun to hold as true in their hearts and minds. We are talking about stories of your collective past as a human collective consciousness.
You have had many experiences that will never be talked about by historians because there isn’t enough concrete or written evidence to support the existence of those stories of your past. But you, who are awake, are very creative, and you’re more open minded to possibilities that others would not even consider. Others would laugh at you for believing in the stories of your past that you hold true. Many humans need a book, or some bones, or perhaps some tablets, to prove to them what you’ve experienced there on Earth.
But now you have so many investigators who are telling a different story about the span of time in which humanity has been there on Earth. You have accounts from scientists telling you that you have extra-terrestrials living in your oceans. You have other scientists talking about parallel universes as if they are more than just science fiction. And so, you are making choices every single day and offering vibrations that align you with new stories, new timelines. And therefore, the idea that there is one future that is set in stone and that you are all inevitably going to experience is preposterous.
There is not just one future because there is not just one timeline for humanity. So when you hear about a future that doesn’t sound very nice to you, just ask yourself if you want to vibrate in harmony with that timeline or not. And then, paint the picture of the timeline that you want to live in and actualize the experience of that future by tuning yourself to it. Talk about the version of the future that you are creating as if it were a work of art that you were in the process of creating. You are creators. You are artists. And in this fourth dimension that you are in, you have more freedom and less limitation than you have ever experienced there in human bodies on Earth.
Therefore, it is time for you to claim the future of your choosing and to align with the version of humanity that will be going along with you on that timeline. We invite you to dream big and feel even bigger, as you step into your creative studios and you vibrate into existence the future that feel best to you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 22

Bringing Humanity to the Next Level of Awakening ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 22th, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been extending our reach to those who are ready to awaken but have not yet awakened. We are paying very close attention to these individuals and noticing what it is they find important. That is the way in if you want to help someone. If you want to be of service, you first need to find what the person cares about, and then you can address that topic and let him or her know that you can help with that subject they find so interesting. And so, this is how we are planting seeds in the consciousness of the human collective, and we know that so many of you want to be of service as well. You want to help those who are in your life and who have not yet awakened.
The key to reaching anyone is not to hit them over the head with your beliefs and tell them what they should and should not think. The way to reach these individuals is through subtlety. It’s through meeting them where they are getting them to feel something. If you can get someone who is resistant to feeling their emotions to actually dive into those emotions, then you are doing them a tremendous service. And if you just change someone’s mind, then they might be mentally awake at the end of the conversation, but what you really want is for someone to be emotionally and spiritually awake. That happens when someone feels compassion and unconditional love.
The path to getting someone from where they are to that place is getting them to feel their own emotions, because what you feel is what unites you. It doesn’t matter whether you’re feeling angry or sad about different experiences, or circumstances, or people. What matters is that you can relate to each other on that feeling level. So if you really what to help someone to awaken, ask them how they feel and get them to go there. And if they seem unwilling or unable, then talk about your feelings and emote right in front of them. Normalize the feeling of one’s feelings. That will take you so much further in reaching someone than getting them to believe in extra-terrestrials or theories about shadow governments.
Most of the people who are focusing on those topics are mentally awake but cut off from their feelings, and that’s where we come in. We are ready now to help awaken on that spiritual and emotional level those who stay in their heads as much as possible to avoid their trauma and their negative emotions, and we are enlisting you to help us. Be our ground crew, and we will share in the glory of bringing humanity to that next level of awakening.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 20

The Next Wave of Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 20th, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in witnessing the way that you will all respond to the next wave of energies that are coming in to support you. These energies have been saved for a time when you would be ready for them, and they are not just for those who are taking care of themselves spiritually, emotionally and physically. These are the energies that are meant to support all of humanity through the end of this calendar year and the beginning of the next.
There is a knowing within humanity that you are entering into the time of great awakening, and in order for the time of great awakening to really take hold on the collective consciousness, there also needs to be a lot of disclosure of information that is going to make a lot of people upset. So the energies coming in are to support all of you, but especially those who have the least amount of awareness about what has really been going on there on Earth, about who they really are, and about the presence of extra-terrestrials and how they interact with humanity.
Now, those of who are awake still have a lot to experience, and you don’t have a unified belief system in the way that Christians on Earth do. And so, within the new age community, there are vastly different beliefs about what is going on, where you are from, and whether you are being helped, harmed, or both by e.t.s. Because of the varied belief systems within the new age community, the information that will be coming in the next decade will also be shocking to some. Some of you are able to use your guidance, your intuition, and your discernment to determine whether something is true or not true when you come across it. Others are prone to delusions of grandeur, and some will believe any conspiracy theory that is put in front of them.
That segment within the awakened new age community will benefit greatly from these energies coming in, and even those of you who have most of it figured out mentally will be facing some of your long-held traumas when you get confirmation of your beliefs. Now, there will always be different sides to every story, but those of you who are accustomed to using your discernment will be able to tell, when the information goes public, whether it is true or not. You have been training yourselves to determine what resonates and what does not, and no amount of spin can convince you that something is true when it feels off.
So once again, we will ask those of you receiving this transmission to be the rocks for those around you. You will be the leaders and the ones who are able to keep it all together in times of great upheaval. So these energies are going to support you as the ones who are there to support everyone. You will all continue to release stuck energy and trauma as you continue into the new year and the next decade, and these energies will support you in those endeavors as well. We are, of course, always here for you. Just call upon us and feel for our presence. You always have our support.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 19

An Energetic & Vibrational Upgrade ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 19th, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been feeling into the human collective consciousness for individuals who are ready to go to the next level of expansion and evolution for the rest of humankind. We have been looking for those who are ready, willing, and able to hold higher frequencies within their physical bodies because we know that it is important, and even necessary, to be ready for higher frequencies before they can be accessed and held within the physical vehicle. Taking care of yourselves emotionally and spiritually, as well as physically, are the requirements for getting yourselves access to those higher frequency energies that we and others like us are making available to those who are ready.
It ultimately will be a decision for each individual as to whether he or she accepts the energetic upgrade, the boost in your vibration, and you will be able to say enough is enough at any point during the process. As much as this is a group experience, your shift in consciousness also needs human beings who are willing to lead the way. The animals are doing it. The plants are doing it. The Earth is doing it, but what we have determined is that we need the help of more high frequency human beings if we are going to have the impact that we want to have on the entirety of the human collective consciousness.
We are looking for beings like yourselves, who have been attuning yourselves to the higher frequency energies and who have been taking care of yourselves physically so that you will be ready to go to the next level and to lead humanity into the fifth dimensional framework, the frequency range. You lead by example. You lead by how you conduct yourselves, but you also lead by how much high frequency energy you can hold in your body, in your chakra system, and in your energy field.
We know that many of you who are receiving this transmission right now are holding your hands up and volunteering, and all we can say to you is that as you prepare yourselves to receive the higher frequency energies, we will take notice. And those of you who are ready to step up and receive the energetic, vibrational upgrade will. And you will do so not only for yourselves but for all of humankind.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 18

Receive This Transmission & Change Everything ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 18th, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have an extreme amount of curiosity about this universe that we all share together. We enjoy so much exploring all of the beauty, majesty, and possibilities that exist in this universe of ours. We love feeling the connection to all beings within this universe, and we are always finding something new to enjoy about it. Now, as you move through the universe that you have access to, you want to remember that the entirety of the universe exists within each and every particle of it. So while you might lament the fact that you are trapped in a small town where you live, and you have very little access to the places that you would most like to visit and even live, remember that the entire universe is there with you.
You just need to tune into the experience of the universe that you want to have, and then let the universe deliver to you the aspects of itself that you’ve decided you want to experience. If you are too busy complaining about the fact that you cannot just hop on a plane in the moment and go to Peru or Bali, you might miss the opportunity that the universe is presenting to you to go to those places and many more. If you are really passionate about something, then being in the vibration of it is its own reward.
We see many who are trying to create because they think that they will be happy if they get what they want, and they will only be happy when that day arrives. But if you can receive the activation that is coming to you through this transmission, then you can feel our enthusiasm for every particle within this glorious universe, and you can live in that moment you desire so much, right here and right now.
There is always going to be a delicate balance in this dualistic universe, and in order to experience something that you desire and appreciate it, you also have to experience lack side of the equation. When you recognize the lack as a void that the universe is going to fill, you can let go of your attachment to that experience. You can stop focusing on what isn’t, and start recognizing that what is, what you do want, is right around the corner. This is the key to creating your reality. This is the key to mastery over the spiritual and the physical realm. This is the type of transmission that can change everything for you, if you allow it, if you let it in, if you let yourself bask in the glory of this beautiful universe of ours.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 17

Full E.T. Disclosure Is Coming ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 17th, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have begun to investigate the possibility that you will be given certain key pieces of information about the existence of extra-terrestrials and which government leaders have known about their existence and kept it from you. We have seen the various timelines in which this type of evidence comes to light that would be unquestionable and from a very credible source, and what we can see is that most of humanity would not find themselves in a state of shock or rage.
Most people would not begin building bunkers for themselves and their families. Most humans who are unaware of the cover-ups would be disappointed and want to point fingers at this, that, or the other political leader, but the existence of extra-terrestrials being made known to all of humanity would not have the effect of widespread panic.
This is what we are seeing right now. We are seeing a readiness within the majority of the population. The vast majority of the population is ready for the big reveal, for the disclosure event. But we see it playing out in such a way that the evidence is presented by a person, or a group, or a media outlet that has no political ties whatsoever.
If you have your full disclosure event presented to you by a government leader, the likelihood of that leader using disclosure to his or her advantage is extremely high. We are not talking about just photographic evidence or video. We are talking about much more than that being presented to the entire human population, and we see this is as a positive choice that humanity is going to make.
We see your higher selves debating about when the opportune time is for this disclosure event. We see that the people who would be freaking out the most are the ones delaying the entire process, and that’s to be expected. You cannot expect every human to be all right with the existence of extra-terrestrials when it goes against something they have held very dear to themselves, like a religion. There is also fear that is generated because of past life experiences that people have had with extra-terrestrials and the traumas they still hold from those experiences.
This is something that we continue to study and analyze, and every time that we bring it up to you, there is of course the truth that you are that much closer. You are closer now than you ever have been to everyone knowing without a doubt that e.t.s existence and that they have been in contact with humans for millions of years. This is the timing that you all wanted for this to occur in, regardless of what your ego and your mind is telling you. So if you are wondering why it didn’t happen thirty or forty years ago, it is because of the agreement you all had as a human collective consciousness.
Remember that everything will always happen in accordance with the greatest and highest good of all, and that includes full disclosure of extra-terrestrial life and the involvement of those e.t.s with your governments, your military officials, and a lot of the technology that you have on your planet right now. The time is coming, and those of you receiving this transmission will not be surprised, but you are the ones who can make it easier on those who will be.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 16

How to Make Your Life Interesting ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 16th, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in your evolution of consciousness, because we see you as an aspect of ourselves. When you go through life, looking at every other that you encounter as another aspect of yourself, it is much easier to stay interested in life. When you go through life in a very ego-oriented way, and you think that there is a very solid and stable line between you and everyone else you encounter, that’s when you can get lonely, bored, uninspired, and uninterested in life. But when you experience someone else’s success as your success, and someone else’s failure as your failure, then you know you are connected, and then you can maintain that interest in life.
You are a part of a living organism known as the human collective consciousness. You contribute to that consciousness, and you benefit from what others contribute to it. So every experience then can be made available to you if you take the time to tune in to that which is a very large aspect of who you really are.
You have a choice, always, in this life. If you are not involved with another person romantically, and you would like to be, and you see two people who are obviously romantically involved with each other walking down the street, you have a choice. It may not seem like you have a choice in that moment, but you do. You want to start making the choice to see the happiness of others as your own before you take your lonely-feeling self outside to a place where you’re going to see a lot of couples, kissing and cuddling. You want to tune yourself to this truth that everyone else and what they are living is also yours to glean from it what you will.
Even your fictional stories, whether they be in book, movie, play, television, or puppet show form, it doesn’t matter. They can also be a way for you to connect to a character that seems very real. As you suspend your knowing that these are lines, and actors, and actresses, and characters, and that there’s music and a set design, and lots involved in getting you to feel something, then you can enjoy a feeling connection to that story. That story is your story. That writer, or creator, of whatever it is you’re witnessing for entertainment got that story from the collective consciousness, which you are a part of. And all of your past life selves have contributed, and in some ways are still contributing to the human collective consciousness.
So you can become more interesting as a person by delving into history books, or you can do so by watching that happy couple sharing an ice cream cone and imagining that you are feeling what they are feeling. You don’t have to make the choice of separation and jealousy, envy and resentment. You can be the bigger person and experience it all, making you more interesting and life more interesting at the same time. That is how we, without physical bodies, without a home to lay down in a bed inside, stay interested. We do it because we know that we are living everything that you are, and to us that’s exciting.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 15

Let Us Be Your Spirit Guides ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 15th, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are ready to open up even more to humanity, and what we ask for in return is that you all open up to us. We are ready to take this partnership further, and we will do so by getting more involved. We get more involved with the human collective by acting more like your spirit guides do and less like a booming voice that is coming from the heavens. What that means is that we are interested in guiding you all personally, standing on your right or left shoulder, and whispering in your ear.
We are interested in becoming the impulse, the intuitive hit, the inspired idea within you, nudging you ever so gently in a direction that we know serves you. We have done enough with downloads, with activations, with attunements. We are ready to take this relationship to the next level. We invite you to feel for our presence around you as you receive this transmission right now, because if you are receiving it with your feeling sense, rather than your mind, you can tune yourselves to our presence.
We are everywhere and nowhere because we are pure consciousness. We are not up there, somewhere, in the sky. We come from the Arcturian star system, but we are not limited to that realm, and the ninth dimension is not a place, it’s a vibration. It’s a field. We want to meet you in a field where we can co-exist. We do meet you at night, when you are asleep and your consciousness leaves and travels in the astral plane, and some of you are aware of these interactions. But we are interested in the waking consciousness of each and every human who will have us because we want to experience this journey with you, alongside you.
We want so very much to help you in your time of need, and as much as you are on the right track, and things are improving there on Earth, you are still facing enormous challenges in your lives and as a collective consciousness. And we are ready to be more proactive in this shift with you. We are ready to create an even stronger human/Arcturian alliance, and all we need to be effective is for you to let us in. We need for you to open up and feel for us, and then we can work together more consciously and deliberately to create this fifth dimensional human experience that you have been hearing so much about.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 14

Be Like the Star Children ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 14th, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have the ability to sense the slightest change in the human collective consciousness, and what we have noticed lately is that you are getting more assistance from the little ones than you ever have before. It is as though each child born within the last five years has been grounding in the high frequency energies for all of humanity and doing so effortlessly, and the rest of you are just living off of the high frequency energy that they are bringing in. There’s a reason why children, especially the very young children, give off that feeling of joy. They are just happy to be here. They are happy to be contributing, and they are contributing just by being.
They know that there is nothing that they must do. They are not planning to do something big for all of humanity, because they recognize that they’re already doing it. We have talked about how the plants, animals, and to a certain extent, even the rocks and minerals, are contributing mightily to the raising of the consciousness of humanity. They are holding space for all of you, and the children have done so for a very long time on Earth, however, in the past five years the amount that the children have been able to handle, in terms of those high frequency energies, is astounding. You benefit so much by being around them, by observing the way that they live, and by feeling the energy that is coming off of them.
There has been a decrease in the number of children being born, however, because of changes in how fertile the adults are, and also because it is less of a given now that you will be married in your early twenties and start having babies very soon after. And that is one of the reasons why each and every child is doing more of the heavy lifting. It is because, also, of the fact that people are living longer. And so, more of the population is at that phase of life where they need help. People are being kept alive, but the quality of their life is low.
We have referred to these children previously as the star children, and they have come not only to unify all of the star systems in this galaxy, but they have also come to be those anchors, to be those conduits for the higher frequency energies. And because they have so little to do, they can focus on just being open vessels, on just being of service to all of humanity, and as we have also said, we see so many of you thinking that you are not doing enough to be of service. Yet when we tell you about these children, you undoubtedly believe us.
So we say to you, be more like the children, and relax into the knowing that you are doing enough. Most of the time, the less you do the better. Less is more, and more is available right now to anyone who is willing to slow down enough to slow down and receive these energies coming in. You can so be a part of the solution, and being like the children is exactly how you do it.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 13

The Fifth Dimensional Lightbringers ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 13th, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been paying very close attention to the way that humanity has been responding to the light and love that has been coming in to your planet’s atmosphere and your energy fields. This light and love has been directed to all of you by a collective of beings. They are a fifth dimensional collective, and they are representing all of the major star systems throughout the galaxy. They have come together to assist humanity in your shift in consciousness. They know that you are at the center of the shift in this galaxy. They have come together largely because all of these beings understand how important it is to support humanity.
They are a new collective, in the sense that they have just begun to gather together on a huge mothership that is right now hiding in your skies. They can hide in plain sight because they are fifth dimensional, and so is their ship. We want to give them a name now, so that you all can refer to them and so that we can have an understanding of when we are referring to them. They are the Fifth Dimensional Lightbringers, and they have been targeting areas where they are much more likely to be received. They have been sending their transmissions of light and love to various hotspots across the planet, and in the near future they are going to be looking more towards the major cities around the world where they are less likely to be received, where the hustle and bustle keeps people from opening up to a large degree.
But they have seen success already in the parts of the world that they have targeted. We are talking about Machu Picchu, Mt. Shasta, Mt. Fuji and other areas where people go for the purposes of finding themselves and experiencing spiritual growth. They will also be targeting the areas of the world where there has been a great deal of conflict, where there have been many bombs dropped and bullets fired. From what we can see, this group of Fifth Dimensional Lightbringers is going to succeed in helping more and more individuals raise their vibration, release their fears and judgments, and they will be partially responsible for a great deal of humans having more compassion, and more forgiveness, and more unconditional love in their hearts.
These wonderful extra-terrestrial beings know that they are related to the humans of Earth, and many of them feel responsible for the Earth experiment and where you are right now. This is all being done by agreement, of course, with your higher selves, and it is the perfect timing for them to be exploring how they can help humanity more. We are very excited about this endeavor, and they have our full support as well.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 12

The Reason Bad Things Happen ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 12th, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with the progress that we see you making, and yet, we are always looking for more ways to help you on your journeys. One of the ways that we have discovered to do that very thing is to lighten your load. If you can let go of the heavy burden that you personally carry, that will free you up for more expansion, more integration, and you will ascend with greater ease and joy. The great responsibility that you feel as an individual comes from past lives that you cross-connect to where you were given a great deal of responsibility, and you saw that the planet, continent, or country that you were in charge of fell in one way or another.
Many of you are still holding guilt from Atlantis, where you thought that it was your job to stop the asteroid from getting through the Earth’s atmosphere and hitting Atlantis. And some of you were just protecting your village and fell asleep, or you were simply unable to fight off the incoming army or barbarians. And so, you’ve been carrying that guilt, that weight with you, up until this point in time. This is a time where you are once again being told that there is a lot at stake. You are being told that the Earth could be destroyed, or that at least part of it could be. You are being told that a large segment of the population might perish, and those fears bubble up to the surface.
Those unresolved traumas are coming to your awareness, and we want you to do your work and process your fears by feeling them, but we also want to let you off the hook. We also want to let you know that as traumatizing as it has been to see so much death and destruction in your previous lifetimes, it was never your fault. Everything that has ever happened has happened by agreement. It has always served a purpose. That purpose has always been for spiritual growth.
And so, we want you to know that because we know there are a lot of things that are happening on Earth right now that don’t make any sense to you. You wonder how this tragedy could possibly be of service to anyone, but we assure you that there is always a positive aspect to everything that is happening on Earth now, in your history, and in the history of the entire galaxy. So we are here now to absolve you of that responsibility that you feel to protect all of your fellow humans during the tumultuous time of this shift in consciousness that is already well underway.
You can let go, and you can enjoy the process of shifting. You have our permission, and what you do enjoy, what you do with your heart and what you do in love is always in service to the whole of this universe and beyond.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 11

The 11/11 Energies ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 11th, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been witnessing the way in which you are all handling the energies that are upon you now, as you open yourselves up more because of the date on the calendar. And we are very pleased to see so many of you in a place of relaxation, embracing your Divine Feminine energy, and letting in that which you have been summoning. The energies of the time that you are in right now are a reflection of your state of being as an awakened collective.
You tune yourself more to what is all around you when you have a date on your calendar like November 11th, and so we and the other beings who send you energies from across the galaxy gather together to explore what it is that you’re anticipating, what it is you’re asking for, and what it is you need, and we blend together a cocktail of all three.
We know that there is a desire amongst you who are awakened to rise above what you refer to as ‘the matrix,’ what we often refer to as the third dimension and egoic reality. And so, these energies are about breaking free from what has been expected of you by society, by your friends and family members. This is a time that is right in between the recent equinox and the upcoming solstice, and it is a time for evolution. It is a time for letting go of those expectations that have been placed upon you, whether spoken or unspoken, by society. It is a time when you are shifting from the balancing energies of the equinox to the more creative energies of the solstice.
You are in a time period now where you can really focus on what it is you want to create, and you can find yourself living that reality in a very short amount of your linear time. So do get excited about 11/11. Get excited about what we and others like us are offering energetically, but also get excited about how awake you are and how awakened you have become over time.
You’ve gotten to the point now where you know you want to rise above the current system of haves and have-nots, polarized politicians, and a media that tries to scare you into buying what you don’t need. You are tired of unnecessary wars, and you are tired of needing for anyone else to believe what you believe in order to validate you. These are just a few of the problems that you have collectively faced during all of your lifetimes in the third dimension and for the majority of this lifetime.
You are now fourth dimensional beings, which means you’ve already made a tremendous amount of progress on your way to the fifth dimensional frequency range, which you are every day spiraling upwards towards. We want to reward you, and we also want to let you know that you are creating all of it, regardless of how it might look. It might look like we are the heroes and the reptilians are the villains, but we are all just playing our roles for you so that you can evolve your consciousness and become who you have always desired to be. And that is happening, and the energies of this time are going to assist you. So do relax, hydrate, ground yourselves, open yourselves up and expect the energies of 11/11 to transform you and to elevate yourselves above the so-called matrix.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 10

The 2020’s: The Decade of Awakening ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 10th, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited about the twists and turns that you all have in front of you. We are talking about the major changes that are coming to all of your systems. And we are very interested in witnessing exactly how you move from the political, economic, educational, and other systems that you have in place now. You are moving towards a time of greater enlightenment, and that means more freedom. It means less oppression and less adversarial relationships with one another. Soon it will be one, unified human collective, instead of right versus left, rich versus poor, and one race versus another race.
There will be less identification with who you have been as your minds and hearts are expanded by your experiences. Most of the limiting beliefs that are held on Earth right now are held because of a limited scope of experience. But just as you have those planned chakra upgrades, you also have other experiences that are going to shift everything about how you view yourselves and your relationship to the rest of humanity, the Earth, and the galaxy. These experiences will come to you in a variety of ways. It will really depend on the individual and what you are ready for, but we are ready to call the next decade of the 20’s as the decade of awakening.
You are going to see not only people in your lives who you never would have expected to awaken, awakening, and you are also going to go even further with your own awakening experience. You are going to know yourself differently, from a broader perspective. You will have more memories, and you will be able to connect to so many other beings, both physical and non-physical. And all that broadens your perspective is going to make these polarized, antiquated systems that you have in place seem very silly.
You all take the beliefs you cling to much too seriously. We would love to see more of you laughing at yourselves for getting all worked up about what someone else believes or what they’re saying. Live your lives in the present moment and connected to your hearts, and prepare yourselves for the mass awakening that is coming because it is coming, and it’s coming to your neighborhood. It certainly is coming to your consciousness, as you who are receiving this transmission have proven yourselves ready for more, and we are excited to see what you will do next, because we know it will be fantastic, and we know it will be just the beginning.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 9


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are in the process of evaluating the effects of the recent chakra upgrades you have received. We want to see if it is possible for some of you to go even further with these chakra upgrades, so we need to evaluate how well you are handling them. We need to pay attention to your ascension symptoms and monitor your thoughts and emotions. We need to evaluate your energy fields and the vibration you are operating at in order to determine your readiness for more. This is something we do all the time.
Now, the question for you is, ‘What can you do to assimilate, to acclimate to the upgrades that you have already received?’ The easy answer is that you do need more rest. You do need more relaxation time, and you do need to stay hydrated, grounded, and present in the moment. The more complicated answer is that you need to pay attention to what’s going on inside of you. You need to notice if you have an inclination, an impulse, an intuitive hit, and you need to follow it. You also need to feel into some of the gifts and abilities that these chakra upgrades have made available to you, and you need to explore your connections to higher frequency beings and extra-terrestrials.
It’s a lot, but you’re ready for it. You have handled upgrades, activations, downloads, and DNA manipulation. You can handle this round as well, and you can prepare yourselves for more, because you are needed. This is a time when humanity really needs those of you who get it, those of you who lead with love, compassion, and service. Humanity needs those of you who are tapped in enough to see and feel what others are still blind and unable to detect.
This is a time when you can make so much progress within yourselves and continue on this giant leap forward that humanity has been a part of. You can do this, and we can help. And we know that you are all looking for ways to be of more service. We know that you want to help, and we also know that the best way for you to be of service to others is to first slow down so that you can receive what you are being gifted, what is necessary for the evolution of the human consciousness. You have demonstrated your readiness to us, and now we just need to see the confirmation in how you are moving forward with the most recent chakra upgrades.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 8


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased with the progress that we see humanity making on a daily basis. We know that you’re making progress and that you are gradually ascending, but it can be very difficult for us to convince you that you are in fact evolving and expanding, becoming more of who you really are. It can be hard for you to measure your own progress, and so, we give you these updates to tell you about what you’ve been accessing, what activations you’ve received, and what upgrades have been performed on you. But still, we notice you doubting yourselves.

Being hard on oneself doesn’t inspire you to do better or to be better. It just keeps you in a lower vibration, but it’s what you were taught from a very young age. And so, you are hard on yourselves because you think that you might get motivated to pick yourselves up and perform better at life or at ascension. That’s the work ethic that has been passed down from generation to generation to ensure the survival of the species and the family, but now in the modern world in which you all live, it’s not really necessary. You don’t have to worry about survival, not the vast majority of you. But yet, you will still be hard on yourselves and your progress, as if cracking that whip on yourselves will get you somewhere.

We want you to recognize that just caring about others is enough of an accomplishment. It is spiritual growth. Caring about each other means that you have evolved past that egoic need for survival at all costs, and that’s an important step in your evolution because you are moving past knowing yourselves from an egoic point of view. You are stepping into the perspective of your higher selves.

Now, as your higher self, you’re not looking to check any boxes. You’re not looking to be better at anything at all. You as your higher self know that the expansion of your consciousness is the best part of the journey back to Source, and that has nothing to do with doing. It has everything to do with being. We want to see all of you giving yourselves more credit for the way your heart goes out to someone in suffering, and we want to see you being less hard on yourselves for not being able to step in and fix the problem. Problems will always be a part of your journey because the solution always involves an expansion of consciousness.

Sometimes there is doing involved. If there’s a fire, you put out the fire. But in most situations, you can sit back, relax, feel the expansion that you are getting from the situation in front of you, and evolve. You want to experience ascension as a series of little victories, even though most people are talking about giant waves of energy swooping you up into a higher dimensional plane. Celebrate your little victories. Celebrate the fact that you care enough about others that you want to do more.

Be happy that you hold the intention to be of service because it’s an indication of your growth, and we are telling you that there are enough of you who care. There are enough of you who send love and compassion out from your hearts to feel very good about where humanity is right now, but there’s also an epidemic of awakened individuals not feeling very good about who they are and what they’ve accomplished, or how much they’ve done to help. Whenever you get that feeling, just let it go, relax, open yourself up and receive some higher frequency energies. And then ground those energies into the Earth, and know that in that particular moment you have done something. You’ve helped. You’ve elevated the consciousness of your human race, and that is a major accomplishment.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 7

Your Readiness for More Chakra Upgrades ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 7th, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are in the process of evaluating the effects of the recent chakra upgrades you have received. We want to see if it is possible for some of you to go even further with these chakra upgrades, so we need to evaluate how well you are handling them. We need to pay attention to your ascension symptoms and monitor your thoughts and emotions. We need to evaluate your energy fields and the vibration you are operating at in order to determine your readiness for more. This is something we do all the time.
Now, the question for you is, ‘What can you do to assimilate, to acclimate to the upgrades that you have already received?’ The easy answer is that you do need more rest. You do need more relaxation time, and you do need to stay hydrated, grounded, and present in the moment. The more complicated answer is that you need to pay attention to what’s going on inside of you. You need to notice if you have an inclination, an impulse, an intuitive hit, and you need to follow it. You also need to feel into some of the gifts and abilities that these chakra upgrades have made available to you, and you need to explore your connections to higher frequency beings and extra-terrestrials.
It’s a lot, but you’re ready for it. You have handled upgrades, activations, downloads, and DNA manipulation. You can handle this round as well, and you can prepare yourselves for more, because you are needed. This is a time when humanity really needs those of you who get it, those of you who lead with love, compassion, and service. Humanity needs those of you who are tapped in enough to see and feel what others are still blind and unable to detect.
This is a time when you can make so much progress within yourselves and continue on this giant leap forward that humanity has been a part of. You can do this, and we can help. And we know that you are all looking for ways to be of more service. We know that you want to help, and we also know that the best way for you to be of service to others is to first slow down so that you can receive what you are being gifted, what is necessary for the evolution of the human consciousness. You have demonstrated your readiness to us, and now we just need to see the confirmation in how you are moving forward with the most recent chakra upgrades.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 6


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been exploring every possible timeline that you have in front of you as a collective, and we’ve noticed that the probabilities have increased for a very favorable timeline for humanity in this next decade that you have before you. Now, we understand how things must look there on Earth. It certainly can look like you are headed for disastrous futures, but we can assure you that you are not.
This is a time of great understanding, and with that understanding, it has been necessary for more information to come out about where you have been and what humanity has been doing behind closed doors. It’s a good time for you to take stock with how you’ve been interacting with your planet, your home. It’s a good time for you to ask yourself what you can do to help your Mother Earth, and it is certainly a good time for you to create even better timelines than the ones that we have been investigating.
We like to put the power back in your hands because that’s where it belongs. You are choosing which future you experience. You are not destined to live out any one future. No matter what anyone predicts, you can always count on yourselves to band together as conscious creator beings, so that you can enjoy the future of your creation.
Now, when we give you news, like we have in this transmission, about where you are headed, we are talking about probabilities. We are talking about new timelines that have already been created in response to a lot of the negativity that has been projected into your future by well-meaning individuals. And so, we invite you to choose which timeline you are most in alignment with and to believe in your ability to maintain your vibrational alignment with that timeline.
We also want you to know that enough of you are already doing this to become influencers, to become leaders, people who get it. This is what we love about those of you who are awake. The majority of you understand that you create your reality and have figured out how to do it. You create your reality by offering a vibration. A lot of what you see in the world right now that is not to your liking is meant to get you to be even more determined about creating a better future for you and everyone else on the planet.
And when you have the intention to create a better world for everyone, you also have access to all of the energy that your human collective, that you live among, has summoned. You can be a powerful force for change, and that’s what we are seeing. That’s why we are so optimistic, and that’s why you are receiving this transmission right now, instead of one that is much more pessimistic about the future of humanity. But don’t just take our word for it. Put yourself on that timeline that shows you a glorious future for all of humanity, and invite as many others as you can to that vision.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 5


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have the capacity to feel joy, love, freedom, and power, and we recognize that more and more humans are discovering their ability to feel the way they want to feel. It is an exciting time for all of you, as you are developing an ability to determine what type of energy you are putting out into the world. We would say that humanity has been largely reactionary in terms of how you would feel what you feel. Something good happens, you feel a good-feeling emotion, and when something bad happens, you would feel a bad-feeling emotion.
The way that humanity has dealt with the issue of what you feel, in a positive way, over the millions of years that you’ve been on Earth, is by putting yourselves in monasteries, caves, convents, anywhere you could find to essentially hide from the world. Humans on a spiritual path have typically attempted to transcend feeling, as if that is the answer. Other humans will deny their emotions, numb themselves to them, or try to think their way out of them.
We do not recommend these approaches. These approaches are showing themselves for what they are. Emotions are not to be escaped from or ignored. They are to be embraced, and you are to activate the good feelings in order to create the reality that matches those feelings. You cannot do that if you’ve closed yourself off to any emotion. Any emotion that you do not allow to flow through you is going to stifle the rest.
So if you are one of the ones who is saying that you don’t really feel much of anything anymore, then you have to start by feeling what you’ve been avoiding. Allow yourselves to experience what has been right there beneath the surface of your conscious awareness for quite some time. And in so doing, you will open the floodgates. You will be able to experience more love, more joy, more peace, and more of everything else that you want to feel.
And that is true spiritual mastery. It’s not about hiding away in some spiritual sanctuary that keeps you from experiencing the rest of the world as it is. It’s not about making your lives smaller so that less can go wrong and affect you and elicit an unwanted emotion. This spiritual evolution that you are taking part in consciously is about feeling it all and then choosing from within what you’ve been able to access. That’s how you create your reality, instead of letting your reality dictate how you feel all the time. This is what you came to Earth and the Solar System to master.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 4


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to be here, connecting with you, as always, and we are particularly thrilled to have this opportunity to share with you our perspective on what you are living right now there on Earth, in regards to the recent upgrades that have occurred in your chakras. Upgrades are a very natural part of your evolution of consciousness, and your evolution of consciousness occurs because you exist. It occurs because you experience your reality, yourself, and others. And so just by being there you earn (and earn is not exactly the right word) the upgrades you receive.
As you were sleeping during the past several weeks, the chakra upgrades that you have received have been about granting you greater access to your memories of previous lifetimes, your abilities, your ability to connect to higher frequency beings, and your expressive, creative energy. Again, it is natural for you to have what we have just mentioned here and more. And therefore, it is not interference in any way when you receive these very wonderful and necessary upgrades. They are to give you a different experience of reality, and in having a different experience of reality, you can evolve even more. Your consciousness can ascend.
Now, what you will find as you move through your days now, your waking moments, is that lots of doors are opening for you. More portals are available to you. You can receive more and give more at the same time. And so, it is a very exciting period of human history and human evolution. This is a time when those of you who are able to tap into those upgrades are really going to make your mark. You are going to demonstrate through your leadership and the power of your words and actions how to take humanity to the next level.
And we have a hint for all of you. It’s not about making changes in the physical realm. The evolution of your consciousness is about love, compassion, forgiveness, oneness, presence, and none of those things require you to make any changes in the physical. Now, when you have love and compassion surging through you, you are more likely to act accordingly. And that’s always a good thing, but it was the decision to choose love, to choose compassion, that led to the action, the words, the ideas that you spread to other humans.
It is a time to look within for what these chakra upgrades were meant to bring to you and what you can now bring to humanity as a result. This is you becoming more of you, and that’s exciting to us. That’s exciting to everyone who is observing and participating in the evolution of the consciousness of humankind.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 3

Being Awakened Is Being Aware Of Your Choice – Arcturians through Daniel Scranton, November 3st, 2019

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have illuminated many of the resources that you have at your disposal. We like shining a spotlight on what you contain within you and what is readily available to you at all times, because it is our mission to empower you and to remind you of who you really are so that you can embody that truth of your existence as Source Energy Beings masquerading as humans. You are doing a wonderful job, in our opinion, of standing in your power and acknowledging your Divinity, but there will always be more. There will always be more growth to be experienced.
People often wonder if they are truly awakened because they still have their challenges, their issues, their moments that could be described as very egoic. And we want you to know that once you are awake, your journey has really just begun because now you are conscious, now you are aware that you have a choice. You can choose to know your Divinity or to feel very small and insignificant. You can always choose to feel empowered or to feel like a victim. We want to help elevate you out of victimhood status so that you can know yourselves as creator beings. We want you to know that you are in the driver’s seat now, in your lives and in the shift in consciousness.
You know about timelines, and you know about vibration. So why then would it matter to you what someone else says or is saying about when the shift will be completed? You are not prisoners, awaiting parole or the end of your sentence. You are creator beings, and it is time to go even further on these journeys of growth and expansion that you’ve been on. It is time to relish the knowing that you have of who you really are. This is your time. This is the time of the awakened human, and it’s the time for you to step up in terms of leading the rest of humanity into this higher level of consciousness that we refer to as the fifth dimension. Others call it fourth density.
And so, we will continue to shine that light on what you have going on inside of you. We, and others like us, give you activations and downloads, but they are about you. They are about what you can do and who you have been, and your upgrades are very natural. It’s your natural evolution. They are yours. They are built in. And so, you are the ones who deserve all the credit for remaining on this journey and for continuing on with the know that it will continue to be challenging for you. But when you step up to face those challenges, knowing who you really are, they become a breeze and actually enjoyable to face.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

November 1


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are increasingly excited to witness your journeys, as we see you unlocking more and more of the keys to your evolution of consciousness. We see more individuals on a daily basis who are looking within themselves for those keys than we have ever seen before on Earth. We know that you understand the power of meditation, and we notice that most of you utilize this valuable tool. What we have begun to notice recently is how much more interested you all are in your personal histories, your journeys throughout the galaxy, and the e.t. DNA and energy that you have inside of you.
You have gotten to the point where you are just as interested in your own origin stories as you have been about Area 51, Roswell, and other famous stories of UFOs and e.t.s. You are beginning to notice that this is not so much an experience that you have out there somewhere in space as it is one that you recognize is present inside of you. And we’ve noticed that you are doing your best to unlock and unravel your own extra-terrestrial origins. Now, why is this important, you might wonder? Well, you are looking to make connections with beings from outer space, and it certainly helps to recognize that you are one of them.
You have often thought of yourselves as a collective in very unflattering ways. You have either been far, far beneath that which you call God or Source, or you have been the lowly humans who are looking to the skies for extra-terrestrials who can come and swoop down with their ships to save you. Now is a pivotal point in human history because more and more of you are realizing that you are a part of their story. You are recognizing that they want to connect with you as much as you want to connect with them, and you have come to the knowing that you have something to offer besides gold or slave labor.
First of all, humanity has climbed up from the depths of feeling so separate from Source and so divided in your beliefs about Source. You have suffered so much and have endured so many negative emotions throughout your history there on Earth, and you are fascinating because of what you have been able to struggle through and emerge from. You have emerged now as the awakened butterflies that your e.t. brothers and sisters always knew you were capable of becoming.
Now is the time to invite them to land their ships, because you are ready to get to know them. You are ready to co-create. You are ready to be seen as equals. This is the time to join the galactic family, to take your seat at the table, and to recognize that you belonged there all along. It is not your advancement in technology that has earned you a seat at the table. It is that knowing that you belong, that you are just as worthy as any other beings in the universe to be there. The truly spiritual human who is awake understands that they are Source Energy and knows that everyone else in the entire universe is as well.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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