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November 30

Do you allow yourself to feel fully alive with excitement or do you immediately temper it when you feel it? So many of you have been conditioned to avoid the full expression of your feelings, which has in turn resulted in you settling for having much less than the full experience that is possible for you. In fact, in many cases it has caused you to sit back and judge an experience rather than fully live it.
Dear Ones, any act of judgment is choosing separation. Any act of acceptance is choosing inclusion. Love yourself enough to be present, to fully explore potentials, and allow the unfoldment to reveal the richness of what is available for you. It is by embracing that expansion you will fall deeply in love with the wonder that is your life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 29

If you’ve been feeling concerned you may be stuck, gratitude can help you get back into the flow because it moves you from resistance to acceptance. Further, your gratitude reaffirms the masterful creator you are by acknowledging how much you have already created for yourself that is working beautifully in your life. It is a tremendous support to your journey in so many ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 28

Gratitude is positive focus wrapped up in appreciation and love. It is the steering wheel of your flow, the anchor of your desired experiences, your energetic thank you card to the universe, and your blessing of continuation. It is a powerful, multi-faceted tool that expands, accepts, and allows you to acknowledge the magic of your present moment. It beautifully pre-paves the way for your tomorrows, as well.
Embrace the energy of gratitude, Dear Ones! It has so much to offer you because it supports your heart expanded alignment. And know with all your being the deep gratitude we feel for you – for your tender hearts, your loving intentions, your courage, and your service, as you continue to pioneer forward in the most remarkable ways. You are all so very loved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 27

Discomfort occurs from resistance to expansion. The greater the resistance, the greater the discomfort. Discomfort is simply a sign that your soul is trying to lead you to a place beyond where you are right now. It works because when it becomes too difficult to continue to resist you will surrender, which allows the forward movement and expansion that your soul wishes to experience.
As you get more adept at working with energy and more in tune with your own emotions and feelings, you will be able to move out of the need to use deep discomfort as a redirectional tool and will start to choose to cooperate with where the flow is trying to take you. This is all part of your growth and mastery.
Do you see? You get to decide how uncomfortable you get as a precursor to your empowered forward movement. As you continue to evolve into better self care you will learn to shepherd yourself forward with your wisdom and love without the need for the extremes that were required in the earlier days of your enlightenment process.
Rest assured whether you fight and kick mightily until you exhaust yourself and surrender, or if you willingly move with the subtlest of nudges, it is all perfect because it all ultimately leads to the expansion your soul is seeking.
Is it time for you to release the pattern that holds the need for deep discomfort as a springboard for growth? Are you ready to move into a path of acceptance that allows far greater comfort as you move with these unprecedented energies? The bottom line is you are always going to ultimately arrive where your soul wishes to go. You get to decide how battered and worn you are when you get there. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 26

Dear Ones, if you have an organ or area of concern in your body, there is great value in simply sitting with it and asking it what it needs from you. You may be surprised by the answer you get! Having an awareness of what your body is asking for can point you in the direction of what is really looking for your love and support which will ultimately create greater ease and flow within your own personal energy system. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 25

Feel into what you think is impossible for you. Is that really true? Perhaps it was true at one time but due to your latest level of attainment, it may not be impossible at all! There is so much value in letting go of old beliefs and self imposed constraints and simply seeing what new potentials are now available, because every single energetic shift contains change and possibility that hasn’t been present for you before. The release of all the ways you have bought into limitation is what leads you to the freedom of expression your soul has been seeking all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 24

Dear Ones, you are in a process of embodying your truth. The universe, in cooperation with the planning of your soul, is bringing up a myriad of things for you to reevaluate and examine to further define what that truth is at this stage of your evolution. This is a wonderful thing! It is allowing you to hone your clarity, your preferences, your intentions, and to acknowledge your latest level of attainment in preparation of moving into the energies of 2020 and beyond. This is a process of love and discovery, all designed to move you forward into deeper, more satisfying self expression than you have ever experienced before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 23

If you are desiring something in your life, check in with your body to see if your energetic response to it is a yes. A yes feels open and expansive, a no feels clenched and restrictive. If you are feeling a yes response you are a willing participant of that flow of creation.
If you are getting a no response in your body, explore why you might feel that way. Are you afraid of some aspect of moving into that experience? Do you resist change? Do you feel like it is impossible or will require too much work? Are you willing to receive or are you a person who only feels comfortable giving?
We highly recommend taking the time to tend to every piece of resistance with love and understanding until you can feel completely open to receive what your heart is asking for, Dear Ones. You, and your dreams, are worth it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 22

Dear Ones, we wish to point out to you that what you perceive as your own imperfections are the very things that allow you the opportunity to experience unconditional love for yourself. Moving into that state of self acceptance will naturally cause all other relationships to shift to reflect that change. Do you see? All things, even what you consider to be flaws, are there to serve you in one way or another. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 21

Dear Ones, release yourselves from the pressure of thinking you need to know every exact detail of where you are going and how you are going to get there. When you hear the advice to get clear about what you want, it is not about deciding how you will micromanage the universe, rather, it is about you identifying the core essence of what you wish to experience and then allowing your heart to lead the way. Working with broad intention and curiosity is key for creating a space for unknown potentials to show up for you that honour your energetics and soul mission.
It is your mind, not your heart that gets consumed with details, and that is not the system that can get you to where you want to be because your highest potentials exist just beyond what you can see. Your mind simply doesn’t have the capability to get you there because it can only work within the boundaries of what is already known. You can’t plan your way into the realm of potentiality, you can only get there through flow and unfoldment, which is the specialty of the heart.
Do you see? Trying to map things out through your mind is much like trying to explore the entire world while staying on the same subway line. Shifting into the heart is what gives you the vehicle that allows you to break out of the known and discover what has yet to be explored, and that is exactly what your soul is yearning to do – to play and pioneer beyond the old constraints of what you have chosen through the mind’s limited perspective for so very long. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 20

When you make a point of connecting to your inner wise one, you will always make good decisions. And the beautiful thing is, the more you acknowledge and defer to your inner wise one the more you nurture and grow that connection until it becomes the part of you that naturally leads the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 19

Trust creates the space that welcomes the manifestation of your highest outcomes. It also supports your flow. Where doubt constrains, trust opens. Do you see? The deeper your trust, the more you are supporting your own unfoldment into the discovery of potentials and possibilities you could never have imagined. Simply put, staying anchored in trust is choosing to receive from a universe that absolutely adores you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 18

Every single energetic shift you go through creates a rebirth of sorts – it is you showing up in an energetic space, a blank slate if you will, that you have not experienced before. This not only creates new opportunities for you to choose how you would like to express yourself from this space, it also opens up new potentials and possibilities to be discovered. It can come, initially, with a feeling of being ungrounded, raw, or more energetically sensitive. This is normal and a common symptom of integrating new energy.
If you could see each day, each energetic influx, each shift as a gift filled with wonder and magic just waiting to be explored, you would find so much more joy in the process. These are incredible times, Dear Ones, made possible by your consistent efforts. Know you are both the creator and the experiencer of it all, and that you are doing a remarkable job pioneering into the new just by being authentically you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 17

Dear Ones, yours is a twofold process consisting of giving yourself permission to know what you know while still being willing to grow and expand that knowledge through exploration and experience. It is the combination of honouring both your beingness and the soul’s desire for continual expansion that allows you to find balance in the unfoldment of the embodiment process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 16

Your soul is always seeking expansion and growth. A wonderful question to ask is, “What different choice can I make today that would take me out of my old patterns into a new experience?” It might be something as simple as taking a different route to work, trying a new food, learning a new skill, or deciding to let your heart lead the way. Trying new things keeps you present and engaged with your lives, Dear Ones. We highly recommend it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 15

Dear Ones, you can’t be blocked and curious at the same time, for your curiosity leads to exploration and expansion. If outward movement doesn’t seem to be supported, what gifts are there for you in that? What else can you explore? If you can’t go out, can you go in? Can you deepen into your beingness?
Do you see? If one path is not open to you at any given time it is simply a redirection to something else that is. And that something else might be self care, self love, energetic integration, or a deepening into your awareness and truth, which is incredibly valuable expansion and forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 14

The unfoldment is a path of richness filled with discovery and energetic support, all designed to allow you to experience presence and magic, not just at some end result, but through every step of your journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 13

Solitude is often a precursor to higher vibrational relationships in the future, for it gives you the time and space for release, healing, and self exploration. Once you have created deep connection within, you will naturally expand into deeper connections with others. It is much like returning to the womb and then emerging into new relationship potentials that will reflect the growth you have achieved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 12

Pioneers are explorers. The act of exploration is a great expander of experience and possibility.
Exploration is a wonderful energy to play with because it leads with curiosity. Curiosity doesn’t have an attachment to outcome, it is simply open to discovery. Exploration and curiosity work together as a dynamic duo that support the expansion of your soul. They also support presence and wonder.
So we ask you, what can you explore with curiosity today? What area does your soul wish to further expand into? It could be external discovery, internal discovery, or spiritual discovery. What exists just beyond what you already know? Where does your soul wish to lead you? What can you be open to today that you haven’t already experienced? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 11

You are in a time where it is highly encouraged to get clear about how you wish to express yourself and what would bring you joy. To assist in getting that clarity, it is good to examine what draws you. It is also helpful to ask yourself, “If I didn’t know a single person on the planet, what would I do?” Asking that question will help you identify any ways you still give your power away based on a fear of lack of approval and not addressing your own needs.
We realize that there may be things you can’t do immediately due to the obligations you still wish to honour. But exploring that question will make you aware of how you are limiting yourself. Do you really need to sacrifice that dream? Do your loved ones really want you to deny yourself or are you putting that upon yourself? What aspects of that dream can you incorporate into your life right now? Can you grow and water that dream in a way that honours everyone involved?
There is no better time than now to get clear about what makes your heart sing and to love yourself enough to explore those interests in a way that supports the highest good of all. After all, those desires exist to help you find your joy and purpose. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 10

Your presence, acceptance, and gratitude are what work together to support the experience of joy. If you feel you are lacking joy in your life, we suggest you nurture those core elements which will naturally open the door for joy to come in. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 9

A very simple way to tell if you are in resistance or acceptance is to check your breathing. Are you holding your breath? Holding your breath is an indicator you are holding yourself separate from the energy of the whole. Breathe. Understand your in breath is your willingness to receive. Breathing in is sustenance, self care, self love. It is taking in, willingly.
So breathe, Dear Ones. Take beautiful, deep breaths to accept all the support that is there for you and let your out breath release anything that no longer matches who you are and where you wish to go. Breathe in abundance, love, healing, peace, for it is all there just waiting for you to invite in. It is through your breath you become one with the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 8

Today is another one of those not a regular daily message kind of days. 🙂
Years ago I had received a channel from Gabriel about the energies being much like rapids. He’s been giving me that same imagery the past couple of days in regard to the energies we are experiencing right now.
When we enter rapids, we can feel pummelled from all sides. Our main focus becomes keeping our balance and not falling out of the boat. We can paddle in the direction we think we should be going but it really doesn’t do much because the force of the flow is too strong. We can feel anxious or thrilled depending upon how much we embrace adventure, or maybe a bit of both!
You can’t really manifest in this type of energy because it is just too choppy. What is a match one second, might not be a match at all in the next. All you can do is just surrender to where the flow is taking you with self care as a priority. It is during such times you can feel like you don’t know anything at all. All you know for sure is what is right in front of you.
While rapids can be intense, and exhausting, they do end, and when they do the flow becomes a lot smoother and has very fast forward movement. That turbulence has created energy that helps launch you forward. You can get your bearings as you start to be able to see what it looks like from the other side of where you’ve just come. You can catch your breath again, and realize that you have made huge progress and have entered a brand new stage of your journey.
A great deal is coming up for us as we head into 2020. So much is being churned up for us to examine, further defining our truth and directing us into the next phase of our adventure. You are in times of accelerated forward movement that will include both periods of turbulence as well as smoother flow.
Some of us are more adept at moving with the flow than others. Some will throw their hands up in the air and embrace the ride. Others may be attempting to paddle like mad against the rapids. And as sensitives, you may very well feel their anxiety even if you are in a surrendered state, yourself.
This is all part of the movement we’ve been yearning for. Trust in the incredible efficiency of it all, and know that your beingness is a boat you simply can’t be thrown out of. All we must do is move with what is being supported with our faith, trust, and self love, one now moment at a time, secure in our readiness for it all. ~A blend of Archangel Gabriel and Shelley Young

November 7

Dear Ones, you will always, always find your way if you take the time to listen to the knowing of your heart, for your heart is the navigation system of your soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 6

If you are finding the energies uncomfortable, we recommend you find an activity that you can be fully present with. This could include being outside in nature, spending time with baby animals or children, taking a drive to a place you’ve always wanted to see, or engaging in a tactile activity you enjoy. This helps you because the presence such activities naturally support shifts you into a state of alignment with discovery, flow, and gratitude, all elements that allow you to move with the energies with the greatest amount of comfort and ease possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 5

Great gifts can come from being in a place of unknowing because from the expansive space that exists beyond the constraints of the mind, all things are possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 4

Learning to move with whatever is being energetically supported for you at any given time is a far more efficient system of forward movement than trying to force things could ever be. It is time to let go of the idea that things must be difficult or take great effort in order to be worthy or effective. Trusting the wisdom and support of the flow is the work ethic of higher vibrational creation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 3

Co-dependency is attempting to apply the martyred service paradigm to your relationship. When you start to honour your needs and growth in all relationships, whether personal or service oriented, dynamics will begin to change and evolve in ways that support the balance and empowerment of all. It is from there you will finally be able to experience the joyful, supported connections you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 2

The words thank you indicate the end of a transaction. The act of saying thank you as the last step of an energetic release serves to wrap up that phase while honouring the gifts and anchoring in the wisdom that came from the experience. Gratitude is the indicator that you have found your way to acceptance, which allows the final shift of any particular healing cycle to occur. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 1

Co-dependency begins to heal when you take your own loving care, focus, and encouragement and give it to yourself, because it is at the point when you pivot your attention from an external to the internal that true growth and change can occur. Dear Ones, please understand it is your love and attention you’ve been seeking all along! Once you receive it, from that space of wholeness and balance your connections will naturally shift into much healthier dynamics that support the empowerment and wellness of everyone involved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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