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Dear Ones, stepping into the energies of a new year is quite a profound act. You are shifting from one energetic cycle that had its own theme into another that holds its own unique energetic stamp.

It can take as long as arriving at the first equinox to fully acclimate into the energies of a new year, depending upon how different it is to the year that preceded it. The most profound shifting you will feel energetically will be within the first few weeks.

So we advise you to step into the new year gently. Be kind and gentle with yourselves. Observe your body and pay attention to what your needs are. Still yourselves, and feel into it. Take some time to continue to think about what your intentions are moving forward. Ease into the energy by allowing yourselves the time and presence to shift with the most comfort possible.

As you continue to evolve, you become far more sensitive to the energies and yet are also more adept at moving with them. Creating the space to give yourselves what you need and to explore the unique energies and shifting that occurs with the new year is using your wisdom and mastery and will allow you to welcome this new phase in a much more balanced way than ever before. These are exciting times as you will continue to grow and thrive in the unprecedented energies of this wonderful new year of empowered creation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Do you ever find yourself yearning for elements of your past? Perhaps it is an old relationship, an old job, an old location you lived in, or perhaps an old lifestyle. It can be confusing when this happens. We wish to shed some light on what is going on when this occurs.

It could be easy to think that you should go back when those thoughts arise, that those times were better. But please know, that is expired energy. How do you know it is expired energy? Because it is no longer in your life.

What is happening when you yearn for the past is you are simply seeking elements that you enjoyed then and are missing in your life now. It is easier for you to find reference points in the past than it is for you to imagine those elements existing in the unknown future. Looking back to the past doesn’t mean you are meant to go back into it. It is simply giving you feedback of what is lacking in your life and what you would like more of. It is actually a manifestation tool for your future.

Even though the past may have contained those elements you desire, there were other things along with those wanted traits that made staying in that energy impossible. If you were to try to go back, those same energies would exist and still make it unsustainable. It is merely your soul trying to encourage you to create anew with what is wanted and appreciated while still leaving what didn’t work behind.

Focusing on the past only creates resistance to your now. If you experienced something you loved before, Dear Ones, you can experience it again in a brand new way. Take forward the energies of what you enjoyed and create a new mix that contains all of that and so much more that truly matches who you are today. That is your divine right as an empowered co-creator of your best and most satisfying life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, there are multiple timelines that hold a multitude of experiences that you can access at any given time. If you have a deep longing or yearning for an experience, there is always a corresponding timeline that holds that experience. The fact that you have a desire lets you know that the potential exists.

You shift onto timelines through your focus, intention, surrender, and flow. This is why you cannot create what you want through negative focus or fear. Your energetic engagement with what was unwanted would keep you firmly planted on the timeline that holds that energy.

Your soul knows exactly how to move onto the timeline that will lead you into what you intend to experience. Your intention is like setting your internal GPS and your surrender and flow with faith and trust allows your energy to move into the energetic stream that takes you to your next greatest experience. It is that simple.

The beauty of all of this is that it is all available to you, you simply need to choose. And if you choose something that it turns out you do not care for, you can choose again, endlessly moving and flowing into the matches that best reflect your preferences and your next highest expression of self. It all exists for you if you can simply decide to allow your heart to lead the way into the realm of endless potential. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


There are differing schools of thought about manifestation. One says that you attract to you what you hold, with the idea being there is nothing you need to do but allow the vibrational match to come to you. The other says you must take action in order to move into what you wish to experience. We understand how this can cause some confusion and we wish to address this today.

So which one is true? Both of them can be true depending upon the specific circumstance. Sometimes the most direct way for the universe to deliver to you is for you to just stay where you are. Other times, it is easier and more direct for you to move into alignment with what it is you wish to create by taking action. How do you know which method to use? You don’t have to know. All you must do is surrender.

If you are surrendered into your creation and follow what the energy is supporting at any given time, you will be a non-resistant human being and very easy to help. If you are meant to simply allow your manifestation to find its way to you, you may find yourself in a lull, where it appears not much is happening. That means that things are coming together behind the scenes and you are easiest to serve by not moving at all. Other times the energy will flow you into the exactly where you need to be to connect with what you wish to experience and movement is the easiest way to create that intersection for you.

What we are trying to impress upon you is that the universe and your soul always know the most direct way to do things. Trust. Surrender. Follow the flow of energy and whatever it is supporting and accept that even when there is no perceived movement much progress is still happening. Your surrender, faith, flow, and trust takes all the guess work out of things and keeps you in a state of cooperation, always, with your desired creations and experiences. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, your manifestations are a starting point. Many of you think manifesting is creating something in its perfection and then you are done. But that is actually contrary to how the energies of the universe work. There is always a desire for movement and expansion. You are never really ever done with your creations.

So if you have manifested something in your life that is not one hundred percent to your liking, there is no need to get upset or frustrated. You can continue to adjust and tweak it as you go. It is quite common to discover that your creation needs to be adjusted in ways that you simply could not have imagined before its creation.

It might help to think of your creation as a hunk of clay. It is the beginning of a physical manifestation that still holds many possibilities and potentials to be customized however you like. Now that you actually have something tangible in front of you, you can start to see how it fits your space, your needs, your preferences. There is still so much room to allow it to evolve.

How do you continue to adjust it? By allowing it to continue to unfold in ways that respond to your focus, your appreciation, and your preferences. Energy is always moving and malleable, Dear Ones. Have fun being the artist of your life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


So many of you have lost the sense of joy and fun in your lives. If this is the case for you, and you would like to move back into greater enjoyment in your life, we suggest you ask yourself the following questions…

What brought you joy as a child? Why did you stop? Are there elements of that same activity you can pick up again now? When did you decide being an adult meant having no fun? Is that true? What brings you joy now? What interests you? Have you connected with your inner child lately? Are they neglected? What lightness and joy would they like to bring to the forefront of your life?

What do you think will happen if you lighten up? What responsibilities do you take on unnecessarily that others could easily do? Do you automatically say no to everything? What one activity could you bring into your life that would be just about your enjoyment? What class have you always wanted to take? What place have you always wanted to visit? When you go to the book store or the library, what section do you linger in the longest? Are you doing that activity in your life or putting it off for some unknown future time?

It is through your interests, your passions, and your expansion that your soul shimmers and shines with satisfaction. It is also through your enjoyment that you find yourself in alignment with Source energy. Love yourself enough to bring back those elements to your life, or if you do not know what they are yet love yourself enough to find out. Your joyful self expression serves you, others, and your planet, much better than self sacrifice and denial ever will. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


There is a pervasive belief that you will be tested in order for God to determine your worthiness. The idea that you are being tested implies that there is judgment – that you will either pass or fail. Dear Ones, there is no judgment towards you from the higher realms, only pure acceptance and unconditional love. We celebrate you exactly as you are. There is never, ever a time when you are not worthy or good enough or that you have to do anything to gain our approval.

The things you perceive as being tests are not to prove anything to anyone but yourselves. Your challenges are opportunities for you to discover your own strength, courage, and ability to love. They always offer expansion in order for you to know yourself in deeper and more profound ways. They are gifts for you to fully experience in new ways the depth of your faith, trust, and divine capability.

Further, they are never put upon you, but rather choices your soul makes in order to grow and to know yourself better. They allow you to experience the depth of your soul and your incredible capacity for expansion, and through that expansion, the universe also expands. You are always loved, supported, and encouraged through such times that serve to open you up to a more profound understanding of self and new levels of attainment, which will only serve both you and the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, your enlightenment process is one of accelerated forward movement followed by periods of integration. This is designed to allow your body and your mind time to assimilate into new energetic states of beingness. Both phases are critical for your growth.

Think of mountain climbers. They move steadily into higher altitudes in a phase of forward movement, but also know they must stop and make camp to give their bodies time to adjust. The same it is with you as you move into higher and higher vibrational states.

If you can embrace each phase of the journey as being equally important – of serving and supporting the other, you will find a much greater peace, acceptance, and balance in the process. All movement is forward movement, and staying out of resistance and in a space of trust in the divine capability of your soul to navigate the process will help you make the most progress with the greatest amount of grace and ease possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Do you automatically so no to things? How many times a day do you say no with little to no thought? The more no is your go-to response, the more resistance you are in to life.

This is not to say that you should say yes to everything, because some things will not be your energetic match or for your highest good. We are simply suggesting you stop and fully consider things before you decide whether you wish to proceed with something or not.

So the next time you are asked to do something, why not feel into it? Is it really a no? Are you responding out of habit or in ways that matched who you used to be and may not necessarily match who you are today? Why is it a no?

There are so many times the universe attempts to bring new experiences to you that you may find very enjoyable that you simply won’t allow. If you check in with your body you will get a true answer. A true no will be felt by a lot of resistance or tension in your body, usually felt in your abdominal area. A yes will feel like flow.

If you are in between, why not give it a try? It may just end up being fun. A human being who consistently is open to saying yes to life is much easier to surprise and delight. Your yes responses make you cooperative with a universe that adores you, and add immeasurably to your expansion and experiences. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


What is the one thing in your life that you perceive as holding you back? Is it health? Is it financial? Is it love? Is it an old wound that you can’t seem to heal beyond?

Ask yourself honestly if you have been using the same old approach to your challenge. Dear Ones, if you have been trying the same thing repeatedly to no avail, perhaps it is time to mix things up. What could you do differently? How can you change your thinking about this issue? Is there a new approach you could try that you haven’t tried before?

If you truly don’t know the answer to any of those questions, the answer can always be found through surrender. Surrender to the perfect solution, and then allow yourself to be led to it. Your soul, your guides and helpers, all know the endless possibilities and potentials and perfect solutions that exist.

The bottom line is if you haven’t found the relief you seek, the solutions exist beyond what you have already tried. Mix things up. Be creative. Be willing to explore and be led, and you will find your way. The only way a problem will not be solved is if you choose to stay in the energies where the solution doesn’t exist. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, whether you consider yourself hard done by or blessed is going to have everything to do with how your day will unfold for you. How you declare yourself to be is exactly how the universe will respond to you because we will always honour you in your self expression. Is it time to reevaluate how you define yourself and if that matches what you would like to experience more of? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, you have always done the best you could in any specific moment in time. What you consider to be poor choices are reactions that come from being wounded, overwhelmed, out of balance, and/or disconnected from your own alignment with Source and your own divinity.

If you have regrets about a behaviour you demonstrated or something you did, or didn’t do, having forgiveness for yourself is essential, for to not forgive yourself is to perpetuate guilt and shame, two lower vibrating energies that will keep you out of balance and more likely to continue in behaviours that do not match who you are and how you wish to be.

If you wish to truly shift into a higher expression of self that is able to more consistently show up in ways that reflect who you really are, forgiving yourself and releasing the guilt and shame associated with that time is truly the best way to do so. Making your healing and evolution a priority will ensure you will not ever be so out of balance as to make those same choices again. It is time. It is time to unconditionally love yourself, so you can show up as the love that you are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Setting an intention declares what you would like to create and experience. Moving with what the energies are supporting at any given time allows you to harness the power of the flow to become much more efficient with your time and efforts and far more accepting of each Now moment. This is the path of grace, ease, and universal support that opens to you when you embrace being an empowered co-creator. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, you put yourselves through an incredible amount of angst trying to force things to happen before they are energetically ready to do so. Be easy. The energies no longer support efforting and forcing, they support flowing and allowing. Navigate your days by what the flow is supporting and you will get there, we promise. And the beauty of taking that approach is you will be far less battered and worn when you do arrive at your desired destination, which means you will be better able to embrace it and enjoy it fully. Doesn’t that feel much more in line with how your soul wishes to experience things? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, your individualized expression of Source energy – you, your energy, your body – is sacred space. As you continue along your healing journey, recognizing this and honouring this truth is essential.

So many of you have been hurt before, have not been respected, have been neglected, abandoned, abused, or treated dismissively. Those parts of yourself are yearning to be held, nurtured, and loved, in a space of safety, so they can heal and thrive. You get to be the loving caretaker of your own energetics.

From that space of wisdom, you can see that there may be people in your life that, for whatever reason, cannot treat you with the respect and honour you deserve. Allowing them full access to you, without appropriate boundaries, is a great disservice, both to the part of you that deserves to be kept safe as well as to them, for it is not in their best interests to be allowed to continue to behave in ways that are not an expression of their highest self, either.

This is not about separation and punishment, but rather a reshuffling, if you will, always supporting the level of access granted that will always be for everyone’s highest good. This is clearly defining what you deserve in terms of treatment, and also, as you keep yourself in a balanced, healthy space, what others can expect from you, which is connection that is loving, supportive, respectful, and encouraging the best for all.

It holds acceptance and forgiveness for wherever people are on their paths with energy that matches what is fair and appropriate with a focus on self responsibility. Because love for everyone involved is at the core of your decisions, it holds the space of greatest potential for all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Shelley’s note: There will be no daily messages from Tuesday January 16 – Sunday January 21 as will be travelling back home to Canada and then on to the United States. They will resume as usual Monday January 22. Hope you have a great week!


Dear Ones, when you are in what feels like no man’s land – that phase of the unknown where you have detached from the old and have not quite connected with the new, please know you are in a place of profound progress towards your next great adventure that better matches your energy and intentions.

It is much like being mid-flight in an airplane. You have left one place and have not yet landed at your destination. Even though you may be above the clouds and not able to see the progress being made toward your goal, there is much forward movement happening.

You set the intention, bought the ticket, arrived at the airport on time, and boarded the plane. Now it is time to allow the others – the helpers whose job it is to support your dream – to do their work and highest service until it is time for you to land.

We understand it can be difficult to stay in surrender, faith, flow, and trust when much can seem undefined, but the fact that you are an in-between stage is proof positive that your journey has begun. In fact, it is an indicator that you are well on your way and in the phase where the most progress is being made!

So just like you would during a flight we encourage you to do whatever supports you in being as comfortable as possible. Read. Nap. Meditate. Take care of your immediate physical needs. Understand you are in a temporary phase that will soon be forgotten. And above all, don’t jump out of the airplane before you have a chance to land in a great new space of wonder, possibility, and potential. ~Archangel Gabriel


Forgiving another is not condoning or endorsing a behaviour that was harmful to you. It is an act of love for yourself to energetically untether yourself from an event or time that was hurtful to you. In releasing the connection to the other you create room for healing, which allows you to receive not only the closure you seek but also moves you forward in a more empowered way.

It is loving yourself enough to forever remove yourself from energies that do not honour who you are and how you deserve to be treated and instead move back into the wholeness you’ve been missing. This is a profound shift onto an entirely different energetic layer that allows you to thrive and evolve despite where you have been and what you have experienced in an expanded and wiser way, which is the ultimate act of taking your freedom and your power back. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


There is great wisdom in staying still if you do not know how to proceed in your life. You may need more information to know how to move forward in a way that truly matches who you are and what you wish to experience. Biding your time is allowing yourself to get more clarity, either through self examination or through the flow bringing you more details that help you know the right way to proceed.

By staying still until you are sure, you are being non-reactive. You are staying in a space of balance and wisdom, and trusting in your own ability to make wise decisions for yourself when the time is right. It is giving yourself the opportunity to navigate through your heart and what the energies support for you, rather than just making decisions simply to appease the part of you that likes to control things.

Wisdom is waiting for the right wave of energy that will seamlessly take you where you wish to go, that not only feels right but is created from a space of alignment, surrender, faith, flow, and trust. It is loving yourself enough to be the expert on you, and feeling into what is a match to your soul’s desires, as the empowered co-creator of your life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, the amount of judgment you experience towards others is directly proportionate to the amount of fear and feelings of powerlessness you still carry within you. Judgment is the by-product of assessing threats, and leads to separation. Whenever a person chooses to separate, it is because they are afraid.

When you have worked through your fear and have stepped into your authentic power, you are not disturbed by the choices or behaviours of others because you recognize you are the empowered creator of your own life expression. When you are feeling secure in your own ability to create your judgment simply becomes observation. You honour others where they are on their paths without feeling threatened or responsible for their behaviour.

This is why it is so important to step up as your own loving guide, parent, and best friend. From your more empowered place, are your fears really valid, or are they merely conditioning and old belief systems? It is time to trust your wisdom, your evolution, and your ability to not only create the safe space you require and deserve, but to also create what it is you wish to experience.

From that place of calm, balance, and empowerment, you will feel much more comfortable with acceptance, connection, and unconditional love, which are the attributes of the higher vibrating reality you are in the midst of creating and anchoring on your planet. So acknowledge your fear as the root of separation, and heal it with your tender care and love first, along with the love and support of a universe that adores you, and the rest will become far easier for you to do as you move forward in your enlightenment process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, your greatest discomfort will generally come from two things. One is expecting an external to make you whole, which is giving your power away. The other is being in resistance to your Now moment.

Placing your satisfaction or happiness on what another may or may not do, or on any other condition, will keep you in a place of high alert and externally focused. This will result in your feeling great anxiety, fear, and insecurity.

Being in resistance to your Now moment will keep you out of acceptance, the integral aspect required to feel peace, comfort, and satisfaction. The greater your resistance to the Now, the greater will be your discomfort, as the discomfort is designed to be a redirectional tool.

Your soul is always seeking to expand and express itself in its authentic power. If you are feeling upset, dissatisfied, resistant, or in any other way uncomfortable, we advise you first explore how you are not showing up for yourself, and what you can do to shift into giving yourself the care and attention you feel you are missing.

We then ask you to shift into greater acceptance by starting to consciously practice gratitude for what is working in your life. Your gratitude is a powerful feedback tool to the universe, indicating what you would like more of. It is choosing to focus on abundance rather than lack, on the things that are satisfying to you that already exist, which can only create a greater experience of comfort.

Taking it upon yourself to give yourself what you need allows you to shift into the energy you are seeking as a reliable source you can always count on. That combined with your gratitude absolutely saturates you with what you wish to experience more of. It anchors the energy of what you desire which is a powerful way of pre-paving your tomorrows.

Discomfort is a gift, Dear Ones, if you can see it as simply a loving indicator that it is time to redirect into a more empowered space of creation. It is a sign that your approach isn’t in line with what you wish to create and that there are much better available options for you. It is a nudge from the universe that encourages you to move back into the expansion and creation that is your soul’s true, empowered, and preferred means of navigating your life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


A miracle is a divine intervention that you simply could not imagine being possible that transforms a situation. Miracles can occur at any time – they are far more available to you than you think. There is a belief that miracles are rare, but they can and will occur whenever you are fully willing to surrender into their potential and accept the loving support of the universe.

So if you are feeling stuck in a situation that you simply cannot see your way out of, we encourage you to ask, “What miracle is available to change, heal, or transform this situation that I am not aware of? and then completely surrender with your faith and trust and see what happens. The act of whole-heartedly surrendering into solutions beyond what you can imagine is exactly what makes miracles possible in your lives. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Why not go on a quest for beauty today? Why not, with your focus and intention, choose to see the many ways beauty can show up in your life?

It may be in the intricate natural beauty of nature, or in the loving touch of a mother comforting a child. It may be an act of kindness or generosity, or simply taking a moment to give thanks for the abundance that abounds in your own life. It may be in moving into an alignment that allows you to feel your own beauty as a divine and beloved aspect of Source energy. It may be appreciating the arts, or a unique combination of words or ideas, that activate certain emotions and feelings within you.

When you stop to see the beauty and wonder around you, you shift the energy of your Now moment. You see the magic and miracles that abound, which can only help you fall in love with your reality. And falling in love with your life results in a deep satisfaction and comfort that supports both your present and your future.

We also encourage you to add to the beauty of the whole, understanding there is a myriad of ways you can do this. Shine the shimmering love of your soul. Embrace the love and power of your own contributions.

Seek to improve things through your focus and presence. Spread and recognize beauty in all its many facets, knowing that is exactly how to anchor the energies of heaven on earth, and you will experience the joy of being God’s ambassador on the planet you are assisting and transforming. The more you can acknowledge and add to the beauty that exists, the more you will cherish and nurture your planet, and that, Dear Ones, is simple yet profound service in action. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


There are two predominant energies enlightening human beings are often reluctant to acknowledge within themselves or express – grief and anger. They feel the emotions are not spiritual enough, are not valid because they are not in line with their highest selves, or do not wish to add what they consider to be a negative emotion to the collective. Dear Ones, we urge you to take the time to lovingly create a space to fully and safely feel any unresolved emotions you may have.

Your emotions, all of them, are part of your human experience. Not acknowledging them does not make them not exist, it simply keeps them as an active part of your energetics. If you don’t take the time to fully experience them and honour them, they will frequently bubble up in their desire to be loved back into wholeness.

If you have lost someone you love, your grief is a beautiful indication of how much you cared. Even though you know through your beliefs that the soul, and your relationship lives on, albeit in a different form, it is perfectly appropriate and recommended to allow yourself time to grieve the loss of the physical presence of that person in your life. You go through a profound energetic shift when a loved one transitions, and your grieving process is what allows you to process that shift. Your tears are cleansing and healing.

So many enlightening human beings have been misunderstood, abused, ridiculed, abandoned, rejected, or dismissed, not only in this lifetime, but in previous life expressions. Not acknowledging the justifiable anger of such mistreatment is to keep yourself in victim consciousness. Your anger is appropriate if you can see it as a desire to experience fairness, proper treatment, and to be respected and treated in ways that honour you.

Your anger over mistreatment is a tool to move you into creating healthier boundaries and expressing your own self love as your own loving guide and parent. Allow yourself to feel how things were not okay, to process those feelings, and to move forward in a way that is healthier, more balanced, and empowered.

Anger is fear yelling for love and protection. Transmute your anger, and your fear, by showing up for yourselves with understanding and reassurance. Grief frequently accompanies anger and fear particularly if you have been victimized. Understand that if you have been abused your innocence is still available to you in the form of your inner child. It is never too late to go back and give yourself the care, protection, love, and understanding you deserved and never got. You are absolutely capable of holding the space for your own healing. From that place of wisdom and self responsibility, you will also be willing to reach out for extra support if you need it.

Once you have allowed yourself to fully feel the emotions that can seem so scary and unspiritual, but deserve your love and attention, you will be able to truly move forward in lighter and more empowered ways. Allow those emotions to come up in their own rhythm as they are ready to be healed, trusting in the wisdom of your soul, and love all of it as a sacred practice of acceptance and transmutation, for all of you is divine and beautiful, especially the tender human part of you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, do you believe you can have it all? Do you believe all your dreams are available to you? Or do you believe you can have only have a limited amount of success in the creation of your desires? Do you think it is greedy, unattainable, or will result in bad things happening to you if you have it all?

What if things are not coming together for you because you are not thinking big enough? Your soul will always struggle with your attempts to stay small because it is always seeking expansion and your highest life expression. It is not interested in supporting you in limitation or staying in a state of contraction or denial, for it knows that by denying your gifts and experiences nobody wins.

Having it all is embracing the full potential of continual expansion and growth based on what your unique aspect of Source wishes to try, contribute, and express at any given moment. There is no end point, just new platforms to create from. And it is that evolution that supports the entire universe.

So if you are frustrated because you are having trouble manifesting something your heart desires, take the time to examine whether you are aiming for much less than what is really available to you. If you knew for sure you could have anything you wanted, how much different would it be from what you are trying to create? Is there room for expansion?

If you can’t see how, ask the universe to show you how you may be holding yourself back and move into acceptance of the perfect creation for you. You just may be surprised at how much more has always been waiting for you to move into the energy of being fully willing to receive. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Surrender and acceptance allow you to both untether yourself from what is holding you back and stay open to receiving what supports you and best matches who you are. They work together beautifully to keep you out of resistance and in flow, which is the fastest way to move forward with the greatest amount of help and comfort possible.

While they may seem simplistic, we urge you to not underestimate the ability of these two powerful aspects to lead and transform your life experience in the most empowering ways. The best way to fully comprehend what these elements can do for you, Dear Ones, is to consciously start to experiment with them and feel the magic for yourselves. You can’t turn a concept into a reality if you don’t give it a fair try. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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