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September 30

Dear Ones, as the energies continue to move you forward on your enlightenment process, you will experience great moments of alignment and expansiveness. You will then anchor it in a human manner. It is connecting to the greater whole and then integrating it individually. This is all part of the process. Do you see? Your very human responses are just as important to the process as your spiritual discoveries, as both are working together to expand, balance, and serve the entirety of the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 29

What part of you needs your love and attention today? The most healing thing you can do is to acknowledge, tend to, love, accept, encourage, and celebrate any aspect of yourself that hasn’t received everything it needed. This is a powerful act of self love and integration, and one that is well within your capability to do. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 28

A wonderful question to ask yourself if you are feeling energetically overwhelmed is, “What will bring me comfort today?” Many of you think comfort is being in a soft nest and barely moving at all. But comfort can also come from nature, moving your body, taking inspired action, from embracing expansion, and harnessing the gifts of whatever the latest wave of energy is supporting. You get to decide what comfort is to you, and it may show up in many different ways depending upon what your needs are at any given time. Know you can always discover the comfort you seek by giving yourself permission to follow the subtle bumps and nudges from your soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 27

Dear Ones, you never have to worry about embracing your highest life expression, because the unfoldment is fully customized to move at the exact pace that is best for you, your comfort, and your soul’s mission. This means you can honour a lull as having great purpose and value for you. It also means that you do not need to be afraid or overwhelmed when rapid forward movement occurs, either. Trust. Move with the energies. Know your supports are in place, and that you have worked hard to reach this next exciting phase of your life expression. You are ready. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 26

Many of step forward with a desire to create the life of your dreams but falter if things start showing up differently than you expected, or in your opinion, are taking too long to manifest. This leads to fear and doubt, which can result in you being tempted to settle on something that you know isn’t a true match but you perceive as a sure thing.
Settling is a fear-based choice that demonstrates a lack of faith and trust, both in the universe and in your own ability to create. Further, if you settle you are making a choice to attempt to create something new from energy that is already expired.
Please know settling is a great disservice to yourself for you are choosing an option that already holds an element of discomfort for you. It may seem like a safe choice, but in truth it is not because you already know it does not support the expanded experience your soul is seeking.
We understand it can be difficult to trust long enough to allow your highest potentials to show up for you, but this is the exact skill you are developing. Your highest matches exist just beyond what you can see in the realm of potentiality. Staying anchored in trust long enough for the magic to happen is a demonstration of both your self love and your sovereignty. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 25

Your soul’s natural desire is growth and expansion. You experience the most comfort when your actions are in line with what your soul is seeking. If you are finding yourself in discomfort, we encourage you to ask, “How can I experience expansion today?” You will find so much more ease and satisfaction by honouring the need of your soul, with its innate wisdom, to set the pace and lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 24

The point when you cannot figure out something with your head is a great blessing, for it forces you to redirect into your heart. It is from there that your greatest matches can be discovered. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 23

When you are rapidly shifting your potentials and possibilities will also rapidly shift. What is an energetic match for you one day may not fit so well the next! We know this can be confusing and frustrating.
What we want you to know is that this is common during an accelerated phase of unfoldment. You might consider it energetic refinement, constantly readjusting through the flow. Rest assured after the large leap in your development the acceleration will slow and you will arrive and settle in with an energetic match that has the ability to sustain you for a longer period of time.
Trust, Dear Ones, that this is all part of the great shift you are going through, both personally and collectively. Your redirections and adjustments are all designed to align you with exactly what you need to support you, and your service, in the most comprehensive and wonderful ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 22

If you are experiencing discomfort, it is a sure sign that something new is taking form for you to shift into. The discomfort you feel as one timeline becomes energetically expired prepares you to embrace brand new potentials and possibilities. Human beings can be resistant to change, so the lack of sustainability for your current situation prepares you to shift into the next phase that will be energetically supported. Your discomfort makes it easier for you to leave the old and whole-heartedly embrace the new when it shows up. Allow your discomfort to simply be the redirectional tool it is designed to be. The gift of all of this is that as enlightening, ever-evolving beings, settling is no longer a viable option. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 21

Love is the balm that soothes resistance. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 20

When your acceptance practice becomes stronger than your resistance practice, you will automatically shift into a life experience that has far greater grace, ease, flow, and peace. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 19

There is a myriad of ways human beings practice resistance. What can you accept in yourself today? What can you celebrate about you today? What good feeling action can you take today? What can you appreciate in others today? What beauty can you see in the world today? To shift out of resistance, Dear Ones, consciously start to look for things your heart can say yes to and you will begin to move forward with much greater comfort and satisfaction. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 18

There is, for many, a generalized distrust of feeling good. You have been taught that feeling good is selfish or frivolous. That it is not realistic. That it is sure to lead to trouble.
Then many of you finally started to live your lives by embracing feeling good only to be told that is spiritual bypassing. That it is irresponsible and avoidant.
Dear Ones, we urge you to stop making feeling good a bad thing! Feeling good is a sign of alignment. It is the space your soul is always looking to reset to. To resist it is to resist yourself and your natural state of being. How on earth can you experience joy if you are perpetually denying or distrusting the first step which is feeling good?
Of course, it is imperative that you attend to anything within you that is looking to be loved, released, or healed. But we invite you to settle into the knowingness that the surrender, faith, flow, trust model is incredibly intelligent and will bring things into your awareness in the perfect timing for them to be addressed. You can lovingly and responsibly attend to whatever that may be, and then reset back into your natural state of feeling good.
For each healing you become even more aligned with your wholeness and will feel lighter and more in touch with your true divine essence, which expands how good you can feel! To deny or distrust feeling good it is to deny and distrust the natural outcome and purpose of your healing work.
Feeling good comes from being in a state of acceptance, both for yourself and what is presenting in your life. It comes from gratitude, freedom, and flow. It is a sign of presence, embracing your beingness, and shining your light. It is allowing your divine spark to lead the way as the empowered creator of your life expression. You are wise and diligent and responsible. It is safe for you to embrace feeling good. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 17

Yesterday Gabriel showed me a very powerful image. He showed me a person standing at a fork in the road. To the person’s right the land was dark and dense, almost as if there had been a forest fire. There were dark spikes coming up from the ground. The whole area looked charred and desolate and was completely bereft of light or life.
To the left of the person, there was an abundance of flowers and greenery. There were birds and insects. The whole area was green and lush and was teeming with life, growth, and expansion.
He then explained to me that to the right was the land of lack, to the left was the land of abundance. He was showing me the energetics required for creation. If your focus is on lack, you are trying to thrive from a space that has no sustenance and only contains expired energy. If your focus is on the abundance that already exists, you are navigating from a space that supports and sustains life and creation because it is energetically vibrant.
I have never seen the energetics required for creation so clearly before! Along with the vision, he shares this. Dear Ones, your focus is the foundation of your energetic creations. We encourage you to play and create from the base of gratitude for the abundance that already exists, for that is the space that has the ability to energetically support your growth and expansion, and offers you wonder and satisfaction in each Now moment. ~A combination of Archangel Gabriel and Shelley Young

September 16

The embodiment process you have been participating in, which is simply a process of coming Home to yourself and embracing your authentic power, was just the first step. Now the real fun can begin as you start to explore and create in the new energies. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 15

Asking, “What are the energies supporting for me today?” and then honouring whatever that may be with your complete faith and trust is exactly how you become masterful at harnessing the full power and assistance of the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 14

Are you allowing or disallowing love? Are you letting it flow to you and through you? Are you willing to receive it, to truly feel it? Are you including yourself in your love flow? Are you trusting enough to let it lead the way? All roads lead back to love, Dear Ones, and every time you make that discovery you expand and are able to embody more of that divine essence you have always been such an integral part of. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 13

For every energetic shift you go through, you step onto a platform that allows you to see a little bit further ahead into what is now opening up for you. As you are shifting rapidly now, you might think of it as hopping from one stepping stone to another, making your highest choice through preference and possibility, one now moment at a time. This is the joy and beauty of unfoldment, Dear Ones, the fact that you are ever expanding and constantly navigating through the new potentials that show up like magic in response to your own evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 12

Many of you feel the focus should be on the divine feminine. Others feel the focus should be on the divine masculine. What if we said it is both?
What we wish for you to understand is that the divine feminine, and the divine masculine are both aspects of divine flow. The divine feminine aspect of flow is the lull phase, the nesting phase, the empowered receiving phase. The divine masculine is the action phase, the empowered forward movement.
There are times when the focus for the expansion and empowerment of mankind will be on the integration of the divine masculine. There will be other times when it will be on the divine feminine. Regardless of what sex you are, both are integral to your balance, supported forward movement, and evolution and are vital to move into your authentic power.
If you are having trouble with worthiness or receiving, you may wish to explore how you can integrate more of your divine feminine. If you are having trouble with taking action, power issues, or seeing yourself as an empowered co-creator, you may wish to explore how you can embrace more of your divine masculine.
Do you see? Both work are part of the different phases of manifestation and are essential aspects of your embodiment. One may be the featured theme of a certain energetic phase, but to try to only embrace one is to deny the other. By being willing to honour and accept either you can include both as being part of the beautiful mosaic that is you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 11

Dear Ones, you can embrace your light and still be diligent about your healing processes. And you don’t need to always be on high alert for what is wrong in order to do so.
If you are working with the surrender, faith, flow, trust model we call the Divine Combination, anything that needs healing, release, or your acknowledgment will come to the forefront to be dealt with. You can give it your loving attention and then recenter back into the light that you are.
The beautiful thing about this is that every single time you lovingly tend to your needs and then return home to the acknowledgment of your own beautiful light and innate wholeness, you expand your knowing of self which, in turn, supports the grand shift of consciousness on your planet.
This approach honours both your human self and your divine self which supports you in navigating to your highest potentials and experiences. It will not result in spiritual bypassing but rather in bypassing the fear and doubt that keep you in perpetual troubleshooting mode.
It allows you to be guided by an incredibly efficient system that is designed to naturally bring into your awareness anything you may need to address with the energetic support that comes with divine timing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 10

Dear Ones, we understand that you are used to having clear ideas of where to go and what to do, and learning how to navigate in new energies can take some getting used to. Another way to understand it is to realize that 3D, or the old phase you are leaving is linear and constrained, while the new phase is non-linear and limitless.
It can feel daunting to realize that as pioneers there is no map. You are the ones who are creating new pathways and templates through your expanding into the new. And while this may feel foreign to you at first, please know that the true gift of this is that it is giving you the freedom you have been craving for so very long.
You get to try what feels best to you, rather than what others think you should do. You get to lead with your heart. You get to make empowered decisions one now moment at a time. You get to express yourself, joyfully, through your preferences. Your exploration and experiences are what have the most value, which releases you from attachment to outcome. Further, you get to shift into the discovery of what joyful, supported service feels like.
All these things are what your soul has been yearning for. These are the times you couldn’t wait for! Much of the anticipation you have been experiencing – that feeling that something big is about to happen – is your soul jumping up and down with joy and excitement for the opportunity to move fully into the new energies and to finally get to play, unencumbered, in the realm of endless potentials. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 9

Most of you have been conditioned to live your lives on high alert, always on the lookout for what is wrong or not working. This has been passed down to you from other generations, where survival was threatened on a continual basis, and is the focus of those who fear victimization.
Dear Ones, one of the most prevalent aspects of the shift of consciousness you are part of is moving beyond victim consciousness into your authentic power. As such, your focus can also shift from what is wrong or threatening, into what is right and supportive.
What if, starting today, your focus shifted onto what is wonderful in your lives, onto what you love and appreciate about others, onto the things you can connect with in others? What if you consciously started to celebrate the many blessings in your lives, the magic, the wonder, the support, the love that is all around you if you have eyes that choose to see it?
You can’t expect to receive what you desire if you only look at what you don’t want from a catalogue. Your focus is your blessing of continuation. It is how you give your energetic feedback to the universe and express your personal preferences. We highly suggest you start to celebrate all the wonderful things that are working for you right now and are reflections of your own mastery and empowered choices. To do so will expand your life into an even greater celebration of co-creation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 8

So many of you are poised and waiting to step into the next phase of your incarnation but don’t know how to proceed. You want the directions or the map to the new.
Dear Ones, you are moving in unprecedented energies, which makes you pioneers. Pioneers don’t have maps, they are the ones who blaze new trails for others to follow. You figure out what is possible, and which way to go, through experience and then share what you have discovered.
Pioneers make decisions by following their hearts and making decisions based on the highest choice in each now moment. This is a path of presence, of intuition, of exploration. There is no right or wrong, as all the value is in experience.
This is why so many of you have been in a lull phase. It has been giving you time to get clarity on who you are and what you would like to try moving forward. The phase you are moving into is based on freedom, presence, and self expression.
So here are the instructions you have been seeking. Move with the energies. Follow your heart. Try things and if you don’t like your experience, try something else. Play. Be curious. Let things unfold. Trust your wisdom and your readiness for this new phase.
Understand that this is a wondrous time filled with new potentials and possibilities that you are now aligning with. And most of all, know your energetics and preferences are more than enough for you to continue being of service to the shift you have been, and will continue to be, such a pivotal and willing part of. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 7

One of the most profound aspects of this next phase of your evolution is that you can love, encourage, and guide yourself with your innate wisdom while simultaneously embracing your childlike innocence, wonder, curiosity, and presence. You get to be both the loving parent and the precious child simultaneously, which allows you to move forward with mastery and magic, honouring and accepting all parts of yourself like never before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 6

You were born with innate talents and interests, all designed to help you navigate your life expression into the experiences you wished to have and services you wished to offer. Many of you put down those interests as you stepped into adulthood in order to please others or to be “more responsible”.
As you are preparing to step forward into phase two of your incarnation, you may wish to dust off those interests and see how you can bring them back into your life expression in new updated ways that match who you are today.
The pause so many of you have been in offers you the time to do just that. What did you love to do? How can you incorporate it into your life now? What did you always want to try but never did? As your own loving guide, best friend, and parent, you get to offer those things to yourself today because with your wisdom you recognize what perfect matches those interests are to your soul and their importance for your expansion.
This is yet another way you can move into greater unity with yourself, by honouring and including those interests and passions that were always present within you because they are important aspects of your soul and your purpose. You may need to adjust them to match the phase of your life you are in now, but please know it is never too late to water and grow those core interests, even if they have been neglected for a long time. In fact, to do so is a profound act of love for yourself and will add greatly to your joy and satisfaction. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 5

Surrendered human beings are delightfully easy to nudge into right time/right place scenarios. And it is such fun for us to do! We watch with bated breath and great anticipation because your discoveries and reactions are always so wonderful. There is so much joy in co-creation! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 4

As you continue to evolve, a theme that is coming up is moving beyond co-dependency into healthy connection. You may know that your interactions with those closest to you hold patterns that are no longer desired but don’t quite know how to shift them. This can feel daunting because many of these patterns have been well entrenched since childhood. Along with this, unconditional love can sometimes be misunderstood to mean allowing any kind of behaviour to continue in order to be loving.
Dear Ones, we have some simple rules of thumb to help you navigate the waters of creating healthier connections with appropriate boundaries. The first is, never become more invested in another person’s wellness than they are in their own. The second is, never become more invested in another person’s wellness than you are in your own.
You are seeking connection points that honour and empower everyone involved. There is not one solid unmovable line in the sand. There may be times where you need to step forward if someone is losing their balance to help them right themselves. The idea is that you always offer your support with an eye towards what will empower them to be able to stand on their own again.
Co-dependency is connected to the old conditional love model. You fear if you disappoint another they will not love you anymore. When you change the unhealthy dance you have with another they may initially resist the change and be upset. But a beautiful thing happens if you stick to your new healthier model. They will still love you despite their initial displeasure, which allows both you and them to move into the experience of unconditional love.
Your love and connection is meant to be empowering, encouraging, and supportive. It does not mean abandoning yourself or assuming responsibility for someone else’s growth. There may be times you need to lovingly step back in order for someone to discover their own divine capability. Your wisdom will always know how to proceed if you look at it through the lens of what is empowering for everyone involved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 3

Most of you have felt the intensity of the last several months as you are releasing and healing the last vestiges of the first phase of your incarnation. Many of you are in the pregnant pause, the phase where you are given space to gain clarity on who you are today based on all the shifting, purging, and integrating you have done. You are getting to know yourselves again in a new, unencumbered way.
Now that you are not going to be driven by past conditioning, old soul contracts, karmic debts or agreements, or service contracts that are now complete, what is possible? What would you like to experience? What have you always wanted to do but didn’t due to other people’s needs or opinions?
What can you do now that you aren’t driven by fear? What path does your heart choose? What gifts are opening to you based on your latest level of attainment? What brings you joy? What have you always wanted to try or experience? If you had a chance to redo your entire life expression, what would you do differently based on the wisdom you now have?
You are, in effect, being given a chance for what you would call a do-over, to experience everything that is possible without the restraints of societal conditioning or your own self imposed limitations. What a glorious time, indeed! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 2

When your focus is on abundance you hope will come one day, you are attempting to create from a space of lack and uncertainty. When your focus is gratitude for the blessings you already have and what empowered choice you can make in each now moment, you are creating from a space of abundance, sovereignty, and presence. It is the latter approach that has the ability to ground you into the experience of your own divine capability. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 1

Making the decision to sit with yourself, with love, exactly as you are, is the embodiment of complete acceptance. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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