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August 31

Many of you have wrapped up the first phase of your incarnation and are poised to step into the new. You have done a tremendous amount of energetic shifting, both on a personal and planetary level. You have slowed down and cocooned to integrate these changes. And now you are ready to explore what is possible from this new energetic state.
Everything is undergoing a profound shift. You are moving from a doing based system to a being based system. You are evolving from navigating primarily through the mind into navigating through the heart. You are letting go of martyred service and ready for joyful, supported service. You have completed your soul’s initial to-do list and are now exploring new possibilities through co-creation and preference.
At this point it can be difficult to know what next steps to take as you are still trying to find your energetic bearings. It can be very helpful to simply recommit to being of your highest service and allow the unfoldment from there, making your best and highest choices one Now moment at a time. If you do this, before you know it you will have moved far enough into the new energies to start to get a better feel of what they hold and how to flow with them, allowing yourself to be both the love and the beloved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 30

Many of you feel called to service but hesitate to step into it because you feel you need to be more – to learn more, to reach some new level of attainment or mastery. This thinking would be much like denying a child a hug because you feel you need to learn how to love more first. What if we told you your mastery grows and expands through service?
We love and honour you for wanting to be diligent and appropriate, but the fact that you wish to be of service automatically indicates you have something to offer others. You will have knowledge you have gained through your own experiences that will be helpful to others who are seeking guidance.
Simple service is often the most effective of all. There will always be something you have to offer, Dear Ones, because kindness and love are the universal healers, connectors, and uplifters, and you have an endless wellspring of both to share if you simply lead with your heart. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 29

Do you perpetually keep your success one step away? Do you believe in no pain, no gain? Do you think if you work hard enough you will eventually be rewarded? Do you think if you can just somehow be good enough you’ll be blessed? Are your rewards always coming but never seem to arrive?
The problem with all of those belief systems is they keep you out of your place of power which is the now moment. They depend upon some threshold being met, some future alignment that you hope will come. When is the pain enough for gain? When have you worked hard enough? At what point do you decide you are worthy enough?
Dear Ones, please hear us when we say that you are sovereign beings and you get to claim your energetics and alignment in this right now moment. There is not some secret measurement that decides if and when you are good enough to be rewarded because you are inherently good and worthy. The reason why those old beliefs will sometimes bear fruit is because you decide when you think you’ve worked hard enough to be worthy enough to receive and then allow the reward to come.
Of course, taking action towards goals is wonderful and how you expand and experience new things. But those steps should be taken because they bring you joy, are a means of how you wish to express yourself, and are working with the flow from a state of alignment, empowerment, and worthiness.
So how do you switch into creating from the power centre of the Now moment? Be present. Embrace your authentic goodness and sovereignty and allow it to lead the way. Be willing to receive in the right now moment. Practice gratitude to acknowledge the blessings and abundance you already have. Follow your heart. Connect and allow your abundance to pour to you directly from Source, because the fact is you have always been a beloved part of that greater whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 28

So many of you are dedicated to service, to making a difference, to giving. But are you equally adept at receiving?
Dear Ones, the universe works in ebbs and flows in order to create balance and support for everyone involved. Receiving is an essential component of being part of that whole.
Do you accept help? Can you love yourself enough to ask for help if you need it? Do you practice good self care? Do you see your needs as being equally important as everyone else’s? Can you accept a compliment?
Do you acknowledge your own innate goodness? Do you include yourself in your unconditional love? Can you allow yourself to shift from the old paradigm of martyred service into the new paradigm of joyful, supported service?
When you allow yourself to receive, you let others experience the joy that comes from service and giving. You let them lead with their hearts, and to connect with you in a loving way. From that perspective, you can see that receiving is just as much an act of service as giving is.
If you have been having issues with monetary abundance, you may wish to explore any ways you say no to receiving due to old habits or conditioning. How can you loosen that up and release those old beliefs? Have you been constricting how the universe can deliver to you? Can you make a declaration today that you are ready to surrender into a flow that includes receiving?
Do you see? Holding yourself separate is contrary to the ascension process which is focused on moving into unity consciousness. Embrace the joy of both giving AND receiving, and you will be working with the energies that are designed to lift everyone up in the most wonderful ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 27

Simply put, surrendering into the flow and staying there with your faith and trust is making the choice to see just how big and beautiful your life can be. It is consciously deciding to discover and explore the full potentials that exist for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 26

Dear Ones, one thing we wish for you to truly understand is the flow is fully customized to move at the exact pace that is perfect for you. If you are in an action phase, you are well prepared and supported in that forward movement. If you are in a lull phase, it is restorative, integrative, nurturing, and healing. Through your surrender you can beautifully ride the wave of what is being supported at any given time, masterfully harnessing the true gifts of each phase and being far more efficient with your own energies than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 25

You must release the belief that you must be hyper critical of yourself in order to be a good person. To always be on high alert for what is wrong with you is to be perpetually in resistance to yourself and your own divine truth.
Further, negative self focus impedes your ability to move into a healing flow for it holds you outside of your own love, support, guidance, and acceptance. All of these aspects are required to move your forward in an authentic and heart centred way.
Dear Ones, isn’t it time to extend the love and compassion you so willingly give to others to yourself? Your unconditional love, approval, and encouragement is the sunlight you require to bloom and grow in the most glorious ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 24

With so many opinions being presented about food and nutrition, it can be difficult to know what would be the best choice for you and your body. Many conflicting voices can result in you feeling unsure about any approach. Experts can convincingly present their opinions, which can make you feel like you must follow their way only. This can lead you to doubting your own divine capability and the innate wisdom that comes from your own body. Further, this uncertainty can create resistance and guilt around food, which knocks you out of the flow of receiving the sustenance your body is looking for.
Dear Ones, you are the expert on you. Listen to your body. Follow your intuition. If you use your awareness you can tell the difference between a craving that is your body seeking a specific nutrient (which is extremely common as you may have unusual requirements due to the ascension process) or whether it is seeking to fill a void with an external, which is an invitation for you to acknowledge the need and to be the love for yourself. Your nutritional requirements shift and change with the energetics of your planet as well as with your enlightenment process. There is no one size fits all program as your needs are continually shifting and evolving.
So how do you get more comfortable with food, your body, and your needs? Trust your own mastery! Listen. Rather than seeing your body as something that behaves mysteriously and separately from you, invite it into your loving embrace and care. Claim your sovereignty over all aspects of self. Find a new empowering truth about food that moves you into acceptance and ease with it. You might find a new intention such as, “My body absorbs the nutrients it needs from the food I eat easily and joyfully to lovingly increase my health, vibrancy, and beauty” as a wonderful place to start. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 23

Dear Ones, release the idea that you can only be one thing. It is very constraining!
Many of you have been conditioned to find one career, one job, one partner, one home, in order to be successful. In many cases you are expected to find these matches as soon as you step out onto your path as a young adult.
You are forever evolving and growing. What was an energetic match to you ten years ago, five years ago, last year, or even last month, may not be a match to you today, particularly in such rapidly shifting energies. The freedom to expand and shift is essential for your self expression as you move forward into the new energies.
This is not to say that your career or partner may not still be matches for you, particularly if they are evolving and growing along with you. The idea is to not rigidly hang onto anything that is no longer a match to you just because you have been conditioned to think you can only do one thing in order to be successful.
So grow. Evolve. Try many things. Don’t be afraid to move into something new if that is where your heart is leading you. You are so much more than one thing! You are multi-faceted beings and as such may have many different interests and talents. Embrace the continual unfoldment of you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 22

Dear Ones, you are more than capable in your ability to guide yourself forward in the most loving and empowered ways. It is as simple as stilling yourself for a moment asking, “What does my inner wise one want me to know today?” and then embracing the advice and/or knowingness you receive. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 21

So many of you have trouble trusting the unknown and staying in a state of surrender and flow long enough to move into intersections with your greatest opportunities. Allow us to remind you that your grandest creations come from the expanded field of potentiality that exists just beyond what you can see in your physical reality. There is no need to know all the details because magic and mystery are what make the secret sauce of your most delicious manifestations. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 20

Dear Ones, there is an incredibly intelligent system of evolution driving your ascension process. You are loved. You are supported. You cannot get it wrong. You are where you are because you are ready for it. And just as with any other co-creational manifestation, trust and find comfort in the fact that you do not need to know every detail in order to be successful with the unfoldment of it all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 19

Your full presence is one of the greatest gifts you can give another. Being with another without distraction and making them feel truly seen and accepted is a wonderful way of acknowledging, honouring, and celebrating who they are. In fact, being seen and understood in your truth is what so many of you yearn for because it is what you miss most from the energies of Home. So be present with yourself. Be present with others. Allow yourself to be seen, and take the time to truly see others. It is one of the most loving things you can ever do. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 18

Dear Ones, not embracing who you really are out of fear of falling into ego is a denial of self. There is a big difference between the bluster of the ego and the authenticity of simply showing up in your beingness and truth, for one seeks to separate while the other honours everyone involved. You, through your awareness, will always have the wisdom to know the difference. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 17

If you have wounds or an experience you are having trouble healing beyond, what if you observed it much as you would a past life? Can you take an observational viewpoint that allows you to acknowledge the entirety of the experience, the purpose, and ultimately the gifts of expansion it offered you? Can you honour that past you by embracing it and giving it the love, acknowledgement, and healing guidance it needs to evolve beyond that space once and for all? Can you wrap a blanket of peace over the entire situation from a space of wholeness and allow any limiting beliefs or carry overs to dissolve as you embrace the fullness of who you are today in the Now moment?
Ultimately all past experiences, whether they are from earlier in this incarnation, or from a pastlife, can be treated similarly, as they are not existing in your present moment. It is through your own inner wise one that you can nurture and guide any aspect of self back into the full potential of the present, which is where you access your truth and empowerment. Taking the same observational view as you would a pastlife and applying it any current life issues you are seeking to heal can be very helpful in allowing you to fully explore the experience, be your own loving healer, embrace any gifts it may have offered you, and leave the rest behind as it has served its purpose. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 16

Every time you doubt whether you are good enough you are denying your own innate goodness. We understand you are trying to be diligent and what drives this is a desire to be the best you can be, but a far better practice would be to just acknowledge your inherent goodness and allow it to lead the way. Doing so is a beautiful act of acceptance for yourself and moves you forward in the way that matches your truest intentions. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 15

If you are an enlightening human being, you are on the planet with a service contract. This means that you have been assisting the shift of consciousness that is occurring right now. Because ascension has been attempted before and was unsuccessful, you came into the body with an inherent seriousness, a dedication to service, and also a level of perfectionism because you wanted to leave no room for error.
Dear Ones, your efforts have been successful. The ascension process is well underway. You have supported it so well it has passed all critical junctures. This means you can start to lighten up your mission. It also means that there are others who are awakening into their own service missions who will willingly take over any roles that you vacate as you are drawn to shift away from the heavy lifting of the first phase of your incarnation, into a new phase that is filled with much more lightness and joy.
This is the shift from martyred service to joyful service. From duty to free self expression. From old potentials into pioneering the new. From easing out of your perfectionism into embracing the value and discovery that comes from experimenting and having new experiences. It is also a time of discovering new talents and interests as you are released from the old and begin to create yourselves anew from your latest level of attainment.
Many of you were scattered all over the planet in order to be of better service. This too will change. You may find yourselves being drawn to move to new locations and finally connecting with other like-minded souls. This will give you the opportunity to experience far more ease in your interactions with others, and to finally feel truly seen in your truth, understood, and valued. Rather than being a solitary support, you will finally experience community.
This is a grand and pivotal time of change. Each of the areas we have outlined by themselves would be profound for you. Combined together they are monumental. Follow your hearts. Put the light back in enlightenment. Allow yourselves to shift from one service to another and know that is the natural progression that comes from the accumulation of your efforts. These are wonderful times of potential with much to celebrate, discover, and create. Give yourself permission to explore one now moment at a time in the glorious unfoldment you are an active part of. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 14

Dear Ones, the greatest comfort you will experience will come by getting all parts of yourself in cooperation with your expansion and evolution. This means honouring and including both the head and the heart. How do you do that? By giving both jobs.
Allow your mind to create new broad intentions. Use it to see signs and synchronicities. Encourage it to notice things to be grateful for. Get your mind to formulate questions to ask the universe that can lead to wonderful new discoveries. All of these are wonderful uses of your mind and honour the human self.
Once your mind has done its job you can pass the baton from the head to the heart. The heart works through expansion, through love, through surrender, through flow. It supports empowered forward movement.
Do you see? The mind is the human operating system, the heart is the soul’s operating system. As a human being having a spiritual experience, both are essential. By using the innate gifts of each you can, with your wisdom and guidance, harness the full depth of experience they can offer by working together. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 13

Dear Ones, the fear of feeling your emotions is far worse than the actual feeling of the emotion. You are more than ready to sit in loving support to the parts of you that have been hurt or are seeking your attention. And the beautiful thing is, once you commit to doing so, they will dissipate very quickly.
By being willing to acknowledge, accept, and love any aspect of self that feels dismissed or neglected, you automatically heal any abandonment wounds. You shift out of separation into inclusion, from denial to acceptance, from neglect to honour, from fear to safety, from pain to comfort.
You can finally settle into the knowing that all of your needs can be met from your own loving inner wise one, however and whenever they rise up, which gives you the confidence and security to embrace the truth of your own innate wholeness, which allows you to move forward as a sovereign and empowered being. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 12

Dear Ones, what we wish for you to understand is that all movement is forward movement. Whether you are completely dedicated to your spiritual path, or whether you are exploring what it is not, you are gathering information that allows you to decide what resonates with you and how you wish to express yourself.

Even if a person is seemingly making one bad decision after another or is completely resistant to growth, they will eventually reach a place so painful that they will surrender and at that moment great forward movement occurs. It is when it becomes impossible to stay the same that people become non-resistant which opens the opportunity for expansion and rapid acceleration on their path.

The wonderful news is you cannot get it wrong. Whether you are evolving through rapid growth, going slowly, or through the thorough exploration of what it is not, they will all lead you to a place of greater clarity and expansion.

For some it is a faster path of embracing growth directly. For others it will be through the catalyst of the dark night of the soul. But for all of you, no matter what the pace or the method, your experiences provide information that allow you to gain clarity and ultimately forward movement, in whatever ways are most effective for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 11

If you have trouble embracing the flow, you might consider viewing it as Following Love Over Worry. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 10

Dear Ones, you are in charge of your energetics. The idea that any energy is stronger than you is simply not true. You are sovereign beings, and as such, are completely free to emanate your truth, light, and beingness without any sort of interference.
Not only are you more than capable of being in charge of your own energetics, you are also fully capable of being the bringer of energy, rather than the catcher of energy, in any situation.
This is all part of stepping into your authentic power – recognizing and embracing the fact that it is safe to brightly shine your own unique and beautiful vibrational light. In fact, that is exactly what you are on the planet, in the body, to do. We encourage you to release any old fear based stories that have suggested otherwise. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 9

What is the most gentle and loving thing you can do for yourself today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 8

Peace is a powerfully stabilizing energy. The more you can find your way into a place of peace, the more you serve not only yourselves, but others and your planet as well. But what if you cannot find the space of peace you crave?
Peace comes from the combination of faith and trust, acceptance and allowing. If you seek peace and find it elusive, focus on the development of its foundational elements. Deepen your faith through prayer or meditation. Nurture your trust by working with surrender and flow long enough to see how loved and supported you truly are by a universe that adores you.
By deepening your faith and trust, acceptance and allowing come next in the unfoldment. You accept that all things have purpose for you. You become willing to receive and to embrace the wisdom of universal timing. Further, you trust that the incredibly intelligent and loving system that is serving you serves others as well.
Peace comes not only from an alignment with Source but also from recognizing yourself as a beloved part of all that is. If you can’t get there directly, use the foundational stepping stones of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, which opens the elements of acceptance and allowing, which will naturally lead you into the sense of peace you desire. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 7

We wish to remind you that the greatest changes are always made one small step at a time. It is the accumulation of energy that comes from those consistent efforts that allows new vistas and possibilities to open to you. Taking it one now moment at a time lets you choose the best match to the energies you are in at any given time, which supports empowered forward movement. You don’t have to have all the answers when you begin, Dear Ones, because that is exactly what the unfoldment is for. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 6

Many enlightening human beings experience challenges with abundance. This can be due to old belief systems, or simply not wanting to be part of a system that is seen as separatist. You may be rejecting the old ways of the haves and the have nots.
You are on the planet during a time of complete transformation and all systems will be upgraded to reflect that. As you step into your embodiment, you start to experience yourself as part of all that is and understand as an empowered co-creator you have access to everything.
What if part of the ascension process is creating new templates of abundance that are based on connection rather than separation? What if living abundantly wasn’t just your birthright but part of your purpose? What if an aspect of your divine mission was to bring acceptance and new light templates into abundance in all its forms?
Would you find it easier to embrace it rather than hold yourself separate from it? Would you not only embrace your inherent worthiness but also the good that can come from abundance? Could you step away from the judgement of money as being good or bad, right or wrong, into simply seeing it as one of the many tools in your tool box?
If you understand that money and power go hand in hand, and that the theme on your planet right now is the reevaluation of power and personal empowerment, you will see that money and personal abundance will also be undergoing transformation. This is yet another wonderful aspect of service you will be providing as pioneers of an ascending planet – creating new ways of living abundantly that serve the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 5

Many of you are in the in-between phase. You have left what no longer works for you and have yet to fully connect into where you are going. This is actually a wonderful stage that serves a great purpose. When you have released the old and haven’t yet discovered the new, all you have is the Now moment. This phase allows you to fully develop presence, which is always your true point of power. It is an essential skill that will serve you well in navigating the unfoldment into the highest potentials that exist in the next phase of your incarnation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 4

We realize that for many of you trust is an issue. We have spoken of how people are evolving and changing. The question so many of you have is, “How do you know it is safe to let someone back into your life if they have hurt you?”
Most people, if they are being held accountable for actions that have been hurtful to others, will be anxious to smooth things over. They will promise to be different. They are invested in getting back to the way things were as quickly as possible. We understand that if you have been hurt, you are wanting to go back to before that hurt, as well. This can often lead to going back into a situation before real change has had a chance to occur.
People DO change and evolve, especially during such times of transformation. There are also people who have no intention of changing just yet. How do you know the difference? There are very specific things you will see in a person that is committed to change.
A person who is ready to change will demonstrate the following. There will be introspection and the realization that they no longer wish to continue the way they were. They will stop minimizing their behaviour and/or blaming others.
They will be self responsible by owning both the problem and acknowledging the hurt they have caused you. They will have a true inner desire to change their behaviour and how they express themselves, followed by taking action steps toward that change.
They may not be perfect in their path toward change, but there will be consistency in their efforts. You will observe a shift in their integrity that indicates their personal growth, and they will become much more transparent as a result.
Most people talk about who they want to be as a precursor to change. Their actions show you if that change is actually taking place. People who are committed to change and bettering themselves take action, do the work, and walk their talk.
During such times of energetic intensity you will see people taking giant leaps forward that pleasantly surprise you. Love people enough to give them the room to grow and evolve by making decisions based on who they are today. Love yourself enough to use your wisdom to see when change is truly occurring and if a person is safe to allow back into your inner circle, or whether you must love them from afar.
Continue to do your own work knowing that is the only thing you truly have control over, and ultimately those efforts are always reflected back to you. And know that all of it has purpose, and that people will grow and evolve whenever it is divinely perfect for them and their own unique life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 3

Just as you can find it difficult to gauge your own growth, it can also be difficult to recognize subtle growth in another. But rest assured, growth IS occurring for all souls on the planet. How do you know? If you are in the body, on the planet at this time, you are evolving.
The best way to experience your own, and another’s levels of attainment, is to be present. The now moment is really all you ever have. To be attached to the past is painting yourself or another with energy that could very well be expired, which would be a great disservice to everyone involved. To be in the future is to have an attachment to how you think things should look which can be very constraining and limiting to all parties involved.
The present is the space of potentiality that allows you to experience your truth and the truth of others in their most current form, and to assess your relationships from there. It is from that space with your expanded awareness, along with your faith and trust in your own wisdom and commitment to your own evolution and wellness, that you will always make your most empowered decisions and find your best energetic matches. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 2

When you make heart-centred choices for yourself, your compassion becomes complete. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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