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Judgment is looking at something with a focus towards what is wrong with it and using that assessment to perpetuate separation. Observation is looking at something and seeing it as an opportunity for your own expansion while staying in a place of connection.

Judgment is an act of resistance or rejection, while observation is an act of inclusion and acceptance. As judgment is the precursor to separation, many human beings will go out of their way to avoid judgment, often denying themselves their own preferences in order to please others.

Dear Ones, if someone is judging you, the fact that they are judging you tells you they are not qualified to do so. They do not know your soul’s agenda, your path, your purpose, or the bigger picture of what you are wishing to experience. All they know is that whatever they are judging about you would not be their individual preference.

Beings that have the ability to see the entire picture of you and your soul’s journey, would not have any interest in judging you at all. They would only see your divine perfection exactly as you are, and would be operating from a place of complete acceptance and unconditional love. So to be clear, the only beings who would be qualified to judge you would have no interest to do so at all.

Judgment is a practice that perpetuates itself. You fear judgment so you are on high alert for judgment from others. This will only keep you in a cycle that is contrary to what your soul is truly seeking – inclusion, acceptance, and unconditional love.

So we urge you to start to shift that old habit. Can you simply observe others and honour them as being masters in their own right, regardless of where they are on their individual paths? Can you use your observation as an informational tool to further define and grow yourself, rather than as a means of making others wrong? Can you expand into the idea that other’s struggles can be service to you if you can learn from their experiences?

Can you love and include people even if they are making choices you would not make? Can you trust that they have their own team of guides and helpers that are there to assist and guide them? Can you step back from telling people what to do and trying to fix and control them into being a loving support that is always there for them should they reach out for your help and advice in a way that is safe, accepting, and empowering?

Can you break out of the habit of judging yourself and finally let yourself off the hook for what you consider to be your mistakes and simply and lovingly appreciate the gifts that came from the experiences you had to further help you define yourself? Can you give yourself, and others, the very essence of what you are all yearning for – the safety of acceptance however you choose to express yourself that matches what your soul wishes to experience?

Be easy with yourselves, Dear Ones, and be easy with others, for you are all doing the best that you can at any given moment, and you are all glorious, magnificent souls wherever you of are on your journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, we admire the fact that so many of you are following more natural and holistic approaches to healing. There is much wisdom in this and the earth provides so much of what you need! There may be times, however, where you do need more traditional medicine to move into a model of whole health.

There is a tendency when you have lost faith in something, or found limitations with, to swing to the opposite end of the spectrum. This is a natural part of finding balance. The right solution for you, however, may be somewhere in the middle.

We urge you to not become rigid in your thinking, but rather to consider all available options. Many people find their way to alternative medicine after they have exhausted all the potentials traditional medicine offers them.

Others may need to explore traditional medicine as an add in if more natural practices have not given them what they require. What we are trying to say is if you do not become rigid, in many cases, you will find a blend that may include both as your perfect formula for wellness.

Use your wisdom and intuition to find what is the right blend for your own health and wellness. Do not absolutely exclude anything due to a belief system, but rather stay open to where the flow of healing is trying to take you. If you have tried your preferred approaches to no avail and find yourself being taken to the doorstep of traditional medicine in order to heal, it is not a failure, but rather a combination of elements that meets your own unique physicality and needs.

Know that ultimately it all comes from a Source that adores you and wishes for you and your vehicle (body) to thrive. You will find your way to your own ideal mix if you stay open and allow yourself to be led to the supports that are best for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Much of the energetic focus of this year will be on you stepping forward as an empowered creator of your life expression. Many of you have good ideas about what you would like to create and experience, but hold yourselves back because you feel if you don’t have all of the elements to create your desire in its entirety you can’t begin. This couldn’t be further from the truth!

Every step you take forward toward your dream, no matter how small, is a powerful act for several reasons. First, it is loudly stating your intention to the universe which immediately starts to move energy. Second, it is moving you forward to the discovery of more elements which will further define what you are creating. For every new platform you step onto, however small, you are able to see things you couldn’t have if you had stayed where you were.

But most importantly, taking steps towards your desires and what will bring you joy is a profound act of self love and honouring your soul, which is always what we wish for you and how you can best serve yourselves and others.

So dream, Dear Ones, but also understand that there is always something you can do to demonstrate your energetic willingness to start to experience that dream. If you understand and embrace the idea that creation is a process of unfoldment rather than an instant manifestation, you will be well on your way to your next grand expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, we understand that so many of you are very focused on your healing, particularly of any old emotional wounds or abuse issues. This is important work, and we honour you for your diligence.

We encourage you to take a multi-faceted approach to working through those emotional wounds, just as we advocate a multi-faceted approach for physical healing. This includes looking at several aspects of whatever issue you are looking at healing beyond.

It is difficult to go back into an old wound, but if it is still active in you, it is letting you know there is more there for you to explore. We recommend acknowledging that it is there, ready for your love and attention. Then, as your own loving guide and parent, allow yourself to truly feel the emotions that are attached to that event or time in your life. Once you have felt the emotions, imagine stepping in as your own hero and give yourself the love, compassion, honour, and safety you did not receive at that time.

This is a very good first step. Fully acknowledging its existence starts to shine a light on what has been hiding or avoided for a very long time, which allows transformation to begin to occur. It is so important to be kind, gentle, and loving with yourself throughout this process. Use your wisdom to move at a pace that is right for you, and don’t hesitate to reach out for additional supports to help you should you require them.

Next, we ask you to examine any belief systems or disempowering vows you may have created from this old experience. Have you put up walls around your heart? Have you promised not to love or trust again? Explore any ways you may have tried to create a sense of control from that painful place and ask yourself if that truly matches you in your truth and what you really wish to experience.

If it does not, see those old beliefs or contracts dissolved in whatever way feels appropriate to you, and replace them with what feels more in line with what you truly want. For example, you may wish to replace a statement like, “I will never trust again” with the more empowering “I trust wisely and with discernment”.

Once you are done exploring the experience, we recommend that you then shift into looking at it much like you would a pastlife – from a more distant space of observation. What purpose did this experience serve? Why did your soul agree to it? What gifts came from it? How did it shape you for the rest of your incarnation?

For example, many enlightening souls have abusive backgrounds. It came with much pain and feelings of powerlessness from having the experience of being victimized. The gift of the experience is that it kept their sensitivities to energies high and allowed them to develop a deep compassion for others, both of which has set them up to best be of service later in their lives.

See the roles being played out by everyone involved and then see an energetic release occur between all parties. See any cords or attachments being dissolved. You may have a new, deeper understanding of how your abuser was also abused, deeply wounded, or fearful, or receive other pieces of information that allow you to shift out of the ties that have bound you to this painful event and take your power back.

Last, we recommend that you ask whatever divine helper you feel guided to work with to help you transmute any leftover energy that hasn’t been addressed. Mother Mary is an ideal resource to work with to fully heal and receive the unconditional love and nurturing you may have felt you were missing. Allow your helpers to assist you in your healing and moving back into the wholeness that is always available for you to return to.

By approaching any issue that you have struggled with healing in this way, you are first allowing your human self to begin, then you are shifting into looking at the issue through the higher self, and also activating the help and assistance of your unseen team of helpers. This creates a trinity of healing, if you will, which will bring in all necessary resources to fully explore and release what’s been begging for attention and resolution once and for all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


You are grand experimenters in the realm of experience. There is a myriad of options available to you all the time! Because there are so many options available to you, much like a grand buffet from the universe, there may be things that are not your taste or preference. You get to choose what you put on your plate!

If there is something you don’t care for, you don’t have to petition to have it removed from the buffet, because you realize there may be others who actually like what you don’t care for. You can simply move on to the next thing that appeals to you.

There is no need to continue to engage with or push against what is unwanted, Dear Ones. Simply move on as the empowered co-creator of your life experience, grateful for living a life that comes with so many options, and know that all that is required from you is to choose your preferences, whatever they may be that day. It doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


“What are the gifts for me in this right Now moment?” is an excellent question to ask, for it immediately shifts your focus to acceptance, expansion, gratitude, and acknowledging that the universe is always, always loving, serving, and supporting you in a multitude of ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, so many of you find yourselves in a situation where your employment is no longer an energetic match to you. It is becoming more and more uncomfortable for you to stay in that position, but you do because you are concerned that if you leave you will not have enough money.

The fact that you are becoming increasingly uncomfortable in any situation is a sign that there is something better available to you. Your discomfort serves the purpose of making you ready to let go of the old to embrace the new. If you felt comfortable whatever the circumstances, you would never consider change and expansion!

What we want you to know is that your next perfect energetic match will always have the full potential to support and serve you. But more than that, we want you to understand your level of montary abundance is an alignment that you have created. It is not dependant upon any job or circumstances, it is your level of energetic allowing. It goes with you everywhere you go.

What may choke out that stream of abundance is your fear that you won’t have enough, which constricts your flow and makes it difficult for you to receive or create in an empowered way. We urge you to think of a time when you had the greatest amount of ease and money in your life and fully understand if you created that alignment once, you can create it again. It did not come from externals, it came from you.

We also want you to understand that if you step forward in your highest service, whatever that may be and however it may show up, you are always, always supported. Your service path is your highest life expression, and where your soul beckons you to go. The abundance will manifest for you in many ways if you allow yourself to step into that flow. When God is your employer, the benefits are good. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


We wish to reiterate part of yesterday’s transmission (Feb 7, 2018) as we feel it deserves greater focus. We stated, “We want you to understand your level of monetary abundance is an alignment that you have created. It is not dependant upon any job or circumstance, it is your level of energetic allowing. It goes with you everywhere you go.”

Trying, forcing, efforting, or any other means of control, is not going to create alignment, Dear Ones, as all those tactics are often driven by feelings of separation, fear, and disempowerment. Moving into alignment and allowing is being willing to flow and accept.

Trying so hard is unlikely to get you where you wish to go, because trying hard indicates struggle. Ease is a necessary part of creation for it confidently moves with the natural flow of the universe. It may be helpful to ask yourself if you are trying or if you are flowing.

You have never needed to anything to prove your worthiness. You are part of the whole, and as such, have access to everything within the whole. The old system of having to work hard before you deserve anything is a faulty belief system and is ready for release.

So if you are struggling with your own abundance, we ask you to explore how well you accept and allow. If someone compliments you, do you gracefully receive that compliment or do you downplay it? If someone offers to help you, do you gratefully receive the help or do you tell them you’re ok on your own?

If you find that accepting help is difficult, consciously focus on saying yes to the love and support that has been trying to make its way to you. Be aware that to fully embrace abundance, you must be willing to move into the ebb and flow of the rhythm of the universe, which means both giving AND receiving.

This is a very common theme for enlightening human beings – many find it much easier to give than receive. That is choosing partial alignment by leaving yourself out of the half of the flow of abundance that wishes to serve you!

How about trusting the universe to decide how much it wishes to bring to you rather than you limiting yourself with what you think is possible or appropriate? We guarantee you that Source has a much higher opinion of what you deserve than you do.

Why not start asking, “Universe, what would you like to gift me with today?” If you can surrender into that flow of potential and stay there, you will be amazed by how much more has been available to you all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


The fastest way to experience your own innate worthiness is to start to play with the energies of surrender, faith, flow, and trust. There is no special preparation or initiation or level of attainment required in order to move into receiving the support and guidance of Source, just a pure, heartfelt declaration of surrender, which is the entry point of the Divine Combination.

It is through your openness to start to use those essential elements of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, that you will make the profound and moving discovery that there was nothing you ever needed to do but let yourself be led and loved. This will allow you to experience for yourself the complete unconditional love and acceptance we have for you exactly as you are. And you begin to understand your incredible power as a co-creator as you steer your flow with gratitude.

Do you see? There is not one reason for you to continue to wait or go it alone when you have an entire universe filled with beings who adore you and whose greatest joy and purpose is to serve and guide you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


When you make yourself wrong all the time, you are practicing resistance to yourself. How on earth can you grow and thrive if you are negating yourself, your feelings, or your own wisdom?

We understand that you are mindful and empathic, so you like to be sure before you proceed in any given area. Those are wonderful traits to have, but what we wish is that you consciously start to trust and honour your feelings.

So many of you are in a pattern of feeling something energetically, and then denying it to be sure, or giving your power away by listening to someone else’s opinion, rather than allowing yourself to be assume your role of being the expert on you. No one else knows your soul agenda, what you wish to experience, or what are the perfect energetic matches for you.

So you deny what you feel because you want to be sure, or you don’t want to disappoint anyone, feeling deeper and deeper discomfort for yourself, creating a battle between your mind and your heart, until it becomes impossible to stay in that energy one moment longer and you finally have to move on what you have felt was right for you all along. You could save yourselves so much time and angst if you simply started to accept and trust yourselves.

We are not for a second recommending that you should behave recklessly. You have already shown that is not in your nature. What we are suggesting is that you feel into what is right for you with your mindful and sensitive hearts and then honour the wisdom that is within you that is always fully capable of navigating you.

With a little practice you will start to find that you can move forward in your life expressions with far greater grace and ease if you accept your divine capability as your own empowered leader. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


It is perfectly normal to feel some discomfort and anxiety when being presented with new, fast moving energies. It is much like being on skates and being propelled forward before you have established your balance.

But if you don’t panic and start testing out how to move with the energy, getting your body to relax and find where the balance points are, before you know it you will be gliding along with a level of skill and ease you couldn’t have imagined possible.

You have assimilated and shifted a tremendous amount of energy over the past several years. You are embodying energies that simply would not have been sustainable in the body a mere decade ago. You have this skill!

Trust in the fact that you have the divine intelligence within your body to evolve – your body and your lightbody know exactly what they are doing. Your job is to support them in that evolution by being non-resistant, letting them take the lead, and honouring what they ask for.

So flow, Dear Ones! Celebrate whenever you are presented with new energies because it indicates success in integration and the fact that the next level is now available to you. Have faith in your incredible competency, and know that your energetic mastery just continues to grow and hone itself, as you continue to move forward in the most remarkable ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


So many of you are concerned with where you are experiencing blockages in your lives. We understand that if you have belief systems that are not in line with what you would like to create, it can be difficult to identify them as they often come from conditioning you have had your entire lives. They feel normal to you because they have been there for so long. We would like to suggest a technique for you today that may help you identify where you have limiting belief systems.

When you have some time to yourself, we recommend sitting down and writing out a letter outlining your frustration in your life. Write it from the heart, allowing your emotions to pour out. Don’t be concerned with the language you use or your spelling or grammar. This is an exercise of just allowing those feelings and frustrations to flow in a pure and unencumbered way. This is an act of honouring the part of you that is confused and feeling powerless.

Then we suggest that you put the letter aside and do something that gets you into a better space of alignment. You may wish to walk in nature, spend time in an activity you enjoy, meditate, pray, or whatever else helps you feel good.

There is no rush, but whenever you are in a better feeling space, revisit your letter and read it as if someone else wrote it. This is not about making your feelings or anything about your letter wrong! You are not there to judge the letter, rather to simply examine it from a different perspective.

As you read it through, ask yourself if the belief systems that come through are really true. Why did you feel that way? Were you taught things that aren’t in line with what you wish to create? Is the part of you who wrote the letter empowered or afraid? How can you step in and help that part of you that is feeling so much frustration and pain?

Language can indicate limiting declarations of self or old soul contracts. Ask yourself if the statements are true. The universe will always agree with what you declare to be true for you. Are the statements you’ve written what you want the universe to say yes to? Can you shift your focus to where you wish to go?

What new approaches can you create that honour who you are and what you want and deserve to experience? How can you rewrite old soul contracts (vows or declarations that are disempowering) into new positive affirmations that better match what you truly want? An example of this might be rewriting “I will never trust again” to the far more empowering “I trust wisely and with discernment”.

Most of your letter may express the idea that you are separate in some way and forced to navigate life alone or without support. How can you shift that belief into accepting the love and support of Source and an entire universe that wants to help you?

You may wish to examine your letter for several days. Pay attention to how it may trigger you. Really feel into where it is most energetically charged. How can you show up for that part of you? How can you offer the love, support, and redirection you are desperately needing? In no way is this exercise an excuse to beat yourself up. This is a wonderful opportunity to make new discoveries about yourself so you can show up and support yourself with greater love and understanding.

Once you have gleaned all that you can from your letter, and met that part of you with your love and compassion, you can make a ceremony of letting the letter go. You may wish to burn it, or whatever other activity feels right to you to release it and all the frustration and confusion with it.

Do you see what you have done? You have written a letter from your lower self to your higher self, from the part of you that experiences itself as separate to the part of you that is always connected, to receive your own divine guidance. You may even wish to write a letter back to your lower self from your higher self!

Thank yourself for being so brave and honest, and for showing up for yourself so lovingly and with so much understanding and wisdom, and you will be ready to move forward in a much more empowered and congruent way that is so much better able to get you where you’ve been wanting to go all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, there are two elements that are great expanders – love and imagination. So if you are trying to move into grander new experiences, we highly recommend that you use both!

Love! Give love. Receive love. Allow love to flow to you and through you. Think of what you love. Imagine what else you could do with that love! What would you love to try? What would you love to experience?

Allow your imagination free rein to think of new ways you could experience being and doing what you love, and you will start to open yourselves up to the magic of creation that comes from allowing your soul to expand in all the ways only your unique energy can do.

To be clear, to do so is to anchor heaven on earth, for your love and imagination are both bridges that connect you with vast energy of Source, where all things are possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


On this day where the focus is on love, you may feel celebration for the love that you have, you may feel a heightened awareness of what you perceive as the absence of love in your life, or you may be sitting in a space of judgment waiting to see if someone will show you what you consider to be an appropriate display of love for you. What if you treated Valentine’s Day much the same way you do Thanksgiving? What if the basis of the day could be simply gratitude with no expectation?

“But Gabriel”, you may say. “I don’t have love in my life right now. How can I practice gratitude for what I don’t have?” Please understand that every single symbol of love you see, whether it is in a store, on television, or online, is clear evidence from the universe that love is not only making its way to you, love is responding to your essence! You would not see any of it if it were not so.

For every rose, every heart, every lover’s kiss you may see, it is showing you that you are a vibrational match to love and how close it is drawing to you. Be open to the energy of love that surrounds you, grateful for the signs that it is all around you, and through that gratitude you will be open to both the giving and receiving of love. You will be celebrating its presence rather than absence. You will use the day to move into even greater vibrational alignment with it.

If you have gratitude for every bit of love that shows up from your loved one if you are in a partnership, you will be anchoring the energy that can only support the experience of more and more love. It is appreciation more than any other element that will keep your love vibrant and alive.

But more than anything, if you can take this day of love as a beautiful opportunity to shine the love that you are, you will be sending ripples of love across the universe in a grand declaration of self, and that, Dear Ones, is a glorious thing to behold.

We also hope you will open your hearts to receive the tremendous love we have for you, as it is our joy to express it to you. Celebrating the love that is always there, in its many forms, is how to magnify its presence in your life, today and always. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Do you keep yourselves from thriving due to some feeling of guilt, shame, or regret? We love you for your tender hearts and for the fact that you have discovered that something was not your true energetic match. But keeping yourselves tethered to such old energy cannot help you do what you really wish to do, which is to move forward in a more authentic and empowered way.

If you have made what you consider to be a mistake, the fact that you have already discovered it was not your highest choice is enough to ensure that you will not do it again. You now have clarity and a greater sense of direction moving forward.

The greatest way to move beyond your regrets is not to continue to punish yourself, which would be consciously choosing to stay in energies that do not allow growth or expansion, it is to use it as motivation to expand into a more conscious and empowered version of you.

And that, Dear Ones, is making a positive out of what you consider a negative, by not only guiding yourself with newfound wisdom but also being a wonderful example of the best way to make amends – by fully understanding a situation and allowing it to guide you into the person you truly wish to be. By doing so, you can find the gift and the purpose in every one of your experiences. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, it is very difficult for you to remember and apply what you know from a place that is out of balance and out of alignment. Much like you can’t hear a radio station if you aren’t tuned into the channel properly, you can’t hear your own wisdom, inner knowingness, and guidance systems through the static of being out of your highest energetic alignment.

So we urge you to understand that you can’t create solutions or peace for yourselves if you aren’t in a place that supports it. What we are saying is if you are faced with any challenge, get yourself into whatever puts you into your alignment that allows you to see things in a clearer, more empowered way before you start making decisions or taking action.

It may be driving in the car, taking a bath or being near a body of water (water is always a great amplifier of energy), walking in nature, meditation, simply sitting with yourself with an intention to connect, moving your body in a way that feels good to you, asking your guides to lead you, doing an activity you love, or simply practicing gratitude.

Experiment! Find what helps you consistently get into a place of greater stillness and peace. It doesn’t matter what the activity itself is, just that it helps you get into a better feeling energetic alignment.

A sign that you have found it is you will generally experience time distortion when you have found an alignment that works for you. Time distortion (the experience of being surprised that you have been at an activity for a long time when it has felt like hardly any time has passed at all) is always an indicator you have shifted into a higher energetic space, as higher vibrating energies are not experienced in a linear way.

Another helpful thing you can do is write your out of balance self a letter when you are in alignment, reminding yourself what you know. So if you have an old disempowering belief system you tend to slide back into, write a letter to yourself reminding yourself that it is no longer true for you and why. And make sure you take the time to read the letter if you find yourself struggling with the same old issue!

So, if you do find yourself in an uncomfortable place, we urge you to be kind and gentle with yourselves. Don’t blame or chastise yourself. Honour your feelings and then love yourself enough to get into a better feeling space where you can better access all the wonderful and empowering knowledge you have gathered along your enlightenment journey. From there you will be much better able to find the solutions you seek, and get back into the flow of embracing your authentic power and ability to grow, evolve, and create in a much more empowered way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


As the earth and her inhabitants continue to make great progress in both their individual and connected ascension journeys, you may find yourself in different geographical locations than you could have imagined. Some people may, after a long period of feeling stuck in one place, finally experience movement and find themselves relocating to a different city, area, or country. Others may be drawn to certain areas to visit, or may even suddenly end up in a place they never could have imagined going to. There are several reasons for this.

Some enlightening human beings had been staying put in one place as assistance to the planet. They were anchoring light in one specific area as part of a service contract. For some of you, that contract is now complete, opening the door for you to go elsewhere.

Others may suddenly be drawn to an area to begin new service contracts in specific areas, bringing in new services that raise the vibration of the area, or simply using their own energetics to support the planetary grids. Or the new area could offer you the exact energetics required for you to shift into the growth and expansion of the next phase of your own enlightenment journey.

Some of you have been drawn to places, also to be of service to reactivate crystals that you yourself had placed on the planet for safekeeping in previous lifetimes. This is a particularly profound aspect that is happening on your planet. You had so much faith in humanity that you planned to return as a future self to activate the crystals when the time was right.

That is how sure you were that the ascension would happen. This is joyous service for the souls involved in these actions. It also creates a shift in energy as each human being on this type of service contract has a corresponding seed crystal within that also activates.

And still others of you are venturing out to areas you haven’t visited during this lifetime to do your own soul retrieval – showing up where you had fragmented in other life expressions and retrieving these fragments in profound and empowered healing of yourself.

So trust, Dear Ones! If you find yourself in a place unexpectedly, there is purpose behind it. If you are required somewhere, you will find yourself swept there as if by magic. It is all unfolding beautifully for your planet and your souls. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, if the moment the spark of a new dream or potential came into your awareness, you immediately started nurturing it by thinking about all things that could support it rather than all the reasons it couldn’t happen, you’d feed its continual expansion and be astounded at what is really possible. It has never been that you couldn’t have more. The most limiting habit human beings have is cutting off their dreams before they have a chance to come to fruition. Are you feeding or starving your dreams? Those inspirations are nudges from your soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


We understand you equate worry with love, but if another knows you are always worrying about them, it sends the message that you don’t think they are competent or able to run their own lives. This can feed fear, doubt, and stagnation, and perpetuate staying in a disempowered state.

What if you started seeing and celebrating all the ways your loved ones are capable? What if you encouraged them to start connecting with their own strength, wisdom, and preferences? What if you could release the idea of right and wrong and start to see the incredible value that comes with all experience? What if you had faith in the fact that every single person on the planet is masterful in their own right and has their own soul agenda and team of helpers?

We will tell you what would happen. You would encourage others to step into their own authentic power and to make the profound discovery of how incredibly able they are. You would become a safe person for them to be authentic with, by your expression of acceptance, connection, and unconditional love. And that, Dear Ones, is supporting those you love into self trust, expansion, and making choices that will help them grow and thrive in the ways that best match them and their incarnation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


An amazing thing happens when you make your self care a priority. At first you may need to concentrate more on yourself if you have had a habit of putting others consistently ahead of your own needs in order to get yourself balanced out. But then what will happen is you will have more patience, more energy, and more stability for others because you will already have everything you need. Your self care serves everyone, and sets a wonderful model for others to honour their own needs, too. To be clear, selfishness serves the one, while self care serves the whole. There is nothing selfish about making your own self care equally important as everyone else’s. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


The area of your life that you feel most blocked in is likely the one where you feel there are little to no options for improvement. While it may seem that way to you from where you are, this is never true. To believe so is much like painting yourself into an energetic corner, Dear Ones. It is settling for constriction and constraint, which is a very uncomfortable place to be, indeed.

It is not that there are no options for improvement, for there is a vast and varied universe available to you to pull from. It is just that you cannot see those options from your vantage point, and for most humans, seeing is believing. Take a moment to stop and really examine your self talk about that topic. Is it so limiting that you there is no room for you to allow new solutions to come forth?

You are part of a team. You are a member of the ground crew. Your team of helpers are there, always, to assist you in the areas beyond what you can see. As a human being, your first response is to navigate within what you see are potentials. When you have exhausted those options, it is time to pass the baton to your team who can see all the potentials and possibilities that you simply cannot see from your vantage point. Further, they can lead you to those potentials the most direct way possible.

Do you see? You work within the realm of physicality first, and when you have gone as far as you can go that way it is time to shift into the energies that exist beyond. Allow your experts to guide you. It is their greatest joy to assist you in discovering the magic and wonder of all that is possible through co-creation. Starting to play with the energies of surrender, faith, flow and trust, will allow you to make the empowered shift from seeing is believing to believing and then seeing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


It is very common if you have been out of balance in any area of your life to swing wildly to the other end of the spectrum in your desire to correct it. This is a prevalent theme both individually and collectively on your planet right now. But if you continue to use your awareness and continue along your enlightenment journey, what will happen is you will eventually find your way to a centre range of far greater balance and consistency. As each of you find your way into that space, you anchor the energies which further supports others shifting into greater balance on your planet, as well. Never underestimate the power your own growth and constancy has, Dear Ones, for it is always service for all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, when you are open to healing it will show up for you in so many ways. There will be energetic influxes that assist you in releasing. There will be other energies available for you to integrate to shift you into new vibrational states that reflect and support your growth.

You will be led to areas on your planet that support your healing. Energetic cords to others that no longer are in resonance with you will dissipate. The universe will bring brand new solutions and potentials into your awareness that you didn’t know existed. You will even move through various stages of healing through your dream states, which is a very prevalent theme right now.

Do you see? There is an entire universe filled with love and support for you that will bring to you everything you need the second you are ready for it. Trust in the system. The only thing you really need to do is to be open and accepting, and by doing so it will unfold in the ways that are divinely perfect for you and your own unique energetics. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


So many of you feel you need to develop mediumship in order to communicate with spirit. While that certainly is one way, it is far from the only way we communicate with you!

Please don’t put off the joy of working with spirit thinking you need certain skills in order to begin. There are so many ways we interact with you! A simple heartfelt desire and being open to how answers show up are all that are required.

There are so many ways you can connect with us! Sit quietly and with your inner voice ask us to come make our presence known to you. Make sure to check in with yourself first so you know how you are feeling so you can discern if there are any differences. Spirit works with subtle energies so it is important to really use your awareness.

If you feel nothing, it doesn’t mean you have failed! It simply means that the easiest way to connect with you is by another means at the moment. Know that every time you intend to connect with us, you are supporting that energy, and it will get stronger and more pronounced over time.

Watch for signs. We love to leave you presents in the form of coins or feathers or anything else that would have meaning to you. It brings us so much joy to delight you with song, with cloud formations, with other gifts from nature, or by creating divine intersections where you are in the right place at the right time for something amazing to occur. Being in a space of flow and open acceptance makes these connections very easy to orchestrate.

Ask and be ready to receive! You may just be amazed at how we can show up for you in so many ways, and all of them are equally special and valid. In fact, your attitude of gratitude for however things show up paves the way for even more connections to happen. If you haven’t already, you can start your very own partnership with spirit today. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


So many of you are wishing to move into divine intersections – those experiences of being in the right place at the right time in order to move into your next phase of creation. If you are desiring to meet the next great love of your life, find a solution to move beyond a blockage, discover your next meaningful service path, or the ideal place to live, all of them come together as divine intersections. Simply put, a divine intersection is aligning you with the discovery of your next highest experience.

A divine intersection occurs from your guides orchestrating the events for you for your greatest good along with the cooperation of both your higher self and your human self. The events seem to flow and unfold as if by magic to place you exactly where you need to be at precisely the right moment. One of the things we delight in the most is creating the alignments and perfect timing to allow these elements to come together. It is great fun!

But you must be willing to move. It is impossible to direct a human being that is completely resistant, tied to the expired energy of the past, or focused on what is unwanted, for that is energetically having your heels dug in. The growth and expansion you seek always exists beyond what you have already experienced, but if you are using your free will to stay where you are, we will always lovingly honour that decision.

So what do you need to do in order to experience more of these divine intersections in your life? It requires your cooperation to let go and be led to your next grand potential, even if you have no idea what or where that might be.

Non-resistant human beings are incredibly easy to move around, to surprise and delight, and to also be the answer to the prayers of others. This means that the more you work in the energies of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, the more you are open and able to experience the wonder of the universe directing and assisting you. This is why we advocate the use of surrender and flow so consistently for you, Dear Ones, for it allows us to step forward and help guide you in the most wonderful ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Is your human self cooperating with your higher self and your guides and helpers through the use of surrender, faith, flow, and trust to move forward in the most amazing and empowered ways possible? It is when all those aspects come together that the ideal team is formed that makes the greatest co-creations happen. Your highest self and your guides are always ready and waiting for you to join them in the creation of your most wonderful life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


There is a part of you that prefers to exist within the energies of what it already knows. It perceives predictability and the lack of movement as safety, so it will often do whatever it can to stay the same, often through the use fear and doubt. But you cannot create big change and expansion by staying within energies that have already been experienced. The fact that you are seeking lets you know that what you are wanting exists in the energies beyond where you are. If where you are held the changes you seek, you would already be experiencing them.

So how do you start moving forward more comfortably? We recommend doing things one now moment at a time. You make the wisest decisions for yourself by taking things as they come. Move forward one step and then see what is possible and the next best choice from there. Surrender and see what shows up, and then navigate from there. Follow the signs and synchronicities as they are a sure indicator that you are being loved and guided along the way.

Take the time to reassure the part of you that does experience fear and doubt by being your own loving parent, spirit guide, and best friend. Let that part of you know that you are wise and empowered and will make sure it is safe and an included and cherished part of your forward movement.

You don’t need to know all the answers all at once, Dear Ones, because true expansion, growth, and change is a process of unfoldment that can be not only navigated with greater ease but enjoyed as you go, much as you can enjoy the scenery as you drive towards a destination on a route you have never travelled before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


There are so many things you can do if you are not sure how to proceed in your life. You can simply be present and embrace the opportunity to get some rest and more clarity. You can practice gratitude, which is a wonderful energetic sorting and feedback tool. You can ask for signs or guidance on what the next steps are. You can practice self love and acceptance. You can play with the divine combination which is surrender, faith, flow, and trust.

You could ask yourself, “If I didn’t know one person on this planet, what would I do?” which is a wonderful way of getting in touch with your own preferences. You can stop and still yourself and connect with your own divine heart which is full of wisdom. Or you can simply shift into an activity that brings you joy, much like children will leap at the chance to play and enjoy free time if they suddenly get let out of school early.

Do you see? There are so many things you can do that support your forward movement, growth, expansion, and co-creation, regardless of where you are on your journey. Again we say you do not need to have all the answers, you simply must be willing to allow the unfoldment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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