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July 31

Everything goes in cycles, and each cycle contains elements that serve you well for whichever energetic phase you are in. There is great wisdom in opening up and embracing whatever phase you are in with appreciation, faith, and trust, for by doing so you will harness its benefits with the utmost grace and ease.
Change and expansion are the nature of the universe. Know that each phase only lasts exactly as long as it serves you, not one moment longer. If you can take a broader perspective, you will understand that each perfectly prepares you for the next, and combined they create a model for wonderful, supported, and balanced forward movement.
So trust, Dear Ones. Know that you are part of a process that is incredibly intelligent and designed to love you forward. It is through your faith and trust, accepting and allowing, that you will find the greater peace you seek through it all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 30

Judgment creates separation and resistance which stalls forward movement and growth. Acceptance supports connection, flow, and expansion. Appreciation brings out the best in everyone. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 29

As you move forward during these times of transformation, you may find yourself feeling called to change your service, or to step into service for the first time. A sign of this is finding that your old service or profession is no longer being as energetically supported as it once was. This is always an indicator that you are vacating an old position and preparing for a new one.
Do not worry if you do not know what direction to go in or what exactly the new will look like. This is a glorious unfoldment! Re-committing to being of your highest service is a powerful action you can take as you prepare to step into the next exciting phase of your journey.
This is a time of joyful expansion and discovery. Be open to however the next expanded version of your purpose wants to show up, secure in the fact that it will be absolutely perfect for you. Follow your heart and the flow, and before you know it you will be in the tangible phase of experiencing the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 28

If you can see expressing love as an exhale, and receiving love as an inhale, you will see that both the giving and receiving are essential to your balance and well-being. The in and out is part of the natural flow of the universe that is designed to support you in all ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 27

Staying anchored in trust is an expression of embodiment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 26

A very profound thing happens when you shift from your mind into your heart. Your comfort no longer comes from predictability but rather from freedom, and that is where your greatest discoveries can be made and your soul’s joyful purpose experienced. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 25

So many of you want assurances. You want to know that your relationship will last, that your manifestation will take form, that your friendships are forever. Due to your deep attachment to outcome, you start to constrain the energy, to worry, to micro-manage, to control, and to be on high alert for what might be wrong.
By doing so, you are practicing negative focus which only keeps you energetically connected to what is unwanted. Through your focus on externals you are turning your power away from the only thing that you do have control over, which is yourself. Further, by being restrained you are never fully committing to anything, which is sabotaging your creations before they ever get started.
By attempting to control your outcomes, you are allowing fear to lead the way. Now you are navigating by the mind rather than the heart. This is a great disservice to both you and your creation for you are stunting it long before it has ever has a chance to become all it can be. You are denying it the true sustenance it requires which is love.
We understand it can be confusing when you receive advice to be clear about what you want and then hear not to be too controlling. What we want you to understand is that having a broad intention of what you would like to experience and then surrendering into and trusting that flow of unfoldment is how you love and grow every single desire into its highest expression.
So, Dear Ones, let go of your constraints and fears. Sit and nurture the part of you that is afraid as your own loving parent and guide. Trust the unfoldment. Allow your heart to take the lead. Let your creations take on their own form and get as big and beautiful as they want to be, one now moment at a time. By doing so you will be doing all aspects of your life a great service. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 24

We would like to offer you an analogy that will help you understand the difference between creating within what you already know vs expanding into manifesting from the vaster realm of potential and possibility that are not yet known to you.
Creating within the field of what you already know is much like doing all of your shopping from your corner store. While it offers a service to you, there is a limited selection of options. You can get by with what is at the corner store, if you are willing to settle for what is in stock there.
Creating through the broader realm of potentiality is like deciding to shop on the internet. By doing so you have opened yourself up to a much wider selection of options, many of which you may not have even realized existed! You expand into a far vaster field that can serve you and your specific needs, effortlessly exploring options until you discover what is the best match for you. Searching with your broad intention and being willing to explore what else is possible is what opens you to allowing the unknown matches to show up.
Please understand both the corner store and online shopping are options that seek to meet your needs, and allows others to be of service to you. Both have purpose in your lives. Our point is exploring the unknown does not have to be a scary venture, but rather a pleasurable one you can embrace, discovering options you never realized existed, and what can best support your unique needs and self expression. It is a skill you already have. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 23

Dear Ones, your bodies can give you wonderful feedback when it comes to your creations. Think of something you’d like to experience. As you think about it, check in with your body. Do you feel tension in your body, particularly in your abdominal area? If you do, it is letting you know you have some kind of resistance or belief system that is not in alignment with the creation of your desire from the energetic space you are in.
Consider what that might be. Ask your inner tender human self what it might be afraid of and why it thinks that dream is unattainable. Reassure it and allow any resistant energy to be acknowledged and released. If all the reasons why you think it can’t happen persist, realize you are trying to create from the energy of separation and the realm of limitation, which cannot bring in new potentials to you.
Consciously intend to shift into the energies of Source. Find an alignment that makes you feel like you are part of the greater whole and the universe that contains all that is. Now check in with your body. From that space of connection, you will feel more flow and comfort in your body and heart expansion.
This is the space you want to manifest from, for it contains all the possibilities and potentials that exist for you. You have placed yourself in a space of acceptance to willingly receive from the greater whole, which is where the magic begins. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 22

Co-creation is contributing with your intention and taking inspired action whenever it is supported, while trusting and allowing your team of universal experts to take care of whatever is beyond your awareness. You are the director of a team working both sides of the veil to move you into your highest potentials and possibilities. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 21

Every single time a person finds their way back to their own truth and divine nature through the veil of forgetfulness, the universe expands just a little bit more and you anchor what is energetically possible. So many of you worry if you are doing enough. Please know this is the core of your sacred mission.
Your growth is your service and your purpose, for it energetically supports the shift and opens up ever higher potentials and new ways of being. You are holding the space for others to join you by being marvellous teachers by example, all the while experiencing the joy of rediscovering who you have been all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 20

Your positive and thankful focus, also known as gratitude, is what you are giving your conscious blessing of continuation to. It is one of the most powerful tools you have for it is your feedback to the universe and the steering wheel to your flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 19

The embodiment of your highest self turns your entire life expression into one of divine flow. Divine flow turns your life expression into the embodiment of your highest self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 18

Many of you have a fear of surrender and flow. You see it as careening about with no direction, or you are concerned you will get it wrong. Let us put those fears to rest!
The act of surrender is what gives your entire team, including your highest self, permission to guide and assist you beyond where you might perceive yourself as being stuck, into the potentials and possibilities you simply cannot see from your side of the veil.
It is impossible to surrender into a flow that goes in the wrong direction. Even if you did, your team would immediately sweep in and redirect you with ease, because when you are in surrender you are non-resistant and willing to be moved.
You always have a say in your unfoldment! You express your preferences with your broad intention and gratitude. Your intention is like setting sail in a certain direction. Your gratitude is feedback on what you enjoy and what you would you are consciously using your focus to give your blessing of continuation to.
Do you see? It is a wonderful and effective method of living that can only take you to your highest results, with you the creative director, and us your willing servants. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 17

Dear Ones, it is much easier for you to move into a deeper trust of yourself and the unfoldment of your day when you allow your inner wise one to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 16

You are in a process of beautiful unfoldment. You are shifting profoundly and then discovering what is possible due to your new energetic states. You are releasing, receiving, and integrating, spiralling upwards into higher vibrational states in the most wondrous ways. By instinctively moving with it all you are experiencing yourself as part of the divine flow. What a glorious experience for you to have and for us to see! Savour and explore all of it, Dear Ones, for it is a sacred, profound, and beautiful expression of your soul’s greatest desire and highest purpose. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 15

Compassion is seeing through the lens of love and understanding. It is what allows you to approach those who are having a difficult time with a soft, soothing energy that doesn’t get triggered or judge. In times of intensity, compassion is what holds the space until a greater sense of balance can be found. It is a wonderful approach not only for others, but for yourselves as well, as you move through unprecedented energies during these times of transformation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 14

Love and flow are the same things. Love is allowing the universe to flow through you. It is expanding your knowing of self and your experiences by allowing your own highest alignment to lead the way. Love is the great connector and leader. Being the love is expressing yourself as the beloved and essential part of the whole you have always been.
Surrendering into the flow is deciding to receive the unconditional love and guidance of the universe. It is expansive, supportive, connecting, and filled with everything you could ever need or desire in order to truly thrive. Choosing to stay out of the flow is, in effect, choosing to hold yourself separate from the unconditional love, acceptance, and safe comfort that you yearn for.
And last but certainly not least, loving yourself is a profoundly powerful act of inclusion and unification that aligns you back into the flow that has always been there waiting for you to reclaim your truth and move forward in the most congruent and empowered ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 13

Dear Ones, allow your beliefs to evolve as you continue along your enlightenment journey. Don’t be afraid to let your own divine truth to lead the way. You are shifting at a very rapid pace right now, accessing more and more of the entirety of who you are. This means you can easily discern what is empowering and right for you.
Give yourself permission to be the expert on you, for your ascension is a self guided process of discovery and one you are well prepared and ready for. It is perfectly ok for you to allow what fits you to settle in and what doesn’t to simply drop away as you continue along in the flow of energetic refinement. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 12

Presence is a state of openness to the now moment. It is acknowledging the gifts and supports that are already in place for you. It is a portal that supports your expansion and a deeper knowing of self by connecting you with your divine truth and the full acceptance of how the energies are serving you. It is the experience of the power of your beingness and what exists when you shift beyond the stories of your mind. It is finding another whole world of wonder that has been there the entire time, just waiting to be discovered. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 11

Broad intention is the key to finding the ideal space that supports what you would like to experience while leaving room for the universe to surprise and delight you. As creators, your intention and inspiration is essential. As co-creators being open to what is beyond what you can see is key. The combination of the two together is pure magic. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 10

Dear Ones, you can meet times of intensity with trepidation or excitement. It is totally up to you. But we will point out that any resistance only makes the shifts you are going to make no matter what feel more challenging.
Trust in your abilities! You are all becoming masters of energy, moving and assimilating energies like never before. With every shift you are gaining more skill.
This grand shift on your planet is what you couldn’t wait to experience. Sit in the wonder of it. Reflect on how much you have changed and evolved over your past 5 years, 2 years, 1 year, six months of your linear time. What you have accomplished in such a short period is truly remarkable! And again we remind you that for every shift you embody, new greater potentials become possible.
So allow yourself to embrace the magical flow of transformation. Love yourself and others as you change and evolve. Much like a new level opening up for you in one of your video games, explore what is possible due to the accumulation of your efforts. There is much to celebrate as you lovingly guide yourselves forward as pioneers of light on a planet that adores you and all that you do. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 9

If you understand how co-creating is much like meditation in the sense that you are open to whatever shows up from the vast field of potentials, you can start to see that living your life consciously from a co-creational space becomes waking meditation. And that, Dear Ones, is navigating your life from a place of connection and mastery, accepting yourself as part of the divine whole in a more constant way than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 8

When you get comfortable with the unknown, you become open to new possibilities and experiences. We understand many of you find this difficult to do, but do you know many of you have this skill already?
If you have ever meditated or quietly sought inspiration, you have entered a space of potential with openness and curiosity, not knowing what would come through but secure in the fact that whatever did would be positive and for your highest good.
Consciously co-creating in the vastness of the unknown is exactly the same thing! All you need to do is show up from a space of connection and a desire for expansion and a deeper knowing of yourself and you can be secure that what will show up for you will only serve you.
Dear Ones, you are well prepared with every skill you require long before you experience any profound shift on your journey. Sometimes you just don’t realize you already have those skills!
Trust. Be open. Explore. Embrace how good it feels to create from that place of freedom. You are ready to step into that next phase of your sovereignty and to allow your creations and empowerment to grow hand in hand. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 7

Dear Ones, what you choose right now is how you set up your tomorrows. Choosing in any right now moment is an act of empowerment. So what do you choose? What options are available to you right now?
If you are stuck, we will give you some suggestions. Love is always an option. Gratitude is always an option. Both of those choices shift you out of your mind and into your heart.
If all you did was choose those two elements consistently you would lighten not only your present moment but also what you will align with for your future moments. It really can be that simple, for any time you are in your heart you are operating from your true power centre. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 6

Dear Ones, the more you release the need for labels, the more freedom you have. The moment you label something, you put constraints and restrictions upon it. Many times, in fact, it immediately stunts its growth.
Labels feed expectations and limit growth. They are often are created because you are trying to control something or to force it to behave in a certain way. Much like a fish will not outgrow its tank, the moment you put your creations in a box they can only become as big as their container.
The greatest gift you can give yourself and the things that matter to you is the freedom to self express and the room to grow into their grandest expressions of self. You sell yourselves so short when you start to restrain things in your desire to have safety and predictability, for the moment something stops growing is the moment it loses its purpose. There is so much more available to you than what you realize!
Allow your relationships to grow and evolve. By giving them the space to unfold, you support them in blooming into their highest potential. What labels do you have for yourself? Can you loosen them up or become broader in your own expectations of self? Can you allow your service to continue to evolve? Can you become friends with the flow and let it continue to surprise and delight you?
Your expansion is what allows you to shine brighter and brighter in your highest expression of self. The same it is for all the things that are most important to you. Support the fullness of everything around you and you will be amazed at how much more potential there is than you ever could have imagined in all areas of your life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 5

If a child makes a mistake because they didn’t know any better, you are quick to forgive. You explain there are different options and why they might want to make a different choice in the future. You understand there was innocence under the choice and see it as an opportunity for growth and expansion.
When did you lose that compassion and understanding for yourself? When did you lose that compassion and understanding for others? Can you lovingly redirect yourself without the need for shaming or berating yourself? Can you offer that same grace to others?
It is highly unlikely you will make perfect choices 100% of the time just because you have reached adulthood. You are still growing and evolving and will continue to until the end of your days. You will learn your preferences by trying many things and discovering through experience what best matches you and your truth.
Your growth involves redirecting again and again, evolving one empowered choice at a time. You are exploring your mastery, which will involve aspects of what it is and what it isn’t. This is all part of being in the realm of experience, and to be expected as part of your evolution. Be kind and gentle with yourselves and others through all of this, Dear Ones, for shame and blame are energies that cannot support anyone in the discovery of their highest expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 4

Dear Ones, so many of you are so hard on yourselves if you forget to practice what you know or behave in a way that you feel is not spiritual. We would see your slips as successes from our perspective.
The fact that you wish to show up as your highest version of self is a wonderful intention, which indicates growth and expansion. The fact that you catch yourself when you are not in an alignment you prefer rather than simply staying there is great progress, for it indicates you have evolved beyond being comfortable in those old energies.
Every single time you catch yourself and choose again it is a vibrational leap that not only serves you but the planet, as well. Every time you redirect back to your own truth it is a powerful declaration of self and a clear demonstration of your new preferences. You are in the process of energetically anchoring new habits that better match who you are and where you wish to go.
So rather than beating yourselves up for your perceived failures, please know the fact that you have developed awareness and now prefer something different is a wonderful success. It is defining yourself again and again in ever higher vibrating ways. That is exactly what is driving the shift on your planet and is a truly a glorious thing to behold. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 3

The way you behave is a reflection of your level of attainment and personal evolution. It is the outward expression of your internal state.
This means you cannot control what another does by telling them what to do or how to behave, or forcing teachings upon them, because they must find their own readiness and energetic alignment to change from within. Any changes they may make in an effort to please you will likely not last because they are not supported by their own energetic foundation.
You create the most change through your own unique expression of self. You are the most powerful teacher by example. As you embody your beingness, others will notice and will naturally seek you out when they are ready to move forward with their own evolution.
Be the love. Be the safe person for people to approach. Accept people wherever they are on their journey. Offer your wisdom when asked but understand you are planting seeds that will grow whenever it is the right time for them, as each person’s awakening has its own pace. It is a divine unfoldment, and just as flowers grow at their own speed and bloom when they are ready, the result is always perfect and beautiful. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 2

What words of love can you speak to yourself today? What loving song can you sing to yourself today? What energy can you wrap yourself up in today that allows you to feel your own tender care and nurturing? You are the expert on you and as such are the best one to know exactly what you need to move forward with the most comfort, ease, and support possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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