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30 June

TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Energy process of healing)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I will tell you about determining how clean your subtle bodies are – emotional, mental and causal.
I think each of you, and especially those who have been engaged in energy practices for a long time, are well aware of the fact that even after the deepest cleaning of your subtle bodies, your illnesses that have been accumulating for years, and sometimes decades, cannot disappear instantly.
The process of the developing of the disease and its healing is so complex and unpredictable that it is almost impossible to trace it at the physical level.
And this is due to the fact that most people are not only out of their understanding how to control their thoughts and emotions, but do not even understand the effect of them on their lives.
So, for example, a person who has come to a sudden insight and understanding of the deep processes of their life that led to an incurable disease can heal almost instantly.
And a person who is quickly recovering as a result of the efforts of doctors and the working balances of their body can get an irreversible relapse as a result of a moral decline, destructive for their soul, and therefore for their body.
But more often, everything happens gradually since any changes are formed first in the etheric body of a person and only then descends to the physical plane.
But what is the reverse mechanism of interaction of these bodies?
What happens to the etheric body if, for example, a cancer tumor being excised for a person or some other surgical intervention occuring in their body, which now happens quite often with the development of medicine?
Since the etheric body of a person is formed energy way – due to their specific thoughts and emotions, the reverse process – its reflection of the physical body modified by medical intervention also occurs not mechanic way, but energy one.
If a person been fully aware of the psychosomatic cause of their illness and has done everything to get rid of this cause, then the efforts of doctors will not be wasted, and you will start the process of your healing: your etheric body will be cleansed getting rid of the “phantom” of the organ that used to be sick.
But if a person has little to do with spiritual knowledge about the energy component of your life, then any medical intervention, no matter how successful it may be, will only help for a while since his emotional and mental pattern fixed in the etheric body of a person will return everything back to square one again manifesting itself at the physical level.
And, probably, many of you have already noticed such an interconnection on the example of your relatives and friends and, maybe, on your own example.
Therefore, my dear ones, the body itself, that is, your physical body, will help you to trace the purity of your subtle bodies.
Carefully listen to all the signals that it gives you, determine the psychosomatic causes of your illnesses and, along with the practices and meditations that I give you, work through these causes – get rid of everything that prevents you from being happy and healthy.
Do not be discouraged if this does not work out right away.
Belief in yourself and the purity of your Soul are the main guarantee of your happiness, health and success.
Always remember this, my dear ones!
Loving you endlessly Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on 30 June, 2019

28 June

TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Interaction of etheric and causal bodies)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we move on to consider the next human body – the causal one – and its influence on the etheric body.
By and large, all these three bodies – emotional, mental and causal – need to be considered in conjunction with each other.
We started from below – with the emotional body – only because, as a rule, it is the most “polluted” in a person.
And since the physical body is in the center of your Divine vessel, we started purifying the energy space from the inside, removing layer by layer the “scum” of human passions.
The causal body is responsible for self-expression – the things that are formed in your mental and emotional bodies and then projected into the outside world.
Why is the fifth chakra so often blocked in a person – to the extent that they feel it physically?
Just because they are “strangled” by emotions, unspokenness, resentment and fears of being misunderstood.
Therefore, having cleared the emotional and mental bodies from negative energies, and thereby, balancing the third and fourth chakras corresponding to them, your causal body will be cleaned automatically along with them, and your fifth chakra will naturally come into harmony.
Thus, it will no longer have a negative impact on your etheric body, and the energy of Love will circulate through all the energy channels connecting both the subtle bodies with the chakras and the chakras with each other, penetrating the etheric and then physical human body, healing all its ailments.
And when this happens, you will have quite a solid bridge between the physical body and its Divine aspects – the budhic and atmic bodies.
And this bridge will consist of the energy of Light and Love that by its vibrations will almost reach the vibrations of the sixth and seventh chakras that are the main sensory organs of the being of the Fifth Dimension.
But what will happen to the three intermediate subtle bodies and chakras that were mentioned above?
Merging through vibrations with the upper Divine chakras, they will become the main assistants of a person in a vivid manifestation of their personality.
After all, it is there – in the space of the Fifth Dimension – that all your talents and abilities will be fully demonstrated for the higher good of all.
In places with no duality, any negative thoughts and emotions generated by it can no longer be manifested due to the fact that your Ego will give way to the Divine essence of human, manifested in all their actions.
Now a man will not need to assert themselves and win their place in the sun.
They will peacefully engage in creativity, enjoying it themselves and bringing joy to the surrounding ones by results of their labour.
Believe me, my dear ones, by breaking out of the framework of the third dimension world, you will discover in yourself so many natural gifts that many of you did not even suspect of, being bogged down in an everyday routine and struggle for survival.
Your Divine vessel, “polished up” by the energy of Love to the nines, will shine all through the Universe.
So get down to this fascinating and urgent work now, my dear ones, without waiting for better times.
By this you will not only bring these times closer, but also show the people around you the miracle of the transformation of a person who has embarked on the course of development of Ascension.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on 28 June, 2019

26 June

TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Interaction of etheric and mental bodies)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
So, we will continue the conversation on making an “interlayer” between your physical and atmic bodies clean, transparent and highly vibrational.
And today we will talk about the interaction of mental and etheric bodies, as well as the corresponding chakras – the fourth and the second ones.
The influence of the mental body on the etheric one is enormous since it is the thoughts that give rise to emotions which often later develops into an ailment of your etheric and then physical body.
Therefore, it will become the next body that you will now have to clean from mental “weeds”, thereby keeping your fourth chakra clean as well.
This meditation is identical to the practice of “Emotional Purification” of the etheric body.
The difference is only in wording.
You will need to wholeheartedly ask your etheric body for forgiveness for the suffering that you willingly or unwillingly caused it with your negative thoughts which in turn generated negative emotions resulting in your illness.
My dear ones, having carried out this deep cleaning of your mental space, it is very important to ensure, that from now on it remains just as clean, which will enable you to preserve the purity of your emotional, and therefore the etheric body.
You, probably, have already guessed why speaking of the human body I often call it the “Divine vessel”.
Your body is really such a vessel filled with energy.
And this energy is multilayered, because it is distributed into seven layers horizontally, and into seven parts vertically: your seven bodies and seven chakras corresponding to them.
All of them are connected with each other by invisible energy channels through which energy can circulate both downwards and upwards – depending on your state, and mostly, depending on your thoughts and emotions.
Even being in a third dimension world, a person remains a Divine creature, capable of creating their own reality by the power of thought.
In the Fifth Dimension you will manage this easily and naturally, but now, while you still live in the third dimension world, you need to make a lot of efforts to keep your Divine vessel clean.
In this case, you have to deal not only with your own energies, but also with the “variegated” energies of your close ones and neighbors, friends and colleagues, and just random companions around you.
This is what “aerobatics” is – a unique experience in overcoming seemingly insurmountable hardships, for which your wise, ancient, pure souls have now come to Earth.
But after all, the help that comes to you from Heaven in this crucial for you and your Earth time is also unique and enormous.
You feel how the Higher Forces are guiding you by insuring, helping in difficult times, showing unlimited patience to you and enveloping you with their love.
Therefore, everything will work out for you, my dear ones!
Anyone who has chosen the Ascension and is moving to it, even if slow but sure, will find themselves in this new amazing space.
All your efforts will be rewarded a hundredfold, but now it’s important not to stumble, but realize the target and, which is most important, to help your physical body – the most vulnerable of all – to overcome the vibration barrier, and you can achieve this only by clearing it and all your subtle bodies as much as possible from low vibration energies of the dual world.
And let all the knowledge that Higher Forces of the Universe and I bring you grow for each of you into PRACTICAL ACTIONS, and not lie in the treasury of theoretical knowledge, which you have plenty of by now.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on 26 June, 2019

25 June

TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Energy process of disease origin)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
To complete my story about the interaction of the etheric and emotional bodies of a person in this transition period, I want to dwell on another aspect of such interaction.
As I told you before, the Divine Matrix is ​​a fusion of your physical and atmic bodies.
But this can happen only by full purification of all your intermediate subtle bodies which being combined in the energy of Love will become a solid “binder material” for them.
And now we will talk about the role the chakras, your subtle senses, play in this process.
What happens to them, for example, during your meditation for purifying the etheric body from the emotional “garbage” accumulated throughout your life?
In this case, your second and third chakras are involved, the ones that bear the basic load of “processing” the energies that then affect your etheric body.
Thus, negative energies trigger destructive processes in your body, and the bright Divine ones have a healing effect on it.
And this is how it happens in practice.
Your subtle bodies are connected to the chakras by invisible “threads” – energy channels through which certain energies from subtle bodies enter the corresponding chakras.
In other words, subtle bodies “receive” energies, and chakras “store” them.
You can ask me why they do not immediately get into the chakras.
Just because your subtle senses simply could not withstand such a heavy load.
Therefore, any energy undergoes the initial “processing” in your subtle bodies.
And at this stage you have the opportunity to neutralize the effect of negative energy, transform it into something more beneficial for your body.
That is why I have given you so many practices to capture your negative energies and instantly dissolve them with the energy of Love.
If this becomes your habit, you will protect your chakras from exorbitant “burden”, and your etheric and physical bodies from ailments and diseases.
Let’s have a case study of it.
Suppose, a person is offended by someone very much and literally lives with the idea of this offense in one’s mind day and night thinking about it.
And this is what happens at this time in their emotional and etheric bodies as well as in their third and second chakras.
The strong negative energy of resentment which is constantly encouraged by the thoughts and emotions of this person overwhelms his emotional body so much that it is forced to dump part of it into its “storehouse” – the third chakra.
And when it, in its turn, gets brimmed it has nothing else to do but to “share” it with another chakra – the second one which is one step lower: after all, such “heavy” energy as resentment cannot rise but can only go lower and lower, which actually happens.
When the second chakra, corresponding to the etheric body, cannot cope with this heavy burden, it transfers it to the first chakra and the physical body where this energy is now transformed into a disease.
As a rule, the energy of resentment grows into a tumor striking the organ that psychologically and in terms of energy corresponds to this negative emotion.
But all this happens only if the person doesnot think better of it on time and doesnot let the offence pass thereby crushing the fatal process in the bud.
My dear ones, always remember that you always keep in your hand the “trigger” of any disease, or rather, in your conscience, and it is up to you to decide how to dispose of this process – for your own good or for evil.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on 25 June, 2019

24 June


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will continue the conversation about the etheric body of a person and move on to the practical part of working with it.
Since in the third dimension the etheric body is directly connected with the emotional, mental and causal bodies that supply it with the “material” which it is formed from, we will dwell on its interaction with each of these bodies in more detail.
And we will start with the emotional body that corresponds to your third chakra, while the etheric body corresponds to the second one.
This time we will consider the interaction of these bodies and the subtle sense organs corresponding to them that are the chakras, in terms of the formation of a new light crystal human body.
Now this is of particular importance, since the transformation of your bodies cannot happen ONLY due to new energies and the help of the Higher Powers.
Your own participation in this process is one of the main components, since in this way your Free Will and desire to change the physical body to that state that will allow it to move with the Earth into the Fifth Dimension will be manifested.
Now I will give you a practice which helps you deeply purify your etheric body from all accumulated in it inharmonious emotions which have been supplied to it throughout your life by the emotional body which is the “repository” of your emotional outbursts.
We will call this practice “Emotional Purification”.
To do this, you need to plunge into a fairly deep meditation.
So, call on all your Heavenly helpers, relax completely and breathe deeply for some time.
Then try to see your etheric body and examine it in detail – each of its organs, bones, muscles, skin, circulatory system …
Ask to show you all its weaknesses and flaws.
Someone may not see, but feel at the physical level those organs that are unhealthy respond to your call.
It can be tingling and even sharp pain, hot or cold flushes, and maybe vibration in this or that part of the body.
Everyone will get a manifestation of it in one’s own way.
One who has clairvoyance can receive verbal clues from Higher Self or Heavenly helpers.
One way or another, but you must feel your body respond to your call, and determine what is wrong with it, where there is already a problem, and where it is only beginning.
But remember that you are talking not with the physical, but with the etheric body in which the disease can only arise, and it is quite possible that it has not yet descended to the physical level.
And as soon as you feel the signals of your etheric body for help, wholeheartedly ask it for forgiveness for the suffering that you caused it willingly or unwillingly with your negative emotions.
And then ask the Energy of the Supreme Creator of the Universe and all your Heavenly helpers to heal the organ that took over your emotional “blows” – to dissolve all the negative energies accumulated in it.
Feel this sick organ basking in the Divine energy of Love, how good and calm it is …
It gets rid of pain, begins to glow joyfully, each of its cells is renewing, rejuvenating, as if it was born again …
And, which is most important, my dear ones, promise to it that from now on you will remember of it every minute, every second of your life and no longer make it suffer because of your thoughtless emotional “bombardments” that destroy your perfect Divine organism.
Perhaps you need to do more than one such meditation.
Take your time – carefully work through your entire etheric body.
Remove all negative ties between the etheric and emotional bodies so that henceforth only the Energy of Love will unite them.
I bless you and love you endlessly!
Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on 24 June 2019

21 June

TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (The interaction of the etheric and physical bodies)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
To continue my yesterday’s message, I would like to tell you about ways for speeding up the process of creating your Divine matrix.
And today we will put our focus on the energy interaction of the physical and etheric bodies of man.
As you already know, the etheric body is the exact twin of your physical body with the only difference that it is not manifested externally, that is it is invisible for you.
The etheric body can be compared with the “center of processing” of all your thoughts and emotions, and some of them depending on their quality, then appear in the physical body in the form of a dysfunction of one or another organ.
Most people, obsessed with the passions of the third dimension world, have the etheric body so polluted that it corresponds to a dark silhouette, tightly adjacent to the physical body.
And as a rule, such a person suffers from a whole “bunch” of various diseases.
So, the negative energies emitted by them literally devour their bodies.
But since it is thoughts and emotions that determine the quality of a person’s etheric body, it is possible to change their direction, purify their etheric body, thereby healing their own diseases.
Perhaps this interconnection of physical and etheric bodies is the most striking example of the way the Laws of the Universe manifest themselves in human life.
And if a person from childhood absorbed spiritual knowledge and were guided by it throughout their life they could avoid so many tragedies and diseases.
But now unique time has come when the energies of the highest vibrations have come that the Universe itself, the Forces of Light and your star families send you to help.
Thanks to them, every awakened person, regardless of their age, is able to quickly and efficiently cleanse their etheric body from all the negative energies accumulated in it, so that it will help them get rid of many diseases acquired in their entire life, thereby having prepared their physical body for the Transition to a higher dimension.
But this will be accessible only to those who can completely clear their conscience from all negative programmes – to tune their “receiving-set” in such a way that they can now pick up only the Divine energy “waves”.
It is these waves that will gradually purify the etheric bodies of these people, and then their physical bodies will start purifying and transforming, being healed and regaining their strength, flexibility and youth.
My dears, try to apply this simple practice every time your “receiving-set” goes astray and picks up the “waves” of judgment, irritation, discontent, offence …
Imagine the tuning knob of this “receiving-set” in your heart chakra – in the Crystal of Love, and as soon as you feel that an unwanted thought or emotion has entered your conscience, turn this knob in your mind’s eye, aligning the “tuning” and catching the desired wave of Love and Gratitude.
Make this your habit, my dears, and let it become your lifesaver in everyday life which often provokes you to outbursts of negative emotions, thereby testing your Spirit and your ability to rise to the occasion even in the most difficult situations.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on 21 June 2019

20 June


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to tell you about what your Divine matrix ​​is and what role it plays in the Ascension process.
But first you need to understand clearly the meaning of the word itself.
The matrix is ​​the subtle material twin of a person.
It contains all the essence of a person – both individual and accumulated under the influence of various programmes of the third dimension world.
The human matrix is ​​multi-layered.
Those layers that are closest to the physical body, reflect the human essence.
And only two outer layers contain the Divine component.
By and large, we are talking here about the subtle bodies of a person, but in this case we will look at them from a slightly different viewpoint – not quite usual to you.
For clarity, imagine a human matrix in the form of hazelnut in a golden shell.
The kernel of a nut is the physical body of a person, and all the rest of his subtle bodies are intermediate elements between it and this golden shell which keeps them within the limits “outlined” by the person themselves at the present stage of spiritual development.
For people who are still at the very beginning of the spiritual path, these layers are compressed and almost embedded in the physical body of a person.
Thus, the individuality is practically suppressed, and the person lives according to the programmes of the third dimension world, not daring to take a single step away from usual stereotypes of thinking and behavior.
But the more humans conscience changes, the broader the boundaries of their deliberate existence become, the basis of which is not patterns imposed from the outside, but the personal perceiving of people, events and life in general.
And then the kernel – the human’s physical body – begins to move away from the golden shell which is the Divine hypostasis of a person.
It already can move free in the shell, being not clamped by “vise” of third dimensionality.
In other words, it already exists separately from the rest of the subtle bodies, with which it is now connected only in energy sense, and not physically, emotionally and mentally.
This happens when all the mental and behavioral patterns that are stored in the subtle bodies of a person have already been eliminated.
Thus, between the human’s physical body and the Divine shell there remain energy layers, free from all programmes of the third dimension world.
And if you shake this “nut”, then its kernel will hit the walls of the shell in energy vacuum that has formed.
In fact, this “vacuum” is nothing else but extremely rarefied subtle bodies.
Due to this, the physical body of a person is already able to touch unhindered the atmic body – the Divine shell of the human matrix.
And then the very long-awaited integration of the human and Divine essence will occur, which will allow your physical body to withstand the energy load that was impermissible up till now.
Overcoming, one after another, the energy barriers of its own subtle bodies, gradually being freed from the heavy energies of the third dimension world, it will finally acquire completely different parameters and thus become a light crystal body, able to move to the Fifth Dimension without disembodiment, and keeping personal physical features.
It will unite with your atmic body into the One Divine Matrix, and the other subtle bodies of yours will acquire completely different parameters, since now they will be saturated with the energies of the highest vibrations from both sides: from above and below.
Here we will stop today.
Loving you endlessly Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on 20 June 2019

19 June


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to give you some simple practices that will help you monitor your own energy state and at the same time identify the causes of soul discomfort.
Recall such expressions as “unquiet soul”, “be sick at heart”, “unquiet soul”.
And sometimes it happens even when there are no signs of any external reasons for concern.
In fact, in this way, the Soul of a person is trying to draw the attention to the fact that something in life does not go as the Soul would like it to do.
And if you have such a condition of inexplicable anxiety and worry, try to talk with your Soul.
To do this, you need to call upon all your Heavenly helpers and reach a meditative state.
Let all thoughts go, relax and ask your Higher Self what it wants to convey to you.
You will definitely get an answer in the form of images, words, intuitive insights or enlightenments.
And if it is about solving a problem, you can ask your Soul to give you the most efficient solution for the highest good of all.
The tips of the Soul can come to you not immediately, but in the course of life – precisely in those moments that will help you most clearly realize the causes of your failures and ways to solve the problems.
Now, my dear, you need to be more careful than ever to all the little things, signs, all sorts of clues and unexpected “coincidences.”
It has to do with the fact that due to the new energies coming to Earth, the time parameters on your planet are changing rapidly.
And these new high vibration energies “in collaboration” with your Divine aspects contribute to the fact that all events of your life begin to “shrink”, so that in the shortest possible time you will get the experience of living in the dual world that your Soul needs.
The things that could take you several years in the past now take place in the course of several months and, sometimes, weeks.
And now I will give you another practice that you should learn to do on the go, without reaching a meditative state.
If during the day you encounter unforeseen emergencies when there is no time to think and you need to make a decision very quickly, try to stop your Mind for at least a few moments and let your Higher Self “speak out”.
This will allow you to open a channel of communication with your Soul, the “voice” of which in most cases is blocked by your Mind and Ego, in a word, by your human essence.
Everyone must decide for themselves how to do this, using their own individual characteristics.
Those who have well-developed visualization, can imagine a pure and clear channel connecting them with the Divine aspects.
Those with developed clairaudience, can “turn on” their acoustic channel.
The one with creative thinking can see some pictures.
The main thing is to feel the essence of this meditation: to clear space for information coming from your Soul.
Of course, this may turn out well not the first time, but if every time you need to make a quick decision you set a goal to give way to your Soul that ALWAYS knows what will be better and more useful for you, thus you will start moving along the spiritual path by leaps and bounds.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on 19 June 2019

18 June

TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (The key to the human soul)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will continue to talk about how to discern the spark of God in a person, that will help you to reach this sparkle and to flare it up as brightly as possible.
As you already know from the series of my messages about Reptiloids, there are two souls living in many people on earth – both human and reptiloid one.
And in such cases it is much more difficult for you to identify a person, because one soul or the other will prevail in them depending on life circumstances and the influence of other people and society in general.
But it is in your power, my dear ones, to make the most of the sublime state of the person’s soul, when their energy becomes so pure and of that high vibration that it can finally squeeze out the neibouring reptiloid soul of them.
Of course, it will be much easier to do this if the person realizes their actual state and wants to get rid of the reptiloid part of the soul.
And here is how you can help them with this.
First of all, you need to make sure that you are not mistaken there are two souls, since quite often persons who have found themselves in a totally material-dominated environment and live surrounded by reptiloids according to the programmes that they have skillfully installed, become similar to them in many respects.
But their human soul, choking in this atmosphere alien to them, still “breaks out of the cage” from time to time, which is manifested in stormy protest, dissatisfaction with their life, and sometimes in depression.
This applies to both humans and human-reptiloids.
And if you witness such moments in a person’s life, then try to help them understand themselves, the reasons of their dissatisfaction with the existing state of things and, as soon as you feel that they are ready for new knowledge, start gradually to convey it to them meting it out carefully.
But first of all, what is important to this person, is your energy assistance, of course.
Fill them with the energies of Light and Love, ask for help of all their Spiritual Helpers, dissolve those accumulations of negative energies that led them to a soul breakdown.
This is what should be your first emergency help to those who began to awaken and realize that they do not live their own life – not the life that is the thirst of their Soul.
Always remember that the era of energies, not words, has come.
Long moralizing and excessive spiritual conversations at the initial stage can only alienate a person from you.
For example, imaging a small child, having fallen on the run and having hurt themselves, who expects the parents to hug, kiss and caress them but not moral teach they should be careful while running.
Only on soothing, caressing him and treating their scratches, it is possible gently and tenderly to explain to a child to be careful in future.
Have this example always in your eye when you want to help a person who has fallen into a life psychological impasse.
Your words should be like a grain of mustard seed, which you can prepare in energy sense.
And remember that every person, even if their soul is adjacent to the reptiloid one, always remains a child who goes, runs, stumbles, cries, heals their wounds, and again goes, runs – in a word, becomes experienced through adversity, grows and matures.
And you – already wise and mature souls – are able to help people learn their lessons easily and painlessly, without “bruises” and “bumps” which ruin their souls and cripple their bodies.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on 18 June 2019

15 June


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
So, let’s continue the conversation about learning to live in the Fifth Dimension, while remaining in the third dimensional world.
This is very important, since only your new state of the Soul can help you to move both your conscience and your physical body into a new energy space of the Earth naturally and painlessly.
Why do I return over and over again to seemingly the same topics?
My dear ones, only because I see how difficult it is for you to put a theory, with which many of you are already oversaturated, into practice, that is, not to want or strive to live in a new way, but already constantly LIVE in this new state of Harmony and Joy.
And now I will reveal to you the deep essence of this state, so that you understand it not with your Mind, but at the level of your Divine Soul, since it is impossible to explain with the words of the third dimensional world.
Try to imagine the path of your Soul in the form of an infinite straight line.
And this line actually endless in both directions.
And your Soul at the present moment is on some segment of this line – at a certain point of it.
On this line, there are no scale divisions, boundaries, time frames, clearly established rules of movement, but there is only a state of “here and now.”
Each Soul is Divine and completely free in its actions.
Depending on these actions, performed exactly in the “here and now” state, qualitative changes occur in the Soul of a person – its energy fluctuations, as a result of which it either slips off this line or keeps balance and remains at the level of its Divinity.
But this happens already in the time frame not of some separate moment of the given life, but of the whole present incarnation of the person.
Probably, for clarity, it will be easier for you to imagine this line as vertical, since you are used to seeing the way up to God as going to Heaven.
So, every moment of human life on Earth in the physical body – each of his condition “here and now” by the end of his life merges into a single total indicator of certain vibrations.
Depending on the quality of such an indicator, their Soul can “fly up” moving along its line-path very far, having overcome a huge “distance” at once at a time, and it can make no headway if this life was wasted and their Soul failed acquire at least a grain of spiritual experience.
And in some cases, it can slide so far down that later it will have to return to her former place through many and many incarnations.
Therefore, my dear ones, you cannot live neither your life, nor every moment “in the rough outline” – thoughtlessly, expecting that you can still fix it when the best times come and then you will live beautifully and with dignity.
What has been done and lived, has already fallen into the treasury of your Soul, affecting the total result of this incarnation.
And in order to improve your “mark” for what has already been lived, you need to make a real breakthrough so that your current high vibrations dissolve in themselves all those negative emotions by which you have been fill your beautiful planet for a long time, willingly or unwillingly.
In this respect the practices of changing the scenario of past life situations and actions from the height of your new Divine conscience could be useful for you.
Here we will stop today.
Loving you endlessly Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on 15 June 2019

June 14


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will speak on one more human peculiarity that prevents them from breaking free from the third dimension world programmes.
And this is what it is.
The notion of responsibility takes many of you hostage, the responsibility for yourself, people, the planet…
In this case the good old dual world stereotype is involved: good – bad, serious – careless, responsible – irresponsible…
You treat responsibility as duty, work at yourself and others and out of the very best intentions you try to set them on the straight and narrow sharing the knowledge you get.
This is what guarantees that both you and everything around you will get filled with the energies of highest vibrations.
While living in the third dimension world it is not that easy to do, for you have not learned to monitor your thoughts automatically yet and identify which of them are yours and which are initiated by astral beings, third dimension world programmes or by your human Ego.
It is accounted for by the energy chaos reigning in your environment and in order to escape it you should learn to tune your vibration “wireless” to the appropriate pure wave that is so hard to pick up in this space teemed with the energies alien to you.
But this is what your responsibility is – to get tuned to this PURE WAVE and remain in this state filling with light everything and everybody around you.
This is the only way you can help the Higher Powers of the Universe to change the energy component of your planet.
While words, no matter how right they are, convey the dual world energies automatically dividing people into more or less spiritually conscious, more or less spiritually advanced …
Always remember that only the Energy of Love is common for everybody.
It recognizes no separation and embracing all living things it moves them to a new level of existence – to the unipolar world of the Fifth dimension.
If you master the skill of permanent living within the flow of this Love conferring it to the world your responsibility for people and Earth will be completely fulfilled gaining quite different qualities – those of the Divine, not human, nature.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on June 14, 2019

June 13


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
So as to round up with the topic of work today I would like to give you one more advice.
And it has to do with the Higher Powers of the Universe support of the one who has entered the path of spiritual development.
I have already told you that every awakened human is always guided by their Heavenly Helpers: Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, their Galaxy family.
So, to make the most of any undertaking or anything you do ALWAYS ask them for help.
They are sure to watch you from the subtle level of Earth anyway but if you ask for their help in some certain situation YOURSELF they will get an extra stimulus to act in a more vigorous manner so that your desires come true at the physical level as fast as possible.
Yet, you should always remember that if your plans are inconsistent with those of your Soul’s, not only will the Higher Powers reject to help you but they will do their best to prevent your desire from coming true.
Ancient wise souls always feel that this influences the events of their life.
If their undertaking constantly faces nothing but obstacles they understand that it is NOT THEIR path and stop in good time.
If everything goes smoothly, easily and fast – it is all plain sailing, it means everything is fine: their decision was right and all the Higher Powers help them to make their dreams real.
And in practice the influence like this is implemented in the following way.
If your Heavenly Helpers see that you are up to something that can bring you no good they are slow in helping you just remaining observers and waiting patiently for you to learn another lesson and understand the invalidity of your actions yourself.
If you, eventually, hear your Soul and set about the things it, not your human Ego, is so eager to deal with, all the Forces of Light will give you a helping hand.
They will merge with you in terms of energy placing you into their field of high vibration frequency.
It will enable you to remain at the peak of positive energies, which will inspire your creativity and give you strength, optimism and commitment.
You will make everything go with a run.
You will come across the right people at the same wave length with you since you automatically will attract them by your high vibrations.
You will get support and understanding wherever you go, which will allow you to implement your plan in the shortest possible time and in the best possible manner.
This by far the greatest energy assistance will be supplied to you and your undertaking by the Higher Powers that you asked for help.
This is exactly the mechanism of Higher Powers’ interaction with a human being switched over to Service or just entered the spiritual path their Soul was striving for.
I know that some of you think they can call on your Heavenly Helpers only on some serious and crucial occasions of your life.
You are shy to bother them with “the little nothings of life”.
You should know, my beloved ones, there are no trifles for them. They are well aware how hard it is sometimes for you to manage the third dimension world problems that are wounds to your gentle souls.
Therefore, call on them IN ANYTHING you do – both big and small.
Ask them to be standing by you every day, every minute no matter what you do, even if it is just your daily routine.
In this case you will be ALL THE TIME within their field, their high vibrations and whatever you do will turn out well.
I bless you, my dear ones, and love immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on June 13, 2019

June 12


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
So, let’s go on talking about the ways you can turn any work into a creative pastime and learn to concentrate totally on the things you are busy with at the moment.
Actually, it is not as simple as may seem at first sight. And there is a reason for that.
The third dimension world you live in is oversaturated with energies of both different vibration frequencies and numerous mental images generated by thousands and thousands of people.
And it happens because of the fact that the overwhelming majority of your planet’s population is possessed by astral beings – ranging from those of the lower level to those of the upper one’s.
Yet, a larger part is susceptible to the medium astral beings’ impact – the so-called “everyday life” sublevel of it.
Any emotionally encouraged thought that confers censure, dissatisfaction or annoyance is taken up by astral beings straight away and puffed up by them enormously increasing the range of action of the initiated negative energy that starts life of its own intruding into auras of other people.
There occurs a chain reaction of hovering in the air low vibration frequency energies alike.
The same happens to mental images.
For instance, any news given earnest consideration by the mass media begins to take minds of thousands of people and these mental images also start living life of their own unilaterally intruding into the minds of people irrespective of their desires.
And many of you are likely to have noticed that about yourself.
It is certain to happen not by chance. Everybody attracts what is typical just of them.
So, someone interested in politics can “catch” thoughts related to this topic while others fascinated by high life can “catch” some gossips about celebrities spread by the mass media especially if they have already read or heard something about it themselves.
But more often your thoughts jump from one issue to another in attempt to embrace the whole scope of your interests.
And, as a rule, they accompany any work you do preventing you from concentrating on it to a full degree.
So, how can you get rid of these unwelcome guests?
Try to assimilate, my dear ones, the easy practice that follows.
When you set about some work try to make a conversation with the object of your work.
It does not matter what it is: foodstuffs, plants, kitchen utensils, sewing, your car or computer, a task you were assigned with or your handcraft…
To put it short, everything you deal with either physically or mentally should become loved and dear to you.
It is essential to concentrate only on the thing that is in your mind or your hands right now.
Establish a telepathic contact with the thing you are working with at the moment and communicate with the objects of your work as if they were living.
Be loving and grateful to them trying to resonate to them – merge the single energy space in order to feel each other to the fullest possible extent.
It is easy to perceive when you resonate to the plants when looking after them or planting them as well as to the foodstuffs you cook.
Do not switch over to unrelated issues and getting merged with the object of your attention in terms of energy you will not only enjoy your communication with it but will also get excellent results to make you and your relatives happy.
I suggest you should start with this, my dear ones, and I believe that little by little the attitude like this to everything you do will become your habit and you will be able to perceive the incomparable magic of the state living “here and now”.
I bless you and love immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on June 12, 2019

June 12


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about your attitude to work.
The majority of people divide the work they have to do into good and bad, interesting and boring, loved and unloved one.
In the dual world it is considered to be normal as everything here has its opposite.
What about work in the Fifth dimension – in the unipolar world?
Any kind of work there breeds enjoyment, creativity and is a means of self-expression and bringing joy to others.
Is it possible to reach this state still living in the third dimension world?
Certainly, it is, my dear ones. It will not only make your own life and that of others’ brighter but will also bring you closer to the long-awaited Transition.
So now we will discuss what you should do to make it happen as quick as possible.
The first thing you should think about is what kind of work seems to be boring and unloved to you.
If you have no chances to escape this work you have nothing else to do but to turn it from unloved into loved one.
And this is how you can do it.
To start with, think what it gives not to you personally but to people and how you can bring joy to them with the help of this work.
By this you will lay the corner stone of possible solutions search that will allow you to transform the unloved work so that it will turn into everlasting source of joy and happiness.
Let’s have a case study.
I know that few like cooking. Many treat it as a necessity, burden or boring routine.
It results in the meals cooked by them generating the same dull, consequently, low vibration frequency energy.
Yet, my dear ones, you can manage to make a real feast out of an ordinary meal with no special efforts or extra expenses.
What is needed is just your desire to bring joy to yourself and your family accompanied by your fantasy and creative approach.
In this case your meal will become an occasion.
Having absorbed your Love, good mood and creativity the food will carry a different type of energy that will be communicated to your relatives or friends.
You can also think of some rituals and traditions of your own, which already exists in many families.
It is important not to follow somebody else’s patterns imposed from outside, even if they seem to be attractive, but find something new, genuine and unique that will confer your own energy – individual and inimitable.
Why is it so important?
Because by doing this you will break free from the limits of well-established behaviour stereotypes that are imposed on you by national traditions, fashion or advertisements, which will mean one more step forward – to the new space of the Fifth dimension.
And in order to achieve the best possible results in whatever work you do don’t forget that only complete and self-forgetful immersion in the state of “here and now” can fill your work with the energy of the highest vibration frequency.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on June 12, 2019

June 11


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I will explain to you why your energy pureness is so important, the one that was mentioned in many of my messages.
The thing is that it is the very “key” that opens the door to the Fifth dimension.
Why is it so difficult for many of you to learn to live “here and now”?
It is only because of the fact that your energy space is constantly taken by SOMEBODY ELSE’S programmes, thoughts and emotions that trigger in your restless Mind the mental “marathon” I spoke about in my recent message.
In order to tell somebody else’s thoughts from those of yours you should learn to live in energy pureness – in your “cocoon” of high vibrations that just like armour will thoroughly protect your aura from penetrating any alien low vibration energies into it.
And one of the first steps towards this state of energy pureness should become your ability to treat equally all the people not separating them into “ins” and “outs”, close and distant ones.
I see that it is the very thing that is the stumbling stone for many and many of you.
Nearest and dearest are often to drag you into invisible energy “whirlpools” – into their space, wishes and, actually, into their life.
You have already learnt to escape unnecessary contacts with other people whereas you can’t avoid your family.
But this last obstacle can also be removed.
It is necessary to outline precisely the limits of the allowable for your relatives: make it clear for them that there are some things and notions that are sacred for you and you can’t sacrifice them even in favour of your family and that they are not allowed to intrude into your energy space no matter what they think of your world views and convictions.
If you manage to get this “autonomy” in your own family it will be your first step on the way to the state of “here and now”.
You can ask me: What about my family duties? How can I escape them?
You needn’t escape them. You should just change your attitude to all the things you do – learn to enjoy small things – your each and every action and deed.
Try to be creative in everything you do.
Let even everyday routine turn for you into fascinating pastime.
And you can only achieve this by being “here and now” getting head and heels into the things you are busy with at the moment.
You will agree, my dear ones, that being busy with one thing you think about some other things this way depriving yourself of the enjoyment of full indulgence in the very process of work and its result.
Exorbitant swing in thoughts and inner fuss introduce into your energy space incredible chaos that not only reduces your vibration frequency but also prevents you from concentrating on “here and now”.
But the saddest thing is that chaos energy penetrates everything you do.
For example, if you cook dinner while your head is busy with “digesting” the offence you were made or some kind of problem solving all these energies will inevitably fill the meal you cook and consumed with the meal will be emitted into the world.
Remember that all the living and nonliving objects a human being deals with ALWAYS absorb their energy.
This is the reason why I ask you over and over again to get responsible for your every thought and emotion saving this way yourself and everything around you from destructive low vibration frequency energies.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on June 11, 2019

June 10

TRANSMISSION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Call of duty or call of Soul?)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I will tell you how you can learn to distinguish between your call of duty and call of Soul as well as about energy component of the two notions.
Let’s turn to a study case that seems to be most common in your life.
One of the chief duties of a human being in the third dimension world is considered to be looking after their elderly parents.
For many people it turns into a heavy and sometimes backbreaking burden they are saddled with for many and many years, which deprives of the peace of mind and health these decent and selfless people who forget about themselves in favour of those in their care.
At this point a lot depends on how congenial your and your parents’ souls are.
As it has already been said in many of my messages there can be born souls of different ages, ranging from ancient to very young ones, in one and the same family.
It often happens that children are the very ancient souls who have come to Earth to help people at this acute moment of the planet’s transmission period and to get the last experience of the third dimension world life while their parents can be young inexperienced souls who have just started their spiritual journey.
It is certain to happen not by chance: it encourages ancient souls embodied in children to consolidate their Unconditional Love experience even finding themselves in the third dimension world while younger souls get an opportunity to advance to the higher levels of their spiritual development living side by side with pure and wise souls of their children.
This is what occurs more and more often these days that is why physical age is driven to the background and the expression “age breeds wisdom” is not valid in this case.
Wisdom is gained by the quantity and “quality” of incarnations of souls at different levels of existence and it becomes apparent now as ever.
Next, let’s imagine the following situation.
Mother or father obsessed by the third dimension world passions and, consequently, affected by a whole bunch of diseases drain their children’s energy with endless demands and whims.
While their son or daughter meets all their needs without a murmur regarding it as being their duty or responsibility.
It often happens that they enjoy no soul intimacy or mutual understanding any more or, maybe, never did but one carries this exorbitant load finding oneself in total energy dependence from one’s parents ruining one’s soul this way – preventing it from living freely and happily fulfilling the mission it came on Earth for.
Of course, the number of parent-child relations patterns can be innumerable and happy is the one who is really close to one’s nearest and dearest in spiritual terms. In this case looking after them comes as a call of soul – naturally and jolly.
But what if you find yourself in the situation just like the one I gave you as an example?
To start with, you should get fully aware of the things that make you stay by your parents’ side – blood or spiritual relationship, whether they encourage your spiritual growth or retard it making you stay in the limits of the third dimension life alien to you with all its clichés and patterns based on a variety of negative emotions.
So, when you get a clear and really objective idea of the situation you should work out a new policy towards those in your care so as not to let energy vampires ruin your life and crush your soul.
Believe me, my dear ones, this is what often happens to those taking wrong the responsibility for the people they were born by.
Well, how can you cut a good figure in such a complicated situation?
You shouldn’t certainly leave to the mercy of fate the sick and the helpless but IN TERMS OF ENERGY you should completely cut yourselves off from them.
Believe my word, my dear ones, it won’t be cruel of you to do so, for from the Divine point of view not a single soul is allowed to live at the expense of any other soul.
Everyone is responsible for the things they did – this is the way the Law of Reflection works.
But if you let somebody else’s negative programmes intrude into your energy space you assume their responsibility and get responsible for their “sins” paying in your time, health and peace of mind.
You can go on supporting them in any possible physical way but in terms of energy you must be pure and self-sufficient.
You should live your life, not theirs.
If you can draw this borderline and learn to put into practice the things I told you about you will return to yourself and will find the golden mean that will help you, fulfilling your human duty, to live your life following YOUR soul, not those of theirs’.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on June 10, 2019

June 9


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
So, let’s set about the complicated but urgent for you task of cleansing your conscience from the third dimension programmes, which will help you to get rid of all your standard thoughts and, consequently, behaviour patterns.
And the thing to start with is to establish your first life priorities.
As you understand, you should do it by yourselves as it is simply impossible to work out a single “manual” at this point.
I can just give you the direction that will encourage you to go deep into yourselves.
Let’s act on the premises that those reading this message are fully aware of the fact that in a human being the Soul and the Spirit hold sway over the physical body and the Mind that was entrapped by the dual world long ago.
So, now your task is to place your Mind at the service of the Soul, which will help you to establish your first priorities in accordance with the desires of your Soul but not human Ego.
Start small. Try to brush away the things in your life that became unnecessary for you long ago and don’t make you happy any more just trailing from the third dimension world, the one you are anxious to break free from.
It can be anything: unnecessary clothes that you can give out to the needy or responsibility for your nearest and dearest that you fulfill automatically simply out of habit, not for your enjoyment.
It can also be long-term relations that have had their days and don’t unite you with the people any longer but result in the feeling of rejection.
I think many of you have already experienced it.
The vibration gap between people which results in the rejection like this will only go on increasing.
Of course, you should do all this in a mild and polite way not opposing yourselves to others, boasting of your spirituality or exceptionality in comparison with all the rest, which will only result in their offence and encourage your false pride.
From now on you should ally to delicacy and tact while treating anyone you come across on your way.
Why is this so important?
It is because these qualities are the only ones that can neutralize any negative emotions so often to arise between the people of the third dimension world.
It will help you to avoid them and not to supply others with them and consequently not to add “the last straw” of negative energy to the dual world “camel”.
I know that it is difficult for many people, those emotional by nature in particular, to learn to control their emotions not giving way to those they have accumulated inside.
And here I can give you one and only advice: not to restrain your emotions artificially, which will inevitably destroy you from inside, learn to monitor them at the very start – to say “Stop!” to yourselves just at the right moment.
But the main thing to understand is why these emotions were about to break free falling upon your interlocutor and do on-the-spot correction work.
So, you will see that almost always you discontent with someone is the reflection of your own drawbacks that you haven’t eradicated yet.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on June 9, 2019

June 8


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will switch over to a new topic many of you have been concerned with for a long time.
It will deal with the way how Transmission to the Fifth dimension proper will occur.
Despite the fact that it has already been much spoken about in the messages of the Higher Powers it is very difficult for a human being to image themselves and their life in new space and time parameters.
Yet, in reality it is easy to do.
Life in higher dimensions is the good old state of being “here and now”.
In your world it is difficult to achieve because of the endless “marathon” of your thoughts that either take you away to the past life or fly far away into the future and you pay no attention to what is going on around you and to you right now.
So, this mental marathon prevents you from stopping for a minute and perceiving the charm of the current moment with its fullness and depth, uniqueness and singularity.
A lot of people have got so accustomed to this state that their brain never rests – even in sleep it carries on going here and there, back and forth solving innumerable problems that were made up by people themselves.
I understand that it is sometimes difficult to survive in the third dimension world, especially if you are responsible for your family.
Do believe me, my dear ones, if you learned to live “here and now” in this world as well you wouldn’t have to survive – you would be able to LIVE happily and jolly.
Your major mistake is that by returning into the past in your thoughts you start trusting your past experience and try either to avoid the mistakes made in the past or repeat the success and this way you work out certain programmes driving yourselves to strict limits of patterns.
While flying away into the future you often build castles in the air unnecessary for your soul since your dreams are usually inspired not by your genuine dreams at all but by the image of pretty life that is vigorously imposed on you by your family, friends, acquaintances, advertisement, fashion, in other words, you are in a pursue of cakes and ale.
But if you learned to live here and now you would understand you need few things to be happy and this state is a creation of your inner world and it doesn’t require anything outside you.
Yet, it is time you start learning to do this since it is this state of concentration on original you and understanding of your genuine dreams that will help you to overcome the barrier separating the third dimension world from the worlds of higher dimensions.
So, now we will move towards it little by little slow but sure: with no abrupt movements and painful swings we will change your attitude to life, yourselves and people around you learning to live “here and now” and making way to your conscience only for the things necessary for your Soul.
Loving you endlessly Father-Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on June 8, 2019

June 14


Greetings, our dear earthlings!
Being your nearest neighbours we would like to confer some urgent information to you.
Because of the fact that the GLF is starting a large-scale operation on the energy “reboot” of Earth we will have a lot to do as well.
We are to let huge amounts of high vibration frequency energy pass through ourselves, creating special corridors to ensure its smooth and continuous arrival on Earth.
It is a great honour for us as well as a heavy load since we have never worked with the whole surface of Earth at the same time before.
But we are sure we can manage this.
Why have we decided to address you directly?
We would like you to take advantage of an opportunity to get to the Fifth dimension in the simplified way.
The thing that we offer can be called by association with your world’s terms “open day”.
It will be not a day but several months, though.
In order to transmit to the Fifth dimension now it is enough to ask us to lead you there through the nearest passage arranged for the light streams by Ashtar Sheran’s spaceships.
The Fifth dimension Energy is flowing smoothly and evenly through the passages so you should not feel any discomfort.
You can get a feeling of being caught up by a wave and carried away to the other side – from the 3D world to the Fifth dimension space.
You will certainly feel the difference in energy when you get there.
Of course, not anyone can get through the passage but only those of you who have already reached the threshold of the fourth dimension.
People like this are quite numerous on Earth and that is the reason why we have made up our minds to offer you the opportunity of the simplified Transmission.
Finding yourselves in the Fifth dimension try to work at your conscience and subtle bodies saturating them with the energy of Love as much as possible.
But at the same time monitor your senses.
You should understand when it is time to come back home so as not to get “overdosed” with high vibration frequency energy you are not get used to yet.
Start with several minutes gradually extending the time of your stay in the Fifth dimension.
On our side, we will secure you adjusting your vibration frequency if we see that you are unable to react the appropriate way in different situations yourselves.
We hope that the interaction with our civilization like this will bring both you and us a lot of good because we are to cooperate close in future.
It is quite possible that some of you will be able not only to feel us but to see as well.
In appearance we resemble shiny transparent squire bundles of energy.
Despite the appearance so unusual for you we are living beings capable to communicate with you in a telepathic way and we will do our best to make such communication true.
You are most welcome, our dear ones!
Sincerely loving you representatives of the Tetragonia civilization spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on June 14, 2019

June 13


Greetings, my dear earthlings!
Today I would like to tell you about the things that are going on at the subtle level of Earth and about your role in these events crucial for your planet.
To start with, during the coming summer months there going to take place the main energy “reboot” of Earth.
And this is what I mean by this term.
There will be performed old energy programmes nullification and to accomplish this huge amount of extra-terrestrial spaceships are involved that are carrying out the corresponding works around the globe.
As I have already told you in one of my previous messages, we did a lot of work at creating some energy intermediate layer between different dimensions so that people can perceive without detriment to their health the new high vibration frequency energies arriving on Earth nowadays.
It was some kind of preparation of earthlings for a more complicated operation on Earth energy component change.
And this is how the present energy “reboot” will be implemented.
With the help of Light Streams carrying the Fifth dimension energy there will be dissolved the most stable and, consequently, the densest low vibration frequency blocks that contain people zombiefication programmes created by reptiloids.
It is expected to result in mass revival of human beings – their conscience deliverance from the most sustained mentality and behaviour patterns.
Depending on the results of this first step of our work there will be made a decision about further actions.
Such energy “reboot” will influence people the following way.
Those featuring too low vibration frequencies, with reptiloids and people of conscience totally overwhelmed by duality among them, will pass away to appropriate worlds.
While those whose conscience will be able to accept new energies and new life reality will see the current affairs and leading countries’ heads in the raw: all the masks will be thrown off, all the sceneries will be removed.
What is done by night will appear by day and people will get horrified at the way they used to live, who they used to obey and what they have done to their beautiful planet.
And this will be a starting point of really mass revival of human beings.
Why is it right now that the GLF has made a decision on the operation like this?
It is caused only by the fact that there are no chances of delay any more: your planet’s self-cleansing process is going on at a too high pace and natural disasters gain the status of a worldwide catastrophe.
Everything is done for the sake of people – those destined to transmit to the Fifth dimension together with Earth, the ones who have incarnated on Earth just for this.
They are the purest and most ancient souls – “the elite” of the Universe, our dear family, and we will do our best to assist them to fulfill the great experiment of the Creator on transmitting in their physical bodies to the new Earth of the Fifth dimension where we are looking forward to meeting them and we will take advantage of every opportunity to help them to adjust to new conditions as fast as possible.
We will be happy if you also join in this work and do séances and meditations on dissolving the most sustained programmes of the 3D world.
In this case our Light Streams coming down and upwards will unite and become hundreds of times as powerful, which means that long-awaited changes on Earth will occur faster and more smoothly for you.
We deeply love you and believe in you indeed!
Ashtar Sheran spoke to you on behalf of the Galaxy Light Federation.
Channeled by Marta on June 13, 2019
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