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June 30

We understand as human beings that you seek to find labels or rules to help you feel there is predictability, and thus a sense of safety, in the unfoldment of the times you are in. But the universe never stops expanding, and thus, you will never experience only one specific energy for a long period of time. That immovability would be contrary to what both you and the universe are designed to do.
Dear Ones, there will always be ebb and flow. There will be integration and release. There will be night and day, in breath and out breath, rest and movement. There will be times when the divine masculine is the focus, and other times when the divine feminine will be the focus. There will be times when you are resting and times when you are going through rapid acceleration.
The beauty about all of this is that it is all designed to move you forward with the most ease and comfort possible. The energies are customized to provide you exactly what you need at any given time. As you come to embrace this new way of looking at things, you will find a sense of safety in the divine intelligence of it all, and the fact that you both assist the shift and benefit from it. You will be able to settle into a deep faith and trust, acceptance and allowing, and harness exactly whatever is being energetically supported knowing that it is always, always for your highest good and the highest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 29

Are you in acceptance or willingness to receive? How do you know?
We suggest you start to pay attention to any way you hold yourself separate or say no. Do you accept help from others or do you feel you need to do everything yourself? Do you constrain potentials by micro-managing? Do you have a need to label things rather than allow the unfoldment? Do you accept compliments?
Do you hold yourself outside of your own love and self care? Are your boundaries so strict that they don’t allow anything in, not even the good? Have you experimented and become comfortable enough with surrender and flow to stay in it long enough for the magic to happen? Are you willing to be surprised? Are you willing to accept love without the fear of strings being attached?
Do you give yourself enough time to savour the now moment? Do you acknowledge the abundance that already exists for you with your gratitude? Do you see yourself as worthy enough to receive? Do you have worthiness or trust issues that are now ready to be healed so you can finally move into a life expression you want and deserve?
Do you have old conditioning or belief systems that are holding you in lack that simply don’t apply anymore and are ready to be released once and for all? Make the commitment to pay attention to your own self talk or response every time you are offered something or think about your dreams and any way you are still holding yourself separate will become very apparent.
Dear Ones, there is abundance everywhere for you. Join that flow. Embrace your birthright as a beloved part of the whole and all the wonder it contains. The more you can open with your faith and trust to receive without condition, the easier you are for us to serve and move into divine alignment with your highest possibilities and outcomes. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 28

With every energy shift you encounter, you become just a little bit more energetically sensitive, a little bit more empathic. You may notice that you feel things more acutely. This can initially make you feel somewhat uncomfortable, and it can be difficult to discern what is going on.
If you are feeling energetically uncomfortable we have a very simple solution. First ask, “Is this mine?” If it is, wrap it up in your love. If you are picking up on feelings another may have towards you that don’t feel good, simply intend to return to sender wrapped in love. If you are feeling the energies of the collective, blanket it in love.
Do you see? Love is always the soothing solution, and the key to making any energy more comfortable for everyone involved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 27

Dear Ones, your ego is not the enemy. It is merely the human part of you that sees itself as separate, and due to that, has a tendency toward insecurity and fear. It tries to alleviate those feelings through control and resistance to change.
It is not unlike how a toddler behaves as they start to experience separation from the parent. Punishment or rejection will only exacerbate the situation.
Just like the child, what your ego is really looking for is your reassurance and your wise and loving guidance, and that is something you can absolutely give yourself, right now, to bring yourself more comfort and support on your journey. Isn’t it time for you to be the love you deserve? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 26

We understand that many of you have a fear that accepting your own divinity will result in falling into ego. We would like to offer you a few simple questions you can ask to help you discern where you are operating from, so you can know and feel more secure moving forward.
So how do you know if you are in ego? Are you experiencing contraction or expansion? Are you in the head or the heart? Do you micro-manage or flow? Are your choices fostering separation or connection? Are they made from fear or love? Do you blame or practice self responsibility? Is your viewpoint one of judgement or acceptance? Is your love conditional or unconditional? Do you honour others as being masterful in their own right?
Simply put, when you are in ego you are choosing to let fear, separation, and/or control of one sort or another lead the way. By accepting your own divinity, you are choosing to embrace your own beingness and truth, and to navigate your path using the skills you have acquired. You celebrate the unique and special nature of each and every being on the planet, wherever they may be on their journey, including your own. You become a safe and loving person who owns their light, leads by example, and encourages the empowerment of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 25

You simply cannot move into acceptance of all that is available to you, or the experience of unity consciousness, and reject yourselves at the same time. All must begin within, and that means accepting all aspects of yourself.
Many speak of the importance of shadow work, and we agree it can be an important part of your journey of self acceptance. But a great number of human beings are so hard on themselves that they refuse to see the good in themselves, which is just as problematic.
Dear Ones, we urge you to embrace all aspects of self. If there are parts of you that are in pain and acting out, acknowledge them and love them. But it is equally important that you celebrate the wondrous parts of self, as well!
Move out of troubleshooting mode with yourselves. If there is something that needs your love and attention, it will come up of its own accord. It is a wonderful practice to end your day acknowledging the good you did. How were you the love?
Perhaps you reached out with care to a friend. Maybe you watered or planted flowers to tend to the earth. It could be you fed and cared for animals. Did you meditate or do healing? That not only served you, but the whole, as well. Maybe you got out of bed and faced the day and that was more than enough.
Ending the day celebrating your successes, no matter how small, is an act of gratitude for yourself. It anchors the expression of your beingness and acknowledges your innate goodness. It allows you to start to see yourself from a much more balanced space of inclusion and acknowledgement, and that will serve you far better than your negative self talk ever can. It is our greatest desire that you will start to see yourselves with the same wonder and love as we do. ~Archangel Gabriel though Shelley Young

June 24

Dear Ones, if you are afraid to trust your own wisdom, please understand if you are honest with yourself and connect within, you will always be able to tell which choices are being made from fear or from love. The choices made from love always reflect the wisdom of your soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 23

Dear Ones, trust your soul. Listen to its whispers and nudges and follow where it is calling you to go. There is a part of you that always, always knows exactly what you need to grow and evolve and move into your highest and most satisfying life expression. All you must do is still yourself enough to connect with the inner wisdom that has always been in place to lovingly guide you throughout your lifetime. There is no greater expert on you than you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 22

Today’s daily message is different than usual, but I’m gonna roll with it. 🙂
When I was working with clients earlier this week, I kept being shown a vision of big rusty cogs, kind of like what you would see inside machinery that had been left to weather and seize up. And I could feel that there was a huge build up of energy that kept increasing and that it was going to accumulate to the point where those rusty cogs would finally begin to move out of their stagnant state.
I could even psychically hear the screeching and groaning that the cogs make as they finally started to move again. What I was feeling was that this build up phase that we’ve all been in this year pre-solstice was what was being referred to. This would explain the anxiety and impatience many of us have been feeling, as well as the feeling that something was about to happen. I think a lot of us have been tapping into this energetically.
I also got the feeling that the movement would start slowly, and maybe stall momentarily if there was gunk that got caught up in the cogs but once the movement started it was going to continue. It felt really pivotal, like its been waiting a very long time to finally have the energy behind it to become unstuck and get into action again.
Soooo, I was in the bathroom today getting cleaned up for the day and I heard, “Find your clarity because there is about to be an influx of forward movement” from Gabriel. And this, of course, made me question it because I know we are about enter into a mercury retrograde which is not always a time of super supported forward movement. But this is the message, loud and clear.
And also, I questioned why we needed more clarity. And to this I heard, “If you create something you don’t like you can always create again. But what happens with many of you is if you create something you don’t enjoy you tend to get stuck in the focus of what is unwanted rather than simply redirecting. So your clarity ahead of time helps you stay focused on that particular energetic flow of movement.” He then reminded me that clarity is not micro-managing and controlling things to the point of inflexibility. It is identifying the essence of what you would like to experience and allowing it to grow and evolve and take on form from there.
So there you have it. Get your clarity because there is about to be an influx of forward movement. We have reached a tipping point of some sort that we have yet to discover exactly what it means for us individually and collectively. There is a feeling of importance behind all of this, so it is time to bring your spiritual A game and really apply what you know. ~An unusual combination of Shelley and Archangel Gabriel 🙂

June 20

We understand that due to past experiences you may react to times of energetic intensity with trepidation. But what you need to understand is that you enter every major energetic shift differently than you did the last, because you have been shifting and evolving every single day.
Do you see? Not only does every shift contain its own unique energetic stamp, you enter into it with a little more mastery than before. This means every shift will affect you differently than the last based on the natural evolutionary process you and the planet are going through.
Now this is not to say that certain events won’t affect you at all. We highly advocate keeping an energy journal so you can track of how your body typically responds to certain events. This is empowering information and eventually you will be able to know what is happening by how you feel, not by depending upon another source to tell you or confirm it. Your journal will also help you keep track of what you have found most helpful to you as you navigate certain shifts.
How intensely you experience symptoms will change on a per case basis based on the meld of your unique energy with the specific energy of the particular shift, as well as how adept you are at moving with the energies rather than against them.
So flow, Dear Ones. Trust. Enter each shift with curiosity and presence. See the evolution you are going through as a grand adventure and proof positive that the ascension process is really happening. Look for the magic that comes with transformation and bring the gratitude your soul has for being a part of it all into your human awareness, and you will be moving with the energies with far more comfort and joy than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 19

Becoming the wise and loving guide to yourself is the first step in embodying your role of guide on earth. This is yet another reason why it is time, right now, to commit to treating yourself with the love, compassion, acceptance, encouragement, and guidance you need and deserve. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 18

Curiosity is a gateway to exploration and expansion, which is what your soul is always naturally seeking. So many of you lose your curiosity once you move beyond childhood. Reawaken your curiosity, presence, and wonder for they are the beautiful strengths you had as a child that allow you to see and embrace the magic all around you as you grow and evolve. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 17

As you continue to evolve and want to expand your life to reflect your highest expression of self, your manifestation techniques must also evolve. This requires shifting from 3D manifestation (imagining what you want to create and holding that vision/feeling very specifically until you draw it to you through the law of attraction) to co-creation (allowing the universe to bring into your awareness new possibilities you couldn’t imagine).
While there is nothing wrong with either method, 3D manifestation can be limiting as it only creates through what you think is possible rather than what is actually possible that you aren’t aware of from your vantage point. It keeps you playing within the pool of potentials that are already known. It is manifestation through the mind vs manifestation through the heart.
Dear Ones, you are pioneers and expanders. These roles require trust – trust in a universe that adores you, trust in your highest self, trust in your guides and helpers, and trust in your human self’s ability to navigate your life expression through the knowingness of your heart and the beckoning of your soul.
The big, beautiful life expressions that are waiting for you to discover cannot be found within what you have already experienced. If they could you would be living them already. They require stepping forward bravely into the unknown and being willing to embrace the magic, power, and wonder of co-creation. It is allowing the universe to show you how precious, loved, valued, and guided you are as a beloved part of the whole.
So set your resistance aside. Experiment. Cast your nets wider. Trust. Be willing to be surprised. Start to see the unknown not as something to fear but rather as a space of untold treasure to be discovered. This is where your greatest joy, service, and satisfaction will be found, for that is where your highest life expressions are waiting to begin their unfoldment for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 16

As you continue to move forward on your enlightenment journey, not only will your own freedom be paramount to you, so will the freedom of all other living beings. This shift reflects moving into your role of guide on earth, which naturally comes with the deep respect and honour of the free will of all.
Freedom supports the expansion of your soul and the souls of others. Many of you will make shifts that reflect the need for that freedom, creating lives that allow you to move with the flow rather than following set schedules, which for many of you, will start to feel more and more restrictive.
You will be creating employment for yourselves that gives you more flexibility to honour your need to move with the energies and express yourself in ways that bring you joy and allow you to be of your highest service while honouring your needs and beingness. For many of you this is essential for finding balance through your embodiment process.
You will also practice much more acceptance and allowing towards others, seeing each person as being divinely capable and well guided in their choices and experiences. This respect and honour for the sacred path and freedom of all living beings will allow much healing to occur and greater peace to naturally follow. This will ripple out to include deep respect and care for animals and all aspects of your planet, as well.
All of this supports not only your own expansion, but the expansion of the planet. It is through freedom and encouraged self expression that you will all find your highest service which always comes from being your truest expression of self. This will open the door for you to create new templates, new inventions, new discoveries, new acceptable ways of connecting and living your lives authentically which is the foundation of the creation of the new earth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 15

Dear Ones, in changing energies where you aligned one day may not be where you align the next. This is nothing to be concerned about! Just as the sun may be behind a cloud or in a different position every time you look up at the sky but can always be found again, you can rest assured your state of alignment is still shining for you wherever its latest location may be. You rediscover it through your intention and willingness to move into connection with it at its current point.
This is yet another way surrender and flow guides and assists you – it allows you to accept and move with the energies, whatever they may be doing on any given day, with the knowingness that you are always part of it all and never outside of the love and support of the universe. You can always, always find your way back to where the light shines brightest for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 14

Dear Ones, the most vital step in your healing and enlightenment journey is to create a safe space for you to flourish. Are you willing to treat yourself with the love, care, and respect you deserve? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 13

What is your favourite tool to move yourself out of resistance? It is very important to develop your go-to strategies to help shift you out of resistance because it is resistance that keeps you out of embracing the flow, the unfoldment, and receiving the love and support of the universe. Any time you are avoiding your own expansion you will experience discomfort.
So what are some ways to help you get back into the flow? You might try an affirmation that is soothing and supports forward movement, such as “God (or whatever being that resonates with you) is guiding me now” or “My forward movement is guided and supported”. “It is safe for me trust in the flow”.
You might simply decide to sit and love the part of you that is resistant until it is feeling better and ready to move. You might deepen your trust and faith through prayer or meditation. You might think back to other times when embracing the flow led you to wonderful results.
You might deliberately practice gratitude because you cannot be grateful and resistant at the same time. You might seek the beauty of nature or spending time in an activity that brings you joy. Dance! Sing! Move your body in ways that feel good. You might find an energetic cleansing helpful, such as immersing yourself in salt water or another healing modality you enjoy. There are so many methods to help you embrace getting back into the flow!
Don’t be afraid to experiment since every person is different. Take notes when you discover something that really helps so you can refer back to them because when you are uncomfortable you tend to forget what you know.
Pay attention to how you are resistant to yourself and replace your negative self talk with encouragement and love. You are at the core of everything so if you are busy rejecting yourself you will not be in a space to receive or move forward in an empowered way.
For every time you think you, or things around you are wrong ask, “What if they aren’t?” “What if they are serving a purpose?” “What if everything is divinely perfect exactly as it is?” “What if there is nothing for me to do but accept this now moment?” Pay attention to what you feel in your heart chakra. As you consider these new ideas you will almost always feel a release within your heart.
Whenever you stop digging your heels in you will feel relief because you will move from contraction to expansion. Ask for guidance. Be willing to be open. Take your surrender one now moment at a time, and know we are only a request away to help lead you through the unknown to where your soul is beckoning you to go. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 12

The moment you start looking to define something is the moment you start to constrain its flow. There is a human tendency to want to know where something is going. We see this with your relationships, with your desired manifestations, with your careers, with your lives in general. If you don’t have assurances, you don’t allow yourselves to fully commit energetically.
We understand that you do this because you want to be safe or feel a sense of control, but it is an incredibly limiting approach to life because it is playing within the very small pool of what you have already experienced. The moment you try to put something in a container you limit its growth. By allowing yourself to stay present and your manifestation to take on its own unfoldment, you step out of your limited viewpoint of what is possible into the greatest manifestations you can’t imagine.
Dear Ones, be open. Let the things that matter to you take on their own form and expansion. Resist the need to label and micromanage. The key to creating your grandest life expressions moving forward is getting comfortable with the unfoldment and letting the most important aspects of your life get as big and beautiful as they want to.
You can do this by replacing fear and distrust with curiosity, wonder, and the delicious anticipation that comes with embracing co-creation and the endless potentials that exist just slightly beyond what you have already experienced. Our wish for you is that you will be brave enough to move into the discovery of what you couldn’t imagine but has been possible for you all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 11

Dear Ones, you are always, always being provided with exactly what you need for your expansion and evolution. If there is something you need to experience and someone else is not ready or willing to have that experience with you, another will come in to serve your growth.
You can rest assured if another is resistant to evolution it will never stall your own enlightenment journey. Their free will is always respected and supported, as is yours, and the universe will shift to provide you new circumstances that allow you to continue your own growth and expansion.
Do you see? Everyone is honoured in whatever choices they make, in a beautiful flow of love and support that is always shifting to meet everyone’s needs. Your desire for your own evolution is always heard and supported and can never be derailed by another’s lack of participation.
Sometimes souls will decide to break apart for a time to learn individually and then reconnect in the future. In fact, there are times when that is the only way the next phase of growth can occur for one or both of the people. Again, this is part of the beautiful dance of the universe – souls lovingly moving together and moving apart, all depending on what is for the highest good of everyone involved. From this perspective you can see that love and expansion is at the heart of it all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 10

Surrendering into the flow and accepting the unconditional love and endless supports it provides is the ultimate act of self love and acknowledgment we know of. It is not an act of introduction, but rather a divine reunion. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 9

Dear Ones, to put it as clearly as we can, the flow is the unconditional love and support of Source. When we speak of surrendering into the flow, we are encouraging you to move into the full acceptance of that love, support, guidance, and sustenance, allowing yourself to become one with it once again, and to willingly receive all the benefits it has for you. For that is where you truly belong, wrapped up in the love and playing in the endless potentials that have always existed for you within a universe that adores you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 8

As you grow and evolve it can be easy to forget how far you’ve come from where you were when you started on your awakening process. We understand in your excitement and desire to help that you want to share all you’ve learned.
While we encourage you to honour your desire to help and serve, it is so important to meet people where they are. Offering information people aren’t ready to hear or haven’t asked for can make them very uncomfortable and can result in them not only rejecting your information but you along with it.
So what if you don’t know where others are or what they are ready for? Wait for them to ask and allow them to take the lead and set their own pace. And remember, the one element that is universal and always applies is love. If you don’t know just choose love, for ultimately it is the greatest connector and inspirer there is. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 7

Many on their enlightenment journey have been commenting that they feel like despite all the learning and growing they have done over the years they have landed in a space where they know nothing. While this can be disconcerting, this is actually an excellent sign of your evolution.
There will naturally come a time when you shift out of the head and into the heart as your new navigation system. If you can find no concrete guidance from your mind, you will have no choice but to start to make choices based on how you feel and where your heart wants to go.
This is an excellent and profound shift, for it is stepping into making decisions one now moment at a time based on what is an energetic match to who you are. It is an indicator of moving from the busyness of the mind that focuses on the future, doing, and control, into the knowingness of the heart that focuses on the present, being, and flow.
Trust yourselves, Dear Ones! While this may take a little getting used to at first, this is a wonderful sign of your advancement and will allow your soul to lead the way like never before, and that is something to celebrate, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 6

There is a pervasive belief that if you are good enough you gain favour. If you are a good enough person, you will please God. If you work long and hard enough you will have abundance. If you are good enough, fortune will shine on you.
This is old conditioning, Dear Ones, and not valid at all. The problem with this thinking is twofold. First, it is keeping you in troubleshooting mode, always looking for all the ways you are not good enough. This creates a negative focus, which leads to low self esteem and a lack of self love and acceptance.
Second, it is trying to live up to standards that are undefined. What is good enough? When have you worked hard enough? This belief system keeps you trying to get somewhere but never quite arriving. It keeps you out of alignment and out of receiving the love, acceptance, and abundance that is your birthright.
The reason why all of this is faulty is because the basis of these old beliefs is conditional love. There has never been a time that you have had to gain the favour of anyone. As a beloved individuated aspect of Source, there has never been a time that you were not good enough. We love, accept, and celebrate you in your divine perfection, unconditionally, exactly as you are.
While we understand people use such thinking as a means of self improvement, how are you improving if you are never allowing yourselves to arrive? So many of you are beautiful beings of love and yet perceive yourselves as not being loving at all. We urge you to start to see yourself in your truth and beauty.
Celebrate your successes. See all the ways you are kind, loving, mindful, sensitive, and caring. Embrace the goodness that you already are! You will get much farther watering the flowers of your soul than you will looking for weeds. It is by allowing yourself to acknowledge your truth and your innate goodness that you will shift into the acceptance of the supports, abundance, and adventures that are just waiting for you to experience and finally shine in your full potential. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 5

Someone recently asked, “What do you do if you have hurt another, apologized, but they still can’t get over it?” We would like to address that today.
As human beings, you are on the planet to have many experiences. Within this vast array of experiences, you will end up trying or doing things that you come to regret. This is normal and part of your growth process. It allows you to reevaluate, expand, and redirect yourself in a way that better matches your truth, your energetics, and how you wish to show up in the world.
If you have behaved in a way that you regret, please understand that the regret is an indicator of your desire for growth, change, and to shift into a better alignment. It is a sign that you are evolving. Having the introspection and awareness to recognize this is a wonderful thing. So please know your desire to do better or differently is truly something to celebrate.
If you, from a place of self awareness and self responsibility, sincerely apologize and another cannot accept that apology, you must allow them that choice. It may be that they need time to heal. It may be that they need to see that you are sincere and committed to change before they can feel safe with you again. It may be that they are not ready to let go of seeing themselves as a victim, or wanting to punish you. It may be that your soul contract with them has come to an end.
The bottom line is, in any situation, you can only show up with your best intentions and highest awareness, and whether a person can see or accept you in that way is completely up to them. You can only control yourself and your own actions. What others do is completely up to them – a combination of their own individual path and desired experiences for their own growth and evolution, and their free will of how they wish express themselves.
So if you have erred and have regret, we suggest you apologize sincerely and demonstrate a new way of being consistently. Do not push people to forgive, as it may take time. Commit to your own growth and your highest self expression. Take the gifts of the experience, know your truth, shine your light, and from there people will begin to see and recognize you in your latest level of attainment.
Forgive yourself and see the purpose of all that has happened. And most of all, know there is never, ever a time that you can ever fall out of our love or favour, for we love you completely and unconditionally through every single experience you have. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 4

There are so many supports in place to help you navigate changing energies. The sun will cleanse, heal, and nourish you. Salt is a wonderful cleansing element both for your body (submerge your body in salt water) and for your living space (sprinkle around your space and vacuum up and dispose after you intuitively feel it has done its job). The earth will ground and balance you.
The synergistic relationship between you and the natural elements around you has always been in place in order to assure your success. Embracing the supports that are there to serve you moves you through your own evolution with much greater comfort and ease. Sometimes the simplest methods are the most effective, and taking advantage of the loving support your environment wishes to provide you is actively choosing to be a wise and willing part of the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 3

Being in a state of resistance is emanating a loud energetic no to everything. It can be difficult to shift from resistance to acceptance. What if you could shift from resistance to the idea of selectivity?
Being selective means agreeing to some inclusion which softens your resistance and opens you to some areas of expansion and forward movement. As you become more positively focused by choosing what you would like to include, you begin to be more present and comfortable, and from there gratitude will naturally occur. And just like that you will have shifted into the space that you can create and grow from.
Never be afraid to use stepping stones to help you get from one energetic place to another! We encourage you to try many different incremental approaches until you find the ones that are most effective and easiest for you to remember to use. This is all part of getting to know and guide yourself like never before which can be the most wonderful process of discovery! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 2

As you turn your focus on healing, many of you become stuck waiting for closure. We understand you wish to wrap up a phase or experience, but holding on for closure to come from someone can be a faulty practice. We will explain why.
Your healing is a self guided process. Waiting for closure to come from another is placing your healing in the hands of someone else. It is giving your power away.
Worse, it is placing your healing in the hands of a person who has already hurt you and proven they haven’t been able to see you in your truth and worth. So, now your healing becomes dependant upon another person’s healing and growth and there is no guarantee when or if that person will achieve what is necessary to offer you the acknowledgment you seek.
If someone has hurt you to the point where you need closure it is highly unlikely they have the wisdom or vantage point to give you what you need for healing. It is not that they have some secret wellspring of love and awareness that they have been withholding from you, it is more likely that they simply do not have it to give at this time in their incarnation. Looking for healing from them would be much like looking to a hot stove for comfort after you have burned yourself.
So what do you do? Please understand you need nothing outside of yourself to get the closure you are seeking. The most beautiful wrapping up of an old issue or wound comes through your own self love and the recognition that you deserve much better. It is assuming the role of your own loving parent, guide, and best friend.
The healing and gift you are looking for in all this is the realization that you are no longer in line with the energies that allowed you to be hurt in the first place and that those energies have nothing more to offer you. That is using your experience as a springboard for something much better that honours you and celebrates who you are.
Closure is the willing withdrawal of your energetic attachment to what hurt you in the first place, and then lovingly guiding yourself onto an entirely new line of potential where your full healing exists and occurs through your own empowerment. And the beautiful thing about all of this is you can choose that right now to move forward with the love, respect, and support you deserved all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 1

If you find you are wishing away your time or pushing through one unpleasant obligation to another, perhaps it is time to step back and reevaluate. Isn’t it time to create a life you want to savour? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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